
dewman! stab windows xp01:36
ZinnSorry I don't know about stab windows xp01:36
dewman!stab windows xp01:36
* Zinn stabs windows xp with a rusty spork.01:36
Twiggy2centsanybody available for a graphics card question?02:27
Twiggy2centshey do you guys have some time for a graphics/ubuntu related question?03:46
rhpot1991!ask | Twiggy2cents03:53
ZinnTwiggy2cents: Please don't ask if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask a question.  Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it.  IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer.03:53
rhpot1991and stick around for an answer03:54
Twiggy2centssorrry :)03:54
Twiggy2centsI just set up a dual core 2.4 celeron system with 2 gigs of ram as a front end,  the front end video runs great on the onboard video (with avg. 50% load on cores and cpu + playback profile)  When using a pcie Nvidia GeForce 210 512MbDDR2 card it stutters on playback.  VDPAU Normal helps some but it still does it(the cores run at aroun 90% then).  VDPAU slim degrades quality alot and all the other options have the same issue, ex03:58
Twiggy2centscept for slim which is bad quality.   This is using the 256.44 driver03:58
Twiggy2centsthe onboard video is a intel chipset something or other03:58
kcormierhey all.  I took an archive of a dvd (iso) and now I can't delete it.03:59
Twiggy2centsIm sorry that this isnt the correct chan but nobody is answering on nvidia.03:59
kcormierhi Twiggy2cents.  Don't know if you're already getting help, but if not, you wanna repeat your question?03:59
rhpot1991what drivers are you using Twiggy2cents ?04:00
rhpot1991nvidia-current for 10.04 is 195.36.24-0ubuntu1~10.0404:00
rhpot1991kcormier: I'd check permissions on the iso04:00
rhpot1991IIRC there was a bug where you created an iso but couldn't delete it from the frontend04:01
rhpot1991I think you need to chmod 775 the file04:01
kcormierwhere would it be located?04:01
Twiggy2centsrhpot1991, I got the driver off of nvidias website04:01
rhpot1991Twiggy2cents: why?04:01
Twiggy2centsbecause thats the way I have done it on previous computers?04:02
Twiggy2centsWhat would be the correct way?04:02
rhpot1991launch the restricted driver manager, and choose nvidia, and it does everything for you nice and easy04:02
Twiggy2centsIf so it says the driver I am using is the reccomended one04:03
rhpot1991yep, you most likely have a conflict now between the 2 though04:05
rhpot1991get rid of the one you installed by hand04:05
Twiggy2centshmm well should I just remove all the nvidia stuff in synaptic?04:05
Twiggy2centsSorry I know just enough to get me in trouble04:05
rhpot1991those are the ones you want04:05
rhpot1991whichever you downloaded from nvidia and installed, you don't want those04:06
Twiggy2centshmm I dunno how to remove those04:06
Twiggy2centsit was a package that installs04:06
rhpot1991link to where you got them from?04:06
Zinn[www.nvidia.com] NVIDIA DRIVERS 256.44 Certified04:07
Twiggy2centsnvidia-current version is 195.36.24 on synaptic04:12
rhpot1991which is what you want04:16
rhpot1991gonna have to figure out how to get rid of the driver you installed by hand, I don't see any mention of it in the readme04:16
Twiggy2centsokay I removed it with jockey and lost the nvidia settings icon04:17
Twiggy2centsthe files are no longer installed.  I am going to now try reinstalling with jockey04:17
rhpot1991Twiggy2cents: will not help, you aren't doing what I said04:18
rhpot1991removing the ubuntu nvidia driver and reinstalling them will not make the other ones magically disappear04:18
Twiggy2centsThey are the same.  When I first installed it I had basic graphics support.  Limited metamodes and only one output.  installing the nvidia package recitfied that.  I never installed the 195.36.24 drivers04:20
Twiggy2centswhat if I download the nvidia installer 195.36.24?04:26
kcormierTwiggy2cents: why not just listen to rhpot's advice?  I agree with him that the drivers packaged in debs are a much smarter choice.  It is the same driver that comes from nvidia, it is just packaged in a much more manageable way.  The nvidia packages do a lot more than just drop a driver into place.04:33
Twiggy2centsyes and now that its installed, I dont know how to remove it04:33
