
xaba 00:39
KE1HAI know people moan & grown allot about Installs & Upgrade, but I got a success story !00:58
KE1HAHad an 8.05-AMD64-LVM 3TB server ...00:58
KE1HAoops 8.04 ...00:59
KE1HAwas seriously worried about moving to 10.04 ..00:59
KE1HADescided to go fer it ...00:59
KE1HAAnd Whalaa !!! perfect install, without compromise to the LVM !!00:59
KE1HAJust wanted to say Thanks to ALL you guys that make these things work without a hitch !!!01:00
nisshhKE1HA: nice story :)01:13
nisshhKE1HA: glad it went smoothly :)01:13
yofel*sigh*, just took me 1 hour to file a kernel bug <insert rant about LP timeouts here> tried 30min on edge, 10min on production, and then spent 20min filing it by mail and running apport-collect01:15
yofelKE1HA: nice to hear :)01:16
nisshhyofel: maybe its your net connection, LP has been running fine for me all week01:17
yofelmight be, doesn't change the fact that I was unable to file a bug, and it was not because my connection was interrupted, but because launchpad gave me a timeout error01:18
yofelalso, how would my connecion affect the 'Send Report' logic on the UI01:19
nisshhyofel: no idea, just a thought :)01:20
KE1HAYeah, this server was our household backup server (many backups), plus supports all the PS3's & XBOX media. I'd be sleeping with the Dog's in the Barn if it went wrong :-)01:21
nisshhKE1HA: so its your home server by the sound of it?01:22
KE1HAIts' the home Backup server, yes, I've got about 10 servers in all.01:22
nisshhKE1HA: ooh nice :)01:23
KE1HAI've been working on out CIO about a move to Linux, but, he's got a fair few good points about Ubuntu and server performaance, but it's getting much better.01:23
nisshhwhat are his "good points"01:24
KE1HAOne thing in UB's favor, if HP support is really getting traction, forget Dell, to many issues, but HP / IBM, that's the way to go.01:24
KE1HAnisshh, basically it's hardware compatibilty, and long term support & certified compliance.01:25
KE1HABut UB has made allot of ground with their certified hardware programs, so his mons & growns are fewer and fewer each day.01:26
nisshhKE1HA: certified compliance?01:26
KE1HAHadware certs for NAS, SANS, backup hardware, 10gb nic support,, management layers etc.01:26
nisshhah right01:26
KE1HAIm not an expert, jsut echoing what he said, but Im more than happy to switch :-)01:27
nisshhKE1HA: has he even tried Ubuntu on any of his servers/clients?01:27
KE1HAWell the thing is, our Product is Semiconductor Capitol equipment, meanign, we make machines that folks like Intel, Samsung, AMD, Toshiba etc etc use to make the chips, and....01:28
KE1HAThe OS for those machines is Linux.01:28
KE1HASo the Enginrring Dept is "all Linux" .. and the Corporate side is WinDoze.01:29
nisshhthats silly :)01:29
KE1HAanyways, were way off-topic here, but He's gonna have to bend at some point.01:30
KE1HAHe hates SSH & CVS :-)01:30
KE1HAOh, and ROOT password's, dont say that word around him, he's a control freak :-)01:30
nisshhsounds like he doesnt know much about security then01:31
KE1HAAnyway, back to tesgin, and doing updates, TNX again, Im a seriously happy bunny today :-)01:31
nisshhor he is used to the way windows does it01:31
nisshhi bet01:31
nisshhKE1HA: so you use linux on all your pc's/servers?01:32
KE1HAHe's a WiDoze Only guru. He doesn't understand or appreciate Linux. I should him an ROI for just Licenses fees for My divison, some 300 service engineers, but didn't phase him.01:32
KE1HAoop show'ed him ..01:32
KE1HAAt home, yes, all linux apart from one, My ham-Radio machine, as I can't run Virtual Comports on UB, and I need 8 fo them to control radios.01:33
nisshhKE1HA: what the hell do you use 10 servers for anyway?01:34
KE1HAEven the WIFE loves 10.04, she said, and I quote "Damn, that thing is fast" ... and she don't use foul language :-)01:34
nisshhid run out of uses after about 401:34
KE1HATook me about ten minuted to convince her to let me replace Vista on her Toshiba Laptop, never loolked back.01:35
KE1HAYeah, I've only got one box I can't convert, a D400 with Intel I855 Chipset, no of the work arounds or PPA's work yet.01:36
KE1HA8.04 is ok, but 9.10 or 10.04 Busted bad.01:36
KE1HAAnyways, back to it. Heed to get my dl-ubuntu=iso script working now, so I can do some more testing.01:37
nisshhKE1HA: what about a different distro?01:37
KE1HAoop have too get .. ..01:37
nisshhKE1HA: ok, nice talking to you :)01:38
KE1HAyou too, take care.01:38
nisshhyou too :)01:38
crucialhoaxhas a bug been filed for an 532h netbook for incorrect battery status warnings?03:26
ubot2Ubuntu bug 614180 in ubuntu "ehci fails but ohci does not initiate (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]03:45
lubuserI was hoping this bug could be patched quickly... can't be much?03:45
lubuserthe process I used works in Debian Squeeze... despite usb 2.0 port not working... I can mount my usb drives at 1.1 speeds03:46
