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pittiGood morning07:09
and471goooooood morning!07:18
devildantehi all08:31
pittivish: btw, I uploaded a new gnome-power-manager to maverick yesterday, which moved to a more standard icon naming schema; but that means that we need to update our ubuntu icons accordingly08:42
pittipresumably renaming them08:42
pittiseb128: gnome-session> sure, my pleasure09:05
fta2seb128, d'oh! http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53152059/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.chromium-codecs-ffmpeg_0.6%2Bsvn20100730r54382%2B54907-0ubuntu1~ucd1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz09:06
seb128pitti, thanks09:06
seb128fta2, yes, we are discussing it on #ubuntu-devel09:07
seb128robert_ancell uploaded a broken glib09:07
pittiseb128, robert_ancell: (low-prio) do you know about gnome-session's 80_new_upstream_session_dialog.patch ? it's not really documented in the changelog and doesn't have patch headers09:34
* pitti monkey-ports it for now09:35
seb128pitti, it's a different design of the session dialog09:35
seb128which is coming from vuntz and opensuse and was supposed to go upstream but didn't09:36
pittiI think I ported it now; I'll test it09:36
seb128you can display it if you don't have the indicator session by using the gnome-panel logout items09:37
seb128or press the power button09:37
seb128should display it as well09:38
pittiright, ctrl+alt+del does09:38
pittiok, I'll make sure it still looks alright09:38
robert_ancellseb128, no09:43
vishpitti: hi , actually it was broken earlier [i think in gpm] , the icons were named according to the standard scheme.. but not sure what might have changed recently , can i see a diff to check what changed and name it accordingly?09:46
pittivish: hang on, I'll collect them09:50
pittivish: so, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-power-manager/commit/?id=52821a4b944a69a6eaca420ecce1f9e65ebd6891 is the main one10:00
pittithose are the other ones10:01
pittithe third is probably irrelevant, though10:01
vishpitti: cool , thanks ,i'll check them10:01
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and471mpt, hey, are you still busy or can you test a fix for the software list view? I think I have it sussed :)10:15
mptand471, ok, what's the branch?10:16
and471mpt, ah mvo just merged it so it should be in trunk10:17
and471mpt, I also fixed the partner logo bug (where it seemed bigger than the other icons) and redid the ppa icon :)10:18
mptand471, cool, I didn't know you were a graphic designer too10:19
and471mpt, well from time to time.... :D10:19
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mptand471, that selection fix looks good, well done10:30
and471mpt, thankyou :)10:31
and471mpt, I'm gonna write a test now so that it doesn't regress :)10:31
mptgood good10:31
mptHm, has it always been impossible to expand "Get Software" and "Installed Software" with the Right arrow key?10:32
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and471mpt, I don't know, never tried to10:43
and471mpt, why, do you want it to be able to?10:43
mptand471, yes10:45
mptfor accessibility10:45
and471mpt, let me check if this is possible10:46
pittiseb128: new gnome-session works well, uploading now10:46
and471mpt, do you mean expand with right key when the + icon is clicked, or expand with right key when the whole row is clicked?10:47
pittiseb128: so gdm is the last thing which still needs libdevkit-power-gobject1; I'll have a look at this10:47
seb128pitti, thanks10:47
pittisince this library has been dropped upstream now10:47
mptand471, I don't understand the question10:47
pittiand thus blocks upower upgrades10:47
mptand471, I mean when any item that has children is selected (e.g. "Get Software" or "Installed Software"), Right should expand it and Left should collapse it10:48
mptIf the + icon is clicked you're not using the keyboard anyway :-)10:48
and471mpt, ah sorry, I see in the scrollback you said 'arrow key'10:49
and471mpt, I read 'right click' :)10:49
pittiseb128: any idea why 2.30.4 wasn't uploaded yet?10:49
and471mpt, ok so when I have selected 'Installed Software' and I click the right arrow key, it should expand, and when I click the left arrow key it should collapse?10:50
seb128pitti, I got some race issues leading to have no user shown sometime10:50
seb128but I guess we should upload and deal with those10:50
seb128feel free to upload10:50
seb128other people have been running it without issue10:50
mptand471, exactly10:50
seb128and it didn't happen to all my boxes10:50
pittiseb128: ok; I'll check 2.31 if it introduces gsettings or gtk3 (or did you already?)10:51
and471mpt, and what happens if I expand 'Installed Software', go down to 'Provided by Ubuntu' and then click the right arrow key/left arrow key?10:51
seb128I didn't10:51
seb128pitti, but I would stay away from 2.31 for now10:51
pittiseb128: oh? ok10:51
seb128since we don't know if gdm guys plan to roll a tarball from the 2.30 series for 2.3210:51
seb128options for 2.32 with the delay are to roll from 2.30 and keep working toward 3 in trunk10:52
seb128or do a 2.32 series10:52
seb128it's up to the maintainers10:52
seb128a bit of a mess...10:52
seb128but that's sorting up itself now that a decision has been taken10:53
seb128let's wait for the next tarball though10:53
pittiseb128: ok, going with 2.30.4 then10:53
pittino upower port in upstream git head, anyway10:53
pittiso I'll check the fedora package/bugzilla/etc.10:53
seb128pitti, so can we sort the buildds or do we need to wait for lamont to be there?10:54
pittiseb128: well, anyone with buildd chroot handling powers10:54
pittibut AFAIK that's by and large lamont (and maybe elmo)10:54
seb128that's different from buildd admin?10:54
pittias buildd-admin I can rescore builds, stop/start buildds, etc.10:55
pittibut I don't have access to the actual servers, to manage the chroot tarballs10:55
pittiand if I had, I wouldn't know how/what to do, sorry :/10:55
seb128that's ok10:55
seb128is there any chance one of the buildds doesn't have dconf installed?10:56
seb128ie is it worth retrying to get a different machine picked for the build?10:56
pittiseb128: no, it's not10:56
pittiseb128: the chroots as they are don't have dconf and still have the old glib10:56
pittiseb128: the problem is that the chroot tarball is unpackaged, and then it runs a dist-upgrade before it starts the package build10:56
