
jeeves_Mosshow can I fix this?  http://pastebin.com/rsPsg49i00:30
tarvidcacti and phpmyadmin insert configuration in /etc/apache2/conf.d and thus become part of every virtualhost. That should not be00:35
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thesheff17MTecknology: nice looks good :)00:44
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Roxyhart0 hi there, i just changed my domain controler to another subject but the machines that where already joined can't see the domain any more. the firewall is open. What coudl be the problem?. they can see the DC if they are just in the same subnet but no different.01:01
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zulScottK: should be fixed now02:07
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Guest89249I am doing combined work on various USERDir accounts on Ubuntu, but my files are getting written by apache as www-data rather than as those userdir accounts.  How do I get file access for the UserDir accounts through those accounts rather than www-data?02:27
ri_ I am doing combined work on various USERDir accounts on Ubuntu, but my files are getting written by apache as www-data rather than as those userdir accounts.  How do I get file access for the UserDir accounts through those accounts rather than www-data?02:29
zashri_: look into suexec or some such02:30
zashri_: sounds dangerous anyways02:32
* zash goes to sleep02:32
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corpsewhats the best way to go about cleaning up a server (temp, bulky log files etc) my root drive seems to be filled up a bit more then it should be03:16
patdk-lapheh, shove /var on it's own drive :)03:22
patdk-lapapt-get clean, helps too03:22
corpsedo i have to symlink to the new /var location?03:24
patdk-laphow large is your root?03:25
patdk-lapshould be more than enough, what are you doing? :)03:25
patdk-lapI only normally do 5gigs03:25
corpsenot sure were all the space is being used at, all of my media are on seperate drives03:26
patdk-lapguess it's time to use du to find out03:26
corpsebut I am 71% right now03:26
patdk-lapdu -sxc * | sort -n -k103:26
patdk-lapI would start at /03:26
ri_zash:  I don't even have to worry about this on CentOS.  It just works.03:26
patdk-lapand work my way into each large dir03:26
patdk-lapri_, that is cause it used suexec by default :)03:27
ri_When I use userdir, it naturally is configured to think in terms of that user and do all work for that user and not the general apache user on CentOS, but now with this latest Ubuntu server, that aspect is broken.03:27
patdk-lapnot sure about ubuntu, I don't use apache much03:27
corpsepatdk-lap: Thanks for that, was not aware of that command. That was exatcly what i needed03:28
ri_Well, I have been looking at suexec  stuff for about an hour, and nothing shows me how to do it except an apparent daemon specific command line switch.03:28
ri_It mentions doing something in the virtual host, but doesn't show you what.03:29
patdk-lapwell, I wouldn't know about userdir's, as I never use them03:30
patdk-lapbut using it in virtual host is easy, just add a user and group command, and it's good03:30
ri_patdk-lap:  Okay, sorry.  I'm sorry if I'm impatient here.03:32
corpsegot it down to 5.4GB used =D03:32
patdk-lapwhere did it all go? :)03:32
corpseI must have put in a few bad directory lines when i was transfering from one server to another, I had a few movies hiding in the home folder03:34
patdk-lapI normally put /home and /var on their own drives03:34
corpseyeah i normaly have /home on its own. for some reason i skipped it this time around03:35
ri_This has no syntax chart for the User directive:  http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/core.html03:35
corpseI have 4 other drives for differnt media so i figured i would really need to use /home much03:35
patdk-lapri_, it's not part of core03:36
ri_Is it possible to find it?03:36
patdk-lapheh, my suexec and apache's suexec look nothing alike :)03:38
patdk-lapI've so twisted it over the years03:38
ri_patdk-lap:  I appreciate it.  I'll look at that too.  Thank you.03:39
patdk-lapI dunno about that helping userdir's but03:40
patdk-lapthat is what does it for cgi's03:40
ri_Okay, I have many directories specified for one virtual host, where one <Directory...> stanza corresponds to a UserDir area.  That's also what I have on CentOs, ...may I just put int he suexecusergroup thing to each directory stanza?03:44
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darkpixelmdadm --auto-detect creates my array minus one drive.  When I manually try to add the drive to the array (mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sdd1), it returns 'mdadm: Cannot open /dev/sdd1: Device or resource busy' and syslog contains 'could not bd_claim sdd1'.  I don't see the drive as being in use when looking at the output of 'mount' or 'lsof'.  Any pointers?04:18
twbYou've booted off sdd104:19
twbYou should look at /proc/mounts; "mount" returns the contents of /etc/mtab, which isn't accurate.04:20
patdk-laphehe :)04:20
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darkpixeltwb: My boot drive shows up as /dev/sda when I run either 'mount' or 'fdisk -l'.  /proc/mounts shows me the root volume id.  What's the new replacement for the 'vol_id' command that was present in 9.04?04:24
darkpixel(Also, I should say that fdisk correctly shows that /dev/sdd has one partition that is of the type 'Linux Raid Autodetect' and /dev/sda has my standard linux and swap partitions.04:26
twbWhat does the UUID resolve to in /dev/disk/by-uuid/, then?04:31
twbFuck it, just pastebin the contents of /proc/mounts, /proc/mdstat, /etc/fstab and "ls -lids /dev/disk/by-*/*"04:32
darkpixelIt resolves to /dev/sda.04:37
darkpixelWeird--found it.04:39
darkpixelI didn't think to look at mdstat.  It shows /dev/md0 and /dev/md_d0.  /dev/md_d0 contains /dev/sdd1.  mdadm --detail /dev/md_d0 says it isn't active.  mdadm --stop /dev/md_d0 returns successfully and I can now add /dev/sdd1 into /dev/md0.  Odd.04:40
darkpixelThanks for the pointer twb.04:40
twbOh, it's *that*.04:41
twbWhat happens is: you configure a two-disk system with two partitions each, then RAID /dev/sd[ab]1 and /dev/sd[ab]2 as separate RAID1 arrays -- right?04:41
twbThen you reboot and find that the idiotic mdadm -A --scan has decided that you ACTUALLY have a whole-disk RAID1 array which contains two partitions, but boot fails because the second RAID1 array fails to assemble04:42
twb...I got that when I tried to install lucid on a server, and I couldn't fix it, so I gave up and installed 8.04.04:42
darkpixelThe system has a single SSD which is root, and then 5 SATA WD 1 TB drives which I put into a RAID6.  The system doesn't auto-detect the RAID on startup (probably because I haven't told it to), so I just run 'mdadm --auto-discover'.  That's what it came up with.04:44
darkpixelI've always has weird issues like this with mdadm.  I ended up switching one of my other servers over to Debian stable and I haven't had a single problem with the array since.  With Ubuntu I seem to run into problems every other upgrade or so.04:46
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MTecknologyThis is irritating. I have a cron job that runs sudo. I keep getting these errors "cd: 22: can't cd to /root" Everything else in the script works perfect so I don't understand where those errors are coming from..06:28
SpamapSMTecknology: cron runs using the default shell of the user running the cron job...06:30
SpamapSMTecknology: unless you set SHELL=xxx06:30
MTecknologySpamapS: so I should just toss set SHELL=/bin/bash in there?06:31
MTecknologyerr... s/set/export/06:31
MTecknologyWhat's the difference between set and export anyway?06:32
MTecknologyAnd what makes that different from just foo="bar"06:32
SpamapSnot export06:32
SpamapSits a crontab, so actually precede the cron jobs with06:32
SpamapSset only sets the variable in the current shell.. sub-shells and executed programs won't get that variable06:33
SpamapSexport will put it into the actual process environment, so fork() will retain it.06:33
MTecknologyWith "SHELL=/bin/bash /usr/local/sbin/site-drush cron" I still get "cd: 22: can't cd to /root"06:35
MTecknologySpamapS: any other ideas? :)06:37
MTecknologySpamapS: Oh - the command looks like this -> sudo -n -H -u USFCWQG.s -s yes y | /usr/local/sbin/drush/drush -r /jail/home/USFCWQG.s/pressflow -l profarius.com cron06:41
SpamapSMTecknology: why would you pass the entire script path into SHELL= ?06:45
SpamapSMTecknology: SHELL= tells it which shell to run, the actual cron line gives it the script to pass to the shell06:46
SpamapSMTecknology: I'd have to guess though, that your script is trying to chdir into /root and cannot, given the error message.06:46
MTecknologySpamapS: oh.. I did it because of echo $SHELL06:46
MTecknologySpamapS: same thing happens though06:49
MTecknologySpamapS: I keep looking through man sudo without luck06:54
MTecknologySpamapS: The -H is supposed to read $HOME from /etc/passwd... but I think the jail is mucking with that.. so it defaults back to the $HOME of root (/root)06:57
SpamapSMTecknology: indeed it does.07:04
SpamapSMTecknology: but.. you shouldn't be running a login shell.. so its fairly confusing.07:04
SpamapSMTecknology: its not sudo that defaults back, its the shell trying to start from $HOME...07:05
SpamapSMTecknology: you might actually try setting HOME=/tmp in the crontab as well. I don't know if that works though07:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #614225 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.7.0-1 failed to install status 75 setgid_group Local only" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61422507:11
mase_wklo all, was wondering how I get a 10.04 system to create a config.new file for the automatic security updates rather than blatting my configuration ?07:11
MTecknologySpamapS: we'll try that too :)07:12
MTecknologySpamapS: nope..07:14
MTecknologySpamapS: I also tried sudo -s HOME=/tmp command07:14
