
=== crashsystems_ is now known as crashsystems
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CrellHi folks.  I recently upgraded my 9.10 system to Kubuntu 10.04.  As always it's been a bit bumpy, but of note is that PHP seems to not be active anymore.  It says it's enabled in the Apache log when I restart apache, but if I visit a PHP page I simply get a download offer back from the web seriver.04:22
CrellAny idea what could have broken?  I've not seen this sort of problem in years.04:22
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* CrellAwaaay wanders off.04:41
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* Crell is back.04:42
ThECaJuNIs there someone here that can help me?04:43
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lyhana8hi, I created a new user in a server but when I `su` to it the prompt only show $ (no name, no host), and doesn't autocomplete05:03
wastrellyhana8: did you create a home directory for the new user?05:07
wastrellyhana8: ls /home/05:07
lyhana8wastrel: yep but there is nothing05:08
wastrellyhana8:  there's nothing in the home directory you mean?05:08
lyhana8and I'm running on a sh prompt not a bash on :S05:08
wastrelwell you need to change the user's default shell05:08
wastrelin /etc/passwd the line for  the user has /bin/sh  instead of /bin/bash in the shell05:09
lyhana8wastrel: there is my user folder, but 3 files inside (hidden)05:09
maco...like i just said in #ubuntu05:09
wastreli'm not in #ubuntu :]05:09
macowastrel: lyhana8 is though and i just said to check /etc/passwd05:09
lyhana8maco: yeah just see it :)05:09
wastrelusermod -s   will let you change the shell05:09
lyhana8you were right: jstarservice:x:1000:1000::/home/jstarservice:/bin/sh05:10
wastrelsudo usermod -s /bin/bash <username>05:10
lyhana8wastrel: frmo the same account ?05:10
wastrelfrom any account that has sudo rights05:10
ThECaJuNKubuntu 10.04 won't let me use the unalocated space on a partition for installation, only my whole hd05:11
lyhana8wastrel: maco thanks that ok now :)05:12
vbgunzI would like to encrypt the contents of an external disk05:30
vbgunzwhere should I begin without going too far beyond what Kubuntu may already provide  for me?05:31
guestwhere to download  initrd.gz image of kubuntu?05:46
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shadowhd-media files05:59
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poyntzthe last update (incl. nvidia), broke my graphics drivers. how do i fix this?07:08
poyntzas in. the update's didn't work07:09
poyntzfor nvidia07:09
poyntzthe packages weren't properly installed or had bugs07:09
poyntzthe three core nvidia packages are... nvidia-current nvidia-common and, what07:10
poyntzwhat's the other one?07:10
poyntzfound a fix. trying it now...07:14
OrnateHybridHay guyz07:49
OrnateHybridWhat browser do you guys use?07:56
OrnateHybridJust ran some speed tests on my browsers08:00
OrnateHybridon the internet speed I think Chrome wins08:00
OrnateHybridIt had 15.8 MB/s as compared to FireFox with 12.3808:01
OrnateHybridand it had 2ms less ping08:01
VojtaeusOpera is IMHO much more better.08:01
OrnateHybridThe only time I ever used an Opera based browser08:01
OrnateHybridwas on my Wii08:01
OrnateHybridAlso, I don't mean to be a grammar nazi08:02
OrnateHybridbut "much more better."08:02
OrnateHybridThats just bad grammar08:02
OrnateHybridMozilla is still a 90 on the Acid308:04
OrnateHybridBut Chrome is a 9808:04
OrnateHybridI feel sad08:04
OrnateHybridI used to love Mozilla08:04
OrnateHybridChrome just went to 10008:05
OrnateHybridWait no08:05
OrnateHybridI'm wrong08:05
OrnateHybridit's still 9808:05
OrnateHybridSadly Chrome has outperformed Mozilla08:05
OrnateHybridHoly shit08:10
OrnateHybridthat's pretty badass08:10
OrnateHybridI can make my desktop so that it changes itself based on the weather08:10
torstenhello. just recently Kontact starts with summary. And then there no click has an effect in Kontact. I can't switch to calendar, news or mail. How can I get Kontact working again?08:18
OrnateHybridI've never used Kontact08:21
OrnateHybridI never really plan things ahead of time08:21
OrnateHybridI'm far too lazy for that08:22
OrnateHybridAnd when I do, I usually put stuff in my iPod Touch's calander08:22
OrnateHybridcause I always have that with me08:22
FloodBotK2OrnateHybrid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:22
torstenthx, thats really helpful. I dont have an ipod. but its fine to hear u have one08:26
OrnateHybridSomeone is grumpy08:29
OrnateHybridBut anways08:29
OrnateHybridIf you can't get the app to work08:29
OrnateHybridMaybe that isn't the right app for you08:29
FloodBotK2OrnateHybrid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:29
OrnateHybridTry going to google and searching like08:29
OrnateHybrid"Best Ubuntu Calendar"08:29
OrnateHybridOr something08:29
torstenthe problem is that worked fine now for years and for a week now it frozes at start. thats not a problem of getting the app working, its an error of the app. And I am asking for a hint how manage that.08:32
OrnateHybridIt just freezes?08:38
OrnateHybridIt doesn't crash?08:38
OrnateHybridSo no error codes?08:38
torstenwhen trying to quit kontact, theres an message, that it doesnt react.08:40
