
macohow does one report a bug on canonical.com?00:49
paultagmaco: shout at the nearest wall00:49
paultagmaco: they'll get it00:49
macooh. im sure thatll work well.00:49
nhandlermaco: Maybe at https://edge.launchpad.net/canonical-website00:49
paultagmaco: Try filing a bug against the ubuntu website00:49
paultagAh, that's the one00:49
macothanks nhandler00:50
nigelbgood morning :)03:08
* nigelb yawns03:08
paultagmorning nigelb03:10
nigelbheya paultag03:10
paultagnigelb: wana sneak peak?03:10
paultagnigelb: fluxbox -- http://imgur.com/dwdwm.png03:11
paultagnigelb: menus re rounded, the whole thing looks great03:11
paultagnigelb: let me screenie right quick03:11
paultagnigelb: http://imgur.com/dyeGT.png03:12
duanedesignhello nigelb paultag03:12
paultaghey duanedesign03:12
nigelbrocking paultag :)03:12
paultagnigelb: thanks :)03:13
paultagI screwed up though nigelb03:13
duanedesignpaultag: i see i am not the only one who keeps their clock in 24hr format03:13
paultagnigelb: I was using ubuntu0, ubuntu1 for my ppa to test. I forgot I should have been using ~ppa1 ~ppa2, is there any way to clear out builds from a PPA?03:13
paultagduanedesign: :)03:13
paultagduanedesign: nosir, I love it in mili-time. Makes more sense03:13
paultagWorst comes to worst, I'll just pull from git again and bump the date03:16
nigelbpaultag: the ones that failed?03:16
paultagnigelb: none of them failed03:16
paultagnigelb: my builds are always very clean -- that's the problem ;)03:17
paultagnigelb: I did not use ~ppa1 on the end03:17
paultagnigelb: so it will clash with ubuntu when it syncs this from debian03:17
paultagnigelb: ( for me using the ppa, I guess )03:17
paultagperhaps I'll just delete the PPA03:18
nigelbpaultag: delete and push again I suppose03:18
paultagOK. I'm off03:19
paultagnight all03:19
nigelbmorning ara06:42
aramorning nigelb06:42
nigelbheya dpm06:42
nigelbweekend is finall here!06:42
aramorning dpm06:42
dpmgood morning all06:43
dpmbuenos días ara, good morning nigelb06:43
nigelb\o/ rocking day today so far :)06:44
* ara goes for a coffee07:03
* nigelb waves to kim0 07:04
kim0morning everyone07:09
kim0nigelb: morning :)07:09
dholbachgood morning!08:06
dpmmorning dholbach!08:24
dholbachhey dpm, hey huats08:24
huatsmorning my friend dholbach08:29
huatsand everyone else too !08:29
* jussi sighs. I suck at grapical manipulation08:32
dholbachara: woohoo!08:32
aramorning dholbach08:37
dholbachhey ara :)08:38
* dholbach → dentist08:50
dholbachroots channel disco08:51
nigelb\o/ lunch was rocking10:00
nigelbjussi: I feel ya10:00
nigelbjussi: glad to know your tiff with the lawnmover is over10:07
jussinigelb: ?10:07
nigelbyour hair :D10:07
nigelbjussi: ^^10:09
jussiyeah, have to grow it a bit for the wedding.10:09
nigelbalso the shot with the blue shirt is great.  your eyes and the T-shirt color looks really nice :)10:09
nigelb(your eyes are blue aren't they?)10:10
jussiblue/grey, so kinda10:13
popeymorning community!10:31
popeyHappy friday!10:31
nigelbheya popey10:39
nigelbhappy weekend :)10:39
* jussi hums along to "we wish england was australia" :D10:56
nigelbjussi: hahaha11:02
jussinigelb: context: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRIU5S6vgB811:05
* nigelb likes maia's reply to the whole ubuntu tweak discussion11:19
nigelbjussi: hilarious ad11:21
nigelbSense's post on the planet rocks12:27
nigelbthe /away was a nice touch :D12:27
czajkowskijcastro: this should be better than Laday Gaga  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmKhEGiNshA15:50
czajkowskiI blame randa_ :)15:50
czajkowskiranda_: found a new version15:51
czajkowskiI really wish I could understand spanish :( sounds so nice in music15:51
dholbachok my friends, I call it a day16:59