MTecknologySpamapS: It's irritating because it's a completely meaningless error to me. The user doesn't need HOME set at all.. If I run this outside of CRON (as root) it'll work fine.07:15
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twbmase_wk: configuration of what?07:15
mase_wktwb: well today base-files was updated07:19
mase_wka security update, so it's fine that it did it automagically07:19
mase_wkbut it overwrote my /etc/motd.d/ changes07:19
mase_wkwhich i wouldn't have minded so much if it had at least created a .old file or something07:20
twbIf it did so without prompting you, that's a bug07:21
MTecknologySpamapS: I'm considering chmod +rx /root07:21
mase_wktwb: well it was an automated upgrade i believe07:23
mase_wkso there was nothing to prompt07:23
twbI don't know, then07:23
twbI'd have expected it to create a .dpkg-old or .dpkg-new07:23
mase_wkok thats what i was expecting.07:23
MTecknologySpamapS: Sounds like a crappy enough solution?07:23
twbHm... except base-files is special in some ways, because it has to do that sort of thing before most of the system is installed07:24
twbI'd still report it as a bug07:24
MTecknologySpamapS: I guess it'll work until I can actually figure out how to make it work right.. HOME=/tmp sounds great if I could set it. Maybe a feature request for sudo? :P07:25
MTecknologyI guess I should go sleepy now07:25
MTecknologySpamapS: thanks07:26
SpamapSMTecknology: I meant HOME=/tmp in the crontab.07:35
SpamapSmase_wk: anything in /etc should be treated as a conffile ..07:36
SpamapStwb: agreed that base-files is a bit special.. so it may not be so cut and dry07:36
chrislabeardWhat is the best web control panel now days?07:37
SpamapSchrislabeard: landscape! oh wait.. no pimping the company products..  bad.. bad SpamapS07:37
mase_wkSpamapS: yeh i think i'll add a bug report and see what people say. i think even if it has a good reason for overwriting them it should still leave me a copy of the old ones07:38
chrislabearduhh yeah so a free one07:38
mase_wkchrislabeard: do you want a Free one or a $free one ?07:39
chrislabeardgood question07:39
SpamapSchrislabeard: also do you mean for one server, or for a larger environment?07:39
chrislabeardone server07:39
chrislabeardAt one time webmin was not supported so I got crap for using it07:40
chrislabeardI want to do it right now, Which once should i use.07:40
mase_wkwebmin ? what kind of control panel are you after ?07:40
chrislabeardkinda like cpanel07:40
chrislabeardmanage virtual hosts, dns07:40
mase_wkah k.07:40
chrislabeardI tried ehcp back in the day and hated it, has it gotten any better?07:41
SpamapSI've heard good things about ebox07:41
SpamapSand a friend of mine is the author of gnu hosting helper07:42
SpamapSI guess its just hostinghelper now07:42
chrislabeardis this a panel ?07:43
chrislabeardwow its ugly07:43
chrislabeardwhat was this made in 199807:44
mase_wkprobably. i think the majority of people who knew what they were doing gave up on shared hosting long ago07:44
mase_wkyou can get such cheap virtual machines now it's hardly worth it07:45
chrislabeardExcept its fun07:45
mase_wkeach to their own07:45
chrislabeardI'm running Mac OS X server right now and I hate it07:45
mase_wki'm not surprised07:45
chrislabeardits supposed to make it all easy but it just ends up being retarded hard07:45
mase_wki think thats because a server != desktop07:46
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SpamapSchrislabeard: if you don't like mac os x server why would you want a web control panel for linux? just get really good with vi ;)08:00
chrislabeardWell i do some on the command line and some with webmin its just a tool to manage things with a gui08:01
mase_wkthere is a reason why linux/bsd/solaris etc.. don't have a gui by default on the server :)08:03
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.08:06
alcuadradohi, anyone online?08:08
chrislabeardwow my computer sounds like its trying to take off08:09
chrislabeardAnyone else every had that problem with a computer08:09
Jeeves_chrislabeard: Usually a fan. Or worse, a disc08:10
chrislabeardMy computer has 8 fans in it08:10
chrislabeardcan ubuntu not manage those or something08:10
Jeeves_That depends on your motherboard, I think.08:11
chrislabeardwell its a mac08:12
Jeeves_No clue if that's supported. Why don't you ask Steve what's wrong with it?08:13
Jeeves_He can probably sell you a condom to put around it and filter the annoying noise ;)08:13
chrislabeardyeah hey steve I'm installing ubuntu on my computer and its like really loud08:13
twbJeeves_: more like earmuffs08:13
chrislabeardOH and its a PPC08:13
Jeeves_But, the good news is, the condom will only cost you $3498 !08:13
Jeeves_But it's a shiny one! :)08:14
Jeeves_ok, I'll stop Apple-bashing now. ;P08:14
twbchrislabeard: most rackmount kit I see is SUPPOSED to sound like a jet taking off when it boots08:14
chrislabeardI have a rack mount it sounds like this08:14
twbchrislabeard: it's also supposed to reduce the fan speed once the BIOS finished loading08:14
chrislabeardIt was fine till it started installing08:15
xampartthat reminds me http://bash.org/?28525508:15
twbHeh.  Britain has C-cup, we have 4RU08:16
chrislabeardSo I guess I'm just SOL08:20
Jeeves_chrislabeard: No08:20
Jeeves_Finish the installation and install acpid08:20
Jeeves_That might help08:20
chrislabeardits weird it didn't ask me what I wanted on my server08:21
chrislabeardor is that after it installs the base system08:21
chrislabeardI can't remember08:21
xampartanyone had problem with 64bit chromium not having flash?08:21
mase_wkxampart: i've experienced it but i saw it as a feature :P08:21
xampartthe only problem with that is my consumption of y-tube08:23
twbxampart: install youtube-dl, clive, or some other equivalent08:23
twbxampart: or use a webkit-based browser, which will just use HTML5 instead of flash08:23
Jeeves_twb: Isn't chromium webkit?08:24
SpamapSxampart: good one, but http://bash.org/?925050 is better. :)08:24
twbNo idea08:24
twbI try not to endorse evil empires08:24
Jeeves_twb: Google is not evil! The rest of the world is just paranoid!08:25
xampartSpamapS: :D [sic]08:26
alcuadradohi, I'm trying to configure an email server in ubuntu server 10.04 but I having some problems, can anyone help me please? :)08:27
mase_wkalcuadrado: sure08:27
mase_wkjust let us know what problem your having08:27
alcuadradoI mannaged to configure postfix and dovecot following the ubuntu official (i think it's official) guide08:28
alcuadradoand that worked fine08:28
alcuadradobut I can't realize how to manage multiple domains and accounts08:28
SpamapStwb: by communicating on the internet, you're most certainly supporting AT&T, Savvis, or Level3 ... maybe not evil empires, but certainly terrorist states when it comes to ripping people off and misusing personal data.08:28
xamparttwb: after changing my 10.04 servers 2 1TB hdd's to 2TB. i did "mdadm --grow /dev/md0 --size=max". it's now syncing nicely. maybe the best feeling as a admin yet08:29
alcuadradoas everything seems to be center in the unix users of the system08:29
twbSpamapS: I did say "TRY not to"08:29
SpamapStwb: maybe you could try a little harder, and start digging "Free Trenches" for the "Free Fiber" ;)08:29
twbSpamapS: wouldn't help, because the USEFUL parts of Inter-net are in .us, which requires undersea cabling.08:30
SpamapStwb: not to mention supporting our *actual* evil empire. ;-)08:31
* SpamapS imagines a very concerned and upstanding twb weighing options ... fun... principles.. tweets.. principles.. farm ville.. oh sod the principles!08:31
twbI have high hopes for the mesh networking drafts08:31
twbI don't "tweet" or "blog"08:32
twbMy internet doesn't include pointless bandwidth-wasting shite like images, but it *does* include .edu and .net and .org08:33
SpamapSalcuadrado: the postfix documentation has a lot of information on managing virtual domains08:36
alcuadradogreat, that will help... i didn't know if it was a postfix or dovecot issue :$08:37
SpamapSalcuadrado: http://wiki.dovecot.org/VirtualUsers08:37
chrislabeardlook at that it fixed it self08:37
alcuadradothanks, I'll read that now :)08:38
chrislabeardAlright ready for the noob questions, How can I enable ssh08:40
chrislabeardwell look at that08:42
chrislabeardI am an idiot08:42
Jeeves_'apt-get install ssh'? :)08:43
chrislabeardit was already installed08:45
chrislabeardSo just to be clear webmin is no longer supported09:01
xampartanyone get "uc_update: Value too old: name" -type of messages with logcheck + collectd? i found the problem there: http://collectd.org/faq.shtml , but no solution09:16
alcuadradoSpamapS, I've been reading the postfix documentation, and I have a doubt again :p09:34
scoopexi created a preseed file, how can i load this file from a webserver using the standard alternate-installer-cdrom - i discovered https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/powerpc/preseed-using.html....10:12
scoopexdo i really need to add preseed/url/checksum=...10:13
wieshkai have ubuntu server installed on one 500 Gb hdd, so now i have 2 new HDD disks .... what are my options, to migrate all system to new two disks with RAID 1 ?10:13
binBASHscoopex: your nick is inspired by ScoopeX Amiga Demo Group? ;)10:13
scoopexwhat should i exactly enter on the installer-boot-prompt to load the preseed file...10:14
scoopexbinBASH: sure ;-)10:14
binBASHnice ;)10:14
a_okcan someone point me to a page with the diferences in ubuntu kernels10:21
twba_ok: install them and diff /boot/config-*10:25
a_oktwb: i just waned to see the features page to see the major diffenences between server and generic10:26
a_okand I thought there was one for virtual guests too10:26
twbI'm not stopping you10:27
a_okpage has been removed...10:27
a_okat least all references I can find of it end up in a 40410:27
twbIf apt-get is giving you 404, you have bigger issues than picking a kernel10:28
a_oktwb: erm not talking about apt10:47