Twiggy2centsLike I said earlier I know just enough to get myself in trouble04:34
kcormierTwiggy2cents: gotcha.  Well i'm all for educating people.  So here goes nothing.  Are you talking on the same box you're trying to fix?  or on a different box?04:36
Twiggy2centsno different box04:36
Twiggy2centsI am sitting at both though04:36
Zinn[help.ubuntu.com] NvidiaManual - Community Ubuntu Documentation04:38
kcormierthat includes uninstall info04:38
kcormierif you read through that page, you'll see why we dislike using the drivers directly from nvidia/ati.  They're outside of our control, so during updates/upgrades, we can't guarantee compatibility with the driver.  Sometimes the official drivers are necessary, but where the packaged drivers work, they make life a LOT easer.04:40
kcormierif you're interested, this explains some of the details why.  It if from fedora (rpm based packaging) but some of the concepts should be the same: http://fedorasolved.org/video-solutions/3rd-pty-video04:40
Zinn[fedorasolved.org] Using 3rd Party Video Drivers — Fedora Unity Project04:40
Twiggy2centshmm weird.  Before I go any further let me ask some advice.  I removed the drivers and restarted the whole computer, now jockey says I am not using the drivers and to top that off I can watch a stream at under 50% processor load04:42
Twiggy2centsAm I using the noveuo (i have no clue how to spell it) drivers?04:43
Twiggy2centsI have no xorg.conf file now04:44
kcormierthat's ok.  ubuntu doesn't actually need one afaik04:44
Twiggy2centsYeah it didnt have one when I was using onboard either04:44
kcormierdon't know what driver you're using04:44
kcormierbut we can check04:44
kcormierbut the better question is, when you say less than 50% is that good or bad?04:45
Twiggy2centswell it was at 90% with the nvidia driver and stuttering04:45
Twiggy2centsI mean way less with peaks of around 50%04:45
kcormierinteresting.  what resolution are you running and what were you running before?  And what are you watching?04:46
kcormierit could be a lot of different things, without more in depth comparisons it would be tough to say it was just the graphics driver, and not something else that changed by removing the graphics driver04:47
Twiggy2centsOkay so, with onboard gfx I had to make a simple script to use randr to change the resolution to 1600X1200 for my monitor.  Then when I wanted to use the tv I used my pc input(vga) I would plug that into place where the monitor was and the display was the same.  With the nvidia driver I had 1080 to the tv on a dvi to hdmi connector and some funky resolution to the montior due to it connecting though vga(which is going to be cha04:49
Twiggy2centsnged soon so no worries)04:49
kcormiertry running two commands04:49
kcormierresolution changes could be part of it04:49
Twiggy2centsNow I am at 1080 to the tv and 1024X768 to the montior(which I will worry about when I change the cable)  I am going to get a hdmi to hdmi cable(video card has port) for tv and dvi to dvi for monitor04:50
Twiggy2centsThe tv is in the same resolution as when I had the nvidia driver installed04:50
kcormierlsmod | grep "nv\|nov"04:50
Twiggy2centsnothing happened04:51
kcormierlsmod will list all kernel modules loaded.  grep will search for either nv or nov04:51
Twiggy2centsWell I mean it returned the shell prompt04:52
kcormieryou typed it exactly as I have it there?  with quotes, pipes, and back slashes?04:52
Twiggy2centslet me try again04:52
Twiggy2centsyes I typed it that way04:53
kcormiertry just: lsmod | grep nv04:53
Twiggy2centscould it be because its not finding anything?04:54
Twiggy2centsI just did lsmod04:54
kcormierdid lsmod by itself output anything?04:55
Twiggy2centslet me list the nouveau's04:55
Twiggy2centsor is that all you needed to know is if nouveau was running?04:55
kcormierdo you have nouveau?  my bad...i had you searching nov instead of nou04:55
Twiggy2centsyes there are 4 instances that I can find of it04:56
Twiggy2centsbtw your command works with nou :)04:56
kcormieralright.  I'm an idiot.  my apologize for the wild goose chase.04:56
kcormierlooks like we both learned something tonight04:56
kcormiernow....where were we04:57
Twiggy2centsis nouveau a bad driver?04:57
kcormieropen source driver04:57
kcormierpretty good one if it supports your car04:57
