
ikoniarideh: twinview is fine for simple dual head, anything else, it's weak.00:00
coz_jeeves_Moss,  I guess you already tried reinstalling from synaptic...... look for all instances of icedtea on the system and remove them perhaps?00:00
coz_octavio,  ok it is compiling here ...where did you get the source package from?00:00
ZykoticK9jeeves_Moss, just so you don't feel alone - i have the same issue with a different package in my Maverick install, I can't do anything with package manager right now :(  Hope get some assistance (I also hope it might apply to my case)00:00
ChogyDanjeeves_Moss: have you removed that script and then removed icedtea?00:00
jeeves_Mosscoz_, I did a "locate icedtea6-plugin" and manually killed them all.00:00
elvipolargeting problems with ubuntu on lucid server, I can start the service, does anybody here can help me ? when I try to do "service smbd stop or restart or start" nothing happen it shows me a strange message !00:00
coz_octavio,  go  here   http://www.lxdream.org/download.php  downlod the  Source  lscream-0.9.1.tar.gz00:01
octaviocoz i got it from ubuntu page00:01
jeeves_MossZykoticK9, lol, kinda sucks when something stupid messes up everything.  it's like a jellous ex g/f!00:01
jeeves_MossChogyDan, not yet00:01
octaviocoz i think thats where i got it from let me check00:01
ChogyDanjeeves_Moss: rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/icedtea6-plugin.prerm00:02
DasEielvipolar: try with samba400:02
DasEielvipolar: and look for it in /etc/init.d/00:02
ridehikonia: are there alternatives to xinerama and twinview?00:02
elvipolarDasEi: what do you mean ? apt-get ins..... samba4 ?00:02
c3lwhat is the tool called that manages users in gnome?00:03
ikoniarideh: xinerama is what you want (you may be able to manually set it up with xrandr)00:03
coz_rideh,  nvidia card?00:03
DasEielvipolar: smdb is for samba , nor ?00:03
ChogyDanZykoticK9: if you give me the error message, I can tell you what to delete00:03
jeeves_MossChogyDan, same error00:03
octaviocoz wich one should i install00:03
ikoniarideh: just keep in mind you'll get no 3d acceleration with xinerama00:03
coz_rideh,  you want twinview for sure....what is the issue with twinview for you?00:03
=== marowanna is now known as ar0nic
ChogyDanjeeves_Moss: pastebin?00:03
jeeves_MossChogyDan, one sec.  slow connection. LOL00:03
neverbluetrying to remove mysql-server [aptitude remove mysql-server], but when i do so I receive: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. When I do this, it just hangs.  Is there any way I can remove mysql-server, so I can reinstall/reconfigure it correctly ?00:03
ridehikonia: i get 3d accell with xinerama it supposedly has a performance hit but i'm running a nvidia 460gtx so i dont see it00:03
octaviocoz i got ubuntu 10.04 32bit00:04
elvipolarDasEi: yes it is, I just would like to make it works haha00:04
coz_neverblue,  run that command then00:04
ridehcoz_: landscape + portrait00:04
coz_rideh,  oh00:04
coz_rideh,  nvidia-settings  has adjustments for that I believe00:04
jeeves_MossChogyDan, <cocks an eyebrow>  one sec.  something seems to be moving here.  stand by please00:04
kermithow do i submit patches?00:04
ikoniarideh: xinerama doesn't support 3d on the nvidia card00:04
neverbluecoz_, please read the -entire- question00:04
Aemaethneverblue, synaptic couldn't remove it completely? i hate mysql and reinstall it constantly00:04
ikoniarideh: not sure how you're getting that00:04
ridehcoz_: yeah twinview doesnt support it. i have it running with xinerama, just annoyed with the alignment.  I'm running version 256 of the nvidia driver. nvidia-settings is kinda borked00:04
ikoniakermit: patches to what00:04
DasEielvipolar: second, installing on vm now00:05
kermitikonia: just generally.. is the method different for every package?00:05
* dddw trusten http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRfluaMKoOY00:05
ridehikonia: not sure either but it works? i can't get it across both panels, just screen 000:05
octaviocoz save the file00:05
coz_neverblue,  sorry about that.... try running the command in text console  first    ctrl+alt+F100:05
ZykoticK9ChogyDan, very different package - you can see the bug i submitted https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/connman/+bug/614035 any insights would be great.  there was no input in +1, although someone else had the same issue.00:05
ikoniakermit: pretty much, depends if it's to ubuntu or to the upstream package00:05
jeeves_MossChogyDan, ugh, coffee shop connections00:05
coz_octavio,  ok extract the package....open terminal ...cd to the folder....     ./autogen.sh  && make && sudo make install00:05
maksonHi guys - is there a good doc on how to setup a jail to install IRSSI + Screen in ?00:05
coz_octavio,  no  sorry00:06
ChogyDanjeeves_Moss: no worries00:06
Gustavo_MassaHi people. First time  here.00:06
neverbluecoz_ I am unable to, as my Ubuntu install is within VMware00:06
coz_octavio,    ./autogen.sh  then   ./configure && make && sudo make install00:06
jeeves_MossChogyDan, I think killing that .prm file may have fixed it00:06
DasEi!hi | Gustavo_Massa00:06
ubottuGustavo_Massa: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:06
coz_neverblue,  ooo darn... then I cant help   I never foll with vm at all here00:06
erUSULmakson: no jails in linux ... closest thing is lxc http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/lxc-configure-ubuntu-lucid-containers/00:07
jeeves_Moss!play | jeeves00:07
neverblueanyone else00:07
maksonerUSUL: really? I'm looking at a ubuntu doc right now is chrooting not jail?00:07
Gustavo_MassaThanks. I'm having some problems with my delta 1010lt soundboard and envy24control. Don't know if here's the right place to ask questions about audio.00:07
maksonerUSUL: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot00:07
octaviocoz so u want me to drag that sheet to terminal00:07
tensorpuddingchroot doesn't provide everything that jails provide00:07
c3lwhat is the tool called that manages users in gnome? (not how I start it, I need to download it)00:07
coz_octavio,  what sheet?00:07
maksontensorpudding: example?00:08
tensorpuddingsome people use the term "chroot jail" to describe what chroot can do.00:08
DasEielvipolar: sudo /etc/init.d/samba4 start or stop,  and smb.conf done o' course00:08
erUSULmakson: no. chrrot != jail ( freebsd/solaris )00:08
coz_octavio, take a screenshot of what you mean and upload to picpaste.com00:08
neverbluetrying to remove mysql-server [aptitude remove mysql-server], but when i do so I receive: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. When I do this, it just hangs.  Is there any way I can remove mysql-server, so I can reinstall/reconfigure it correctly ?00:08
rsouthardif i have all_squash and anonuid=502 in my /etc/exports and 502=oracle will any file i create as user applqat be owned by oracle if i am in the nfs mounted directory?00:08
maksontensorpudding: I'm just looking to allow a few people to log into my VPS to run IRSSI and Screne, i wanted to isolate them from the rest of the system... can this be done with ubuntu?00:08
ilovefairuzmakson: chroot it only concerned with file system, not memory or process allocation00:08
tensorpuddingmakson: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/jails-intro.html describes the difference between FreeBSD's jails and chroot00:08
DasEic3l: users-admin00:09
octaviocoz ok i extract it  i get a folder what next open the terminal00:09
maksontensorpudding: for what i'm trying to do would that be alright, i just don't want them to blow the box up, or hack into root.00:09
coz_octavio,  yes open a terminal and cd to that folder00:09
octavioand cd the drive cd00:10
coz_octavio,  ??00:10
tensorpuddingI'm not entirely sure what all you want that to entail.00:10
c3lDasEi: there is not pakage with that name in the repository00:10
Aemaethnautilus needs a "open terminal from this folder" option00:10
coz_Aemaeth,  there are scripts for that00:10
maksonilovefairuz: I see, if the user connecting just has regular rights, and all they have in there chroot environment is irssi + screen, that's deciently secure correct?00:10
tensorpuddingYou can give them accounts without any sudo privileges00:11
coz_octavio,  where is the folder?00:11
octaviocoz i open terminal what do i type00:11
tensorpuddingand I believe you can chroot jail users using ssh00:11
maksontensorpudding: yes, no sudo, locked down to the two apps, and perl libs that it needs.00:11
ilovefairuzmakson: you probably want sandboxing using apparmor or selinux00:11
neverbluehelp! :D00:11
erUSULAemaeth: nautilus-open-terminal package00:11
octaviocoz its in the download folders00:11
coz_octavio,  ok  in terminal type   cd downloads00:11
ZykoticK9erUSUL, you beat me00:11
maksonilovefairuz: sheesh, i come from a windows world, and sandboxing & jails sound the same..,,00:11
coz_octavio,  rather   cd Downloads00:11
coz_octavio,  it has to be an upper case D00:12
rsouthardanyone know the the name of the pam module that identifies if a services will work with tcp wrappers?00:12
ilovefairuz!apparmor | makson00:12
ubottumakson: For information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor00:12
maksonubottu: looking at that now.00:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:12
ZykoticK9erUSUL, "apt-cache search open terminal nautilus" finds only the right one ;)00:12
maksonubottu: Hi00:12
Aemaethcoz_, if you're teaching him terminal, tell him about TAB?00:12
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:12
erUSULZykoticK9: :)00:12
coz_Aemaeth,  for sure00:13
tensorpuddingubottu is so self-deprecating00:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:13
maksonubottu: what are you written in?00:13
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:13
ilovefairuz!brain > makson00:13
ubottumakson, please see my private message00:13
coz_octavio,  did you get to that Downloads folder in the terminal?00:13
erUSULmakson: python00:13
KoshieI've a big trouble with Ejabberd, I can't connect myself with the admin account at the website Ejabberd of my server. I've create a new password for it with ejabberdctl, I've remove and create a new admin account but I CAN'T connect myself !00:13
Aemaeththanks erUSUL00:13
erUSULmakson: is a supybot00:13
KoshieI'm sure the first password was good !00:13
coz_octavio,  its ok if you are confused  just answer the questions so I know where you are with this00:13
KoshieI've 5 passwords for the important account. I've not lose it.00:13
=== gary_ is now known as Guest92803
maksonsheesh, it's a bit tuff to follow since there are so many people in here00:14
octaviocoz ok i get this my octavio@octavio-desktop downloads after pressing enter00:14
coz_makson,  that is why you should type the first 2 or 3 letters of someones name ...hit tab to complete it ...then type the message so they can be alerted :)00:14
DasEic3l:I guess it's in gnome-panel00:14
KoshieSo if anyone have a good way for me...00:14
surrenderhey guys, i had fun getting the nvidia drivers installed for my card and things are going better than they started, the biggest problem  i have now is i'm using s-video and every start it says the nvidia module could load or sometihing and there was no screen found and i'm required to boot into safe graphics mode, any quick fix, i00:14
octaviocoz press enter again00:15
coz_octavio,  no no   close that terminal00:15
maksonSo what are the recommendentations.... again... 3-5 users accessing my VPS for ssh + irssi + screen access that's IT! I want to lock them down so thye can't blow up the system....00:15
coz_octavio,  open a fresh terminal00:15
oli_oli@oli-desktop:~$ xdriinfo00:15
oli_Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".00:15
oli_Screen 0: not direct rendering capable.00:15
SH-ChrisDasEi: Ok, i have the disk booted, now what?00:15
maksonwe have AppArmor... anything else?00:15
octavioi did00:15
neverbluetrying to remove mysql-server [aptitude remove mysql-server], but when i do so I receive: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. When I do this, it just hangs.  Is there any way I can remove mysql-server, so I can reinstall/reconfigure it correctly ?00:15
coz_octavio,  ok now you said it is in the Downloads  folder in your home directory ...yes?00:15
SH-ChrisDasEi: And will an OEM install make any difference?00:15
DasEiSH-Chris: booted alternate cd ?00:15
oli_[    0.098026] system 00:07: iomem range 0x0-0x9ffff could not be reserved00:16
oli_[    0.098047] system 00:07: iomem range 0xfffe0000-0xffffffff could not be reserved00:16
oli_[    0.098066] system 00:07: iomem range 0x100000-0x17ffffff could not be reserved00:16
oli_[    0.098100] system 00:08: iomem range 0xf0000-0xf3fff could not be reserved00:16
oli_[    0.098117] system 00:08: iomem range 0xf4000-0xfffff could not be reserved00:16
oli_[    0.098134] system 00:08: iomem range 0xcd000-0xcffff has been reserved00:16
FloodBot3oli_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:16
c3lDasEi: I dont have the full gnome suit, but I want that package. or some other gui frontend to manage users etc00:16
octaviocoz yup00:16
ChogyDanneverblue: what happens when you try to remove it?00:16
coz_octavio,  ok in that fresh terminl ONLY type       cd  Downloads    make sure the uppder case D is used00:16
SH-ChrisDasEi: Yeah00:16
coz_octavio, then hit enter once00:16
slimjimflimi installed the kernel patch this morning and now my usb keyboard randomly borks00:17
DasEiSH-Chris: repair broken system00:17
maksonilovefairuz: so chroot just locks down the file system, isn't that pretty good teamed with taking away sudo privliages?00:17
coz_octavio,  ok now type     ls    that is a lower case L00:17
slimjimflimfirst time i unplugged and plugged back in00:17
slimjimflimfixed it00:17
slimjimflimthis last time i couldn't get it, had to reboot00:17
slimjimflimanybody else having this issue?00:17
coz_octavio,  that should show the names of the packages and diretories in the Download folder  ...yes?00:17
slimjimflimfixed it?00:17
octavioit say downloads00:18
ecranewhere's a good site to get themes for ubuntu 8.04?00:18
octaviopress enter again00:18
zcat[1]two identical RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ cards installed, only the first one shows up. I know there's something I add in /etc/modprobe.d/ to make the same driver find the second card because I did it once before, but memory and google are failing me. Any hints?00:18
coz_octavio,  do you have another folder in Downloads  named   downloads???00:18
surrenderanyone use tv-out with an older nvidia card?00:18
Sasquatch7How would I open a web browser in the background and remain in the terminal once the browser is opened? I have tried & but the browser still opens over whatever window i'm currently in.00:18
DasEic3l:gnome-system-tools it is00:18
coz_octavio,  ok lets make this easier ... go to that file you extracted and cut and paste it onto the Desktop00:18
Aemaethcoz_, yeah, i have one of those download folders too00:19
SH-ChrisDasEi: Ok, hope that works00:19
c3lDasEi: thanks00:19
octaviocoz i did it00:19
no--namelets say i had a bunch of files named file 01 - file 20 .... how would i rename them to file.01 - file.20 with one command?00:19
coz_octavio,  ok so it on the Desktop now ...yes??00:19
zcat[1]perhaps I'll just wait for the upgrade to 10.04 to finish and see if it figures it out for itself :)00:19
octaviocoz yup00:20
ilovefairuzmakson: it depends on what you have on stake, if there are sensitive data on that box, then tighten it as much as you can00:20
DasEiSH-Chris: should, though I'm getting tired now up since 6 am, being 20 past 1 night here00:20
coz_octavio,  ok now open a fresh terminal00:20
almoxarifethe desktop has a click-able  option to 'clean up by name' , I would like to know what the command line is for it so that I can have it auto done on each login to my account00:20
maksonilovefairuz: nothing sensative at all, just irc logs00:20
octaviocoz ok00:20
coz_octavio,  type    cd  Desktop   with an upper case D00:20
maksonilovefairuz: really just wanting to give a few users access to the box to allow them to always be connected thats all buddies of mine.00:20
SH-ChrisDasEi: Allright :) Wonder what i should do if it doesnt though00:20
coz_octavio,  hit enter only once00:20
ChogyDanneverblue: oh, nm, that's what you doin.  One thing to try would be to remove all the scripts for that package (all scripts with that package name in /var/lib/dpkg/info), run the dpkg configure again, then run the remove command.  This is a very hacky method00:20
Aemaethno--name, isn't there actually a rename program? you could throw it a wildcard00:20
chroniKhey :)00:20
no--nameAemaeth: yeah there is i just don't know how to do it00:21
zcat[1]makson, beware, lets they upload sounds of the telephone ringing and play them at random times to bewilder and confuse you... ;)00:21
coz_octavio,  there?00:21
DasEiSH-Chris: just ask how to get a gf61.. running by live or alternate-cd00:21
no--namei tried $ rename 's/\ /.' *00:21
no--namedid not work00:21
Aemaethno--name, do a man rename, it seems to explain it00:21
Aemaethah, k00:21
octavioit says desktop now00:21
coz_octavio, ok00:22
DasEiSH-Chris: it's not so geekish noone knows ..;-)00:22
maksonilovefairuz: i can spend days locking the thing down, but the question is does it require siuch a lock down. I'm thinking no... I have snapshots on the box, I want to block people from installing shit, and from snooping around other users home folders thats pretty much it.00:22
coz_octavio,  ok now what is the name of the folder you just put onto the Desktop???00:22
surrenderwhat package do i have to install to enable file sharing? i installed samba and it still says i need a package00:22
maksonzcat[1]: good thing I don't have speakers then :)00:22
chroniKhey hippiemalo  :)00:22
octaviolxdream 0.9.100:23
hippiemalohey chroniK ;)00:23
zcat[1]makson, I gave a friend access like that years back and that's what he did. Spent several days running to answer the phone before I figured out what was going on ;)00:23
ilovefairuzmakson: you could lock communications with iptables to a few specific IRC hosts and you'll be one step ahead00:23
coz_octavio,   ok in that same terminal that says  :Desktop   type     cd  lxd   then hit the tab keyboard button to complete it's name and hit enter once00:23
KoshieAnyone know for my Ejabberd's problem ?00:23
hippiemaloHello Everybody, I have some troubles with VMD installation. can some body help me?00:23
almoxarifesurrender: nautilus share I believe is also needed00:23
Koshiehippiemalo: ask.00:23
surrenderty almoxarife00:23
Koshie"Don't ask to ask, just ask."00:23
octaviook now hit enter00:24
oli_oli@oli-desktop:~$ xdriinfo00:24
coz_octavio,  the terminal should now say you are in  lxdream ....yes?00:24
oli_Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".00:24
oli_Screen 0: not direct rendering capable.00:24
hippiemaloI would like to run the 'make file install' but it didn't work.00:24
oli_oli@oli-desktop:~$ glxinfo00:24
oli_name of display: :0.000:24
oli_X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)00:24
Oeroli_,  do not flood00:24
oli_  Major opcode of failed request:  137 (GLX)00:24
oli_  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 (X_GLXQueryServerString)00:24
oli_  Serial number of failed request:  1600:24
oli_  Current serial number in output stream:  1600:24
ilovefairuzmakson: you could also mount the home partition with noexec00:24
hippiemaloI would like to run the 'make file install' but it didn't work. Koshie00:24
octaviocoz hit enter now00:25
oli_wher i can download xorg.conf for ati 920000:25
coz_octavio,  ok now in that terminal  type    ./autog  and hit the tab button and make sure it  ends up saying  ./autogen.sh00:25
oli_wher i can download xorg.conf for ati 920000:25
oli_wher i can download xorg.conf for ati 920000:25
coz_octanium,  then hit the enter key once00:25
oli_wher i can download xorg.conf for ati 920000:25
ilovefairuzoli_: stop00:25
|inohhi, I have ubuntu karmic installed on a external hdd.  If I boot it on my laptop it boots fine, with the exception of running disk check 70% of the time.  If I boot it on my fiancees laptop it gets the the ubuntu symbol, goes to the blank screen to indicate loading, then freezes.  Why might this be???00:25
maksonilovefairuz: noexec, prevent's them from executing stuff ? whitelist?00:25
oli_where i can download xorg.conf for ati 920000:25
coz_octavio,  tell me when that finishes00:25
DasEioli_: calm down a little, or won't get help here00:25
makson^ yaaaaa00:25
Daekdroom!patience | oli_00:25
ubottuoli_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.00:25
ilovefairuz!enter | oli_00:25
ubottuoli_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:25
oli_now my internet connect it's 2 kb/s00:25
Aemaethno--name, i don't know that perplexer stuff they're talking about, so i can't really help, i'm thinking cp might be useful as well00:26
Daekdroomoli_, by the way, ubuntu doesn't need xorg.conf in most of situations00:26
almoxarifethe desktop has a click-able  option to 'clean up by name' , I would like to know what the command line is for it so that I can have it auto done on each login to my account????????????????00:26
oli_that way flood00:26
ilovefairuzmakson: from executing things in their home directory, but they can still execute system binaries00:26
maksonoli_: quit bein a clown00:26
hippiemaloKoshie, All in all, I've unpackaged the vmd tar then I configured the ./configure file. then I cd to src and maked 'sudo make install'.00:26
aeon-ltdoli_: u be trollin'?00:26
oli_yes and sorry00:26
almoxarifehippiemalo: you get an error?00:26
Daekdroom!troll > oli_00:26
ubottuoli_, please see my private message00:26
coz_octavio,  is it still working?00:27
aeon-ltdoli_: you don't need a xorg.conf if you do generate one with X --generate00:27
jeeves_MossChogyDan, ok, next idea?00:27
maksonilovefairuz: i'll look into that, i wan't to prevent them from scping stuff up to the box.00:27
tyler_d|werkinwireless will not work on 10.04... tried modifying and resetting the /etc/network/interfaces file, the nm-applet just tries and tries to connect to the network but ultimately fails?00:27
aeon-ltd* --configure my bad00:27
maksonilovefairuz: scp runs over same port as ssh, so not sure how i can do that...00:27
MChaverHi there, are you giving support for Maverick?00:27
istvanHey, i just installed ubuntu 10.04 on my custom build, and it works fine... up until i'm asked to log in. then it removes the login window, i just get the desktop backgorund and cursor. no menus or anything. this is usubntu studio btw, but i had trouble with plain ubuntu too.00:27
ilovefairuzmakson: even if they did, with noexec they won't be able to execute it00:27
octaviook now it dont do anything when i press tap,did you wanna me to put ./autog next to lxdream-0.9100:28
rwwMChaver: not until it's released. #ubuntu+1 is for development versions00:28
MChaveralright thanks00:28
coz_octavio,   yes type   ./autog  then hit the tab button once to complete it so it says  ./autogen.sh00:28
=== thenoob is now known as modeCool
jeeves_Mossanyone able to take a stab @ this?  http://pastebin.com/rsPsg49i00:28
oli_free my hardware 920000:28
jeeves_Mosscoz_, I did a "locate icedtea6-plugin" and manually killed them all.00:28
hippiemaloalmoxarife, yeah. the ./configure install couldn't cp to some directories.00:28
coz_octavio,  or simply type   ./autogen.sh00:28
jeeves_Mosscoz_, http://pastebin.com/rsPsg49i00:28
zcat[1]damn fingerprint on CD... it gets 90% of the way through fetching packages and then breaks!00:29
maksonilovefairuz: i guess im confused when were talking about mounting the FS? I guess that's what happens with chroot, i mount to a folder which then becomes the chroot env? i can do that with noexec? it will still run things like grep rgiht?00:29
zcat[1]hopefully this time it'll work00:29
hippiemaloMake: Error 1 or some one else. almoxarife00:29
coz_jeeves_Moss,   yikes !   this is a pain!   not sure I can help at this point... if  no one else can here try the ##linux channel00:29
coz_octavio,  ok is that working?00:29
jeeves_Mosscoz_, thanks.  this is generally making me mad00:30
octaviocoz i did and press enter after that sayed didnt find directory00:30
tyler_d|werkinand after doing iwconfig I determined that the device is eth1... on doing sudo ifup eth1 I get ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1?00:30
coz_jeeves_Moss,  I can completely understand why00:30
hippiemalojoin #ubuntu-es00:30
coz_octavio,  ok close the terminal00:30
ilovefairuzmakson: if you put their home directories (/home) on a separate partition and add 'noexec' to the mount options in /etc/fstab, they won't be able to execute any binaries located inside their home directory, but they can use system binaries (/bin, /usr/bin, etc)00:30
octaviocoz k00:30
coz_octavio,  open a fresh terminal and type    cd  Desktop00:30
ridehTip to others, make sure when you are using 2 monitors you get the same pixel pitch.  If your ocd the offset will anoy you to no end00:31
rwheexperiencing pulseaudio issues under lucid (no sound at all).00:31
ChogyDanjeeves_Moss: did you try the command I gave earlier?00:31
ridehI have gotten my xinerama to respect my window positioning but now my cursor dissapears when its above screen100:31
octaviocoz ok same Desktop now00:31
coz_octavio,  then tyep    cd  lxdream  and hit the key board Tab button once and then hit enter00:31
maksonilovefairuz: ok a partition, so is there a way to resize my active boxes partition, its one big one now, and then create a new partition for the chroot env with noexec? something like gpart?00:31
oli_my graphic card it's slow and not free, how free a power of ati radeon 9200 on ubuntu 9.1000:31
jeeves_MossChogyDan, yes, it allowed the update to happen, then errored out @ that line @ the end of the update00:31
ridehand if i try to drag a window above screen0 it resets to the bottom of screen 1. very odd00:32
ilovefairuzmakson: yes, gparted00:32
_pr0t0type_Hello everyone.  Does anyone know how to configure your shell to show all hidden files/folders by default?  I've seen that when it's enabled, the command-line prompt has a:  [~]:  combo.  Anyone know about this?00:32
ChogyDanjeeves_Moss: hmmm, did I have you remove the icedtea6-plugin.postinst script?00:32
Jinxzsis it possible to make a partition after the installation.00:32
jeeves_MossChogyDan, no?00:32
octaviocoz now its saying the samething with out the cd00:32
ilovefairuz_pr0t0type_: alias ls='ls -a'00:33
coz_octavio,  ??  does it not say you are in lxdream  ?00:33
ChogyDanjeeves_Moss: rm that then, repost any further errors00:33
jeeves_MossChogyDan, one sec00:33
coz_octavio,  i am going to PM you so look for it00:33
ilovefairuzJinxzs: yes it's possible, use the gparted livecd00:33
_pr0t0type_ilovefairuz: sweet! So I'll add that to my bashrc.  Thanks00:33
oli_e, i gow install windows xp, and ati drivers for nt 500:33
octaviocoz nope it saying wat i typed but with out the cd word00:33
rwhehi everyone, can anyone help with my lucid pulseaudio problems? no sound.00:33
slimjimflimanybody else having any problems w/ usb keyboards since the kernel patch?00:33
jeeves_MossChogyDan, hummm, looks to be working.  one more sec please00:34
ilovefairuz!sound | rwhe00:34
ubotturwhe: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:34
slimjimflimrwhe: don't ask to ask, just ask00:34
jeeves_MossChogyDan, YES!!!  ok, that seems to have fixed it.  now, may I ask what that file does so I know for next time?00:34
ChogyDanjeeves_Moss: ok, make sure to remove the package, apt-get clean, and then try again00:34
petriborg1hi does anyone have any suggestion as to how I can get my atheros AR5001X+ card working in ubuntu 10.04? I've got it working *sometimes* by installing compat-wireless kernel modules... But I keep running into problems where NetworkManager is unable to acquire the WPA2 connection00:35
ridehcoz_: Got a quick sec for a xinerama question?00:35
ChogyDanjeeves_Moss: it is just a "packaging" file.  postinst = post-installation script00:35
hippiemaloalmoxarife, yeah. the ./configure install couldn't cp to some directories.00:36
jeeves_MossChogyDan, ahhh, ok.  thanks.00:36
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: pastebin: lshw -C network, and how did you install compat-wireless? manually compiled it or from a package/00:36
oli_sometime on spec. hardware linux kernel, work fine some of time day or less, and then after come a nigtmer...00:36
hippiemaloKoshie, All in all, I've unpackaged the vmd tar then I configured the ./configure file. then I cd to src and maked 'sudo make install'.00:36
coz_rideh,  I am not too up on xinerama  guy sorry   I have not dealt with it for a few years now00:36
jeeves_MossChogyDan, do you have another minute to track down what keeps causing an auth popup every time I open FF?00:36
