
mikubuntuguys, i'm at a friends trying to install 10.04, and it failed on the first partitioning step (says it failed to partition the ext4 file) what could be the problem, it will not go forward from here.  this is a usb stick i'm using, but i do have an alt install in the car.00:23
cody-somervillemikubuntu, Hey00:24
cody-somervillemikubuntu, Can you pastebin /var/log/partman ?00:25
mikubuntuhmmmm, i'm just running on the live disk right now00:26
well_laid_lawnit still should make the log afaik00:27
mikubuntucody-somerville: i run xubuntu on a couple of my home machines, but this is ubuntu 10.04 i'm trying to install for him because he has the horsepower to run it, replacing xp00:27
mikubuntui can't find a file manager on the livecd menu00:30
De[V]oNHi, I have the last version of openoffice00:32
De[V]oNand I have this bug/issue http://www.mail-archive.com/allbugs@openoffice.org/msg549589.html00:32
De[V]oNthat is fixed / solved in a new version00:32
De[V]oNhow can I upgrade to a new version if I already have the backports00:32
well_laid_lawnmikubuntu: alt+f2 thunar00:34
mikubuntusays :: The ext4 file system creation in partition #1 of Serial ATA RAID isw_bebjjhjaff_ARRAY (mirror) failed.00:35
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto00:35
De[V]oN!openoffice :P00:36
ubottua free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.00:37
De[V]oNyes, I know...00:37
De[V]oNwell_laid_lawn: I already have openoffice 300:38
well_laid_lawnk :]00:38
De[V]oNbut I have a ugly bug that I can't create new sheet00:38
well_laid_lawna known bug?00:39
De[V]oNor even rename a sheet00:39
De[V]oNwell_laid_lawn: yes, and it's fixed y the m82 version00:39
De[V]oN<De[V]oN> and I have this bug/issue http://www.mail-archive.com/allbugs@openoffice.org/msg549589.html00:39
mikubuntuok, i have thunar open what's the file?   /var/log/partman  for some reason i go thru thunar from var to log to partman and when i click partman the app crashes shut00:40
De[V]oNii  openoffice.org                    1:3.2.0-7ubuntu4.100:40
well_laid_lawnmikubuntu: the install partitioner still open?00:41
well_laid_lawntry the back button00:41
mikubuntuwell_laid_lawn: i aborted the install process .. tried several times to use the back button but then it would not go forward00:42
well_laid_lawnDe[V]oN: if you need the new version you'll have to get it yourself00:43
De[V]oNI try the PPA reposity and anyway  I have the it has the last version00:43
mikubuntuwell_laid_lawn: i do have an alt install disk, but i wont be able to be online if i try that, and maybe it will have the same problem?00:44
De[V]oNwell_laid_lawn: ok thanks that all I want to heard! and sorry for my bad english00:44
well_laid_lawnmikubuntu: sounds like you'll have to abort the install to get to the log - can you do that00:44
well_laid_lawnDe[V]oN: you did fine with your english :]00:44
mikubuntuwell_laid_lawn: can you tell me path to it?00:44
well_laid_lawnmikubuntu: not offhand00:45
well_laid_lawnps aux | grep install    maybe00:45
well_laid_lawnps aux | grep instal    maybe00:45
De[V]oNmikubuntu: why don't you try to open the log file whit another program?00:46
mikubuntuwell_laid_lawn:  this is output i get: ubuntu   10817  0.0  0.0   3320   804 pts/0    S+   19:46   0:00 grep --color=auto install00:46
mikubuntuDe[V]oN: ok, i just need to know how :(00:47
well_laid_lawnmikubuntu: thats the command you issued being found00:48
De[V]oNmikubuntu: I you just want to read that log file try with less /var/log/partman00:48
De[V]oNto quit use the q key00:48
De[V]oNsorry, if you want to...00:48
well_laid_lawnworth a shot :]00:48
mikubuntuwell_laid_lawn: not sure i understand .. you mean command is ::    less /var/log/partman    ?00:49
De[V]oNmikubuntu: I don't know if you can read that file being a normal user, maybe you have to add sudo at the beginning00:49
De[V]oNmikubuntu: yes00:50