a_okI know there was a page stating the differences in the kernels and all available kernels but simply can't find it anymore10:49
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xampartneed help with collectd http://efwsupport.com/index.php?action=printpage;topic=988.0 -type errors. plugin ntpd is *not* enabled11:10
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a_okwhat is GB in the installer by the way? the SI or GiB?11:52
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wieshkai need a help - i have installed UBuntu on single HDD, now i want to migrate to RAID 112:40
wieshkai have prepared new 2 hard disks12:40
wieshkawith the same size12:40
wieshka500 Gb12:40
wieshkacan i do it from my existing system or i have to use live cd ?12:42
MACscrwhy would i be seeing a different time in my /var/log/messages log versus the time showing when i type in 'date'12:42
cloakablewieshka, if I recall, ubuntu installs by default onto a degraded RAID1.12:43
MACscrits almost as if my logs are in UTC12:44
wieshkaso i just need to enable RAID 1?12:44
wieshkahow can i check it out ?12:44
cloakablewieshka: I'm trying to find information where it says that, I might be wrong.12:46
wieshkafuck, why i didnt seted up raid on installation12:46
wieshkai have already installed plenty of system software on existing system12:46
wieshkaheh, what will be faster - setting up RAID 1 on existing system or reinstall with RAID ?12:47
wieshkaany ideas ?12:56
wieshkaso i need reinstall system with degraded RAID 1 ?13:01
wieshkanow i am running just lvm, so it looksl ike for me13:01
wieshkacloakable: still here ?13:05
cloakablewieshka: Yeah13:05
wieshkaany ideas ?13:05
wieshkahmmm, full reinstall with already RAID 1 enabled will take me aprox 4 hours13:05
wieshkamaybe it is better way ? :(13:06
pmatuliswieshka: 4 hours to install, why?13:10
wieshkapmatulis: 5 virtual hosts ...... on the system13:10
wieshkaalready installed13:10
pmatuliswieshka: what kind of virtual host?13:11
pmatuliswieshka: so 5 virtual machines13:11
wieshkaphhh, i am confused now - what to do13:12
pmatuliswieshka: are they using image files as their disks?13:12
wieshkano - LVM partitions13:12
pmatuliswieshka: so LVM logical volumes13:12
pmatuliswieshka: so copy them over the network, reinstall, and copy them back13:13
pmatuliswieshka: how large are they?13:13
wieshkai have one HDD with my system already installed - now i have extra 2 HDD the same size - and i need RAID13:13
wieshkamaybe i can just migrate13:13
wieshkapmatulis: they are allocated on more then a half HDD13:14
wieshka500 Gb13:14
wieshkaaprox 270 Gb13:14
pmatuliswieshka: yeah, that's a bit large13:14
pmatuliswieshka: what do you want to RAID?13:14
wieshkai want to setup RAID 113:15
pmatuliswieshka: yeah, but apply that to what?13:15
wieshkasimple one disk installation13:15
pmatuliswieshka: the whole disk?13:15
wieshkamigrate from single HDD to RAID 113:15
wieshkayeah, he whole disk13:15
pmatuliswieshka: i would install on the 2 new RAIDed disks and then copy the machines over from the 1st disk13:17
wieshkayou mean - put in new two disks, boot live cd, setup a RAID 1 on this 2 disks and then copy data ?13:17
pmatuliswieshka: yes13:18
wieshkawhat abaout partitiong ?13:18
wieshkahmm, i havent ever done something like that13:18
pmatuliswieshka: yes, what about it?13:18
wieshkabut looks like i have to13:18
wieshkafirs of all i have to copy exact partitioning table on disks ?13:19
wieshkai am correct ?13:19
pmatuliswieshka: no13:20
wieshkabrrr, my brain is not working anymore ....13:20
pmatuliswieshka: just install normally on the 2 new disks13:21
wieshkajust install RAID on two disks, that all13:21
pmatuliswieshka: install Ubuntu on the 2 new disks, specify RAID 1 in the installer13:21
wieshkaafter that, mount old one HDD ?13:22
wieshkaand copy old data ?13:22
pmatuliswieshka: yes13:23
wieshkaok - now i removed old HDD, puted in two new HDD disks, waiting for boot ..... than i install new fresh installation of ubuntu13:25
wieshkaon RAID 113:25
wieshkavia install menu13:25
wieshkain partitioning step13:25
thesheff17has anyone successfully bridged to a br0 device from a wlan device?  Just bought a new i7 laptop and would love to test KVM on my machine but I don't always have it wired.  Any suggestions?13:26
thesheff17could I bridge eth0 to br0 and use iptables to forward traffic to wlan?  hmmm...just trying to think how I could get kvm testing done on my laptop when it is wireless.13:28
pmatuliswieshka: make sure you reserve a lot of space on the LVM physical volumes for your old volume group(s)13:30
pmatuliswieshka: recall that you will need to export them13:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #614320 in bacula "bacula awk script for sqlite catalog backup broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61432013:36
jimcooncatIf I install UEC in my office, does that give me fault tolerance on storage or services?13:53
ttxsmoser, hggdh: ping13:59
FDXHey guys, please help me, i desperately need help.14:02
FDXMy domain is not working on my server, and i have no idea why14:03
Jeeves_FDX: It might help if you say what your problem is :)14:03
hggdhttx: here14:03
FDXI already have my main domain working14:03
Jeeves_Ah, I've got no clue about that.14:03
ttxhggdh: you still have 2 work items marked TODO/INPROGRESS for alpha3 in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-maverick-uec-testing14:04
ttxhggdh: could you mark them DONE or POSTPONED (and potentially copied to beta if they apply there ?)14:04
hggdhlooking it up & correcting as needed14:04
hggdhttx: sorry14:04
FDXoh god. Jeeves_ you know how to set a secondary domain on an apache server?14:04
FDXI have webmin.14:05
ttxhggdh: no problem, just a cleanup :)14:05
Jeeves_Ah, Apache.14:05
Jeeves_And webmin14:05
Jeeves_There's your problem...14:05
ttxAh, Webmin.14:05
FDX?? i'm lost14:05
Jeeves_Anyway, have a look at /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/14:05
FDXThere is nothing there.14:05
Jeeves_ /etc/apache2/conf.d ?14:06
FDXYes, my domains are set there, want it pastebinned?14:06
jimcooncatFDX: do you have any /etc/apache2/sites-available?14:06
Jeeves_FDX: Sure.14:07
MTecknologySpamapS: Ya, I tried HOME=/tmp in the command and the cron14:07
FDXI'll check it.14:07
hggdhttx: done, I think. spineau's vol testing postponed, A3 tests done14:07
ttxok, thx14:07
zuljdstrand: ping i just noticed this on maverick: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/474030/14:08
FDXoh damn, now i cant ssh. i'm getting wrong password but i'm damn sure its right14:09
MTecknologyFDX: language14:09
jdstrandzul: that is very odd. can you give the file DpkgTerminal output?14:11
zulsure gimme a sec14:11
zulactually that was the dpkgterminal output14:12
jdstrandzul: all of it?14:12
zulhold on14:12
zuljdstrand: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/474032/14:13
FDXGuys, this is my apache2 config: http://pastebin.com/JL8rGJZZ14:14
FDXjimcooncat, there is only "default-ssl" on sites-available folder14:16
jdstrandzul: I'll have to look into it14:17
jdstrandzul: thanks14:17
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zuljdstrand: no thank you14:17
Jeeves_FDX: I miss some statements in that config14:18
Jeeves_<VirtualHost> stuff14:18
Jeeves_Did the pastebin break that? Or is it really not there?14:18
FDXIts really not there14:19
FDXI configged it with webmin14:19
PiciOh dear.14:19
jimcooncatthat counts me out :-(14:19
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.14:19
Jeeves_FDX: http://pastebin.com/wHEvm8BN14:20
Jeeves_What happens if you change it to that14:20
jimcooncatperhaps starting over would be best? apache2 is dead simple now.14:23
FDXi'll try that14:24
FDXMany thanx Jeeves_14:24
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fidelixI was FDX, my net went down14:36
fidelixJeeves_: could you please give-me that pastebin again?14:36
Jeeves_15:20 < Jeeves_> FDX: http://pastebin.com/wHEvm8BN14:37
fidelixwhen installing ebox, it asks me for a Dynamic DNS provider14:39
fidelixWhat should i do about that?14:39
fidelixAnd from what i see, ebox cant manage apache, postfix and other servers14:39
fidelixAm i wrong?14:39
Jeeves_Ehm, I think that correct.14:40
Jeeves_I really don't use that kind of stuff.14:41
fidelixhmm... you do everything with ssh and vi?14:41
Jeeves_Since it usually makes sure you've got no clue what you're doing and they usually do it wrong.14:41
Jeeves_And when they do, you don't know why. Because you've got no clue what you're doing :)14:41
Jeeves_ssh+vim is the best combination ever14:42
jimcooncatdon't forget screen!14:42
jimcooncatI use ssh+screen+mcedit myself14:43
fidelixWhats screen?14:43
jimcooncatfidelix: if you're in the middle of something on your remote box, and your ssh connection drops, you can get right back to where you left off14:44
fidelixthats... excelent.14:44
fidelixjimcooncat: know why ebox is asking me for a Dynamic DNS provider?14:45
jimcooncatfidelix: I don't use things like ebox. sorry14:45
fidelixwell, i'll remove it too14:46
granteHelp!  SSHd keeps dying on my remote server.  And now commands like ls and find don't work anymore.  what happened?14:46
fidelixgrante, check if there's enough free memory14:46
grantesshd says this after I try to login: *** invalid open64 call: O_CREAT without mode ***: /usr/sbin/sshd terminated14:46
grantefree -m shows 311mb free, 3290 free w/o buffers14:47
grantethe only reason i'm still able to access the server is because i had an ssh session open from yesterday.14:47
grantei keep getting emails from cron jobs saying scary things like "/bin/sh: find: not found"14:48
grantealthough find is actually there.  I'm guessing something it depends on isn't.14:48
grantethe only thing I can think of is maybe an automatic security update broke something.14:49
Jeeves_grante: what does dmesg say?14:50
grantethe command or the file?  the command just shows firewall logs, nothing else.  the file doesn't show anything out of the ordinary afaict.14:52
qbitzaAny idea how I can install Firebird1.5-super?14:53
