
ari-tczewunimatrix: packages.ubuntu.com is orphaned00:15
unimatrixari-tczew how so? is there a replacement?00:18
ari-tczewunimatrix: in http interface? no00:18
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jturekhi guys, anybody running latest maverick, having their network wifi LED flashing on and off like mad?03:42
jtureki don't know how to explain this in a bug report lol03:43
jturekwifi is up and running, just the LED keeps flashing like its telling me morse code03:43
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ansgarHow often do the moderators for ubuntu-devel-discuss@l.u.c approve messages?04:01
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micahgDktrKranz: are you familiar with yasm?  I see you touched the package about 2 yrs ago06:28
pittiGood mornin07:10
pitti(no 'g's just yet at this hour, sorry)07:11
ttxgeser: yes07:24
ttxgeser: sfcb depends on cim-schema, which still needs some work on licensing07:25
ttxgeser: so at this point it needs to live in multiverse07:25
ttxand so do all the things that depend on it07:25
pittihey ttx, feeling better?07:29
ttxpitti: slightly, meds starting to take effect. Thanks :)07:30
DktrKranzmicahg: no07:33
micahgpitti: do you know about yasm?07:49
dholbachgood morning!08:06
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pittimicahg: I know it exists, not much else08:26
micahgpitti: k, I'm wondering if I can update the package in Ubuntu since Debian isn't being responsive and we're right before FF08:26
micahgpitti: k, thanks08:26
anderskI think glib2.0 2.25.12-1ubuntu1 is badly broken (at least on i386): bug 614240.08:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614240 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "libglib2.0-0 2.25.12-1ubuntu1 failed to install: *** buffer overflow detected ***: /usr/lib/glib-2.0/gio-querymodules terminated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61424008:28
anderskIf so, this is going to cause major headaches for maverick users tomorrow.  :-(08:28
micahgrobert_ancell: ^^^08:29
pittiCDs failed to build the same way08:32
robert_ancellmicahg, yes, :(08:33
robert_ancelloccurs on i386, not amd64.  Anyone care to test a fix?08:34
pittino hal any more!!08:38
robert_ancellpitti, your quest is complete!08:38
Chipzzpitti: gz :)08:40
robert_ancellpitti, do you have i386 hw?08:42
pittirobert_ancell: I have two amd64 installs08:43
pittirobert_ancell: but I can test something in a VM08:43
pittii. e. boot the alpha-3 i386 VM and update or so08:44
robert_ancellpitti, actually, the ppa is fast today, it's building there now.  thanks08:45
robert_ancellpitti, build failed, it's pulling in glib to build glib...  can you try building lp:~robert-ancell/+junk/glib-i386-fix on i386 and see if there is the error reported in bug 61420 when it builds?08:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 61420 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Xorg.conf AIGLX changes needed for 855GM cards" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6142008:48
robert_ancellbug 61424008:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614240 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "libglib2.0-0 2.25.12-1ubuntu1 failed to install: *** buffer overflow detected ***: /usr/lib/glib-2.0/gio-querymodules terminated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61424008:48
robert_ancellseb128, hey08:58
seb128hey robert_ancell08:58
robert_ancellseb128, been breaking stuff, sorry :(08:58
seb128robert_ancell, you did upload the new glib?08:58
robert_ancellseb128, yup, wasn't getting any problem here - do you have any i386 hw?08:59
seb128"i386" in sense of non i686?08:59
robert_ancellseb128, not sure, definitely broken on i38609:00
seb128but yes my box is not amd6409:00
seb128robert_ancell, I wrote you an email to tell you to not upload before having it tested by somebody who had the issue :-(09:00
robert_ancellseb128, sorry, I misread that09:01
seb128robert_ancell, we missed the :03 run now, I will do a testbuild with -O0 there09:03
seb128did anybody tried that?09:03
robert_ancellseb128, ok, thanks.  I can't reproduce the problem but I have a possible fix in  lp:~robert-ancell/+junk/glib-i386-fix09:03
seb128robert_ancell, want me to test that first?09:04
robert_ancellseb128, yes please.  Look for a warning after compiling gsignal.c09:04
seb128robert_ancell, did you try to upload to a ppa? ;-)09:04
robert_ancellseb128, yes, but it pulled in glib to build glib - how do we get around that?09:04
seb128did it?09:04
pittibonjour seb12809:05
seb128that's going to be fun09:05
seb128pitti, hey09:05
seb128pitti, help!09:05
pittierm, why does glib b-dep on glib?09:07
robert_ancellpitti, it may be because of the dconf depends09:07
seb128let's change it back to a recommends09:07
pittirobert_ancell: so, try the following:09:07
pitti- upload a glib2.0 without dconf and the fix09:08
pitti- let it build and publish09:08
pitti- reupload glib2.0 with dconf09:08
seb128just change it back to a recommend09:08
seb128that's a circular depends anyway09:08
seb128I will add the recommends to gnome-session or something09:08
pittirecommends sounds good enough as well09:09
robert_ancellok, uploading now09:09
robert_ancell(to ppa)09:09