De[V]oNtry first with  less /var/log/partman and if you can't read it try sudo  less /var/log/partman00:50
De[V]oNand you can move with the page down and page up keys00:50
De[V]oNmikubuntu: what are you looking for?00:50
De[V]oNand remember to quit use the q key ;)00:53
mikubuntustrange when i run that i get an endless output i think its just repeating over and over, should i just paste a section of it?00:54
De[V]oNmikubuntu: again, what are you looking for?00:55
well_laid_lawnthe file is being written to so that's what you're seeing00:55
well_laid_lawnrun   top   and see if the cpu is working hard00:55
De[V]oNmikubuntu: if you want to read the last part try with tail instead of less00:55
mikubuntuso should i paste just a section?00:56
De[V]oNmikubuntu: and if you want to read that file while if being writing use tail -f /var/.....00:56
mikubuntuoh, you're saying run with 'tail' it will go to the end?00:56
well_laid_lawnI would try and stop it being written to00:56
well_laid_lawnin top hit the k key to kill an app00:56
mikubuntuso kill the terminal and open another?00:57
De[V]oNmikubuntu: I don't know what are you looking for, I'm only helping to read that log file ;)00:57
well_laid_lawnjust hit q00:57
well_laid_lawnthe partitioner wouldn't make an ext4 filesystem00:57
mikubuntuDe[V]oN: looking for the file that well_laid_lawn  wants to see00:58
De[V]oNmikubuntu: read what well_laid_lawn is saying to you, it seams that know what is your problem00:58
mikubuntuparted_server: Closing infifo and outfifo parted_server: main_loop: iteration 149 parted_server: Opening infifo /bin/partman-commit: IN: QUIT parted_server: Read command: QUIT parted_server: Quitting ubiquity: IN: PARTITIONS =dev=mapper=isw_bebjjhjaff_ARRAY00:59
De[V]oNmikubuntu: ok so, use tail -f /var/log/partman and you are going to see only the last part (and while is be written)00:59
De[V]oNmikubuntu: to exit now you have to use the combination of CTRL+c keys00:59
mikubuntuwell_laid_lawn: thats from the 'tail'00:59
well_laid_lawner what is?01:00
mikubuntuparted_server: Closing infifo and outfifo parted_server: main_loop: iteration 149 parted_server: Opening infifo /bin/partman-commit: IN: QUIT parted_server: Read command: QUIT parted_server: Quitting ubiquity: IN: PARTITIONS =dev=mapper=isw_bebjjhjaff_ARRAY01:00
well_laid_lawnk :] sorry01:00
well_laid_lawnmikubuntu: it is having an issue with the raid setup - did you know it was using a raid setup?01:01
De[V]oNwell here is 9pm so I'm going to cook and have dinner ;) see you in a while if I can help01:01
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto01:01
mikubuntuwell_laid_lawn: nope01:01
mikubuntuDe[V]oN: thx01:02
well_laid_lawnmikubuntu> says :: The ext4 file system creation in partition #1 of Serial ATA RAID isw_bebjjhjaff_ARRAY (mirror) failed.01:02
well_laid_lawnof Serial ATA RAID01:02
ubottuHi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins01:03
mikubuntuwell_laid_lawn: i lookd at the raid page, but i don't understand why the installer is giving me this problem, i've never seen it before on lots of installs01:08
well_laid_lawnmikubuntu: could be anything from a less then ideal usb installer setup to ...01:09
mikubuntuand it looks like raid is something you 'install' or configure,01:10
well_laid_lawnI would try to kill the installer and read that log file - what does   sudo fdisk -l   return?01:10
well_laid_lawnI know nothing about raid sorry :]01:11
well_laid_lawnI don't even know if fdisk does raid...01:11
mikubuntuwell_laid_lawn: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/473324/01:12
mikubuntuthat is the first usb installer i have made, and it is untested01:13
well_laid_lawnlooks like raid to me01:14
well_laid_lawnmikubuntu: time to get the alt cd then I think01:14
mikubuntuand like i said, i DO have an alternate installer on a cd that i could use, but i am worried to start an install and have to abort and leave him with NO SYSTEM01:14
