
mwhudsonthumper: can you look at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/launchpad/vostok-traverse-distro/+merge/31241 again?03:32
thumpermwhudson: do you have a few minutes for me to bounce some stuff off you?03:32
thumperskype like?03:32
mwhudsonthumper: ok03:33
mwhudsonthumper: i'm online03:34
thumpermwhudson: I'll have to defer for now, other people calling03:35
mwhudsonthumper: ok03:35
mwhudsonthumper: the call or the review or both?03:36
thumperthe call03:36
mwhudsonthumper: NotFound is a zope thing05:56
mwhudsonit's not in lp.app.errors05:56
mwhudsonso i'm going to ignore that comment?05:56
mwhudsonthumper: NotFound != NotFoundError06:05
thumperI just worked that out06:05
mwhudsonfor better or worse06:05
mwhudsonsomething inside traversal converts the latter into the former06:06
henningejtv: Why do you want to cache the incumbent message in the traits helper?07:23
* henninge is back to business ;)07:23
lifelesshi henninge07:23
jtvhenninge: good!  :)07:23
henningeHi lifeless! ;)07:24
henningejtv: I am starting to see what Danilo meant by "heavy weight".07:24
jtvhenninge: those are the helpers, and as I said, those are a bit legacy in that they may not be needed any more.07:25
jtvThat's not the traits; it's what I extracted the traits out of.07:25
henningejtv: I understand but I would have expected that to go into the class that uses the traits.07:25
jtvhenninge: can't do that in the class that uses the traits.07:25
henningedo what, the caching?07:26
jtvThe class that uses the traits can be a model class—not good to cache this sort of thing there.07:26
jtvWe can do it in the code.07:26
henninge ok07:26
jtvBut as I said, this is just what's left after extracting the traits—the caching is the possible reason not to remove the helpers entirely once we have the traits.07:27
lifelessdo you guys know much about the API export stuff?07:27
jtvAnd I'm not saying we need the caching, just that it's an appropriate and convenient place for it if we do.07:27
jtvlifeless: not that much07:27
henningeI see07:27
jtvhenninge: cleaning up the helpers is a possible next step, but the branch was big enough.  :)07:28
henningeOkay, so other users of the traits are not expected create helper classes, too?07:28
jtvhenninge: no, not at all07:28
jtvAs I explained yesterday: one class does it all, and the existence of an older helper class that I extracted them out of is merely a distraction in all this.07:29
jtvLook at the actual TranslationSideTraits class: is that heavyweight?07:29
henningejtv: no, except ...07:30
jtvThe implementation is a bit daft because of the transient mess with getImportedTranslationMessage and getCurrentTranslationMessage.  I'd prefer to replace the "if" with separate methods.07:31
jtvBut that's all under the hood.07:32
henningejtv: which "if" ?07:34
jtvhenninge: inside getCurrentMessage… that's not what you meant?07:35
henningesorry, yes.07:35
henningejtv: Although I was wondering if a specific method like that belongs into the traits at all ...07:37
jtvIf we had all queries stormified and available from the interfaces, then no.  But in the real world it's a primitive.07:37
henningejtv: what do you bean by "available from the interfaces"?07:38
jtvThe interfaces underneath wherever we need this.07:39
henningeSorry for being pita about this but I want to make sure I understand why I am on your side with this ... ;-)07:39
jtvNo worries.  It's good.07:39
jtvWhat I mean is, sometimes we'll need to ask for the current message for a given potmsgset, template & language on a given side.07:40
jtvIf we could just return a Storm object for the right condition, then getFlag(TranslationMessage) would probably do the trick.07:40
jtvOf course we could also do that and go straight to Storm to ask for the current message, but that seems a bit messy.07:41
henningejtv: You lost me on the last sentence07:43
henningeAnd you literally mean "getFlag(TranslationMessage)"?07:43
henningeI mean, on the class.07:44
jtvI mean: we could probably do without getCurrentMessage if we were willing to do something like Store.of(TranslationMessage).find(traits.getFlag(TranslationMessage)).one()07:44
henningejtv: is there another class that will have the flags?07:44
jtvYes, there might be a ClassAlias in Storm.07:45
