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yofelhm, I tried to report a bug on edge 10 times now, always times out, last try: (Error ID: OOPS-1678ED4892)00:33
yofelproduction times out too... (Error ID: OOPS-1678E1667)00:39
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michaelh1Afternoon. I'm seeing funny behaviour with milestones: I just deferred a bug to a later milestone, but it still appears in the previous milestone query02:08
michaelh1see: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gcc-linaro/+bug/60505902:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 605059 in Linaro GCC "Merge 4.4.5 (affected: 1, heat: 7)" [High,Confirmed]02:08
michaelh1and: https://launchpad.net/gcc-linaro/+milestone/4.4-2010.08-002:08
michaelh1Note that 'Merge 4.4.5' shows in the .08 milestone despite being assigned to .0902:08
micahgmichaelh1: those pages are cached, I think there's a bug for it02:14
michaelh1micahg: thanks.  Just checking.  How long is it cached for?02:14
micahgmichaelh1: bug 59305402:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 593054 in Launchpad Registry "Need to flush caches with modified object (affected: 3, heat: 27)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59305402:14
pooliemichaelh1: https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/msg04091.html02:14
micahgmichaelh1: idk, just remember having the same issue02:16
pooliemichaelh1: a _long_ time, like 10m02:16
michaelh1All good.  I can work around it as long as I know02:17
michaelh1btw, it would be nice to have a 'group bugs by xxx' view, such as group bugs by target milestone, or group by assignee02:19
lifelessmichaelh1: please do file a request fo rthat02:20
lifelessmichaelh1: bugs.launchpad.net/malone02:20
michaelh1lifeless: will do02:20
lifelessmichaelh1: and click 'affects me too' on the caching bug02:20
michaelh1LP 61415402:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 614154 in Launchpad Bugs "Add a 'group by xxx' feature to the bugs view (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61415402:24
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MTecknologyI'm confused.. https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-drupal-devs/ubuntu-drupal-theme/6.x-2010 <-- shows 38 revisions | shows 40 revisions --> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-drupal-devs/ubuntu-drupal-theme/6.x-2010/files04:28
mwhudsonMTecknology: the branch is broken04:31
MTecknologymwhudson: .. :( nuh uh04:32
MTecknologymwhudson: any ideas why?04:32
mwhudsonMTecknology: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/473826/04:32
mwhudsonMTecknology: it's a pretty minor breakage04:32
mwhudsonreconcile will fix it04:32
mwhudsonwhy... not sure, probably best to ask #bzr about that04:33
mwhudsonthere was a bug about merging into an empty tree or something that could do this04:33
MTecknologymwhudson: thanks :) - The people I work with tend to break things :P04:34
mwhudsonMTecknology: this bug is related https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/59949204:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 599492 in Bazaar "bzr push --overwrite from a branch with good revnos does not fix up the target branches revnos (affected: 1, heat: 5)" [Medium,Confirmed]04:34
MTecknologymwhudson: thanks a bunch, It wasn't making dev hard - it just got confusing now when I was looking at diffs :P04:38
mwhudsonMTecknology: it's sure confusing when this happens04:38
MTecknologythumper: :'(05:06
MTecknologythumper: why did you flip me off?05:07
thumperMTecknology: it wasn't you05:07
MTecknologythumper: oh, so if I open the link I'll understand?05:07
thumperMTecknology: I've just found something really really annoying in the code05:07
thumperwhat link?05:08
MTecknologywhat did you find?05:08
* thumper runs afk to collect kids05:10
rxi want to get myself off launchpad but i cant find where i can do it05:44
rxi desactivated my account 2 times but i still can login05:44
lifelessrx: sso.ubuntu.com maintains the usercode06:59
lifelessrx: the 'account' in launchpad is just the reservation of the name - /~rx or whatever your account name is, and the sso connection to use06:59
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fta2d'oh! http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53152059/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.chromium-codecs-ffmpeg_0.6%2Bsvn20100730r54382%2B54907-0ubuntu1~ucd1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz09:05
wgrantfta2: That's an Ubuntu issue.09:14
fta2yep, they're on it in u-devel09:15
fta2broken glib09:15
luisbgis there anyway I can close a launchpad bug report? even if I mark it as "fix released" it stays in the list of open bugs10:03
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bigjoolssounds like a caching problem10:12
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kromagghi, I keep timeouting launchpad when submitting X bugs, though it went through now on the fourth or fifth try10:20
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edannenbequick question as im not very familiar with bzr, i downloaded a project from launchpad, did some changes to it (did not create a branch as we wanted to pull updates)12:38
edannenbehow do create a branch from that local copy now so i can push it to launchpad as a new branch12:38
edannenbedo i*12:38
edannenbealso has some svn metadata which prolly doesnt help ><12:39
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maxbedannenbe: What do you mean when you say you downloaded the project? A source tarball?12:59
