
nhandlerMeeting time?00:00
zkriessesup nhandler00:00
* pleia2 waves00:00
* zkriesse gives pleia2 a hug00:01
nhandlerakgraner: You around?00:01
akgranerone sec00:01
zkriesseLast I knew she was working on the agenda00:01
akgranerhey all meeting time :-)00:01
Mootbot-UKMeeting started at 23:01. The chair is akgraner.00:01
Mootbot-UKCommands Available: [TOPIC], [PROGRESS REPORT], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]00:01
akgranerWelcome to the News Team Meeting00:02
akgranerThe agenda can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Meetings/20100805/Agenda00:02
akgraner[Link] - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Meetings/20100805/Agenda00:02
Mootbot-UKLINK received:  - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Meetings/20100805/Agenda00:02
akgranerok who is here for the meeting?00:02
* pleia2 is00:02
* zkriesse waves hand00:02
akgranerThanks ya'll hopefully a few more people will join00:03
akgranerok just tweeted/dented/FB'd it00:04
akgraner[Topic] - Fridge00:04
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  - Fridge00:04
akgranerThe template should be ready I just need to talk to stas and find out where it's at and see about getting it loaded on the development site so we can modify it.00:04
akgranerpleia2, once I get the details on where it's at would you be able to add it to then test site?00:05
nhandlerI could help with that00:05
pleia2akgraner: yep, just let me know :)00:05
akgranernhandler awesome!  thanks00:06
akgranerso I'll email pleia2, nhandler and Nick with all the details  and you all can just decide who will take care of getting it added based on your schedules.  Is that ok00:06
nhandlerSounds good00:07
pleia2thanks akgraner00:07
akgraneralso I forgot to put this on th agenda re the Fridge  - what do you all think about polling the fridge editors to see who can watch certain areas of the Ubuntu00:08
zkriesseakgraner: idea it00:08
akgranerright now I think it's just whomever sees what 1st and little to no communication between editors00:08
nhandlerakgraner: I'm not sure how well that will work. For example, I think most of us watch the -announce lists. But our schedules/time zones dictate who is around to actually post them00:09
akgranereven if an editor can't add it - at least they can send it to the list and someone can grab it00:09
pleia2I sorta do interviews these days00:09
pleia2(that's why I originally got access)00:09
nhandlerWhat would be better is if we all got in the habit of saying in the IRC channel when we start working on something00:09
pleia2nhandler: +100:09
zkriesse+1 nhandler00:09
akgranernhandler, I get that - but there is more news happening that what gets posted on -announce00:10
akgranernhandler, +1 on posting in IRC channel00:10
nhandlerakgraner: Agreed, but I don't think the issue is the editors not seeing it/choosing to post it. I think it has more to do with their schedules. I also think the new fridge (which will make it easier for non-editors to contribute) will help us get more stories published00:10
nhandlerFor instance, a random Joe could see a cool story, write it up and submit it (as a Contributor). An editor would simply need to hit publish00:11
akgranerso for now  - just post hey "I'm posting this story" or something00:11
nhandlerThat will solve the duplication of efforts problem. The other problem will hopefully get fixed with the new fridge00:12
akgraneror hey I saw this can an editor post it if you have time etc00:12
akgranernhandler, yep that is the goal00:12
akgraneranyone have anything else about the Fridge?00:12
akgranerok if not moving on00:13
akgraner[Topic] - UWN00:13
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  - UWN00:13
akgranerso I sent an email to the -news-team mailing list , the Fridge Editors list, the UWN List and News Team list00:14
akgraner[Link] - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news-team/2010-August/001143.html00:14
Mootbot-UKLINK received:  - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news-team/2010-August/001143.html00:14
akgranerI am sure that some people got all for copies  - and I am sorry about that  - but for the LP Teams I can00:14
pleia2hehe, yeah00:14
* nhandler is glad gmail is smart enough to detect those duplicate messages00:15
akgranerI can only send to the whole team or only 3 members in 24 hours and I get locked out00:15
* akgraner noted LP is not the best tool for team management 00:15