pittithat dist-upgrade picks up the new glib and dconf,10:57
pittiand it's the dist-upgrade that breaks10:57
pittiso either we need to do a build without dist-upgrade10:57
pittior do a dist-upgrade in the chroots and hit them over the head to work10:57
seb128ok, let's wait for lamont then10:57
pittiporting gdm to libupower seems trivial, I'll have a go at it10:57
pittiI did my share of work this week (due to long hours on release), so I might as well do something fun today :)10:58
asacseb128 killed the archive/builders again ;)?10:59
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asacwhat gcc bug id is that?10:59
asac"- use -O0 to workaround compiler bug leading to crashes10:59
asaci guess someone from our toolchain folks needs to look at that?11:00
mptand471, that should still collapse it, I think11:02
ronocseb128: hey, has anyone else had X troubles after a distupgrade this morning11:05
ronocI can't get X running on maverick11:05
seb128ronoc, I guess you got the buggy glib which makes everything crash on i38611:06
ronocnice :)11:06
seb128asac, it was not me, I even sent an email yesterday to say to not upload glib until that's sorted11:06
ronocseb128: is there any work around ?11:06
seb128but apparently the issue doesn't happen on amd6411:06
seb128ronoc, downgrade glib11:06
ronocseb128: to which version ?11:07
ronocthx seb11:07
seb128ronoc, sorry about that11:07
ronocback shortly hopefully on maverick11:07
ronocno worries, part and parcel of software dev11:08
pitti. o O { make -j4 on a fast quad-core is fun! }11:11
seb128asac, I'm trying to build on gcc-4.5 now11:12
seb128pitti, same issue with gcc-4.511:14
pittiseb128: so, might be a glib regresssion after all?11:15
seb128could be11:16
asacseb128: ok. if you have a gcc bug or something i can ask someone from our toolchain hackers to maybe look11:16
seb128asac, debian bug #59107511:16
ubot2Debian bug 591075 in libglib2.0-0 "libglib2.0-0: segfaults in postinst script (i.e. installation fails), reportbug/python, emacs, etc." [Grave,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/59107511:16
seb128asac, see current comment11:17
asacoh its not only us11:17
asacseems lool is aware11:18
asacso they are probably on it11:18
seb128is he?11:18
asacseb128: lool filed the debian bug ;)11:24
seb128oh, right ;-)11:25
asacseb128: maybe it would be good to add this problem to topic or send email to -devel?11:29
asacor is all fine now that buidlers are stopped?11:29
seb128we blocked the binaries on the mirrors11:29
seb128and the builders are stopped11:29
seb128couldn't hurt to message the issue as well I guess11:29
seb128I will drop an email on ubuntu-devel11:29
and471mpt, fixed, could you test? https://code.launchpad.net/~and471/software-center/fix-keypresses-on-viewswitcher11:34
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ronocseb128: apt-get install libglib2.0.0=2.25.11-1ubuntu3 couldn't find that version ?11:44
seb128ronoc, you need to get on launchpad it's not on the mirror now since it has been replaced11:45
ronocseb128: manually install it ?11:45
seb128ronoc, yes, get the debs from launchpad11:47
seb128ronoc, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib2.0/2.25.11-3ubuntu1/+build/187994411:47
seb128you might need the -dev as well for your box11:47
didrocksgood morning (well, sort of ;)) there!11:50
ronocseb128: thx11:51
Riddellgnome dudes: does evolution show HTML e-mails by default?11:52
pittihey didrocks; late morning for you :)11:52
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pittiRiddell: yes; I certainly didn't enable it manually, and I see HTML mails11:53
and471pitti, Riddell, yep it is on by default11:53
Riddellis this controvertial at all?  does it lead to security problems?11:54
pittiit didn't come up so far; but HTML email should be relatively harmless11:55
pittiit would be a huge risk if it would run JavaScript by default11:55
didrockspitti: heh, right, I'm in the Alps, at my parent's home11:56
Riddellpitti: what about phishing attacks?  wouldn't it make that much easier?11:57
pittiRiddell: by being colorful?11:58
pittiwhat do you mean?11:58
Riddellby making an e-mail use the logo and branding of your bank11:59
seb128hey didrocks, you missed all the fun today12:01
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didrocksseb128: which means? real fun or bad news? :)12:01
seb128didrocks, broken glib segfaulting on i38612:02
seb128still being dealt with12:02
didrocks seb128: urgh, yeah, that's some definition of "fun" :)12:02
seb128just for the record I'm not to blame12:02
pittisudo dpkg -P libdevkit-power-gobject112:03
seb128I even dropped an email before going to bed to say the new version was crashing for me and in debian12:03
* pitti whistles12:03
didrocksseb128: when did the issue happened? yesterday evening? (as I dist-upgraded and don't get any issue there)12:04
seb128didrocks, no, this morning around 912:04
seb128robert_ancell did the upgrade12:04
seb128didrocks, we blocked the binaries to be downloaded now12:04
didrocksseb128: ok, so not a lot of people had the time to download it, fortunately12:05
seb128and it's only 32bits arch12:05
asacall builders got disabled though ;)12:05
didrocksahah "only" ;)12:05
asacerr not only i396 i mean12:05
asacso really all 32-bit12:06
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seb128didrocks, btw your new clutter -dev should depends on json-glib-dev12:13
seb128didrocks, seems kamstrup had issues with that today12:14
didrocksseb128, oh yeah, I only fixed the build-dep, not the -dev12:14
kamstrupseb128, didrocks: yeah12:14
didrockskamstrup,  seb128, thanks, I'm finishing backlogging email and will work on that12:14
kamstruppkg-config --cflags clutter-1.0 doesn't work unless json-glib is installed12:14
didrocks(and fixing weechat to connect directly to IRC as I turned my server off)12:14
kamstrupdidrocks, ok, no problem12:15
didrockskamstrup, yeah, we switched to system one now12:15
didrockssorry about that :)12:15
kamstrupdidrocks, no problem, I figured it out eventually! But autotools was screwing me over, because they failed silently, giving me an empty CFLAGS variable, causing my builds to fail with "No such file glib.h"12:16
didrockskamstrup, argh, that was the trap :-)12:16
kamstrupso I scrutinized glib packaging, until I started suspecting autotools, which lead me to clutter12:16