petriborg1@ilovefairuz by the package00:36
petriborg1i'll get the pastebin00:36
ridehcoz_: all console?00:36
ChogyDanjeeves_Moss: sorry, I dunno00:36
ilovefairuz!compile | hippiemalo, use checkinstall ---00:36
ubottuhippiemalo, use checkinstall ---: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:36
=== Nwab is now known as Benwa
SH-ChrisHow i DISPISE this PC :|00:37
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: pastebin lshw -C network00:37
petriborg1there you go00:37
jeeves_MossChogyDan, is there a way to track what program is connected to a port #?  the popup keeps asking for a username/pass on localhost:<random port>00:37
dude1i got a question00:37
SH-ChrisMy phone has more ram than this POS...00:37
jeeves_MossSH-Chris, LOL, I know that feeling00:38
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: what's the name of the package?00:38
SH-ChrisI have the rescue options loaded00:38
SH-ChrisI need to know which to select00:38
petriborg1linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-24-generic   linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic00:39
zcat[1]Applying changes...00:39
petriborg1those are the 2 that install compat-wireless00:39
psycho789how much space do you guys suggest I allocate for ubuntu?00:39
=== DON is now known as Guest63232
SH-ChrisDasEi: I have rescue options, dont kno wwhich to choose tho00:39
Guest63232Hello guys i am chatting from backtrak 400:39
Guest63232its cooooooooooooooooool00:39
ilovefairuz!who | petriborg100:39
ubottupetriborg1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:39
chroniKreally Guest63232 ?00:39
DasEiSH-Chris: xsserver-related ?!00:39
dude1right now i am transferring a lot of files via FTP and Nautilus tells me it takes about four more hours. I'd like to go to sleep now, but I don't want my computer to be running all night. is here any way to tell my computer to "shutdown -h" right after the "file operations"-dialog is finished?00:39
chroniKwhat are u using it for? ;p00:40
petriborg1ok ilovefairuz i will do that - the 2 modules are linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-24-generic  linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic00:40
oli_ubuntu to much more change, som that work change00:40
zcat[1]psycho789, all of it ;)00:40
zcat[1]I like to keep my installs simple.. everything is / and a little at the end for swap00:40
chroniKI'v messed with the wifi section a bit..00:40
SH-ChrisDasEi: It doesnt show that..00:40
Guest63232for hacking wep password from my neighbours wifi00:40
SH-ChrisDasEi: It give me shell execution options as well as reinstalling GRUB00:40
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: you should use only the latter, it will automatically depend on the latest version00:40
oli_why change the confgi of grub00:40
jeeves_MossGuest63232, is it wep or wpa?00:40
oli_old menu.lst simple and cool00:40
oli_new crap00:41
SH-ChrisGuest63232: AWE, lucky. Youre wifi card supports injection :(00:41
jeeves_MossSH-Chris, cards are cheap!  e-bay man00:41
chroniKmy old netgear supports injection ;)00:41
petriborg1ilovefairuz - sure understood00:41
DasEiSH-Chris: it was your graphics, so you'd chroot into the hd first00:41
Kenny_Duehitwhen using fdisk to mount a usb hard drive, what is the device name? fdisk /dev/????00:41
dude1is there no way to shutdown automatically after a FTP file transfer finishes?00:41
SH-ChrisDasEi: ihave a dev option and one that says "Execute a shell in teh installer environment"00:42
Kenny_Duehit*fdisk to read a usb hard drive00:42
chroniKi was reading about using Graphics card power to speeding the cracking/scanning process up00:42
zcat[1]Kenny_Duehit, usually /dev/sdb, dmesg will tell you00:42
chroniKany know out about that?00:42
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount00:42
Kenny_Duehitzcat[1]: thanks00:42
petriborg1ilovefairuz - the error I think i'm getting is NetworkManager: <info>  (wlan0): deactivating device (reason: 38). -- not sure what that means tho00:42
oli_sometime hellp I want  put to /dev/null...00:42
maksonilovefairuz: thanks dude, I appricate it. I think that will work for now.00:42
zcat[1]also fdisk isn't used to mount.. mount is used to mount ;)00:42
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=953706600:43
Kenny_Duehitzcat[1]: ahahahaha I forgot to turn on the external HD.   DERP!!!00:43
zcat[1]Kenny_Duehit, you fail! ;)00:43
Kenny_Duehitzcat[1]: indeed00:43
ilovefairuzmakson: you're welcome00:43
oli_on next week I instal freespire and use cnr.com00:44
petriborg1ilovefairuz - yeah i've seen this forum post, but madwifi doesn't seem to work for me at all, possibly because HAL is dead in 10.04?00:44
zcat[1]cam in the other day to sort out a printer problem here, turned out the USB plug was unplugged. I didn't spot it as fast as I should have either, spent way too long trying to figure out the problem.00:44
petriborg1ilovefairuz - the strange thing is that I've *almost* got the ath5k drivers working in 10.04 for me, I can get it to connect if I initiate the wifi by CLI *before* i login to gnome ( I do this by ssh and using cnetworkmanager)00:45
zcat[1]Hmm, Frank's out for about an hour and a half. Should I install Ubuntu on the other desktop here? ;)00:45
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: madwifi's HAL is different from the now dead HAL00:45
SH-ChrisDasEi: Any help as to which option i choose?00:45
froschium, why is there /usr/share/doc/mono on my system while apt-get says it's not installed? i hate that stuff and need the 20MB00:46
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: how you tried wicd?00:46
petriborg1but yet madwifi isn't supported by anything including wpa_suplicant / NetworkManager00:46
froschioops.... /usr/lib/mono i mean... deleted it :)00:46
zcat[1]I should probably boot up a live CD and evaluate hardware support, then I can bring up ubuntu as an option in future00:46
petriborg1ilovefairuz - yes i tried wicd i thad the same problem as the NM00:46
dude2right now i am transferring a lot of files via FTP and Nautilus tells me it takes about four more hours. I'd like to go to sleep now, but I don't want my computer to be running all night. is here any way to tell my computer to "shutdown -h" right after the "file operations"-dialog is finished?00:46
petriborg1ilovefairuz both wicd and NM would die trying to init WPA00:46
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: post the snippet from /var/log/messages relevant to the connection, all of it00:47
beardypetriborg1: Not at all..00:47
petriborg1ilovefairuz - i'll post the daemon.log into a pastbin00:47
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: no, the 'messages' log00:48
c3lif I make changes to a user, does that user have to log out and in for the new changes to get applied?00:48
petriborg1ilovefairuz - ok00:48
ilovefairuzc3l: what kind of changes?00:48
beardyc3l: If you mean to their shell's profile, yes. Or 'source' the altered file.00:49
dude1is there any way to tell my computer to "shutdown -h" right after the "file operations"-dialog is finished?00:49
zcat[1]c3l, generally yes00:49
c3lilovefairuz: permissions to use sudo, what groups the user belongs to etc00:49
zcat[1]c3l in my experience, things like than the user has to log out for them to take effect00:50
beardyc3l: Group memberships yes, re-login is necessary.00:50
c3lbeardy: I was thinking more about the permission to use sudo or not, and what groups the user belongs to00:50
ilovefairuzdude1: you can specify a time00:50
c3lbeardy: oh thanks00:50
petriborg1ilovefairuz - er how do  i tell which part is the relevant part of the message log?00:50
ilovefairuzc3l: no and no00:50
beardyc3l: sudo changes will work as soon as they're addded.00:51
dude1ilovefairuz: you mean like "sudo shutdown -h +240"?00:51
ridehAnyone any good with Xinerama in here?00:51
c3lilovefairuz: no and no? so if I remove some groups and add some groups to a user, those changes will be in use directly?00:51
zcat[1]beardy, you sure? sudu permissions as in being added to the sys group.. I'm pretty sure you're wrong about this00:51
ilovefairuzdude1: or use xx:yy ( a specifc time in 24 hr format), type man shutdown in a terminal00:51
froschi....mmm... i tried 'apt-cache search --installed mono' ... from the man i know this doesn't work (works only for depends).... what is the correct way? (in the ssh/term/shell.... i don't have no easy remote gui connection to the machine)...?00:52
beardyc3l: But if the new sudo policies involves membership of new groups, re-login.00:52
c3lrideh: I dont know if im good at it, but I use xinerama and can set it up, what do you need?00:52
ilovefairuzc3l: as far as i know, yes00:52
beardyzcat[1]: I'm not wrong.00:52
c3lbeardy: ilovefairuz: you two are basically telling me the oposite00:53
dude1but I'd like it to shutdown after the transfer is finished and not like, perhaps, an hour later or so … is there no way to do this? the window "file operations" closes itself, can't it trigger a shutdown by this or anything?00:53
ilovefairuzc3l: not really, it depends on the specific scenario00:53
zcat[1]beardy, adding permissions to sudoers, sure.. adding user to a group that has sudo access, you have to log out and back in again so your shell is in the group00:53
SH-ChrisSad face, seems dasEi cant help meh :(00:53
ridehc3l: Works fine 1 landscape 1 portrait. Once i horizontally aligned the monitors (bottom edge) the top half of the portrait monitor became unusable.. any ideas?00:53
c3lilovefairuz: oh, I see00:53
ilovefairuzc3l: what kind of changes are you making? exactly what they are?00:53
maksonhow can i blcok users form using the sudo command?00:53
beardyzcat[1]: Did you read anything of what I said?00:54
maksonor the su - command?00:54
mikelissI'm having issues connecting to cups on my localhost. I don't think I've done anything remotely related to printer settings in a LONG time. Anybody know why I would have this problem?00:54
macomakson: well if there's no root password "su -" without a user name after it will always fail00:54
macomakson: with a username after it, theyd have to know that user's password00:54
petriborg1ilovefairuz - http://pastebin.com/U3BxjKH600:54
ilovefairuzmakson: 'su -' requires knowing the root password, and use: EDITOR=nano visudo00:54
SH-ChrisCan anybody else help me with my problem?00:54
c3lilovefairuz: I want to remove sudo permission, I guess thats removing the user from the admin group, and add a new user which has sudo permissions, but the adding wont be any problem00:54
macomakson:  if you remove them from tha "admin" group they wont have automatic access to sudo either00:54
rwhehow do i open sound preferences? i don't see it under System > Prefs00:54
mikelissI've tried restarting cups, but to no avail, and I'm just frustrated cause all I want to do is print a recipe to make dinner.00:54
macomakson: /etc/sudoers by default only allows members of the admin group to use sudo00:55
frankS2Hi i just downloaded firefox beta , when i try to run it i get firefox-bin no such file or directory, when i run ./firefox-bin00:55
frankS2but it is there00:55
c3lrideh: what tool are you doing it with, try some gui frontend such as arandr00:55
zcat[1]beardy, yes.. is depends on 'how' you're giving the user access to sudo. Un ubuntu the usual way is ad them to whatever group has admin rights, adm I think00:55
zcat[1]bah, never mind00:55
ridehc3l: i hardcoded the xorg.conf. I'm using nvidia drivers00:55
ilovefairuzc3l: i think you won't need to logout for this00:56
SH-ChrisI need help with getting ubuntu to work with my display cause whenever i load ubuntu the display cuts out on me00:56
beardyzcat[1]: I told him that group adds requires a re-login.00:56
zcat[1]beardy, yeah, ok.00:56
c3lrideh: xrander should read it, arandr is just a graphical frontend to xrandr. I suggest trying it. but make a backup of your xorg.conf00:56
rwhehow do I reinstall Sound Preferences?00:56
mikelissfrankS2: look in the directory you downloaded again. It has an sh script that I believe works. Try it from the terminal.00:56
dude1well, hell then00:57
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: that's not the connection attempt, try to connect and use 'tail' on the file00:57
maksonmaco: ilovefairuz  thanks guys... I guess i'll just create a new group and just give them regular user access00:57
macomakson: you dont need a new group00:57
petriborg1ok ilovefairuz00:57
c3lilovefairuz: thanks, I guess Ill notice ;)00:57
ridehc3l: ok will do00:57
macomakson: users can be in multiple groups. by default they are in a group with the same name as their user, but you can add them to admin *in addition* if you like. so simply dont00:57
frankS2mikeliss, yes thanks ive done so, both -run and firefox00:57
* SH-Chris is paitiently waiting for someone to figure out his problem...00:57
hiexpowhat app should i use to keep track of  internet usage ?00:57
macomakson: when you add a user through system -> administration -> users and groups you can pick between adding an administrative user or a desktop user. you want desktop00:58
macomakson: theyll still be able to type sudo, but they'll always get a permission denied when they try00:58
zcat[1]now why would the perl package from my 10.04 CD be 'corrupt' if the MD5 of the ISO is correct disk passed a self-test?00:58
maksonmaco:  using terminal00:59
ilovefairuzzcat[1]: hardware issue? perhaps just dust00:59
mikelissfrankS2: and neither works? Do you get any errors in the terminal?00:59
maksonmaco: I want to make a new group00:59
macomakson: in that case, sudo nano /etc/group00:59
macomakson: oh? why?00:59
mikelissDoes anybody know why localhost wouldn't be able to connect to cups?00:59
mikelissI really, really want to print something.00:59
macomakson: you dont need a new group to make people not be in the admin group....00:59
zcat[1]ilovefairuz, yeah, just got anotehr one too. Probably didn't clean the disk properly00:59
beardyhiexpo: There's many. I like vnstat.01:00
macomakson: a new group would be "sudo groupadd" though01:00
zcat[1]liboobs .. lol01:00
maksonmaco: no i wan't to for management purposes.01:00
hiexpobeardy,  yah was jusy looking at that01:00
petriborg1ilovefairuz - http://pastebin.com/kKhNaCuc01:00
ilovefairuzzcat[1]: use usb if you can, must faster01:00
hiexpobeardy,  thanks01:00
zcat[1]Don't know if it's safe t ostop the isntall this far though01:00
* SH-Chris is PATIENTLY waiting :|01:00
zcat[1]err, upgrade I mean01:00
maksonmaco: gotcha, and is there a quick way to see what groups a user is apart of?01:01
macomakson: you can see what groups the running user is part of by running "groups"01:01
zcat[1]will just reinstall the packages later01:01
macomakson: i think "groups foo" to find out foo's groups works too01:01
hiexpobeardy,  does run upon boot ?01:01
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: are you sure the password and authenticated type selected is correct?01:02
maksonmaco: thanks01:02
beardySH-Chris: Generally in help channels you need to provide enough details of your problem for anyone to be able to help you. Rewrite your question, use a pastebin if there is much output. Provide facts, what do you want to do, what goes wrong, and when.01:02
rooksrouting problem, i have [desktop]---[server]---[isp-router]---{funny cat images}  scenario, i enabled on server /proc///ip_forward  and set up routes so default is on interface facing the router, but still i cant access the net and funny cat images from desktop, any help please01:02
maksonmaco: my user i created isn't apart of the admin groups yet it can still su - and sudo01:02
beardyhiexpo: Yes.01:03
macomakson: mmm is it called adm maybe?01:03
babelehi there01:03
macomakson: oh look at that... on lucid its called sudo01:03
babelethe italian channel does not esist????01:03
macomakson: *grumble about things changing*01:03
macobabele: #ubuntu-it01:03
zcat[1]all users can run the su and sudo commands, they just can't get any extra rights through them...01:03
Jordan_U!helpme | SH-Chris01:03
ubottuSH-Chris: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude01:03
petriborg1ilovefairuz - here is some more that just came out of tail - http://pastebin.com/qHxtQKKC - I see that it did key_mgmt WPA-PSK and pairwise TKIP CCMP which is both correct01:04
babeleok tnk u maco01:04
sridoes ubuntu probe for new monitors when waking up from sleep?01:04
SH-ChrisLol, k01:04
* sri switches between dual monitors and a laptop screen depending on where he is.01:04
sriand the nvidia driver makes it a pain to manually setup twinview.01:04
* sri wants to either setup an xorg.conf that will let me switch to a dual monitor mode automatically, or load a config when it detects I'm on a port replicator.01:05
sriis that possible or is this a problem with nvidia's proprietary madness?01:05
frankS2mikeliss, no, just the "does not exists"01:05
srisearching hasn't shown me much..  it doesn't seem like acpi does a probe01:05
bonedragonI messed up my language by adding and removing spanish...is there a smaller more specific channel that can address language questions?01:05
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: well it looks random, have you tried modprobe -r athk5 and then modprobe it again ?(after you login to gnome)01:06
zcat[1]sri, I think the nvidia thingy has some way of switching between different profiles...01:06
mikelissfrankS2: Hmmm...you got me.01:06
zcat[1]not at home though, so can't check01:06
petriborg1ilovefairuz - yeah that didn't work, but if I did that after just sshing in that would allow it to work01:06
mikelissfrankS2: I've had issues with this myself, but I can usually resolve them by trying a couple different things. You might try the mozilla/firefox irc channel.01:07
srizcat[1]: you'd think so but it doesn't quite work the way I want it to.  teh way it sets up the metamodes is a bit wierd.01:07
mao12345alguien me puede redirigir al foro de ubuntu en español?01:07
=== gary_ is now known as Guest48598
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: you should file a bug01:07
zcat[1]GAH, anotehr corrupted package01:07
srizcat[1]: right now it works if I just boot straight, and not wake up from sleep.01:07
mao12345 alguien me puede redirigir al foro de ubuntu en español porfavor?01:07
Oer!es | mao12345,01:08
ubottumao12345,: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:08
beardyIsn't the bot searchable?01:08
srizcat[1]: but really should it detect automatically..  maybe I should just post on nvidia's forum .01:08
beardybonedragon: You might want what ubottu just said too.01:09
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: have you using using nmcli from inside gnome in a  terminal ?01:09
zcat[1]really starting to wonder if lucid is even going to boot after this upgrade.. how important are perl, liboobs and iagno?01:09
petriborg1ilovefairuz - i've been talking to the compat-wireless people and one guy seems to have the same set working in 2.6.35 - do you have any suggestions about how to use that kernel?01:09
mao12345how can i install the adobe creative suite cs4 in wine 1.201:09
srizcat[1]: I think perl is pretty important.01:09
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:10
mao12345how can i install the adobe creative suite cs4 in wine 1.201:10
wechatty > ubottu01:10
srizcat[1]: liboobs is I believe something related to the desktop.01:10
petriborg1ilovefairuz - I've been using cnetworkmanager from the terminal when I've managed to get it to work - I've never heard of nmcli01:10
petriborg1ilovefairuz - what package is nmcli from?01:10
bonedragonbeardy: sorry i am new to xchat and don't know how to wisper01:10
Oermao12345, wineHQ http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1451401:11
beardybonedragon: Good, we prefer talking outloud in general.01:11
mao12345thanks Oer01:11
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: not packaged, but i doubt it would work if cnetworkmanager didn't01:11
Chevy787Hey, I was thinking of switching over to ubuntu on my laptop and used the windows installtion version just to test out if it was gonna work for me. I got all my drivers and such working, but as I attempted to play a x264 encoded mkv with vorbis audio with the mplayer I got from the software center I began to exerpeince some problems. I tried to open the mkv, but I got some error that I've now forgotten. It seems it was with the video rend01:12
petriborg1ilovefairuz - cnetworkmanager did work when logged in via ssh, but not when logged in via gnome which is just wierd ::shrug::01:12
nunojpgapt-get source linux-image-2.6.32-22 ends up downloading the most recent kernel01:12
realubotI have problem getting sound to work on Ubuntu 10.04 using HDMI. What may be the problem?01:12
nunojpgapt-get recplaces the package with "linux", and then it is the most recent one01:13
nunojpgcan I force to be exactaly that?01:13
realubotThe sound doesn't work, independent of movies, music, system sound etc.01:13
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: try killing nm-applet before using cnetworkmanager01:13
petriborg1ilovefairuz - yeah i had to disable nm-applet for it to work at all, I've already done that :-)01:13
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: not disable, kill01:14
ilovefairuz!sound | realubot01:14
ubotturealubot: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:14
petriborg1ilovefairuz - I also was able to get it to work by completely killing out NM and wpa_supplicant and manually constructing a wpa_supplicant.conf etc01:15
petriborg1ilovefairuz - I removed nm-applet from the startup programs, the process is never launched period01:15
petriborg1ilovefairuz - actually nm-applet has been bugged for me in 10.04 anyway, it never shows up in the panel at all so its completely broken01:16
llvllonkanyone know how to edit to locate a file?  I used dmesg and it gave me this error for my Broadcom wireless: "b43 ssb0:0: firmware: requesting b43/ucode15.fw01:16
llvllonkb43 ssb0:0: firmware: requesting b43-open/ucode15.fw01:16
llvllonkb43-phy0 ERROR: Firmware file "b43/ucode15.fw" not found01:16
llvllonkb43-phy0 ERROR: Firmware file "b43-open/ucode15.fw" not found01:16
FloodBot3llvllonk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:16
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: if you log out after you were logged in, does it work?01:16
ilovefairuz!flood > llvllonk01:16
ubottullvllonk, please see my private message01:16
petriborg1ilovefairuz - hm let me try it i'll get back to you01:16
=== robindegen is now known as DGM
c3lhow do I show more info about a group, what it allows etc, for example the admin group. I cant find more info about it that its gid and what users in it01:17
DGMhey! After setting up a network bridge (br0) to my eth1 for my virtual server, connecting to ssh (and i probably everything else) to the ip on eth0 is reaaaally slow. When i disable the bridge on eth1 its fine again. Any ideas?01:18
petriborg1ilovefairuz - after being logged in it seems to be forever broken01:19
soreauDGM: Why are you bridging the connections?01:19
petriborg1ilovefairuz - rebooting the box fixes it tho01:19
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: even with just wpa supplicant ?01:20
DGMsoreau: i'm having a windows server running on KVM01:20
petriborg1ilovefairuz - you mean what happens if i kill NM and everything related to it and just manage it via wpa_suplicant?01:20
realubotilovefairuz: I have done that already.01:20
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: yes , inside gnome01:21
JabDesignafter the last firefox update was pushed out for 3.6, it appears that Firefox spikes to 90%+ CPU quite frequently... Saw there was an IPv6 thread on it, but that didn't appear to fix it, looks like Javascript sends the updated firefox for a spin01:21
petriborg1ilovefairuz - i'll try it and let you know01:21
JabDesignpretty much, the ubuntu firefox isn't usable01:21
DGMi usually instal chrome pretty much. :>01:21
ilovefairuzrealubot: did it ever work since you installed ubuntu ?01:21
DGM3.6.8 running fine here on 64 bit01:22
Jinxzsmine also 3.6.8 is fine01:24
petriborg1ilovefairuz - wpa_supplicant -D wext -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf stdout: Authentication with 00:40:10:20:00:03 timed out.01:24
mao12345Fucking wine...i cant install and run photoshop CS4, in design CS4, and illustrator CS4. i have the adobe master collection cs4 but not works!!!!! if i dont find the way of use this programs in wine (no virtualbox) i go back to windows obligate, Please HELP MEEE (and sorry by my bad english)01:24
maco!language | mao1234501:25
ubottumao12345: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:25
petriborg1ilovefairuz - so no, it appears that wpa_sup fails itself01:25
petriborg1if i reboot this and do it again though, it does work01:25
Jinxzs!language | Jinxzs01:25
ubottuJinxzs, please see my private message01:25
macomao12345: did you follow the workaround directions on the wine appdb?01:25
odiopastebinDoes anybody here can help me with samba ? it doesn't works, if i try to do service smbd start or stop I just got rare messages like this "smbd start/running, process 7383" . what can I do ?01:25
petriborg1ilovefairuz - if i reboot this and do it again though, it does work01:25
macomao12345: it clearly says on there that the installer DOES NOT WORK in the normal way and a workaround is available01:25
Jinxzs!sound | Jinxzs01:26
ubottuJinxzs, please see my private message01:26
mao12345yes i install winetricks and make all the tutorals that i found in google01:26
macoJinxzs: please experiment with the bot in PM01:26
webroasterscan i get some help about my hostname?? on my Ubuntu server??01:26
mao12345maco: yes i install winetricks and make all the tutorals that i found in google01:26
Jinxzsim so sorry..okay i will01:26
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: try modprobing off and on, and then wpa_supplicant it?01:26
c3lhow do I show more info about a group, what it allows etc, for example the admin group. I cant find more info about it that its gid and what users in it01:27
petriborg1ilovefairuz - yeah i modprobe -r ath5k and on and tried wpa_sup01:27
rookshow to disable update-grub ? i have pxebooted machine and i dont need grub, i uninstalled grub-common, but its still there and it gives errors when updating kernel01:27
mao12345the installer runs great...but when is installing crash and throught a error, only in design and illustrator open, but close inmmediatly01:27
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: pastebin lsmod01:27
mao12345maco:  the installer runs great...but when is installing crash and throught a error, only in design and illustrator open, but close inmmediatly01:28
odiopastebinDoes anybody here can help me with samba ? it doesn't works, if i try to do service smbd start or stop I just got rare messages like this "smbd start/running, process 7383" . what can I do ?01:28
macomao12345: you read http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=8646 ?01:28
macomao12345: specifically the CS4 link? http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1451401:28
petriborg1ilovefairuz - http://pastebin.com/zJthVuDG01:29
aguitelrooks, if you purge update-grub ?01:29
macomao12345: it says to install an older version of winetricks then try the cs4 install then upgrade wine and install more bits01:29
scvroryhi, i installed mt-daapd, and get the login request when i access the web interface but it doesn't accept my specified admin_pw01:30
maco!pm | mao1234501:30
ubottumao12345: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:30
mao12345maco:  yes i make this tuto and illustrator dont works01:30
macomao12345: it says on that page that illustrator doesnt run01:31
macomao12345:  so why are you surprised?01:31
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: modprobe these:   ath5k ath cfg80211 mac8021101:31
mao12345because i need it urgently01:31
DGMmao12345: run it in a virtual machine with windows on it, for example virtualbox01:31
kishhow do i set bash completion to work01:31
kishto work for stuff like `ifconfig eth..01:31
mao12345i make this and its very very slow01:31
kishhit tab and it pops eth001:31
macomao12345: nothing short of writing the code necessary to make it supported will help you01:31
macomao12345: is there a reason you need illustrator that inkscape will not work?01:32
DGMmao12345: if virtualbox is slow aswell and you MUST have illustator, you could always dual boot01:32
mao12345maco: inkscape yes but dont have all the functions that i need01:32
macomao12345: then you need a windows partition or a windows vm. nothing we can do about adobe not supporting linux. feel free to write to them and complain about their lack of support01:33
macomao12345: wine is a maybe-if-you're-lucky thing, not a sure-thing01:33