akgraneranywho  - so over the last few weeks I have gotten several comments about UWN00:16
akgranerpeople have asked for the following00:16
akgranerpdf version00:16
akgranerhtml version00:16
akgranerand we will have the plain text version and wiki page as well00:17
* pleia2 retreats to cranky old linux user cave and cheers for text00:17
nhandlerI haven't had a chance to look at the tool you mentioned in the email, but we should be careful about trying to please too many people00:17
akgranerhowever people have complained that they *hate* scrolling through it00:17
pleia2pdf feels so unwieldy, I don't enjoy reading FCM because it is such a pain to render, but I am open to the idea of HTML emails, pictures are nice00:18
akgranernhandler, I know but if we want to gain more readers we need to meet them where they are00:18
pleia2(and option of text or html upon signing up)00:18
* zkriesse is going to go eat00:18
akgranermail chimp let's you choose between HTML, Plain text and moble00:18
akgranermobile even00:19
nhandlerakgraner: Yes, but we also don't want to increase the workload of the few staff we have00:19
akgranerwhich is also why I want to move publishing to Monday afternoons00:19
nhandlerakgraner: What was the time you proposed again?00:20
akgranerwho can I send and invitation for the mail chimp newsletter so you can help decide on look and function and ease of use of it00:20
akgraner1500 EDT (my time)00:20
akgranerI also think by moving it  - we can get more people whose schedules would allow for them to help publish it00:21
pleia2I don't actually work on UWN much, but presumably summaries and things can be written all weekend by those of us have to work Monday, so it's "just" (I know it's a lot, don't mean to belittle it) the stitching together and formalizing that needs to be done on Monday00:21
nhandlerWell, I'm not sure about that (it would be during work hours for most of the world). But it would probably help cause people to get their stuff in before publishing time (they would do it on the weekend)00:21
Pendulumyeah, I was kinda thinking that what it really allows for is people to have more time to do summaries, not that they're less likely to do it on the weekend00:22
akgranerright now I am giving up almost 15 hours every Sunday  - so I was thinking I would add the links to the sites I watch to a wiki page and as others find other sites for various sections they can add them in00:23
Pendulumakgraner: I really liked your idea of making links due by friday evening00:24
akgranerand then people who are working on say LoCo stuff can see if they missed anything00:24
akgranerI can added the Press links etc..00:24
akgranerPendulum, thanks00:24
akgranerI know there are some people who don't mind summarizing but don't want to find the links00:24
akgranerwhich is cool00:24
akgranerand I know if I just actively set aside say 2 hours each day I think I can get a lot of the links posted00:25
akgranerand those who want to just do the summaries can00:25
Pendulumthat may also be something to look for in volunteers. People who are also just interested in finding links (not doing summaries)00:25
akgranerand by giving myself til 1500 EDT on Monday - I will have time add stuff incase someone forgets or something00:26
akgranerPendulum, yep we have a couple people finding links00:26
akgranerand some people want to add everything  - and I spent many hours justifying why I am not including something00:27
* nhandler has noticed a significant increase in size of the newsletter00:27
akgranernhandler, and I on average reject about 50 articles00:27
akgranerit will work its self out I am sure but wanted to mention what happens behind the scenes00:28
akgranerif you all know people who would like to stick to 1 section and find links for that section00:29
akgranerthat would be great!!!00:29
akgranerPendulum, I do think it would be easier to get people to find links than write summaries00:29
akgranerI'll blog about the change in publishing on Mondays00:30
akgranerand then we'll see how it goes - I also want to avoid the same people giving up their whole weekend00:31
nhandlerWell, I know for when I do the team reports, I'll still be doing them the first Sunday of each month, but now, I will have the whole day to hunt down teams to finish their reports up00:31
akgranernhandler, the only new things that get added on Saturday or Sunday would be00:32
akgraner1) Team Reports on the Sunday when they are due00:32
akgraner2) Ubuntu Stats00:32