Zinn[nouveau.freedesktop.org] nouveau Wiki - FrontPage04:58
kcormierif you want more info04:58
Twiggy2centsShould I use it as this set up or play roulette trying to get an nvidia driver to respond in good speed?04:58
Twiggy2centsso why does Zinn Mirror what you say.  + subject on links?04:58
ZinnHi Twiggy2cents, something I can help you with today?  I am a bot, use !help to see what I can do.04:58
kcormierthat's a matter of preference.  I'm not too familiar with the nvidia drivers, so I'm not the best person to ask there.04:59
kcormiermy gut would be to do the nvidia drivers packaged by ubuntu, unless there is something specific they aren't doing for you.04:59
kcormierbut before anything, I suggest installing debsums05:00
Twiggy2centsWorking? ;)05:00
kcormierdid you install the deb before or after the ones directly from nvidia?05:00
Twiggy2centsJust kidding, but Im scared to mess up the system now that its working.  Im guessing that if I installed the drivers then chose to uninstall them it would default back to nouvou?05:00
kcormierthis is where i hate coming in the middle.  I don't even know what your original problem was.05:01
Twiggy2centsI never installed the deb ones05:01
Twiggy2centsThey installed themselves05:01
kcormierwith jockey, right?05:01
Twiggy2centslol no05:01
kcormiernow i'm more confused...05:01
Twiggy2centsAll I installed was the nvidia 256.44 pkg05:01
kcormierfrom nvidia05:02
Twiggy2centsI think it had current drivers in it05:02
Twiggy2centswhich is why I saw them installed on synaptic05:02
kcormieryou never tried the ubuntu packaged ones?05:02
Twiggy2centsJockey said I was using the latest drivers05:02
Twiggy2centsSynaptic said they were the latest and installed too05:02
kcormierok....well lets do a few things then.   we'll try the drivers packaged by ubuntu.05:03
Twiggy2centsI do have an archived pkg from nvidia that is 195.36.24-okg105:03
Twiggy2centsWith jockey?05:03
kcormiernot yet05:03
kcormierthe nvidia .pkg can break systems05:03
kcormierso lets clean up first05:03
kcormierinstall debsums05:04
kcormierhowever you want.  synaptic, apt-get, whatever05:04
Twiggy2centsokay, installed05:04
kcormierhmm.  checking this out for a minute.  I usually work with centos systems.  Just getting back into ubuntu/mythbuntu after a few years off.05:07
kcormiersudo debsums -cg seems to be what we want05:08
* Twiggy2cents has only messed with the buntu's05:08
Twiggy2centsdebsums: no mdsums for binutils and no deb availible05:09
Twiggy2centsIts still going though05:09
Twiggy2centsI think I wanted sudo05:09
Twiggy2centsthere is some permission errors05:09
kcormierits ok.  ubuntu is a great distro to learn on.05:09
kcormieryea i had sudo up there05:09
kcormierctrl+c to kill it05:09
Twiggy2centsctrl c is awesome05:10
Twiggy2centsThat beats closing the console05:10
kcormieri started off with ubuntu.  very easy to work with and GREAT support.  centos is a little harder to work with sometimes (especially because everything is a little older) but being able to set up a box and know that it'll be supported for 7 years is wonderful.  lol05:10
Twiggy2centsSo I take it, while being old centos is very good tech?05:11
kcormierit is patched for security stuff05:11
tgm4883it's RHEL05:11
tgm4883without the word redhat05:11
kcormierjust rebadged05:11
Twiggy2centsso far its found a few missing files05:12
kcormierfor a home desktop, I say stick with ubuntu. or a derivitive05:12
kcormierthe no md5sums error is fine05:12
Twiggy2centsI started with kubuntu then went to ubuntu05:12
Twiggy2centshmm now what do i do.  Its finished and Im missing files05:12
Twiggy2centsone is display related libGL.so.1.205:13
kcormierthats what i was worried about05:13
Twiggy2centsother is libvdpau05:13
kcormieri'm new myself to irc.  What is the best way for him to send us the output of the command?  just paste it here?05:13
Twiggy2centsand libvdpau_trace.so.1.0.005:13
Twiggy2centsyes and it will post multiple lines05:14
kcormierrhpot1991: ^^ any advice on how to send the output?05:14
Twiggy2centspastebin is better for that and will work through the multicomputer barrier :)05:14
kcormiergood call05:15
kcormieralright...that's what i was worried about.  lets see here.  Been a while since I've done anything funky with apt-get05:19
