
SoItBeginsI'm considering installing Ubuntu.... but I have a bit of a problems.01:20
SoItBeginsSeveral problems, actually....01:20
st33medWhat's wrong?01:20
SoItBeginsIs it possible to do a "Stranger in a Strange Land" installation — i.e. install Ubuntu on a PowerPC?01:20
st33medI think so...01:21
SoItBeginsThat's the first problem.01:21
SoItBeginsThe second's a real doozy.01:21
SoItBeginsInstalling Ubuntu on a HFS+ drive, under the aforementioned circumstances. (Note: I tried to partition the drive already, but it's not feasible; otherwise, I wouldn't bring this up.)01:22
st33medOne second...01:22
st33medSoItBegins, it will partition it for you01:22
SoItBeginsUh, nonono. I've got files on the drive.... it can't partition it.01:22
SoItBeginsWell, unless it can do a partition-without-erasing.01:23
st33medYes it can.01:23
robbmunsonit can ;)01:23
st33medhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/lucid/release/ << PowerPC arch01:23
SoItBeginsRephrasing: Is it possible to get it to run on what I've got, without (re)partitioning the drive in any way?01:23
st33medUmmm, why?01:23
SoItBeginsBecause, the files on the aforementioned drive are not backed up anywhere. And I was under the impression that a part of the partition process is the erasure of the drive about to undergo partitioning.01:24
st33medYou can partition it into two drives01:24
st33medOne that has your old files01:25
bodhizazenSoItBegins, partitioning does not over write data01:25
SoItBeginsWithout erasing.01:25
st33medAnd another with Ubuntu01:25
SoItBeginsWell, then why when I go to Disk Utility in Mac OS X does it not offer that option.... ?!01:25
bodhizazenand if data is not over written it can be recovered, see tools such as testdisk or photorec01:25
st33medYes, partitioning simply moves sectors of the hard drive01:25
st33medBwahaha. Because it doesn't expect you to install something else01:25
SoItBeginsSo, if I boot from the CD image you've given, allowing it to partition the external drive in question (it's a FireWire external) will not destroy the data.01:26
SoItBeginsJust to confirm.01:27
st33medYes, if you allow it to make two partitions01:27
bodhizazenSoItBegins, what are you wanting to do ?01:27
bodhizazensounds as if you should probably back up your data as a first step01:27
SoItBeginsOkay. I have an external FireWire hard drive, with plenty of free space.01:27
SoItBeginsI came up with the idea of installing Linux there.01:28
bodhizazenUse gparted, on the live CD to resize the partitino01:28
bodhizazendata loss is extremely rare, but it can happen01:28
SoItBeginsUm.... that's the thing. The entire drive is formatted as HFS+.01:28
SoItBeginsI'd resize the existing partition if there was one to resize.01:28
SoItBeginsMaybe I'd just borrow some space on the nearest computer for backup.01:29
SoItBeginsEr, maybe I'd better.01:29
bodhizazenSoItBegins, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8996001:30
SoItBegins@All: Thanks for all of your help, by the way.01:30
bodhizazenIf you do not back up your data, your data must not be all that important to you01:30
bodhizazenAll hard ware will eventually fail01:30
bodhizazenMy wife keeps learning this lesson over and over01:31
SoItBeginsNo, it's just that the data is so large that I have to store it on an external (it's DVDs and such). My other external serves as the backup for my computer itself.01:31
SoItBeginsAnd I can't afford another external at this time. :(01:31
bodhizazenI can not tell you have many times she has lost data, despite the fact that she has a NFS share availabe 24/7 for backups01:31
bodhizazenSoItBegins, well, burn the data to DVD then =)01:32
robbmunsondude i wiped a freaking thumb drive with my gpg key......01:32
bodhizazenStorage is not that expensive, both internal and external01:32
* robbmunson cries01:32
SoItBeginsI'll hunt around for a computer with a double-layer DVD burner and back up my data to DVDs. Thanks for the tip.01:34
bodhizazendouble layer DVD are extreemly expensive , more then 2x a single layer DVD01:35
bodhizazenso it is less expensive to use single layer01:36