DGMthough its getting a lot better lately. I can run a lot more that i couldnt last year its amazing01:34
ilovefairuzkish: write new one, use 'complete' command01:34
mao12345that is the problem, i hate windows and i love linux, last year i format windows 2 times per month01:34
Chevy787mao12345, you were doing something wrong01:35
ilovefairuz!hi | devunt01:35
ubottudevunt: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:35
ilovefairuzmao12345: use alternatives01:36
mao12345i format windows 2 times per month because windows began slow and make impossible to work in it, on the other hand, linux is fast and secure01:36
macomao12345: put windows in a vm then01:36
WolfDogDesignsilovefairuz: unfortunately thats not always viable :(01:36
DGMand windows isnt that bad that you need to format twice per month.. then you really are doing something incredibly weird with it01:36
macomao12345: you can take a snapshot of the vm and revert it to before-it-got-crappy when stuff goes wrong01:37
savidWhy is it when I install wine1.2, it only gives me wine-1.1.42?01:37
DGMif virtualbox is too slow aswell you might even consider a new pc :P01:37
mao12345DGM: yes, i use ares for download music01:37
ilovefairuzWolfDogDesigns: then use a VM01:37
mao12345this is the cause of virus01:37
DGMso the problem is between the chair and the keyboard01:37
DGMnot windows :)01:38
macoilovefairuz: i get the impression mao12345 is a professional artist and needs some of the more advanced features that inkscape doesnt yet support. though i do recommend trying the latest version of inkscape, which adds more features01:38
WolfDogDesignseven with a VM or Wine... using something like MSWord still makes u feel dirty :( but sometimes theres no choice01:38
ilovefairuzmao12345: why didn't you use virtualbox? you can snapshot the clean version and return to it if you get viruses01:38
DGMilovefairuz:  he said it was too slow01:38
macomao12345:  new release of inkscape is due out in the next couple weeks i think01:38
mao12345now i have vmware player with xp for emergency, if you know a page that show who install the adobe cs4 suite please mail me: (mao_250@hotmail.com)01:38
hiexpouse windows > it tells you has windows  :)01:39
macomao12345: it's version 0.48 and you can try it out by getting it from launchpad http://www.inkscape.org/bzr.php?lang=en01:39
DGMyou could try virtualbox instead of vmware player01:39
macomao12345: its not a matter of how-to-install01:40
JinxzsWolfDogDesigns, how to install ares ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/473783/01:40
odiopastebinDoes anybody here can help me with samba ? it doesn't works, if i try to do service smbd start or stop I just got rare messages like this "smbd start/running, process 7383" . what can I do ?01:40
T-20good morning...01:40
ilovefairuzDGM: mao12345: shut down extra services, turn off visual styles, disable paging, there are stuff to do to optimize windows in a VM, ask in ##windows01:40
hiexpo!hi > T-2001:40
ubottuT-20, please see my private message01:40
macomao12345: its a matter of writing the code to make it go.  you need a software developer who can reimplement the missing pieces of the win32 api in wine01:40
DGMJinxzs: what is ares? There is a libares package but nothing with ares?01:41
ilovefairuzodiopastebin: that's not an error message01:41
mao12345maco: how can i make wine non-free but fully compatible copying the dll and native archives??01:41
Jinxzswolf says it used to download mp3s01:41
macomao12345: yes, copying dll's from windows sometimes makes thinks work01:41
happyfaceI dual boot and want to sync my iPhone (podcasts) with Ubuntu and Windows concurrently, how can I do this?01:42
DGMits a windows program, not an ubuntu package01:42
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents01:42
mao12345how do you think of React OS01:42
ilovefairuzmao12345: it's far from complete, and please only ask ubuntu questios01:43
KE1HAhappyface, yo can only interact with an OS if it's operational, if you dual booting, only one is operational at a time, so you'd have to sync one, then sync the other.01:43
hiexpo!ot > mao1234501:43
ubottumao12345, please see my private message01:43
SH-ChrisHow do i disable KMS?01:43
soreauSH-Chris: Usually, booting with nomodeset as a kernel arg will do it01:46
headkase314SH-Chris, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/KernelModeSetting01:46
=== hacker is now known as Guest68268
soreauSH-Chris: You can also use i915.modeset=0, substituting i915 for the name of your kernel module (radeon or nouveau)01:47
basix-is there a good manual similar to the "...For Dummies" series for linux/ubuntu01:47
=== Guest68268 is now known as welinux
welinuxbasix: there is for Debian01:47
DGMonline there is ubuntuguide.org01:47
basix-ubuntu = debian correct?01:48
headkase314basix-, Ubuntu = Based on Debian01:48
DGMtheres also ubuntu-manual.org01:48
c3lI have a bunch of directories where I want a set of users to be able to read, and another set of users that are able to read and write. so I basically need two groups for one directory, is that possible?01:48
headkase314basix-, Ubuntu = Based on Debian, or more exactly, Debian Unstable01:48
odiopastebinilovefairuz, so what is it ? what can I do ?01:48
gryllidahey! how do I change user account password and name?01:48
welinuxbasix-: Michael Bellomo. Debian GNU/Linux For Dummies. Wiley Publishing, Inc.01:49
basix-what else is there other than Debian?01:49
c3lgryllida: easiest would be the user management tool, if running gnome, run users-admin01:49
DGMbasix-: google for linux distributions for that answer01:49
gryllidac3l, I'm in cli01:49
tesujihow do you disable the gnome keyring?01:49
gryllidaI dont have gui01:49
KE1HAbasix-, well Google Ubuntu for Dummies, and there's loads of links, but I'm not gonna advertise the.  Also try, google Ubuntu [subject] wiki, tons of good info that's "free'01:49
DGMtoo much to list :)01:49
basix-thanks much everyone01:50
rallias_is there a program that I can use to input a web page, download it, and extract all the links for the page, then download those links and start over with them, all within a linux machine?01:50
c3lgryllida: cli? command line install?01:50
nowbHow to deploy ubuntu in a windows environment?01:50
DGMbut ubuntu is a good distribution, especially if you're new to linux01:50
tesujihow do you disable the gnome keyring?  i deleted the directory and now it wants a new passowrd.  i want it to go away01:50
DGMnowb: deploy?01:50
welinuxbasix-: Ubuntu Pocket Guide is free and in internet can be easily finded01:50
basix-i like ubuntu01:50
basix-it's somewhat friendly for a windows user01:50
prodigaldax /server irc.di.fm01:51
gryllidac3l, ubuntu server I'm ssh'ing to01:51
welinuxbasix-: Ubuntu Kung-Fu by the same author01:51
gryllidac3l, I want to change password, and the username01:51
KE1HAtesuji, http://www.noob2geek.com/how-to/how-to-disable-gnome-keyring-in-ubuntu-10-04/01:51
welinuxbasix-: and of cource Official Ubuntu Book01:51
tesujibasix-, ubuntu is grand if you have vanilla hardware and you don't want to do anything strange, different, or unusual :)01:51
nowbMeaning within a mixed environment(Linux and windows)01:52
c3lgryllida: im actually not sure, user and group management is one of few things I likt to do with a GUI. but look at adduser and passwd, those commands might do what you wan. passwd at least changes password01:53
basix-hmm also is there a good graphical ftp server client for ubuntu in the software center?01:53
petriborg1ilovefairuz - you still there ?  - I've been experimenting with getting the wpa_sup working / not working and found that if I reboot, but leave the monitor "disconnected" (I use a KVM), while it boots, and then login it results in a low-resolution screen and some differences in the lsmod output, BUT if I then stop NM and such and launch my own wpa_sup that this weird "disconnected" launch is able to properly connect while the other isn01:53
welinuxnautilus-open-terminal - i wanna change the words in right-click-menu in that package01:53
KE1HAtesuji, I have a complete Home built ustom box, EVGA MB, NV Dual GLX, xFI Sound, Raptors drives, and the install went perfect, install went without a hitch, so it doesn't need to be plain-jane fer sure.01:53
DGMbasix-: fireftp maybe. but there seem to be a couple01:53
MaRk-Igryllida: changing a passowrd is easy, renaming a user is like deleting it and would have folder permission problems, but you can try:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6402101:54
MalironHey all!01:54
tesujiKE1HA, and if your hardware isn't properly autodetected you'll spend hours and hours and hours and more hours....  has happened to me 3 times on 3 different installs.01:54
c3lDGM: fireftp is not a ftp server01:54
basix-i don't get any search results for fireftp..01:54
zcat[1]bugger. got to the bottom of the problem, cd drive reads unreliably, so now I have a really badly corrupted 10.04 with lots of missing packages, and even more than can't be configured01:55
c3lbasix-: its a firefox addon, a ftp client in the browser. you where looking for a ftp server or client?01:55
KE1HAtesuji, we'll that all depends, but I've got some 15+ box's of different flavors, and none were too bad. WiFI can be tricky, but other than that, I've not hit any roda blocks.01:55
pogothedogi need help puting teamspeak3 on my computer plz help if u no how ?01:55
KE1HA.. whops, road blocks.01:56
tesujiKE1HA, good for you, you're a lucky one01:56
c3lbasix-: gadmin-proftpd01:56
zcat[1]time to back up home and a few things from /etc/ and do a fresh install I think.. perhaps this time off a usb drive01:56
c3lbasix-: its a graphical frontend to the ftp server proftpd01:56
basix-thanks c3l01:56
KE1HADo the the research "before" buying, saves allot fo trouble.01:56
tesujiKE1HA, does someone keep a list of supported systems?01:56
petriborg1KE1HA - what wifi do you use, i could *really* use an easier to use pci-wifi card right now - my current one is completely fucked in 10.0401:57
pogothedogany one here use teamspeak3 for ubuntu 8.04?01:57
chalcedonyif i wanted someone to be able to help with my computer, is there some program like realvnc for ubuntu?01:57
petriborg1pogothedog - sorry i haven't used TS in a long time :-/01:57
KE1HAIt's the same for WinDoze, if you buy something that's not WinDoze supported, can't complain abt it not working.01:57
tesujiKE1HA, haha pretriborg knows whereof i speak01:57
basix-c3l, i will need to install proftpd as well to work with it?01:57
tesujiKE1HA, everything is supported in windows :)01:57
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: aah you lost me01:58
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: thought you were running on bare metal01:58
petriborg1ilovefairuz - running what on bare metal? I am running on baremetal no vm involved here01:58
c3lbasix-: I checked that, proftpd is a dependency for the frontend, so it will get installed automatically,everything needed for it to work will get installed when you install gadmin-proftpd =)01:58
MalironI'm a long time linus user, and I've been on Ubuntu for about 2 years now. I'm on 10.04 and I just started an update. It got to a point where it was installing a new kernel, and froze in the middle of it. System was completely unresponsive. I had no choice but to power down. When it booted back up, and I launched the update manager again, it said something about a partial upgrade (this was not a dist-upgrade obviously) and I let it do it's01:58
Maliron thing. It eventually finished and said no upgrade was needed. Now when I run the update manager it goes out an checks, but says there are no updates. How can I make sure everything is sane now, what about the rest of the new kernel and other updates? Sorry for the long question.01:58
petriborg1ilovefairuz - i have several boxes  which i use a video-switch on to use a single monitor/mouse w/01:59
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: KVM ?01:59
ilovefairuzpetriborg1: aha, THAT kvm01:59
tesujiKE1HA, i spent 18 hours doing an install on old hardware over the weekend because ubuntu does not autodetect intel video01:59
MarkSSHow do I install iTunesSetup.exe in wine?  It keeps getting the busy thing and not working01:59
DGMkvm <301:59
basix-c3l, ok..but now when i install it if it doesn't show up in my 'Applications' where else would I look for it?02:00
tesujiKE1HA, and no one here had any idea02:00
petriborg1ilovefairuz - anyway i have *no* idea wtf causes this its scary! :(02:00
c3lbasix-: hm thats strange. can  you run gadmin-proftpd or similar cfrom the terminal?02:01
tesujiKE1HA, prolly the bulk of that time was spent praying for help here, finally find something with google, then another bunch of hours to make it work on an installed system as the setup is different from livecd02:01
bigdantjoin #linuxmint02:01
basix-i'm sorry02:01
sweetpitesuji: try booting with "video=vesa i915.modeset=0". its a kms problem in the latest version02:01
ilovefairuzpetriborg1:  you're using experimental drivers... kind of02:01
chalcedonyis there some program like realvnc for ubuntu?02:01
basix-c3l, i found it in the menu02:01
basix-under System Tools02:01
c3lbasix-: good =)02:01
tesujisweetpi, i know that now :) :) :) what is "kms"?02:01
basix-c3l, thank you for your help :)02:01
petriborg1ilovefairuz - yeah i saw from infomod that ath5k is marked experimental :(02:01
sweetpi!kms | tesuji02:02
headkase314tesuji, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/KernelModeSetting02:02
tesujisweetpi, actually i915.modeset=1 was the fix02:02
DGMwhat does that do exactly? force it into some vesa mode?02:02
KE1HAtesuji, It's like I said, research. Read first, many times, then Install once.02:02
Jordan_Utesuji: I explained to you in #grub that the problem was not that "ubuntu does not autodetect intel video". Please stop spreading misinformation.02:02
c3lbasix-: im just glad to help, and remember ftp is never safe. if you want to share files securely use sftp (ssh)02:02
odiopastebinwhy samba show this smbd start/running, process #number ?02:03
tesujiJordan_U, i don02:03
petriborg1KE1HA - sorry maybe i missed it in the spue of chat, but did you say what wifi card you're using?02:03
sweetpitesuji: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/KernelModeSetting anyway gtg02:03
KE1HAtesuji, ias it the i8xx series chipset?02:03
tesujiJordan_U, dunno what it does, i only know what it doesn't02:03
KE1HAoop is it ,,,02:03
basix-c3l, ok, it's just to learn how to set up a server on linux i don't plan on doing much sharing just experimenting02:03
tesujiKE1HA, ancient dell laptop, dunno exactly what it has, all i know is i915.modeset=1 is the fix02:04
MalironAny ideas?02:04
KE1HAtesuji, I use a bucnh of odd-ball wifi's, Linksys, iwp2200, and a few I can't even pronounce :-)02:05
KE1HAtesuji, yes, I've got an old D400, had the same issue, but what most dont understand, it's acually a kernel issue causeing the whole mess.02:05
tesujiKE1HA, i'm just lucky i guess.  another one we never figgered out.  it's a relatively new hp laptop, just crashes randomy with ubuntu, works just fine with windows, finally gave up on it02:06
Simeon_Hanyone else here bought powerdvd linux?02:06
c3lbasix-: ah thats nice, but look in to ssh too, its the standar for connecting to other linux (and unix) machines and also sending files02:06
Jordan_Utesuji: The problem is *not* that Ubuntu fails to detect intel hardware, your hardware is being detected as intel and is also being detected as being part of a series of chipsets most of which have problems with the intel mode setting drivers (which is what i915.modeset=1 enables).02:07
c3lbasix-: that is, if you already dont know about it, I dont know how new you are =)02:07
KE1HAtesuji, well, I hate to advocate WinDoze, but if it works better for you, then by all means, please use.02:07
Jordan_Utezuka0: A full explanation of the problem can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes02:08
MalironSimeon_H, Why use powerdvd, there are so many gpl players out there that are good.02:08
Simeon_Hwell I wanted to see if it was any good02:08
Simeon_Hbut I purchased it from the canonical store yesterday and still no download link :(02:08
headkase314Simeon_H, I use VLC for DVDs, you may have to enable the Medibuntu repository and install libdvdcss202:09
c3lI have a bunch of directories where I want a set of users to be able to read, and another set of users that are able to read and write. so I basically need two groups for one directory, is that possible?02:09
headkase314Simeon_H, I think I used VLC anyway - been so long since I watched a real DVD that I don't recall totally! ;)02:10
Simeon_Hwell I'm using VLC now02:10
Simeon_Hbut I'm kind of cheesed off that I can't download a program I paid like $60 for02:10
Maliron I'm on 10.04 and I just started an update. It got to a point where it was installing a new kernel, and froze in the middle of it. System was completely unresponsive. I had no choice but to power down. When it booted back up, and I launched the update manager again, it said something about a partial upgrade. How do I make my checks now and get the rest of the updates?02:11
headkase314Simeon_H, Medibuntu information and you need libdvdcss2 for encrypted DVDs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu02:11
basix-c3l, i know ssh but never heard of sftp ;)02:11
earthling_How do I put the "show desktop" shortcut icon on the gnome panel?02:11
c3lbasix-: basically the same thing, sftp is ssh file transfer protocol. the cli tool is called scp =)02:11
Simeon_Hdude I can already play encrypted DVD's02:12
Simeon_Hthat's not my problem02:12
^peanut^Simeon_H: have you called the support or billing line?02:12
Simeon_HI sent an email02:13
^peanut^Simeon_H: ok, but you didn't call them?02:13
Simeon_Hbut I was wondering if anyone else had the same problem02:13
Simeon_Hno, I live in Australia02:13
^peanut^Simeon_H: oh02:13
whompapotamusc3l: From what I understand - one group per folder02:13
c3lwhompapotamus: then how would you solve a case similar to mine?02:13
^peanut^c3l: yea, for permissions you use groups as teams of people but only 1 group can own a directory/file02:13
SimonSayezSimeon_H, Are you using mplayer to play encrypted DVD's02:14
gryllidahow do I change account username without adding new account?02:14
gryllidaon the system, user acnt I mean02:15
c3l^peanut^: its quite a limitation to not allow configurations to more than one group per file/folder02:15
Simeon_Hand I have libdvdcss installed02:15
=== DanYoSon_ is now known as DanYoSon
Simeon_Hand I can play encrypted DVD's without any problems02:15
^peanut^c3l: I believe its more of a security issue than anything. where windows doesn't mind, linux does.02:15
SimonSayezSimeon_H, Can you rip the vob files from the DVD ?02:15
nedflanderjeezoflip - this is not an alternative to windows02:16
Simeon_Hwhy would I do that?02:16
Simeon_HI just bought an external DVD player02:16
c3l^peanut^: ah I see02:16
Simeon_Hso I wouldn't have to02:16
Simeon_Hand it works fine02:16
whompapotamusc3l: Thinking it through (on my iPhone right now so I don't have a shell to work with)02:16
SimonSayezSimeon_H, so you can convert the vob files to flv or mpg so everyone can see them02:16
^peanut^c3l: along with file permissions there is also the hooks for selinux. you should read up on that, it may do what you are trying to do, but in a much more secure way.02:16
c3lwhompapotamus: youre not jailbroken? =)02:16
nedflanderand god bless mr troup for putting so much effort in02:17
c3l^peanut^: thanks for the tip02:17
whompapotamusWork phone02:17
^peanut^c3l: np02:17
PeterFAI'm trying to get Ubuntu to connect to my Sierra 250u CDMA modem. I've search the Internet but found no definitive information. I did find however that there is a sierra module and I loaded it. However, I did not notice any device addition to my list of devices.02:17
PeterFAHow do I get my Sierra 250u CDMA modem to work?02:18
whompapotamusc3l: Chown ReadWriteGrown FolderName02:20
headkase314PeterFA, maybe these instructions will help -> http://sierrawireless.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/500/~/can-i-use-my-sierra-wireless-modem-on-a-linux-operating-system-%3F-(-v.1.7.32)02:20
Aemaethhello gryllida02:20
devunt!hi gryllida02:20
^peanut^gryllida: well, the easiest way is to create a new user, logon with that username and then copy your stuff over from the old account, then remove the old account.02:21
whompapotamusc3l: Chmod g=rw o=r02:21
gryllidahow do I change user accnt name without adding new user using Terminal?02:21
gryllida^peanut^ I asume new user creation needs sudo which I don't have02:22
whompapotamusc3l: Add all of the read only to the others group02:22
Jinxzshow to share my files in ubuntu to my windows desktop02:22
rookshow to update linux server kernel, apt-get update doesnt cut it, since its marked somehow02:22
^peanut^gryllida: you don't, unless you plan on editing a few files and changing user/group permissions on your home directory.02:22
gryllidaJinxzs, right click a folder, share02:22
Aemaeth^peanut^,  last time i made a new account i had to give the account elevated privilages the first boot, otherwise when i tried to load into it it just had a bunch of errors about how it couldn't make folders02:22
gryllida!samba | Jinxzs02:22
ubottuJinxzs: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:22
^peanut^gryllida: yes, need to use sudo for the adduser command02:22
hiexpopurewhy no sudo02:22
whompapotamusc3l: Best I can think of without a computer I front of me02:23
gryllida ^peanut^, I need to change my own account name, I don't have sudo access. Not possible?02:23
^peanut^whompapotamus: your correct. o=r will work02:23
^peanut^c3l: o = other users...02:23
Aemaethwhy can't you get admin? who holds the pass? charm them or thieve it from them02:23
hiexpoto change must have root access02:24
Hooberhey guys i want to apologize. i am sorry. so um.. i will try to use ubuntu to the fullest02:24
c3lwhompapotamus: I want other users to be able to do nothing, while one group can rw and another only r =) but thanks anyway02:24
^peanut^gryllida: hmm ,yea without sudo access or the root password your kinda stuck with the userid you have.02:25
welinuxgryllida: livecd and change your name02:25
^peanut^welinux: unless it's a work computer... I wouldn't recommend that.02:25
welinux^peanut^: i know this You're right02:26
^peanut^welinux: *it's not I mean =)02:26
=== sn1wflake is now known as sn0wflake
c3lwhat practical implications does execut permission have, it wont work without read, so what is the practical difference between read and execute. cant you just copy the file, you become owner, and able to execute?02:27
^peanut^c3l: man chmod02:27
^peanut^c3l: man chown, chgrp02:28
c3l^peanut^: I was hopeing not to :)02:28
subsumeCurrently in postfix myhostname = UNKNOWN. Should it be the same as in /etc/hostname ?02:28
PeterFAheadkase314, it's working. I got some dev stuff now.02:28
hiexpo!chmod > c3102:28
^peanut^c3l: ? why, man pages rock.02:28
^peanut^ty hiexpo02:28
welinuxc3l: execute can change OThER files02:28
whompapotamusc3l: This is clever http://www.unix.com/unix-dummies-questions-answers/96041-two-groups-permission-one-directory.html02:29
welinuxc3l : Read That Fine manual02:29
c3lwelinux: =) how do you mean change other fiels?02:29
hiexpoi didn't come up   > failed   lol02:29
=== [-slidinghorn-] is now known as slidinghorn
welinuxc3l: Iinstall, make new files, or WRITE INTO other files02:30
^peanut^hiexpo: oh...hehe02:30
Jordan_Uc3l: You can execute programs that you do not haver permission to read.02:30
hiexpolet me check ubbotu02:31
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions02:31
Jordan_Uc3l: cp /bin/echo /tmp/echo; chmod 111 /tmp/echo; /tmp/echo hello, world02:31
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:31
CodeWarcant seem to get my window to span both monitors in twin view .. this is ubuntu 10.0402:31
c3lwelinux:  write into other files with only execute permission? ;e02:32
c3lwhompapotamus: awesom, thanks02:32
hiexpo!chmod | hiexpo02:32
ubottuhiexpo, please see my private message02:32
welinuxc3l: i think so02:32
realubotikepanhc: Well, I think the audio worked after the installation, but I'm not really sure. I have to look into this problem some more time before trying to get help.02:32
laura i'm trying to install gnome-games-2.30.2. i'm new to linux and feeling pretty stupid still. it says i need gtk+2, so i tried to install that and it says i need atk but i looked in the ubuntu software center and it says i already have it. i'm so confused. plz help?02:32
realubotikepanhc: Sorry, wrong person.02:33
realubotilovefairuz: Well, I think the audio worked after the installation, but I'm not really sure. I have to look  into this problem some more time before trying to get help.02:33
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions02:33
c3lJordan_U: ah nice02:33
c3lJordan_U: but I was mostly thinking about rx vs r. whats the difference there?02:34
=== PeterFA_ is now known as PeterFA
PeterFAFixed it.02:35
PeterFAMy modem works!02:35
edbianc3l, rx = read and execute, r = read only.02:35
edbianPeterFA, Congradulations! :)02:35
hiexpoPeterFA,  kool02:35
welinuxc3l: when the program is executed it could write into logfiles which it created on its own Doesn't it?02:35
PeterFAToo bad it'll only do 3G and not 4G.02:35
PeterFAOh well.02:36
PeterFANice to know I got Internet when I need it, wherever I am.02:36
hiexpoPeterFA,  what 3g network?02:36
c3lwelinux: ah, im starting to get it02:36
welinuxcongratulations > PeterFA02:36
sky7hello, I was hoping someone could help me out. I'm trying to get my grub2 config working properly. I have a triple boot with ubuntu/7/osx on a pc. OSX is on its own drive and boots when it is the only HDD pluged in, but I can't get it to boot from grub.02:36
PeterFAhiexpo: Sprint 3G.02:36
PeterFAhiexpo: CDMA wireless modem.02:36
welinuxc3l: that's why with strict permissions you are safe in Linux02:37
hiexpodid u use flipflop sh ?02:37
welinuxPeterFA: what's the speed?02:37
PeterFAwelinux: 3G is 500 kbps but 4G is 5 or 6Mbps.02:38
welinuxPeterFA: i understand you Hope I'll get 4g02:38
welinuxPeterFA: hope you'll get 4G :)02:39
PeterFAwelinux: check your area. It's also $60 a month but you have to get locked in.02:39
hiexpoPeterFA,  PeterFA  did you use fliphlop.sh?02:39
welinuxPeterFA: another country Thanx anyway :)02:39
PeterFAhiexpo: no.02:40
=== alex_ is now known as mast`
hiexpoPeterFA,  what app?02:40
PeterFAhiexpo: once I got the module installed, the devices appeared and I used the Ubuntu wifi manager to connect.02:40
PeterFANetwork Manager Applet. .802:40
hiexpoPeterFA,  kool on ppp002:40
PeterFAWell, ttyUSB002:41
maksonthanks guys02:42
edbianmarky707, Hi02:46
marky707i am new to ubuntu and would like to know more about it02:46
marky707considering putting it on my laptop02:46
marky707an older model02:46
marky707but don't know if i should use the netbook version or desktop version02:46
marky707any suggestions02:46
zkriesseMaRk-I: laptop specs02:47
c3lmarky707: try the netbook version, either you like it or hate it02:47
c3lmarky707: I suggest the desktop verison as it gives you a normal interface02:47
marky707it has 512megs of ram02:47
marky70750 gig hard drive02:48
c3lmarky707: run a ubuntu minimal or whats it called02:48
welinuxmarky707: it's normal02:48
c3l!mini | marky70702:48
ubottumarky707: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD02:48
rkviraniHi All, how do I make a persistant ubuntu USB key?02:48
c3l!install | rkvirani02:48
zkriessemarky707: I'd recommend Lubuntu or Xubuntu02:48
ubotturkvirani: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:48
welinuxmarky707: Ubuntu Desktop is suit for your laptop02:49
marky707thank you... i will try the minimal cd02:49
zkriessewelinux: not for the RAM he has it's not02:49
zkriessemarky707: I'd recommend Lubuntu as it's EXTREMELY light02:49
zkriessemarky707: for more info /join #lubuntu02:50
welinuxzkriesse: believe me02:50
marky707lubuntu... i didn't see that on the ubuntu site02:50
whompapotamusmarky707: Use XFCE instead of Gnome (lighter on resources)02:50
crucialhoaxI have an acer 532h netbook and every now and then it says my battery is crucially low when its full?02:50
marky707i'll check that out now02:50
marky707xfce... is that an option in the installation02:51
ilovefairuzmarky707: xubuntu02:51
rkviraniperhaps I will just install in VB02:52
rkviraniVMW was conflicting with Powershell remoting :P02:52
welinuxmarky707: 512 MB?02:52
marky707yes... its an old sony veo i have02:52
welinuxmarky707: http://paste.ubuntu.com/473803/ Ubuntu work ok02:53
Ddordahwy, how do i check total length of many vids?02:53
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rkviranic31 alright smartypants the documentation nly covers until 8.1002:54
