
=== tuizim is now known as dtcrshr
dtcrshranyone into rivendell radio ?01:54
cromhi all,,,,,i need DUND....anyone knows where to get it?20:37
holsteinhey crom20:59
holsteinyou should be able to use dial-up in lucid20:59
holsteinare you sure the device is being reconized?20:59
holsteinand you got a driver?21:00
holsteinim sure you've found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114076621:02
* holstein bbl21:02
cromthanks holstein, but it is already solved by using apt-get install bluez-compat21:05
holsteinw00t :)21:06
=== Guest94242 is now known as d250993

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