* seb128 builds locally09:11
seb128I hacked the rules to not run make check, that takes hours09:11
seb128robert_ancell, sorry for not being clear in my email :-(09:11
robert_ancellseb128, I should have checked the debian reports closer09:11
seb128did you find it now?09:12
robert_ancellseb128, yes, afterwards when I knew the compiler error to search for09:12
seb128robert_ancell, oh, did they reassign it away from glib?09:13
seb128in any case update building there09:13
robert_ancellseb128, no, but I didn't realise that bug was the problem we were facing.09:13
seb128I didn't realize it was not happening on amd64 ;-)09:14
robert_ancellseb128, the weird thing is the compiler says "this is going to fail for sure" and then lets you keep compiling!09:14
seb128I've noticed reading your email, I didn't notice the build warning yesterday09:15
seb128robert_ancell, seems the warning is fixed09:16
seb128it's building the udeb variant now but I've no "//usr/include/bits/string3.h:86: warning: call to __builtin___memset_chk will always overflow destination buffer" in the log after the shared build09:17
robert_ancellseb128, good sign...09:17
seb128oh come on09:19
seb128building rfgdbg now09:20
seb128why do need to build glib, gtk etc 3 times09:20
seb128robert_ancell, btw you should add the dh_installdirs call to the rules while you are at it09:21
seb128 dh_install -i09:21
seb128+dh_installdirs -i09:21
seb128and same for the -s09:22
seb128robert_ancell, and be ready to upload if that build works ;-)09:22
robert_ancellseb128, prepping now...09:22
seb128robert_ancell, ok, it's running the dh_09:24
pittihm, what's all this complaining from uscan in maverick?09:25
pittidpkg: version ''2.31.6'' has bad syntax: invalid character in version number09:25
seb128robert_ancell, works! go go go upload it ;-)09:25
seb128robert_ancell, wait09:25
pittithis seems to break bzr bd etc.09:25
seb128robert_ancell, no, don't09:26
seb128robert_ancell, any gtk software segfault on g_bsearch_array_lookup_fuzzy()09:26
robert_ancellseb128, ?09:26
seb128the install worked09:26
seb128but gtk-demo or gedit or whatever still segfault09:26
robert_ancelldamn, plan B, can you upload with -O0?09:27
seb128pitti, should we block the binaries? it makes any gtk software segfault on i38609:27
seb128robert_ancell, can try09:27
pittiseb128: ah, so the fix doesn't work?09:29
pittior any workaround?09:29
pittiseb128: we could just upload the previous glib?09:29
pittiit'd be better than blocking binaries IMHO09:29
seb128pitti, robert_ancell: I've uploaded an untested version09:35
seb128building it locally now09:35
pittia reversion to the previous glib?09:35
seb128pitti, no, a build with -O0 which the debian guys says workaround the compiler issue09:36
seb128pitti, I'm not sure the previous version wouldn't have the same issue09:36
seb128pitti, we are running into a gcc bug not a glib one09:36
seb128that code didn't change09:36
seb128#0  0x011eb53e in ?? () from /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgvfsdbus.so09:43
seb128#1  0x00761996 in _g_local_file_info_get09:43
seb128gtk-demo runs now but not gedit09:43
robert_ancellseb128, I have to go sorry, can you handle this?09:44
seb128robert_ancell, yes, enjoy your evening, don't worry we will sort it09:45
seb128pitti, should we block the binaries or not?09:45
robert_ancellseb128, thanks, I owe you a pile of beers09:45
seb128pitti, it makes all the gtk programs crash on i38609:45
seb128which basically means no session for anybody upgrading I guess09:45
seb128and we will not catch a fix in the next publisher run now09:46
seb128pitti, or wait09:47
seb128hum no09:48
seb128pitti, hello?09:56
pittiseb128: so, your workaround didn't work either? does it work with -O0?09:58
seb128pitti, my workaround was -O0, that fixes a crash but anything using gvfs crashes still09:59
seb128I'm trying to rebuild the previous version now09:59
seb128pitti, bah10:04
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seb128pitti, does the buildds install recommends?10:04
pittithey don't, no10:04
pittiThe following NEW packages will be installed:10:05
pitti  libdconf0 libmpfr410:05
seb128right, I'm wondering what brings libdconf0 in10:05
seb128I changed it to a recommends10:05
pittihm, is that even the build-depends install already?10:06
pittiit could just be the initial chroot upgrade10:06
pittiUpdating debian chroot for build 7d742a5eeb0eac0743fc0c3c1f21ea01fa1a585010:06
pittiglib is in the buildd chroot10:06
pittiso, I'm afraid this needs lamont love10:08
* pitti stops buildds10:08
pittiwell, the i386 ones, anyway10:08
pittiother arches are not affected?10:08
pittiseb128, lamont: i386 buildds on manual, to avoid further FTBFSes until the chroot is sorted out10:09
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pittiseb128, lamont, elmo: I think what needs to happen is a manual chroot upgrade with ignoring the segfault in libglib2.0-0's postinst10:09
pittiand then build/publish a glib without the libdconf dependency10:10
pittithen the chroot should at least be able to upgrade itself again10:10
seb128pitti, well, I'm not so concerned about the buildds that about the fact that every i386 downloading that upgrade will get a non starting system10:10
seb128or rather graphical system10:10