lubuserbut, not in Ubuntu 10.04 or Lubuntu 10.0403:46
lubuseri have to use debian squeeze until it's fixed.03:49
CynthiaI just encountered a bug related to keyboard accessibility settings. Basically, "Accessibility features can be toggled with keyboard shortcuts", the setting in GNOME Keyboard Accessibility preferences, is set to off, but Shift+Numlock still toggles mouse keys. What package should I file this bug under?04:32
CynthiaGNOME Accessibility, xkbd, xklavier, or something else entirely.04:33
=== tremmons is now known as iflema
trinikronoddecator: ping :D06:52
micahgtrinikrono: can I help you with something?06:52
trinikronohey micahg06:52
trinikronoi was actually looking for dray06:52
micahgtrinikrono: he's been kinda afk06:53
trinikronohe seems to be very busy these last few06:53
nigelbtrinikrono: did you see his mail a few days back?06:54
nigelbhe's been a bit swamped with real life afik06:54
trinikrononigelb: apparently not06:55
micahgnigelb: can you mail me the patches you want me to look at and what you need from me for each one?06:55
trinikronookie i was just curious :D06:55
trinikronohe is my mentor after all06:55
micahgnigelb: it was only to -control06:56
micahgnigelb: I meant just the bug #s, not the actual patches06:58
nigelbmicahg: ouch, at work.  can I talk to you tonight (your morning)07:02
micahgnigelb: sure :007:02
micahgI should be on in 9-10 hours07:02
nigelb10 hours would be great.  I'll get a list and ping you07:02
micahgnigelb: nah, just email it, no need to ping, I'll review this weekend07:03
nigelbheh, ok :)07:04
xaba hi, could someone give me a tip wrt bug triage?08:19
devildantehi all08:31
kermiachi devildante08:32
devildantehi kermiac :)08:32
kermiacxaba > !ask08:33
micahg!ask | xaba08:33
ubot2xaba: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:33
micahgand on that note...off to bed :)08:33
kermiacthanks micahg, I can never get the syntax right08:33
micahgkermiac: you can answer the questions :)08:33
kermiachahaha, night micahg :)08:33
KE1HAAnyone seeing problems with seahorse 2.3.0, OpenPGP Password & Encryption generation?  It seems like it's taking for ever for the keys to show up, even on 2048?08:47
xabai am thinking to mark bug 562706 as duplicate of bug 219653 even tough the former seems to occur during installation related and not the latter08:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 562706 in tasksel (Ubuntu) "On i386, selecting the ubuntu studio packages fails to install (affects: 1) (heat: 32)" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56270608:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 219653 in tasksel (Ubuntu) ""Video creation and editing suite" install fails with "aptitude failed (100)" (affects: 1) (heat: 11)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21965308:55
xabaanother issue is that the first bug is marked Critical (well, since April) while the second is "Undecided"08:59
vishhmm , another ping by  <stlsaint>  at around 2am local for me :s09:48
vishthis is the third time i got pinged when i wasnt around and not sure what he is asking , if someone sees him again could they ask him to just state what he wants done?..09:49
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
kermiacvish: I think stlsaint was still looking for a mentor now that ddecator is unable to be a mentor atm - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/08/01/%23ubuntu-bugs.html10:25
vishkermiac: hmm , yeah , ddecator is not available! i told him when he applied itself to not wait , but he insisted on waiting :(10:27
vishneed to check who is free now..10:27
bilalakhtarvish: pm10:27
kermiacvish: stlsaint is a UBT member too, if I see him over the next couple of days I'll have a talk to him... apparently he had "reservatiions" wrt joining the bugsquad & draycen convinced him that we don't really bite too hard ;)10:29
vishkermiac: heh , yeah , what went wrong? bugs didnt get fixed or... ?10:32
kermiacvish: i dont honestly know10:33
vishkermiac: cool , i think he has been pinging me for the past week and it has been at around those times [2-4am in the morning] just ask him to leave the message next time ;)10:36
kermiacvish: will do mate, I only noticed the first one otherwise I would have told him to !ping with context ;)10:37
vishkermiac: hmm , he is available at 23-04UTC and everyone is full.. we are yet to get an update from maco  , once we know her status we can probably assign her , but till then :s10:54
vishkermiac: did you get a reply from your students? you mentioned no response from a few of them10:55
kermiacvish: ok mate, I'll pass on the message if/when i dee him10:55
kermiacI got 1 response from https://edge.launchpad.net/~tim-filmchicago saying that he's not on irc much, very busy with work but also very interested in bugsquad on 20/7 then no more reply. https://edge.launchpad.net/~jssouder didn't reply to my first email10:58