Twiggyokay I lost connection I hadnt seen anything after the pastebin05:19
Twiggyapt-get check?05:21
kcormierTwiggy: still here?05:22
TwiggyIm here.  Im on this crap internet05:23
kcormieralright, so unless anyone here objects, i suggest running: apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx libvdpau1 --reinstall05:23
Twiggydone, Im running debsums again.  Dunno if i supposed to or restart.  Figured it couldnt hurt05:25
kcormierlooks like you might want to reinstall xserver-xorg-core as well05:27
kcormierbut i'm not 100% sure what that'll do to your system05:27
kcormiersecond one05:27
kcormiernot as concerned with the .db file05:27
kcormierI'd expect that to change05:28
Twiggythese two come up like that on debsums05:28
kcormieryup.   xserver-xorg-core will fix the libglx.so05:28
Twiggycould a restart help?05:28
kcormierthe packagekit i'm not worried about05:28
kcormierI'd expect the .db file to change05:28
Twiggyso sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core --reinstall?05:28
kcormierreally that should be listed as a config file I think.  and yes, that's correct05:29
Twiggyand I just want to make sure that this is fine with the xserver running?05:29
kcormiermight be a good idea to kill x server05:29
Twiggybah.  Im irc'ing on the problem box now.  Hang on05:30
Twiggy2centsweird, my second display stuck when I killed the xserver05:32
kcormierjust killing X might not cut it :-\  This is where ubuntu is weird and i'm a little unsure05:32
Twiggy2centsI did service gdm stop05:32
Twiggy2centsthe command completed05:32
kcormierthat works05:33
Twiggy2centsrerunning debsums05:33
kcormieralright, did you reinstall xserver-xorg-core05:33
Twiggy2centsyes.  That is what I was referring to05:34
Twiggy2centson the completed comment05:34
Twiggy2centsthe transaction.db is still there05:36
kcormiergotcha.  how does debsums look? (by the way.  Thanks for the reintroduction to ubuntu.  lol.)05:36
kcormierlike I said, that's fine05:36
Twiggy2centsumm there is a bunch of y's in a line05:36
Twiggy2centsit was looking good thill that05:36
kcormieryou accidentally put something down on your keyboard?05:37
Twiggy2centsnot pressing buttons though.  I had typed on it trying to type to here05:37
Twiggy2centshmm retrying I guess05:37
Twiggy2centsit was one y per line05:38
kcormierI'd go ahead and restart when you're ready05:38
Twiggy2centsI am05:38
Twiggy2centsits re running05:38
kcormierthen it's time to install the drivers through jockey, and you should be good to go05:38
kcormierat least w/ the driver problem.  Where you go from there, depends on your next problem ;)05:39
Twiggy2centslol.  The fact that it may run great with the open source driver and my run like crap with the nvidia driver?05:39
kcormierpossibly.  lol.  But that is beyond what I can help you with.  I know how to install/remove drivers.  Don't know as much about why one would outperform another (that's where some of the brainy guys will be more helpful)05:41
Twiggy2centslol well Im guessing if it doesnt work out then I can just use jockey to uninstall05:41
Twiggy2centsWOOT it passed05:41
Twiggy2centsminus the random missing md5sums05:41
Twiggy2centsso install the jockey drivers?05:42
kcormierfrom what I'm reading, the nouveau driver is actually quite a bit faster on 2d performance05:44
Twiggy2centsI have installed the driver and am restarting the computer per its request05:45
kcormiernvidia has much better 3d performance, nouveau has better 2d, from what I'm reading05:45
Twiggy2centsuhh oh Failed to initialize NVIDIA kernel module05:46
kcormierlog message?05:46
Twiggy2centsI know the nvidia installer has to compile a kernel05:46
kcormierkernel module05:46
kcormieryea.  Shouldn't have to though w/ the packaged module05:46
Twiggy2centssee systems kernel log for additional error messages05:46
kcormierrun this: tail /var/log/messages05:47
kcormierat this point, this isn't even remotely myth specific.  Should Twiggy2cents and I take it to a private chat?05:48
Twiggy2centsI dunno if anybody else is awake05:49
Twiggy2centsthats the tail05:49
Twiggy2centsit seems that jockey is trying to mix the best of both worlds?05:50
Twiggy2centsOr I have left overs from nvidia?05:50
kcormierdid you install 256.44 manually?05:51