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sebnerseb128: good to know that I don't do a restart :D10:12
seb128sebner, well you shouldn't be able to start any gtk application either10:12
pittiseb128: so, you want the i386 .debs blocked? you need to ask #is about that, I'm afraid, I can't do that10:12
seb128pitti, well either we need to solve that quickly or we need to block the debs10:13
seb128pitti, what do you think?10:13
sebnerseb128: uh great, good that I opened my browser and xchat already before the upgrade xD10:13
pittiseb128: blocking debs would probably be prudent, since we need to fix the chroots either way, and it's a couple of hours until lamont wakes up10:14
sebnerseb128: but I guess a simple glib downgrade fixes it?10:15
* sebner waves at pitti btw :)10:15
pittihello seb12810:15
pittisebner, even10:15
debarshiWhere can I find some documentation on writing a Ubiquity plugin? I need to add some extra pages to Ubiquity for some Ubuntu-based boxes that we are making at the university.10:16
debarshiI am currently reading through the sources of the existing plugins ...10:17
* Adri2000 needs a core-dev to approve lucid task in bug #569365, please10:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 569365 in mountall (Ubuntu) "mountall messages are showed untranslated in Plymouth" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56936510:18
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pittiseb128: worth a try: does it work with gcc-4.5?10:27
seb128pitti, how do I try that easily?10:28
pitticonfiguring with CC=gcc-4.5 should do it10:29
pittiand b-dep'ing on gcc-4.510:29
pittiit's in main10:29
seb128let me try10:29
pittiseb128: i. e. in configure-stamp rule, where CFLAGS= is set10:29
seb128I'm finishing my 2.25.12.is.2.25.11 build and then test that10:30
seb128pitti, my 2.25.12.is.2.25.11 works10:39
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seb128pitti, so at least we have something we can upload one the buildds are sorted10:39
seb128trying gcc-4.5 now10:39
pittiseb128: so it's not quite clear then whether it's a glib or a gcc bug?10:39
seb128pitti, other distros don't have the issue with that glib and the debian guys who investigated says it's a compiler issue10:41
seb128pitti, I'm trying gcc-4.5 next10:41
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lamontpitti: what's up?11:39
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seb128lamont, hey! need help fixing the buildds11:41
seb128lamont, we got a libglib uploaded which segfaults on i38611:41
lamontoh joy11:41
apwseb128, lamont its also affecting the PPA builders11:41
seb128lamont, and we can't get a new version fixed because the buildds dist-upgrade pre-build fails on it11:41
apwpitti, should we disable the PPA i386 buildd's too as they are pinging jobs to CHROOTWAIT11:43
lamontapw: manualing them now, but I'm pretty sure that's not what pinging means11:44
apwlamping them to CHROOTWAIT perhaps :)11:44
pittiseb128: confirmed that armel and powerpc are affected too11:44
pittiseb128: given that sparc also succeeded, looks like a 32 bit only issue?11:45
asacall stop!11:45
pittiglib doing something nasty to pointers?11:45
pittiMANUALing powerpc and armel11:45
seb128pitti, should I upload my downgraded version for now?11:46
pittiseb128: if that works, please do11:46
pittiseb128: then it'll be ready to try when the builders are working again11:46
seb128I'm away for a quick bite, will be back in 10 minutes or so11:46
lamontpitti: so we need all 32-bit maverick architectures?11:50
pittilamont: seems so; i386, armel, powerpc AFAICS?11:50
pittilamont: what would you recommend here? manually upgrading the chroot and || true'ing the postinst of libglib?11:51
pittilamont: or temporarily disabling dist-upgrade?11:51
pittiit fails during dist-upgrade of the chroot, before starting the actual build, AFAICS11:51
lamontpitti: I just rolled a fresh i386 chroot, and helped libglib2.0-0 to land well11:51
pittilamont: ok; disabling dist-upgrade is harder to do/not advisable?11:52
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lamontproduces a less reproducible result11:52
pittilamont: just saying that with that hacked chroot this probably needs another update once glib is fixed?11:53
lamontonce glib is newer, the dist-upgrade will take care of it each time11:54
lamontglib isn't a quick build.  do we need the old glib to build the new glib, or is the gio-modules segv isolated?11:55
pittilamont: it's not quite clear yet whether it's a gcc bug or a bug in the newer glib, but so far we don't have any other solution than to downgrade glib11:56
pittilamont: we don't need the old glib for build, it was a circular dependency (now fixed)11:56
lamontah, ok.11:57
lamontso I'm hearing that we want to disable the upgrade on 32-bit, upload the old glib as a higher version, let it publish, and then re-enable the dist-upgrade, yes?11:58
pittilamont: sounds good11:59
pittilamont: well, I don't insist on disabling the upgrade; I was just asking whether it might be easier for you11:59
pittiit might be a central change, as opposed to having to fiddle with N chroots twice12:00
lamontgiven the borked nature of the new build, and your promise not to reenable everything until I turn it back on, I'm happy12:00