henningeI'd like to see Store.of(TranslationMessage).find(traits.current_flag).one()07:45
jtvWell what you just said is actually a very good way to formulate it.07:45
lifelessas long as its not one per-row-per-page :)07:46
jtv*If* we only have the one class, of course07:46
henningejtv: I'd provide both.07:47
henningea "current_flag" attribute for most use cases07:47
henningeand a "getCurrentFlag(cls)" for the alias case.07:47
jtvlifeless: maybe you know this one...  I just evaluated TranslationMessage.is_current_ubuntu and ubuntu_traits.getFlag(TranslationMessage).  They both return the same PropertyColumn object.  Yet a Storm query will work with the former and not with the latter.07:48
henningeoh, it does not?07:48
lifelessso the former is a class attribute07:48
lifelessis the latter perhaps returned a securityproxied object?07:48
jtvI think the __repr__ would have told me… in both cases it says:07:49
jtv<storm.properties.PropertyColumn object at 0xbcc7b3c>07:49
jtvBut there must be _something_ with proxies, because the error says:07:49
jtvCompileError: Don't know how to compile type zope.security._proxy._Proxy of <storm.expr.Eq object at 0xc332fac>07:49
lifelessahha yes07:49
lifelessprint dir(thing), and thing.__class__07:50
jtvHeh... if I removeSecurityProxy then the query does work.  Madness reigns.07:50
henningejtv: no, it does not07:51
jtvlifeless: the __class__ are the same for both07:51
lifelessthats interesting07:51
henningeit's because you regeistered TranslationSideTraitsSet as a securedutility.07:51
henninge"does not" referred to madness reigning, btw.07:51
jtvhenninge: okay, but then why don't I see the proxy?07:51
jtvRight, took me a while to figure that out :)07:52
henningejtv: that's waht proxies do. They pretend to be the real thing.07:52
jtvOkay, but this is an incredibly effective pretense!07:52
jtvAt least, I had a memory of the proxies showing up when I printed objects in "make harness"07:53
jtvBut yes, dir() exposes the difference.07:53
henningejtv: another thing I wonder about it "other_side"07:55
jtvhenninge: would you prefer something like "other_side_traits"?07:56
jtvOr would you prefer it to be a TranslationSide that you'd use to look up the traits?07:56
henningejtv: no, I don't wonder. ;)07:57
jtvoh ok :)07:57
henningejtv: but "other_side_traits" seems preferable.07:57
henningeMy wondering was about it not being set but I saw that it happens in TranslationSideTraitsSet.__init__.07:57
henningeThat's good.07:57
jtvhenninge: I renamed other_side and also removed MessageSideHelper.getFlag (because that code moved to the traits in its entirety)08:19
henningejtv: all the calls to "removeSecurityProxy" in your test - are they a result of abel's work?08:39
jtvhenninge: it's not unthinkable that they contributed, but the main thing is as in the cover letter: using Zope in tests that didn't use it before.08:39
jtvSorry: it's not unthinkable that *it* contributed.08:40
henninge653         external_template = self.factory.makePOTemplate()08:40
henninge654-        external_template.productseries.product.official_rosetta = True08:40
henninge655+        product = external_template.productseries.product08:40
henninge656+        removeSecurityProxy(product).official_rosetta = True08:40
henningejtv: how is zope involved here that was no before?08:41
henningeAnd I wonder why "official_rosetta" is not settable in the first place ...08:42
jtvhenninge: layer change08:42
henningeOh, I did not know that affected how the factory creates objects.08:42
jtvAIUI it doesn't, directly, but it means no proxies.08:43
jtvCorrection again: running Zopelessly means no proxies.08:44
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henningejtv: why is "test_getFlag_and_setFlag" one test?09:49
jtvhenninge: because it tests consistency between the two, more than either one of them specifically.  Not very imaginative, sorry.09:50
henningejtv: ok, I see it now.09:50
jtv(There are two separate tests in the concrete test classes that tie the internal consistency of the traits to the reality of the two flags)09:50
* jtv tries DSL again…09:51
jtvWell that was disappointing.  Still no DSL.  Wonder if a bill got lost again.10:00
stubadeuring: ^^10:14
=== stub changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring || reviewing: james_w || queue: [stub] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