torstenfreezes at start08:40
torstenI now found how to start with another plugin. but same effect at start of app08:42
OrnateHybridIt gives you a message?08:42
OrnateHybridMind telling me the message?08:42
torstenhave to translate it. its on germen here. one moment please.08:43
torsten"The window 'Summary - Kontact' doesn't react. It belongs to the application kontact (PID: 2560). Do you want to quit this app incl. all child processes? In case of this all data not saved will be lost"08:47
OrnateHybridHave you tried hitting no?08:54
OrnateHybridIt says do you want to quit08:54
OrnateHybridTry hitting know08:54
OrnateHybridWhy did I type know08:55
OrnateHybridI'm far too tired to help anyone right now08:55
OrnateHybridI'm gonna go get some lseep08:55
FloodBotK2OrnateHybrid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:55
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lyhana8_hi doesn't fish (SSH) support copying symlink ?09:40
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jtheuerhi, I noticed that I cannot copy'n'paste if the 'copy' program is closed - the 'paste' is just empty. I think this was working a few month ago. any Idea what I have to configure the clipboard?11:14
well_laid_lawn!info klipper11:15
ubottuklipper (source: kdebase-workspace): clipboard utility for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu14 (lucid), package size 127 kB, installed size 508 kB11:15
Torchjtheuer: it's the way X11 was designed to work. and this in turn is the primary reason to use klipper.11:24
chavalot_hello /hola12:06
bb_Hi all - just wanted to inform you that KDE 4.5 RC2 seems to ship an buggy and outdated version of Kleopatra. With the version available it is not possible to create a new X.509 Key. As developers tell me this bug is known and fixed in newer versions of kleopatra. Please take care to ship a newer version in final packages! Thx!12:50
James147bb_: Kleopatra? dont think thats part of kde sc...12:52
bb_James147: Well it is a KDE app :)12:53
James147bb_: that dosnt mean it has to be upto date with kde 4.5 :S ...12:53
James147bb_: and also means it has nothing to do with teh release of kde 4.5... if you want to more to update version then is in the repos I would think you need to go to the developers for a .deb or the source12:54
bb_James147: ok, then i would like correct my comment: the current available version of kleopatra is outdated (having Version 2.0.12 installed)12:55
javierHi to everyone. Have problems wirh amarok. Doesn't start after updgrading 10.0412:55
javiersomeone knows how to deal with that?12:55
James147bb_: kubuntu dont tend to update to newer package version during a release... things like kde 4.5 arent in offical ppa, just ones the developers create to keep us up to date :)12:56
James147javier: upgrading from what?12:56
javierfrom previous kubuntu12:57
javier(from karmic)12:57
James147javier: :S ... not entirly sure whats wrong but you can see if its a config error by creating a new user... or by renaming ~/.kde/share/config/amarok*12:58
bb_James147: hm now I am confused. I installed kleopatra - and the version available has a blocking bug (not beeing able to create a new key). Now what better reason would there be to provide new packages? Esp. if this problem is known and fixed?12:58
renathi guys, can someone help me with CentOS software update..? plz.... :)12:58
James147javier: renaming ~/.kde/share/config/amarok* will reset amarok to teh default settings12:58
javierI'll find it with a diferent name?12:59
James147renat: centos? try they channel12:59
James147javier: amarok* refers to all the files starting with amarok12:59
javierI have them in my screen13:00
renatJames147: wich channel? #centos ?13:00
James147bb_: there are allot of packages... its very hard to update them all, checking for errors and new bugs during a release...13:01
James147renat: i dont know the exact channel name but i would start with that13:01
James147bb_: some things get added to the backports ppa, you could try that13:02
James147bb_: although it will require you updating kde to 4.4.513:02
James147and 4.5 as soon as its packaged13:03
javierJames147, how am I supposed to change that config problem in order to restart amarok configuration?13:03
James147javier: rename/delete the files13:03
James147javier: then restart amarok13:03
javierjust delete all them?13:03
bb_James147: I am using KDE 4.5 RC213:04
James147javier: if you dont care about recovering them at all then yes other wise rename (its like creating a backup)13:04
James147bb_: so you have beta ppa, do you also have backports?13:04
javierJames147, thanks! looks like the problem dissapeared and I learned how to backup a program. Thanks very much!13:05
James147javier: all kde program settings are stored in ~/.kde/share/config   extra info for the programs (things like databases and such) are stored in ~/.kde/share/apps13:06
javier:S but collection of music desappeared, of course13:07
javierI will investigate how to organize it again13:07
James147javier: you should be able to rescan the collection... in teh settings of amarok13:08
bb_James147: yeah backports are activated as well13:09
James147bb_: then if you wish to upgrade i would look for a more uptodate ppa/.deb/source13:09