SoItBeginsI know :( But the data in question is images of DVDs.... double-layer DVDs.01:36
bodhizazenby far (last time I looked mind you).01:36
SoItBeginsSo I'm kinda stuck with that.01:36
bodhizazenBreak the image into more manageable chunks01:36
SoItBeginsNot a bad idea.01:36
SoItBeginsMaybe I'll just buy another external HD and set up a RAID.01:37
SoItBeginsThat would be more.... permanent.01:38
bodhizazenPrice the cost of DVD, then decide01:38
SoItBeginsFor now, I think I'll borrow backup space, install Ubuntu, then figure out what to do next.01:38
stlsaint"install ubuntu" now theres a plan ;)01:39
SoItBeginsYep. :D01:39
SoItBeginsOh! One other question.01:39
SoItBeginsIf a program is written for Ubuntu, will the arch of my computer (PPC) matter when the time comes for me to try to run it?01:40
stlsaintyou mean 32vs64 bit?01:40
SoItBeginsNo, x86 vs PowerPC.01:41
stlsainthrm, if you install x86 (32) than you will only end up using compatible apps from the repos01:42
stlsaint(not sure if thats what you were asking)01:42
SoItBeginsNo, I'm using a PowerPC. So, I'm installing a PowerPC blend of Ubuntu. But I also need to take PowerPC-ness into consideration when picking apps, right?01:43
stlsainthrm, i dunno01:43
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: welcome back01:44
JoeMaverickSetthey! stlsaint.01:45
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: evening for me! (remember) :)01:45
* bodhizazen off to compile icecat =)01:46
JoeMaverickSettstlsaint, oh yeah! evening, dude.01:46
bodhizazenSoItBegins, google ubuntu install PowerPC01:46
SoItBeginsOkay. Thanks.01:46
JoeMaverickSettbodhizazen, are you a buddhist?01:46
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: ever hear of Zenix?01:48
JoeMaverickSettstlsaint, saw it a few days ago.01:48
JoeMaverickSettit's another OS, right? with Zen energy in it. =D01:49
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: lol...http://zenix-os.net/01:49
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: bodhi made it :)01:49
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: check it out01:50
stlsaintpaultag: :)01:50
JoeMaverickSettstlsaint, alright.01:50
paultagzenix rocks :)01:50
SoItBeginsThanks for the help. Adios amigos!01:51
JoeMaverickSettit's true.01:51
paultagSoItBegins: cheerz01:51
JoeMaverickSetti like the terminal on Zenix.01:51
stlsaintst33med: yea ZENIX!! :P01:55
stlsaintasterismo: sup02:00
bodhizazenJoeMaverickSett, Yes02:02
asterismotssap stlsaint02:03
bodhizazenpaultag, !!!02:03
asterismoreading a few posts through liferea02:03
JoeMaverickSettbodhizazen, alright. i just say Zenix. and I'm a buddhist too.02:03
paultagbodhizazen: I'm doing good things right now02:03
paultagbodhizazen: I'm modifying Fluxbox so that we can make a zenix build for it really easy02:03
bodhizazenJoeMaverickSett, That reminds me, I need to start working on Zenix =)02:04
paultagbodhizazen: I've got it working ( I just rebooted to check )02:04
paultagbodhizazen: just need to set defaults and I'm uploading. Testbed is in ppa:paultag/fluxbox02:04
stlsaintbodhizazen: hehe i was just going to ask ya about its status :D02:05
JoeMaverickSettbodhizazen, oh! cool! i like the terminal very much. ;)02:05
bodhizazenstlsaint, Honestly, I had issues with Ubuntu 10.04, it was not so stable =)02:05
paultagbodhizazen: can we move to debian squeeze02:05
bodhizazenIt is easier to upgrade Zenix to 10.0402:05
paultagbodhizazen: can we?02:05
paultagbodhizazen: can we?02:05
paultagbodhizazen: can we?02:05
stlsaintpaultag: NO! :P02:05
paultagstlsaint: now you stawp it02:05
bodhizazenpaultag, I would not mind that, the problem with Debian, it is cutting edge now, but soon enough the packages will be old02:06
paultagbodhizazen: that's why we pull from testing02:06
bodhizazenI was thinking Fedora, but that suggestion went over like a Led Zeppelin02:13
stlsaintbodhizazen: LOL02:14
stlsaintbodhizazen: i just cant seem to shake fedora, installed and removed like 3 times in past two weeks02:15
stlsaintbodhizazen: constantntly calling me back it02:15