rkviraniwhat do I do for 10.0402:54
welinuxmarky707: http://lubuntu.net/ is nice choice anyway02:54
c3lrkvirani: I ugess there is not much new to document for 10.04 but the mini 10.04 exists right?02:55
marky707i am looking at the site now lubuntu.net02:55
whompapotamusmarky707: Seems a bit low for good X performance - hate to say it in the ubuntu channel - but you may want to "build from ground up" using arch and selecting a lighter window manager and run fluxbox or something to that effect02:55
arun__My colge has hosted a site called http://foobar.colgname which is only accessible from our colge lan network. Is there anyway I can access it from my home? like using any proxies or ??02:56
=== infin is now known as Guest92212
HooberWhich IDE should i get from Ubuntu Software Center if i plan to develop a Game for Ubuntu? game engine i guess02:56
rkviranic31 mini 10.04?02:56
rkviraniwhat is that?02:57
marky707i would love to be able to do that... but i don't know how to build from the ground up... i am trying to migrate into ubuntu coming from being a windows user02:57
wx9jhow can I copy a video off the web ? the spike site does not put a flash file in the /temp dir but does store several .xml files02:57
rkviraniI think the liveusb-creator will do the trick02:57
rkviraniwe shall see.02:57
c3l!minimal | rkvirani02:57
ubotturkvirani: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD02:57
dodecanesandi god a questiohm02:57
c3lrkvirani: oh, I got you mixed up with someone else I think02:58
dodecanesanddoes vlc use mpeg4 compression on linuggs?02:58
ilovefairuzDdorda: ffmpeg -i file.avi -metadata | grep Duration02:58
rkviranic31 perhaps...02:58
Ddordailovefairuz: of many files02:58
rkviranic31 no problems :D02:58
edbianmarky707, What kind of specs are you running Ubuntu on?  I suggest you try regular Ubuntu first, on a live CD.  For no other reason than that your new to linux.02:58
c3lwx9j: look at the various firefox addons out ther, that allow you to save flash movies02:59
* rkvirani was very happy to be able to re-purpose his dads old laptop that had a bad gfx card02:59
rkviranijust put ubuntu on the drive and fired it in and up it went!!02:59
welinuxdodecanesand: vlc plays practically any media file02:59
dodecanesandwelinux: yes, but does it encode to h264?03:00
wx9jc31 Normally I can just copy the tmp file before the video finishes but the spike site uses xml sheets .03:00
crucialhoaxI have an acer 532h netbook and every now and then it says my battery is crucially low when its full?03:00
welinuxdodecanesand: u need encoder?03:00
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dodecanesandnah streaming03:00
dodecanesandfrom mpeg4 to mpeg403:00
c3lrkvirani: aaah, I think unetbootin has the option to configure this when putting ubuntu on the usb. allowing 'livecd' on the usb to store files. as youre doing it will erase the files after reboot, or when unplugging the usb03:01
ilovefairuzDdorda: loop in a shell script?03:01
dodecanesanda tv stream 12mbit from HD to SD 720p 1100kb/s x26403:01
c3lwx9j: to simplyfy the task I guess some of these addons will fix it for you03:01
=== PeterFA_ is now known as PeterFA
crucialhoaxI have an acer 532h netbook and every now and then it says my battery is crucially low when its full?03:06
welinux!hi | Livin4Jesus03:06
ubottuLivin4Jesus: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:06
wx9jc31 thanks, I am doing that now.03:06
Livin4JesusMy Ubuntu won't start. It just shows the "Try (0, 0)" sign. Then I have to restart my computer. I installed it using Wubi. Can someone help me?03:06
Livin4Jesusubottu: Help?03:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:07
mikeplus64Livin4Jesus: I don't know what the problem is, but you're probably better off talking to the Wubi people. ( or trying an 'official' livecd installation )03:07
Livin4JesusWhere can I find them?03:08
welinuxLivin4Jesus: can you see Grub on your monitor?03:08
ilovefairuzcrucialhoax: does it actually last after these warnings?03:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:08
c3l!install | Livin4Jesus03:09
ubottuLivin4Jesus: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:09
crucialhoaxilovefairuz: Yes it does, about 5 seconds after the warning the battery applet shows the correct status03:09
crucialhoaxilovefairuz,  I also added a cronjob into the hourly folder to check the status and that didnt work either :?03:09
ilovefairuzcrucialhoax:  cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state03:10
crucialhoaxilovefairuz, I added that as a start up program and as a cron job and it didnt work :(03:11
Castboundhello guys, how can I manually mount usb device which won't automount for some reason?03:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:12
ilovefairuzcrucialhoax: what didn't work?03:12
Livin4JesusCastbound: What OS are you using?03:12
hiexpolsusb seeif it's there03:12
Castboundubuntu 10 403:12
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning03:12
crucialhoaxilovefairuz, The script didnt stop th fake warnings.03:12
ilovefairuzCastbound: insert it and sudo fdisk -l03:12
=== Longhorn|XP is now known as Longhorn
Castboundit's not lisxted here03:12
Livin4JesusCastbound: Is it the only OS on your system?03:12
ilovefairuzCastbound: pastebin sudo tail /var/log/messages03:13
Castboundnope, usb works, pendrive works03:13
ilovefairuz(as you plug it in and out)03:13
ilovefairuzcrucialhoax: does this command show the correct battery level?03:13
Livin4JesusOK, about a few seconds after your computer starts up, it should show the computer brand's logo. Try pressing F10 at that screen.03:14
crucialhoaxilovefairuz, It shows mAh information, Idk how to interpret that lol03:14
Livin4JesusI have Windows XP installed on my system (Along side Ubuntu) and it works for me.03:14
Castboundilovefairuz ^^03:15
ilovefairuzCastbound: that's all revelant messages? pastebin lsusb03:15
Castboundwant more?03:15
hiexpono just blood03:16
ilovefairuzCastbound: yes, pastebin all the file03:16
dodecanesandso vlc is able to create h264 streams?03:16
Castbound lol, yes that's the only relevant03:16
Livin4JesusIs there a way I can boot (Not install) Ubuntu from a USB?03:16
ilovefairuz!unetbootin | Livin4Jesus03:16
ubottuLivin4Jesus: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:16
hiexpoLivin4Jesus,  yes ubuntu bots live usb03:17
Castboundilovefairuz ^03:17
ilovefairuzCastbound:  pastebin lsusb03:17
ilovefairuzCastbound: do you have any other USB devices attached?03:19
scribeI'm having a very odd problem with setcap and core dumps.  It seems any file I set any capabilities to will no longer dump core.  Does this ring a bell for anyone?03:19
hiexpoit is to hard to type lsusb like strangling  a duck      ^ :P03:19
Castboundilovefairuz just the digital piano, and it's off at the moment03:20
Castboundshould I disconnect it?03:20
ilovefairuzCastbound: yes and check lsusb to see if it's any different03:20
ilovefairuzCastbound: is the non-working device an MP3 player?03:20
Castboundlsusb didn't change at all ilovefairuz03:21
crucialhoaxilovefairuz, Any other ideas? it didnt do this when it ran 9.1003:21
c3lis there any lightweight user & group manager that doesent depend the entire gnome or kde package?03:21
ilovefairuzcrucialhoax: you should file a bug, check #ubuntu-bugs03:22
ilovefairuzCastbound: is it a music player?03:22
crucialhoaxthanks :)03:22
Castboundilovefairuz yes, it is03:22
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots03:22
ilovefairuzCastbound: http://dbaspot.com/forums/linux-misc/155018-fdisk-l-doesnt-detect-mp3-player.html#post70925503:24
Castboundilovefairuz, checking03:24
ilovefairuzCastbound: ls /dev/sd* (after you modprobe)03:24
sidneyI removed win 7 to install Debian. Will Debian usually see the other which is Ubuntu and add it to grub?03:26
ilovefairuzsidney: most likely, yes03:27
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!03:27
sidneyilovefairuz: ok thanks03:27
Castboundhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Letx5c02 ilovefairuz03:27
psycho789when I try to activate the ATI driver I get "SystemError: installArchives() failed"03:27
jastiv Remember, Why, what happens if I use the wrong repositories? !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!03:27
nedflanderhey how about making youtube work as a priority03:28
ilovefairuzCastbound: did you modprobe all ? plug it out and in03:28
hiexpoati what ?03:28
xanguanedflander: flash sucks in linux03:28
Castboundilovefairuz plug it out and in -- no trying03:28
c3lis there any lightweight user & group manager that doesent depend the entire gnome or kde package?03:28
nedflanderyeah kick me, i like it, i have proxies coming out of my ears03:28
hiexpooops  i mean youtube what03:28
ilovefairuzCastbound: "no trying" ?03:28
Castboundilovefairuz just tried, still didn't work03:29
psycho789when I try to activate the ATI graphics driver I get "SystemError: installArchives() failed" anyone know whats wrong03:29
Castbound<ilovefairuz> Castbound: "no trying" ?-- I meant "no, trying now"03:29
epinkyc3l: /etc/passwd /etc/group ?03:29
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nedflanderi know i can't get rid of it coz i'm a blackhat hacker03:30
ilovefairuzCastbound: dmesg | tail (while you plug out and in)03:30
ilovefairuz!ot | nedflander03:30
ubottunedflander: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:30
c3lepinky: sorry, I forgot to say with graphical interface :) but maybe I should just get comfortable with the cli tools03:30
Castboundusb 2-5: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 11 ilovefairuz that's new03:31
ilovefairuzCastbound: pastebin all, please?03:31
hiexponedflander,  why would you saysomething lie that    >  i know i can't get rid of it coz i'm a blackhat hacker03:31
hiexpo^ say something like that03:32
Castboundhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/uXkNkQ9Q ilovefairuz03:32
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whompapotamusc3l:  cli is the way to go for user management (worth the extra study)03:33
c3lwhompapotamus: hm yea, will do =)03:34
c3lepinky: whompapotamus: on a related topic, do you know where I can see what permissions a group gives, for example what adding a user to admin does?03:34
Castboundilovefairuz actually no, it's nothing new, sorry03:34
hiexponedflander,  are u an idiot or it just comes natural that way ?03:34
whompapotamusc3l:  users are assigned to groups, groups are given their id - there is no special meaning to "groups" - except for root (0)03:36
Guest33166newb here. trying to use a motorola tundra as as dialup modem.  can anyone point me in the right direction?03:36
whompapotamusc3l:  if that makes any sense03:36
AlazareLooking for anyone who has MLDONKEY installed and working need some help please03:36
whompapotamusc3l:  go to a command prompt and type: id03:37
hiexpocommand prompt03:37
c3lwhompapotamus: ah yeah, it does =) but some tools give users who are members of certaing groups special properties, such as being a member of the admin, right? but ther is probably no way to centrally see what tools use what groups?03:37
lubuseranyone know of this bug?  or any bugs effecting ehci?03:38
epinkyc3l: ls -l , getfacl ,there are not such a global privileges, maybe in RBAC but I doubt you meant that? every object(regular file, directory, link, device,etc) has specific permissions for user, group and all the others.03:38
FFForeverHow can I rename my usb drive?03:38
c3lepinky: I mean, how do I see what it involves being a member of gropu foo. the admin group is a good example03:39
whompapotamusfor instance - does /bin/bash care if you are in the "wheel" group...? what is the "wheel" group anyway - who uses it?03:39
Castboundilovefairuz any further ideas?03:39
ilovefairuzCastbound: looking into some docs03:39
whompapotamusc3l:  there are certain groups with special meaning specific to the distro that you are using... like root03:40
whompapotamusc3l:  or "users"03:40
c3lwhompapotamus: yeah, so how do I find out more about those groups?03:40
lubuserubuntu devs don't look at bugs much, do they?03:41
c3lwhat does it mean, being a member of users, or admin?03:41
whompapotamusc3l:  applications will usually give notes as to what groups are relevant to them (the os documentation will as well)03:41
lubuserubuntu has a rep for ignoring bugs03:41
scribeI'm having a very odd problem with setcap and core dumps.  It seems any file I set any capabilities to will no longer dump core.  Does this ring a bell for anyone?03:42
scribeyou can easily experiment with this: ulimit -c unlimited; /bin/sleep 2000&; pkill -11 sleep  (should dump core)03:42
macolubuser: there are many thousand times more bugs than devs03:42
macolubuser: fewer than 200 developers03:42
scribesudo setcap "-CAP_SYS_NICE+ep" /bin/sleep (then try the above again and no core is dumped)03:42
lubusermaco:  well, some don't look too complicated but they're still there03:42
scribeIt's baffling.  Been googling all afternoon and nothing.03:42
craigbass1976I don't want IE running, but the grand State of Maine has created a web portal that only seems to work in IE.  Anyone know which browser might open this thing?  FF, Chrome, and Epiphany have not worked.  The problem seems to be at a java onclick button03:42
alsemHello all!  are there any Samba folks out there??  Any one willing to help a newbie?03:43
craigbass1976alsem, I can set you up a wide open server, but that's about it03:43
c3lwhompapotamus: lets take users as a specific example, where do I find out what this groups properties are?03:43
rossasbillwhas up03:44
macolubuser: #ubuntu-bugs is the place to go if you want to discuss triaging/fixing bugs.  particularly if you've found trivial ones, its great to tag them bitesize or if there's a patch attached its in a good position to be fixed relatively quickly03:44
lubusermaco: oh, ok, thanks03:44
th0rc3l: it doesn't quite work like that. If you write a script and give it permissions 750, then only the user and group of that script can execute it.03:44
whompapotamusc3l:  the users group (if your using ubuntu) is recognized as a non-admin group03:44
emmadid they replace the ubuntu-restricted-extras package with something?03:45
c3lth0r: yeah, but there are certain groups that involve more than that. for example admin03:45
xanguacraigbass1976: hava onclick button¿¿ then install the java plugin for the browser03:45
c3lwhompapotamus: okay, what about the admin group03:45
macolubuser: there is a very large backlog of patches on launchpad, but Operation Cleansweep and the patch review team in #ubuntu-reviews are working their way through them.  a few hundred have been reviewed and forwarded to appropriate upstreams so far03:45
xanguaemma: they who¿¿ replace with what¿¿03:46
alsemCraigbass1976:  Since it is my home I have no need to protect it.  Here is the problem.  When I go to Network I get the file browser screen with Windows Network icon.  Double click it and I get an error message that says  Unable to mount location  Failed to retrieve share list from server.  I have no idea what this means.03:46
emmai don't see the ubuntu-restricted-extras package03:46
th0rc3l: and if you look through the executables in the system, you will find some that belong to the group admin, and only members of that group can get to those functions03:46
CallaLilyful|unbserver -m irc.neowin.net 6667 james31703:46
macoemma: is the restricted repository enabled on your system?03:47
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AlazareLooking for anyone who has MLDONKEY installed and working need some help please03:47
whompapotamusc3l:  the admins group (on ubuntu) acts like a root group03:47
lubusermaco:  that's good03:47
ilovefairuzCastbound: pastebin /proc/bus/usb/devices03:47
craigbass1976alsem, which computer are you on when you get this message?03:47
lubuserI read of a lot of usb bugs... ehci so I thought it may be a priority03:47
c3lwhompapotamus: okay its quite simple them, and that is sudo access I guess. one last question and then Im all happy, whats the adm group?03:48
alsemCraigbass1976:  I am on the U10.04 Machine.  Name  al-toshiba.  Running Ubuntu 10.0403:48
craigbass1976xangua, if I've already got java installed, how do I make ff use it?  JRE is installed in /usr/java03:49
xanguacraigbass1976: did you install the java PLUGIN¿¿03:49
craigbass1976alsem, ok.  I just wasn't sure if it was the windows box yelling about the linux box not serving out files.03:49
whompapotamusc3l:  again, i can chown any folder, file or application to be in any group i want - if i am a member of that group i inherit those rights03:49
xanguacraigbass1976: sun-java6-plugin03:50
whompapotamusc3l:  sudo = act like an admin03:50
craigbass1976xangua, is that an apt-get install ?03:50
lubuserI can't use my usb 2.0 drives in ubuntu because of the bug!03:50
emmamaco - main restricted is in the sources.list03:50
macoemma: mmmm.... multiverse too?03:51
lubuseranyway, if no one wants to fix it, I'm going back to Debian Sqeeze where they at least dealt with the bug to some extent... my usb drives drop to 1.1 speed but at least I can use them03:51
xanguacraigbass1976: indeed03:51
c3lwhompapotamus: hm, so being a member of admin is not to have sudo access?03:51
whompapotamusc3l:  again, its what adm means to the distro - nothing more03:51
craigbass1976alsem, are you sharing out from the windows box correctly?03:51
craigbass1976xangua, thanks, in process03:51
whompapotamusc3l:  sudo is an application03:51
macolubuser: what bug number in launchpad do you know?03:51
craigbass1976xangua, this will make my wife very happy if it works03:51
c3lnow how do I see what groups is members of a group?03:51
macolubuser: and whats the fix in debian?03:52
emmamaco multiverse is in there03:52
macolubuser: if you can point me to an ubuntu bug and matching fix in debian, i can make sure the people who need to see it do so03:52
whompapotamusc3l:  which can keep track of admin commands, limit commands, and the like03:52
craigbass1976alsem, do you have more than one windows box on the network?03:52
mrstiggyHello, I have googled this, but not come up with much.  How can I disable DHCP on interfaces?  More specifically, I am using VMware, and do not want ubuntu to assign any IPs to eth1 and eth203:52
BeeBuuhello,all. is there a chat log of this?03:52
nopz Need help getting graphics working in Ubuntu with Nvidia AND Intel graphics card(Laptop with dual graphics for both high performance and low power use).03:52
whompapotamusc3l:  its a way to assign strict admin rights to users03:52
whompapotamusc3l:  without adding them to an admin group03:53
alsemCraigbass1976:  What does that mean????  I selected a file on the windows machine and set it up for sharing.  The file is Roswell UFO.  I have only one windows.  I also have another Linux machine -- al-gateway.03:53
lubusermaco: the bug I reported?03:53
whompapotamusc3l:  admins are above sudo so to speak03:53
BeeBuuwhat's the log URL of this channel?03:53
epinkyc3l: rights are granted to users and groups on inodes03:54
nopzEvery time I enable Nvidia graphics driver and reboot It won't start X. When i boot into recovery and try startx I get Cannot activate Nvidia device. Screens found but no usable configuration blah blah blah.03:54
lubusermaco:  I don't know if debian has a bug report on it... I tried a sequence of commands in CLI and it allowed me to connect at 1.1 speeds...so ohci is working?03:54
macolubuser: yes, point me to the bug you're talking about03:54
lubuserehci doesn't drop to ohci in ubuntu ...just debian03:54
whompapotamusc3l:  cat /etc/group03:54
craigbass1976alsem, go to My Computer.  There should be a folder called Shared Documents.  right click on it, and share it out.  Allow others to change files, etc, etc03:54
c3lwhompapotamus: but I cant see admin being a groupowner for any file or directory.. what practical implications does the group have?03:54
macolubuser: are they using the same kernel versions?03:54
mrstiggydoes anyone know how to disable DHCP on eth1 and eth2?03:54
hermanlfAfter reinstalling ubuntu 10.04 my movie playback is choppy.  What could the problem be?  I have the latest kernel and latest nvidia drivers installed.  I didn't have this problem before.  The movies are choppy only during intense action scenes.03:54
craigbass1976alsem, and is there a firewall on the windows box?03:54
nopzAny help much appreciated. =)03:54
lubusersome variance of the kernel ver., I think..?03:55
whompapotamusc3l:  make a folder in your home directory: mkdir Test03:55
craigbass1976alsem, you might want to stop in to #windows and ask how to set up a share.  I'm used to XP; if you're on Vista or 7, I've no clue.03:55
lubuserubuntu is 2.6.32-21-generic03:55
lubuserdebian squeeze is 2.6.32-5 or ?03:55
rsyringWe are looking at installing more ubuntu servers.  What should I use to manage user accounts accross multiple servers?03:55
craigbass1976alsem, and I'm not really used to xp...  3.1 was the last one I was real familiar with03:55
whompapotamusc3l:  now assign that folder to a group: chown admin Test03:55
* BeeBuu get the URL03:56
whompapotamusc3l:  then type: ls -al03:56
macolubuser: ah... bug report without a package listed. those get a lot less attention... i set it to the linux kernel now03:56
lubusermaco:  oh, what package do I list?03:56
whompapotamusc3l:  you can see that the group admin owns the folder03:57
nopzIf anyone can help, I have a problem where X won't start after enabling Nvidia drivers. Failed to initiate device error when using startx in recovery.03:57
macolubuser: dont worry about it, i already did it :)03:57
lubusermaco:  ok, thanks... I'll read about that part next time I file ;)03:57
Castboundilovefairuz can't stay any longer, have to go to bed or I won't be able to wake up tomorrow03:57
whompapotamusc3l:  there is absolutely nothing more to groups than that03:57
c3lwhompapotamus: thats it basically? being a member of admin isnt that fancy if its not used on any folders or files?03:57
whompapotamusc3l:  correct03:57
macorsyring: ever used ldap?03:57
epinky!permissions | c3l03:58
ubottuc3l: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions03:58
rsyringmaco: not extensively, but I am familiar with the concept03:58
c3lwhompapotamus: I see, thanks alot :)03:58
macorsyring: thatd probably be what you want03:58
whompapotamusc3l:  anytime03:58
c3lepinky: and thanks for that03:58
rsyringmaco: so a server's auth mechanism can be based on ldap instead of the local accounts?03:58
macorsyring: i believe so03:59
lubusermaco: well, bug might be in Squeeze but I have to mount manually03:59
rsyringmaco: k, I will check that out...thanks03:59
lubusermaco:  sorry, if I said things incorrectly... do you understand?03:59
macolubuser: have to mount manually?  put a comment on the bug report telling exactly how the behaviour varies between ubuntu and squeeze03:59
lubusermaco:  not sure if the drives should mount automatically but they don't03:59
lubusermaco:  okay03:59
whompapotamusnopz:  press alt+f1 and drop to a command prompt04:00
macolubuser: also, "apport-collect 614180" can automatically add lots of useful info to the bug report04:00
nopzwhompapotamus, okay then what?04:00
whompapotamusnopz: type sudo Xorg -configure04:01
nopzwhompapotamus, I already did that to create a new config file. So i'm back to original config.04:01
whompapotamusnopz: do you know what version of X you are using04:02
nopzBut the nvidia driver isn't activated then.04:02
craigbass1976xangua, how do I know ff is running right with the java plugin?  I restarted it, but was there something else I had to do?04:02
nopzwhompapotamus, not exactly, know a way i can check?04:02
whompapotamusnopz: see if this directory exists: cd /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d04:03
xanguacraigbass1976: just restart your browser, still doesn't work¿04:03
alsemcraigbass1976:  Thanks.  I was on the windows machine and couldn't locate any thing like that.  But the Roswell UFO folder I did set up to be shared.  What this unable to mount location means I'm not sure.  Do I need to have something in media for it to attach to?04:04
craigbass1976xangua, no04:04
nopzwhompapotamus, No etc/X11 does,lol just not xorg.conf.d04:04
whompapotamusnopz:  ok then04:04
hermanlffixed my laggy movie playback issue.  Had to enable sync to v-blank in compiz general settings04:04
whompapotamusnopz:  sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak04:05
whompapotamusnopz:  sudo rm xorg.conf04:05
nopzwhompapotamus, any idea's of how I can enable my Nvidia driver? Actually now when I go to hardware drivers it says an alternative version of this driver is in use.04:05
soreauI installed ubuntu for a friend, now they're saying that when they click on nm-applet, it's saying network is down and shows no networks. I tried to figure out how they managed to break it by trying to reproduce it here but I can't figure out what they did. It was working fine when I let them loose on it a couple days ago. Any ideas?04:05
nopzwhompapotamus, Okay will do.04:05
craigbass1976alsem, right click on the roswell folder and do properties.  Fins out what the share name is.  Find otu what the ip address of the windows box is.  then try (in a terminal on the linux box) sudo mount -t smbfs //192.blahbalh/sharename /mnt    But wait, smbfs might not be the protocol anymore, I think it changed.  Anyone?04:06
russis there an apt command to list all the installed packages?04:06
nopzwhompapotamus, done.04:06
whompapotamusnopz: sudo nvidia-x  (you will need to press tab here - forgot the is its nvidia-xconfig)04:06
epinkycraigbass1976: cifs ?04:07
craigbass1976xangua, no, not working04:07
nopzYeah it is. I've tried that. When i restart I get the same thing. Where X fails to start.04:07
craigbass1976epinky, right; couldn't remember.  alsem, cifs, not smbfs04:07
whompapotamusnopz:  that will create a new xorg.conf with just nvidia settings04:07
nopzGive's me fails to intitiate Nvidia device. Screens found but no usable configuration.04:07
lubusermaco: okay, I updated info... I hope it's sufficient04:07
lubuserhard to show unless I include very long output from console...04:08
scribeIn case anyone cares, this will enable your cap apps to dump core, but is dangerous: echo 1 > /proc/sys/fs/suid_dumpable04:08
macolubuser: knowing how the kernel triager works, id expect an info request friday or monday04:08
lubusermaco:  kernel triager?04:08
whompapotamusnopz: are you running the nevou open source driver for linux04:08
nopzwhompapotamus, I'll give it another shot though and report back, i've never completely rmed xorg.conf b4 nvidia-xconfig so will give it a go. Lol. Thanks.04:08
sheepdogcan anyone else currently access the Ubuntu One music store under Lucid?04:08
lubusermaco:  maybe a chance in the kernel caused discrepancy?04:08
whompapotamusnopz: that should work04:08
macolubuser: the person on the kernel team who automatically gets emails about all bugs marked for the kernel04:08
sacarlsonruss: apt-cache pkgnames04:09
nopzwhompapotamus, Not that i know, again, a way to check?04:09
lubusermaco:  i see..04:09
whompapotamusnopz: after nvidia-xconfig creates the new file - reboot - x should load04:09
lubusermaco:  probably minor issue because my hardware is causing problem but still, the point is ...ehci fails but doesn't drop down to ohci04:09
whompapotamusnopz: if not, then download the binary and run the installer at the shell prompt04:10
lubusermaco:  that's what I figure... dunno if that's an accurate explanation :)04:10
nopzwhompapotamus, Okay will try. I was having problems b4 this with x not starting and giving me a blinking screen, after fresh install and update now I don't get blinking screen just this.04:10
laughterwhat 's wrong with my top panel? there are white lines and dots. any help is appreciated? http://imgur.com/9qD0u04:10
nopzwhompapotamus, Okay. I'll let you know how it goes.04:10
whompapotamusnopz: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:11
whompapotamusnopz: this will tell you why X is crashing04:11
sheepdoglaughter: can you move the lines and dots?04:11
sheepdogwhat happens when you click on them?04:12
laughtersheepdog, i cannot04:12
lubusermaco:  if the usb 2.0 port is working, there'd be no problem... I think the issue is when usb 2.0 port doesn't work, there's no code/program to drop down to ohci04:12
sheepdoghowabout the blank spaces inbetween the lines and dots?04:12
sheepdogit looks like the background image of the bar has a line through it04:13
laughternothing, i cant move cardapio(my menu applet)04:13
laughteri usually can04:13
sheepdogwhat happens when you change gtk themes?04:13
skorea2131hey yall04:13
sacarlsonlubuser: maco I have changed from usb 2.0 to 1.0 before you can disable 2.0 I don't recall how I did it.  it made my wifi work all the time in 1.0 and crashed intermitent in 2.0 usb .  this was a via driver problem04:14