bb_James147: I hoped it could find its way into inproving the packages - as I said there is a blocker bug in the package - that should be reason enauge to ditro-upgrade the packe imho13:11
James147bb_: sorry... i lied to you... seems it is part of kde :S13:12
bb_James147: :)13:13
James147bb_: well, kubuntu have seemed to miss the 4.5 RC3 release, and kde 4.5 release was push back to lots of last miniut commits... it `could` have been fixed but to find out I would ask in #kde  or #kontact (ithink)13:15
Torchbb_: where's the bug report for your bug?13:16
bb_Torch: I dont know where to report bugs to Kubuntu - this is why i mentioned it here13:20
Torchbb_: well, you mentioned a "blocking bug". thus i thought there was a bug report.13:20
Torchbb_: report bugs in the software to bugs.kde.org, only packaging bugs should be reported to kubuntu13:21
bb_Torch: this is what I experience as I need to create a X.509 Key with kleopatra - which is not possible atm13:21
James147^^ although if you said its already fixed in a newer verion there is little point in reporting it to kde13:21
bb_Torch:  it is a packaging bug13:21
TorchJames147: ah, missed that part.13:22
James147bb_: and dont really see it as a packaging bug.. its a bug in kde... afraid there is little that can be done at this point if its not already in kde 4.513:23
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BluesKaj'morning folks13:48
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clovisisnt there a menu.lst in /boot/grub anymore?!?14:03
clovisI cant find it to edit...14:03
James147clovis: no14:03
James147clovis: grud 2 auto generates one by running "sudo update-grub"14:03
James147clovis: you can edit some settings in /etc/default/grub14:04
clovisokay James147, thanks ;)14:04
James147!grub2 | clovis14:04
ubottuclovis: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:04
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disco-discohow to go to russian channel?   what command?14:26
disco-disco"go ru-kubuntu"  ???14:27
disco-discojoin ?14:27
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:27
disco-discojoin ru-kubuntu14:27
Picidisco-disco: /join #kubuntu-ru14:27
disco-discoPici  thenks14:27
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betacheerhello everybody :D14:58
betacheeris there anybody?14:59
James147!hi | betacheer14:59
ubottubetacheer: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:59
betacheerWhere can i find xorg.conf in kubuntu?15:00
James147betacheer: /etc/X1115:00
betacheerI know but i do not have it here :(15:00
James147betacheer: note that bydefault there isnt one15:00
James147betacheer: its not needed in most cases anymroe15:00
betacheerI want to try uxa acceleration method because I have Intel graphics15:01
James147since X can now auto detect settings15:01
betacheerAnd uxa can be enabled only in xorg.conf15:01
James147betacheer: if you create one at that location it will be used15:01
betacheerthx I will try it, but will X11 create structure of this file, or I must do it manually?15:01
James147betacheer: possibally, but dont know how to do it with out an nvidia card :)15:02
betacheerYou have nvidia card?15:03
FloodBotK2disco-zohan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:03
James147!ru | disco-zohan15:03
ubottudisco-zohan: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:03
James147betacheer: yeah15:03
disco-zohanJames147 отвали15:03
betacheerSo I have an old IBM computer with Pentium 4 and integrated Intel graphics :D15:04
betacheerBut thank you for help15:04
betacheerBut from Dolphin I cannot create file in this location15:06
betacheerMust I do it with Terminal?15:06
disco-zohan!man man | betacheer15:06
disco-zohan!man | betacheer15:06
ubottubetacheer: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or type man:/ in Konqueror's location bar. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:06
betacheerWhy man?15:07
James147betacheer: you need to be root to do that... best from terminal but you can use "kdesudo dolphin" to do it (not generally advised as it makes it allot easier to accdently delete somehting important :)15:07
betacheerok thank you :D15:07
disco-zohanbetacheer  do not you like man-tracks?    may be iveco ?15:07
disco-zohanor tatra15:08
betacheerI do not like trucks at all :)15:08
James147betacheer: ^^ better then using dolphin to create a file you should use kate as root (kdesudo kate)  its slightly safer :)15:10
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James147betacheer: or even "kdesudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf"15:10
betacheerthank you for your help...15:11
betacheerCan I use this howto to accelerate my graphics?15:13
James147betacheer: I would think so, as long as you make appopiate changes (kdesudo kate rather then gksudo gedit)15:15
betacheerok I am working on it :D15:16
James147betacheer: which part are you going to follow?15:17
betacheerOptimal or safe, bleeding edge might be unstable, this howto is wrtitten for ubuntu so i really do not know if bleedin edge will work on kubuntu15:18
James147betacheer: kubuntu and ubuntu use the same repos/backends so it shouldnt make a difference15:18