akgraner3) updates and security00:32
akgranerbut other than that all links should be in by Friday00:33
akgranerif there is late breaking stories on Saturday I'll add in on Monday before we publish00:33
akgranerdoes all that make sense to everyone?00:34
akgranerand are there any questions? comments? thoughts?00:34
nhandlerakgraner: What is the reason for still wanting the stuff in on Friday if publishing is moving to Monday?00:35
akgranerBecause I am giving up my entire weekend00:35
akgranerand I haven't had a free weekend since October00:35
akgranerand if we can do more stuff during the week  then more people will join in00:36
nhandlerSo you are going to be spreading the reviewing out among Saturday, Sunday, and Monday now instead of just cramming it all into Sunday?00:36
akgranerI get "sorry I would help, but I can't give up my weekends"00:36
akgranerreviewing isn't what takes so long00:36
akgranerthe posting and summarizing on all on Sunday's is what takes forever00:37
akgranerso if the links are posted prior to Saturday00:37
akgranerthen people who are waiting to summarize can do it anytime during the weekend00:37
nhandlerAh, that is the part I wasn't understanding. I thought you wanted the links AND summaries done by Friday00:38
nhandlerThat makes much more sense now00:38
akgranernhandler, ahhh sorry :-(00:38
akgranerhope I didn't sound rude or defensive there00:38
nhandlerNope. I understand where you are coming from :)00:38
akgranerso makes more sense now?00:38
nhandlerYep, and I agree that it will definitely help00:39
akgranerand if I and others can post  a few links through out the week then people wanting to get stuff done on their sections will be able to00:39
* pleia2 nods00:40
akgranerit also gives people the ability to discuss if something should or shouldn't be included during the week rather than under pressure on Sunday00:40
zkriesseOk back ya'll00:40
akgranertrying to make it easy for people so that it won't be so time consuming for any one person00:40
akgranerpleia2, and nhandler (for now) I'd like to make sure you all know how to publish it  - as well so if I get hit by a bus - or a flight is delayed etc I know you all know how00:41
akgranerand over time add other people to the list of people who can publish it to the world00:42
nhandlerI have no issue with that, but I'm not sure how available I will be to do that on Mondays (due to school)00:42
akgranernhandler, nods - once it is ready to be published  - it only takes  about 45 minutes00:42
zkriesseAnything I can do akgraner concerning this?00:43
pleia2akgraner: sounds good00:43
akgranerzkriesse, maybe... I would need to work on a few things with you00:43
akgranerlet's look at that in a couple weeks  - it takes some time to go through it all and right now that is what I am lacking (but just for a couple weeks)00:44
akgranerpleia2, nhandler can you look over the howto and let me know what areas don't make sense to you00:44
zkriesseNot a problem00:44
nhandlerakgraner: Sure00:44
nhandlerakgraner: You mean https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies/HowToEdit ?00:45
akgranerthen there is a link on there to howto do each item00:45
akgranernhandler, that is the link from the editing page  - sorry00:46
akgraneryep its that one00:46
nhandlerYeah, I have the other page open as well: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies00:46
akgranergreat!  thanks00:46
akgraneryou don't have to do it now  just sometime say over the next 10 days???00:46
nhandlerThat sounds fine. Can you give me an ACTION about that ?00:47
akgraner[ACTION] 0 nhandler and pleia2 to review https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies/HowToEdit and let akgraner know what areas they have questions about00:47
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  0 nhandler and pleia2 to review https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies/HowToEdit and let akgraner know what areas they have questions about00:47
akgranerok anyone have anything else re UWN?00:48
nhandlerAnything to discuss about 'add link to wiki page to the top of the plain text version so people don't have to scroll through the whole thing' ?00:48
nhandlerIt looks pretty straight-forward00:48
akgraneranyone can review the document - I don't want to sound like I am excluding anyone00:49
akgranernot meaning to00:49
akgranernah - just wanted to include it on the agenda for sake of history - it's easy to do that00:49
akgraner[Topic]  - other00:50