adeuringstub: sure; let me just finish a review for james_w10:14
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jtvhenninge: thanks!10:59
henningejtv: welcome10:59
henningeyou were gone to check DSL when I wanted to tell you. Is it working again now??11:00
jtvhenninge: nope11:00
adeuringstub: r=me11:08
jtvhenninge: can't lend using edge…  I'll try again.11:24
jmljames_w, I'll take a look at your no-more-sampledata-2 branch.12:23
jml(next week, I'm going to do less coding stuff, promise)12:23
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring, bac || reviewing: stub || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring, bac || reviewing: stub, - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
bacmorning adeuring12:40
adeuringhi bac!12:40
bacadeuring: many takers today?12:41
adeuringbac: a few. Could be worse ;)12:41
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring, bac || reviewing: james_w, - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
bacjml: can you do a db review if i don't get it done before stub goes EOD?12:52
james_wthanks adeuring and jml13:09
jmlbac, sure.13:13
jmljames_w, done!13:29
james_wjml: did you get bored? :-)13:32
jmljames_w, not so much bored as struck with a desire to come up with many ways of saying the same thing :)13:33
adeuringjames_w: r=me for another branch, again one minor nitpick ;)14:03
james_wadeuring: thanks, though the last one wasn't so minor :-)14:03
james_wadeuring: I thought the same thing about isinstance, but the test proved me wrong. Maybe something needs to be imported for the monkeypatch to happen?14:04
adeuringjames_w: interesting that you need to remove the proxy: IIRC zope.security.porxy or somesuch directly changes the built in isinstance function.14:06
adeuringBut anyway, if you must remove the proxy, then be it so. But perhaps gary_poster knows a bit more?14:06
gary_posterno, isinstance is not modified14:07
james_wjml said that you can "from zope.security.proxy import isinstance as zope_isinstance"14:07
gary_posterit's not called that14:07
jmlgary_poster, we have code in Launchpad that does exactly that.14:08
gary_posterat least I don't think so (and I use the one from zope.proxy)14:08
adeuringgary_poster: thanks -- seems that I am somewhat confused...14:08
gary_posterbut that's the right idea14:08
gary_posterok, jml, fair enough.  that's certainly the right idea, as I said.  zope.proxy has the more general functions with which I am more familiar14:08
jmlgary_poster, more general functions sounds like a good idea :)14:09
gary_poster:-) well, looks like my memory is just faulty.  The general functions are there that work with the core proxy stuff, but there's not a direct isinstance equivalent.  (Available functions are listed in eggs/zope.proxy-3.5.0-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/zope/proxy/interfaces.py fwiw)14:12
gary_postera function called "zope_isinstance" offends my naming sensibilities ;-)14:13
adeuringso, importing from zope.security.proxy would be the roght way?14:13
gary_posteryes, adeuring14:13
gary_postersorry for being confusing14:13
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring, bac || reviewing: -, - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
james_wadeuring: hello again, could I get an incremental review of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/soyuz-factory-improvements/+merge/31890 ?14:53
adeuringjames_w: sure14:53
james_woh, conflicts, I need to merge devel14:53
* adeuring pulls the latest version15:05
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
bacjml: can you do a db review for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/db-bug-613442/+merge/31955 ?15:21
jmlbac, sure, after this call.15:22
adeuringjames_w: again r=me. nice work!15:25
james_wadeuring: thanks15:25
jmlbac, approved.15:45
bacthanks jml15:45
bacadeuring: may i get a code review for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/db-bug-613442/+merge/31955 ?15:58
adeuringbac: sure15:58
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adeuringbac: why didn't you add a column for bug tracking?16:17
adeuring(and for code hosting, for projects)16:17
bacadeuring: bug tracking and code hosting can be properly derived from other pillar data.16:18