kamstrupyeah, that's autohell for you :-)12:17
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and471hi nessita, how is the dialog coming along?12:49
nessitahello and471!12:54
nessitaI though you were off today :-)12:54
and471nessita, yeah, turns out I am off tomorrow :)12:55
nessitaand471: the dialog is coming very good :-)12:55
nessitahow are you?12:55
and471nessita, good :) getting stuck in with some testing and other bug fixes for SC12:56
and471nessita, I have started doing gui tests for SC, as my teacher could you mark my homework? https://code.launchpad.net/~and471/software-center/dont-test-me12:56
nessitaand471: I will indeed, but I'm not sure I'd be able today13:03
nessitaand471: we're running against the clock with USC (ubuntu-sso-client)13:04
and471nessita, ah ok sorry, I will let you get on :)13:04
nessitaand471: is ok :-)13:04
didrockschrisccoulson: hey, any idea about bug #576991? It makes gnome-shell not able to be launched (see bug #611262)13:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 576991 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 5 other projects) "Add a wrapper for LD_LIBRARY_PATH to gnome-shell so we don't have to rebuild gjs for xulrunner updates (affects: 4) (heat: 58)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57699113:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 611262 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "[Maverick] Mutter warning - Could not load /usr/lib/mutter/plugins/libgnome-shell.so (affects: 1) (heat: 482)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61126213:05
seb128Riddell, hey, do you have time for a quick newing?13:08
Riddellseb128: if you ask nicely13:08
seb128Riddell, could you please review zeitgeist-extensions for didrocks?13:09
seb128I'm still fighting the glib breakage13:09
Riddelllet me look13:09
didrocksseb128: Riddell: thanks :)13:09
didrocksseb128: good luck!13:09
seb128Riddell, I've reviewed it before upload so it should be ok, newing to main if you can, it's a split of zg code13:10
seb128didrocks, thanks13:10
chrisccoulsondidrocks - yeah, i've been meaning to get around to it at some point13:10
didrocksRiddell: just for the record, we only ship the fts extension right now (as discussed with kamstrup)13:10
chrisccoulsonwe break gnome-shell with every firefox upload13:10
didrockschrisccoulson: yeah, GS is "broken" for people, and it seems to hide an other break because of my clutter update with system js :)13:10
nessitaseb128: hello there! have a few minutes?13:13
Riddelldidrocks: accepted13:13
didrocksRiddell: thanks a lot :)13:13
Riddellthe source anyway, binaries still to come I expect13:13
didrocksRiddell: do you want me to ping you once built?13:14
seb128nessita, hey13:14
Riddelldidrocks: I don't mind, you're the one who wants it approved :)13:14
didrocksRiddell: hehe, I will so. Thanks :)13:15
seb128nessita, sort of, I'm trying to sort the glib breakage in maverick, but you can ask your question ;-)13:15
nessitaseb128: I just wanted to confirm if you could build the 0.0.4 version of ubuntu-sso-client that I sent at the end of the platform sprint13:15
seb128nessita, you want me to test if it builds fine there or to get it uploaded?13:16
seb128nessita, I tried the deb you sent me, I can try to build the source now if you want13:17
nessitaseb128: I want to know if you uploaded to the repo13:17
seb128I didn't13:18
seb128you want me to do it?13:18
nessitaseb128: hum.... no thanks, we'll be releasing another package today or Monday, so it's fine13:18
seb128sorry I though it was just meant for me to test locally13:19
seb128I didn't get that you wanted it uploaded13:19
nessitaseb128: is ok :-)13:19
nessitaI wasn't clear enough13:19
seb128nessita, you should practice your french so I can understand you better next time ;-)13:20
* nessita writes down13:20
seb128nessita, ;-)13:20
nessitaseb128: "s'il vous plait, je veux le .deb subie a le repositorie"13:21
didrocksseb128: you see, she even speaks "your French" (which is kind of Deutsch were you live ;))13:21
* didrocks runs away13:21
nessitadidrocks: well said! :-D13:21
* seb128 slaps didrocks13:22
seb128nessita, I understand the start of what you wrote then you became lazy and it makes no sense13:22
seb128that's the issue with you I think, you should try to not be lazy ;-)13:23
nessitaseb128: how do you say "upload to the repository"?13:23
and471nessita, I think it is along the lines of 'google translate'13:23
nessitaand471: but that takes all the fun away13:23
nessitathis way I get to invent tn13:23
nessitatons of words*13:24
and471nessita, my french teacher would be horrified if she knew what I just said xD13:24
and471nessita, a bit of espanfranglais?13:24
nessitaand471: tried that, but seb128 is too picky :-P13:25
seb128nessita, try "pousser dans l'archive"13:26
seb128pitti, glib crashes without any distro change as well13:29
pittisounds like gdb time then?13:30
seb128the compiler knows about the issue, it's annoying "//usr/include/bits/string3.h:86:3: warning: call to __builtin___memset_chk will always overflow destination buffer"13:30
pittiseb128: aah -fstack-protector13:30
pittiI bet that building with -fno-stack-protector will not crash then13:30
seb128that would explain why the ./configure && make works13:31
seb128still an upstream bug I guess13:31
pittisometimes I wish we would use -Werror more :)13:31
pittiseb128: yes, absolutely; in which file does that happen?13:32
seb128/usr/include/bits/string3.h:86:3: warning: call to __builtin___memset_chk will always overflow destination buffer13:32
seb128 13:33
seb128In file included from //usr/include/string.h:642:0,13:33
seb128                 from gobject/gsignal.c:29:13:33
seb128In function ‘memset’,13:33
seb128    inlined from ‘g_bsearch_array_create’ at glib/gbsear13:33
seb128    inlined from ‘g_signal_init’ at gobject/gsignal.c:7713:33
seb128/usr/include/bits/string3.h:86:3: warning: call to __builtin___memset_chk will always overflow destination buffer13:33
seb128 13:33
seb128that's from the build log13:33
* pitti git clones13:34
seb128but those functions didn't change between 2.25.11 and 2.25.1213:35
pittihm, gsignal.c:29 is #include <string.h>13:35
seb128those sources didn't change13:35
pittihm, so maybe that was a red herring then13:36
pittiseb128: where does the segfault actually happen? do you have a gdb trace?13:37