laughterumm, well i switched from elementary to ambiance and that is when the dots and lines appeared04:14
whompapotamuslaughter:  create another panel by right-clicking on the top panel and see if lines appear - if not - kill the top panel and re-add all of your applets to the new one04:14
laughterwhompapotamus, no lines on the new panel04:15
alsemcraigbass1976: The path is  \\Pat-Toshiba\Roswell UFO    IPv4 is  How do I find the IP for PAT-???  Also checked Synaptic and there is no cifs loaded but most everything with Samba is loaded.04:15
lubusersacarlson: oh?  I'm not sure how, though04:15
laughterwhompapotamus, thanks04:15
whompapotamuslaughter: create all of you applets on the new one and delete the old one04:15
sheepdogmeanwhile, can anyone access the ubuntu one music store?04:16
sheepdogI'm seeing an internal server error04:16
lubusersacarlson:  the usb 2 port no longer works but not sure how to disable ehci_hcd driver from trying to use it?04:16
laughterwhompapotamus, will do good sir04:16
craigbass1976alsem, they just changed the protocol name, not the protocol (as far as I know)  It happened a couple years ago.  Who is PAT? The linux box or the windows box?  1.1 is a computer, not a router?04:16
sacarlsonlubuser: maco: usb 1.0 works ok it's just slower.  if you use it hooked to a hard disk I guess you will need 2.004:16
lubuserthe module is now in the kernel?  so, when I try to remove the module, there's a fatal error?04:16
emmaCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "ubuntu-restricted-extras"04:17
emmawhy can't aptitude find that package?04:17
lubusersacarlson:  yes, usb 1.0 and 1.1 works but the prob is the drive is usb 2 but the usb driver is not switching to the lower speed in order to mount the drive04:17
rwwemma: do you have the multiverse repository enabled? have you done sudo aptitude update recently?04:18
HooberQuestion: I installed NASM, but how do I launch it?04:18
xanguaemma: tried reload repository¿¿ sudo apt-get update04:18
alsemcraigbass1976:PAT-Toshiba is the Windows Vista box.  How do I tell the difference?  When I had the D-Link router the 1.1 was it.  But with this NEtgear I'm not sure what its number is and I don't know how to find out in windows.04:18
AtharHoober: you launch it with "nasm"04:18
craigbass1976alsem, open a dos window and type ipconfig04:19
lubusersacarlson:  that's how I understand it, anyway... not sure if it's right...but, my point is, in Debian, it will drop down to usb 1.1 (or 1.0?) and mount if I do it manually04:19
lubuserthe drive becomes detected and I often have to mount manually04:19
JonathanYCHello! As apt seems to have been overrun by some ubuntu-haters, could anyone tell me how apt identifies newer versions of packages for things like firefox nightly builds?04:20
Hoobernasm: error: no input file specified04:20
Hoobertype `nasm -h' for help04:20
lubuserbut, some instances if I turn it on during boot up, it mounts automatically ... but, i tested this and it's not consistent... not sure what conditions I need... frustrating04:20
sacarlsonlubuser: oh ok then no use trying to keep usb 1.0 working.  lspci and see if he uses via chips in his usb stuf.  I'm not sure they ever fixed.  oh then maybe I should give you the comand I used to manualy change to usb 1.004:20
emmais partner medibuntu?04:20
emmaor rather, is medibuntu in 'partner' ?04:21
nisstyre65alsem: route -n04:21
JonathanYCNo one knows? lol04:21
nisstyre65the router IP address is the Default Gateway04:21
rwwemma: nope. partner is a Canonical repository containing closed-source software. medibuntu is a third-party repository containing various packages that can't be distributed with Ubuntu for legal reasons.04:21
xanguaemma: no and no04:21
nisstyre65oh sorry you're on windows04:21
JonathanYCYou don't know how apt, one of the most important pieces of software on ubuntu04:21
lubuser$ lspci -> pastebin04:21
JonathanYCThat's just horrible :04:21
psycho_oreosJonathanYC, whenever there's apt-get update it retrieves new packages list that are marked by different mtime or something.. if its different new package list is retrieved and then is scanned for any new versions comparing to installed ones imo04:22
JonathanYCpsycho_oreos: Ah, that makes sense. So even if something was numbered 1.0 but had a more recent mtime than 3.0, it would still install?04:23
JonathanYCI'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely curious04:23
sacarlsonlubuser: this comand forces to use usb 1.0 or did back when I used ubuntu 7.X modprobe -r ehci_hcd04:23
tesujidoes anyone know the options to lsof to see specifically what files are being written to on disk and by what process04:23
psycho_oreosJonathanYC, well at that time it would then depend on the user, if the user wants updates to be automatically installed, it will be04:23
emmarww, xangua ahh.. okay.04:23
tesujilsof has hundreds of options04:23
JonathanYCpsycho_oreos: Cool, thanks a bunch. :)04:24
psycho_oreosJonathanYC, I think most night builds, like chromium for example has dates on filenames as well04:24
emmarww, xangua, im betting the reason that it wasn't finding ubuntu-restricted-extras is because i had not yet done an update.04:24
lubusersacarlson:  that doesn't work in ubuntu anymore...at least, not 10.0404:24
psycho_oreoserr chromium from ppa04:24
JonathanYCpsycho_oreos: Cool. Thanks. :)04:24
sacarlsonlubuser: ok sorry that's all I got04:24
lubuserFATAL: Module ehci_hcd not found.04:25
lubusersacarlson:  that's what I get when I try that command.04:25
emmarww:  xangua , i thinki usually i do the updates before I start installing from the commandline and this time i tried sudp aptitude install right off the bat.04:25
AtharHoober: well, typing just that would help, don't you think...04:25
psycho_oreosJonathanYC, example: chromium-browser_6.0.475.0~svn20100723r53429-0ubuntu1~ucd1~jaunty_i386.deb04:25
xanguaemma: that was teh first thing we suggested.............half an hour ago04:25
JonathanYCOh, OK. Thanks again. :)04:25
lubusersacarlson:  no problem... ubuntu devs will look at it or not... my laptop has problems... :)04:25
lubuserI'll just use it in debian sqeeze until I get a new laptop or ubuntu fixes the bug ;)04:26
psycho_oreosJonathanYC, no worries04:26
lubuserok, bye folks.. :)04:28
tesujican someone tell me how to use lsof to find only files open for writing04:29
emmaxangua -- oh yeah04:30
jgornickHey guys, is it a good idea to change my UID?  I have a freenas box setup and my account UID on there is 1001 and currently, my account on my machine is 1000.  In order for nautilus to play well with permissions, I need to have the same UID (I think).  Thoughts?04:30
brandon420what is some more cool shit i can do to ubuntu?04:31
maco!language | brandon42004:31
ubottubrandon420: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:31
brandon4201300 people and its quiet?04:32
dodecanesandthey all watching justin bieber04:32
brandon420i need some ideas on what else i can do to ubuntu04:33
dodecanesandyou can install ubuntu SE04:33
sheepdogbrandon420: You could start looking through the buglist, and fixing any outstanding issues04:33
Agent24How can I add custom screen resolutions in ubuntu 10.04 ?04:34
Jordan_Ubrandon420: Look through Applications > Ubuntu Software Center04:34
brandon420jordan: i have04:34
brandon420agent24: you use nvidia?04:34
Agent24no I am using radeon04:35
dodecanesandthose VLC is good with ganjacceleration of hardware04:35
brandon420i dont know anything about ati....04:35
brandon420sorry man04:35
Agent24oh ok04:35
Agent24is it possible in ubuntu itself though? rather than driver-specific?04:36
brandon420anything to do with display, i use the nvidia control panel04:36
brandon420it only took me like 3 hours to get it all working correctly, so imma stick with it04:36
brandon420can anyone recommend any good window managers?04:37
jasonwryanbrandon420: http://dwm.suckless.org/04:38
Watson516I have a bit of an issue that has been bothering me for a year or two but not enough for me to enquire about it...04:40
Watson516after grub loads, my numlock turns off04:40
Watson516would that be a grub thing or a bios thing?04:40
brandon420prob grub04:41
brandon420other than that, i dont know what to tell you... lol.04:42
=== CrellAwaaay is now known as Crell
brandon420you check all the logs?04:42
* Crell is back.04:43
Watson516nope, I just get annoyed for the first 15 seconds of boot and then forget about it04:43
CrellHi folks.  I recently upgraded my 9.10 system to 10.04.  As always it's been a bit bumpy, but of note is that PHP seems to not be active anymore.  It says it's enabled in the Apache log when I restart apache, but if I visit a PHP page I simply get a download offer back from the web server.  Any idea what could have broken?  I've not seen this sort of problem in years.04:43
emma.w 304:44
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Watson516Crell: if I'm not mistaken, apache changed something during one of the updates which will cause that problem04:45
CrellOh goodie.  Any idea what, and how to fix it?04:45
trismWatson516: perhaps http://techie-buzz.com/gadgets-news/how-to-enable-numlock-key-to-be-on-when-linux-boots.html04:45
Watson516Crell: it's been a while since I had to deal with it04:46
Watson516trism: thanks04:46
CrellHm, wait.  This could be it.04:46
CrellWatson516: Found it.  Apparently the default configuration for apache2/php5.conf disables PHP for all public_html directories.04:47
CrellIt even documents how to disable that.04:47
CrellWHY it would do that I do not comprehend...04:48
Watson516Crell: yeah, that sounds familiar lol04:49
ubuntui want to use wildcards in ubuntu04:49
CrellHm.  OK, now some scripts work and some don't. :-)04:49
fellipe_theophi friends, please, do anyone know how can I create an user wich has something like rbash but cannot do anything but copy files into his home, using scp or scp clients?04:50
ubuntubut dos wildcards don't work04:50
ubuntui want to use wildcards in ubuntu but DOS wildcards don't work04:51
abhijitGood Morning! :)04:51
tazman1aCan I install ubuntu-10.04 on a very old Pentium 2 366MHz 128MB SDRAM machine?04:51
tazman1aWill it choke04:51
xanguatazman1a: better try lubuntu04:52
macoubuntu: use *04:52
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu04:52
ubuntutry it04:52
tazman1aI am looking04:52
ubuntuI wasn't saying to try the above04:53
=== root is now known as Guest36972
xanguaGuest36972: entering as root is not the best idea04:55
bribroderevening all04:55
ubuntutazman1a: I wasn't saying to try the above04:55
ubuntumorning :)04:55
ubuntutazman1a: try this page https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/hppa/hardware-req.html04:56
tazman1aso, lubuntu is ubuntu but for slower and rather old systems04:57
bribroderhey guys, I can't seem to get a vino remote server to work unless i've already logged in on the remote box; any ideas? right now, it closes connection on startup04:57
Watson516tazmanla: yup04:57
Hardikhey i need help.. this is my first time here and i just installed ubuntu.04:57
=== The_Thing|Laptop is now known as Sleeping_Thing
xanguaubuntu the minimun is 256 of ram for ubuntu-gnome desktop04:57
xanguaubuntu better change your nick04:57
xanguaHardik: make your question and if someone knows they will answer04:58
CrellOK, this is not good.04:58
Hardikmy internet connection keeps dropping and restarting every 2-3 mins04:58
CrellIf I don't specify a file, it should fall back to index.php.04:58
Hardikdoes anyone have a solution04:58
CrellIt seems like it does, but THAT file I get a download for instead of the actual file running.04:58
xanguaHardik: what wifi card do you use¿04:59
Watson516Crell: have you restarted the server?04:59
Hardikumm actually im not sure...how can i check that?04:59
tazman1aubuntu: the link says at least 32MB of memory and 500MB of hard disk space04:59
Crell... Oh now this is even better.05:00
=== [-slidinghorn-] is now known as slidinghorn
CrellIt works if I use Konqueror, but not if I use Firefox.05:00
tazman1adang, recommended 256MB05:00
Watson516Crell: interesting...05:01
IdleOnetazman1a: you might want to look at puppy linux or dsl05:01
bribroderhey guys, I can't seem to get a vino remote server to work unless i've already logged in on the remote box; any ideas? right now, it closes connection on startup05:02
CrellWatson516: Frustrating... :-)05:02
tazman1aIdleOne: I have some projects is based on ubuntu-9.10 but my system is pretty old05:02
bribroderHow do you get a gnome desktop session going without a gui?05:02
lyhana8hi, I created a new user in a server but when I `su` to it the prompt only show $ (no name, no host), and doesn't autocomplete05:02
ubuntui want to use wildcards in ubuntu but DOS wildcards don't work05:04
macoubuntu: * is the usual wildcard on the command line05:04
lyhana8seem the defautl prompt is not bash :S05:04
lapionIf anybody wants to use a dual desktop with 1024x768 and 1280x1024 next to each other (2308x1024) tell them that they better use them on top of each other (1280x1792)05:04
macolyhana8: yes it is05:04
lapionespecially for mks05:04
macolyhana8: however /bin/sh if youre running a script is dash05:04
ubuntumaco: * only works in dos for me05:04
lapionkms doesn't like any resolution bigger then 2048x204805:05
rwwlyhana8: It is. bash by default doesn't do tab-completion (which is what I assume you mean) or have a detailed prompt; they're both set in .bashrc05:05
lyhana8maco: I just run `bash` and got the nice prompt auto completion, etc.05:05
Watson516Crell: does this help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=578007305:05
macoubuntu: what command are you trying to run? are you keeping in mind that linux is case-sentitive to a* and A* are two different things?05:05
rwwso whether you're actually running bash would be best decided with ps or something :)05:05
lyhana8rww: I'm not sure the default shell is bash. I know you can set something else with the GUI05:05
tazman1athe system is currently running windows 2000 and it's crawling.... I think I will still try with ubuntu-10.04.05:06
lyhana8I'm working trough SSH and when I switch to the new user that *not* a bash prompt rww: maco05:07
macolyhana8: what does "ps" say it is?05:07
lapiontazman1a, just make sure it has more then 1Gb ram05:07
econdudeawesome2 questions: how would I get GnoMenu to bind to <alt>f1 instead of standard Ubuntu menu, and what is the best docklets to use with Gnome?05:07
tazman1alapion: 168MB ram :)05:07
ubuntumaco: I use the amd64 live distro and I want make grep only search in SAM files05:07
taulusAre there any compatibility issues with a Gigabyte GA-P55-USB3 mobo and an i5 760?05:07
lyhana8maco 19589 pts/1    00:00:00 sh05:07
macolyhana8: sh is a symlink to dash05:08
macolyhana8: check your /etc/passwd05:08
lapiontazman1a, is it a server ?05:08
tazman1alapion: no, it's a regular desktop Pentium 2 366MHz05:08
tazman1aand 10G hard drive05:08
CrellWatson516: No, I don't think so.  The packages are already installed and the DirectoryIndex is being set by an .htaccess file.  AllowOverride is set to All.05:09
lapionwell try using one of lighter ubuntu desktop managers05:09
bribroderHey guys, I need some help with VNC. When I try to remote in after a reboot, I get a connection refused. But after logging into the remote box directly, VNC works fine. Any ideas??05:09
lapionwell try using one of lighter ubuntu desktop managers, tazman1a05:09
jonathan23383alguna mujer para hablar????05:09
auranosSo I've got a weird bug, I just upgraded from Karmic to Lucid and now all my programs are minimized.05:10
lapionJonathan, no aki solamente mujeres que tienen problemas con ubuntu05:10
Sasquatch7How do I open a browser using the terminal and have it open in the background. I'm using & and the browser still comes to foreground when opened. Any ideas?05:10
econdudeawesomewhat are the best desktop gadgets for gnome ubuntu desktop?05:10
Hardiki have a broadcom wifi card and i just installed ubuntu today...the internet connection keeps dropping after every 2-3 mins05:10
abhijit!en | jonathan2338305:10
ubottujonathan23383: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat05:10
tazman1alapion: lighter ubuntu desktop manager? what is that?05:10
auranosWhenever I launch a new program it minimizes and when I click it in the taskbar it opens and then minimizes.05:10
xanguaHardik: no familiar with broadcom, better keep asking in the channel, not PM05:10
lapionanything but kde or gnome desktop05:10
auranosI'm on Netbook Remix if that matters05:10
econdudeawesomelapion: why is that?05:11
rwwHardik: which Broadcom model?05:11
jonathan23383hi, i speak with woman05:11
sacarlsonbribroder:  maybe just have it auto login at boot if security is not a problem05:11
xanguaabhijit: why did you do that¿¿ he wasn't looking for ubuntu support05:11
Hardikrww: am not exactly sure...how would i check?05:11
econdudeawesomelapion: I use lubuntu generally, and only with sweet computers the 64-bit ubuntu install--awesomeness05:11
macojonathan23383: this is a tech support channel05:11
rwwjonathan23383: This is an Ubuntu support channel, not a dating site.05:11
rwwHardik: one of 'lspci' or 'lsusb' in the Terminal should show it05:11
abhijitjonathan23383, join #ubuntu-women05:12
abhijitxangua, he said something in another language.05:12
macojonathan23383: please dont05:12
jonathan23383tengo un problema en mi laptop05:12
Flannelabhijit: Please don't05:12
IdleOneabhijit: #ubuntu-women is not a dating channel either05:12
macoabhijit: #ubuntu-women is NOT a dating channel05:12
abhijitFlannel, IdleOne maco okk05:12
jonathan23383trabajo con ubuntu 10.04 x64 y quiero conectar mi banda ancha movil pero no me sale que hago???05:12
Hardikrww: ok for the ethernet controller it shows broadcom - netlink BCM5906M05:12
abhijithe just said something in another language thats why i run that !en factoid05:13
IdleOne!es | jonathan2338305:13
ubottujonathan23383: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:13
jonathan23383me sale cuando dejo el modem conectado y reinicio05:13
maco!en | jonathan2338305:13
ubottujonathan23383: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat05:13
macojonathan23383: va a #ubuntu-es05:13
jonathan23383ok men05:13
RickmastaHey guys, I think I just made a bad move05:13
brandon420oh noooesss05:14
Sasquatch7How would I go about opening a web browser and not have it open over other windows?05:14
brandon420i have made a few of those05:14
RickmastaSo I bought a vps, like, for my playground,05:14
Watson516Crell: if you remove the .htaccess file, does it work?05:14
Rickmastabut thing is, I have like NO experience in linux/ubuntu or servers. =/05:14
brandon420its not hard05:15
brandon420you trying to use that to learn?05:15
CrellWatson516: Nope.  I renamed .htaccess to just htaccess.  No change.  Still works in Konqueror but not Firefox.05:15
RickmastaSo I'm trying to install Rubystacks05:15
lapiontazman1a, try using lubuntu05:15
Rickmastaand it says "Point your package manager to RubyWorks APT repository. Open file /etc/apt/sources.list in a text editor, and add this line to it:"05:16
Hardikrww: any luck finding out what the problem could be?05:16
RickmastaHow the hell do I do that from a vps? lol05:16
brandon420use vnc?05:16
macoRickmasta: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list05:16
rwwHardik: sorry, I got distracted. I only know about the BCM43xx series (which are the most popular ones these days); sorry :(05:16
lapiontazman1a, but for questions regarding lubuntu please join #lubuntu05:16
Hardikok thanx for responding05:17
macoRickmasta: at the bottom when it says ^ followed by some letter?  The ^ means "ctrl" so like ^O  means ctrl+O saves05:17
Rickmastaah, swee05:17
macoRickmasta: im assuming you mean from a terminal...05:17
macoRickmasta: you may want to have a look at the the official ubuntu server book05:17
RickmastaWriteOut, means save?05:17
sacarlsonRickmasta: I just use gem to install stuf in ruby.  some gem require having libs that I just use standard ubuntu repository05:17
Sasquatch7How would I go about opening a web browser and not have it open over other windows? But in the background.05:18
sacarlsonSasquatch7: oh maybe you are looking for a headless web browser05:19
Sasquatch7sacarlson: what is that?05:19
ubuntuI use the amd64 live distro and I want make grep only search in SAM files05:20
Sasquatch7sacarlson: just want to open chromium in the background behind the current window i'm in. Can't seem to figure out how.05:20
sacarlsonSasquatch7: that's a browser that dosn't use a window envirnment05:20
Watson516Crell: Sorry, I have no idea what would cause that...are the headers set correctly? Maybe Firefox is more strict?05:21
Sasquatch7sacarlson: I see.05:21
sacarlsonSasquatch7: why must it be chromium?  are you loging into something?05:21
Sasquatch7sacarlson: no it can be firefox.05:21
Watson516Crell: is it just the index or any php?05:21
san_Sasquatch right click on the top and check "Use system title bar and borders"05:22
san_Sasquatch7: right click on the top ( blue top of the chrome browser) and check "Use system title bar and borders"05:23
=== 15SAAM6WT is now known as haiku
Sasquatch7san_: Oh ok thanks.05:24
=== haiku is now known as hiku
CrellWatson516: Other PHP files work fine, as does index.php if I access it directly.05:24
Sasquatch7san_: So now how do I have it open in the background on my desktop?05:24
CrellI'm not sure how to check the headers in Konqueror...05:24
CrellWatson516: The return mimetype is text/html it looks like, according to wget.05:25
=== Naenyn is now known as iNaenyn
san_oops, sorry I thought, you wanted it on top of others, if you mean background process: google-chrome &05:26
san_the current window is chrome also?05:27
=== iNaenyn is now known as Naenyn
jamieHey, anyone to help with a laptop sleep issue with 10.04?  When I wake from sleep I have to reconnect to wifi :-( and it asks for PW again... (my SSID is hidden and I have a WPA2 10 char aphanumeric pw)05:27
Sasquatch7san_: I'm using that already and the browser opens in the foreground no matter what window I'm currently in.05:27
Watson516Crell: how are you accessing index when it doesn't work?05:27
CrellWatson516: Going to http://localhost/~me/foo/ in Firefox.05:28
san_and always on top is checked for the current window?05:28
sacarlsonCrell:  I asume you have php installed in apache2?  did you try the php info test?05:28
Crellsacarlson: Yep.  If I go to ~/me/foo/index.php, the page loads fine.05:28
Sasquatch7san_: Yes.05:28
san_worked for me05:28
jamieIf I can't fix this, I might have to switch distro's.  and I HATE rpm :-(05:28
Crelljamie: I know the feeling. :-/05:29
uncle_sini hate rpm too05:29
sacarlsonCrell: so like a file with <?php phpinfo(); ?>  works?05:29
hikujamie: I've been having the same issue with 10.04 32bit05:29
Crellsacarlson: Yes.05:29
san_opened window1, set allways on top, and then clicked to launch another chrome  and it opened behind the current window05:30
jamieCrell: I have an openSuSE DVD right next to me... but I can't bring myself to kill a deb box :-(05:30
jamieI'm on 32 bit as well for the laptop.  (the desktop is wired in, so no problems there)05:30
hikujamie: how about Mint Linux.. don't think they are having the same issues but I'm not sure05:30
LucasCamposHow to edit the grub? I have like eight entries for Ubuntu, two for each Linux-header05:30
Crelljamie: GMTA. :-)  But I am going to a conference in 2 weeks and this is not a good time to be switching distros.05:30
abhijit!grub2 | LucasCampos05:30
ubottuLucasCampos: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub205:30
sacarlsoncrell but now when you go through the apache2 server?05:30
san_ctrl+N also works05:30
Crellsacarlson: Er, what do you mean through the apache2 server?05:30
sacarlsonCrell: do you have apache2 installed?05:31
Crellsacarlson: Yes.  This is an upgrade from 9.10.05:31
CrellWhich was working fine (at least in this regard).05:31
psycho789whats a good burning program in ubuntu05:32
jamiehiku: I tried Peppermint (think it was ICE) and couldn't even connect in the first place05:32
Sasquatch7san_: attempted all of that, just doesn't seem to work for me.05:32
Sasquatch7san_: thanks.05:32
jamieBrasero?... wait, is there a linux version of IMGBurn?05:32
abhijitpsycho789, brasero05:32
sacarlsonCrell: so in your browser if you go to http://localhost ?05:32
HeliusCroncan anyone offer some sound help05:33
sacarlsoncrell: I'm not sure your server is local sorry05:33
san_Sasquatch7: not at all05:33
hikujamie: not sure about imgburn but are you referring to an iso burner program? Basero is great for that05:33
Crellsacarlson: That works fine in both browsers.05:33
hiku!ask | HeliusCron05:33
ubottuHeliusCron: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:33
CrellIt's JUST an unspecified file falling back to index.php in Firefox.  Konqueror is fine.05:33
psycho789abhijit, ah thanks, didnt see that at first look05:34
=== ubuntu__ is now known as ubuntu
jamiehiku: imgburn does iso to cd/dvd, dvd/cd to iso, cd to cd, etc, etc... it's like VLC but for optical drives ;-)05:34
HeliusCronwhen I close apps or web pages the sound just keeps going even though the whole window is closed,  why?05:34
hikujamie: nice...05:34
HeliusCronhappens in the music player and web pages05:34
jgornickAnyone here know Samba pretty well in terms of permissions.  I can't seem to persist group permissions when I want to copy over new files from my Ubuntu 10.04 machine (with permanent mounted share) to my FreeNas server running Samba.05:34
undecimHeliusCron: The plugin is still running for a few seconds after closing the browser05:34
will_Hey, guys, I think I could cook an egg on my laptop, anyone know how to force the OS to run the fan faster, also ACPI always reports 27C no mater what05:35
jamieCrell: was that a warning to stay away from Novell?  or just to wait a bit in general?05:35
Sasquatch7How would I open a program in the terminal but have a program open in another workspace?05:35
HeliusCronna this is like 5 minutes still going now05:35
Crelljamie: No, just that the timing is rather poor for me. :-)05:35
sacarlsonCrell: this may be a stupid request but did you try rename the index.php file to another name xindex.php and try the firefox again?  I have had cache problems in some files05:35
undecimHeliusCron: Then maybe the plugin or firefox itself never closed. Try pressing alt+f2 and typeing "killall firefox-bin"05:35
CrellLet me try killing Firefox entirely.05:35
HeliusCronwell its the music player still running  too even tho i closed that too05:36
sacarlsonCrell:  I fixed it with a header change in the file to make no time for cache05:36
jamieso anyone else have a problem (or solution) to the non-autoconnect for wifi?  is there a .config file somewhere I could tap into?05:36
Hooberodd i can't change my directory to the folder named ASM i put on my desktop05:36
HeliusCronboth were steaming sound from the web05:36
CrellDo you recall the directive?05:36
undecimHeliusCron: Your desktop music player? That minimizes to the indicator05:36
* Crell doesn't often play with http headers.05:37
HeliusCronI 'closed' it05:37
HeliusCronnm i see it up top05:37
undecimHeliusCron: Pressing the X button still minimizes it to the panel05:37
undecimYou close the window, but the player is still in the background05:37
=== jay is now known as Guest92205
sacarlsoncrell: <META HTTP-EQUIV="PRAGMA" CONTENT="NO-CACHE" >05:38
* Crell tries.05:38
jamienobody? :-(  alright, I'll check forums and be back tomorrow ;-)05:38
jamie / almostkiss05:38
sacarlsoncrell: <META HTTP-EQUIV="EXPIRES" CONTENT="-1" >05:38
sacarlson<META HTTP-EQUIV="CONTENT-TYPE" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8">05:38
jamiepeace 8-)05:39
Watson516sacarlson: header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");  in php no?05:39
HeliusCronhow can I get better full screen video with youtube type videos in Ubuntu running in Vbox05:40
sacarlsonwatson516: no I had it in an html file crell:05:40
HeliusCronsmall video seem fine05:40
CrellWatson516: sacarlson: Well I just tried both the HTML and PHP versions.  Firefox still wants to download the file.05:40
elitexrayHas anyone successfully installed their ati graphic driver on ubuntu?05:41
RickmastaAnyone mind telling me why I keep on receiving this message? http://screens.rickmasta.com/7o.jpg05:42
Watson516elitexray: mine just worked in 10.0405:42
Rickmastaand what I can do to fix it?05:42
elitexrayAre you able to play games and such @watson516?05:42
Watson516elitexray: yes05:42
hikuCrell: is it possible for me to view the webpage in question?05:44
sacarlsonhiku: crell: good idea05:44
hikuRickmasta: have you run the apt-get -f install05:44
Alazarei have a question how does the noauto option in fstab work exactly cause i swap hard drives and one of the drives i remove to test others is my data drive i like having it automounted but if i rmove it and attach another fstab causes it to halt during boot cause of the missing drive05:45