edannenbemaxb, well download=checkout... i just copied the project dir now deleted all .svn metadata and pushed it with --no-strict13:03
maxbuh, if you checked a project out of Launchpad, it will not have had .svn metadata13:04
maxbunless the project is doing something very ridiculous, and keeping a svn working copy in a bazaar branch13:04
paultagHey LP. I screwed up uploads to my PPA, I was wondering if someone had the ability to force the ( real ) removal of the ppa from the system so that I can start over ( I forgot to append ~ppaN to my PPA uploads, and now it's not playing nice )13:09
edannenbemaxb, well we use svn here ;) .. i just want to push the changes we did over the last months back to launchpad in one big swoop13:09
maxbhmm, that's a bit messy13:09
maxbWell, in that case, you should first figure out exactly which bzr revision your code was dervied from13:10
maxbThen, you should branch *exactly that revision* from launchpad13:10
maxbThen, delete all the files in the branch (not bzr rm, just ordinary filesystem rm), and "svn export --force svnurl ." your current state into that directory13:11
maxbThen, bzr add and bzr mv --after as needed13:12
maxbThen commit and push13:12
maxbpaultag: Complete removal of PPAs is not yet possible.13:12
paultagmaxb: how should I go about this, then?13:12
paultagmaxb: I really would not like to clutter up LP with junk uploads13:12
maxbcan you give the link to your ppa so I can see what the current state of it is?13:12
paultagmaxb: sure -- https://launchpad.net/~paultag/+archive/fluxbox13:13
paultagmaxb: It's my test-ppa for before I upload to Debian13:13
edannenbemaxb, sounds good, thanks13:13
maxbpaultag: So, would it be accurate to say that very few people, if any, would have the package installed, so if the version number of your subsequent uploads was to be less than the current packages, it would not be a problem?13:15
paultagmaxb: very few ( if any ) people have this installed, but I hate to see "kruft" on LP, it would just be sitting there13:16
paultagmaxb: I'm tempted to bump the major number and re-upload, but I don't think that's the best solution13:16
maxboh, wait, there is an obvious answer here :-) You could just upload 1.1.1+git20100806-0~ppa1 :-)13:17
paultagmaxb: haha, that's what I was thinking as well :)13:17
paultagmaxb: Alrighty then, thanks maxb13:17
paultagwoo! No upstream pushes! This'll be easy13:18
paultagthanks again maxb13:18
=== leonardr changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: leonardr | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
cndwhat program is used to import a git repo into launchpad?14:09
pmatulisservers under maintenance?  i'm getting 'Timeout error'14:22
paultagcnd: http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/BzrMigration#git :)14:22
cndpaultag, yeah, I'm wondering what launchpad does itself14:24
cndI've been trying to use bzr fast-import, but it just crashes on me14:24
cndand sadly this is one of those "I need this working right now" moments :)14:24
paultagcnd: haha aye14:25
paultagcnd: are you trying to pull kernel git?14:26
paultagcnd: have you seen https://launchpad.net/bzr-fastimport ?14:27
dakeri want to get a list of my loco team member with some informations14:27
cndpaultag, yeah, it just crashes on me :(14:27
paultagdaker: I wrote that took, check github/paultag/locotools14:27
paultagdaker: don't run it often, it is not set up for being nice to LP. I don't run it more then once a month14:28
paultagcnd: :/ are you pulling the kernel git tree?14:28
cndheck no!14:28
dakerpaultag, yeah i saw that, but how can i get the Latitude and longitude ?14:28
cndthat would be crazy!14:28
paultagcnd: I was about to say :)14:29
paultagdaker: Oh, shucks. I'm not sure, you might need to do a bit of work looking through the lplib docs, or see if someone here knows how to do it :)14:29
dakerpaultag, oki14:29
paultagcnd: I'm not finding much :(14:30
cndpaultag, thanks for the effort :)14:31
paultagcnd: sure, it's no problem -- all docs point to fast import -- it could be one of those special case things :)14:31
cndI'm trying out my python debugging14:32
paultagcnd: Yeah?14:32
cndbut I'm not really a python coder14:32
cndluckily pdb is similar to gdb :)14:32
paultagcnd: it's a lot easier then kernel level c code :P14:32
cndummm, sure...14:33
paultagcnd: I've been fighting all day with Fluxbox :(14:33
luisbgis there anyway I can close a launchpad bug report? even if I mark it as "fix released" it stays in the list of open bugs14:34
geserhave you a link where is still listed?14:35
cndpaultag, I think I got it working using bzr-git instead :)14:47
paultagcnd: :)14:47
paultagcnd: good to hear, well done :)14:47
dakerpaultag, got it14:51
paultagdaker: what was it?14:51
paultag.latitude or .coords or something?14:51
dakerpaultag, member.member.longitude14:51
luisbggeser, sorry had to leave for a second... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pitivi14:51
luisbglook at the first one14:51
paultagdaker: thanks :)14:51
dakerpaultag, nop14:52
momaHello. I have problems loading my add to the PPA. I hope someone can help me. Basically, the upload error says ""Rejected: File rec-applet_0.1.tar.gz already exists in rec-applet, but uploaded version has different contents"".   This letter ( http://www.futuredesktop.com/tmp/rec-applet/err1.txt ) has more details about the error.14:59
bigjoolsmoma: ^15:00
momaOk, so I would need to increase the version from 0.1 to 0.2.15:05