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
kermiacvish: however, I have "fresh LoCo meat" & both nisshh & gorilla have been working on bugs :)10:59
vishkermiac: i'll deactivate them from your list and ask them to apply later.11:01
kermiacvish: sounds like a good idea as they don't seem interested/ available atm11:02
devildanteanyone here had problems with a libglib2 upgrade?11:22
yofeldevildante: believing #ubuntu+1 there were a lot in maverick11:27
yofelbug 61424011:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 614240 in glib2.0 (Debian) (and 1 other project) "libglib2.0-0 2.25.12-1ubuntu1 failed to install: *** buffer overflow detected ***: /usr/lib/glib-2.0/gio-querymodules terminated (affects: 13) (dups: 2) (heat: 84)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61424011:27
vishdevildante: seem to be the talk of +111:28
vishyoasif: snap!11:28
visherr , yofel ^11:28
vishyofel: you are good at quick draw ;)11:29
yofelhehe :P11:29
vishnigelb: any update from saby ?11:35
nigelbvish: nil11:37
vishnigelb: cool , dropping him from your list and getting you new ones ;)11:38
hggdheeeBotu is now back again, after an extended power outage13:25
hggdhbloody hell. eeeBotu is *not* back up :-(13:26
hggdh*now* it is. Sorry.13:29
hggdhfor those lurking around: http://ubuntutesting.wordpress.com/2010/08/06/desktop-testing-team/14:41
hggdhhelp is welcome ;-)14:41
stanley_robertsohi all14:59
hggdhhi stanley_robertso15:07
stanley_robertsohi hggdh15:07
hggdhpedro_: who is an admin for #ubuntu-bugs-announce? I need to change the title16:02
Picihggdh: I can give you a hand with that.16:03
hggdhPici: great16:03
stanley_robertsohi hggdh16:41
nigelbyay, the ubuntu tweak discussion has hit 41 mails.  sigh.17:33
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njinpedro_: hello, welcome back !19:49
pedro_hey njin, thanks ;-)19:49
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njinpedro_: i've some difficult old bug, too for my little brain, are you busy ?19:52
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yofelnjin: if you tell us what the problem is maybe someone else can help20:02
pedro_yofel, i'm having a look to the bug20:03
pedro_it is bug 365435 btw20:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 365435 in ubuntu "xbox 360 wireless controller acts like curser or mouse. (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36543520:04
simarvish: Hi vish20:23
vishsimar: ah! almost forgot about replying to your application:)20:23
* vish does it now20:23
simarvish: you read my heart :)20:23
simarvish: I was already typing that ..20:24
vishsimar: did sense reply to the list?  i havent noticed his mail yet..20:27
simarvish: ya sense and phillip replied and I had replied back also.20:27
vishoh , weird , i hadnt got sense's mail alone20:28
simarvish: should I sent you a forward copy??20:28
vishsimar: it looks like sense might have not replied to the mailing list20:29
vishsimar: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bugcontrol/ no mails from him20:29
simarvish: no, the copy of email that i have says sense to me, ubuntu bug control@list ....20:30
simarvish: so he replied to the list also20:30
vishsimar: weird , not to worry though , lp might just be silly sometimes20:31
simarvish: k, but does it means nobody recieve it20:32
vishsimar: maybe20:32
simarvish: you could see what he wrote in my reply to him and ubuntu bug control20:33
vishsimar: yup.20:34
simarvish: you are very active in papercuts. I hope I could also work on these. I have tried some patches on FTBFS.20:34
simarvish: I have really enjoyed patching20:34
vishsimar: yay!20:35
simarvish: i will read papercuts wiki right now..20:36
=== emma is now known as em
KE1HAAny Ideas on this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-desktop/+bug/61456721:42
ubot2Ubuntu bug 614567 in gnome-desktop (Ubuntu) "Gnome_FastUserSwitchApplet / IndicatorApplet Errors (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]21:42
micahgpedro_: hi22:03
micahgpedro_: why should people enable apport always for crashes, why not use forcs_start=122:04
pedro_micahg, well if the crash is easy to reproduce that temporary solution works22:05
pedro_micahg, but for the others we prefer to recommend them to enable apport22:05
pedro_also they're going to be able to keep reporting crashes to us, so is a mutual benefit22:06
pedro_we don't need to repeat the same instructions again  to the reporters, etc22:06
* micahg needs to respond but he's gone22:25
hggdhmicahg: what do you think?23:29
=== em is now known as emma
micahghggdh: about?23:34
hggdhmicahg: your response to pedro_, I am curious ;-)23:51
micahghggdh: I'll have to tell you sat night/sunday, I'm about to leave23:51
hggdhmicahg: no prob23:53

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