bacadeuring: it is better to have a derived attribute than a column in the db that may become out of sync16:18
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
adeuringbac: what about "bugs are tracked elsewhere"?16:19
bacadeuring: that would be indicated by having an external bug tracker noted16:19
bacadeuring: this email thread lays out much of the thinking, dense as it is: https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/msg03952.html16:20
adeuringbac: Ah, right. And these is at present no need to indicate this in the comuted attribute?16:20
bacadeuring: i don't understand your question.16:20
adeuringsorry, my usual typing problems...16:20
adeuringbac: shouldn't the value "bugs are tracked elsewhere" being returned by bug_tracking_usage? (for porjects which do that)16:21
adeuringgah, that's done16:22
adeuringsorry, I was reading the diff for distros...16:22
* adeuring should read the entire diff before asking pointless questions...16:23
adeuringbac: r=me16:26
bacthanks abel16:27
EdwinGrubbsjelmer_: do you have time to answer some of my questions on the branch you're reviewing?16:34
jelmer_EdwinGrubbs, sure16:42
jelmer_EdwinGrubbs: I don't see a followup from you after my last reply16:43
EdwinGrubbsjelmer_: oh, sorry, I didn't see your reply before.16:43
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bacjml: you approved the db review of my branch.  what should i do about patch number?  next sequential?  how do i know there is no conflict?17:35
bacjml: i assume stub has a Big Chief Tablet where he coordinates the numbering17:35
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jmlbac, I don't have answers to any of your questions, I'm afraid :(17:53
bacjml: well i'll pick the next and cross my fingers.  (after looking at the unlanded MPs first)17:54
=== sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || reviewing: - || queue: [sinzui] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
jmlbac, that seems like the best approach17:55
sinzuibac: I have a branch that move the registration slot.17:55
bacsinzui: ok17:56
bacsinzui: are you going to get a UI review too?17:56
sinzuiI was hoping rockstar could look at the picture and say this is agreeable to him, me, and henninge18:00
* rockstar looks up18:00
rockstarsinzui, what picture?18:01
sinzuirockstar, the picture listed in https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/launchpad-header-1/+merge/3197518:02
rockstarsinzui, ui=rockstar18:04
rockstarsinzui, I still hate that we feel that should go at the top of the page.18:04
sinzuiyes. Maybe I will take a week off and write an alt-css that allows launchpad to get that non-sense out of the way18:05
benjispeaking of, is there any way to remove the "Registered by" slot for a project?  Every time I visit the page for my little project Manuel I'm slightly jarred by the fact that it says "Registered 2010-01-13 by Björn Tillenius"18:09
benji(he registered it to work on some branches for Manuel before I used LP)18:09
bacsinzui: r=bac18:13
sinzuithanks bac. thanks rockstar18:13
bacbenji: no.  why do you find it objectionable?  it is a true statement.18:14
rockstarbenji, no, and that's why I think it should just go away.  It can be misleading.18:14
rockstarbac, it's a true statement, yes.  But it's almost worthless to put right at the top.18:15
benjibac: it's strange (or misleading as rockstar says); it's odd to place such an unimportant bit of information in such a prominant place18:15
* benji assigns rockstar as his spokesman on this topic.18:16
rockstarbac, it has some useful information sometimes, but it's not information that should go at the top.18:16
benjiI can only assume that it was done that way initially to reward people for registering projects in LP, but I think we're beyond that now.18:17
sinzuiI look at who registered a project, bug, question, and mirror every day. It is not important, but it is information users actually want to know18:17
rockstarIn most cases, the registrant is the same as the owner.  In other cases, it's just misleading.  In a few cases, you actually need to know it.  Those people can go hunting on the page for it.18:17
sinzuiNot that you can so anything about someone who reports a bug that launchpad causes flatulence in donkeys18:18