Jeeves_grante: what does the command say after you filter out the firewall stuff?14:53
Jeeves_qbitza: Try #ubuntu14:53
qbitzaIt used to be distributed with Hardy, but I think it was dropped in Lucid14:53
Jeeves_grante: so 'dmesg | grep -v firewallstuffthatmatches'14:53
Jeeves_qbitza: Try #ubuntu14:53
qbitzaJeeves_, Tx, but no answer there, so I thought I'd ask here14:54
fidelixJeeves_: try accessing www.felipefidelix.com and see what happens14:54
granteJeeves_: http://pastebin.com/T4ZyCW6j ... the 3w-9xxx errors are from my attempt at using smartctl.  But there's also a message about mysqld.14:55
qbitzaHow do I install a package from a previous distribution?14:55
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Jeeves_fidelix: Host www.felipefidelix.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)14:57
Jeeves_That might cause you some issues :14:58
hggdhDaviey: good morning. May I be just a bit of a bother, and ask you where is the current bzr branch for Euca upstream?14:58
Jeeves_grante: Hmm.14:58
Jeeves_I'd say your fs is fsckt14:58
idlemindany ideas on a lamp server hosting virtual hosts. how do you handle user permissions so apache can read the files but the end-user still has permission to add / remove delete?15:00
granteJeeves_: well that's not good.  I have backups...but that's going to make my day very stressful.15:00
Jeeves_idlemind: mod-itk15:01
idlemindjeeves_: thanks. off 2 google on that15:01
Jeeves_grante: If you dare, i'd try a reboot15:01
Jeeves_*if* the filesystem is broken, keeping it running will only make things worse in the end15:02
idlemindzomg ... mpm-tik = allowing each vhost to run under a seperate gid / uid ... <315:02
granteJeeves_:  I've considered it.  But that means if it doesn't come back up perfectly, I lose all access.  And the datacenter it's at is super slow responding to issues.15:02
Jeeves_grante: It's either that, or waiting for it to happen when you're asleep :)15:02
granteJeeves_: and no ip kvm's, despite my repeated requests they get some of them.15:02
fidelix-bash : fork : not possible to alocate memory.15:03
granteJeeves_:  Yeah, I know.  But this is a voip server running a bunch of client's phones.  They are not going to be happy today.15:03
Jeeves_grante: It's up to you. I just say what I would do15:04
fidelixhow do i set apache not to use 100% of system memory?15:04
Jeeves_fidelix: :)15:04
Jeeves_It shouldn't really :)15:04
granteJeeves_:  ya.  thanks for the help.15:04
fidelixwell, the system has no memory even to run "top"15:04
fidelixor list a folder.15:04
grantefidelix:  how much ram is in the system?15:04
fidelixany tips, grante?15:09
grantegoogle apache2 low memory system, you'll find a few guides to tweaking apache to use less ram15:10
fidelixthanx man15:10
jetoleHey guys. I set eth1 as a static interface in my /etc/network/interfaces file and yet it's still being configured by dhcp (which runs on this same host). Did I miss something? http://pastebin.org/45100115:12
binBASHfidelix: Why not using an alternative Webserver?15:12
binBASHI can suggest Cherokee Webserver15:13
fidelixIs it easy to setup?15:13
grantefidelix: lighttpd works well too.15:13
binBASHyup, it has Webinterface Admin tool as well :)15:13
jetolenginx @ fidelix @ alternate web server15:13
jetolegoogle uses nginx a lot15:13
fidelixWell, there are people saying on the internet that apache2 is faster than lighthttpd15:13
fidelixAt least for dynamic content.15:13
binBASHfidelix: It's true when using mod_php for example15:14
fidelixWhat about compatibility binBASH?15:14
fidelixmod_rewrite is 100% needed.15:14
fidelixI run joomla and drupal sites.15:14
binBASHCherokee supports rewrites15:15
jetolefidelix: look at nginx15:15
jetolefidelix: also here is a list of module comparison (this includes apache, lighttpd and nginx): http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxModuleComparisonMatrix15:15
fidelixI'm more worried about how my systems will behave with different servers.15:16
jetoleoh neat. I didn't know nginx had a memcached module15:16
jetolebinBASH: I don't suppose you could do a quick double check of my /etc/network/interfaces file (http://pastebin.org/451001) ?15:16
jetoleor anyone else?15:17
jetolefidelix: as per server, I don't know what you mean on how it will behave differently but it's a different web server. nginx though (pronounced engine X) is used a lot by google, almost exclusively15:18
binBASHjetole: What is your exact problem with the file?15:18
fidelixjetole: i'm worried if joomla/drupal will work well with nginx15:18
jetolebinBASH: eth1 is being set by dhcp when I call ifup on it15:18
TohuwPassenger 2.0.3 installed from the repo on Ubuntu Server 9.10 crashes whenever a rails app is called. Unexpected error in Passenger: The ApplicationPool server exited unexpectedly." in apache error.log. Any troubleshooting ideas?15:19
jetolefidelix: they will both work with php. They don't care nor do they talk to the web server15:19
jetolebinBASH: Hey guys. I set eth1 as a static interface in my /etc/network/interfaces file and yet it's still being configured by dhcp (which runs on this same host). Did I miss something? http://pastebin.org/45100115:19
fidelixYes, but what about rewrites and caching?15:19
jetolebinBASH: that was the original question15:19
fidelixdoes nginx have APC?15:19
jetolerewrites have to be configured15:19
jetolecaching I don't think will make a difference15:19
binBASHfidelix: you load apc in php15:20
binBASHhas nothing to do with nginx ;)15:20
fidelixOK. I will adventure.15:20
binBASHfidelix: You need php-cgi for having php via fcgi15:20
jetolefidelix: http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpRewriteModule15:20
binBASHjetole: Google doesn't use nginx, at least not that I know:)15:21
binBASHThey're using custom patches with apache servers.15:21
jetolebinBASH: I read about a year ago that they moved to nginx15:22
jetolebinBASH: you may be correct15:23
fidelixSo, i just have to apt-get install nginx? Or should i compile something?15:24
binBASHfidelix: http://www.cherokee-project.com/doc/modules_handlers_redir.html15:24
binBASHbtw. :)15:24
fidelixbinBASH: you think Cherokee is lighter than nginx?15:24
jetolebinBASH: so no idea about the interfaces file eh?15:24
binBASHfidelix: Well, personally I'm using cherokee.15:25
binBASHit's a bit faster for static files15:25
binBASHjetole: Let me have a look ;)15:25
jetolebinBASH: http://pastebin.org/45100115:26
fidelixbinBASH: what about dynamic files?15:26
jetolefidelix: "Apache is like Microsoft Word, it has a million options but you only need six. Nginx does those six things, and it does five of them 50 times faster than Apache." http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxWhyUseIt15:27
fidelixI am already convinced by nginx15:27
fidelixI even apt-getted it15:27
fidelixBut i want to know about cherokee15:28
fidelixIt seems really good too15:28
jetolewordpress.com uses nginx too I just noticed15:28
binBASHfidelix: it should be the same for both servers about fcgi;)15:28
binBASHnginx has a bit more features I think though15:29
fidelixok, i'll go with nginx because it seems more mature15:30
binBASHfidelix: enjoy ;)15:33
jetolebinBASH: don't worry. I just rebooted this machine and it doesn't seem to be an issue anymore15:33
scoopexi created a preseed file, how can i load this file from a webserver using the standard alternate-installer-cdrom - i discovered https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/powerpc/preseed-using.html....15:34
scoopexwhat should i exactly enter on the installer-boot-prompt to load the preseed file...?15:34
scoopexdo i need the checksum?15:35
jetoleno you don't need the checksum15:35
jetoleone sec while I ssh to my preseed server and look15:36
scoopexjetole: can i boot a alternate installer cd and fetch the preseed file by a url?15:36
jetolescoopex: url=http://preseed.url15:37
jetolestart the CD, go to the section where you apply advanced options15:37
jetoleer, more options15:37
scoopexjetole: do i need some ip-configuration?15:37
jetoleit's at the start when it asks you to install ubuntu, run memcheck, oem install etc, right after you select a language15:37
jetolescoopex: yes but if you have dhcp then no15:38
jetoleI also use locale=en_US console-setup/layoutcode=us netcfg/get_hostname=15:38
binBASHjetole: It will be an issue again, if there are a lot of apache workers :D15:38
jetolewait what?15:38
binBASHapache memory footprint with php module is usually huge;)15:39
binBASHdo you run a vserver?15:39
jetolebinBASH: I didn't ask any questions about apache or a server15:40
jetolealthough I run many if you must know15:40
binBASHjetole: hhe, I'm currently thinking about your file15:40
jetolefrom apache to nginx to IIS 7 (yes I just said IIS 7)15:40
binBASHI think the problem maybe doesn't rely on that file15:40
jetolebinBASH: my file was an /etc/network/interfaces file15:41
* jetole is confused 15:41
binBASHcan you paste /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules15:41
jetole10:33 < jetole> binBASH: don't worry. I just rebooted this machine and it doesn't seem to be an issue anymore15:41
binBASHahh ok :D15:42
fidelixNice. I installed nginx and now i have bad gateway15:42
binBASHjetole: I didn't read right, thought it's fidelix15:42
jetolelol. It's cool15:42
jetolefidelix: that sounds odd15:42
binBASHjetole: I'm currently very busy with evaluating alternative Storage Engines for mysql ;)15:42
jetolebinBASH: oh really15:43
jetolelike what?15:43
* jetole wants to try the maria engine when I get time 15:43
jetoleI have to google that one15:43
jetoleIf I had my way, we'd move to an oracle / cassandra mix using memcached and varnish with nginx as the server15:44
binBASHjetole: http://www.percona.com/downloads/Percona-Server-5.1/Percona-Server-5.1.47-11.2/deb/lucid/x86_64/15:44
binBASHthat one I'm evaluating currently ;)15:44
binBASHMariaDB has XtraDB as well.15:45
fidelixCould you people please help me with this error?15:45
jetoleblazing fast is a catch word though, blazing fast usually means not ACID compliant since it often removes transactions15:45