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laurahi there :) is this a place a new ubuntu linux user can get help?02:37
paultaglaura: sure is, but i'll be in and out. Someone here can help, though :)02:37
paultagwe're all nice02:37
laurathank you :)02:37
laurai installed ubuntu last week and am trying to get adventurous and install some games but i'm having trouble. this is all very new to me as i've been a windows user for a long time. i followed the install directions (command line) and typed ./configure like it said but it says i need gtk+202:39
paultaglaura: you're doing this super hard :)02:39
paultaglaura: what game is it?02:39
lauragnome-games-2.30.2 (i found it on a website)02:40
paultaglaura: Why not browse what games you can get at easy?02:40
paultaglaura: go to applications --> software store02:40
paultaglaura: and you can browse applications ( like an iPod or Android phone ) that you can install with a click02:40
paultaglaura: you should not have to browse the web for a .exe anymore!02:40
laurais that the same thing as Applications, Ubuntu Software Center ?02:41
paultagThat's the one!02:41
lauraOMG it is there! (soooo embarrassed) thank you so much02:42
paultaglaura: Oh no problem!02:42
paultaglaura: it's what we're here for02:42
paultaglaura: you were trying to get the source code and compile it02:42
laurai will install it from there.. but i do want to learn how to install stuff from the source code command line like that eventually02:42
paultaglaura: it's fun for people like me who enjoy that stuff for fun, but it's a lot easier to check the repos ( the store )02:42
paultaglaura: Oh sure, we can help you learn how to do that02:42
paultaglaura: you just have to have the development headers ( -dev ) packages for the stuff it needs02:43
laurai like doing stuff the techie way :) i like being a know-it-all lol02:43
paultaglaura: haha, aye, well we can help :)02:43
laurawell , for now i just want to get used to the linux thing a little more, then get into the more techie side. linux has come a long way since i tried it last (debian about 10 years ago but it was very difficult and i got frustrated with it and went back to microcrap)02:44
laurai love the improvements in gui02:44
bodhizazenlaura, if you wish ...02:44
bodhizazenIt is not *too* hard02:44
bodhizazenbut IMO if a package is available in the repos, stay with that02:45
lauraok :) thank you. i'm sure i'll be back because i tend to be adventurous and i'll get myself into trouble somehow later. bye for now02:45
paultagwe work hard on making them work right02:45
paultaglaura: cheerio02:46
bodhizazenI was going to mention that I am compiling icecat (basically firefox) now, lol02:48
* paultag is doing fluxbox02:48
paultagdoing an Ubuntu build for my ppa02:48
paultagputting it in the PPA now02:50
paultagit's a Debian branded Ubuntu build, hahaha02:50
bodhizazenThat sums up all of Ubuntu paultag02:51
paultagUploaded with success \o/02:51
paultagOh shit. I forgot to make it ~ppa102:52
paultagOh no. That's not good02:52
bodhizazenI forgot how long it takes to compile firefox02:52
paultaghaha yeah02:53
paultagbodhizazen: I did a few builds with ICC. Not pretty02:53
bodhizazenlet it build, then I think you can delete it02:53
bodhizazenICC ?02:53
paultagbodhizazen: Intel C Compiler02:53
paultagbodhizazen: it has a HUGE speedup from gcc, but builds are not free and to make builds free is a pretty hefty cost02:53
paultagbodhizazen: ( make bins for yourself without issue, but don't give them away without giving us moneys )02:54
paultagbodhizazen: sdennie and I did an LFS build with ICC02:55
paultagit was pretty awesome02:55
bodhizazenI bet it was =)02:55
paultagback to swearing02:56
paultagoh bodhizazen, did you see my screenie?02:56
bodhizazenvery black =)02:56
hatfieldum i cant seam to run any exe stuff from cds or even when i dl from the wed on ubunto im useing the 10.04version, what do i do?03:14
hatfieldis any1 here?03:15
stlsainthatfield: have you tried using wine?03:16
hatfieldwhats that?03:16
hatfieldand where do i get it?03:16