mikubuntuthe usb is running fine live, its what i'm on right now talking to you01:15
well_laid_lawnyou could take out a disk... - like I said I know nothing about raid01:15
mikubuntuhow did raid come into the picture i wonder, because i have never had this issue before01:15
well_laid_lawnmaybe you never installed on a raid system before?01:16
well_laid_lawn!info mdadm | mikubuntu01:17
ubottumikubuntu: mdadm (source: mdadm): tool to administer Linux MD arrays (software RAID). In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 231 kB, installed size 660 kB01:17
mikubuntuyou mean the raid system is set up on the target microsoft machine?01:17
well_laid_lawnor is set in the bios01:17
mikubuntuis that something microsoft 'support' might have altered in his bios to thwart os installs?01:19
mikubuntui'm a suspicious person ... they keep getting this guy for $100 and more a pop to 'fix' his machine01:19
mikubuntuhe's 94 years old01:19
mikubuntuhe has allowed them remote access many times01:20
xmanhi! can someone help me get my sound working?01:21
mikubuntui gotta go for now, thanks for all your help well_laid_lawn01:21
well_laid_lawnI don't know - I would think it would be a hardware setup choice01:21
well_laid_lawnmikubuntu: sorry we didn't get further for him01:21
xmanI have no clue what to do?01:21
well_laid_lawnI feel that way too sometimes...01:22
xmanjust  upgraded from 9.1001:22
mikubuntuthx again01:22
xmanwith 9.10 it worked just fine, but not with 10.04?01:23
xmanwhat can I do?01:24
xmanya all sleeping here?01:28
well_laid_lawnI was making coffee :]01:28
well_laid_lawnwhat does   aplay -l   return in terminaql01:28
xmanwhy did you say that, now I gotto make some to:)01:28
well_laid_lawnor in terminal even...01:29
xmanyou know Im a total noob with this thing01:29
xmanI can install the restricted extras but thats about it01:29
well_laid_lawneveryone was a noob once01:29
well_laid_lawnit is a practise thing01:30
xmanyeah I guess01:30
well_laid_lawnsame as using windows is01:30
xmanit say list of playback hardware01:30
xmancard 0 ICH5 [intel ICH5]01:31
xmanwhatever that means? but it seems I got a soundcard, hehe:)01:32
well_laid_lawndoes   aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Font_Center.wav   do anything?01:32
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:33
xmanit say the dir or file not exist01:33
xmanok thanks ubotto01:34
well_laid_lawnuse the tab key to autocomplete the filename - so type aplay /u   and hit the tab key01:34
xmansame result01:35
well_laid_lawnyou can't tab to a file that doesn't exist01:36
xmanI see the file01:37
well_laid_lawnso you need to type the path in right01:37
well_laid_lawncapitals are important01:37
xmanyes Im inteh alsa dif now01:37
well_laid_lawnhit tab button twice then01:37
xmanbut its called Front_Center.wav01:38
xmannot Font:)01:38
well_laid_lawnoops my bad - I did mean to type Front01:38
xmanI just did audacious Front_Center.wav01:39
xmanthe audacious pos up and play it but not sound comeing from my speaker?01:39
xmansorry, I mean it pops up01:40
well_laid_lawnaudacious is very diff then aplay - aplay comes from alsa and it is alsa that sets the sound up01:40
xmanok, will try aplay then01:41
well_laid_lawnaplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav   it should have been01:42
xmanyes it say it playing it01:43
xmanbut I hear no sound01:43
xmanstrange huh?01:43
well_laid_lawntry    cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp   - be careful it is loud - ctrl+c   to kill it01:44
xmanok wait01:45
xmanno sound01:46
well_laid_lawnI've got an ich5 on the pvr - one sec01:47
well_laid_lawncan you paste the file /etc/asound.state ?01:49
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:49
xmanok I try01:49
well_laid_lawnand if you run the sound through external speakers make sure they're on :]01:50
xmansure, Im not that dumb :)01:51