binBASHfidelix: Sorry, don't speak spanish?15:46
jetolebinBASH: ah it's based on InnoDB15:47
jetoleI like InnoDB15:47
binBASHWell using MyISAM atm15:47
jetoleyeah MyISAM is not ACID15:47
TohuwBest practices/opinion question for an Ubuntu webserver: /etc/adduser.conf: USERGROUPS=yes or no?15:47
binBASHbut table sizes is an issue now ;)15:47
jetolewhat size tables?15:47
fidelixHow do i redirect everything under anbient.net* to http://anbient.net/ ?15:48
binBASHjetole: We have tables with 4,1 Mio rows15:48
binBASHno wrong15:48
binBASH280 Mio. Rows15:49
jetolethats a lot15:49
binBASHJoins and Group By are becomming show stopper........15:49
jetoleour largest is 29 mil15:49
jetolebinBASH: what about partitions15:49
fidelixDoes nginx have an Admin Interface?15:50
binBASHfidelix: no15:50
fidelixhmm.. ok.15:50
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jetolebinBASH: partitions can help but still, I would advise against MyISAM for large scale corporate sites15:50
binBASHjetole: Going to shard the data in future, but atm we need a solution to not change the application a lot.15:51
jetolebinBASH: also, make sure you have disk space, InnoDB can use a lot more for the same files and XtraDB is based on InnoDB so probably the same15:51
Guest54693I am trying to find something on suexecusergroup.  I have looked at the basic document page, but I cannot figure out the context of where it is used.  I put together a bunch of virtualhost stanzas to replace my old directory stanzas, but I am getting a cgi exec privilege problem now.15:51
jetolebinBASH: I meant mysql vertical partitions15:51
jetoleGuest54693: you should fix that then15:52
TohuwBest practices/opinion question for an Ubuntu webserver: /etc/adduser.conf: USERGROUPS=yes or no? (In other words, should I force new user john to belong to a group called john. Is there any compelling reason why I can't have him just be added to the standard users group?) It's probably worth noting that I use UserDir public_html15:52
Guest54693I am talking about apache2 specific cfg specific to Ubuntu server.15:52
axisyswe are running lucid server on sun fire x2250 .. is there a way to find out, short from installing ubuntu, if ubuntu server will run on x2270 m2? it is not listed in certified hardware list here http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/make/Sun/servers/15:52
binBASHjetole: We're currently changing App so it can horizontally scale out15:53
binBASHhowever it will be a lot work for db things.15:53
Guest54693tohuw:  Is that something I should look up?  I just emailed the not to myself so I can do so at work...?15:55
Guest54693Tohuw:  Is that something I should look up?  I just emailed the not to myself so I can do so at work...?15:55
TohuwGuest54693: I more or less got the answer I was looking for in #httpd, but thanks15:56
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Guest54693Tohuw:  Okay, I was trying there too last night.  Thanks.  I gotta quit and I'll start again on #httpd at work.  Thank you.15:57
binBASHjetole: we expect more than 1 Bio Rows / Table15:58
ttxmathiaz: o/16:01
arvind_khadrihi, anyone who has used sogo here?16:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #614393 in antlr3 (main) "[maverick] antlr3 3.2-4 FTBFS due to missing deps in main" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61439316:06
mathiazttx: hi16:07
mathiazttx: I've switched networks and haven't any questions16:07
ttxmathiaz: you still have 1 TODO and 2 INPROGRESS against alpha316:08
ttxmathiaz: could you review them , mark DONE or POSTPONED ?16:08
mathiazttx: yop16:08
arvind_khadriHi, when I have dovecot running, its address will be localhost:143 ??16:10
Tohuwis the pwd for adduser.local automatically the user's home directory, or do you have to set it as so? And if it has to be set, how do you tell it to change to that users homedir?16:13
fidelixAnyone knows why one could get white pages with nginx and php-fpm?16:14
Davieyhey hggdh, Are you  alive?16:18
mathiazttx: WI updated16:27
ttxmathiaz: cool, thanks !16:28
ttxand happy start of beta subcycle !16:28
mathiazttx: hein - what? already??16:28
ttxWe are late already ! http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-server-ubuntu-10.10-beta.html16:29
SpamapSttx: feeling better?16:29
SpamapSttx: don't blame me, I'm at 14%!16:30
GanymedeDoes anyone know a good long-running bandwidth monitor with an HTTP frontend for creating graphs of usage for, say, over a month for an Ubuntu router? I was looking at vnstat but it looks like it needs a PHP-based webserver also running. I was hoping for something self-contained that contains its own built-in webserver for the HTTP frontend.16:35
zulcatci, munin, mrtg16:35
GanymedeThanks, I'll look at those one by one.16:35
qman__Ganymede, pretty much anything you choose is going to require a separate web server16:35
GanymedeI think I'll skip cacti though, it looks heavyweight.16:36
MTecknologyI'm trying to do this -> start-stop-daemon --start --chuid "kalliki.com" --exec /usr/bin/env -- - USER="kalliki.com" PATH=/usr/bin PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=0 PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS=500 php-cgi -b /tmp/phpcgi-kalliki.com.socket16:36
MTecknologyI'm getting the error -> start-stop-daemon: Unable to start /usr/bin/env: Permission denied (Permission denied)16:36
qman__I use vnstat with the PHP frontend16:36
MTecknologyThis works perfect in my dev box - any idea why it won't on my production box?16:37
SpamapSMTecknology: thank you, for doing crazy stuff, so we can all learn. ;)16:38
SpamapSGanymede: munin is light weight, but it won't scale past 100 or so devices to query16:39
hggdhDaviey: sorry, was sort of off for a while16:39
SpamapSzul: server team should subscribe to rrdtool bugs, shouldn't we?16:40
GanymedeSpamapS: Thanks, I was leaning towards munin currently. I only have about five devices though.16:40
MTecknologySpamapS: learn what?16:40
zulSpamapS: probably yes do we maintain it?16:40
SpamapSzul: no.. "Ubuntu Development" maintains it. But seeing as it is a cornerstone of munin.. which we do maintain..16:46
zulSpamapS: yeah go ahead and add it16:46
SpamapSactually I guess technicall Ubuntu Development handles munin16:46
SpamapSzul: I cannot16:46
zulSpamapS: gah16:46
SpamapSIt does have 3 untriaged bugs..16:47
SpamapSand today is my triage day..16:47
SpamapSso maybe we can add it Monday? ;-)16:47
Enrique2010Hello People. I run Ubu_Server_10.04 and installed PostgreSQL 8.4 with apt-get. PostgreSQL installation seems OK, since I can login locally as "postgres" and change my password, and log in later with the new password. I disabled the Ubu_Server_10.04 firewall with "sudo ufw disable". I can ping my Ubuntu Server from my desktop machine. But I can't make PgAdmin III on my desktop machine, connect to my PostgreSQL on my Ubuntu S16:47
Enrique2010When I run "nmap ip_of_ubuntu_server -p 5432" then nmap tells me "5432/tcp closed postgresql". So nmap tells me the 5432-port on my server is closed, but the firewall of the server isn't enabled ?! I think that blocks PgAdmin III on my desktop to connect to my server. Any idea's ? (I'm not super technical.)16:48
zulSpamapS: my web browser says done, but all the new bugs will show up on monday anyways so yeah thanks16:48
zulSpamapS: bitch ;)16:48
zulEnrique2010: postgresql only listens to localhost by default so you will have to check the postgresql documenation to make it listen to an ip address as well16:49
Enrique2010zul: I did adapt the setting "listen_addresses = '*' " so he should listen to all ip-adresses16:50
zulEnrique2010: did you restart postgresql16:51
Enrique2010zul: I did16:51
Enrique2010zul: with " sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 restart "16:51
zulEnrique2010: you might want to check the postgresql channel16:51
Enrique2010zul: good idea ! will do, thx !16:52
Davieyhggdh: Hey!  Just to let you know, if you are planning to do some UEC testing, my devel PPA has the latest upstream snapshot16:57
SpamapSDaviey: I sent you a merge proposal with munin capabilities for eucalyptus... I think we'll still need to have munin build an html page special just for eucalyptus, but thats easy.17:01
SpamapScan somebody please do a noop rebuild of pgadmin3  bug #61097517:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 610975 in server-papercuts "Can not start pgadmin3" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61097517:05
SpamapSbonus, its a server papercut, so you can use it as a shield for ttx's lazer stare.17:05
wieshkaNEED HELP: after install of ubuntu-server 10.04 i got HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed fro '/dev/sda' also for sdb .... installed RAID 1 + LVM17:06
MTecknologySomething is really screwed up :(17:06
ttxSpamapS: did you confirm it was happening in maverick ?17:06
ttxfor lucid it's slightly more complex as we need to coordinate with the fate of wxwidgets2.8 in -proposed17:06
SpamapSttx: I've never been able to reproduce it.17:07
ttxlooking at the bugs that sent it to -proposed it might not solve the issue there17:07
ttx$if it's reverted, then we should NOT do a noop rebuild :)17:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #286592 in rrdtool "No graph with a stream of constant negative numbers" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28659217:07
ttxWe could do the noop rebuild for the mavreick package though. I'm just unsure it applies to that one as well.17:07
wieshkaanybody ? NEED HELP: after install of ubuntu-server 10.04 i got HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed fro '/dev/sda' also for sdb .... installed RAID 1 + LVM17:08
ttxI linked that bug from the wxwidgets2.8 bugs, so that theur fates are linked in -proposed17:08
SpamapSttx: right, so there are people out there running lucid-proposed ?17:08
ttxapparently most of the commenters on that bug17:08
SpamapSI wish they'd just say that. ;)17:09
ttxSpamapS: they apparently prefer rto say "could someone just upload the deb to the sever"17:09