seb128yes, one sec13:38
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seb128pitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/474018/13:40
seb128#6  0x008b3ac2 in memset () at //usr/include/bits/string3.h:8613:40
seb128#7  g_bsearch_array_create ()13:40
seb128    at glib2.0-2.25.12/glib/gbsearcharray.h:13713:40
seb128#8  g_signal_init () atglib2.0-2.25.12/gobject/gsignal.c:77513:40
* pitti tries to have two debugging conversations at the same time; back now13:45
pittiseb128: hm, I have stared at that code for 5 mins now, and I don't see what's wrong13:50
pitti-  barray = (GBSearchArray *) g_realloc (NULL, size);13:51
pitti+  barray = (GBSearchArray *) g_malloc (size);13:51
pittithat was the code change, which presumably led to the crash13:51
seb128when did that change?13:51
pittiFri Jun 5 23:24:28 2009 -040013:51
seb128I doubt it13:51
pitti.11 was after that?13:51
and471don't know if you got this : <and471> mpt, fixed, could you test? https://code.launchpad.net/~and471/software-center/fix-keypresses-on-viewswitcher13:51
seb128pitti, it was on Jul 1113:52
pittiseb128: but that's the only difference to gbsearcharray.h13:52
seb128yeah, I don't get it either13:52
pittisize should always be > sizeof (GBSearchArray)13:53
seb128the debian bug suggests it's a compiler issue13:53
mptand471, sorry, I got as far as branching it but then forgot it13:54
pittiseb128: I can't explain it otherwise; the code looks fie13:54
pittiseb128: then again, why does .11 work??13:54
seb128replacing the g_malloc, memset with a g_malloc0 workaround the warning but it still crashes13:54
and471mpt, no problem, there is no rush13:55
seb128pitti, the 2.25.11 log has no "overflow destination buffer" for some reason13:56
pittiseb128: ok, maybe the code is organized slightly different there, so that it doesn't trigger the bug13:56
mptand471, perfect.13:58
mptand471, works exactly as expected13:58
mptand471, bwahaha, I just discovered another selection bug13:59
seb128http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53144885/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.glib2.0_2.25.12-1ubuntu1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz is the buggy build log13:59
pittiseb128: oh, wait13:59
pittiseb128: perhaps G_BSEARCH_UPPER_POWER2(n) produces the wrong result here?13:59
and471mpt, you evil genius... ;)14:00
mptand471, select an item in a software list view, then use Ctrl+click to deselect it. The "More Info" and "Install"/"Remove" buttons should disappear, but they don't.14:00
* and471 goes back to the software-center code...14:01
seb128pitti, but that didn't change between 2.25.11 and 2.25.12 either14:01
pittiseb128: no, wrt. compiler bug14:01
pittiseb128: do you have a built tree?14:01
pittiseb128: if you drop teh G_BSEARCH_ARRAY_ALIGN_POWER2 from static const GBSearchConfig g_signal_key_bconfig, does it still crsah?14:01
pittii. e. replace it with 014:02
seb128pitti, let me try14:02
seb128pitti, sorry taking a bit, my machine starts being loaded with builds14:06
and471mpt, If you Ctrl+Click on any item in the software list view it will pseudo-select it as well :(14:06
seb128pitti, ok, that sort of fix it14:12
pittiseb128: does that still produce the fortify warning?14:14
* pitti is curious what "sort of" means14:14
seb128no it doesn't14:14
seb128in fact it has the same effect that the -O0 build I did early14:14
seb128it fixes that crash14:14
seb128but I get another one14:14
pittibut that's interesting data14:14
pittiso we can conclude that DISABLE_MEM_POOLS is not set14:14
pittiand more importantly that14:15
pitti#define G_BSEARCH_UPPER_POWER2(n)       ((n) ? 1 << g_bit_storage ((n) - 1) : 0)14:15
pittireturns a smaller value than its input14:15
pittiand since the compiler could figure this out at compile time, perhaps g_bit_storage always returns 0?14:15
seb128pitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/474034/14:15
pittiseb128: it might stumble over the misaligned buffer now?14:16
seb128could be14:16
pittiseb128: I wonder if you could gdb this, and check what this actually does to size:14:16
pittisize = G_BSEARCH_UPPER_POWER2 (size);14:16
pitti(with turning the option back on)14:16
seb128what option?14:17
pittiseb128: sorry, not aligment14:17
seb128you mean undoing the change?14:17
pittiseb128: the G_BSEARCH_ARRAY_ALIGN_POWER2 which you replaced with 014:17
pittiseb128: ah, sorry, not alignment; that constant is mislabeled14:18
pittiit's filling up the size up to the next power of 2, not the alignment14:18
pittiseb128: I'd bet that G_BSEARCH_UPPER_POWER2 (size) returns 0, or 1, or something very small with -O2, and works with -O014:18
pittiseb128: glib/gutils.h, g_bit_storage() indeed has completely different code with defined(__OPTIMIZE__)14:20
seb128I need to break at the right place in gdb14:20
seb128trying to do that14:20
pittiseb128: I'll boot my i386 VM and check the g_bit_storage() implementation while you do that gdbing, ok?14:20
and471mpt, if I right click on an item in the software list view, should it select the item?14:21
pittiseb128: bingo!14:21
pittiseb128: that's worth a try14:22
pittiseb128: it's exactly the code path that is taken with -O2, and which fails14:22
mptand471, I guess so, but that should be default behavior for GTK lists already14:24
seb128pitti, building...14:24
and471mpt, yeah it is that is fine14:25
pittiargh, 40314:26
seb128pitti, the buggy version?14:26
* pitti grabs it from LP14:26
seb128takes ages to build, I should switch to my new laptop14:27
seb128I didn't install build environment etc there14:27
pittiseb128: why ages? changing a single file should build in like 10 sec?14:27
seb128pitti, seems every .c include that one14:27
seb128so makes is rebuilding everything14:28
pittiseb128: ah, I thought you just replaced G_BSEARCH_ARRAY_ALIGN_POWER2, in gobject/gsignal.c14:28
seb128I'm trying to revert the commit you pointed14:28
pittiseb128: you are trying Hannes Mueller's patch?14:28
pittiseb128: "revert"?14:28
pittiseb128: did that go into .12?14:29
pittiah :)14:29
Riddellkenvandine: did you manage to poke the ubuntu one people about those merges?14:29
seb128pitti, no it didn't14:29
and471mpt, I think I shall fix that next week, I need to pack :)14:30
Riddellkenvandine: currently apachelogger is wanting to upload this directly http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/u1.debdiff14:31