lamontit's not a central change12:00
pittiok; so whatever is easiest and works :)12:00
asaci think if lamont wanted it to be simple we already would have a webUI to patch chroot etc. :-P12:00
pittilamont: the new build is broken?12:00
pittilamont: (sorry, I didn't actually follow the changes in glib; this time I was by and large a bystander)12:01
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lamontpitti: borked nature of a fresh chroot <-- forget what I said about "new build"12:01
lamontpitti: use the following machines to build glib:  palmer, ross, artigas, hawthorn12:04
pittilamont: understood; I'll bump its build score to make sure it goes first12:04
seb128lamont, pitti: thanks!12:05
asacthanks all for fixing this12:05
lamontonce it's done and published, you can unmanual everything EXCEPT those 4.  poke me to go undo the hack, pls12:05
pittilamont: ack12:05
pittilamont: just to make sure everythign is as expected, did we drop sparc and ia64 arches from maverick now?12:05
lamontfinal decision is slated for next week, iirc12:06
pittibecause above build doesn't have build records for those12:06
pittisorry, ia64 is there, but no sparc12:06
Davieycjwatson: Ciemon has been testing Maverick, and he encountered a bug which i haven't been able to reproduce yet.  He's found that grub->recovery mode can give him a root console.  Is there something that has changed in the last  few days that could have caused that?12:07
lamontpitti: I wonder if it's still PaS on sparc12:07
* lamont looks12:07
pittiglib? that'd ruin pretty much everything12:08
pittigiven that upstart needs it12:08
lamont%glib2.0: !sparc                                                     # temporary workaround for buildd-killer12:08
lamontI win12:08
lamontpitti: sparc was dead in lucid12:08
lamontlack of a kernel and all that12:09
* pitti sets artigas and sejong (sparcs) to manual12:09
pittiah, sorry, sparc is not affected12:09
pittilamont: you said to use artigas for the glib build12:09
pittino, sparc _is_ affectd12:10
pittisorry, had a phone call in parallel (done now)12:10
pittilamont: in general we still get sparc build records for maverick, so better to stop it12:10
lamontsparc has 2.24.0-0ubuntu412:10
pittiah, so it's not affected because the broken glib failed?12:10
pittiindeed, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/2.31.6-0ubuntu1 succeeded on sparc12:11
pitti(from ~ 1.5 hours ago)12:11
lamontsparc doesn't believe in glib of the current era12:11
pittiok, sparc back on auto12:11
pittilamont: so should I just ignore your "plz use those" for artigas then?12:11
pittiand you can undo the hack there?12:11
lamonthack gone on artigas, ignore artigas12:11
* pitti puts the other three back on auto, and puts a sweet cherry on top of the glib build to lure them into grabbing the builds faster12:12
lamontpitti: on that, do you need anything more from me until glib is building?  (I can actually remove the hack once the build is into installing build-deps)12:13
pittithere, they took the bait; I set them back to manual12:13
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pittilamont: assuming that these builds will actually succeed, should be enough12:14
pittilamont: would it be okay to revert the hack in an hour or so? just in case..12:14
pittiwe don't have a desperatingly long queue12:14
pittiso the outage of those three shoudln't hurt12:14
pittiseb128: ok, I'd like to grab some lunch, and those builds will take a bit anyway; do you need anything else right now?12:15
seb128pitti, no, thanks for helping there, I will email ubuntu-devel now12:16
pittiseb128: it's past the build-dep isntall stage on all three, anyway, so seems lamont's hack worked :)12:20
* pitti &12:20
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seb128pitti, lamont: new glib failed to upload12:38
seb128"2010-08-06 11:35:00 WARNING Upload was rejected:12:38
seb1282010-08-06 11:35:00 WARNING     invalid literal for int() with base 10: '24\t.'"12:38
seb128"2010-08-06 11:34:50 ERROR   Exception while accepting:12:38
seb128 invalid literal for int() with base 10: '24\t.'12:38
seb128 -> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53161956/hMxV26MZk2BTThKsEzJvkTYKbvL.txt (invalid literal for int() with base 10: '24\t.')12:38
wgrantseb128: That looks like the pkgstriptranslations issue from a few weeks ago.12:45
wgrant(yes, the error message sucks)12:45
seb128lamont, did your changes brought back pkgstriptranslations to an old version or something?12:46
geserseb128: pitti fixed that already in the past12:46
lamontseb128: that tarball was last upgraded some time ago12:46
wgrantI didn't know that any chroots existed with the bad version held, though...12:46
lamontso you're saying you want pkgstriptranslations?  any other packages vs weeks ago?12:46
seb128wgrant, lamont has been tweaking things to fix the glib screwup12:46
lamontwgrant: not held, we just completely skipped the dist-upgrade step12:46
wgrantHmm. I wonder why the chroots would have that version, though.12:47
wgrantHow odd.12:47
seb128what was the buggy version?12:47
wgrantI forget... the one where it was uploaded like 5 times in one day.12:48
* wgrant checks.12:48
wgrantThat bug was fixed in 73.12:48