xmanman, I dont have that file?01:52
xmanIm in the etc dir now, don't see it01:52
well_laid_lawnis there an alsa folder?01:53
xmanI know I should have that:O01:54
well_laid_lawnany other sound cards in the system?01:54
xmanno I only have the one intergrated in my mobo01:55
well_laid_lawnno tv card or similar?01:55
xmanno nothing01:55
xmanI have 2 controllercards?01:55
well_laid_lawnwhat does   sudo service alsa restart   return?01:56
xmanalsa: unrecognized service01:56
xmanmaybe the driver for the ich5 is not installed?01:58
well_laid_lawnlsmod | grep snd   will tell02:00
xmanI pasted it in that website02:01
well_laid_lawnit will have a diff url02:01
xmansnd_intel8x0           25588  602:02
xmansnd_ac97_codec        100646  1 snd_intel8x002:02
xmanac97_bus                1002  1 snd_ac97_codec02:02
xmansnd_pcm_oss            35308  002:02
xmansnd_mixer_oss          13746  3 snd_pcm_oss02:02
xmansnd_pcm                70662  3 snd_intel8x0,snd_ac9702:02
xmansnd_seq_dummy           1338  002:02
xmansnd_seq_oss            26726  002:02
xmansnd_seq_midi            4557  002:02
xmansnd_rawmidi            19056  1 snd_seq_midi02:02
xmansnd_seq_midi_event      6003  2 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi02:02
xmansnd_seq                47263  6 snd_seq_dummy,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi,snd_seq_m02:02
well_laid_lawnyou'll get kicked02:02
xmansnd_timer              19098  2 snd_pcm,snd_seq02:02
xmansnd_seq_device          5700  5 snd_seq_dummy,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi,snd_rawmi02:02
xmansnd                    54148  18 snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mix02:03
xmansoundcore               6620  3 snd02:03
xmansnd_page_alloc          7076  2 snd_intel8x0,snd_pcm02:03
xmanthats all:)02:03
xmanwhat is say?02:03
well_laid_lawnthe first line was enough02:04
well_laid_lawnthe modules are there02:04
xmanok, sorry02:04
xmanthis is so wierd :/02:04
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto02:04
well_laid_lawnmight have a clue02:04
xmanok I will have a look02:05
xmanthanks anyway:)02:09
well_laid_lawnnp :]02:10
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Guest11331anybody have problems with webkit based browsers crashing?02:17
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eduardoGood night, yesterday I received a lot of help to fix a problem with my screen, it's a notebook Toshiba Satellite M35X, when I start the laptop in normal mode, the screen goes black. I applied some of the instructions I received yesterday but the problem persists. I need to know how to configure the screen manually to fix this issue, the system only starts in recovery mode...03:15
eduardosorry the light went off... I'm back to see if somebody can help me03:42
eduardoGood night, yesterday I received a lot of help to fix a problem with my screen, it's a notebook Toshiba Satellite M35X, when I start the laptop in normal mode, the screen goes black. I applied some of the instructions I received yesterday but the problem persists. I need to know how to configure the screen manually to fix this issue, the system only starts in recovery mode...03:55
eduardoI don't have audio either, it looks like a driver problem... ¿are there drivers in Linux?04:58
eduardoPlease ¿is there in the chat room somebody who can help me??...05:22
psycho_oreosthe drivers for sound card should generally be built into the kernel05:23
eduardoThank you for answering, ¿how do I know if they are there?? ¿may I see if the drivers for the screen are there too?05:25
psycho_oreos`modprobe -l' would show all the available modules regardless if they are suitable with your machine's configuration or not.. then there's `lspci -k' which will show you what chipsets you have that's visible to linux kernel on pci level bus (i.e. non USB) followed by kernel modules in use and available modules (if any)05:27