kcormierit looks to me like you have leftovers05:51
Twiggy2centspreviously yes05:51
Twiggy2centswell no05:51
Twiggy2centsnvidia did it for me in their package05:51
kcormierNVRM: API mismatch: the client has the version 195.36.24,05:52
kcormierthat was supposed to go in my google search05:52
kcormierlets see what driver you're currently using: lsmod | grep "nv\|nouv"05:54
Twiggy2centswell I told it to run in low graphics  mode for this time05:54
kcormierso you got that error message when you restarted?05:55
kcormierlets see what we've got here05:56
Twiggy2centsit is nvidia05:56
kcormierthe output from the command says nvidia?05:56
kcormierlol....so we still have binary drivers.  Did you uninstall the binary drivers from the nvidia package?05:56
kcormierwith --uninstall?05:56
kcormieroh boy.  That was the very first thing we were supposed to do.  No wonder things won't boot!05:57
kcormierwell...no wonder x won't start05:57
Zinn[help.ubuntu.com] NvidiaManual - Community Ubuntu Documentation05:58
Twiggy2centssudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-256.44.run --uninstall?05:58
Twiggy2centssudo update-rc.d nvidia-kernel defaults05:58
kcormieruninstall instructions are there.  that looks right.05:59
Twiggy2centssays file does not exist06:00
kcormierwhere is your .run package?06:00
kcormieris it in the current directory?06:00
Twiggy2centsthats not the uninstall command06:00
kcormierwhat's it say?06:01
Twiggy2centssudo update-rc.d nvidia-kernel defaults06:01
Twiggy2centsI read the wrong command06:01
Twiggy2centsuhh ohh06:02
Twiggy2cents Unrecognized argumens:  NVIDIA-Linux-x86-254.44.run06:03
Twiggy2centsInvalid commandline, please run './nvidia-installer --help' for usage information06:03
Twiggy2centsnvm I had two different packages so it confused it06:05
Twiggy2centsError File'/user/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so is not a symbolic link.06:05
Twiggy2centsokay it uninstalled though06:05
kcormierwhelp.  looks like we were thorough06:06
kcormiershould boot with nouveau again06:06
Twiggy2centsokay it has booted.  Looks to be nouveau.  I am running jockey AGAIN06:07
Twiggy2centsman oh man06:07
Twiggy2centswell actually it says that the nvidia driver is in use06:07
Twiggy2centswell yes06:08
kcormierlsmod | grep "nv\|nou"06:08
Twiggy2centsrunning nvidia drivers06:09
kcormierthis is nvidia stuff, so lets switch out of myth for now06:10
kcormierwe're just filling up the logs06:10
Gibbyanyway to get myth to stream mkv files to PS3? It streams all my AVI movies,.13:58
CyberKnetI'm running karmic, and I have mythtv 0.22 installed. If I run apt-get upgrade, shouldn't at least 0.23 show up as an upgrade?18:34
rhpot1991CyberKnet: nope18:35
rhpot1991if you want it you should get it from autobuilds18:35
rhpot1991!auto% | CyberKnet18:35
ZinnCyberKnet: Auto builds contain more recent bug fixes than the normal Ubuntu repository contains.  See http://www.mythbuntu.org/auto-builds for more info.18:35
CyberKnetwhoa. I kinda expected that an update from May would be in the main repositories by August.18:36
rhpot1991CyberKnet: the repos close, we can't add thigns to do them unless they are specific bug fixes18:36
rhpot1991so a whole new release is definitely not going to happen18:36
rhpot1991CyberKnet: if you had upgraded to lucid then you would have had .2318:37
CyberKnetI'm originally a fedora guy, and they always heavily suggested to never do in-place upgrades. Are in-place upgrades acceptable for ubuntu, or also discouraged?18:38
CyberKnetI totally didn't expect to get completely cut off here because I was one release behind.18:40
rhpot1991CyberKnet: thats why we have autobuilds :)18:44
rhpot1991our policy is to offer autobuilds for the current release and +!18:45
rhpot1991+1 that is18:45
rhpot1991so for karmic you get .22 and trunk which became .2318:45
rhpot1991lucid you get .23 and trunk which will one day become .2418:45
CyberKnetThanks. So I installed the autobuild deb, then from console ran dpkg-reconfigure mythtbuntu-repos18:57
CyberKnetoh, never mind.18:57
CyberKnetI thought it said 0.23 twice. Sorry. I am such a user sometimes.18:58
CyberKnetSo ... in-place upgrades - encouraged, or discouraged?19:16
dewmani love excitement....19:26
