
nisshhgodbyk: ok, yea i meant URL's00:01
nisshhill try that command00:02
nisshhgodbyk: the \url command is fine, thanks :)00:08
godbyknisshh: great!00:13
nisshhgodbyk: i just had a thought the other day, it got me thinking, are the screenshots in the manual compressed? or just optimized? because i saw an image compressing app for linux the other day, so i just thought id ask00:22
nisshhgodbyk: and why the hell is that megan fox picture that ben put in the branch still there?00:24
godbyknisshh: I'm not sure what sort of compression is being done with the screenshots.  jenkinks and the quickshot team would be the ones to ask.00:25
godbykAnd Megan Fox is always welcome to hang around. ;-)00:26
nisshhgodbyk: i think Ben has a crush on her :)00:26
godbykHopefully she's not still in the manual. :)00:27
nisshhgodbyk: we could release a Megan Fox Edition of the manual :)00:27
nisshhjust for Ben!00:28
godbykwe'd have to charge him extra, of course.00:32
nisshhgodbyk: on a more serious note, consider this me reminding you about updating the style guide :)00:38
godbyknisshh: duly noted! :)00:40
godbykI'm going to try to work on some manual stuff this weekend.00:40
ChrisWoollardping godbyk11:27
manualbotLaunchpad bug 613821 in rosetta "Approver violates unique constraint" [High,In progress]11:45
manualbotYum! Err, I mean, APT!11:46
dutchiegood manualbot11:46
ChrisWoollardnever mind godbyk, I e-mailed you instead.12:08
dpmhi dutchie, godbyk, is any of you admin of the ubuntu-manual project in LP? (or is there any admin around?)12:59
nisshhdpm: im here, whats up?13:24
dpmhi nisshh, thanks. I've just replied to a thread on ubuntu-manual translations, and I was proposing a change in the import settings. I thought an admin could apply the setting changes straight away -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-translators/2010-August/003793.html13:26
nisshhdpm: ok, gimme a sec to have a look13:26
dutchiedpm: done13:27
* nisshh shakes his fist at dutchie!13:27
nisshhyour too efficient dutchie!13:28
dutchiethat's not something said to me often13:28
nisshhdpm: is that all you needed?13:28
dpmdutchie, nisshh, thanks :) Yeah, that was all (also for lucid-e2, if you haven't already done it)13:29
dutchiedone for e2 as well13:29
dpmit's basically a workaround for the bug whereby translators were getting their translations demoted to suggestions. Although I call it a workaround because the bug is still open, the settings you've got now are actually the optimal for the project (I'm assuming that most, if not all translations contributions to u-m are done through Launchpad rather than the maintainers manually commiting PO files)13:33
dutchiewe had a few doing that, which i think is why the settings were changed13:34
dpmnisshh, dutchie, also regarding translation, I've noticed that you are not using automatic exports. If you go to https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1/+translations-settings and choose a branch where to export translations to, the work of translators will be automatically committed daily to that bzr branch of your choice. It will save you lots of manual work in requesting export and commiting translations.13:59
nisshhdpm: yea, i think godbyk does it manually, i dont know why though, maybe he doesnt know about doing it automatically or something14:05
nisshhdpm: ill mention it to him next time i see him14:05
dpmnisshh, yeah, that'd be great. As maintainer, it will save him a lot of time and manual work, and for translators (if the same dev branch is used for auto commits) it will mean that they know that their work gets into the code predictably14:06
nisshhdpm: yea, good point14:07
dakerdpm, i think it's good we were searching for a way to do automatic export14:08
nisshhdpm: i believe he will be working on the manual this weekend if you want to have a chat with him14:08
dpmnisshh, on which time zone is he? I'm not sure when I'll be around at the weekend14:08
dpmotherwise I can just e-mail him14:09
nisshhdpm: i dont know, but i was talking to him at about midnight UTC thismorning so i think he is US14:09
dpmok, thanks :)14:14
flanI'll officially have home-Internets on the 21st.15:09
flanFor anyone interested.15:09
flanBut at least I'll actually move tomorrow.15:15
flanSo I can, at the very least, write code offline.15:15
flanAnd make a dent in my game backlog.15:15
wastrelfor anyone interested in what?17:39
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
thorwilgood evening!19:14
jenkinsdutchie: / godbyk any breakages that you know off because of the change to the owning group last night?20:32
ChrisWoollardSorry for asking...... but what changed?20:39
jenkinsWe changed the group that own's the manual project to reduce the settings pages being randomly changed. We find stuff being changed ramdomly. every one else can still work on the project and everyone should still join the normal team20:41