eduardoThank you I'll take a look... and tell you what I found... ¿Ok?05:29
psycho_oreosmaybe, but if you're going to paste, use pastebin05:30
eduardoOk... I will paste only the ones dealing with audio or vga   there are 999 lines of output for the first order I'll look for those lines only and ask about the ones I think that could be useful05:38
eduardolspci -k output is 46 lines this one appears when I look for "audio" : 00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 0305:59
eduardosorry I had to restart...06:06
eduardocan you read above?? or do I paste th result again??06:09
psycho_oreosthat paste was missing kernel modules06:13
eduardoOk I'll see again... be patient please I'm really new in this ... before I restarted I was trapped in a "man" page... wondering how to go back to the screen with a prompt... and looking the documentation ... there appear a lot of information about man pages but not on how to go back to the terminal screen :(06:18
psycho_oreosto get out of man pages you press q06:22
well_laid_lawnman man tells that :]06:23
eduardo00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)Kernel modules: snd-intel8x006:29
eduardothank u well_laid_lawn and psycho_oeros I'll surely remember that when I'm trapped again... hehe ... q for "quit" ¿isn't it?06:31
well_laid_lawnyep :]06:31
psycho_oreosso it seems like there is a driver available, it might be muted06:33
eduardo:-) it's easier for Spanish speakers like me when we know some English and we make the association with the English words composing the command :-)06:34
eduardoyou mean muted in the volume control ??06:35
well_laid_lawnor in alsamixer in terminal06:36
tehC0untsup playaz06:37
psycho_oreosthere's #ubuntu-es channel06:38
well_laid_lawn!en | tehC0unt06:38
ubottutehC0unt: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat06:38
eduardothere's an icon like a speaker, it says "mixer" (mezclador in Spanish)06:38
tehC0unthaha are you guys kidding06:38
tehC0unti was just messing around06:38
psycho_oreoseduardo, there's #ubuntu-es06:39
tehC0untguess ill leave06:39
eduardoeduardo@NOTEBOOKEDUARDO:~$ alsamixer "no se puede abrir el mezclador: No existe el archivo o directorio" can't open the mixer: there is no directory06:41
psycho_oreostry sudo06:42
eduardoI'm a translator and interpreter English - Spanish and my Specialty is computing... I rather to deal with this things in English, many translations I have found look like being done by automatic translators... hehe06:44
eduardosame output, "no directory"06:45
eduardoapt-get alsamixer??06:45
well_laid_lawntry   which alsamixer06:46
well_laid_lawnso you have it already06:51
well_laid_lawnin terminal what does   aplay -l   return?06:51
eduardoseemingly... but  it answers "no file or directory"06:52
well_laid_lawnok - in terminal   lsmod | grep snd   - there will be lots hopefully if the first says intel that's fine06:55
eduardomay be it was not installed completely... sometimes my connection fails in the middle of an "upgrade"06:55
eduardosnd_intel8x0 25588 006:57
eduardosnd_ac97_codec        100646  1 snd_intel8x006:58
well_laid_lawnthe first line is all that is needed :]07:03
well_laid_lawntry in terminal   cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp   - watch out it is loud - ctrl+c to stop it07:05
eduardopermission denied even with sudo first07:09
well_laid_lawnin terminal do   groups   and see if audio is listed07:09
eduardoeduardo adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare07:13
well_laid_lawnno video or audio in there07:13
eduardoso I should add that??07:14
well_laid_lawnI would do   user -G video,audio07:15
well_laid_lawnI would do   useradd -G video,audio07:15
well_laid_lawneduardo: ^^07:15
well_laid_lawnwith sudo of course since it is a system setting07:16
eduardowith sudo first I suppose?07:16
eduardohehe I was writing...07:16
well_laid_lawnthen run   groups again to check07:17
well_laid_lawn   *07:17