benjibug, question, and mirror make sense to me, but it's not really that interesting to know that I registered the Firefox project if I don't really have anything to do with the project itself18:18
* benji goes looking for high-profile projects that aren't yet represented in LP in a "Registered by" landgrab.18:19
sinzuiIf you are looking for missing upstream information, the registrant is one of the people you want to contact18:20
sinzuiMost projects are missing information about upstream services18:20
benjioh, don't get me wrong, I think the information should be recorded and visible, but I don't see why regiterer should be more prominent than homepage, owner, driver, etc.18:22
bacrockstar: i updated to PG8.4 so i could cleanly make new sample data.  by the time i got ready to do it, there was a new version...made with 8.3.  i give up18:23
rockstarbac, you should blame on that and see who did that.18:24
bacis it me, or is PG8.4 much slower for 'make schema'?18:26
sinzuibenji, I think  we all agree. The heading was design by canonical's design team to address the need of projects and people to see their identity prominently as a means to encourage adoption18:26
* sinzui did not ask for permission to change the header18:26
sinzuibenji, I disabled about 5000 projects that were not appropriate. Most land grabs last a few hours18:35
jelmer_sinzui: wow, 5000? That's quite a few.18:43
sinzuiI have these numbers because I started writing a summary of project review. What you need to know is that I temporarily exceeded your record for linking projects to packages18:48
jelmer_sinzui: ah, thanks19:00
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
deryckHi, bac.  I have an easy one-line change to versions.cfg for your review, if I may get in line.19:43
=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || reviewing: - || queue: [sinzui, deryck] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || reviewing: deryck || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
deryckthanks, bac!  The diff is large because I'm also re-enabling some reverted work.  All that is new is the change to versions.cfg in the diff.19:44
bacsinzui: your name in the queue was leftover, right.  you have nothing outstanding for review?19:44
sinzuiright, but I will add it back in 30 minutes19:45
bacderyck:  one line or 1296 lines?19:45
bacderyck: which one of those lines do you want reviewed?19:45
bacshould i just pick one?19:45
baci approve of line 157.  it is poetry.  r=bac19:46
deryckbac, the change at line 1293 of the diff is all that is new.  I'm just being lazy and adding back previous work that was reverted as I update the version of Storm.19:47
deryckbac, I noted the actual line in scrollback if you really didn't see.  Line 1293. :-)19:49
bacderyck: wow.  ok, it looks fine given that explanation.19:49
deryckbac, great, thanks.19:49
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sinzuibac: do you have time for a cache fix: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/registry-cache-4/+merge/3199821:07
bacsinzui: sure21:07
sinzuibac I see a bad comment. in the second test. I wait for you challenge to make it a sensible comment21:08
sinzuibugger, I lost my bug id to21:11
bacsinzui: so line 51 should be miss.  is that what you're referring to?21:12
bacwith that change it looks fine to me21:12
bacany gunsmoke fans in the house?21:13
sinzuithanks bac21:13
benjibac: I would have gotten the reference if you'd picked any other popular US series from the 70s; not into Gunsmoke21:23
* benji has a sudden desire to watch The Rockford Files.21:24
bacbenji: "Who was Micah" for 20 points?21:40
benjiI think I need to phone a friend21:40
bacno "Gunsmoke" or "The Rifleman"?21:42
bacHoss Cartwright?21:42
bacJoe Friday?21:42
benjinot really into westerns21:43
benjiI'm down with Joe Friday; my son would vote for Reed and Malloy (Adam 12)21:43
bacfor some reason i preferred "Emergency!"21:44
benjiI tend to favor comedies from the 70s, most of the "action" series are pretty slow and linear by today's standards.21:49
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brycehbenji, my wife is a Rockford Files fanatic23:09
brycehwe found out that netflix has the full run of Rockford in their online instant view thingee, so she can watch it whenever she wants.23:11
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