jenkinsChrisWoollard: ^20:41
ChrisWoollardThat is fine with me. I don't understand most of those settings anyway.20:42
ChrisWoollardI assume that won't affect the ability to commit20:43
jenkinseveryone can contribute as before20:43
ChrisWoollardThat's good. I am a firm believer in only giving permissions that people actually require to do a task.20:44
jenkinsaiming to reduce the likley hood of breakages20:46
ChrisWoollardI know first hand about those :(20:48
jenkinsa they are a pain20:49
godbykjenkins: I haven't heard anyone complain about anything yet.20:49
jenkinsyey \o/ godbyk , sounds good so far20:50
dutchiejenkins: haven't noticed anything20:50
godbykI missed dpm this morning, but I think the reason we had disabled the import of template files was because if anyone can commit, anyone can update the template file and invalidate the existing translations.20:50
jenkinswe need to check because anyone can commit still20:52
godbykwell, if anyone can commit, that means anyone can change that po/ubuntu-manual.pot file.20:52
godbykand if the translations are automatically importing that .pot file, then that changes what the translators are to be translating.20:52
godbykRE: automatic exports: the launchpad guys said that automatic exports + automatic imports has a tendency to break a lot.20:53
godbykso I've found it's just easier to manually export to the branch (when I regenerate the PDFs).20:54
ChrisWoollardYou could change who can commit. If you look at the logs there are only a few people that do anyway.20:54
godbykin short: all of this translation stuff seems crazy to me. I don't have a good handle on it. I don't know why it fails when it fails.20:54
godbykSo I'd tend to disable as much automatic stuff as possible. :)20:54
jenkinswhat godbyk just said20:54
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: Are you able to edit the coverpage of e2 and add some 2nd edition text20:57
godbykChrisWoollard: Yeah, thorwil's got some mockups someplace, I think.20:57
thorwilmockups? the e2 cover templates are ready! ;)20:58
godbykthorwil: I knew I'd seen some at some point, but couldn't remember their status.20:58
wastrelyo i was reading that pdf you guys made it's good stuff20:59
godbykHey, wastrel. Thanks!20:59
wastreli only read the firat chapter so far.21:00
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: I sent you a mail to your gmail about some other stuff i was thinking about / toying with. What do you think?21:00
godbykChrisWoollard: I glanced at it.  I think I can set some of that stuff withing LaTeX. I'll have to look into it a bit.21:01
godbykI'm curious as to which characters it didn't map to Unicode.21:01
godbykI'm not sure how to set the alt text for images, either.21:01
godbykTechnically the alt text should differ from the caption text (as the alt text is to describe the appearance of the image itself).21:02
ChrisWoollardi think one of them was th 0 from eth021:02
godbykSo if I can figure out how to add the alt text, we'd have to have someone write the text.21:02
ChrisWoollardnot a problem21:02
ChrisWoollardI have no problem writeing the text for 30 / 40 images.21:03
ChrisWoollardif you have a copy of main.pdf you should be able to click on the links and it will show you exactly where the unicode issues are21:04
godbykChrisWoollard: okay, it looks like all the unicode complaints are for characters in LaTeX's math mode.21:10
godbykso $0$, $\times$, $\langle$, and $\rangle$.21:11
godbykwhich generate character similar to 0, x, <, and >21:11
dutchielike ×?21:11
godbykdutchie: yeah, that's $\times$21:11
* dutchie likes his compose key21:11
godbyk$\langle$ is ⟨ and $\rangle$ is ⟩.21:12
godbyk(not sure if those will carry across irc or not.21:12
dutchiehooray for unicode21:12
* dutchie ♥ unicode21:13
ChrisWoollardi just got funnt square boxes21:13
wastrelif i don't see it on my keyboard i don't trust it21:13
godbykChrisWoollard: you need a nicer font. :)21:13
ChrisWoollardSorry. I am on my windows box at the moment. so i don't have many21:14
wastreli just put a bunch of apple docs on my kindle.  the ubuntu manual compares very favorably fyi21:14
ChrisWoollardSo  guess those characters should be changed?21:17
godbykwell, they're the proper characters.  we'll just have to see if we can tell acrobat what they mean.21:18
ChrisWoollardI also guess the checked may not be perfect21:19
ChrisWoollardand as it is adobe it probably isn't ;)21:20
godbykwell, since those characters are generated in latex's math mode, it may be that all math stuff is ignored when it comes to telling pdf about unicode characters or somesuch.21:21
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=== sonicbadger is now known as ChrisWoollard

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