mrandCyberKnet: I could imagine more than one meaning, so please define.19:41
rhpot1991I think he means us doing updates right in the ubuntu packages19:42
rhpot1991in which case its only for a bad bug'19:42
rhpot1991in order for those to be approved we need to document everything involved with the bug, so just pushing the latest mythtv code isn't an option19:45
CyberKnetrhpot1991/mrand: I meant upgrading from 9.04 to 10.04 in place - likely via apt-get or upgrade manager20:02
CyberKnetratehr, from Karmic to Lucid20:03
rhpot1991CyberKnet: sudo update-manager -d ?20:03
CyberKnetrhpot1991: yeah, something like that.20:03
CyberKnetI believe I've done it once before on that box.20:04
rhpot1991its there, am I missing a question somewhere?20:04
CyberKnetrhpot1991: The question is ... is it a good idea and recommended, or is it a bad idea and not recommended...20:04
CyberKnetsuch a command existed for Fedora Core as well - but was highly discouraged.20:04
rhpot1991its a good idea, and works well20:05
CyberKnetthen I shall do that this weekend.20:05
rhpot1991we follow the official upgrade paths that ubuntu uses20:05
CyberKnetI see that /etc/issue says Ubuntu 9.04, but I'm pretty sure I upgraded since then to 9.10 or something20:06
CyberKnethmmm... update-manager is an X-only app?20:08
rhpot1991ssh -X forward it, or vnc in20:09
CyberKnetI'd have to ssh tunnel the VNC, I think.20:10
ss_hello, is the ubuntu package for mythtv buggy? after installing, i get "libraw1394.so.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" from mythbackend21:20
ss_libraw1394.so.11 exists, so i was just planning to symlink that as libraw1394.821:20
ss_but stop me if i should install from elsewhere instead21:20
rhpot1991ss_: where do you see this error?21:22
ss_on the command line when running mythbackend21:22
ss_i had tried to launch it from the menu, but nothing was happening21:22
ss_this was a mythbuntu 8.04 box. i upgraded it via update manager to ubuntu 10.04, and then reinstalled mythtv from the repos21:23
rhpot1991the backend should start on boot21:24
ss_i guess it was failing due to this error21:24
rhpot1991there is a upstart script which handles all of that21:24
rhpot1991!logs | ss_21:25
Zinnss_: MythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/   You can use mythbuntu-log-grabber from the Applications menu to automatically post the most relevant logs to our pastebin.21:25
rhpot1991lets start there21:25
ss_hm i don't have that in applications. i made the symlink and things appear to be working, fwiw21:26
ss_is there a specific log you're interested in21:27
rhpot1991not really21:28
rhpot1991what version of mythtv are you using: dpkg -l |grep mythtv-backend21:28
rhpot1991I don't  have a .821:29
rhpot1991lets try this21:30
rhpot1991kill that if you are still running it by hand21:31
rhpot1991do you have a /etc/default/mythtv-backend file?21:34
ss_i gotta run. tnx for the help...hopefully the symlink will do the job. will come back monday if it's not21:35
rhpot1991ss_: what happens if you sudo start mythtv-backend21:35
len_Mythfrontend crashes on me on four different systems when I try to play videos from MSNBC.  The same videos play fine with xine.  I've tried all kinds of playback profile combinations, and the only thing that works is to use Nvidia VPDAU.  The only problem is that that only works on machines with NVidia cards, and only newer ones, at that.  Does anyone know what is going on here with the internal player?23:52
len_The mythtv devs sent me here, because I'm not running a source build, but the mythbuntu packages.23:53
len_I'm sure this bug applies to both, but they say they don't know the ubuntu debugging.23:53
len_Anyone could verify for themselves, because the videos that crash myth are direct from MSNBC's site.  I have them linked into my recording list vi mirobridge.23:57
mrandIs it only videos from MSNBC?23:58
len_All other non-msnbc files transferred via mirobridge play fine.  Only videos from MSNBC crash the mythtv frontend.23:58
mrandok.  So it's a myth bug almost for sure.23:59
mrandI saw on the other channel that you'd already gotten a crash report.23:59
mrandwith the debug package.   Did it not submit that to launchpad?23:59

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