lamontwgrant: they have the july 14 binaries12:48
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lamont(all of the tarballs)12:48
wgrantlamont: Hm, you recreated them during the brokenness? :/12:49
seb128lamont, can you check the version on the builders?12:49
lamontthen the dist-upgrade step brings them current12:49
lamontwgrant: I just looked at the timestamp on the tarball12:49
wgrantAlso, wouldn't this have been several hours easier if the old glib binaries were revived?12:49
lamontwgrant: yes and no12:51
lamontii  pkgbinarymangler                70                        strips translations and alters maintainers d12:52
seb128lamont, can we update that and retry build?12:53
wgrantlamont: I mean, surely it'd be nice to fix archive breakage quickly without screwing with chroots....12:53
pittiold ghosts come back then!?13:01
lamontseb128: and crunching along nicely now13:01
lamontpitti: you said no dist-upgrade... so you get july 14 bits13:01
lamontthat was my point13:01
seb128lamont, thanks13:01
lamontseb128: it'd be nice if once we get this published, you did a fresh upload of the old bits one more time13:02
seb128lamont, you want another glib source upload?13:02
pittilamont: right, but I didn't think of the possibility that of all possible times we'd catch the two hours with broken mangler :-( sorry about that13:02
lamontpitti: in other news, my plan (as of last night) was to build new chroots first thing this morning.13:03
lamontthere's some irony or such in there somewhere13:03
wgrantSo, seriously, wouldn't stuff like this be easier if you could remove the broken binaries and bring back the old ones into the archive? That's quite doable.13:03
lamontwgrant: with a higher than broken version number?13:03
wgrantlamont: Not critical if the chroots are old.13:03
pittilamont: nice timing for the win!13:03
lamontexcept for the user13:03
seb128lamont, you need a source upload? when?13:04
pittisomeone retried the glib i386 build then?13:04
pitti"started 5 mins ago"13:04
wgrantlamont: Well, the intention would be to get builds unbroken, then get a newer version out to users once the world is fixed.13:04
lamontseb128: once the current one is published - I'll let pitti decide if he wants that to build (using current build-deps) before autoing the world, or if he's ok with the july 14 build-deps and letting it happen when it does13:04
lamontpitti: I did13:04
lamontwith current pkgbinarymangler13:04
seb128why do you need a new source upload?13:05
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seb128if you retried the current one13:05
lamontseb128: totally separate issue13:05
pittiseb128: the current build is bad, since it builds with an old toolchain, etc.13:05
lamontseb128: I'd like glib to be built with current build-deps, instead of 3-week old build-deps13:05
seb128ok, fair enough13:05
seb128I'm still aiming at trying to fix 2.25.12 if I can13:05
pittiseb128: that'd be even better, of course :)13:06
pittiseb128: it's an exercise in git bisect, by and large?13:06
lamontif you give me a window where the world is happy, I'll freshen the chroots this morning13:06
seb128pitti, I'm not sure, 2.25.12 built from tarball doesn't crash13:06
seb128but I'm only LD_LIBRARY_PATH loading the libraries13:07
pittiseb128: do you get a crash if you have the working glib installed, and LD_LIB_PATH'ing the one from the known-broken glib .deb?13:08
pittiseb128: if that doesn't crash either, then apparently L_L_P doesn't work (enough); if it doesn't crash, then it might be a patch of our's?13:08
seb128pitti, yes13:13
seb128it crashes this way13:13
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pittiseb128: ok, so LD_L_P is working to reproduce the crash, and it's something that we patched in our package?13:16
pittiseb128: i. e. I assume "build from tarball" means "from upstream"?13:16
seb128pitti, it means tar xzf orig.tar.gz; cd glib; ./configure --prefix=/usr && make13:17
seb128pitti, I'm doing a deb build without distro changes now13:18
pittiseb128: my first suspect would be 71_gio_launch_handler.patch13:19
seb128it's not13:19
seb128debian doesn't have this change13:19
pittiok; well, then good hunting!13:19
seb128I'm wondering if that could be due to the rules13:19
seb128LDFLAGS += -Wl,-O113:19
seb128for example13:20
seb128pitti, thanks ;-)13:20
seb128pitti, thank you for trying to give me hints as well ;-)13:20
pittii386 finished13:23
pittiseb128: would you mind testing the binaries from https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib2.0/2.25.12.is.2.25.11-0ubuntu1/+build/1907344 ?13:23
pittiseb128: they were built with an older toolchain, so we can't assume that they work now (i. e. as in your local build)13:23
seb128pitti, trying13:25
seb128pitti, works13:27
pittilamont: so, you can un-hack palmer/ross/hawthorn13:28
lamontpitti: all unhax0red.13:30
lamontpitti: ok if I leave the unmanual to you?  if it's published, I'll go do it now if you want13:30
pittilamont: yes, that's fine13:30
pittiI'll reanimate them13:31
pittilamont: and seems seb128 just found the root cause13:31
pittiso we now at least have a much better workaround13:31