seb128pitti, that change doesn't fix the crash14:32
seb128pitti, trying the G_BSEARCH_UPPER_POWER2 now14:32
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
kenvandineRiddell, i did, let me poke again14:37
seb128pitti, g_bsearch_array_create() is called twice14:38
seb128pitti, G_BSEARCH_UPPER_POWER2 (size) = 32 then 014:38
pittihm, I see it once per config14:38
pittiseb128: are both from g_signal_init()?14:39
seb128lemme check, that was from g_print in the code14:39
seb128LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../install/deb/usr/lib/ gtk-demo14:40
seb12832 (20)14:40
seb1280 (20)14:40
seb128  g_print ("%u (%u)\n", G_BSEARCH_UPPER_POWER2 (size), size);14:40
Riddellkenvandine: what would be the consequences if he just uploaded the package with that patch?14:40
pittiseb128: gsignal.c has three different search configs and arrays14:40
kenvandineRiddell, they approved the branches :)14:40
kenvandineRiddell, just talked to josh, he will get someone to merge them asap14:41
kenvandineRiddell, but i am ok with distro patch if that unblocks anything14:41
seb128pitti, I've added the print in g_bsearch_array_create (const GBSearchConfig *bconfig)14:41
kenvandinemerging the branches doesn't mean they will release14:42
pittiseb128: gdb doesn't work for this? to see where it's coming from?14:42
kenvandinealthough we might not want to upload a change like that on a friday :-D14:42
* pitti currently tries to create a small test program to isolate this14:42
seb128pitti, on what do you want me to break?14:42
seb128pitti, I don't think I can break on an inline14:42
pittiseb128: g_signal_init()14:42
seb128pitti, I did that14:42
pittiseb128: or put a print there, before and after the g_bsearch_array_create()14:42
seb128I get the14:42
seb12832 (20)14:42
seb128before the break14:42
seb128then if I c14:42
seb128I get14:42
seb1280 (20)14:42
seb128and it crashes14:42
seb128G_BSEARCH_UPPER_POWER2 (20) -> 014:43
seb128it means14:43
pittiright, that's the interesting bit14:43
seb128which is weird14:43
pitti$ pkg-config --cflags glib14:46
pittish: glib-config: not found14:46
pitti$ gcc -c -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 test.c14:46
pitti/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gtypes.h:34: fatal error: glibconfig.h: No such file or directory14:46
pittiglib, don't resist against debugging like that!14:47
mclasenpitti: glibconfig.h has always been in $libdir/glib-2.0/include14:47
pittimclasen: thanks14:47
pittiso our pkg-config is broken right now, but let's look at that later14:47
mclasennot sure about your pkg-config problem, though14:47
mclasenIstr running into a problem like that at some point14:48
seb128could be due to that change?14:48
mclasenpkg-config may be falling back to trying $foo-config if it cant find foo.pc14:48
mclasentry pkg-config --cflags glib-2.014:48
pittiI got it to build with the extra -I14:49
seb128$ pkg-config --cflags glib14:49
seb128sh: glib-config: not found14:49
seb128pitti, you probably meant glib-2.0 before14:49
pittiseb128: hm, I tried http://paste.ubuntu.com/474053/14:51
pittiworks as expected14:51
pittiwith -O0 and -O214:51
pittiso there's more context involved14:51
=== mclasen is now known as mclasen_afk
and471tremolux, hey, I fixed the selection thing :) and also added to ability to expand/collapse the viewswitcher toplevel nodes with the right and left arrow key, when you have an opportunity, could you merge? :)15:04
seb128pitti, I don't get how gcc can know that G_BSEARCH_UPPER_POWER2 () will be 0 at build time15:04
pittiseb128: hm, slightly bigger test case now, but still doesn't crash15:04
pittiseb128: it's all just a single expression in __OPTIMIZE__15:05
tremoluxand471: coolness!15:05
pittiseb128: without -O2 it's a real loop15:05
pittiseb128: but yeah, it's quite impressive15:05
seb128pitti, still that expression takes a argument15:06
seb128it doesn't have a fixed value15:06
pittiseb128: if you fancy another build test (can't do on a live system, sorry), drop the #if OPTIMIZE call in glib/gutils.h' g_bit_storage() and test again15:06
pittiah, but then you said it would crash later on15:06
tremoluxand471: thanks a lot!  I'll take a look now  :)15:06
seb128pitti, I've a build running for 2 minutes with that15:07
seb128pitti, well could be another sideeffect of g_bit_storage () borkage15:07
and471tremolux, (mvo merged the selection thing already, so it is just the viewswitcher thing that needs merging)15:07
seb128pitti, but I don't get why that's an issue in 2.25.12 and not 2.25.1115:07
pittiseb128: well, it's all static really, the compiler knows sizeof (GBSearchArray) and bconfig->sizeof_node (since that's a static variable using sizeof())15:07
tremoluxand471: ok, I'll coordinate with mvo15:07
pittiit's impressive that gcc can decompose all that into a single static value15:08
pittiit eliminates variables, an if clause, etc.15:08
and471tremolux, I don't know whether you know, but mvo is on holiday today15:08
tremoluxand471: ahh, that's right15:08
and471tremolux, btw the reaosn for the viewswitcher thing is due to accessibility which was pointed out to me by mpt :)15:09
tremoluxand471: and I am actually getting ready to get on a plane myself  :)15:09
and471tremolux, hehe really? I am going on holiday tomorrow :)15:09
tremoluxand471: nice!15:10
seb128pitti, right, changing the g_bit_storage() leads to the other crash15:13
pittiseb128: ok, but that other crash seems to be independent?15:16
seb128it's http://paste.ubuntu.com/474034/15:16
pittinow, if only his would be reproducible in a small test case..15:16
seb128I still don't get it15:17
seb128none of this code changed between .11 and .1215:17
seb128desrt, what did you break!15:18
mpttremolux, hi, do you know how to try out the buy-stuff code?15:18
desrtuh oh15:19
desrtwhat's up?15:19
seb128pitti, I think I will try undoing commits and rebuilding until I figure something15:19
seb128desrt, http://paste.ubuntu.com/474016/15:19
desrtwow.  crash inside the dynamic linker15:19
seb128desrt, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53144885/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.glib2.0_2.25.12-1ubuntu1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz15:19
desrtthat's a nice one :)15:19
seb128"In function 'memset',15:19