hatfieldsure is quite for a room that has 50+ ppl in it03:17
stlsainthatfield: http://wiki.winehq.org/03:17
stlsainthatfield: see here to get wine: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb03:18
stlsainthatfield: you new to ubuntu?03:18
stlsaintWelcome :D03:18
hatfieldum where on that 1st site is the dl at?03:18
stlsainthatfield: you must add the repo to your sources.list and update then install03:19
stlsainthatfield: that second link i posted explains what to do03:19
stlsainthatfield: wine is what allows you to use some windows apps under ubuntu03:19
hatfieldhmm k ill try it brb03:20
hatfieldum i dont see the dl on that 1st page, wine wiki03:20
stlsainthatfield: i know, thats why i posted the second link :D03:21
hatfieldits on that 1?03:21
stlsainthatfield: as stated above the second link is what shows how to install wine03:21
hatfieldum ....i need to add it to my 3rd party list from a dl dont i?03:22
bodhizazenhatfield, you are almost certainly better off either finding a Linux native solution or running Windows in Virtualbox03:23
stlsainthatfield: first add the repository03:23
bodhizazenwine works well for simple applications, but not every .exe will run well in wine03:23
bodhizazenand to run wine you need to understand a ton about both Linux and Windows I am afraid =)03:23
bodhizazenwhat are you wanting to run exactly ?03:24
hatfieldok but i cant figure how to get it when i fallow those things i only have 2 in the list and none say wine03:24
hatfieldum antivirus cd, driver from cd for printer (lexmark z1300)03:24
hatfieldand um 1 other disk03:24
stlsainthatfield: your wanting to put antivirus on linux?03:25
hatfieldidk i lost my windows vista useing a roung backup emachines disk and i didnt have the right 1 or any os  left03:25
hatfieldso i got this ubuntu for her pc but ugh its such a hassle03:25
stlsainthatfield: ok, well linux is completely different in its package management than windows03:26
stlsainthatfield: in windows you go google a package download the exe and double click to install03:26
stlsainthatfield: ubuntu uses repositorys to house packages03:26
stlsainthatfield: open your synaptic package manager03:26
hatfieldso um i put my exes in wine to use em03:27
bodhizazenthat gets back to , what do you need to install ?03:27
hatfieldbut to get wine...03:27
bodhizazenUbuntu (Linux) is not a drop in replacement for Windows03:27
bodhizazenwhat application do you need ?03:27
hatfielddriver software of my disk for um my lexmark03:27
bodhizazenAgain, wine may or may not run your .exe, depends on what they are03:27
hatfieldand my printer number doesnt mach any of the defualt drivers03:28
bodhizazendriver for what , a printer ?03:28
stlsainthatfield: have you tried plugging the printer up to your system running linux yet?03:28
bodhizazenthat is not how to install printers in Linux03:28
hatfieldit sees the printer03:28
hatfieldbut when i try to set it up03:28
hatfieldits not in the list03:28
bodhizazengoogle your printer name + Ubuntu03:29
hatfieldi miss vindows vista but i dont think i can get that free03:29
hatfieldi tryed that too03:29
hatfieldit wasnt much help03:29
bodhizazenand ?03:29
bodhizazenwhat printer03:29
hatfieldusaly any time i put ubunto with anything else in a search03:29
hatfieldits like 0 results03:29
stlsainthatfield: lol, i beg to differ03:30
hatfieldany ways to bootleg some vista or windows 7 free?03:30
stlsainthatfield: ubuntu is one of the most well documented (anything) ive ever seen03:30
stlsainthatfield: thats not what this channel is for03:30
bodhizazenhere is a thread on the Ubuntu forums03:30
bodhizazenhatfield, http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+lexmark+printer&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.gnu.gnuzilla:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a03:31
hatfieldugh i fell like dieing, cant even get a simple printer on unbunto03:31
hatfieldon windows u put the cd in and bam03:31
bodhizazenhatfield, detailed instructions here03:32
bodhizazenYou still have not told us what printer you have03:32
hatfieldive said it twice03:33