momaThe version number is at least in debian/changelog and configure.in. I would rather not increase the version number yet (I just released v0.1). Any other suggestions?15:05
paultagmoma: you should be using ~ppa015:06
paultagmoma: and then every ppa upload increment that15:06
paultagmoma: you should also be using a modifier15:06
paultagand so on15:06
paultagand when there is a major package chanage it will be15:06
paultagand when there is a new package release, you reset all --15:06
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momaPaultag: This was totally new information (moma is totally "launchpad" newbie). I need to digest this a bit. Do you have example commands?15:12
momaMy local directory structure is: ~/rec-applet/ and everything (src/, pixmaps/, debian/) are under it.  I do not include version number in it.15:12
paultagmoma: have you read through the debian new maintainer guide?15:13
momaNo, I cannot say to have read it all. Of-course I followed the guides on the Launchpad.15:14
paultagmoma: let me get you some links :)15:16
momaI simply want to erase the entire PPA and make a fresh upload. It worked 1.st time, but then the compilation error occured and upload is impossible.15:16
momaGive me your links ;-)15:17
bigjoolsmoma: you should attempt to build it locally using "pbuilder" before uploading15:17
bigjoolsLaunchpad is not a build testing service :)15:17
paultagmoma: http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ch-first.en.html#s-namever <-- start here and move on15:17
paultag+1 bigjools15:17
bigjoolsthanks for helping him paultag15:18
bigjoolsor her :)15:18
paultagbigjools: oh sure, no problem, just trying to ignore my work work :)15:18
bigjoolspaultag: yes IRC is a wonderful distraction.15:20
momaGoodbye for now. See you later.15:20
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hexmodeis there a reason receipes allow you to request builds for dapper when receipe builds aren't actually possible on dapper, hardy or jaunty16:22
hexmodesince bzr-builder isn't on those build boxes?16:22
hexmodeoh, hey, leonardr!  Its been a while...16:24
leonardrhexmode, hi16:25
leonardrrockstar, maybe you can answer hexmode's question?16:25
rockstarhexmode, the fact that we can't make recipes on dapper, hardy, and jaunty is a bug that we plan on fixing quite soon.16:26
rockstarWell, except for Jaunty, which is on its way out soon...16:27
hexmoderockstar: ok.16:27
rockstarhexmode, the bug is here: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/59910016:27
ubot5Launchpad bug 599100 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "Recipe builds should have debianized tree built previous to building the source package (affected: 2, heat: 14)" [Medium,Triaged]16:27
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cody-somervillefor SVN imports, do we provide URL to repository or to specific branch (ie. trunk)?17:18
czajkowskihmm no mrevell17:27
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leonardrcody-somerville: specific branch17:36
leonardrnow i have a question. (maybe sinzui or someone can help)17:37
leonardri'm trying to retarget a question to ubuntu, but i can't just type in 'ubuntu' as the product. i have to do a search, and searching for 'ubuntu' returns so many results i'm not shown any of them17:37
leonardrany ideas? (i have tried searching for 'ubuntu' + words from the project descriptoin, and it doesn't turn up 'ubuntu')17:37
sinzuiubuntu is not a product.17:37
sinzuileonardr, choose the radio button next to ubuntu17:38
leonardrsinzui; sorry, i was on the wrong screen17:39
sinzuileonardr, is this a question or a bug?17:39
leonardrsinzui: it was a bug i converted to a question so i could target it against ubuntu. but i was still on the 'bug' screen, which caused my confusion17:40
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sinzuibugs does not let you retarget to a distro, but answers does. I wonder how much effort is needed to fix that17:41
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leonardrsinzui, similarly, it looks like i can't target a bug against a package in ubuntu. should i convert this bug to a question as well?18:00
sinzui1) markup the bug invalid for launchpad, optionally say the bug if null project18:01
sinzui2) uses affects distribution to create a new bug task. Choose ubuntu, you may also choose a source package if you know it18:01
leonardri see, we can create a new bug task but we can't just change existing tasks randomly18:04
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leonardrdanilos, what's the procedure for approving a translations file import? neither i nor the project admin can do it18:37
danilosleonardr, it happens automatically, but it's broken right now18:38
danilosleonardr, we are landing a fix and I'll try to work-around it for now18:38
leonardrdanilos, thanks18:38
willkgi'm on here, too.18:38
willkgi can wait for a fix.  thank you!18:38
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jcsackett /nick jcsackett|afk21:00
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sproatyhow can I delete a bug from a milestone?21:47
sproatyfrom a release, sorry21:47
sproatye.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/whyteboard/0.40/+bug/50672421:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 506724 in Whyteboard "Images vastly increase memory usage (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [High,Confirmed]21:47
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cperrin88is somebody here familiar with the wadllib for the launchpad lib?22:59
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