seb128    inlined from 'g_bsearch_array_create' at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.12/glib/gbsearcharray.h:137,15:19
seb128    inlined from 'g_signal_init' at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.12/gobject/gsignal.c:775:15:19
seb128/usr/include/bits/string3.h:86: warning: call to __builtin___memset_chk will always overflow destination buffer15:19
seb128mv -f .deps/gparamspecs.Tpo .deps/gparamspecs.Plo15:19
tremoluxmpt: I do, but as of yesterday there was a problem on the staging server; I can check to see if it's resolved15:19
seb128desrt, i386 specific, happen with 2.25.12 and not .1115:19
tremoluxmpt: and I'll give you instructions to access it15:20
pitti(32 bit specific, to be precise)15:20
mpttremolux, brilliant, thanks15:20
tremoluxmpt: sure thing!15:20
seb128desrt, for some definition of it yes15:20
desrtlemme try kicking off a 32bit build of glib here15:20
seb128desrt, I can't figure wth changed between 2.25.11 and 12 that could create that issue15:20
seb128desrt, when disabling the optimization in g_bit_storage() I get15:21
seb128desrt, ^ which might be another crash15:22
seb128but still doesn't explain why g_bit_storage() is busted15:22
seb128it didn't change between versions15:22
seb128and rebuilding .11 doesn't lead to the same warnings15:22
desrtbtw: fedora multilib is really awesome compared to ubuntu15:23
desrtyou guys need to get on that :p15:23
desrtdo you get the crash during make check or what?15:23
seb128desrt, no, we get the crash after installation15:24
desrton many programs?15:24
seb128well anything graphical I tried15:25
desrti just got a failure in a testcase15:25
seb128gtk-demo for example15:25
seb128desrt, do you get the build warning as well?15:25
seb128desrt, do you build with -O2?15:25
desrt /error/prefix: *** glibc detected *** /home/desrt/code/glib/glib/tests/.libs/lt-error: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x080a3f18 ***15:25
desrtnot good.15:25
seb128desrt, well it might not crash for you15:25
seb128desrt, it bails out due to the fstack-protect15:26
pittipresumably it only crashes with -fstack-protector15:26
desrtuh.  this is a new test case15:26
desrtprobably just this testcase is broken :p15:26
desrtfalse alarm. this is just a buggy testcase.15:28
desrtokay.  i see the stack protector and i should or should not have O2?15:30
desrtalso: did you try to kick off a rebuild of .11 to see if it also ends up faulty?15:31
seb128build with O215:31
desrtie: maybe something in the builders changed15:31
seb128yes, .11 rebuild is fine15:31
* desrt always tries to blame the compiler first :)15:31
seb128we tried as well15:31
pittidesrt: we still do, sorta15:32
and471tremolux, just going offline for a bit but I will be back on15:32
seb128I built with gcc-4.4 and 4.5 as well15:32
desrtoh.  that's good news15:32
desrtit means i'm likely to be able to reproduce it here15:32
desrtOH OH OH15:32
desrti know what the problem is15:32
desrtat least i think i do15:32
seb128it's due to your build system tweaks? ;-)15:32
seb128tell me!15:33
desrtmake a vendorpatch that does nothing except to nuke glib/glibconfig.h15:33
desrtwe're disting that by accident at the moment15:33
desrtand since i type 'make dist' on a 64bit system, it ends up being correct for 64bits15:33
desrtwe've been disting it forever, i think15:34
desrtbut we recently moved it from the top srcdir to glib/15:34
desrtand i bet that has somehow changed things15:34
desrtblame gtk-doc for requiring us to do this :p15:34
seb128<seb128> http://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/commit/?id=83d67bf2e79e1cb984e398b218cedd0b1e50bd1f15:34
seb128 could be due to that change?15:34
seb128I was right maybe :p15:34
desrtyes.  i think that is the one.15:35
desrtis that what you meant by "build tweaks"?15:35
desrtyes.  that's what i think it is.15:35
seb128I was trying to figure if that could set different build flag or options15:35
desrtjust make a hook that erases that file before you run ./configure15:36
desrti bet it works15:36
desrthm.  that's really bad.15:36
desrtif i wasn't directly in the middle of replacing GApplication i'd make a new release15:36
desrtactually, i suspect the build may break15:39
desrtshould also nuke glibconfig-stamp (incase you didn't see that for yourself)15:39
desrtthe thing is... i don't fully understand how it's possible that that file would not be rebuilt15:40
jcastrodidrocks: -meego comes from the banshee source package?15:40
desrtsince unless there is some very serious clock skew between us, the stamp would be out-of-date with respect to your config.status15:40
jcastroI am confused on where exactly to file this bug15:40
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jcastrodidrocks: (just realized I was asking you on the wrong channel)15:41
seb128desrt, it might not be the issue15:41
desrtit just fits so well....15:41
didrocksjcastro: yeah, it's on the banshee package15:41
desrtSUBDIRS = libcharset $(PRINTF_SUBDIR) $(MAYBE_PCRE) update-pcre . tests15:41
desrtfrom what i know of automake that means that libcharset/ and pcre/ get built before glibconfig would be updated15:42
desrtah no.  BUILT_SOURCES first.15:43
desrtya. maybe it's something else?15:43
desrtwalters: hey.  good to have you back.15:43
seb128desrt, there is no glibconfig-stamp in the source15:43
desrtseb128: huh.  probably this isn't the problem, then15:44
desrtthat would almost ensure that it gets rebuilt.15:44
waltersdesrt: howdy, thanks!  good to see you btw15:44
seb128but build fails on a missing glibconfig.h now15:44
desrtwalters: i released 0.9.3 of go-i.  hope you don't mind.15:44
desrtseb128: :)15:44
desrti actually don't understand that at all.15:44
seb128walters, hey15:45
and471alecu, hey, did that gnome-keyring stuff help?15:45
desrtseb128: can you see any way that, if the stamp is missing, that file should not be regenerated?15:45
seb128walters, is the gir abi stabilizing, we are still on 0.6 waiting to update15:45
jcastrodidrocks: easy one I think: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+bug/61438715:45
ubot2Ubuntu bug 614387 in banshee (Ubuntu) "Ship a "Purchased from Ubuntu One Music Store" smart playlist by default (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]15:45
waltersseb128: not yet, sorry15:45
* desrt does a tarball build15:45
seb128desrt, it's generated in builddir and not srcdir15:45
seb128desrt, we build out of source15:45