didrockshum, I get some "Failed to upload", I think this is related to previous chroot/builder issue? (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zeitgeist-extensions/0.0.3-0ubuntu1/)13:32
pittididrocks: yes, you can just retry those13:33
didrockspitti: ok, thanks :)13:33
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didrockspitti: still the same upload issue13:46
pittididrocks: hang on, will look later13:46
seb128didrocks, what does the upload log say?13:46
didrockssure, no hurry, good luck with you current debug stack :)13:46
didrocks2010-08-06 12:36:42 WARNING Upload was rejected:13:47
didrocks2010-08-06 12:36:42 WARNING     Duplicated ancestry13:47
pittididrocks: ah, that's not mangler then13:47
didrocksI don't remember we uploaded it before…13:47
pittididrocks: someone promoted a package to main or universe while it was built13:47
pittiyou need to wait for a publisher13:47
didrockspitti: "a package"? I don't really understand where the error is here TBH13:48
pittididrocks: zeitgeist-extensions?13:48
pittididrocks: look at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zeitgeist-extensions/+changelog13:49
pittididrocks: it's published twice13:49
pittiapparently it was moved to main within this our13:49
didrocksoh ok, this is possible even if the first binary wasn't NEWed? ok, I understand now :)13:49
didrockspitti: thanks, I'll wait for the publisher so13:49
lamontpitti: are we just waiting on a publisher run for the unmanual?  or are you waiting for another glib2.0?13:57
pittilamont: publisher, and https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/hawthorn to finish13:58
lamontoh yeah.  hawthorn13:58
lamontthat has the current pkgbinarymangler, fwiw13:58
pittilamont: I'd like the packages to be published before I let any other package buildl13:58
pittiotherwise we have to retry even more13:58
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jcastrompt: any clue as to where to report bugs on the apt.ubuntu.com redirector thing?14:57
mptjcastro, no -- no-one is assigned to work on it14:57
jcastrois it going away eventually or will it be superceded by something or ... ?14:58
jcastro(trying to figure out if we should tell people to use it)14:58
hyperairCan't locate Dpkg.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/bin/dpkg-source line 22.15:06
hyperairBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/bin/dpkg-source line 22.15:06
hyperairwhat happened? O_o15:06
mptjcastro, I nagged rickspencer3 about finding someone to develop it at Guadec. More nagging would help. :-)15:10
jcastrompt: I am born to nag, I just need the name of the person who touched it last15:14
mptjcastro, Andrew Glen-Young iirc15:16
pittiseb128: I think I can set the buildds back to auto now15:18
pittilibglib2.0-0 | 2.25.12.is.2.25.11-0ubuntu1 |      maverick | amd64, i386, ia64, powerpc15:18
lamontpitti: woot!15:19
lamontpitti: you say so, I'll do it15:19
pittipalmer and ross back on auto15:19
pittilamont: not yet armel15:19
pittithat still needs 40 mins for publishing15:19
pittilamont: but the rest looks okay15:19
seb128pitti, thanks15:20
lamontpitti: so... terranova samarium lansones lychee actinium lemon litembilla rothera papaya hassium seaborgium thorium iridium thallium vernadsky adare muntries sandpaperfig radium rosehip nannyberry doubah uranium einsteinium dubnium shipova, yes?15:20
pittilamont: https://edge.launchpad.net/builders looks good now15:21
pittilamont: oh, you have an en-masse way to enable/disable them? I usualy click through all of them on above page15:22
lamontpitti: btw, you forgot ivy and kaylaberry when you did the manual thing... though I think we're safe there15:22
Lukiantesting an upgrade from lucid to maverick results in dpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 48098 package 'virtualbox-3.1': error in Version string `3.1.6-59338_Ubuntu_karmic': invalid character in revision number -- should I file this bug against virtualbox or dpkg?15:22
pittilamont: oops, indeed; wasn't aware that we had armel PPA builders15:23
lamontpitti: nothing actually uses them quite yet that I've seen15:23
seb128Lukian, known dpkg bug15:23
Lukianknown bug? cheets15:23
lamontthough in theory, that's going to change15:23
seb128Lukian, it's filed in launchpad and debian already15:23
seb128Lukian, you can edit your available and status files to workaround the issue15:24
seb128it does't like the _U..._15:24
Lukianalready done ;)15:24
pittiseb128: how is that a dpkg bug?15:24
Lukianpitti, because it's a semi-valid version number? :>15:24
pittihow is 3.1.6-59338_Ubuntu_karmic a valid version number?15:25
pittiit's clearly not15:25
Lukianhaha indeed15:25
Lukianbut yeah, it still needs to be filed and fixed15:25
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Lukianpitti, maybe one day Sun will even lowercase the executable from "VirtualBox" to "virtualbox"15:26
seb128pitti, well dpkg allowed people to install it at some point so it should allow them to get out of it15:27
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jcastrodidrocks: feature requests for banshee-meego that are ubuntu-specific should go in launchpad?15:35
didrocksjcastro: if it's ubuntu specific, yeah it should15:35
didrocksjcastro: if we can have the udev branch merge next week, it will be awesome. I'll be then on holidays for two weeks…15:36