hatfieldand its not on that list ither03:33
hatfieldand its like over a year old03:33
hatfieldu think it wouldnt b too new03:33
bodhizazenNot sure about that printer, it is not listed03:34
hatfieldsee? =s03:34
hatfieldalso was gonna put trend micro antivirus on here03:35
bodhizazenIt may not be compatible with Linux, IDK03:35
hatfieldcuss my grama is used to every pc haveing atnivirus even tho i read somewhere it said i probly dont need it03:35
bodhizazenyou do not need antivirus, there are no known acive viruses for linus03:35
bodhizazenLinux is not Windows03:35
hatfieldno viruses, spyware ect?03:35
hatfielddoes the firewall handle all problems like that?03:36
bodhizazenI have not seen viruses or spyware ever03:36
bodhizazenYou do not really need a firewall either03:36
bodhizazenSee http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081203:36
hatfieldi fell so vulrable w/o something like that03:36
hatfieldbut ok03:36
bodhizazenLinux is not windows03:36
bodhizazenIn windows there are several listening services, both documented and undocumented, so you need a firewall03:37
bodhizazenIn Ubuntu, there are not signifigant listening server by default, so, no need for a firewall03:37
hatfieldso i cant put this printer on? =S should i use my ancint 1 with dust?03:37
hatfieldmaybe unbuntu should atleast have that right?03:38
bodhizazenIDK, you will need to follow that wiki page and see if it works or not03:38
hatfieldit used to print only half the pages03:38
bodhizazenUbuntu does not have anything to do with your printer, ask Lexmark for the driver03:38
hatfieldum so ur saying if i surf wiki  long enough03:39
hatfieldill find anything printer and exe related?03:39
bodhizazenyou will need to read the wiki page and follow the instructions03:39
bodhizazen"surfing" it will not work03:39
hatfieldso look at wine wiki03:39
bodhizazenWine will not help you03:40
bodhizazenYou do not install the drivers by running the windows .exe03:40
robbmunsonhatfield: look at the exact wiki page bodhizazen just provided.03:40
bodhizazenhatfield, Linux is not windows, and Ubuntu is not a drop in replacement for Windows, you will need to learn some new tricks03:41
bodhizazenhatfield, unfortunately the wiki page for the Lexmark printer is not the best, it has no information on your printer, nor does it have information for Ubuntu 10.0403:45
bodhizazenso you may be out of luck with that printer03:45
bodhizazenYou may need to find a Linux compatible printer =)03:45
duanedesignhello bodhizazen03:54
stlsaintduanedesign: hey didnt you have a post on backing up installed programs on your blog?03:54
duanedesignhello stlsaint03:54
stlsaintduanedesign: no time for greetings :P03:55
stlsaintduanedesign: work work work03:55
stlsaintduanedesign: you mind sharing that link03:55
bodhizazen'lo duanedesign03:56
stlsaintduanedesign: that method requires internet to restore packages right?03:57
duanedesignyeah it just saves the dpkg selections03:58
stlsainti c03:58
duanedesignalso in newer versions of Ubuntu additional repo info is saved in /etc/apt/sources.list.d03:59
stlsaintyep yep04:00
stlsaintlearned that :D04:00
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starkravingThe last few kernel releases have disabled my wireless. Now because of the new release today, the last one that worked has rolled off of grub. Any way to get it back?07:01
morriI have researched my topic even more and after seeing a different wording to my post  I found it seems a bug that is recorded already, but mostly for karmic. I am usin lucid though.13:02
morriI updated my alsa yesterday to the latest (.23)13:05
morriand anyway my bug or whatever it is is that the mic is stuttering(the externeal one)13:05
duanedesignmorri: hello. Having issues with your microphone?13:07
morriit has a stuttering input13:07
morriand I havent yet found a way to solve this13:08
morriI have heard it might have something to do with pulse audio13:08
morribut that was mostly in post about previous distros13:09