dholbachhave a great weekend everyone16:59
* dholbach hugs you all16:59
paultagcheers dholbach17:01
popeydholbach: great work today! :D17:01
dholbachpopey: not sure about that :)17:03
czajkowskidholbach: bye! have a good one17:03
dholbachlet's see17:03
* dholbach hugs you all17:03
doctormokim0: Hello17:17
doctormokim0: Just let me know what the website is for and how you would like me to help with the css.17:18
dpmok, time to go, have a great weekend everyone!17:47
highvoltagejono: that. was. evil.19:33
highvoltageI laughed so histerically that I had to leave the office. I'm still kind of crying19:34
jonohighvoltage, hahaha19:34
paultagnigelb: thanks :) you rock :)21:00
jcastroJFo: I guess your buddy Hurd just resigned21:32
jcastropopey: batman21:49
jcastrojono: I approach EOD if you still want to have a catch up21:57
jonojcastro, I have another call now, can you mail me a summary of items you wanted to catch up on just in case we don't get a chance to speak21:58
jcastroit's mostly status updates21:59
jonoemail should be fine then21:59
jonohave a nice break jcastro21:59
jcastrorock and rool!22:00
jcastrooff for a week everyone, bai2u!22:00
paultagbai :)22:00
jonoPendulum, all set :)22:03
Pendulumjono: so'm I :)22:03
jcastrojono: I can close the Alpha 3 work item then?22:03
jonojcastro, yep22:06
ScottLakgraner, i am practically done with the interview questions, what method would you like me to use to get them back to you?22:17
akgranerCan you drop them into the google doc?22:17
ScottLi have been typing them in the same document, but i need another ten minutes to complete them22:17
akgranerif email is easier just email - whatever is easier for you - :-)  just attach a pic please :-)  if you don't mind22:17
akgranerokie dokie - just let me know when you are finished  - I'm not at my house right now - I have a meeting in a few minutes so I had to drive to SC22:18
ScottLi'll have to dig up a picture though or wait until my wife gets home tonight to take one :/22:19
akgraner:-)   I'll wait til Monday to add it now anyway - it22:19
akgraneras most people have started their weekend22:20
akgranerand we want people to see :-)  not gloss over it..22:20
doctormoHey jono22:25
ScottLhi doctormo22:31
doctormoHey ScottL22:31
ScottLakgraner, okay, found a picture, how would you like for me to send it to you (lol - it's kinda scary though)22:32
jonodoctormo, hey22:36
jonokim0, so it seems herb is working on the RT?22:36
kim0jono: Yes .. that seems to be the case22:36
doctormojono: Still here having fun at DebConf, is it appropriate for me to lend my production talents towards the Debian community? For their new member guides and such?22:36
kim0doctormo: thanks man for offering to help on the css thingie .. it's been taken care of, so nevermind22:37
doctormokim0: Ah don't thank me too quickly, I didn't do anything. :-) Was it a very small job?22:38
kim0doctormo: yes tiny :)22:38
akgranerScottL, email would be great22:39
jonodoctormo, of course, your time is your own! :)22:39
jonokim0, cool :)22:39
doctormojono: Community is Social.22:40
kim0akgraner: hey there .. how are ya22:40
jonodoctormo, indeed :)22:42
akgranerkim0, great and you?  I gathered you all were a bit busy  - so I was waiting to bug ya :-)22:43
kim0akgraner: hehe .. and I thought you forgot me already :)22:43
* kim0 is enjoying summer heat22:43
akgranerkim0, nope :-)22:45
akgranerI'll get you some questions on Monday :-)22:46
kim0cool stuff22:46
akgranerI got caught up on some much needed family time - so now I have to catch up on everything else...22:46
kim0akgraner: you're doing an amazing job btw22:46
ScottLakgraner, i'll need your email (not sure if you gave it to me before)23:14

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