jcastrook let me see15:36
jcastrodidrocks: next wednesday fine?15:37
jcastrothat's 1.7.415:37
didrocksjcastro: yeah, it is :)15:37
* Laney hopes we can get banshee back in sync15:38
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ttxpitti: got one for you. Due to bug 614393 I consider reverting a recent upload to antlr3-3.2 and go back to antlr3-3.0.1 we had in lucid15:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614393 in antlr3 (Ubuntu) "[maverick] antlr3 3.2-4 FTBFS due to missing deps in main" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61439315:59
hrwhttp://hrw.pastebin.com/PNhm3K5Y - can someone help me with debian/control file to make it pass lintian?15:59
ttxpitti: I don't think we raelly want 30+ MIRs over this one16:00
ttxpitti: I should do a 3.2-really3.0 upload ?16:00
pittittx: ooh, please do16:02
ttxpitti: I need some guidance on the process, I never did that.16:02
geserhrw: on which architectures should the package get build? i386, amd64, armel, etc or a subset or only one specific?16:02
ttxpitti: is it just about uploading a new "version" that is 3.0.1 but as 3.2-really3.0.1.orig.tar.gz ?16:03
hrwgeser: any basically16:03
pittittx: right, rename hte old tarball accordingly, and bump debian/changelog16:03
ttxpitti: what should the version name look like ?16:04
geserhrw: then add "Architecture: any" to the source stance in debian/control to get rid of the error (E:)16:04
ttxlucid has  3.0.1+dfsg-4ubuntu2, maverick has FTBFS 3.2-416:04
pittittx: 3.2.is.3.0.1-0ubuntu1 perhaps?16:04
ttxpitti: that would force us to stick with it until debian goes to 3.3, right (not that I care, but...)16:05
pittittx: but if you reuse 3.2-*, then you can't upload a new orig.tar.gz16:07
geserhrw: and you can ignore the warning about "linux-source" as it's is a real-package, and the other warning looks like you missed the XSBC- before Original-Maintainer16:07
pittittx: so 3.2 can't be built without the new dependencies?16:08
ttxno, upstream migrated to maven build system and debian followed suit16:09
ttxthat's something we'll have to do at one point16:09
ttxbut I'm pretty sure this is not the right moment in cycle to do it16:09
ttxespecially with the possible outcome of breaking eucalyptus by upgrading a few libs in the process16:10
pitti ttx 3.2.is.3.0 it is, then?16:10
geserttx: as your are currently talking about a MIR (and AFAIK take also care about java packages): could you comment on bug 614000 (as additional input for the MIR team)16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614000 in ant1.7 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] ant1.7, ant1.7-optional (source: ant1.7)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61400016:10
ttxyep, will do16:10
ttxgeser: looking16:10
ttxsounds reasonable, at least for axis16:11
ttxlibservlet2.4-java is getting deprecated, shouldn't have anything in main depending on it anymore16:12
ttxgeser: commented16:13
ttxpitti: thanks for your input !16:17
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pittiseb128, lamont: FYI, I switched the armel buildds back to auto as well now16:28
seb128pitti, thanks16:28
* pitti hugs seb128 "hero of maverick"16:29
lamontpitti: woot.16:29
pittiseb128: note that the previous upload somehow didn't create a sparc build, but I guess/hope the next one will again16:29
* seb128 hugs pitti back16:29
lamontI'll cook a set of tarballs today, and get blessings on them before deploying them monday16:29
pittibut then again, let's just ditch it16:29
seb128thanks again for helping sorting that16:29
pittilamont: we shold wait on the next upload from seb128 with the real fix, I think16:29
pitti(for "good" chroots)16:29
pittihave a nice weekend everyone!16:30
lamontpitti: true16:31
lamontseb128: poke me when it's uploaded, mk?16:31
* lamont -> town, afk16:31
sconklinwhat's the right place for pure python app  modules to install? I'm working on packaging one and the original app installed to /usr/share/appname/, but the debian packaging tools want to put it in /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/appname/16:38
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mathiazkees: once you've gone through all your daily USN, would you mind poking at libdbi MIR (bug 608552)?17:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608552 in libdbi (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libdbi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60855217:17
keesmathiaz: yup, MIR is on the list for today. :)17:18
mathiazkees: \o/ - think ya17:19
keesoar welcome17:19
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RoAkSoAxcan someone please take a look to the following MIRs: bug #515996 bug #527155 bug #527142 bug #52718217:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 515996 in libesmtp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libesmtp" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51599617:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527155 in cluster-agents (Ubuntu) "[MIR] cluster-agents" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52715517:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527142 in cluster-glue (Ubuntu) "[MIR] cluster-glue" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52714217:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527182 in heartbeat (Ubuntu) "[MIR] heartbeat" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52718217:28