ttxok, time to eow17:09
hggdhDaviey: great! I will update the packages and get on it17:18
Davieyhggdh: super!17:22
Davieyhggdh: I'm gonna try to go afk for a bit.. If you have some news, it might be good to email it directly to the mailing list :)17:23
wieshkahmmmm after install of ubuntu-server 10.04 i got HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed fro '/dev/sda' also for sdb .... installed RAID 1 + LVM17:24
wieshkaany ideas ?17:24
jimcooncatIf I install UEC in my office, does that give me fault tolerance on storage or services?17:26
pmatuliswieshka: does the machine boot ok?17:28
SpamapSjimcooncat: UEC doesn't reall address "fault tolerance"17:29
karlhuntI have no minimal install option (under f4) on the iso I just downloaded. Do I need a specific version?17:29
wieshkapmatulis: it is while booting17:29
wieshkabooting hangs up17:29
wieshkaso - no - it isnt booting correctly17:29
lucenutI installed Eclipse in my ubuntu and am trying to create a new "project", but I can't browse to my windows shares on the server from the New Project wizard.17:29
SpamapSjimcooncat: UEC provides a way to spawn virtual hosts, but the machine they run on must use traditional methods to achieve fault tolerance.17:29
lucenutIn a File Browser I can go to the windows shares.17:29
wieshkapmatulis: i have to reinstall ?17:30
wieshkaor i can do something from rescue mode to fix this problen17:31
jimcooncatSpamapS: thanks. I was hoping it was a simple way to avoid drbd/heartbeat/etc.17:31
pmatuliswieshka: many people, including myself, see such a msg on bootup.  your boot fails however.  so the failure may be due to something else17:32
jimcooncatSpamapS: Are there any use cases for in-house UEC setups? I love to read about what it CAN do for people17:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #344096 in rrdtool (main) "library for rrd develop" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34409617:32
Tohuwi've got an ubuntu server running apache. if I wanted to be able to make my own zone files, so that I could take mydomain.com and point it to ns1.myserver.com or so, would I use BIND9 for that?17:33
jimcooncat... other than being able to say, "I got a cloud in my basement". )17:33
pmatuliswieshka: enter GRUB2 menu and remove 'splash, quiet' from the kernel boot options17:33
pmatuliswieshka: you can also put in 'debug' to get more information17:33
wieshkai will give a try17:34
pmatuliswieshka: where are you from anyway?17:34
pmatuliswieshka: ok17:34
pmatuliswieshka: my name is Lithuanian17:34
pmatuliswieshka: but i don't speak the language17:35
SpamapSjimcooncat: I know a previous employer of mine is currently evaluating it for use to spawn automated testing clusters.17:35
wieshkabrother :)17:35
pmatuliswieshka: canada here17:35
jimcooncatTohuw: it's a possibility. Most people I know use third-party name servers, such as those provided by their registrar or ZoneEdit17:35
SpamapSjimcooncat: so their QA people can spawn a cluster with one of every type of server they need, deploy their latest features/fixes/etc. to it, then run automated tests, then tear the whole thing down again.17:36
Tohuwjimcooncat: yeah, I just like centralizing that management, so I can quickly add mx and A records and such17:36
wieshkapmatulis: - the same again17:36
wieshkamaybe try recovery mode ?17:37
jimcooncatSpamapS: Thanks. I've been trying to figure out why anyone would want it for a while17:37
hggdhDaviey: new dependency for Eucalyptus: tgt (in main)17:37
SpamapSjimcooncat: its especially attractive in that sense if you are already using Amazon EC2, as the API is the same.17:38
MTecknologyroot@li35-54:~# chroot /jail /bin/bash17:38
MTecknology/bin/bash: relocation error: /bin/bash: symbol memset, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference17:38
MTecknologyAny ideas what I can do to fix that?17:38
MTecknologyI just wiped my whole system17:38
SpamapSMTecknology: how did you build /jail ?17:39
MTecknologySpamapS: ya17:40
jimcooncatTohuw: I believe you may need to have two static IP's to do proper nameservers, but I'll defer to those here who know more about it17:41
wieshkalooks like something is really wrong with my software RAID17:41
hggdhDaviey: weird. tgt *is* installed, and still I got a failure to start. I wonder if, on upgrade, we are starting the components at the right time17:41
wieshka... going to resintall17:41
Tohuwjimcooncat: yes, I have two. I'm perusing https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/dns-configuration.html, this seems to be what I want17:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #388700 in rrdtool (main) "rrdgraph: filename in imginfo param is incorrect" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38870017:41
pmatuliswieshka: were you asked to activate raid during the install?17:42
wieshkai pressed yes17:42
pmatuliswieshka: it could be that there is some fakeraid metadata residing on your drives17:42
wieshkahmmmm hardware RAID i already disabled17:43
wieshkapmatulis:  can i fully format HDD's with busybox ?17:43
wieshkalike from factory - with no any data17:43
wieshkaso then split in two parts17:43
wieshkaset up raid 117:44
wieshkaand then set up LVM17:44
pmatuliswieshka: enter BIOS, enable RAID, then delete all RAID array info17:44
pmatuliswieshka: right now it's disabled but the metadata remains, installer gets confused17:45
wieshkaso then i will have a hardware RAID17:45
Davieyhggdh: interesting...17:45
Davieyhggdh: That Depends was also in Maverick A3... so i'm sorta confused.17:45
wieshkapmatulis: ok - now i am really confused17:45
jimcooncatwieshka: I'd guess the answer is no, it's a software raid17:45
hggdhDaviey: I was wrong, it is a different error17:45
hggdhit is a 'sudo' error. Rebooting now17:46
wieshkaso - i have to enable hardware raid in bios17:46
wieshkaand delete software array data ?17:46
zulSpamapS: if a bug is fixed released then you dont have to set the priority....one extra step you dont have to do :)17:47
jimcooncatwieshka: am I understanding you want to RAID 1 two partitions of the same drive?17:47
wieshkaone as swap17:48
wieshkaseond as LVM17:48
wieshkaand then LVM partition tables17:48
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wieshka.... i splited both HDD in two partition, 20 Gb as swap, 400+ as data17:49
SpamapSzul: I like to be complete. ;)17:49
wieshkaboth paired as RAID 117:49
wieshkathen on RAID interface i setted up LVM17:50
wieshkaand then in one volume group added 8 partitions17:50
wieshka6 ext417:50
wieshka2 xfs17:50
wieshkaso whats wrong ?\17:50
wieshkacorrection - in volume group i added 8 logical volumes17:51
wieshkaso where is the problem/whats wrong ?17:51
pmatuliswieshka: you disable the fakeraid after deleting all arrays17:51
wieshkaeem, what is fakeraid ? :)17:52
wieshkasorry, unslept night so my brain is already fucked up17:52
wieshkabut i have to finish server today :)17:52
pmatuliswieshka: it's the raid you are configuring in BIOS, however you may have real h/w raid which i doubt since you are originally using s/w raid17:53
wieshkaso now i have to do what ? stay disabled hardware raid17:53
wieshkaor enable it ?17:53
pmatuliswieshka: again, enter BIOS, enable RAID, delete RAID array/info, disable RAID17:54
wieshkaand the s/w raid will work for me ?17:54
wieshkaok i will give a try17:54
pmatuliswieshka: right, give it a try17:54
wieshkapmatulis: i have SATA 1 & Sata 2 each has primary and secondary chanell (in BIOS) - what i have to enable ?17:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #327920 in rrdtool (main) "Wrong "last updated time" with option "--start 0" on 64bit Ubuntu Hardy" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32792017:56
pmatuliswieshka: there should be a central RAID config somewhere.  it could be that you do not have fakeraid RAID at all.  this is just an idea17:57
wieshkaoption in BIOS17:58
wieshkais nVidai RAID17:58
pmatuliswieshka: bingo17:58
wieshkawhat exactly is bingo ? :)17:58
pmatuliswieshka: "loto"17:59
jpdsnvidia RAID sounds like a nightmare17:59
wieshkawhy ?17:59
pmatulisjpds: it's extremely common fakeraid17:59
wieshkapmatulis:  so what to do now ?18:00
pmatuliswieshka: was there an existing array?18:01
wieshkaquestion: if i will fully format hdd and reinstall my OS i will have the same problem ?18:01
wieshkapmatulis: i cant still boot18:01
wieshkawith h/w raid enabled also18:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #414010 in rrdtool "rrdtool .pot template is missing, existing .po files not imported" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41401018:01
wieshkaonly rescue mode from cd18:01
pmatuliswieshka: i said you need to disable it18:02
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wieshkait was all the time disabled18:02
pmatuliswieshka: was there an existing array?18:02
wieshkano there wasnt18:02
pmatuliswieshka: you enabled it and looked?18:02
wieshkai enebled and tried to boot18:02
wieshkathe same error18:03
pmatuliswieshka: disable it i said!18:03
wieshkaia have it disabled it!18:03
wieshkaand error is back18:04
pmatuliswieshka: when you enabled it and looked, there was no array defined?18:04
wieshkacorrection - there is still error18:04
hggdh<sigh/>. Now eucalyptus runs 'sudo'.18:06
pmatuliswhen i do 'apt-get -f install' i get no actions suggested (good) but when i do the same with aptitude the suggested action is to install libjs-jquery.  this is fresh karmic vm that has been immediately upgraded to lucid18:06
SpamapSpmatulis: I believe aptitude uses different rules to try and resolve dependencies.18:15
zulSpamapS, can you do me a favor? can you fix #564920 for maverick and do the SRU for lucid please?18:21
MTecknologyNow I can't start mysql18:21
MTecknologyI'm rebuilding the server and trying to restore from backups18:22
SpamapSuvirtbot: hey he said #56492018:22
uvirtbotSpamapS: Error: "hey" is not a valid command.18:22
MTecknologybug 56492018:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 564920 in php5 "PHP5 under Apache2 on 64 bit system is not completely 64 bit " [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56492018:22
