
araHello! Anyone up to help with a new desktop testing project?09:28
KE1HAsure, what it is, I just built a new box and need to test VirtualBox.09:29
araKE1HA, we are planning to create a desktop testing program, to test the desktop applicaitons09:30
arabefore we set it up, we need to review the testcases09:30
arathey are here: http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Applications09:31
arawe need to review them, and have a list of those test cases that are still relevant09:31
KE1HABoy howdy, I ran into a bunch of tests than needed work this week. What Apps you need testing ? Im DL-ing several ISO at the moment.09:31
KE1HANVM,. was too slow on the KB will go look.09:32
arawell, in the future we want to test as much as possible, but, for the moment, and as we want to release the program ASAP, we will just clean some of them09:32
KE1HAAny particular one need the most or just start at the top?  These against the Lucid Distro ?09:33
KE1HAOh I see, had t scroll down, there's other Disto's there. got it, will have a read. Where you want us to post the responses ?09:35
arathis is for Maverick release09:36
arawhat I need right now it is to review the testcases to see if they are relevant to Maverick09:36
aranot to run the tests09:36
KE1HAAhh, Ok, Im downloading the Current Version of ALT and Desktop for UB, KUB & XUB right now.09:36
arawhen the program starts (later today or Monday) then I will need results09:36
KE1HAWhere do we send them or do you want us to edit directly ?09:37
araKE1HA, you can send them directly to my mail box: ara AT ubuntu DOT com09:39
arawith the list of what you found useful to test and the URLs09:39
KE1HAOk, I should be able to get through a fair few tomorrow (MST), as I'm done testing all the ISO that needed testing fer the moment.09:40
KE1HAGonna sen you a mail just to get you in Yahoo. mine is ke1ha AT yahoo.com09:41
KE1HAI like QA, was my pet-peev in the Semiconductor Industry :-)09:42
KE1HACool, I'm glad OpenPGP worked, as I forgot my PW :-)09:45
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notlisteningHI i am getting an upgrade issue on 10.10 a310:39
notlisteninga 403 forbidden on glib2.010:40
notlisteningwhen running a apt-get upgrade10:40
notlisteningWhere can i report all my finding there seems to be a lot of issues10:47
KE1HAnotlistening, on the test page your using to go though, there's a bug link at the bottom of each section. I use a gedit notepad to make comments on then fill in the bugs or whatever and use the responce comment box as well.10:51
notlisteningthanks will tkae a look10:54
davmor2morning all11:28
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yofelnotlistening: the glib update was blacklisted, see bug 61424011:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 614240 in glib2.0 (Debian) (and 1 other project) "libglib2.0-0 2.25.12-1ubuntu1 failed to install: *** buffer overflow detected ***: /usr/lib/glib-2.0/gio-querymodules terminated (affects: 15) (dups: 2) (heat: 94)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61424011:54
davmor2fader_: baguette13:39
fader_davmor2: Foux da fa fa13:40
davmor2fader_: Hon he hon13:40
davmor2fader_: I haven't had to shell out for a new laptop/netbook  I fixored my broked one some how :)13:41
fader_davmor2: Nice!13:41
fader_davmor2: Now you have the money to buy me more hardware!13:41
aramorning fader_13:46
davmor2fader_: I'm assuming it was a lose connection and when I stripped the board down it's reconnected.  So I gave it a heat in the airing cupboard now it seems to be fine :)13:47
araDesktop testing team announced: http://ubuntutesting.wordpress.com/2010/08/06/desktop-testing-team/15:00
araplease join us!15:00
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