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:   - other00:50
akgranerNew Ubuntu Memberships00:50
zkriesseThose are always cool00:51
akgranerI will be sending out a request to those groups who grant Ubuntu Membership to please send us the information00:51
zkriesse+1 akgraner00:51
nhandlerI know the Americas always make sure to get that task asigned after each meeting, and I believe the others are getting better at it00:51
akgranerthe regional boards do a pretty good job of doing this but sometimes we don't get the list from all of them00:52
akgraneralso I need to talk to the DMB about giving us the information in a better format00:52
akgranerotherwise someone has to go through their meeting minutes and figure out who got what00:52
akgranerunless we have a team member willing to go through those minutes00:53
nhandlerWell, we will never have a complete list (i.e. Kubuntu Council grants kubuntu-dev and doesn't send us anything)00:53
akgranerand write it up00:53
pleia2the regional boards really just need to do the write-ups00:53
pleia2DMB was not loving the idea of a better format, they complained that it takes too much time00:54
akgranerpleia2, but what about those who get membership by MOTU, Core-Dev (or whatever it's called now)00:54
akgranerpleia2, I know - I heard all about it :-)00:54
pleia2ah ok :)00:54
pleia2all we can do is ask, if they're already reporting but in a format we don't like, we can ask that they give us something nicer, but if they refuse... we just need to wade through it, I think00:55
akgranerbut they give the vote total but b/c I don't know how many votes it takes and stuff - I don't know if a person was granted membership00:55
pleia2and while we're asking say "this is for your new members, to get publicity!"00:55
akgranerI'll get a cheat sheet for all that added to our wikis so anyone on the team can look through their minutes and write it up00:57
akgranerthat may be the best compromise00:57
nhandlerakgraner: As for only showing vote totals, that probably depends on who writes it. I just looked at an email from persia, and he clearly stated which votes were 'Approved'00:58
akgranernhandler, yep it depends00:58
akgranermaybe I just picked a bad week to look over the meeting minutes00:59
akgranerwhich is entirely possible or maybe I am just looking at something different all together :-/  I'll get a better handle on it before I make a huge deal out of anything :-)01:00
zkriesseakgraner: lol01:00
akgraneranything else on membership?01:00
zkriesseNot from me no01:01
* nhandler -> dinner01:01
akgranerI'll go through a couple months of minutes and then figure out if anything further needs to be said about it01:01
akgranernhandler, yep we are wrapping up  - thanks!01:01
akgranerI'll just add the interview topic to next month01:02
akgraneris there anything else from anyone before I end the meeting?01:02
akgraner[Topic] Next Meeting01:02
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  Next Meeting01:02
akgranerSeptember 7th, 2010 @ 2300 UTC01:03
akgranerif there is nothing else - Thank You everyone for a great meeting!01:03
Mootbot-UKMeeting finished at 00:03.01:03
pleia2thanks akgraner :)01:04
akgranerpleia2, :-)01:04
zkriessegood meeting/topics akgraner01:04
scott_evdammit, what time i 2300 MST that's utc-702:00
scott_evwould that be 4pm02:00
=== scott_ev is now known as scott_ev_
=== scott_ev_ is now known as scott_ev
akgranerI'm adding the Free Book for LoCo teams to the Fridge unless someone else is working on it?02:32
akgraner:-) oh if posting to the Forums was instant :-)02:42
zkriesseit never is akgraner02:46
akgranerit's not too bad, but I can still wish it was faster :-)02:47
nhandlerI'm adding the App Review Board post to the fridge03:04
akgranernhandler, thanks03:05
nhandlerakgraner: Don't forget about the forum discussion link03:08
akgranerI thought I added it03:08
nhandlerAh, silly me. I was looking at the wrong post. Sorry about that03:08
* nhandler should go to bed03:08
akgranerno worries :-P03:08
pleia2I'm working on the ubuntu women interview from FCM last week04:49
pleia2might not get it done today though, sorta ran out of steam this week04:49
pleia2it'll be nice when my boss gets back :)04:50
pleia2running the ship is tough work!04:50
akgranerpleia2, do you want me to add it?15:52
akgranerpleia2, nm you are already working on it :-/15:53
akgranerI have a few more links to read and I'll have some in all the sections15:53
scott_evakgraner: I'll be doing my part today15:54