MTecknologywoohoo, it's running :S18:23
MTecknologyno errors from start mysql18:23
SpamapSzul: I already fixed that one. Last night, right before I launched my space ship that took me to school where I forgot my homework and my pants.. oh wait..18:23
MTecknologyalso not listed in top18:23
zulSpamapS: dude layoff the crack :)18:24
SpamapSzul: I can't.. its .. so.. good18:26
pmatuliswho is in charge of the uvirtbot? soren?18:29
Picipmatulis: yes. (according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots)18:31
pmatulisPici: k18:31
MTecknologyYou guys have any idea how I could fix this error? http://dpaste.com/225691/18:33
MTecknologyIt's on a fresh system18:33
MTecknologyIt works fine in my development environment - but not in my new system18:34
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elmswas wondering if someone could help me with an interesting problem, i also need a good tool like windows7 resource monitor which might help a lot18:39
elmsi'm using wine on ubuntu server with XFCE and tightvnc as a viewer, but if i close the viewer my windows programs are no longer able to access any files on a truecrypted encrypted drive18:40
elmsany advice would be appreciated18:43
SpamapSvi strikes again18:47
hggdhDaviey: for your joy, we now have bug 614488 (which is no big deal, but we will have to fix it)18:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 614488 in eucalyptus "Eucalyptus should not run 'sudo'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61448818:47
minahi, I want to configure dav_svn module to allow only https access, allow anonymous read-only access on some dirs and require login for others. anyone can help?19:01
minaanyone can help?19:05
elmsi think most are afk, i asked a question about 20mins ago19:06
Dark-Sunhi every119:14
CarleasHow/where do I add rules to iptables to allow DNS?19:14
Dark-Suncan an ubuntu enterprise cloud used as a HPC?19:14
remix_tjCarleas: only using iptables?19:15
remix_tjand DNS in input or output?19:15
CarleasWell, using bind, but letting the DNS requests through.19:15
CarleasI'm not sure about input or output.  I'm setting up a primary, and I'll need to do zone transfers19:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #614488 in eucalyptus "Eucalyptus should not run 'sudo'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61448819:16
elmsCarleas: you can use a program like Firewall Builder or FireStarter to help make rules19:16
elmsi've messed with both firestarter is pretty basic and fwbuilder is pretty robust19:17
Dark-Suncan an ubuntu enterprise cloud host a HPC cluster?19:18
CarleasI've already got iptables installed, but it's set up to deny everything that isn't ssh and www.  It's also integrated with fail2ban, so I'd rather not install a different firewall setup.  I know I need to allow requests to or from port 53, and using both tcp and udp, but I don't know how to do that.19:20
ScottKCarleas: Same way you allowed ssh except on a different port.19:21
Dark-SunScottK: do u mean sth like this: euca-authorize default -P tcp -p 22 -s
ScottKI'm not familiar with that tool, but it sounds likely.  Just port 53 and do both UDP and TCP.19:24
MTecknologythesheff17: Help :(19:32
GeekSquidSo I installed UEC, and completly Borked my system, currently running via live disk and chrooted into my drive, ... what is the best method of reversing what eucalyptus and UEC have done to make my machine unbootable... not even in recovery mode,19:35
CarleasThanks ScottK, that put me on the right track for INPUT.  I added it with "sudo iptables -I INPUT 7 -p udp --dport 53  -j ACCEPT".  But I probably need and OUTPUT rule too, right?  will the same rule work on a different chain?19:39
ScottKI don't recall and don't have time to check.  Probably not.  You will want to allow TCP too.19:40
elmscan anybody help me with my wine problem?19:50
elmsi'm using wine on ubuntu server with XFCE and tightvnc as a viewer, but if i close the viewer my windows programs are no longer able to access any files on a truecrypted encrypted drive19:51
thesheff17MTecknology: whats up?19:56
MTecknologythesheff17: I tried mvoing this jail to production19:56
MTecknologythesheff17: http://dpaste.com/225726/19:56
MTecknologythesheff17: I'm hoping I don't get fired - but basically all auth winds up like that - nothing is working right19:57
MTecknologythesheff17: I'm kinda in deep doo doo right now and if you can please possible help me, I'd love you for life19:59
thesheff17so all the users are like that?  do the permissions of bin/bash match the permissions of bin/bash19:59
thesheff17inside the chroot?19:59
thesheff17basically it looked like that user ins't able to execute bin/bash19:59
MTecknologythesheff17: I'm trying to ssh in as a user that shouldn't be jailed20:00
thesheff17MTecknology: so the users not in the chroot are also having the same problem?20:00
MTecknologythesheff17: yup20:01
thesheff17even root?20:01
thesheff17my bin bash looks like this: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 934336 2010-04-18 21:16 /bin/bash20:01
thesheff17try to use a different shell like /bin/sh20:02
thesheff17and see what happens.20:03
MTecknologythesheff17: root is the ONLY user that works20:03
thesheff17also I would check your /etc/passwd and /home/jail/etc/passwd files and make sure everything looks ok20:04
MTecknologyit does look ok20:04
MTecknology /bin/bash looks ok too20:04
thesheff17so /home/michael in side the chroot or no.  I would check ls -la /home/michael20:05
MTecknologyno, it's not20:05
MTecknologyit shouldn't be either20:05
MTecknologydrwxr-xr-x 2 michael michael 4096 2010-08-06 18:4820:06
thesheff17ok as root do chown -R michael:michael /home/michael20:06
MTecknologyroot@insto:/home# su - michael20:06
MTecknologyUnable to cd to '/home/michael'20:06
MTecknologyI did that too20:06
MTecknologyroot@insto:/home# su - kalliki.com20:07
MTecknologyUnable to cd to '/jail/./home/kalliki.com'20:07
fidelixI'm getting 404 how do i clean nginx's cache?20:07
fidelixsorry, i'll write again20:07
fidelixHow do i clean nginx's cache?20:07
thesheff17it says /jail/ isn't it should be /home/jail/ or no?20:09
MTecknologythesheff17: no20:09
Davieyhggdh: Whilst you are testing Depends vs Recommends, can you try removing open-iscsi please?20:09
MTecknologythesheff17: this is working perfect in my dev box - I can't see anything different20:09
thesheff17MTecknology: adding a new user have the same problem? I'm not sure if it is bin/bash giving the problems or permissions.20:10
hggdhDaviey: give me 10 min, a test is finishing20:10
Davieyhggdh: no hurry :)20:10
MTecknologythesheff17: it's not bash that's the issue20:10
thesheff17MTecknology: the error is mis leading20:10
hggdhDaviey: lovely... new revision, new issues. But perhaps I am getting cynical20:10
Davieyhggdh: We are at the peak of the hill :)20:11
hggdhDaviey: *now* am I worried20:11
Davieyhggdh: Nah.. we can ski down the other side... easy going :)20:11
thesheff17you aren't running selinux are you?20:12
MTecknologythesheff17: Could not chdir to home directory /home/michael: Permission denied <-- this is the part that's muffed - but I have no idea how20:13
thesheff17MTecknology: how about creating a new user...same problem?20:14
MTecknologythesheff17: yup20:14
thesheff17I see tons of stuff pointing to selinux20:15
MTecknologylibselinux1 is the only selinux package installed20:16
MTecknologythat's a default package20:16
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MTecknologythesheff17: wanna join me?20:17
hggdhDaviey: oooh, cool, 'stop eucalyptus now seems to stop the -publication also20:19
hggdhDaviey: OTOH, 'start eucalyptus' did *not* start the -publication :-(20:22
fidelixwhats the best way to visually manage Bind?20:25
hggdhDaviey: I purged open-iscsi and open-iscsi-utis, then restarted the beast. Comes up nicely (except the - publications)20:25
CppIsWeirdi have grails in a folder, and it doesnt install like everything else, where is the logical place to put it in the filesystem? /bin, /usr/bin?20:30
pmatulisCppIsWeird: /usr/local/bin or /opt/grails/bin20:33
MTecknologythesheff17: you still around?20:34
CppIsWeirdand when it asks me to "Set GRAILS_HOME environment, it means $GRAILS_HOME = /path/to/grails, EXPORT GRAILS_HOME in my profile file right?20:37
incorrectweird i can't connect to my tftpd server20:46
incorrecti wonder if its an apparmour thing20:46
fidelixGuys, for the love of god, help me with my site, its not accessible by some20:49
incorrectwhat do you think we can do for you?20:50
fidelixI dont understand very well how dns's and stuff works.20:50
incorrectwell get reading20:50
fidelixWell, i already did that.20:51
fidelixI set my ns1.mydomain.net and ns2.mydomain.net20:51
fidelixAnd i can access it from my pc20:51
fidelixBut some others cant20:51
incorrectwhat is your domain name20:51
Davieyhggdh: ok, thanks for your awesome testing20:52
incorrectfidelix, seems ok to me, i don't see a www record20:54
incorrectbut you have an MX record20:54
fidelixCan you access the site?20:54
incorrectanbient.net has address
incorrectso if http://anbient.net/ is the site then yes20:55
incorrecthowever the site looks a little broke20:55
fidelixhow so?20:55
incorrectits trying to use http://www.anbient.net/plugins/system/pc_includes/ajax_1.3.js20:56
incorrectand like i said there is no www entry20:56
incorrectso make one20:56
fidelixHow do i make one? In alternative addresses?20:58
fidelixor is a new A record?20:59
incorrectyes an A record20:59
incorrectclearly you haven't read anything20:59
Guest68980I need help with the newest version of UbuntuServer's Apache2 behavior, as it is precluding me from doing certain kinds of file accesses nicely.  I tried setting it up with suexec to get access to SUExecUserGroup, but the Directory usage of the latter directive is not in the standard install.21:00