betacheerok so I'll try bleeding edge, because I want to have some fun :D:D15:20
betacheer$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/fixmtrr.sh /etc/gdm/PostLogin/Default15:22
betacheeri want to start this executable evry time the kubuntu starts15:22
betacheerbut there is written " This works only if you are using the GNOME Display Manager (GDM). KDE/other users need to execute this script manually"15:22
betacheerAny chance to execute it automatically?15:23
James147betacheer: add the script to system settings > advanced > auto start   will do it for your user15:24
disco-zohansomebody can me say where is jurist-channel ?15:25
disco-zohanjuridical chennel15:25
betacheerauto start program or script, I think script, but.....?15:26
James147betacheer: script should be fine....15:27
James147betacheer: yeah, script, adding a program just opens the program menu to pick a program :)15:27
betacheerOk and should I run it before or after KDE starts, it is script that have something to do with graphical environment, so I think after, but.....?15:28
James147betacheer:  I would say before... but if that dosnt work you can change it :)15:30
pushkarajHello everybody, I am having a problem while setting up environment for compilation of kate15:33
betacheerBut this howto is for Jaunty..... There is written, "upgrade to kernel", has 10.04 kubuntu newer kernel?15:33
pushkaraj'sudo aptitude install git-core kdelibs5-dev' is failing by dependency error15:33
James147betacheer: lucid has 2.6.3215:33
pushkarajis there anyother workarround, like, without installing -and just copy paste- it i can compile my code15:33
betacheerpushkaraj: You have to install all dependencies that it tells you.15:34
James147pushkaraj: what is the error?15:34
pushkarajthis is the o/p15:34
pushkarajThe following packages have unmet dependencies:15:35
pushkaraj  libsoprano-dev: Depends: libsoprano4 (= 2.1.1+dfsg.1-0lenny1) but 2.4.2+dfsg.1-0ubuntu1 is installed.15:35
pushkaraj  kdelibs5-dev: Depends: kdelibs5 (= 4:4.1.0-3) but 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu4 is installed.15:35
pushkaraj  libphonon-dev: Depends: libphonon4 (= 4:4.2.0-2) but 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5 is installed.15:35
pushkaraj  soprano-daemon: Conflicts: libsoprano-dev (< 2.3.0+dfsg.1-1) but 2.1.1+dfsg.1-0lenny1 is to be installed.15:35
FloodBotK2pushkaraj: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:35
pushkarajopen: 5114; closed: 4960; defer: 0; conflict: 7                                                                                                                        .No solution found within the allotted time.  Try harder? [Y/n]Y15:35
betacheerdeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/ppa/kubuntu jaunty main #xorg-edgers PPA15:35
betacheerOrginally this link points to ubuntu jaunty, if I rewrite ubuntu to kubuntu and jaunty to lucid will thic link work?15:36
James147betacheer: replace jaunty with lucid15:36
betacheeryeah, thanx15:36
James147betacheer: dont change ubuntu to kubuntu15:36
James147betacheer: kubuntu uses the ubuntu repos so at this level there isnt any difference :)15:36
betacheerok I see now :)15:37
pushkaraj@James147, while installing, i am getting dependency error15:37
pushkarajlike some of the lib conflicts with what is already installed15:37
James147pushkaraj: try running "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install -f" first then try it again15:37
betacheerit is updating now, if it won't be buggy thank you JAMES :D15:39
betacheerAnd even if it will be, just thank you :)15:39
betacheerIf you are using Kubuntu or a custom distribution of Ubuntu that does not use the GNOME Display Manager (GDM), you need to execute the fixmtrr.sh script each time X (re)starts. Therefore, executing this script in your rc.local script is not sufficient.15:40
betacheeram I executing it right way ?15:40
James147betacheer:  I am not fully sure :)15:42
James147betacheer:  try it and see15:42
James147betacheer:  if not you can try editing /etc/kde4/kdm/Xstartup   so that it executes the script first.... but I do not know what that will do15:43
James147or even if thats the right file15:43
betacheerI configured it that way....15:44
betacheerSo it wil start before kde15:44
betacheerI will give it a try :D15:44
betacheerOk Restarting now,,, whoa :D15:49
betacheerHelo everybody15:53
betacheerJames thank you for your time15:54
betacheerNow it is running alot faster and 3d graphics is good15:54
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skaftidoes someone know how to install java16:02
James147skafti: enable the partener repos (easiest to do in kpackagekit)16:02
James147skafti: then install sun-java6-jre16:03
cortex_skskafti: you probably want to install openjdk-6-jre package or openjdk-6-jdk16:03
James147^^ or jsut use them16:03
skaftif*** i just installed kubuntu two days ago trying to make it work, complete noobee16:04
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skaftidont find partener repos16:08
skaftior openjdk-6-jdk16:08
Pici!partner | skafti16:09
ubottuskafti: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »16:09
skaftimust sound like a complete jerk :)16:09
cortex_skskafti: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu16:09