desrtthat makes things more interesting15:46
seb128desrt, I've copied it for now and resumed build to see how it goes15:46
desrtthat means we'd end up with a copy in srcdir and one in builddir15:46
seb128the srcdir being wrong15:46
desrtand i know from a fact (a releated bug we got recently) that some parts of glib are not looking at the one in the builddir15:46
seb128you get the updated version at the wrong location15:46
desrtwhich means that they would see the wrong one15:46
didrocksjcastro: who willl work on that? I don't really know about smart playlist and how they integrate into banshee15:47
seb128desrt, now it makes sense15:47
seb128desrt, double bug for the win15:47
ubot2Gnome bug 626107 in general "glibconfig.h is being disted" [Normal,New]15:47
seb128desrt, it also explain why a tarball build works fine15:47
ubot2Gnome bug 625988 in general "builddir != srcdir issues" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]15:47
desrtthose two bugs tell the story fairly completely15:47
jcastrodidrocks: it's U1MS related, I think rodrigo_?15:47
desrtthis will definitely be fixed for .1315:47
loolasac: I didn't file the debian glib bug, Axel Beckert did15:47
loolasac: But yes, I've seen the bug fly through15:48
didrocksjcastro: should be yeah, as they did for rhythmbox15:48
rodrigo_jcastro, what, sorry?15:48
desrtseb128: #625988 tells why you were getting missing glibconfig.h after you deleted the srcdir one15:48
seb128desrt, ok, I clean the src one from the rules now and I will apply the second change15:48
jcastrorodrigo_: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+bug/61438715:48
ubot2Ubuntu bug 614387 in banshee (Ubuntu) "Ship a "Purchased from Ubuntu One Music Store" smart playlist by default (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]15:48
desrtseb128: the patch from the original reporter missed some files15:48
seb128desrt, I will get the git commit15:49
desrti committed the patch as-is15:49
rodrigo_jcastro, can you create smart playlists from banshee plugins?15:49
desrtsome stuff with inotify and fam and so on is broken15:49
seb128desrt, you mean it's not fixed in git yet?15:49
desrtcan you give me an hour or so to come up with a proper solution for you?15:49
desrtyes.  not fixed in git yet15:49
seb128desrt, yes15:49
* desrt gets some coffee :)15:49
jcastrorodrigo_: I don't know, let me ask15:49
seb128desrt, thanks a lot, still building to validate the glibconfig is the issue15:50
seb128walters, how often with the gir format change still? when do you think it will stabilize?15:50
seb128walters, I'm pondering just going for 0.9 and do rebuilds when required but I would like to avoid doing that every week15:50
waltersseb128: hopefully within the month15:50
and471jcastro, that would be quite useful, I have created one myself for AmazonMP3 and 7digital :)15:51
desrti may do a .13 today and leave the gapplication for .1415:51
desrtprobably the easiest way15:51
jcastroand471: yep!15:51
and471tremolux, (if you have checked it yet) was everything okay in the branch?15:52
tremoluxand471: I didnt' check it out yet, sorry!  lots of things going on atm  :)15:54
and471tremolux, thats fine no rush15:55
seb128desrt, pitti: ok, that fixes it15:55
tremoluxand471: ok, I will check it tho, first chance I get15:55
seb128desrt, thanks a lot15:55
desrtsorry for breaking it :X15:55
alecuand471, it surely did help! It's already merged on ubuntu-sso-client: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/credentials-interface/+merge/3189615:56
and471alecu, ah good :)15:56
seb128desrt, np, glad we found what the issue is15:57
* pitti hugs desrt and seb12816:05
* seb128 hugs desrt pitti16:05
pittiso which build flag was the culprit then?16:05
seb128pitti, no, build flag, see glibconfig.h16:06
seb128lot of types definition, etc16:07
pittiaah, the length of the types16:07
pittiseb128: still, impressive that gcc spotted that16:07
pittilooks like it already does half of the computations :)16:07
seb128less impressive that it didn't stop the build16:07
pittiwell, from gcc's POV it's YAFIYGI16:08
pittiseb128: -Werror would have, I guess16:08
pittiperhaps we should use that more often16:08
pittigreat, so this is sorted out, gpm works again as well, sounds like Friday evening16:09
pittitremolux: oh, enjoy your holidays!16:09
tremoluxpitti: thank you!16:10
pittitremolux: do you think you can test the dapper-proposed tzdata still, so that we can push this?16:10
tremoluxpitti: yes, I went to test, but I'm not yet seeing the new version in the archive16:10
tremoluxpitti:  I will try again in a little while16:11
pittilangpack-locales | | dapper-proposed | source16:11
pitti   locales | | dapper-proposed | all16:11
pittitremolux: I thought that was the right version?16:11
pittimaybe your mirror is lagging16:11
tremoluxpitti: yep, that is the right version16:11
tremoluxpitti: ok, I'll check it now  :)16:12
* pitti hugs tremolux16:12
tremoluxpitti: :)16:12
* tremolux hugs pitti16:12
tremoluxpitti: yep, it's good, I'll comment bug 613691, thanks again!16:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 613691 in tzdata (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 6 other projects) "2010k available (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61369116:18
pittitremolux: sweet!16:22
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|afk
pittigood night everyone! 'nuff for the week16:28
seb128'night pitti16:28
=== mclasen_afk is now known as mclasen
ftaseb128, is it safe to upgrade glib now?16:32
seb128fta, yes16:32
ftaok, thanks16:33
ftaoh, 2.25.12.is.2.25.11 :)16:33
slomoseb128: any news on the glib crash? seems to happen on x86 only...16:54
seb128slomo, yes16:54
seb128the glib crash in experimental is due to glibconfig.h16:55
seb128 the version disted with the tarball is a 64 bits one16:55
seb128there is a bug also which makes it use the srcdir one and not the builddir one16:55
seb128so basically 32 bits build use the tarball one16:55
slomoseb128: great, i assume this is trivial to fix? :)16:56
slomothis one i guess http://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/commit/?id=9f6faaffb6491a8de5508b7678ab48fee4f59efa16:56
seb128slomo, right, it misses the gio subdirs though16:57
slomodo you already have a fixed package in ubuntu?16:57
seb128slomo, not really, still working on it16:59
slomoseb128: ok, i'll wait for you then and take your diff ;)17:00