Rickmastahow do I install a specific version of an application in linux?05:47
=== guest is now known as shadow
=== slidinghorn is now known as [-slidinghorn-]
shadow initrd.gz image05:49
jgornickAnyone here know Samba pretty well in terms of permissions.  I can't seem to persist group permissions when I want to copy over new files from my Ubuntu 10.04 machine (with permanent mounted share) to my FreeNas server running Samba.05:50
Crellhiku: Um, not really.  My laptop is behind a NAT.05:50
tucemiuxRickmasta,  you go to the application's website and download their package05:50
=== brebrebrebre is now known as |_ocke
hikuCrell: oh darn ok. can you pastebin your html/php file and your apache2 config for me so I can try to replicate it here.05:50
digitalfizi have apache2 and php5 installed and php5 module is enabled but when i click on php links it wants me to download them05:50
wyrm111_anyone know the shortcut to open a privat conversation window in irssi?05:51
sacarlson Crell: I'm behind a nat and still can do.  I set my IP as static and have my ADSL set to forward all trafic to that address05:52
Crellhiku: Well the file doesn't seem to matter.  Even if there's no PHP code in it, a .php file seems to fail.05:52
hikuCrell: digitalfiz looks like you 2 now have something in common05:52
rwwdigitalfiz: did you restart apache after enabling the php5 module?05:52
hikuCrell: can I see your apache2.conf?05:52
digitalfizrww, yes05:52
Crellsacarlson: Yeah, but I'm not wild about rewiring my NAT. :-)05:53
Crellhiku: Stand by.  You want the entire thing?05:53
hikuCrell: yea pastebin it if you can05:53
hikuCrell: this is a default out of the box config right?05:53
sacarlsoncrell: hiku: I agree I think it's a apache2 config problem05:53
tucemiuxCrell, if it's multiple lines you MUST use pastebin05:53
hiku!paste > Crell05:53
ubottuCrell, please see my private message05:53
* Crell is well-familiar with pastebin protocol, worry not. :-)05:54
hikuCrell: ok cool, ty. I'll be right back...05:55
Crellhiku: This is a 9.10 system upgraded to 10.04 this past weekend.05:55
CrellSo far it doesn't seem to have been a trade-up. :-(05:55
sacarlsonCrell: I upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04 from complete reinstall on apache2 so it should work.05:56
sacarlsonCrell: I just moved the original apache2 configs into my new 10.04 install05:57
=== tremmons is now known as iflema
CrellWell there's other issues, mostly related to it being more sluggish.  I'm just dealing with PHP right now as that's the mission critical one.05:58
hikuCrell: ok cool. I just verified that my default 10.04 is working with php and all seems well. so now I'll test with your config05:59
shadowhd-media files  download where?06:00
digitalfizmy system is a fresh install of 10.0406:00
digitalfizand php files want to download06:00
siganyone know of any issues with the lastest version installing on laptops?06:00
hikuCrell: try this apache2.conf file. make sure to backup your orig one first.  http://pastebin.com/d5fw0p8K06:02
sacarlsonhiku: crell: there are many files in the /etc/apache2 directory that has many config files you may need to look deeper into that directory06:02
hikusacarlson: yes, conf.d has more files, for php webdav etc etc.... those could also be causing an issue.06:02
hikuCrell: have you tried backing up all your apache configs, then uninstall apache2, remove the /etc/apache2 dir, and then reinstall?06:03
=== jack_ is now known as medium
digitalfizi figured out why mine wasnt working06:04
hikudigitalfiz: how is that?06:04
Crellhiku: Not yet.  I didn't want to do something that drastic if I could avoid it.06:04
digitalfizmi isses was cuz php engine was off for userdirs06:04
digitalfizmy issue06:04
hikuCrell: yea, I totally understand06:04
Crelldigitalfiz: D'Oh! Yeah, I ran into that, too.06:04
hikudigitalfiz: ah, nice find.06:05
CrellAnd then it worked except for this particular case.06:05
CrellThat seems like a rather silly default to me, frankly.06:05
digitalfizhttp://digitalfiz.no-ip.org/~digitalfiz/phpinfo.php tada!06:05
hikuCrell: yeah me too06:05
hikudigitalfiz: lookin good now06:05
CrellOh what the...06:05
Crellhiku: OK, that didn't fix it.06:05
[zz]hi, I've been having an ongoing problem where networking just dies for some reason. Anyone know what I can do to alleviate that?06:06
CrellI just tried a different directory and it DID work there!!!06:06
* Crell is now even more confused.06:06
hikuCrell: hmm, where are you storing your webpages? whats the path?06:06
hikuCrell:  mine are in /var/www06:06
Crellhiku: These are both subdirs of my public_html.06:06
* ianwizard is even more confused then Crell, because he walked in on the middle of the conversation...06:06
sacarlsoncrell: oh must be that .htaccess file06:06
hikuCrell: oh..... ok now I got it06:07
CrellExcept removing the htaccess file didn't fix it.06:07
CrellHang on, let me reclone the git repo.06:07
hikuCrell: hmm06:07
sacarlsoncrell: even after reload?  cache?06:07
CrellA fresh checkout worked.06:08
hikuCrell: are there any errors in /var/log/apache2/error.log?06:08
CrellBut not if I rename it to that name...06:08
sacarlsoncrell: cool one down XXX more problems to go06:09
Crellhiku: I think the problem isn't Apache, it's firefox.06:09
hikuCrell: oh strange06:09
CrellHang on, I'm just going to reboot the entire laptop and see if Firefox gets the message.06:09
hikuCrell: =) ok06:09
CrellCatch you on the flipside.06:09
hikuCrell: you do that while I do the unthinkable. upgrade/downgrade my 10.04 to mint linux 9 =) just for the heck of it06:10
CrellYou are a sick sick man.06:10
hikuCrell: =)06:10
hikuCrell: I just want to see if it will work06:10
* Crell once had a roommate who upgraded his Red Hat box to Debian while it was running, without rebooting it.06:10
* [zz] pokes channel06:10
CrellI think he spent about 4 months running it before rebooting to see if it worked.06:10
sacarlsonhiku: maybe try in vertualbox so you don't break something you need06:10
hikusacarlson: yeah I'm not to worried about it.  this is my trash laptop...06:11
hikusacarlson: I beat it up daily.06:11
sacarlsonhiku:  ya can't beat that06:12
disappearednghey let say I am behind my router right now and my router's address is My modem, which the router is connected, is at How do I access my modem from my current connection now?06:14
hikusacarlson: ok all done. time to reboot and see if going from 10.04 to Linux mint 9 works06:14
maksonhas anyone used this on ubnutu to make a jail http://www.jmcresearch.com/projects/jail/howto.html06:15
CrellWell that still doesn't work.06:16
CrellBut if I move the code to a different directory name, it works.06:16
CrellTo me that indicates that Firefox is totally FUBAR.06:16
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gryllida!hi | Oricygnus06:19
ubottuOricygnus: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:19
[zz]in case it wasn't noticed, <[zz]> hi, I've been having an ongoing problem where networking just dies for some reason. Anyone know what I can do to alleviate that?06:19
ilovefairuz[zz]: pastebin: lshw -C network and /var/log/messages06:22
micahgare people reporting issues after the kernel security update with disk access taking longer?06:23
maksonany good docs on setting up chroot env on ubuntu the docs on site are outdated06:27
maksonschroot isn't available06:27
[zz]ilovefairuz, http://pastebin.com/B944Wb0N and http://pastebin.com/LRWvyDDV06:27
ilovefairuzCrell: this is about the DirectoryIndex directive06:30
=== Crell is now known as CrellAwaaay
* CrellAwaaay wanders off.06:32
ilovefairuzCrellAwaaay: add index.php to its list06:34
Legendary_BiboDoes anyone know how to get a USB flash drive to recognized by WinXP in a virtual box on Ubuntu 10.04 with the non open source version?06:35
HBSChas anyone here got starcraft2 running in wine?06:37
bullgard4What console or ncurses based Jabber clients does Ubuntu offer?06:37
rwwbullgard4: finch and centerim06:38
Legendary_BiboHPSC: yeah06:38
rkjhello, can anyone tell me how to get a listing of all the packages installed on my system (via the command line)?06:39
bullgard4rww: I will have a look at them. --  Thank you vor your help.06:39
rwwrkj: dpkg -l06:39
rkjrww thanks a million06:40
dodecanesandipkg install smell06:40
Legendary_Biborkj: you could go into synaptic and reorder it to show you everything that's installed06:40
Legendary_BiboDoes anyone know how to get a USB flash drive to recognized by WinXP in a virtual box on Ubuntu 10.04 with the non open source version?06:40
bullgard4Legendary_Bibo: How can you re-order Synaptic's output?06:41
RaptorsHey guys06:41
dodecanesandi'm a doctor not a programmer06:42
RaptorsIs there a way to block a program from getting internet access?06:42
Mr_Sonomawhere does fetchmail put mail messages? what folder?06:42
Legendary_Bibobullgard4: There's buttons on the top, you just click on the one of the far left06:42
Legendary_BiboRaptors: firewall settings06:42
bullgard4Raptors: There are several. Depends on your special program and other constraints of your situation and desires.06:43
Legendary_BiboDoes anyone know how to get a USB flash drive to recognized by WinXP in a virtual box on Ubuntu 10.04 with the non open source version?06:43
RaptorsI want to use a SCII crack but I need to block SC from getting internet access so it doesn't update06:43
UziMonkeyunplug the cable06:44
UziMonkeyeasiest solution..06:44
Legendary_BiboRaptors: We don't condone illegal stuff or whatever06:44
FlannelRaptors: Piracy is offtopic for Freenode, please don't continue this discussion, thanks.06:44
UziMonkeyLegendary_Bibo: cracking isn't illegal06:44
bullgard4Legendary_Bibo: This will not hide packages which are not installed. Sorry.06:44
Legendary_Bibobullgard4: oh that's just what I do, it puts all the packages installed on top in alphabetical order06:45
Raptorsalright :(06:45
Legendary_BiboUziMonkey: it's a grey area06:45
RaptorsSo much for honestly. Say I want to block another program from access internet how would I go about doing it?06:45
Corkcould anyone give me a hint how to use gbus-send with org.freedesktop.Notifications create a Notify OSD bubble?06:46
Legendary_BiboRaptors: do you think we're stupid?06:46
FlannelRaptors: I'd much rather you be honest and purchase the game if you desire to play it.06:46
RaptorsI am going to eventually buy it...06:47
Raptorswell that is all, I guess I'll go read a firewall manual or something\.06:47
starkravingThe last few kernel releases have disabled my wireless. Now because of the new release today, the last one that worked has rolled off of grub. Any way to get it back?06:48
JohnRobe1tdo you think 20GB will be enough for an Ubuntu install?06:50
UziMonkeyit installs from 1 CD, right?06:51
[zz]so I didn't really get a reply before but maybe different people are watching the channel now. I'm having an error where networking seems to suddenly stop (icon disappears from the notification area altogether and internet access ceases to exist). Restarting GDM fixes it, but anyone know what could be causing it and what could end it?06:51
UziMonkeyjust don't go crazy installing all the software in the repository and 20GB should be fine06:51
red2kicJohnRobe1t: 2GB is enough too. The question is -- How much of personal data? :o06:51
JohnRobe1twell I was going to keep personal data on a diff partition06:51
UziMonkeythen you'll be fine06:52
JohnRobe1tI guess it's plenty06:52
red2kicJohnRobe1t: I keep my personal files + media on different HDD. :)06:52
wyrm111_great thing about linux in general; you only have to install what you need, or want :)06:52
UziMonkeygreat thing about windows is it comes with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING :P06:53
UziMonkey(yet Windows 7 wants to take up 20 gigs on install?)06:53
wyrm111_oh i come with a whole slew oh stuff, all crap06:53
JohnRobe1twin7 is alright06:53
JohnRobe1tI use both06:54
rezolutenothing wrong with win706:54
rezoluteI'm in it now06:54
JohnRobe1tused linux soley for about 6 years06:54
JohnRobe1tdecided to try windows again06:54
JohnRobe1tbottom line is all OSes suck really06:54
UziMonkeysame here, it's great.  It just like to eat hard drive space for breakfast, lunch and dinner.06:54
wyrm111_...oh. sorry. work?06:54
JohnRobe1tif they all joined forces to make one ultimate OS I'm sure it'd be ok06:54
rezolute20gig is nothing when you have multiple TB hard drives for cheap06:54
bytesaberI have ubuntu on partition /dev/sda5.    That partition has a ready working grub in it's first sector.    Without setting up a bootloader in my MBR, is there a cd or something i can use to boot with, so I can trigger the bootloader in /dev/sda5?06:55
UziMonkeytrue, but why should it?  It's my hard drive, I don't want to give most of it to Windows06:55
kc8pxyUziMonkey:  lol :)06:55
maco_Hey.. I got some questions about installing Ubuntu server.. If I install Ubuntu Server, it connects to the internet automatically? Because Server doesnt have X environmnent, what should I do if it doesnt connect to internet, to install pakages?06:56
Jordan_Ubytesaber: Super GRUB2 Disk will allow you to do this (though it will by default load the core.img from the filesystem rather than chainloading from the partition, which is good as a bootloader installed to a partition is unreliable).06:56
Jordan_Umaco_: Is it a headless server? If not then you will still have a terminal interface with the keyboard and screen.06:58
bytesaberwhy is a bootloader in a partition unreliable?06:58
kc8pxyok,  this is getting stupidly annoying..     how do i track down what's crashing all my apps? youtube crashed firefox, randowmly my notifications panel is crashing,   show desktop just crashed,   and randomly,  my xserver keeps crashing, which dumps me back to the login screen.    how do i start tracking the culprit?   it was working till i installed the updates the update manager recommended.06:58
maco_Jordan_U Sorry, I speak spanish.. What do u mean 'headless server'? and.. Yes, I have the terminal, but it connects automatically to the eth0?06:59
Jordan_Ubytesaber: You can't fit enough code into one sector to read from the filesystem, so you need to use blocklists instead. But filesystems don't make any guarantee that these blocklists will remain valid.06:59
Jordan_Umaco_: Maybe you should ask in #ubuntu-es.07:00
kc8pxymaco_:  headless server's normally have no monitor attached,  and sometimes,  not even a video card :)07:00
bytesaberJordan_U, guess i just have the grub in the first sector to boot that partition.   i bumped it into a gpt partition and now i need a way to boot it since rEFIt can't reach it with bios emulatino07:01
Jordan_Ukc8pxy: Have you run memtest to rule out bad RAM?07:01
maco_kc8pxy Yes it has, I just want to know if Ubuntu server, just installed on my pc is going to connect automatically to internet via eth0?07:01
HBSChas anyone here got starcraft2 to run in wine?07:02
kc8pxyJordan_U: not in the last month.  but i test all my machines with memtest before i put them into action.07:02
starkravingIs this the best room to get a wireless card working? It worked 6 kernels ago07:03
molish.-:::::' :::.      .,-:::::/   .::::::. 07:03
molish;;;''''  ;;`;;   ,;;-'````'   ;;;`    ` 07:03
molish[[[,,== ,[[ '[[, [[[   [[[[[[/'[==/[[[[,07:03
molish`$$$"``c$$$cc$$$c"$$c.    "$$   '''    $07:03
molish 888    888   888,`Y8bo,,,o88o 88b    dP07:03
molish "MM,   YMM   ""`   `'YMUP"YMM  "YMmMY" 07:03
FloodBot1molish: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:03
maco_I can not connect to Ubuntu-es :S07:03
Jordan_Ubytesaber: Create a BIOS boot partition then install grub to the MBR.07:03
molish :::         ...      :::     07:03
molish ;;;      .;;;;;;;.   ;;;     07:03
molish [[[     ,[[     \[[, [[[     07:03
molish $$'     $$$,     $$$ $$'     07:03
molisho88oo,.__"888,_ _,88Po88oo,.__07:03
molish""""YUMMM  "YMMMMMP" """"YUMMM07:03
Jordan_U!ops | molish07:03
ubottumolish: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!07:03
molish-graffiti lol07:03
Jordan_Ubytesaber: http://grub.enbug.org/BIOS_Boot_Partition07:04
bytesaberthere a way i can clear the code in the MBr after?07:05
Jordan_Ubytesaber: Why?07:06
bytesaberlike dd if=/dev/zero and of it somewhere?07:06
bytesaberi'm experimenting with efi stuff.   playing around.07:06
maco_Could you tell me please? Ubuntu Server just installed is going to connect automatically to eht0?07:06
maco_I cant get help on Ubuntu-es :S07:06
starkravingCan anyone help get a wireless card working? It worked 6 kernels ago07:07
starkravingDell Inspiron 6400, Broadcom BCM432807:07
harlanis it just me or are there lots of choices/opinions on how an LVM system should be set up?07:09
Jordan_Ustarkraving: How did you get it working in the first place?07:10
starkravingIt used to work, even in 9.10. Then there was a kernel release and it stopped working, I'd have to use grub to choose the second kernel down07:10
iflemastarkraving try the STA driver under the hardware drivers gui, IF its not listed install the bcmwl-kernel-source package07:10
rwwubottu: bcm43xx07:11
starkravingNow that the latest kernel was released, the one kernel that my wireless card worked under has rolled off of grub07:11
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx07:11
StuckMojoanyone every tried to or figured out a way to set up a service ip that will automagically move between eth0 and wan0 depending one whether your laptop is docked or not?07:11
starkravingI have the STA driver07:11
rwwstarkraving: how did you install it?07:11
tripleb-mircQuestion. I have windows on a HD. I have a new HD and am going to put Ubuntu on it. At what point do I set up grub to give me a choice of OS when I boot?07:11
StuckMojoso you can ssh in from your desktop and have the connections stay live when you undock?07:11
Jordan_Ubytesaber: "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda count=1 bs=440" But dd can be extremely dangerous and I am in no way liable if you accidentily destroy your partition table and lose all your data.07:12
Jordan_Utripleb-mirc: It's done automagically.07:12
iflemastarkraving how did you install the driver? The hardware drivers gui?07:12
starkravingIt shows up in my hardware packages, but it's not activated. It's currently set to use the "Broadcom B43 wireless driver"07:14
iflemastarkraving thats the problem....07:14
starkravingI just activated it. I did try that before though, same problem.07:14
starkravingI just activated it, do I need to reboot to try it?07:14
bytesaberJordan_U, I've done bs=446 to clear a boot sector of a ext3 partition.   never have tried zeroing out a MBR.   too scare of wiping the partition table.    I might give it a try tho >: )07:14
starkravingI have the command line open07:14
bytesaberworks fine for erasing grub or lilo from ext2,3,4 partitions.07:15
bytesabertried the same on a NTFS partition, i ended up messing up the partition.   Not sure what 446 bit NTFS.07:15
iflemastarkraving in terminal      sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl  then do sudo modprobe wl07:15
=== Pupuser402 is now known as mysteriousdarren
starkravingFATAL: Module ssb is in use.07:16
bytesabernot sure why 446 broke or (bit too much off) of the NTFS partiton.    Was thinking the first 446 bytes was standard.07:16
starkravingHardware drivers is saying I need to reboot to activate it, guess that's my answer :/07:17
iflemastarkraving restart it.....07:17
starkraving@iflema, thanks, brb07:17
bytesaberthank you Jordan_U07:18
Jordan_Ubytesaber: You're welcome.07:18
silv3r_m00nI need an application to view hardware information07:20
silv3r_m00nplease suggest a few07:20
bytesabersilv3r_m00n, have you run lspci ?07:21
bytesaberis that info what you're looking for?07:21
bytesabermight have to say sudo07:21
silv3r_m00nok I remember hardinfo was good07:22
starkravingOkay, I rebooted, and now Hardware Drivers says the STA driver is activated but not in use. The line sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl still errors with FATAL: ssb is in use07:24
iflemastarkraving thase last two commands where to prevent a reboot only... BCM4328 you say, im thinking bcm4321, in a terminal     lspci -vvnn | grep 14e407:26
nikolamhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu does not return search results now. I am getting timeout errors.07:26
rwwnikolam: works fine here07:27
starkravingBroadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n [14e4:4328] (rev 01)07:27
iflemastarkraving good one..... hangon07:28
Crash1hdhey all ok so I ran gnome-panel in xterminal in xming and now my ubuntu desktop gnome-panel has dissapeared and doesnt seem to want to reappear even on reboot?07:28
nikolamfww enter firefox in the search07:28
starkravingThe other hardware driver I added was the one that uses fwcutter07:28
Karen_mwhen you run AWN, I also have the tabs on the bottom.. how do i disable the other tabs, or is there a way to combo AWN in better?07:28
Crash1hdhow do I get my customized gnome-panel back?07:28
nikolamrww, do zou get results on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu when you enter "firefox" to search?07:29
starkravingBroadcom B43 wireless driver was what I used to use back when it worked :/07:29
iflemastarkraving STA is the one for you I think not positive!?!?!?!?!?07:29
nikolamrww, ?07:30
starkravingRight now Hardware Drivers says STA is 'activated but not in use'. Any way to force it to be in use?07:30
rwwnikolam: nope07:31
rwwnikolam: or, to be less ambiguous, yes I get timeouts when I use that search thing07:32
nikolamrww, so https://launchpad.net/ubuntu does not return search results for some search package names. like firefox.07:32
dhruvasagarHi, I don't get the grub menu list while booting, I have only Ubuntu installed, but I have several kernels & there are times I would like to go to the recovery console, what do I need to do to get the menu at startup ?07:32
nikolamok, thanks rww07:32
rwwdhruvasagar: hold down shift07:33
dhruvasagarrww: that's it ?07:33
Karen_mHow do I disable the bottom tab if I enable AWN?07:33
rwwdhruvasagar: yes. technically you only need to do it when GRUB's loading, but I just hold it down from when the computer first powers on.07:34
pradeepdhruvasagar, i think it has to do with the timing grub has07:34
iflemastarkraving did your ethernet card show aswell in the lspci output or just the wireless card?07:34
nikolamdhruvasagar, I have something called "login screen settings" in a system menu for setting up timeout upon boot.07:34
starkravingIf I do lspci with no arguments they both come up07:34
dhruvasagarpradeep: what timing, I see the bios + post, then a blank screen and then after sometime I get the Ubuntu splash screen...no grub at all07:35
iflemastarkraving ok, so no....07:35
dhruvasagarnikolam: oO i'll look at that07:35
=== Jackson is now known as Guest53082
dhruvasagarthanks a lot rww pradeep nikolam07:35
rwwnikolam, dhruvasager: login screen settings is the timeout for autologin in GDM, it has nothing to do with GRUB07:35
KE1HAdhruvasagar, right when you see the Linux .. .. .. hit and hold the Shift Key, should bring up the Grub menu.07:35
nikolamdhruvasagar, sry, that is, like , for setting X login screen, not for grub. I see now.07:35
Guest53082hi guys.I have a small problem.Hope someone can help me?07:35
nikolamrww, yes, my mistake07:36
starkravingThe weird thing is that with the settings I had before, using the B43 driver, it worked even in 10.04. Then they started updating the kernels and it stopped working07:37
Guest53082what can cause a client to see the server one day then the next day not, yet nothing has been changed.07:37
nibbler__Guest53082, this is WAY to few information, network topology in between? WHO claims nothing has changed? seen by what protocol, can you ping?07:38
Guest53082my client machines cant see the server anymore.07:39
iflemastarkraving the chipset 14e4:4328 is supported by b43 but no mention of card type bcm4328 being supported07:40
iflemastarkraving have you tried posting on the ubuntu forumns07:41
starkravingNot posting new no, I've read them but everything is ancient07:42
KE1HAGuest53082, what services were you using that allowed the clients to see the server initially, and is that service still running ?07:42
Guest53082samba only07:42
starkravingEven the official help page is ancient07:42
skor_when I boot the 10.04 live cd the screen goes black but the welcome music plays.  I'm assuming the nvidia graphics card is the culprit.  Is there a way to work around this ?07:42
starkravingThe one that ubuntubot mentioned above :)07:42
KE1HAThat's where you should start, check that its still running ro somethign hasn't changed there.07:42
SJrI'm trying to encode into h264, but for some reason I can't seem to get ffmpeg to realize that it can encode to it.07:42
skor_this is a power pc box if that makes any difference07:42
Guest53082l check to make sure that nothing had changed there and all is in order there07:43
nikolamdhruvasagar, there is a timeout setting in  /etc/grub.d/00_header , as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub207:43
starkravingSo, I'm left with somehow getting the old kernel to show up in grub, do you know if that's possible at least?07:43
matrix_how can i use static ip07:43
matrix_on ubuntu07:43
matrix_and static dns name ?07:43
FloodBot1matrix_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:43
dhruvasagarnikolam: hm07:43
KE1HAGuest53082, then restart samba and see if the clients are able to see the server.07:43
iflemastarkraving is the old kernel listed in synaptic? i gotta step out, but now im curious, ima gonna look into it a little later07:44
livingdaylightgreetings ooboonteros07:44
Guest53082k will try that as l did try rebooting the server and that didn't work07:44
demoneyeMaRK-I: you around by chance?07:44
KE1HAGuest53082, or better yet, sudo /etc/init.d/samba status first.07:44
livingdaylightI have 8year old child. Can you recommend some linux games? No, not frozen bubble - thank you07:44
skor_tuxracer if it still exists07:45
sp4zworld of warcraft07:45
Guest53082k will try that07:45
psycho_oreosit is07:45
sacarlson matrix_:  modify the /etc/network/interfaces file07:45
psycho_oreosther's also gltron07:45
matrix_can you show me example07:45
nikolamdhruvasagar, and yes, there it startup manager, I was thinking on that: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StartUpManager07:46
demoneyeMy ubuntu 10.04 stoped working this morning. It keeps getting stuck at the login part, where the purple blackground Ubuntu logo is.. so I re-install ubuntu. My problem is with xorg. i forgot where is that located.. /etc/xorg??07:46
KE1HAGuest53082, if your server install is solid, rarely should you have to restart the whole server, only the services that reside on it. If your having to restart the server all the time, somethign is nto right on the build fer sure.07:46
sacarlsonmatrix_: iface eth0 inet static07:46
sacarlsonmatrix_:  there are examples in the comments in the file07:46
bet0xhello all07:47
HBSChas anyone here got starcraft2 to run in wine?07:47
bet0xi have an ACER 5551-4873 wich has after installation (10.04) only ethernet up and no wireless, how or where i can get my driver?07:47
Guest53082that command gave me comes back telling me that no such file or directtory07:47
sacarlsonmatrix_: for the DNS you need to modify /etc/resolv.conf  file07:47
KE1HAlol .. thought u were HSBC fer a minute, :-) thought the banks were after us :-)07:48
Guest53082that was the first time l have restarted it07:48
KE1HAGuest53082, do a ps -A | grep smbd07:49
livingdaylight I have 8year old child. Can you recommend some linux games? No, not frozen bubble - thank you07:49
KE1HAor ps -aux | grep ambd07:49
macolivingdaylight: have you looked at the games included in edubuntu?07:50
Guest53082  876 ?        00:00:00 smbd07:50
Guest53082  910 ?        00:00:00 smbd07:50
Guest53082that is what l get07:50
macolivingdaylight: a whole bunch of educational games are in there07:50
Noob123When I resume from suspend on Ubuntu 10.0.4 with kernel 2.6.32-24  keyboard does not respond after attempting to resume.  I see console login screen, but keyboard does not respond.  I have HP M7760A which has the Phoenix Award BIOS rev. 5.10 and Geforce 7300 GT graphics card.  How to resolve?07:50
nikolamdhruvasagar, I think that "show boot splash" is what you were looking for, in that GUI07:50
livingdaylightmaco,  i have regular ubuntu - but not looking for games for babies or 'educational' games. Proper fun games07:51
macolivingdaylight: battle for wesnoth?07:51
KE1HAGuest53082, hold on a sec.07:51
LateNightCreeperhey everyone.... it's 03:50am down here at the moment..... my eyes are melting.... and i cannot get away this driver related problem ;(07:51
livingdaylightmaco, is it good, it works?07:51