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cortex_skthis might help16:09
cortex_skskafti: http://kubuntuguide.org/Lucid16:11
BluesKajskafti, one can also edit the /etc/apt/sources list by uncommenting the canonical partner deb repositories , if your install is anew one.16:11
skaftithanks alot16:12
BluesKajerr /etc/apt/sources.list16:12
shiki-hello guys. a short question and maybe someone knows the answer. I installed a new kernel with -ck patchset. Everythin went good, except this part: "sudo cp /usr/share/kernel-package/examples/etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs  /etc/kernel/postinst.d/" I skipped these steps, it installed fine, running fine. However, it says it coulndn't find modules.dep (at boot)16:13
shiki-The file exists, and I have no idea what could I do :/16:13
solifugusI was using CTL-L to lock my screen.. but it stopped working..  Now I have to use the menu to lock the screen.. Was that a recent software update that broke it?16:37
solifugusIt's borken16:38
James147solifugus: isnt it crtl+alt+l? you could try changing the global shortcuts16:38
James147^^ actually seems to not be working here either :S what version of kde are you using? I am on kde 4.5 RC216:39
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thecatfuck kbuntu16:45
maco!language | thecat16:46
ubottuthecat: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:46
thecatfuck kbuntu16:46
solifugusJames147: ah.. that's why.... ok...16:50
skaftisudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin16:51
skaftijava-common odbcinst1debian1 sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin16:52
skafti  unixodbc16:52
skaftiis this java for for kubuntu16:52
James147skafti: would think sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin should be enough16:52
skaftihehe dunno, but when you say it it sounds enough :)16:53
skafti100mb of java s***16:54
James147^^ welcome to java :)16:54
skaftiaperently im in javaworld now16:55
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pushkaraj_I am trying to compile kate (ref- http://kate-editor.org/get-it/) but stuck on step #5: run the configure process with cmake:cmake ../kate -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/kde/usr17:53
pushkaraj_error is - CMake Error at app/CMakeLists.txt:33 (kde4_add_library):  Unknown CMake command "kde4_add_library".17:53
pushkaraj_am i missing anything?17:54
JobobAnyone im18:12
Jobobsorry. typos...18:12
JobobI am ready to help with questions related to kubuntu karmic koala and lucid lynx. if you want info on the upcomimg realease, maverick meerkat.18:13
Jobobplease tell me.18:13
PiciJobob: Maverick support and discussion is in #ubuntu+118:14
Jobobtype 1 for karmic koala, type 2 for lucid lynx.  type 3 for other subjects.18:14
James147Jobob: and generally people just ask questions, if you know the answer reply... you dont need to anounce you are ready to help :)18:14
DarthFrogJobob: Don't you think you might learn how this channel operates first?18:15
Jobob... now everyones going on at me18:15
Jobobi know anyway darthfrog..18:15
marv_hallo an alle18:23
marv_kann mir grad mal jemand helfen?18:23
wastrelIch habe eine Lampe.18:24
wastrelsorry don't speak german :]18:24
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:24
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marv_Okay I'll try it in english:P18:25
marv_I have mount my old wubi kubuntu filesystem (on windows hard disk in disks/root.disk) as /vdisk and i'd like to copy all files from /vdisk into the / mount point to my kubuntu hard disk i am running a live version at the moment to do that18:27
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marv_i tried to use rsync: sudo rsync -r /vdisk /media/disk-1 but rsync doesn't copy anything it prints: skipping non-regular file...18:28
wastrelthe wubi disk is mounted on /vdisk  or that's the disk file?18:28
James147marv_: try it with -a18:29
wastrel-avz  is what i normally use18:29
James147marv_: (or -avh for verbose)18:29
marv_James147:  instead of -r?18:30
James147marv_: -a  will include -r ... -a stands for archive mode, it copies the file structre exactly including premisions and symlinks I think18:30
James147man rsync for more info18:30
DarthFrogYou can access your WUBI file system by mounting the vdisk with the "-o loop" option.18:31
James147wastrel: is -z needed for a local to local copy? dosnt it just take longer to compress teh files in emeory, and uncompress them again...18:31
marv_DarthFrog:  i did it18:32
DarthFrogmarv_: Can you see the files?18:32
wastrelJames147: probably true :]  it's in my muscle memory18:32
marv_yes i can18:32
marv_but copying with the GUI doesn't work, the paste option is disabled so i would try it with the terminal18:33
DarthFrogmarv_: To migrate a WUBI installation to a real partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=wubi-move-to-partition18:34
James147would think its also possible to use dd :)18:35
James147although that might be considered more dangrous18:35
marv_i replace every new file from a new installation with the old ones, do you think it works?18:36
James147marv_: the script DarthFrog linked should work... although you might want to back anyhting on the partition before you use it18:38