well_laid_lawnoops - you have to log out and back in for it to take effect07:19
well_laid_lawneduardo: ^^07:19
eduardoit answered with a "man" about the use of useradd07:21
well_laid_lawn:] k - one min07:21
eduardouseradd [options] USER07:23
well_laid_lawnsudo useradd -G video,audio eduardo07:23
eduardoso it would be sudo useradd audio,video eduardo or sudo useradd [audio,video] eduardo07:24
well_laid_lawnsudo useradd -G video,audio eduardo07:25
well_laid_lawnthere's a -G in there to say add to groups07:25
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
eduardooops "the user eduardo already exists"07:26
well_laid_lawneduardo: try   sudo usermod -a -G video,audio eduardo07:34
eduardodone ... back to the prompt without comments... did it worked then??07:36
eduardowhy your name appears in red sometimes??07:37
well_laid_lawndoesn't yours?07:37
well_laid_lawnit is 'cause I used your nick eduardo07:38
ubottuYour nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with Freenode.07:38
eduardouff there's so much to learn...07:41
eduardowell I'm using the name of the owner of the laptop, my name is Patricio hehe07:43
eduardoshould I restart the laptop before I do "groups" again?? it still gives me the same output than before07:46
well_laid_lawnor just logout07:48
eduardoOk thank you I hope now it will work, ¿how do I register my nick in Freenode? (This time my name Patricio, and I'm won't change it again)07:54
TheSheepeduardo: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration08:01
eduardo_I have a Launchpad account ¿is it valid as a registration?08:30
well_laid_lawnnot for in here - you need freenode registration08:31
well_laid_lawnbut you don't have to register08:31
eduardo_¿why not?08:31
well_laid_lawnif you register someone else can't use your nick08:32
well_laid_lawnif you don't they can08:32
=== well_laid_lawn is now known as eduardo
eduardosee :]08:33
=== eduardo is now known as well_laid_lawn
eduardo_I see... I have Joined a group of xubuntu users... https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-users08:37
well_laid_lawngreat - how did the sound go?08:39
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=== drnilbrA is now known as drunlbra
eduardo_I'm going to restart now but before I'm going to save the chat in a text file in order to post the "solution" if it works out... there ae many questions about this topic in the forums, but none of those answers worked... and I will translate it too to help Spanish speaking users...08:45
eduardo_Bye I'll be back to give you feedback about the results...08:49
eduardo_thanks a lot08:49
randholHi. I have setup to autoimport photos from camera, that works great. However, I get asked if I want to import from SD card every time I turn on the printer-scanner as it has a SD card inside. Is there a way to remove this question? I only want to import fram cameras automatically09:22
eduardo!nick well_laid_lawn Bad luck with the final result but one more step close to the solution, now I have the permissions at least hehe09:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:22
eduardotomorrow I  will try again the other instructions you gave me... thanks to your help I'm every time closer to solve this issue... thank you very much... now I'm going to sleep here in Chile is very late... 4:26 a.m. ... bye09:27
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
=== drunlbra is now known as manbra
heoacat *billion_fs.JPG  > many_fs.JPGs <--- how do you sort them?13:40
TheSheepheoa: what?13:40
heoaTheSheep: concatenated file with JPG-files. How do you separate them back to JPG-files?13:41
TheSheepheoa: you can write a short program that will look for the jpeg headers and split on them...13:46
heoaTheSheep: or I will just us "$ tar -cvf *.JPG" and then "$tar -xvf *.JPG", sounds less reinventing the wheel13:50
heoaerr -xvf *.tar13:50
TheSheepand you also save the names13:56
