
stasmhall119: ping16:36
staswhen you get some time, can you please review and merge my request for light-wordpress-theme?16:36
stasits a tweak kim0 reported and it got fixed yesterday16:37
mhall119stas: pong16:37
mhall119stas: if you're the only one working on the wordpress theme, would you rather just maintain the branch yourself?16:37
mhall119You know more about WP theming than I do, it's kind of silly for me to be reviewing it16:38
newz2000I'm stumped on a CSS prob16:38
newz2000try this: in FF, go to http://www.canonical.com/engineering-services/certification/hardware-certification16:38
newz2000hit print preview16:38
stasmhall119: if you give me access that will spare me buging you all the time :)16:38
newz2000notice the content is pushed to page 2 and cut off16:38
newz2000(oops, sorry, didn't mean to butt in)16:38
stasnewz2000: what ff?16:39
* newz2000 looks16:40
mhall119newz2000: could you add stas to ~ubuntu-website-community so he can maintain the WP branch?16:40
* daker daker looks too16:40
newz2000mhall119: yes16:40
newz2000stas: you'll get some bug email16:40
mhall119not too much16:40
stasnewz2000: ok16:41
stasnewz2000: http://ubuntuone.com/p/BqV/ on ff 3.6.816:41
newz2000stas: try using print preview16:41
newz2000it only happens when printing16:41
dakernewz2000, yes i see16:42
newz2000and not in chrome16:42
newz2000stas: you're part of the team, thanks a bunch for all the work you've done16:42
newz2000I've had this prob once before, a while back, but I can't remember what fixed it16:43
stasnewz2000: thank you for offering this chance, more to come :)16:43
newz2000stas: some time I'd like to hear about the work your doing on buddy press16:44
newz2000I have a friend who is really into LMS stuff and we both like the idea behind BP (though not played much with it)16:44
stasnewz2000: then im your guy, i would love helping with it16:44
newz2000is your work to add LMS capability to buddy press?16:45
stasactually my work is almost done16:46
stasi added LMS capabilities to social networking layer buddypress has16:47
stasfeatures include: management of courses, assignments + responses/answers, gradebook, bibliography and schedules16:47
stasall tightly integrated into groups16:48
newz2000stas: do you know someone who will be using it?16:48
stasbasically you can now uses groups as classes16:48
stasnewz2000: some universities announced using it16:48
newz2000wow, cool16:48
newz2000So do you think it will remain a 1-man operation or do you see getting contributions and help from others?16:49
stasalso some possible customers already asked me for signing some contracts with them, but I let them wait :)16:49
newz2000super cool!16:49
stasnewz2000: its open sourse, so I'm looking to improve it16:49
* newz2000 speaking from experience, it's awesome when your open source work results in getting paid16:49
stasalso my mentors are two teachers, both wordpress / buddypress hackers16:49
stasso I'm sure it will get a community around16:49
stasplus jane wells is directly monitoring it and wants it to become a core component in future16:50
newz2000I will talk to my friend to see if he's interested in it. He hates Moodle (me too). If so, I'll set him up a server with it on it.16:50
dakernewz2000, i think i know what's the problem16:52
newz2000daker: oh?16:53
dakerthe third div inside the div with the id column-main16:54
newz2000me looks16:54
newz2000daker: the one that wraps around class="row-wrapper-2" ?16:55
stasnewz2000: thanks, i would love comitting some buddypress stuff for ubuntu reither with some corporates :)16:55
newz2000Well, we're using moodle now and hate it16:56
newz2000I'll play with it, I just sent my friend a msg on facebook16:56
dakernewz2000, yes16:57
newz2000I haven't tried buddy press since around the time it went 1.016:57
mhall119stas: you should let #edubuntu know about your LMS stuff17:00
* stas fscks mcDonalds public wifi17:04
stasnewz2000: ping me next week (since this weekend i'll be somewhere in Carpathian mountains at a FLOSS event :P) and I can offer you access to my dev instance of buddypress where you can test exisint features17:05
newz2000it may not be until later than that actually, want to finish my current fun proj first. ;-)17:06
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dakernewz2000, try to split the content into multi divs instead of one17:10
dakersomething like this17:11
daker<div class="pane-content">17:11
daker<h3>Canonical's certification service</h3>17:11
daker        <p>blablabla</p>17:11
daker<div class="pane-content">17:11
daker<h3>Keep up with Ubuntu</h3>17:11
daker        <p>blablabla</p>17:11
daker<div class="pane-content">17:11
daker<h3>Certification features</h3>17:11
daker        <p>blablabla</p>17:11
newz2000I will try it.17:11
dakerso basically the browser can't split the long div when he is trying to print the page17:13
dakeri meab this div : <div class="pane-content">17:13
dakerit contains a lot of content17:13
newz2000I don't know if thats a prob though, I print pages that are wrapped in a single div often17:14
dakerwell try the solution and we will see17:15
newz2000ok. I am making notes of things to try next week17:15
newz2000I just found out yesterday there's a lucid point release scheduled for next week :-/17:16
newz2000This will be our first update to the download page since we got the new site17:16
dakernewz2000, you are the only one working on ubuntu.com ?17:17
newz2000yes, at the moment17:18
newz2000but we're hiring. ;-)17:18
dakerpoor newz200017:18
knomenewz2000, remote?17:18
newz2000knome: at this point the project manager wants someone near London17:18
knomenewz2000, okay:/17:19
newz2000she's having a bit of a challenge so she's about to compromise to "easy/frequent access to London" I think17:19
knomenewz2000, he could pay us the rent of an apartment next to the canonical HQ and i'm in for the job17:19
newz2000that part of town is very expensive, better aim for somewhere cheaper and a bus pass. ;-)17:20
knomenewz2000, as long as canonical pays, shouldn't it be frequent from anywhere? :P17:20
newz2000presumably frequent from somewhere not expensive to get to London from17:20
knomefinland is not too expensive ;)17:21
newz2000If you think you meet the qualifications, put that in the job descriptions. There are others on that team who commute in for a couple days a week. Just make your salary high enough to cover your costs.17:21
newz2000So if you can live in Finland cheaper than London and cover the cost of a flat and transport with the diff, you're in good shap17:22
knomei doubt my wife will cheer for me applying for that job..17:23
newz2000I'm skeptical anyone in this room would love the position we're hiring for.17:23
newz2000It's more of a content editor, someone in charge of using the cms17:23
newz2000not dev17:23
newz2000(though there are some web dev jobs on the website iirc)17:24
knomei kind of might like that more than being a "hard" developer17:24
* stas g2g, bye all17:24
newz2000later stas17:25
knometbh, i'm merely playing with the though for the time being, but i imagine that in a few years it might be more of a reality to work abroad, remotely or not17:26

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