James147marv_: note that it looks like it will format the partition first ^^18:41
betacheerhow can i create script taht will run every startup, or how to modify startup of plasma-desktop?18:42
betacheerAnd hello everybody :D18:42
James147betacheer: startup scripts can be set in system settings > advanced > Autostart18:42
betacheerBut how can i modify startup of plasma desktop?18:43
betacheerI wan to use raster graphicssystem18:43
marv_i have to run the script in the wubi installed kubuntu?18:44
James147not entirly sure about that one :) probally edit the session start up files18:44
rackITis there a package like Quanta for web dev that I can use with Lucid?18:44
James147rackIT: quanta exists in lucid18:45
rackITJames147: I have some dependency issues to resolve then. kpackagekit claims the install will break something18:47
James147betacheer: you could edit ~/.config/autostart/plasma-desktop.desktop   i think and change "Exec=" to what you need it to be18:48
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.18:50
DarthFrogmarv_: the info you need is there.18:51
rackITJames147: BTW, 64 bit live disk didn't throw errors until I tried to do an install. I assume that means the "live" portion is 32bit?18:51
betacheeryeah, i will give it a try18:51
betacheerWhen i compile powertweak from tar.fz will it have GUI ?18:51
James147rackIT: dont think so... i have tryed launching a 64bit live usb on a 32 bit mechiene and it failes on trying to load the kernal18:52
* James147 searches for a 64bit live disk to make sure...18:53
James147rackIT: yeah, get an error when i try to boot a 64bit live usb on a 32 bit comp18:54
mikehave some questions about unraring files if someone could help out18:55
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James147!ask | Guest7483418:55
ubottuGuest74834: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:55
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Guest4995I have 47mb rar files... r01 r02 etc.  containing 1 iso file... how do i extract?? im really new to kubuntu18:56
James147Guest4995: use ark... i think it can handel split files  (i would open teh first one either .rar or .r00/1)18:57
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free18:58
DarthFrogunrar -x <rar file>18:58
taxdoes can help me? i am newbie in kubuntu18:58
James147!ask | tax18:58
ubottutax: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:58
DarthFrogunrar will find and extract all the .r0* files.18:58
Guest4995james that is what i did, and it did nothing... i used ark... picked r00, picked extract to /me/desktop and it did nothing... dropped an .iso file... 4kb18:58
Guest4995darth how do you specify the location to extract to, or where does it extract to18:59
DarthFrogGuest4995: Use "unrar" and specify the file named .rar18:59
James147Guest4995: try opening the *.rar if there is one, if not do what DarthFrog suggests18:59
DarthFrogGuest4995: I'd move the rar files into the directory you want them extracted into.19:00
taxi want to remove hyla4fax from my system how i can that?19:00
rackITJames147: i installed the KDE 4 web dev package - that's what stopped Quant. It's gone now and I have Quanta!19:01
DarthFrogtax: Use the Software Management utility (in System) to remove it.19:01
taxi try synaptic but it says me wrong19:01
taxit shows me that : E: capi4hylafax: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 119:03
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DarthFrogtax: From the command line, run "apt-get -f install"19:04
James147tax: ^^ "sudo apt-get -f install"  needs root :)19:05
glaucousI'm having a problem that sometimes some windows to not re-render. What I mean is that part of a program/window is black, and I need to move the window off-screen and back so that it re-renders.19:05
vinnie_when i choose to show delete command in dolphin my setting doesnt stick..... can someone please help me??19:05
DarthFrogJames147: Oops!  Thanks. :)19:06
glaucousdo not*19:06
betacheerhow to remove corrupted package, I tried to get a deb package from .rpm with alien but after installing it, it refusues to uninstall agin, because uninstaller cannot find 2 patchs, even this"sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq " don§t work, any help???19:06
James147vinnie_: do the other settings stick?19:07
taxsorry how i became root19:08
vinnie_James147: let me check19:08
James147tax: just run the command i gave19:08
James147tax: sudo will run things as root :)19:08
taxit says :E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)19:08
taxE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?19:08
James147tax: and you need to close synctpic19:08
macotax: you need to use "sudo"19:09
James147tax: and any other package mangment program you have open19:09
macoJames147: permission denied, not already locked19:09
taxok sorry19:09
James147maco: already said that ^^ was also making sure he didnt leave synaptic open19:10
vinnie_James147: yes... other settings stick19:10
James147vinnie_: hmm...19:10
vinnie_James147: its working now19:13
taxthanks now its ok , thanks for the help19:14
vinnie_James147: im gonna reboot to see if it changes19:14