ubot2Ubuntu bug 354620 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Recording from microphone stutters when pulseaudio is running (affects: 24) (dups: 2) (heat: 143)" [High,Fix committed]13:10
duanedesignmorri: what do you get from the following command:13:13
duanedesigncat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec13:13
morrino such fuile or directory13:13
duanedesignmorri: ok try:    head -n 1 /proc/asound/card0/codec*13:15
morrihead: error reading `/proc/asound/card0/codec97#0': Is a directory13:16
duanedesignmorri: ok how about: lspci | grep Audio13:19
morri00:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: ALi Corporation M5451 PCI AC-Link Controller Audio Device (rev 02)13:20
duanedesignmorri: this might help us get past one of those errors. Can you try this command:  head -n 3 /proc/asound/card0/codec97#0/ac97#0-013:27
morriok , 0-0/0: Analog Devices AD1981B  PCI Subsys Vendor: 0x000013:28
duanedesigni am not finding too much on that issue for a AD1981B. Might watch the cpu usage and make sure you are not runnin out of processing power13:44
CDSHI have Lucid and XP dual boot on seperate HDs.  I added a third drive that has Lucid already installed. Fdisk shows it.  If I do an update-grub will that give me 3 OS ?13:48
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morrii have 2.8 ghz processor13:50
morriwhen i record something it runs around 50 % CPU usage13:54
morriwhile running the the browser windows as well13:56
morriand skype running in the background too14:00
morriI did this which is described in the bug describtion that i showed earlier14:04
morriand it did work for skype , it doesnt stutter there any more14:04
morribut would i need the same thing for sound recorder?14:04
morribecause it only resolved the stuttering in skype but not the general one14:04
morri"/bin/sh -c "PULSE_SERVER= skype" "14:05
hobgoblinmorri: please don't use enter key for punctuation :(14:06
paultag!enter | morri14:06
ubot2morri: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:06
morrihow do I use the enter key as punctation?14:07
hobgoblinyou have been doing it - please don't do it14:08
morrianyway would I need to post this bin/sh ...evertime I use skype?14:11
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deepkI am not able to use the entire screen of my Samsung T240 HD (24") monitor with Ubuntu 10.04. Any hints?15:42
deepkIt leaves about 2 inches on either side (left and right).15:43
deepkI have got GEForce Nvidia graphics card and I have installed nvidia drivers.15:43
deepkNothing I do seems to make any use of the left and right portions (~2") of the screen :(15:44
TheSkewardHi.  Trying to connect to the Internet on a 2Wire 1701HG Gateway router.  Every time I attempt to connect, the computer freezes and has to be manually restarted.  I'm able to connect to the neighbor's wireless easily, so it's nothing to do with the computer, the drivers, or the wireless card.   Can anyone help me?16:16
zkriessehello again sebsebseb18:43
sebsebsebzkriesse: uh yep18:43
paultagshpongle: I know where i've seen your name before!!!19:44
paultagshpongle: there is a band by the name shpongle that I have in my library19:44
shponglepaultag, sure! i'm named after them :D cus i love them19:45
paultagshpongle: :)19:45
paultagshpongle: that's why I thought you have been in here before19:46
paultagIt all makes sense now :)19:46
shponglepaultag, i'm glad you sorted it out :P19:46
paultagYuppers. On that note, I'll be AFK until Monday19:47
paultaglove you all dearly19:47
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arlbeeHi...I am running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS & believe I have a failed AGP controller on the Motherboard. The MB has onboard graphics so I have been able to boot with that but have lost the GUI.....it just boots into text only.....firstly saying something about codec_read & failing, then coming up with a login & pwd....Any ideas on how I retrieve the GUI ?23:57
phillwarlbee: my best guess would be to rebuild xorg.conf, but you would be advised to seek a second opinion23:58

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