incorrectdamn you tftp21:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #614550 in postfix (main) "Invalid warning do not list domain domain.com in BOTH mydestination and virtual_mailbox_domains" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61455021:11
jdstrandlamont: hey. in the interest of time I uploaded the following debdiff to Ubuntu http://people.canonical.com/~jamie/bind9_9.7.1.dfsg.P2-2ubuntu1.debdiff21:17
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
jdstrandlamont: that can be merged into 1:9.7.1.dfsg.P2-3 (or later) whenever you want21:17
jdstrandlamont: it updates the apparmor profile to pull in a local include (that is not a conffile), makes sure to remove some stuff on purge and cleaned out all the old apparmor bind9.preinst upgrade logic (no longer required)21:18
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
jdstrandlamont: now, I did upload a new debhelper today with dh_apparmor that could clean it up even more, but you won't be able to use that in Debian until they get apparmor and I push that change there21:19
jdstrandlamont: if you are interested in a patch using that, let me know21:20
fidelixGuys, check if you can access www.anbient.net21:21
elmsi can't get to it21:22
SpamapSheh.. I just typed 'ack awk'21:22
fidelixelms, you get a white page or what?21:22
SpamapSjdstrand: curious, is there a reason you aren't documenting these things in bug reports?21:23
jdstrandSpamapS: it is in a blueprint and we aren't frozen so I wasn't thinking about bugs21:25
jdstrandI suppose I could have...21:25
incorrectif i stop apparmor will that remove any security it might have put in place?21:25
jdstrandincorrect: it will unload the profiles, yes21:26
incorrecthmm well that can't be why i am getting tftp transfer problems21:26
jdstrandincorrect: check dmesg and 'sudo aa-status' to see if AppArmor is blocking it. that said, tftp doesn't ship with a profile by default, so it shouldn't be aa anyway21:27
incorrecti couldn't see one so i am sure its not that21:28
incorrectmy files are owned as root so that is ok too21:28
incorrecti don't really want to have to do a tcpdump21:28
* incorrect goes to beat his head against the wall21:29
incorrectrule 1, do not try and pxe install on a friday at 9pm21:30
incorrectbecause you will waste time with the wrong ip address21:30
SpamapSjdstrand: Really just curious, as I tend to look at everything as bugs or merge proposals. :)21:35
lamontjdstrand: less forked is better, imo.  one source to rule them all21:48
lamontand sounds good21:48
alex88hi guys..is normal that i'm downloading from de.archive.ubuntu.com at 70kbyte/s?21:57
guntbertalex88: try another mirror - maybe its your ISP?21:58
alex88i'm on a vps with 100mbit line..i download normally at 10-15mbyte/s, and it's in germany..but it's from days that's like now..22:00
guntbertlike I said, try another mirror -- if I remember correctly the *.archive.ubuntu.com are not always located in the respective country22:13
alex88O.o...oh...well i'll use archive.ubuntu instead..now i've a problem, i'm following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix22:14
alex88it goes everything as expected, but in the testing part, when i telnet localhost 25 i get connection close, second time it doesn't respond..any clue?22:15
guntbertalex88: look into the logs of postfix22:23
alex88guntbert: sorry, i've re-started using the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixVirtualMailBoxClamSmtpHowto that's exactly what i wnat..22:23
alex88btw, using archive.ubuntu.com still 70k, maybe hoster limit it..22:24
alex88in this candidate it says to install mailx, should i use mailutils? mailx has no candidate22:24
guntbertalex88: visit http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#mirrors  and pick a german one22:25
alex88guntbert: i'll do it22:26
alex88what about mailx22:26
guntbert"mailx" is a virtual package provided by:  mailutils heirloom-mailx bsd-mailx. You must choose one to install.22:28
alex88ok, i'll install mailutils :)22:30
alex88btw, that's the list of mirror where download cd, not updates22:32
alex88in mail command, after typed the letter...to exit?22:38
alex88ok, ctrl-d22:39
CppIsWeirdjust for a sanity check, i ran diff -rqd /dir1 /dir2, and it didnt report anything, this means that those directories are EXACTLY the same byte for byte, bit for bit, content and structure?22:48
=== [IA]Zealot_ is now known as [IA]Zealot
CppIsWeirdim confused, i ran the .bin for the java jdk and it just dumped everything in a folder in that current directory. where do i put this and how do i get the system to use it as the default and all that stuff?23:11
Jordan_U!java | CppIsWeird23:14
ubottuCppIsWeird: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.23:14
CppIsWeirdyeah, thats not a java question.23:14
CppIsWeirdbecause you could remove java and replace it with any other program and it would be the same question.23:14
CppIsWeirdoh, sorry, thought you were crucifying me for asking a java question in a ubuntu channel.23:16
CppIsWeirdforgot for a minute i wasn't in ##java :P23:16
EvilPhoenixwhere's  Apache's config files stored?23:18
jmarsden|workEvilPhoenix: Under /etc/apache2/23:20
CppIsWeirdhmm, i don't see the sun java under the alternatives23:20
EvilPhoenixseems someone who is another admin on my system messed up apache not letting it redir right23:20
EvilPhoenixso i'm probly going to need help fixing it23:20
EvilPhoenixwhere can I get that?23:20
jmarsden|workThat depends on how messed up it is... can you not restore the relevant configs from backups?  This is a server, so you do make backups, right?23:21
EvilPhoenixjmarsden|work:  yeah weekly23:21
EvilPhoenixand i restored23:21
EvilPhoenixbut it s not working ...23:21
EvilPhoenixwhats the command to restart apache23:22
jmarsden|worksudo service apache2 restart      # just like you restart any other service :)23:22
EvilPhoenixjmarsden|work:  can you get to trekweb.org without errors?23:24
EvilPhoenixand without redirs23:24
EvilPhoenixthats my site23:24
EvilPhoenixthe one which wasnt working23:24
CppIsWeirdso lets say i want to change whatever update-alternatives changes myself, how would i do this?23:25
jmarsden|workEvilPhoenix: Seems to work fine, although the page does say "Please excuse our appearance, as we are under maintenance at this time." :)23:25
EvilPhoenixyeah that's true23:25
EvilPhoenixi have been busy23:25
EvilPhoenixjmarsden|work:  it used to redir to a different location and deny connections23:26
jmarsden|workOK, looks like you fixed it then.23:26
jmarsden|workCppIsWeird: Use sudo update-java-alternavives   # for java alternatives :)23:27
jmarsden|workCppIsWeird: Use   sudo update-alternatives   # for non-java ones23:27
CppIsWeirdit doesnt list the java i just installed23:28
CppIsWeirdso im guessing it wont if i dont install it from a package23:28
CppIsWeirdso since i didnt how can i manually edit the things that update-alternatives does?23:28
jmarsden|workCppIsWeird: Correct.  The Sun JDK is packaged for Ubuntu, so why would you install it from anything else?23:28
CppIsWeirdcall me stubborn23:28
jmarsden|workYou can manually muck around with symlinks if you really want to, look under /etc/alternatives for some ideas...23:29
jmarsden|workBut don't ask for any support of anything related to alternatives if you are that "stubborn"23:29
jmarsden|workIt is *always* preferable to work with your chosen OS, not against it.23:30
CppIsWeirdhow do i find where a symlink points to? symlink command is not found23:35
jmarsden|workCppIsWeird: ls -l /path/to/the/symlink23:37
GanymedeHi, I was having some trouble getting munin-node to start up. Here is the message in /var/log/munin/munin-node.log: 2010/08/06-18:33:44 Unsecure host "2001:470:1f07:767::1" at line 359 in file /usr/share/perl5/Net/Server.pm23:39
GanymedeI found that message particularly uninformative and Google didn't have much to say about it either.23:39
InsyteCan vmbuilder target a device instead of a file?23:39
jmarsden|workInsyte: Not sure, try asking in #ubuntu-virt23:41
CppIsWeirdany way that i can get the update-java-alternatives to see the java installation? i moved it in with the others and created a symbolic link, etc.23:46
jmarsden|workCppIsWeird: No idea.  Easier and faster and safer to just install Java from a package than to figure that out :)23:49
MTecknologythesheff17: You around as much as me?23:51
MTecknologyjmarsden: Where are you?23:51
jmarsden|workAt my desk :)23:51
jmarsden|workSouthern California23:52
MTecknologyjmarsden: any special nome for that place?23:52
CppIsWeirdsudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/opt/java/32/jre1.6.0_21/bin/java" 1 ;-)23:52
jmarsden|workA name for my desk?  "work"?  WHich is why I am using a nick of jmarsden|work :)23:52
MTecknologyjmarsden: You're a super awesome security guy..23:53
MTecknologyjmarsden|work: *23:53
CppIsWeirdut-oh. statements like that usually follow with complicated questions23:53
MTecknologyCppIsWeird: easy question23:53
MTecknologycomplicated answer23:53
jmarsden|workMTecknology: If you already know the answer, no need to ask the question :)23:54
=== EAS_ is now known as EAS
MTecknologyI'm doing web hosting. My company is anyway. I toasted a server. I need to rebuild it. The trick here is how I'm going to rebuild it. I want to host a lot of websites but I need to do it on pretty limited resources. This means Apache isn't going to work. I want to make sure no website can touch another website at all. One option here is to run each php process (all php sites) as a separate user. I can do this easily. In de23:58
MTecknologyheh.. where did that cut off at?23:58
jmarsden|workMTecknology: "I can do this easily. In de"23:58
MTecknologyI can do this easily. In development I also jail those users so they can't directly access PHP. I don't know if this is the best or not but it takes no extra resources. It breaks my linode though. What I can't figure out though - is how do you limit resources available for a website and/or user and keep them from touching anything else.23:59

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