Tranquil_WatersDoes anyone have any idea when kde4.5 will be available for Lucid?19:25
Tranquil_Waterskde 4.5 RC3 has been released a few days agao, but it's not in the beta ppa yet :/19:26
Tranquil_Waterscorrection, RC3 was released on july 26th already19:26
James147^^ more then a few days ago :)19:26
betacheeranybody can help with removing corrupted package?19:26
Tranquil_Watersyeah I noticed19:26
Tranquil_Waterssudo aptitude purge package?19:27
Tranquil_Watersin konsole19:27
James147I would expect it to be within the week... keep in mind that kde 4.5 hasnt been released yet (although it should be today)19:27
Tranquil_Watersok, I already thought that they would maybe skip the RC3 for kubuntu and wait till final19:28
Tranquil_WatersI'm running the RC2 now, and it looks nice :)19:28
swienHi, I've got some problem with the upstart. It does not start all of my services.19:28
Tranquil_WatersI only filed one minor bug report :P19:28
James147Tranquil_Waters: not sure why they didnt package RC3 ^^  but I am getting the feeling that they are skipping it now19:28
Tranquil_WatersJames147: Yeah you're probably right.. though usually they package things quite fast. Oh well... If final comes out tonight (Netherlands time here :P) maybe the final will be available in repo's tomorrow :)19:30
betacheerIsn't Newest kubuntu already tunning on KDE 4.5?19:30
James147Tranquil_Waters: ^^ heres hopeing,19:31
betacheer*runnig :D19:31
Tranquil_Watersbetacheer: Yeah Maverick is.. but that's still in alpha19:31
James147betacheer: it has kde RC, 4.5 isent out yet19:31
Tranquil_WatersI usually wait until it's at least beta19:31
Tranquil_Watersor RC19:31
betacheerYeah sometimes RC aor beta packages have more functions or they are graphicaly nicer than final "product" :D19:32
James147betacheer: finals are better then RC/betas ^^19:32
betacheersometimes (for me) betas are nicer than final19:33
James147betacheer: but kde 4.5 final isnt out yet so RC is the latest19:33
Tranquil_WatersI always try to keep myself from adding to much instable stuff... but then I read the kubuntu news and they talk about all kinds of new shiny stuff... ^_^19:34
betacheerBut i am not talking only abou KDE but abou programs all19:34
Tranquil_WatersAt least I figured out a nice way for me to quickly reinstall kubuntu without too much hassle (A)19:34
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betacheerbye, i am restarting :D19:35
James147Tranquil_Waters: :) what do you mean figured out a way? its never been the much hassel :)19:35
Tranquil_Watersnah installing isn't, but I always want to start with a clean home folder as well19:36
DarthFrog Tranquil_Waters: A clean home folder?  Why?19:37
James147Tranquil_Waters: ahh :) i tend to use a dirt /home  ...makes it quicker to set up19:37
DarthFrogWhat about all your data, your mail?19:37
Tranquil_Watersso now I have my data on /mnt/data/ in some folders (separate partition), and I do not use a separate /home partition. I just make a few symlinks to replace the standard folders in home19:37
James147Tranquil_Waters: and delete .kde every now and then19:37
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Tranquil_WatersI usually screw thinks up completely by tinkering around, not just .kde19:38
Tranquil_Watersjust deleting .kde every now and then was not enough to clean up my mess XD19:38
James147Tranquil_Waters: then I would rm ~/.*  :)19:39
Tranquil_Waterswhich is basically the same as I do :P19:39
Tranquil_WatersI just remove all and create a few new symlinks in dolphin with dragNdrop :P19:39
Tranquil_Watersnot really a hassle19:39
Tranquil_WatersOn another note: is there any program/protocol that has voice chat working yet? GoogleTalk? MSN?19:43
Tranquil_Watersvoice + video chat?19:43
taxnothing i am wrong i run sudo apt-get -f install again and says19:46
taxdpkg: error processing capi4hylafax (--configure):19:46
tax subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 119:46
taxErrors were encountered while processing:19:46
tax capi4hylafax19:46
taxE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)19:46
FloodBotK2tax: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:46
taxok sorry19:46
taxi am newbie19:46
taxhow i can remove capi4hylafax19:49
DarthFrogtax: you can try "sudo dpkg -r --force-remove-reinstreq capi4hylafax"19:49
=== rackIT_AFK is now known as rackIT
DarthFrogtax: Actually, try "sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a" first.19:50
=== rackIT is now known as rackIT_AFK
glaucousI can't get SPDIF to work. I've tried both SMPlayer and VLC, none of them can bitstream to SPDIF. Please note that 2 channel audio to the Digital device works (2 channel over SPDIF).19:53
luis__hey James147 good to see you you think you can help me please?19:55
James147luis__: just ask you question19:55
luis__i am trying to fix my panel but i can't this is what i got i want to reduce the black section they it suppose to be right now is this what i have: http://www.uploadscreenshot.com/image/102619/935617719:56
James147luis__: thats because your missing the task manager... what version of kubuntu/kde are you running?19:57
luis__the one i installed yesterday kubuntu9.0419:57
luis__and i am still having some issues19:58
luis__this is one of them19:58