Davieyjdstrand: Hey.. Are you thinking of doing a libvirt 0.8.3-1 merge?17:29
jdstrandDaviey: yes17:29
jdstrandDaviey: probably first thing next week17:29
Davieyjdstrand: Okay, that's great - could i ask that you keep me posted on it.. i'd like to test it as soon as.. thanks.17:31
jdstrandDaviey: sure17:31
jdstrandDaviey: I should qualify the 'first thing next week' -- that is when I will start it. it is a complicated merge and there is likely a migration script I need to finish writing17:32
jdstrandDaviey: I'm not sure when it'll be done, but libvirt is my priority next week17:33
Davieyjdstrand: yeah.. the delta looks kinda scary :(...   The migration script will be a debian/ maintainer script?17:33
jdstrandDaviey: initially, yes. depending on my findings I may push to Debian and upstream17:34
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Davieyjdstrand: Well, if you want me to do some smoke testing with it against UEC before it hits the archive, i don't mind.. just point me to a branch :)17:34
* Daviey dashes.17:34
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tkamppeterpitti, hi19:22
gesertkamppeter: he fled into weekend 3h ago19:27
hakzsam_hi all19:39
hakzsam_I try to install rhythmbox from the sources, I downloaded them with 'git clone git://git.gnome.org/rhythmbox'19:40
hakzsam_but I have a problem with the './configure' script19:40
hakzsam_the error message is here : http://pastebin.com/6tNs0dtr19:41
Picihakzsam_: This isn't a support channel, please see the topic.19:41
hakzsam_Pici, okay, but where is the topic ?19:41
Picihakzsam_: /topic should tell you19:42
hakzsam_Pici, thanks !19:42
ebroderHmm...what happens if you build a live CD with a ureadahead pack? Are there too many differences across different hardware for it to help?19:53
ebroderCould I build a live CD, generate a pack, drop the pack in and then re-squash the fs? Or is that going to re-arrange everything to the point that it does more harm than good?19:54
LucidFox"Taking the time to fix all the reported bugs is likely to mean that the fully open beta will be somewhat delayed." <-- What :S19:56
ScottKebroder: If I tell you it's a bad idea will you give up?19:56
ebroderScottK: If I say no will you tell me how to do it? :-P19:56
ScottKebroder: No, because I don't know how.  I suspect you'll only be satisfied by trying it, so you should just go do that.19:57
ebroderHow can it be a bad idea, in theory at least? Let's see...I could drop the pack in the initramfs and copy it over to the aufs mount, so that would keep me from mucking with the squashfs...19:57
ScottKWhich reinforces my point.19:59
ebroderFair enough. I'm mostly curious if I can avoid duplicating someone else's work, but I'll probably just give it a go19:59
ScottKIf you are duplicating someone's work, it's not mine.20:00
hdonhi all. i am debugging a program freeze in Pidgin on Lucid Lynx. (http://pastebin.mozilla.org/763072) i have installed libgtk2.0-0-dbg but gdb still doesn't know simple things like function prototypes to show me the arguments of functions on the stack automatically. please help :)20:15
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LucidFoxhow can I get an @ubuntu/member IRC hostmask?20:55
cody-somervilleLucidFox, If you're a Ubuntu member, you can ask the IRC Council.20:56
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RoAkSoAxkees: I'm wondering why you changed MIR's bug #527155 bug #527182 bug #527142 to incomplete, when I intentionally changed them back to new (by first updating the necessary information) to be processed?23:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527155 in cluster-agents (Ubuntu) "[MIR] cluster-agents" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52715523:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527182 in heartbeat (Ubuntu) "[MIR] heartbeat" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52718223:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527142 in cluster-glue (Ubuntu) "[MIR] cluster-glue" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52714223:18
RoAkSoAxwithout any further explanation23:19
keesRoAkSoAx: heartbeat was already approved (so it should stay in "In Progress" state)23:22
keesRoAkSoAx: cluster-glue is still missing manpages23:23
keesRoAkSoAx: cluster-agents depends on cluster-glue23:23
keesI didn't add any comments because the changes back to "new" looked accidental, and included no comments either. :P23:24
verb3kPrevious releases of ubuntu used to list CD/DVD drive device names in fstab, but in Lucid this is no more, why?23:25
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RoAkSoAxkees: oh ok, I thought it was because they were still unseeded... anyways, thank you :)23:33
keesRoAkSoAx: they should go from In Progress to Fix Released once they're seeded and an archive admin promotes them23:36
RoAkSoAxkees: ok. Thanks. I'll keep an eye on them till they get seeded. Thank you!23:40
keesRoAkSoAx: cool; thanks!23:43

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