nexus6__is there a way to set the panels to default?14:00
TheSheepnexus6__: what do you mean?14:01
=== sagarc is now known as sagarchalise
pteague_workawesome, i have no xorg.conf to modify to turn off the bloody touchpad while i type14:59
TheSheeppteague_work: why do you need to modify the xoeg.conf for that?15:00
TheSheeppteague_work: and you can just create it15:01
TheSheep(just be careful not to make typos like me ;) )15:01
pteague_workfrom various articles i'm looking at for turning the touchpad off it says i need to edit the xorg.conf & find the section for synaptics touchpad & then add `Option "SHMConfig" "on"`15:02
heoahow can i alter the "ctime" with touch? "$ touch -d '2010-08-06'" but no apparent relation to "$ find . -ctime +/-$NUMBER"15:03
pteague_worktouch -t yyyymmddhhii.ss  ?15:04
pteague_workit changes the last modified time, but i'm not sure if it updates the node information15:05
heoapteague_work: easy to check "$ ls -lc", no change to ctime15:14
pteague_workctime is the node modified time right?15:15
pteague_workor creation time?15:15
pteague_workaha, found something i could do without needing xorg.conf... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad15:16
heoapteague_work: yes, cretion time that seems to depend on fs, so some hardlinks may need mods15:16
pteague_worktouch i think only modifies the filestamp which does update the mtime to the time that you modified the file >.<  there may be some fs tool that let's you modified c/mtime, but i'm not sure what would work15:21
mmoebiuspteague_work: read 'man touch' -> mtime, atiome are selectable by options15:38
nexus6__why is the xubuntu channel so empty?15:52
nexus6__ubuntu 1600, xubuntu 7015:53
vinnlThat's about the same ratio as the user ratio I'd say15:53
charlie-tcaBecause Xubuntu has fewer users15:53
charlie-tcaWe could use help increasing the user number, though.15:54
charlie-tcaLet people know this is a good alternative to use!15:54
nexus6__i am a ubuntu beginner... but does ubuntu and xubuntu really differs that much?15:54
charlie-tcaum, "this" = "Xubuntu"15:54
charlie-tcaUbuntu uses Gnome, Xubuntu uses Xfce, so yes, as far as the actual "what you see", it does15:55
nexus6__for the newbie it looks like only the GUI system is a different15:55
charlie-tcaBehind the scenes, we are much lighter, too. Xubuntu uses fewer resources than Ubuntu does.15:56
nexus6__i heared abount lubuntu15:56
nexus6__did you try that?15:56
charlie-tcaWe also use different applications than Ubuntu15:56
nexus6__you mean the standard apps right? because in the software center i can dowload the same apps like on ubuntu15:57
pteague_workmmoebius, really? i just scanned it & didn't see that, but kind of busy at work ;)15:57
charlie-tcaUbuntu has OpenOffice, Rythmbox. Xubuntu has Abiword, Gnumeric, Exaile15:57
charlie-tcaYes, you can add the same apps, but the default apps are not the same15:58
charlie-tcaI have not tried Lubuntu15:58
pteague_workah, --time=(access|atime|use)15:58
nexus6__i use xp most of the time16:05
nexus6__windows xp16:05
nexus6__and actual i try to figure out myself if xubuntu can beat windows xp on performance16:07
=== siavashserver is now known as gunsheep
nikolamkhm. how to prevent applications from stealing window focus while typing?17:26
charlie-tcachange the settings in Applications -> Settings -> Xfce4 Settings Manager -> Window Manager, focus and in Window Manager Tweaks, focus17:29
cromhi all,,,,,i need DUND....anyone knows where to get it?20:37
cromhi all,,,,,i need DUND....anyone knows where to get it?20:42
nexus6__is there a german xubuntu channel?21:48
charlie-tcaI don't know if there is german for Xubuntu itself, but there is german Ubuntu channel you could ask in...21:49
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:49
ceesany helper here?22:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:39

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