James147luis__: cant remember if you can on that version... but at some point there was a spacer widget19:58
maco9.04 does not have a spacer widget19:58
taxdarthforg i try your 2 advise but says unknow option --reconfigure19:58
macothat was introduced in 9.1019:58
James147 :(19:59
luis__it was ok but i restart my pc after some update and then the panel became like that19:59
macopossibly you can get it through Get Hot New Stuff though?19:59
DarthFrogtax: Then it's --configure instead. :-)19:59
James147luis__: did you remove the "task magment" widget on purpose?19:59
luis__what do you mean with get new stuff?19:59
luis__i dont know probably20:00
luis__not sure20:00
luis__what do i do to get everything back?20:00
macoluis__: the add widget thing has an option to download new widgets from the internet20:00
luis__ok lets see20:00
James147luis__: you might want to add it back (it will also fix your problem) right click the panel > add widget > search Task maganager > drag it back to where you want it20:01
taxi try --configure it says cp:cannot stat '/etc/hylafax/config.faxCAPI':no such file or directory20:03
taxi have unistall hylafax but i can't remove capi4hylafax20:04
DarthFrogtax:  Do you need hylafax?20:06
taxjust i try to use it for fax20:06
luis__thanks a lot James147 i got it back :P20:06
luis__now the other thing20:06
DarthFrogtax:  Did you try:  "sudo dpkg -r --force-remove-reinstreq capi4hylafax"?20:07
luis__still having problems with my screen resolution everytime i restart pc i have to fix the screen resolution20:07
luis__bakc in kubuntu8.04 there was this Monitor Pulg 'n' Play feature that allowed me to find my monitor brand and then it on itself fix the screen resol how do i get that feature here in kubuntu9.04?20:08
taxi try it now and says use 'dselect' or 'aptitude' for user-friendly package management20:09
luis__i also already install startupmanager but it doesn't fix anything at all so i think if i get that Monitor Plug 'n' Play and find my monitor brand i might be able to fix that screen resol problem20:09
luis__an you tell me how to look for that feature in terminal or kpackegekit James please?20:10
luis__or is there another way to fix that??20:10
James147luis__: try running krandrtray and using that to set the resolution20:10
luis__i already try that and it doesn't work20:11
taxsorry says usage sudo -h | -K | -k | -L | -V20:11
James147luis__: then you should be able to do it by creating a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and setting that up20:12
luis__can you guide me to do that please James???20:12
James147luis__: not sure on how to configure it though, but there should be lots of guides out there20:12
luis__ok thanks a lot man i appreciate your wonderful help20:12
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James147luis__: see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:15
luis__excellent txs i'll check that out20:16
taxany help20:22
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OrnateHybridSup guys?20:45
=== emma is now known as em
OrnateHybridThis chat is dead today20:53
James147OrnateHybrid: just means there are no problems :)20:53
OrnateHybridI have a problem20:53
OrnateHybridThis chat is dead20:53
OrnateHybridthat is my problem20:53
OrnateHybridFix it20:53
FloodBotK2OrnateHybrid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:53
PiciTheres #kubuntu-offtopic and #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support chatter.20:54
James147Why is that a problem, this is a support channel not a chat room20:54
glaucousI'm having an odd problem here. The only program which can output sound through SPDIF on Kubuntu is Amarok. Even though I set SPDIF as default device for every application, the sound for every other application except Amarok stops working.21:08
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joonaHey, Anyone got any experience on laptop VGA outputs?21:11
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Tranquil_Watersjoona: what's your question?22:08
Tranquil_Watersjoona: Mine works fine :P22:09
Tranquil_WatersIs my internet acting up again or has nothing been said in the past 10 min?22:17
James147Tranquil_Waters: been quite for more then 10 mins22:20
Tranquil_Watersok :-) thanks for the reply.. wouldn't be the first time telfort decides to die on me22:20
Tranquil_WatersI guess joona's vga question has solved itself then :)22:21
Tranquil_Watersanyways.. I'm off to my nest now, cya!22:21
mike_ok im an idiot... what do i use to ssh into my ubuntu server from kubuntu desktop22:21
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James147Guest38099: ssh USER@SERVERIP22:22
Guest38099yeah what program? etc22:22
James147Guest38099: ssh ^^22:22
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Guest38099sweet your awesome james22:26
gustavo_a ver como se usa esto22:41
gustavo_esta medio complicado22:41
gustavo_alguien habla español?22:41
gustavo_some talk spanish?22:42
gustavo_ok bye!22:43
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nomicariousi'd like to ask if there is any way to make a perfect rip of a cd-rom that has defective sectors in it23:37
nomicariouslike using alcohol 120%23:38
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