bet0xi have an ACER 5551-4873 wich has after installation (10.04) only ethernet up and no wireless, how or where i can get my driver?07:51
livingdaylightI think I tried once and nothing happened. but that was a laptop07:51
macolivingdaylight: yeah its one of those games where you have soldiers and try to build up a fort and take turns attacking07:52
KE1HAGuest53082, just try "sudo restart smbd" and see if that lets you restart.07:52
macolivingdaylight: like Age of Empire, i think?  or Civilizations?07:52
tensorpuddingbattle for wesnoth is probably too hard for an 8 year old07:52
LateNightCreeperit's an Intel 82587DC... I cannot get the network to work.....07:53
Guest53082smbd start/running, process 3745. that is what l get07:53
macotensorpudding: i dont think so. i remember playing it at my younger cousins' house when i was 1007:53
macotensorpudding: er i mean playing the microsoft equivalents :P07:53
macolivingdaylight: frets on fire is another fun one, its like guitar hero07:53
tensorpuddingwesnoth has a microsoft equivalent?07:53
KE1HAGuest53082, didit shut down first, then restart ?07:53
Guest53082nope it just gave me that07:53
livingdaylighti will hav e a look, thx mac07:54
livingdaylight* maco07:54
KE1HAGuest53082, ok: sudo smdb stop    then    sudo smdb start07:54
macolivingdaylight: gnome-mahjongg as well maybe?07:54
macotensorpudding: remember "Civilization"?07:55
tensorpuddingCivilization wasn't Microsoft.07:56
macotensorpudding: it was for windows...07:56
Guest53082is it smbd or smdb?07:56
tensorpuddingIt was made by MicroProse, and available on quite a number of platforms07:56
macotensorpudding: i think ms owned Age of Empires though, which is also similar07:56
KE1HASMBD .. sri07:56
bet0xmaco may you help me? you are a ubuntu team member right?07:56
tensorpuddingAge of Empires is RTS, right?07:57
macolivingdaylight: the usual solitaire, minesweeper, etc. stuff is available in gnome-games package07:57
Guest53082k I did it but it didn't give me anything07:57
livingdaylightmaco, yea, they're crap and boring07:57
KE1HAGuest53082, also, are these windows machines that are connecting to the server or Linux ?07:57
macolivingdaylight: fair enough07:57
livingdaylightmaco, something along empire civilization etc07:57
macolivingdaylight: oh, tuxracer is fun07:57
Guest53082they are window machines connecting to my ubuntu server07:57
macolivingdaylight: supertux is like mario and supertuxkart is like mario kart as well07:58
KE1HAGuest53082, this does not sound like you have Samba installed properly, how did you install Samba ?07:58
tensorpuddingWesnoth is also hextile based, which was not terribly common07:58
Guest53082I installed it through the terminal07:58
Guest53082l found it on the fourms07:59
KE1HAdid you install smbfs also ?07:59
Guest53082no only the sambe07:59
Guest53082mean samba07:59
KE1HAGuest53082, Have a read of this pse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently08:00
Guest53082k will do08:00
bet0xim ignred :/08:00
SwedeMikehm, mdadm 3.1.3 released. I really like:08:01
SwedeMike   -    "mdadm /dev/mdX --re-add missing" will look for any device08:01
SwedeMike        that looks like it should be a member of /dev/mdX but isn't08:01
SwedeMike        and will automatically --re-add it08:01
FloodBot1SwedeMike: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:01
SwedeMikeoh, wrong channel, sorry08:01
macolivingdaylight: neverball and neverputt are fun, and opencity is like sim city08:02
livingdaylightmaco, cheers08:03
KE1HAGuest53082, Also: you probably need to edit your smb.conf file: Here's some hints on doing that: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150226508:03
IdleOneneverputt is dangerous, gave me motion sickness08:03
macoIdleOne: haha. i remember taking the Open CD into work and the danger was my coworkers forgetting to work while they played neverputt08:04
Guest53082l do have the smbfs installed08:04
bet0xany here with 5 minutes for an wifi issue?08:06
bazhangbet0x, ask the channel08:06
bet0xi have an ACER 5551-4873 wich has after installation (10.04) only ethernet up and no wireless, how or where i can get my driver?08:06
bet0xi did08:06
KE1HAGuest53082, then you need to sort out the settings in your smb.conf file.08:06
bazhangbet0x, lspci in terminal08:06
KE1HAassuming of course, Samba service are running.08:07
bazhang!pastebin | bet0x08:07
ubottubet0x: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:07
bet0xthis may hhelp http://pastebin.com/2mk1m0kL08:07
toaderhi, could anybody help me here? thanks http://dpaste.com/225533/08:07
Guest53082lm busy looking in there thx.I will let you know iflcome right08:07
KE1HAGuest53082, Here's the Full Ubuntu Saba Setup. it's long, but well worth the read:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba08:08
=== chrowe_ is now known as chrowe
bet0xbazhang, is weird, because i can see the name of the wifi card but doesnt work, wich leads to my question, why not work if is "present" ?08:08
Guest53082thx will go through that also08:08
bazhangbet0x, could you tell me wireless chipset or pastebin lspci please08:08
KE1HAGuest53082, it explains how to setup Linux to Linux shares, Linux to Windows Shares, and Windows to Linux shares, your choice :-)08:09
toaderhi, could anybody help me here? thanks http://dpaste.com/225533/08:09
bet0xbazhang, http://pastebin.com/7H16MSE608:10
demoneyeIf I made a change to xorg.conf (changing resoloutions), the next time I restart will there be a possiblity of my Ubuntu start-up screen crashing?08:10
bazhang08:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Device 4357 (rev 01) bet0x /msg ubottu broadcom for info on how to get it going08:10
bet0xbazhang, thanks08:11
=== lag is now known as tjmjigtx
=== root is now known as Guest5853
IdleOneGuest5853: please stop08:14
rocket16lol another troll, :D08:14
YioamaWho's the troll?08:14
=== tjmjigtx is now known as lag
bet0xIdleOne, not so idle :D08:15
Guest53082sorry bout that08:15
rocket16Yioama: Guest5853, :)08:15
YioamaHow predictable.08:15
Guest53082have my keyboard on my lap while lm trying to fix me ubuntu server08:15
YioamaHi, my name's Jerry and I'm Nigerian- could I interest you in a sale? [joke]08:16
IdleOneGuest53082: is that why you are sending me DCC with the nick you just quit?08:16
Guest53082must have had my elbow on the keyboard.Im really sorry08:16
KrishnanduHi friends...!! Can you please suggest me a IDE for C/C++ please08:16
Guest53082l haven't quit lm still here08:17
rocket16Krishnandu: Codelite, Geany or Codeblock. But Eclipse is a nice one too,08:17
IdleOneGuest53082: make sure you read those links I sent.08:17
rocket16Krishnandu: I am from India too. Glad to see more Indians coming here, :)08:17
Krishnandurocket16, just one buddy..!! so which one would be the best??08:17
Guest53082lm reading them right now thx08:17
bet0xKrishnandu, eclipse08:17
Krishnandurocket16, hehe :)08:17
Krishnandubet0x, okies..!!08:18
KrishnanduAnd any alternative for dreamweaver??08:18
rocket16Krishnandu: In my opinion, Codeblock is the best, if you want full functionality. For GUIs, Anjuta is the best, and if you want a light IDE, use Geany.08:18
KrishnanduI'm using netbeans for Java08:18
livingdaylightcan someone tell me about freeciv? I see gtk and sdl and other versions in synaptic. Which one one do I need? I'm running ooboontoo 10.4 gnome08:18
YioamaIs anonymous advice bad? You could be assisting a terrorist operative! =O08:18
Krishnandurocket16, okies....something alternative to dreamweaver?? I'm using Netbeans for Java08:19
YioamaOr an immoral ninja, nevertheless...08:19
bet0xKrishnandu, Aptana is the best i think08:19
rwwYioama: you may find #ubuntu-offtopic more receptive to your humor (:08:20
YioamaTrue, true.08:20
rocket16livingdaylight: You can get the Java version, which works on any system.08:20
=== niki77 is now known as nikola77
Krishnandubet0x, okies...!! Thanks..!! I want code suggestion as in netbeans and deamweaver so does the IDE's you mentioned supports that???08:20
livingdaylightrocket16, ?08:21
pradeepGood morning all08:21
bet0xKrishnandu, yes, check it08:21
rocket16Krishnandu: I agree with bet0x, also Quanta plus is another good option.08:21
livingdaylightrocket16, freeciv java version? I don't see it in repos08:21
Krishnandubet0x, rocket16, thanks both of you :)08:21
rocket16livingdaylight: It can be downloaded from the site. Also, use Software manager to install Freeciv with more ease.08:22
rocket16Krishnandu: Our pleasure,08:22
rocket16Krishnandu: Also, you can check this link: http://www.osalt.com/dreamweaver08:22
Krishnandurocket16, heheh..!! So where are you from??08:23
Krishnandurocket16, thanks 4 the link08:23
rocket16Krishnandu: Kolkata, West Bengal.08:23
rocket16Krishnandu: My pleasure.08:23
Krishnandurocket16, but i saw that earlier also, but was not sure which one would be the best08:23
Krishnandurocket16, wow...I'm also from kolkata, so where in kolkata??08:23
bazhang!ot | Krishnandu08:24
ubottuKrishnandu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:24
rocket16Krishnandu: I see. I think Aptana is the best choice.08:24
Krishnandurocket16, okies08:24
scoopexi would like to automate the installation of ubuntu desktops. how can i load a preseed file from usb stick or how can i put a alternate installer on a usb stick?08:25
scoopexi would like to automate the installation of ubuntu desktops. how can i load a preseed file from usb stick or how can i put a alternate installer on a usb stick?08:25
bazhang!automate > scoopex08:25
ubottuscoopex, please see my private message08:25
Guest53082what is samba4?08:26
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.08:26
Guest53082but l had samba already installed.when l typed samba restart it told me its not installed but mentioned samba408:27
=== Yioama is now known as SaintRoger
Guest53082or did l use the wrong command?08:27
IdleOnesudo service samba restart maybe08:27
demoneyecan some help me. I changed my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.. but no changes in Systems > Preference > Monitor.. I'm stuck with 800x400 :( - I log out and restared X the same08:28
Guest53082l will have to wait as its busy installing samba408:28
demoneyemy settings xorg.conf: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/aKz6mPwZ08:28
=== KB1JWQ is now known as PancakeStaffer
Guest53082how can l change my name?08:29
SWFu64Can anyone tell me what the latest tool like unetbootin is called which can create persitent live installs on USB?08:30
rocket16Guest53082: You mean, your nickname?08:30
rwwGuest53082: type /nick newnicknamehere08:31
rwwSWFu64: usb-creator-gtk is the one that comes with Ubuntu08:31
SWFu64Theres another08:31
Guest53082think l need to first register my name08:31
rocket16Guest53082: Type: /nick newnickname (where newnickname is your new name).08:31
=== ryaxnb is now known as mrsin
=== mrsin is now known as MrSin
roaddoggwhats the best c++ IDE in ubuntu08:32
rocket16!best | roaddogg08:32
ubotturoaddogg: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.08:32
KE1HAwe just went through this IDE thing a minute ago.08:33
roaddoggi dont know of any08:33
roaddoggi just started using linux today08:33
KE1HAroaddogg, from the posts above: Codelite, Geany, Codeblock or Eclipse08:34
rocket16roaddogg: No problem. For a light and fast IDE, use Geany. For features, use Codelite or Codeblocks, and for GUI development, use Anjuta.08:35
roaddoggthanks you guys08:35
edakiriroaddogg: Ultimate++08:35
edakiriroaddogg: Eclipse is unreliable, unmaintainable.  Netbeans perhaps.  have not used it for C++ yet.  It has the most intelligent symbol tracking for C++ (uses debugging symbols)08:36
demoneyeDo I need to install something eles for Xorg to work? Looks like it/s not reading my config08:37
edakiriroaddogg: U++ http://www.ultimatepp.org/ .  geany is a lightweight option.  only tracks symbols of currently loaded files.  doxygen you want in any case.  is not an IDE08:37
roaddoggedakiri, thanks ill check those out too08:38
panfistis it possible to change the default gnome settings for a new user to match my current settings?08:40
minimecdemoneye: Do you know what GPU you have? --> 'lspci | grep VGA' in a console.08:42
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN08:43
=== MrSin is now known as ryaxnb
bet0xsomething is wrong with apt on ubuntu, that tool suggest "app" wich is not present on the repo lolz08:45
=== SaintRoger is now known as RidingaPython
PancakeStafferbet0x: Aptitude is your friend.08:45
bet0xaptitude or apt08:45
bet0xPancakeStaffer, what is the diff?08:46
PancakeStafferbet0x: http://pthree.org/2007/08/12/aptitude-vs-apt-get/08:48
ianwizardI need to install windows (XP) from a usb flash drive, easy if I already had windows, but I don't, I have Ubuntu.08:50
minimecbet0x: aptitude came after apt, is said to be default on debian (even if most of the debian users still use apt, and has a somehow pleasant console interface, but no GTK/QT interface. You can use both. I use aptitude to resolve some problems ...08:50
=== PancakeStaffer is now known as KB1JWQ
minimecianwizard: Would you be able to start the windows installer of the flasdrive yia the boot-menu?08:51
minimecianwizard: ... of your computer08:52
minimecianwizard: Is that Ubuntu install taking all available space of the harddrive?08:53
bet0xhum aptitude looks nicer, has same opts in 1 file no need to remember apt-that or apt-this08:55
KE1HAAi asked over in bugs, but nobody home is seems; anyone seeing problems with seahorse-2.3.0 (Encryption Key Manager)? Takes for ever to generate 2048 Keys, and there a serious lag before they show using gpg --fingerprint08:55
Awwimhow to?08:55
fariadanteswhat's the best programming language for a wanna-be programmer to learn?08:56
oCean_fariadantes: better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic08:57
KE1HAc/c++ but that's a bit OT :-)08:57
acke-fariadantes: you could try a script language like python08:57
fariadantesthanks, i thought megan fox would be OT : )08:58
kisukewhat is the ppa for new kernal versions?08:58
minimecfariadantes: To be honest... Start with Vala/Genie. Simple and gives you some C code. Vala seems to be the new star in the Gnome/GTK community...08:59
kisuke!jp | fjb1208:59
ubottufjb12: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい08:59
psycho_oreos!cn | fjb1208:59
ubottufjb12: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:59
dinevhi, everybody.  does anybody know why gdm login manager does not show the "hibernate" option when i click on the small red button to the right?  there are options to suspend, restart and shutdown the system, but no hibernation.  a hibernation option is situated on power-manager, but i'd like it to appear when clicking on the red button. does anybody know how to achieve this?09:01
bet0xhow i detect my webcam on ubuntu?09:01
rhettI have ubuntu 9.10 I think.  My iphone doesn't work with it.  I just plugged it into a 10.04 machine though and it worked.  What do I need to make that happen on the 9 machine?09:03
minimecbet0x: on a console: unplug the cam (if possible), plug it in again and look how it is recognized by the system typing 'dmesg' in a console. Check the last 5 lines or so.09:04
SwedeMikerhett: upgrade it? http://www.zdnet.com/blog/hardware/ubuntu-1004-now-with-iphoneipod-touch-support/750209:04
bet0xminimec, ignore my question, my webcam (i hate a notebook) is working properly, no configuration needed, tested on cheese :D thanks :D09:05
minimecbet0x: Also you can check 'lsusb'. That should give you a list of all USB devices (internal cams are normally shown as USB devices)09:05
rhettSwedeMike, how do I upgrade it?09:05
minimecbet0x: np ;)09:05
hotstewWhy is Ubuntu so awesome? o.O09:05
hotstewIt transformed my Pentium D into an i709:05
rhettcan't I just upgrade rythmbox?09:06
SwedeMikerhett: just go into upgrade manager and it'll have offer to upgrade to 10.0409:06
SwedeMikerhett: ubuntu does things by release, older releases only get bugfixes, not new features.09:07
rhettany chance it will screw up my system, SwedeMike ?09:07
minimecrhett: If you open the software synaptic in the *System*Administration menu, it should indicate you the possibility to upgrade.09:07
SwedeMikerhett: there is always a risk.09:07
kisukerhett, i suggest you back up your /home directory before you upgrade09:07
rhettminimec, I see the upgrade offer, what's the likelyhood?09:07
minimecrhett: What kind of GPU you have in that computer?09:08
hsimpabuenos dias ...09:08
rhettI have an ati09:08
rhetthmm yeah, it's touchy09:08
rhetti better not mess with that, is there a less risky way to just upgrade the iphone part?09:08
hsimpaalguien me puede  ayudar a solucionar un serio problema con  mi tarjeta broadcom BCM4311?09:08
knoppiesrhett, I have had issues upgrading before, I recommend a complete fresh install. The OS still worked, but programs bugged out.09:08
minimecrhett: Are you uing the property driver from ATI or the general opensource ATI driver?09:08
rhettyeah, i just want to upgrade rythm box or something09:08
SwedeMikerhett: not anything that is easily done or which someone can help you step-by-step with in here.09:08
oCean_!es | hsimpa09:09
ubottuhsimpa: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:09
rhettoy, i was in ati hell for a long time, I don't even remember09:09
hsimpahelp broadcom Bcm 431109:09
ianwizardIs there a way that I can strip an indavidual partition out of an img file09:09
rhettso, I can't just upgrade rythmm box?09:09
minimecrhett: ATI cards use KMS settings in 10.04 (OpenSource driver). They should normally work without problems...09:10
minimecrhett: I guess you can try the upgrade.09:10
SwedeMikerhett: you CAN, but it's not easy and it's not recommended. You'd have to manually compile it yourself and it might depend on other things and you might break things.09:10
rhettminimec, I can't risk possibly messing up this computer with an os upgrade at the moment09:10
rhettoh, i'd need to compile rythmbox from source ?09:11
hotstewI get that people cleaned up the menues and that not every graphical customization is shown in settings.09:11
rhettoh well, maybe I'll work out how to do a fresh install on this machine09:11
hotstewStill, I don't get why it's so hard to change anything concerning that.09:11
minimecrhett: Other possibility is to check the hardware with a live CD, befoe the upgrade. You would also be able to use the Iphone via that live CD.09:11
hotstewLike GDM themes or the mouse cursor...09:12
rhettok, thanks guys09:12
rhettthe iphone support is great09:12
oCean_hotstew: remember, this is not really a discussion channel. Technical support issues only. For discussion feel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic09:12
rhetti thought steve jobs would never let me use my stupid closed device09:12
ekai125hi.. why i've lag when play 720p movie? i don't have this problem when in xp09:12
hotstewyeah, but where can I change these settings now?09:13
knoppiesekai125, I would guess that its video drivers, but Im no expert.09:13
minimecrhett: As long you're not talking about flash... *rofl*09:13
hotstewLooking at forums, people generally think it's all just gone.09:13
kisukeekai125, the codecs ubuntu uses arent as optimised as they are on windows09:13
ekai125so how do i solved this problem?09:13
kisukeekai125, have you tried the medi buntu drivers?09:14
ekai125no, i don't09:14
kisukeekai125, try http://medibuntu.org and see how that works09:15
somethingintereshi all, I have an HDAV1.3 Deluxe soundcard supposedly supported in the linux kernel version standarding in Lucid 10.4. Unfortunately Ubuntu doesn't detect it. Advice?09:15
ekai125ok thanks09:15
EvaZqi have a problem with ubuntu 10.04 running on my acer laptop, when i close the display of my laptop ubuntu gets sleep and never wake up even if i touch te power button09:17
EvaZqany idea ?09:17
knoppiesEvaZq, then you want to turn sleep on lid off.09:17
bet0xpidgin support video chat?09:18
minimecEvaZq: That is a combination of two things. First. Looks like the 'power save' settings are set to send the laptop in 'sleep mode' when closing it. You can change that in the power settings. 2nd: It looks like your computer cannot handle 'suspend' correctly. Often that is a GPU thing.09:19
kyle_i'm running Windows7 32-bit on a x64 CPU. Wanted to install Win2008Svr x64 in vbox. is this possible or do i need my host OS to be x64 ? (vbox question) - vbox IRC noone around ;(09:19
brandon420kyle: i dont see why that would be a problem09:19
knoppieskyle_, I think it is possible on some 32 bit hosts, but not sure about 32bit windows.09:19
EvaZqminimec i also think that is something about my GPU09:20
EvaZqbecuase i can not change the brightness of my screen09:20
brandon420but seeing as you dont have a duo core processor its going to run slowly09:20
kyle_error: VT-x/AMD-V hardware accleration has been enabled, but is not operational09:20
brandon420there is a app for that evazq09:20
minimecEvaZq: I guess that you use any 'property driver' from ATi/Nvidia, as the opensource drivers normally handle 'suspend' correctly now.09:20
EvaZqactually i have an integrated INTEL video card09:21
EvaZqand i am using the video drivers that came with te distribution i think09:21
brandon420your doomed09:21
Guest53082lm really lost with this ubuntu server problem lm having09:21
brandon420why not just get a 32 bit of server?09:22
minimecEvaZq: Ok. I heared, that Intel GPU'ss are tricky on 10.04... But I am not using any Intel GPU. You could try to set the KMS settings to '0'09:22
=== dinev is now known as pinka
Guest53082have you any idea how expensive a windows server software is?09:22
brandon420guest, do you know what a torrent is?09:23
Guest53082yes but don't like using them09:23
kad__hey need help how i can install the : libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: i got error when i install a package i need those09:23
EvaZqwhat is KMS ?09:23
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Guest53082and it will take to long to download09:23
brandon420why not get ubuntu server 32 bit?09:23
Guest53082what is the difference between the ubuntu 32bit and the 64bit?09:24
SiNUXnickserv identify jackkills09:24
gomeIt's usually 64bit server.09:24
EvaZqubuntu 9.10 works fine to me it's there any chance to install those old drivers ?09:24
oCean_SiNUX: oops!09:24
oCean_SiNUX: better change your password now09:24
Guest53082lm running the ubuntu 10.04 64 bit version09:25
SiNUXyes i"m going to do that09:25
minimecEva KMS stands for KernelModeSettings... You can decide if the GPU driver should use KMS or not by creating a file in /etc/modprobe.d/intel.conf with the following content: options intel modeset=009:25
EvaZqminimec is there a chance to install old distro drivers on lucid ?09:25
ekai125why i always received this msg "package architecture (i386) does not match system " when i want to install new app09:25
minimecEvaZq: I would not recommend that!09:26
SwedeMikeekai125: because you're trying to install 386 binaries on an amd64 system or the other way around?09:26
trojan_spikeekai125, 32bit o.s trying for 64bit software//09:26
minimecEvaZq: You could also try to install a newer one via PPA -> xorg-edgers PPA. But I also only recommend that, if you know what you are doing.09:27
ekai125noap.. i've pentium 4 pc09:27
bet0xamsn, the most slow chat client for msn network has video support and the official ones, almost 9 years after doesnt o.O09:27
trojan_spikeu might have added a repo by mistake..09:27
=== matrix_ is now known as matrix
ekai125i assume my dpkg is mess, any way to recovery bad dpkg?09:27
SwedeMikeekai125: 32 bit vs 64 bit os has very little to do with what processor you have.09:28
kad__hey need help how i can install the : libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: i got error when i install a package i need those09:29
ekai125my system 32bit, n i try to install 32bit app. but i always received architecture does not match09:29
Walexekai125: it is could be i386 vs. i686, they are slightly incompatible variants09:30
EvaZqminimec it says that my xserver-xorg-video-intel is in its more updated version so i can not install the one from launchpad.net09:30
trojan_spikekad__, install through package manager.. with the dependencies09:30
RaptorsHey guys is there a way to install 32 bit firefox though repo?09:31
ekai125but other app still have same problem, not only one app. that so weird09:31
minimecEvaZq: Did you add the xorg-edgers ppa to your repository list?09:31
trojan_spikeu just need the right repo ekai12509:31
EvaZqno, i googled it09:32
ianwizardhow can I find out where on a disk a partition starts, (in bytes)09:32
Benkinoobythe ppa fpr fluxbox was updated yesterday. when will the changes in a ppa be transfered to the official fluxbox package?09:32
trojan_spikeBenkinooby, g-parted?09:32
ogunayhi, i'm on ubuntu lucid, is that command works on your system? dpkg –get-selections | grep -E "linux-(header|image).*2.6" | grep -iw install | sort09:32
=== skynet is now known as Guest30724
Benkinoobytrojan_spike, guess you got the wrong guy09:33
ekai125here the result http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/q9XkjD3t09:33
trojan_spikeianwizard, use gparted..09:33
minimecEvaZq: Well... I cannot recommend you the PPA-thing, as I don't know your Ubuntu/Linux skills. I normally don't have any problem using it with my ATI cards. MAybe ask some Intel-gurus on this #channel...09:34
ianwizardtrojan_spike: it's actually not on a disk, it's an image file (I should have been more clear)09:34
trojan_spikeso an image that u want to mount??09:34
mhbmy wireless did'nt work on ubuntu 10.1009:34
Benkinoobymhb tried jockey?09:35
EvaZqminimec wich channel ?09:35
ianwizardtrojan_spike: well, actually I need to carve out the partition with dd into it's own image09:35
ianwizardtrojan_spike: so I need an offset, and length09:35
mhbevazq what you meain09:36
trojan_spikeu should repeat that for all ianwizard more people would have a good say09:36
minimecEvaZq: well... #ubuntu or maybe try #intel ;)09:37
EvaZqi am looking for someone that have succesfully fixed his intel GPU problems on lucid09:37
ianwizardI didn't message you, so everyone saw it, but I'll repeat.09:37
RaptorsHey guys09:37
RaptorsI want to install flash09:37
RaptorsI mean firefox 32bit09:37
ianwizardI need to carve a partition out of a disk image using dd, how can I get the offset, and length of the partition?09:38
RaptorsI purged firefox 64 bit and tried to force install 32 bit version but its saying I need firefox-branding or abrowser=branding09:38
llutzianwizard: http://madduck.net/blog/2006.10.20:loop-mounting-partitions-from-a-disk-image/09:38
Raptorsthe prob is that firefox requires one of those 2 packages and those packages require firefox09:39
Raptorsis there a way to for force force install one of them?09:39
matrixi need systems information gnome plugin09:39
Raptorseven if the dependencies aren't there09:39
matrixfor example memory cpu network09:39
matrixi need desktop plugin09:39
matrixguys ?09:41
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:41
vicoxRaptors: why do you want to install ff 32bit in the first place?09:41
steveccchi all - i want to take a graphic and chop it up into sections and save the resultant parts ie a html page and images - whats the best tool to do this on ubuntu?09:42
Raptorsbecause I want to09:42
RaptorsI want veetle09:43
Guest53082if l ping my windows machines it sees them and visa versa09:43
Guest53082but l still can't access my files on the server from the windows machines09:43
vicoxRaptors: veetle.com?09:44
pasquale-good morning09:44
vicoxRaptors: so you want to install flash?09:45
Raptorsveetle player09:45
Raptorswhich is 32bit only09:45
pasquale-I've been getting my terminal flodded with do_IRQ: 0.91 No irq handler for vector -- i searched and i found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1234983 - the problem seems to be related to the ASUS P5VD2 motherboards09:45
EvaZqdo you know another good distro '09:48
=== Professor_G is now known as CatDog
=== admin_ is now known as ubuntu_NC
arvind_khadrihi, anyone who has used sogo, here??09:59
ubuntu_NChello is there a download manager for ubuntu that I can quickly change speed of download from menu when I mean let's say I want to browse internet and I want to limit speed quickly and after I done I want to get it back to full speed. I don't want to go to preferences and edit them each time, something more user friendly like free download manager in windows09:59
Hooberi really like that music you guys are playing10:00
Hooberwhat is unregged10:00
dankhi, I've got a clean install of ubuntu 10.04lts server on a machine, booting up i get "bug: soft lockup detected on cpu #0". I've tried turning off apic and acpi, but it still happens, any ideas?10:02
kuttan_1  10:02
MagicSata/join #00,0010:02
MagicSata/join #00,0010:02