akgranerscott_ev, thanks!15:54
akgranerare you feeling better?15:55
scott_evyes, I never feel bad for more than a day or two15:55
scott_evbut it happens with some regularity15:56
akgranerI hope it gets better for you...15:56
scott_evit's not likely to change.  RA is chronic and incurable15:57
scott_evand gets worse over time15:57
scott_evbut 12 years ago the doctors said within 5 years I'd not be able to walk, so I'm beating the odds by a huge margin15:58
akgranerahh - I have friend who has RA15:58
akgranershe takes some shots now - but they are very expensive  :-(15:58
scott_ev'tis no fun15:58
scott_evyeah, my enbrel costs $1,300/month15:58
akgranerI feel really bad for her and there is nothing I can do when she is having a bad day except fix dinner or something and help with her kids and laundry etc15:59
scott_evwoohoo, huh?15:59
scott_evI'm happy that it's not worse than it is and it's better than having cancer or hiv16:00
scott_evor ms, etc16:00
akgranerscott_ev, keep smiling - do you belong to one of the support groupf16:03
akgranermy friend says she wouldn't know how to cope somedays with her friends from her group16:03
scott_evit doesn't affect me emotionally much16:03
Pendulumscott_ev: akgraner do you guys know the spoon theory?16:19
akgranerPendulum, yep16:19
akgranergrrr - stupid enter key - :-(16:19
akgranerI meant  - yep you sent it to me16:20
akgranerbut I don't know if scott_ev knows about it16:20
Pendulumscott_ev: http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory-written-by-christine-miserandino/ (in case you're interested)16:21
akgranerPendulum, I'll get you some links in the Wiki and google doc in just a few16:21
akgranerI feel like I've been moving slower than molasses in the winter lately16:22
scott_evPendulum: thanks, I'll read it16:22
Pendulumakgraner: awesome. I'm still in recover mode from dance yesterday, but I'll see what I can do (and I"ll get it done over the weekend regardless)16:23
akgranerthanks if I can get most of everything today - everyone can work on their parts Saturday and Sunday16:23
akgranerand I can be relaxed and get it out on Monday with no stress16:24
pleia2I don't have time at the moment (work) but does someone want to fridge this? http://ubuntutesting.wordpress.com/2010/08/06/desktop-testing-team/17:15
akgranerpleia2, will do17:22
akgranerpleia2, as soon as it hits the Forums  - I'll send it to the Planet :-)  thanks for the headsup17:28
pleia2woo, thanks akgraner :)17:28
* pleia2 so glad it's friday17:29
pleia2the "here" link has a trailing " so the link doesn't work17:29
akgraneramazing what a missing " messes up17:32
akgranergrrrrrrrrr and double grrrrrrr17:32
pleia2yeah :\17:34
pleia2with wordpress we'll be able to use the WYSIWYG editor, so hopefully this won't be so difficult17:35
akgraneryeah :-)17:36
akgranerpleia2, can you edit a Forum Post to Fridge discussion17:36
akgraner<div class='snap_preview'> is showing up there but not on the Fridge17:37
pleia2I don't think so17:37
pleia2might have to nudge a forum mod17:37
akgranerhmm well that's not so good is it - :-)  I can only edit the UWN and NC Forum stuff17:37
akgranerso I can't edit these - hehe :-)17:38
highvoltagewordpress sounds like fun for fridg17:53
akgranerhighvoltage, it should be17:55
zkriesseakgraner: you there?19:19
akgranerwhat's up?19:27
zkriesseakgraner: Ah yesterday before meeting you mentioned that you wished to speak with me about helping either after the meeting or today..19:28
zkriesseHey scott_ev_!19:28
akgranerzkriesse, can I ping you in a few  - I have a couple things to finish with RSS Feeds and then  - have to drive to SC - but once I get to SC I should have internet and can talk to you then...19:29
akgranerI've had a couple calls this morning that I wasn't expecting19:29
zkriesseakgraner: not a problem..just trying to figure out what's going on..19:29
akgranerno worries19:30
akgranerhey all I added some links earlier today to the wiki  - if people want to start working on them :-)22:16
akgranerit's not all of them but it is a start :-)22:17
highvoltageakgraner: \o/22:27
highvoltageakgraner: I'll start tomorrow morning if no one else beat me to it by then :)22:27
pleia2I added the things to the ietherpad from the -news-team list22:30
akgranerpleia2, thanks - I haven't looked through all the lists to that's a huge help22:39
pleia2it was only two, I just popped them in as they hit the list22:40

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