seb128slomo, https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa/+files/glib2.0_2.25.12.is.2.25.12-0ubuntu1~ppa1.dsc17:00
seb128is a candidate one17:00
seb128I've added 90_git...17:00
seb128which also has an autoreconf run17:00
seb128and a rm line in the rules17:00
seb128slomo, I'm still waiting for build to confirm it works17:01
seb128slomo, otherwise you might want to add dh_installdirs call in the rules17:01
seb128the .dirs are not used because those are not listed17:01
slomoseb128: thanks17:02
slomoi'll wait until you said that the fix works, i can't easily test it here...17:03
seb128slomo, ok17:04
desrtseb128: do you generate the gtk-doc when pbuilding?17:06
seb128desrt, no17:06
desrtjust use the one we dist?17:06
seb128desrt, yes17:06
desrti just found out that gtk-doc building is totally broken for out-of-tree builds17:06
desrtand almost impossible to fix :p17:06
loolseb128: I see you guys had LP #614240 on i386, this is likely caused by the same issue as the armel issue (32-bits arches don't have 8 bytes long)17:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 614240 in glib2.0 (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "libglib2.0-0 2.25.12-1ubuntu1 failed to install: *** buffer overflow detected ***: /usr/lib/glib-2.0/gio-querymodules terminated (affects: 20) (dups: 2) (heat: 121)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61424017:13
seb128dunno what was the armel issue17:15
seb128but the i317:15
seb128but the i386 one is the the glibconfig.h shipped with the tarball17:16
seb128it has 64 bits types17:16
seb128and the build doesn't regenerate it17:16
seb128cf backlog17:16
loolIt's the same as the armel issue17:16
loolseb128: but no upstream bug for it?17:16
seb128<desrt> seb128: #625988 tells why you were getting missing glibconfig.h after you deleted the srcdir one17:17
seb128<desrt> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62598817:17
ubot2Gnome bug 625988 in general "builddir != srcdir issues" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]17:17
seb128<desrt> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62610717:17
ubot2Gnome bug 626107 in general "glibconfig.h is being disted" [Normal,New]17:17
seb128that's basically those bugs combined17:17
seb128we discussed it with desrt earlier17:17
seb128basically upstream dist a 64 bits one and the build use the srcdir before the builddir one17:18
seb128so the updated one written in builddir is not used17:18
loolseb128: Why do they dist it?17:18
seb128it's one of the 2 bugs I just pointed17:18
seb128not on purpose17:18
seb128it's a bug17:18
loolseb128: well apparently it's a req of gtk-doc, but seems like a bogus one to me17:20
loolgtk-doc might run the code built with this header, this code might be broken17:20
seb128in any case we understand the issue now and it's being worked17:20
loolseb128: ok, who's preparing an upload?17:20
seb128there is one from me there17:21
seb128I'm waiting to confirm my local build is fine before uploading to maverick17:21
seb128I gave the dsc to slomo as well for debian17:21
loolOk, excellent, thanks!17:21
loolI'm assigning LP #614240 to you -- I've added the upstream bug ids now17:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 614240 in glib2.0 (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "libglib2.0-0 2.25.12-1ubuntu1 failed to install: *** buffer overflow detected ***: /usr/lib/glib-2.0/gio-querymodules terminated (affects: 20) (dups: 2) (heat: 121)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61424017:21
seb128you can close it if you want17:22
seb128current maverick is 2.25.12.is2.25.11 which fixed the crash17:22
loolWell not until you upload?17:22
loolOh ok17:22
seb128we revert mid-day17:22
seb128and blocked the bogus binaries from being downloaded this morning17:22
seb128we reverted mid-day17:22
and471seb128, you deserve a weekend break ;)17:24
seb128at least that pushed us to figure what was wrong17:24
seb128I adviced other people to not upload yesterday but somebody on amd64 didn't notice the bug and went ahead with the upload17:24
seb128anyway it's sorted now17:25
seb128(I should really skip the glib testsuite for local rebuilds tests, it takes days)17:25
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seb128slomo, it works17:29
slomoseb128: thanks, could you give me the debdiff? :)17:32
=== not-really-here- is now known as cking-gone
seb128slomo, ok17:35
seb128slomo, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/glibupdate.debdiff17:39
seb128slomo, 90_... has an autoreconf run as well17:39
slomook, i'll put it into two patches if you don't mind :) but thanks, i'll get this into debian later17:40
seb128slomo, np, I figured that for one upload I could just use one patch17:41
seb128we should really move to run autoreconf at build time ;-)17:41
seb128we have been doing that for most of the sources in maverick it works great17:41
slomoit scares me a bit :)17:43
slomobut you're right, it would be easier and probably fix some build bugs too17:43
slomoseb128: what's 71_gio_launch_handler.patch ?17:48
seb128slomo, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60696017:53
ubot2Gnome bug 606960 in gio "Patch to add new extension point in GIO for use with multiple applications." [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]17:53
seb128slomo, unity is using it atm17:54
seb128session restart brb17:56
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kenvandineanyone else having a problem with telepathy connecting?18:04
kenvandinewondering if it has anything to do with my hacking on the telepathy indicator...18:07
kenvandineor if it is a real bug18:07
didrockstime for week-end there!18:14
didrocksenjoy everyone, see you on Monday :)18:14
huatsdoes anyone have faced some segfaults on maverick lately ? I assume it is related to doxygen18:22
huatsgeser, yeah I try to find some help here too :)18:22
huatsa pacakge that builds fine on lucid, fails to build on maverick during the processing of the doc with a doxygen segfaults18:23
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and471see ya everyone have a great weekend18:48
desrtmccann: greets :)20:20
vishpitti: re: the icons , looks like gpm implemented fallbacks and it should be working20:22
vishbut will add symlinks too anyway..20:22

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