FloodBot1MagicSata: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:02
Spyzerhi all, i wish to use windows xp virtually for developmental reasons on ubuntu. Which software will be better, vmware, xen or virtualbox ????10:02
MagicSata/join #00,0010:02
Spyzerkindly answer anyone10:02
MagicSata /join #00,0010:02
Spyzerdoesn't vbox mess up the performance sometimes(or rather many times)10:04
arvind_khadriSpyzer, no10:04
Spyzeris there anyone who would oppose arvind_khadri :P10:05
funkyweaselMorning.  I've noticed that clock-applet is crashing when I click on it to open the calendar lately.10:05
scoopexi created a preseed file, how can i load this file from a webserver using the standard alternate-installer-cdrom?10:07
scoopexi want to automate the whole installation process...10:07
minimecSpyzer: Probably no one ever tried to use vmware and xen ... ;) there's another option ... ;) http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Main_Page10:07
IdleOnescoopex: ask in #ubuntu-server also https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/powerpc/preseed-using.html10:08
SlartSpyzer: wht do you mean "mess up performance" ?10:08
IdleOnescoopex: that guide is old but should still be helpfull10:08
Spyzeri mean is vbox sluggy in performance when compared to xen10:09
arvind_khadrierm, how do i become another user from terminal, sudo -U username -l ??10:09
Spyzeror others10:09
IdleOnescoopex: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/powerpc/preseed-using.html lastest version10:09
SlartSpyzer: oh.. can't help you with that.. I've only used vbox10:09
scoopexIdleOne: i alread discovered this url, but i does not work....10:09
icerootarvind_khadri: su - username10:10
IdleOnescoopex: then I suggest asking in #ubuntu-server10:10
scoopexIdleOne: what should i enter on the installer-boot-prompt?10:10
scoopexIdleOne: ok, i change to  #ubuntu-server10:11
arvind_khadriiceroot, is there a way i can see the password of that user ?10:11
Spyzerarvind_khadri: sudo login10:12
icerootarvind_khadri: no10:14
icerootarvind_khadri: even for root its not possible to see the password10:14
GoGiIs there some experimental kernel package 2.6.35 for ubuntu lucid?10:14
icerootGoGi: kernel.org10:14
arvind_khadriGoGi, you can find them in the PPA10:15
minimecGoGi: ubuntu kernel mainline. Version is ... http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.35-rc1-lucid/10:15
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GoGiok thanks10:16
GoGiwhat does ppa stand for?10:16
=== a is now known as {ZeitFlux}
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MadRobotHi all.10:16
minimecGoGi: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas10:17
Terminushello. i've disabled the desktop manager so after boot, the console is set to tty7. how can i get it to switch to tty1 automatically after bootup?10:19
MiouyHello is anybody online?10:21
MiouyI have a question. Where is the thunderbird folder in ubuntu. Where I can copy my thunderbird profile from windows into10:22
MiouyI like to read my emails in ubuntu too10:23
MadRobotHow do I fix the following error? http://paste.pocoo.org/show/246745/10:23
geirhaMiouy: Under ~/.mozilla/ somewhere10:23
red2kicMiouy: ~/.thunderbird or ~/.mozilla-thunderbird10:23
MiouyI don't understand the file system in linux.10:25
MiouyI am new10:25
vicoxMadRobot: try a different mirror10:25
Raptorssince no one in here could help me I did some google searching and install firefox 32bit through zero insall10:25
Raptorsso pain free :)10:26
MiouyIs it somewhere in the home folder?10:26
Terminusnevermind. found it.10:26
vicoxMadRobot: in the software sources settings10:26
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
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MiouyI found a thunderbird folder in etc10:28
MiouyIs this the folder where I have to copy the files from my windows thunderbird folder?10:28
Miouyhm *thinking*10:28
MiouyI do not think so10:29
MadRobotvicox, Is it the "Download from" setting?10:29
andrew_46I cannot log in to the Ubuntu Wiki to create a profile page. OpenID does not want to link andrew.46 with my profile: https://launchpad.net/~andrew.46 . Error message here: http://pastebin.com/qfPi6NvA10:29
vicoxMadRobot: yes10:30
arvind_khadrihi, anyone who has used sogo, here??10:30
MadRobotvicox, I see. Thanks. I told the system to choose the best server. Is that a good idea?10:30
arvind_khadriMiouy, you have to see in /home/Miouy/.mozilla/<somewhere>10:31
MiouyOh the problem was I didn't see hidden folders10:32
MiouyI mean the files or folders with a point10:32
vicoxMadRobot, ya that's fine10:32
chongMiouy:  you should change you file browser setting10:33
MadRobotvicox, Thank you very much.10:33
vicoxMadRobot: np10:33
chongMiouy:  edit->preferences->Views select "show hidden and backup files"10:34
Miouychong: yes i have found it already but thank you10:34
Miouy@john hi10:35
MiouyJohnathan: hi10:36
chongMiouy: http://fosswire.com/post/2008/03/migrate-your-thunderbird-emails-from-windows-to-linux/    here is what you need10:38
ArtiPzhi to all,i have one with my amarok player,see this report v10:38
phrearchdoes anyone know if davfs2 supports basic authentication?10:38
Miouychong: I already solved it with you help10:39
=== Miro1701 is now known as Miro17
somethinginteresUbuntu won't see my soundcard using 'lspci' - I really need help on this. Thanks10:39
ArtiPzand also got in start of ubuntu something like `could not update ICEauthority file/ home/..`10:40
ubuntu_NCI want to select a download manger for ubuntu but there are many options and I couldn't find good comparisons10:43
nicarkuse wget10:44
ubuntu_NCnicark, I want to limit dowmload speed quickly which one can do that ?10:44
parapanghelescucan someone recommend a crossplatform IM for linux? / ubuntu ? - something like Pidgin for ex....10:46
=== Miro17 is now known as Miro1701
=== Miro1701 is now known as Miro17
MiouyI solved the email import problem with your help. You are a very cool community here10:46
nicarkubuntu_NC: wget --limit-rate=40k http://url.goes.here10:46
=== Miro17 is now known as Miro1701
=== Miro1701 is now known as Miro17
aeon-ltdparapanghelescu: pidgin?10:47
Miouyboris-: hello10:47
parapanghelescuaeon - pidgin is OK ....another one ?10:47
nicarkparapanghelescu: emesene perhaps10:47
aeon-ltdparapanghelescu: why does it need to be x-platform?10:47
boris-i've connected a guitar to the line-in port on my sound card, how do i make it play in real time ?10:47
=== Miro17 is now known as Miro1701
parapanghelescuaeon > well ....it doesn't ....it just have to work on linux/ubuntu OS10:49
=== jordan is now known as Guest40852
chongsomethinginteres:  what kind of sound card ?10:49
Guest40852Anybody know how to get onto a WD Passport if i have no clue of my password?10:49
Guest40852Actually dont even know who set passwords up..10:49
parapanghelescuit's just that I need to access yahoo account10:49
somethingintereschong: HDAV1.3 Deluxe10:50
nikonjust a quick Q.. whats a good way to test other distros inside of ubuntu/ instead of doing an actual install?10:50
red2kicnikon: VirtualBox?10:50
parapanghelescunikon > usually the live CD of that distro >10:50
sacarlsonboris-:  I was able to play in realtime doing that with jackd I could also add effects.   I haven't get jackd working on ubuntu 10.04 as of late.10:50
sacarlsonboris-:  you want to just amplify?10:51
parapanghelescuand ..VirtualBOX, or another virtualization software ....10:51
aeon-ltdparapanghelescu: empathy, emesene, finch, kopete,10:52
boris-sacarlson: it'll do for the moment10:52
boris-i dont have the latest ubuntu10:52
boris-how do i check which one i have10:52
nicarkuname -a10:53
sacarlsonboris-:  just bring up the mixer and bring up mic.  I used the mic input10:53
parapanghelescuaeon > thanks I'll write that down and try to see ...basically I have some ports blocked by the admin and want to test if other messenger are getting trough .....10:53
sacarlsonboris-:  I had to bring up mic bost also10:53
aeon-ltdparapanghelescu: its 443 i think, if you route messenger through an alternayive port it might work :)10:53
dragenov1Is there any software shows how many programs areconnected to Internet and their usage10:53
dragenov1not nest state10:54
llutzdragenov1: sudo lsof -i10:54
parapanghelescuaeon > I'll see' thanks for the tip bro'10:54
somethingintereschong: the HDAV1.3 Deluxe (my card) is apparently supported in the Lucid kernel version that ships standard though 'lshw' shows nothing - the LED on the card is alighted10:54
boris-sacarlson: i got audacity. i can record at good volume(first record then playback) but how do i get the sound to the speaker in real time ?10:54
thinkstuhello everyone, I'm using keepass to save all my passwords, but now I forget the password anyone know how to crack or decrept KeePass ?10:54
llutzthinkstu: if there is an easy way, keepass would be pretty useless10:55
shlunkhi all - i'm having trouble with dual screen in lucid lynx10:55
sacarlsonboris-:   I"m looking for the mixer I used to set it up.  what version of ubuntu are you using10:56
shlunkmy second monitor is appearing, but i can't drag stuff to it, right click on it, and it doesn't get included in the cube10:56
shlunkit's really weird10:56
jhattarais there an ftp/sftp capable GUI client that could handle directory synchronization in ubuntu?10:56
ubununutunutuhow do i set my PWD as part of my $PATH?10:56
boris-sacarlson: idk not the latest. 2.6.28-19-generic #62-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 28 01:56:51 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux10:57
red2kic!info unison-gtk | jhattara10:57
ubottujhattara: unison-gtk (source: unison): A file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows with GTK+ interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.27.57-2ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 888 kB, installed size 2364 kB10:57
thinkstullutz: :(, what do you recommend ?10:57
red2kicjhattara: You could use UbuntuOne (or DropBox).10:57
shlunkwhy can't i drag windows onto my second monitor?10:57
rooksthinkstu, if you can vageuly remember if your password was made from normal words than dictionary attack might do, but still its a big if10:57
bost0neveryone in here is poor10:58
bost0ni'm rich10:58
kuttan_  10:58
thinksturooks: I know the charackters which consist the password10:58
jpdsbost0n: All generalisations are false, including this one.10:58
rooksubununutunutu, add PATH=.:$PATH to your .bashrc in your home10:58
sacarlsonboris-:  looks like the aumix will work to setup so you can hear input in realtime.  play with the record section and turn up the line or mic you are using as input10:58
llutzthinkstu: bring them in the right order :) sry no idea/recommendation10:59
jhattarared2kic, can UbuntuOne synchronize folders on arbitary server?10:59
thinksturooks: the problem that every 3 wrong password KeePass close the password windows, so I can't use dictionary attack10:59
dragenov1llutz: IT doesn't say its send and receive???10:59
sacarlsonboris: later you will need to play with the realtime kernel and jackd to add realtime sound effects to your guetar10:59
boris-sacarlson: what the heck do i need to do with aumix11:00
rooksthinkstu, then try some sort of brute force attack based on those characters, it will start generatate all possible combinations based on the characters you provided11:00
llutzdragenov1: look at iftop11:00
aeon-ltdbost0n: please don't remind me of my broke-ass-nes11:00
HooberOk so, in NASM i have to write code for linux, and windows separately?11:00
sacarlsonboris-: to install aumix just apt-get install aumix11:00
nicarkjhattara: You can synchronize with rsync11:00
rooksthinkstu, use some sort of script to do it11:00
boris-did it sacarlson11:00
boris-opened , what now11:00
thinksturooks: then I have to try all the possibles ?11:00
nicarkjhattara: or if you feel really lazy about it and it's sensible data then use dropbox11:01
rooksthinkstu, im not that deep into security but my bet is that there is already some tool that will do all of that for you11:01
nicarkjhattara: I meant to say not sensible data11:01
thinksturooks: do you remember this tool name ?11:01
sacarlsonboris-: just run aumix after install  it should also be in the aplications menu under sound11:01
boris-did it11:02
BoromirHey guys. Anybody know hoe to get a option similiar to what u hear/stereomix in Windows for your soundcard? I don't wan't to record what I'm listening to, I want to stream what I'm playing to others trough flash, so I need the option as a mic source11:02
jhattaranicark, i'd need a software that can connect to various servers that i have either sftp, ftp or both connections available and synchronize the remote files with local files11:02
boris-sacarlson: still nothing11:02
Boromir*a flash application11:02
thinksturooks: do you remember this tool name ??11:02
sacarlsonboris-: did you play with both playback and record on you line or mic?11:02
rooksthinkstu, i seen few crackers for regular passwords from /etc/shadow, give me again name of that app that you use11:02
sacarlsonboris-:  or nothing you can't run it?11:02
boris-what ?11:02
boris-i dont get it11:03
boris-if i press record in audacity and later play i can hear the guitar11:03
sacarlsonboris-:  you don't know how to install it?11:03
boris-install what ?11:03
thinksturooks: KeePass Password Safe 211:03
sacarlsonboris-:  yes I understand the audacity part but to hear in realtime you need to hear the playback I think with the mic or line that you are using as input11:04
boris-i heard the play in audacity11:04
boris-if thats your playback11:04
sacarlsonboris-:  yes but you want to hear at the speaker when you input so you need to play with the sound card mixer setings11:05
sacarlsonboris-:  this is done with mixer software there are many but aumix should work for you if you install it.11:05
boris-i installed it11:06
boris-and ran it11:06
werbs /window stick11:06
boris-i get some text about line in and mic in terminal and balance and so11:06
sacarlsonboris-:  ok try play with the line settings volume of the line input you are using for input of the gutar in both record and playback11:07
thinksturooks: .....11:07
rooksubununutunutu, just relogin to have all the changes propagate to all other apps, for local use just type bash -l and it should reload config and you can use that new path there11:08
chongsomethinginteres:  lshw will scan pci bus,   devices name , pid vid is  in /usr/share/misc/pci.ids , may be this device was not in this list..11:08
dragenov1llutz; iftop11:08
dragenov1interface: eth011:08
dragenov1Unable to get IP address for interface: eth011:08
dragenov1ioctl(SIOCGIFADDR): Cannot assign requested address11:08
dragenov1MAC address is: 00:25:64:4d:b2:be11:08
FloodBot1dragenov1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:08
dragenov1pcap_open_live(eth0): socket: Operation not permitted11:08
dublinchoremy "System->Administration->System Test" applet has been stuck doing nothing for the last 8 hours .  ANyone know the process name so I can find the PID and  kill it from the command line11:08
sacarlsonboris:- you see no window open with a bunch of controls on it?11:08
thinksturooks: your last message about bash -l related to me !!?11:08
CatDogfix my webcam lpease11:09
ubununutunutuhow do i make that path apply to root?11:09
skumarai couldnt find clamAV in ubuntu software centre? instead there is virus scanner and klamAV. Are they same?11:09
CatDogcan someone help me my webcam is not wroking11:10
rooksthinkstu, i havent seen so far that app, just google around for <your app name> + password recovery or + brute force tool11:10
dragenov1lllutz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/473965/11:10
erUSUL!find clamav11:10
ubottuFound: clamav-data, clamav-getfiles, clamav-unofficial-sigs, libclamav-client-perl, python-clamav (and 10 others)11:10
soreau! webcam | CatDog11:10
ubottuCatDog: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:10
dragenov1problem with iftop help http://paste.ubuntu.com/473965/11:10
rooksubununutunutu, make the same changes to global /etc/bashrc11:10
CatDogthatdoes not work i tryed that11:11
skumaraerUSUL, seriously which file to install to run clamav?11:12
eagleflyhighhey guy11:12
eagleflyhighi just installed ubuntu11:12
rooksubununutunutu, or better yet make those changes to /etc/profile11:12
eagleflyhighim a first time user11:12
erUSUL!info clamav | skumara11:12
ubottuskumara: clamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.96.1+dfsg-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid), package size 313 kB, installed size 576 kB11:13
eagleflyhighim using 8.1011:13
CatDogwebcam now working link not working11:13
bazhang!enter | eagleflyhigh11:13
ubottueagleflyhigh: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:13
kuttan_!enter | eagleflyhigh11:13
eagleflyhigh<kuttan>... how?11:13
=== CrellAwaaay is now known as Crell
* Crell is back.11:14
sacarlsonboris-: I just played with my aumix and was able to hear myself on my headphones or speakers when I played with the mic volume so it should work for you.11:17
CatDogwebcam not working step by step guied needed11:17
ubununutunutuim trying to install qbittorrent but it says Reason: Unable to find the 'qmake' tool for Qt 4.11:17
ubununutunutuBe sure you have a proper Qt 4.0 build environment set up.  This means not11:17
ubununutunutujust Qt, but also a C++ compiler, a make tool, and any other packages11:17
ubununutunutunecessary for compiling C++ programs.11:17
FloodBot1ubununutunutu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:17
sacarlsonboris-:  oh and I might try just one sound card to start before you complicate your problems with two sound cards11:17
ubununutunututhat happened after i ran ./configure11:17
boris-sacarlson: how the heck do you "play" with it ?11:18
boris-i cant even figure out how to change anything11:18
littlepenguinubntununtutu you rmissing dependecies11:18
boris-i screwed up something and now i dont even have sound11:18
sacarlsonboris-: you must not see what I see with a control panel with about 6 different knobs on it?11:18
CatDogcan someone help me11:18
littlepenguinubununutunutu : sudo apt-get install qmake11:18
boris-no, i see a terminal11:18
MACscri have a dumb question, what are the "pools" such as this? http://www.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/m/mailscanner/11:18
MACscrim trying to upgrade mailscanner to the newest stable11:19
sacarlsonboris-:  oh ok fix a single sound card first then get to this later.11:19
boris-i get an error could not open audio device for playback11:19
CatDoghelp me please11:19
boris-others dont work when i test (no sound)11:19
sacarlsonboris-:  your soundcards may conflic with the interupt settings11:19
MACscrCatDog: help yourself first. Your question/statement was useless11:20
boris-sacarlson: and ?11:20
soreau! helpme | CatDog11:20
ubottuCatDog: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude11:20
sacarlsonboris-:  ok I have had that problem before then I just disabled the internal sound card in the bios of my machine so they didn't conflict11:20
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam CatDog11:20
boris-i think i already did that once11:21
CatDogMACscr,  my webcam is not working plug it in nothing go to chease no device found11:21
CatDogbazhang,  dead link11:21
littlepenguincatdog lspci shows your cam?11:21
soreauCatDog: works fine here11:22
bazhangCatDog, no its not11:22
littlepenguinoh catdog meant lsusb11:22
CatDoglittlepenguin, nothing in ports apart from my card reader11:23
silentxbazhang: Hey everyone .. I've Wireless USB adapter, Model: AWUS036H .. its cable was not functioning so I thought it is an ubuntu problem since that time I tried to install lots of drivers and after I knew the cables problem .. I change it and it works to browse only two or one website then it stops browsing please help me to return it back ..!11:23
littlepenguincatdog its connected via usb?11:23
karlowhy super-E view is so dark to me ?11:23
CatDoglittlepenguin,  yes11:23
Terminusubununutunutu: you'll want to install build-essential and either libqt3-dev or libqt4-dev depending on whether what you're trying to compile uses qt3 or qt4.11:23
littlepenguincatdog put lsusb in terminal11:24
littlepenguinand watch for something that is related to cam11:24
CatDoglittlepenguin,  nothing to do with cam11:24
littlepenguinok..catdog but cam powers on??11:25
sacarlsoncatdog: maybe try unplug and replug again your cam?11:25
CatDogsacarlson,  nothing still11:25
littlepenguincatdog what cam u have?11:25
boris-sacarlson: AC97 audio was already disabled11:26
sacarlsoncatdog: then maybe take a look at logs and see what is hapening if anything at the time you plug it in.11:26
ArtiPzCatDog in lsusb what raport it gives11:26
CatDoglittlepenguin,  make is tevion (don't know modle)11:26
n00bzieshello and good morning one and all11:27
silentxHey everyone .. I've Wireless USB adapter, Model: AWUS036H .. its cable was not functioning so I thought it is an ubuntu problem since that time I tried to install lots of drivers and after I knew the cables problem .. I change it and it works to browse only two or one website then it stops browsing please help me to return it back ..!11:27
CatDoggood morning11:27
n00bzieswondering if I could get a spot of help if it isn't too much trouble11:27
CatDoglittlepenguin,  weid webcam11:27
littlepenguincatdog something is wrong if lsusb does not show it when its plugged in..so either its defect or the usb slot maybe defect11:27
littlepenguintry another11:27
sacarlsonboris-:  so you should a single sound card active correct?11:28
boris-i should11:28
sacarlsonboris-:  and do we?11:28
CatDogall ports show nothing11:28
boris-it still dont work11:29
littlepenguincatdog but cam powers on when plugged in?11:29
sacarlsonboris-:  is there any soundcard visible to your system now with say lspci11:29
CatDoglittlepenguin,  no light on cam11:29
n00bziesI'm trying to boot ubuntu form a partition on a dell DCNE and I'm getting error (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system11:29
soreauCatDog: Have you tried a different usb port?11:29
boris-02:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs CA0106 Soundblaster sacarlson11:30
CatDogsoreau,  tryed all of them11:30
littlepenguinso catdog it seems the cam does not work technically--11:30
soreauCatDog: Are you sure the cam is not broken?11:30
sacarlsoncatdog: the light on my cam won't light until I use software that uses it.  but you should see it with lsusb if not it must be broken?11:30
CatDogsoreau,  used to work so11:30
soreauCatDog: how long ago?11:30
sacarlsonboris-: ok sounds like a sound card to me11:31
littlepenguincatdog cam should get initioalized while plugged in..if not the cable could be broken for example11:31
wrksxI just connected throught ssh to a ubuntu server and it says the server must be rebooted. Any idea when do this occurs ?11:31
CatDoglittlepenguin,  it has worked in the past11:31
littlepenguinwrksx updates maybe11:31
littlepenguinok catog11:31
littlepenguincatdog do you have a 3nd win pc for example to test the cam11:32
sacarlsonboris-: and when you play something like an mp3 they do play but no sound?11:32
ubununutunutuafter installing qt4make or whatever11:32
ubununutunutumake: /usr/bin/moc-qt4: Command not found11:32
ubununutunutumake: *** [conf4.moc] Error 12711:32
ubununutunutuwhen i try to install qbittorent11:33
kuttan_  11:33
sacarlsoncatdog: littlepenguin: good idea try another computer or even another in vertualbox11:33
CatDoglittlepenguin,  afrde to say its still under construction (home made pc) just gotta put drivers on it11:33
Chousukeubununutunutu: is qbittorrent not available in the repositories?11:33
littlepenguincatdog cam should use kernel integrated drivers11:33
Chousukeubununutunutu: anyway, you need to install the qt4 dev libraries too.11:33
soreauubununutunutu: Do you have libqt4-dev installed?11:33
sacarlsoncatdog: littlepenguin: also maybe try another plug if you have more than one on your single computer.11:34
ubununutunutuprobably not, is it normally this hard to install things manually?11:34
boris-sacarlson: ye11:34
minimecChousuke: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=qbittorrent11:34
erUSULwrksx: kernel upgrade ?11:34
littlepenguinsacarlson he already tried that11:34
CatDoglittlepenguin,  i was talking about my windows me pc11:34
soreauubununutunutu: libqt4-dev is a ubuntu package you can install with apt11:34
Chousukeubununutunutu: Installing things from source is not hard, but it requires some knowledge most users don't have.11:35
littlepenguincatdog u want to install the cam on win me???11:35
sacarlsonboris-: make sure your sound isn't muted11:35
sacarlsonboris-: it was working so we must have broken it with the mixer or something11:35
ubununutunutuwhere can i get that knowledge/where can i learn how to install things from source?11:35
wrksxerUSUL, I made upgrades this mornin but I din't see any kernel updates. But I wasn't "fresh"11:35
CatDoglittlepenguin,  not right now11:36
Chousukeubununutunutu: you need to be able to 1) understand the build system and 2) identify the dependencies of the source package so that you can install the needed packages from the repository.11:36
soreauCatDog: First you need to verify your camera actually works, then verify that it is actually a supported cam. Have you checked the list of supported webcams?11:36
soreau! webcam | CatDog11:36
ubottuCatDog: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:36
CatDoglittlepenguin,  i want it in ubuntu11:36
littlepenguinok fine..so try the cam on another pc and see if it powers on11:36
kuttan_I cannot hear anything in my headphones, speakers work fine.11:36
KoshieHello ! I've a big trouble with Ejabberd, I can't connect myself with the admin account at the website Ejabberd of my server. I've create a new password for it with ejabberdctl, I've remove and create a new admin account but I CAN'T connect myself !11:36
boris-sacarlson: i dont think it is11:36
glickanyone use cinelerra to edit video?11:36
boris-couldnt see it anywhere11:36
glickin ubuntu?11:36
littlepenguincatdog seems cam is broken..need to be verified11:36
crux_hello everybody11:36
Chousukeubununutunutu: point 1 is not that much of a problem usually, as it's often just ./configure && make && make install or something, but point 2 is less obvious11:36
erUSULwrksx: check /var/log/dpkg.log ?11:36
jb12hey all wats up11:36
jb12was wondering if anyone can help11:37
anolhello all11:37
n00bziesHey folks I know you're all really busy but if anyone is available to assist please let me know. Would be grately appriciated. :)11:37
crux_kann mir hier jemand helfen?11:37
littlepenguincrux just ask11:37
kuttan_jb12 : I cannot hear anything in my headphones, speakers work fine.11:37
Chousukeubununutunutu: build instructions are usually written for developers and more advanced users, so the dependencies list will just say something like "Qt4, cmake, liboil" or something.11:37
CatDoglittlepenguin,  its suported and no its not broken11:37
jb12how do i configure xchat to use a proxy server11:37
jb12using xchat client11:37
Chousukeubununutunutu: and then you need to figure out yourself what packages provide those dependencies.11:37
wrksxerUSUL, ok thx11:37
jb12i am gong to network section ned a hand there11:38
n00bziesI'm trying to boot ubuntu form a partition on a dell DCNE and I'm getting error (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system11:38
sacarlsonglick: no but I have used pitivi in ubuntu to edit video11:38
littlepenguinok catdog than i would guess it is on a defect usb port..or ubuntu does not support type of hardware11:38
radihello, is there a way to install kiba dock without compiling it ? ive tried, but i always get an errors. I have all libs for it11:38
radiwith amarok enabled11:38
CatDoglittlepenguin,  ports are fine in suported on website11:38
Chousukeubununutunutu: but why are you installing qbittorrent from source anyway? It seems to be in the repositories11:39
littlepenguincatdog have you tried to restart ubuntu11:39
Chousukeubununutunutu: just use aptitude or whatever11:39
glicksacarlson, i heard piviti is just for the absolute basics11:39
minimecCatDog: If you plug the device you should be able to see some messages at the end (5 lines or so) of dmesg (in a console) You should see then, if the cam is recognized by the system11:39
sacarlsoncatdog: littlepenguin: I agree,  if you don't see the cam in lsusb then it must be as far down as the driver of the usb or broken11:39
kuttan_I cannot hear anything in my headphones, speakers work fine.11:39
aeon-ltdkuttan_: check alsamixer in terminal11:40
littlepenguinyes sacarlson or kernel modules are not loaded11:40
littlepenguinbut the usb should get intialized also..11:40
sacarlsonlittlepenguin: maybe he has something else that uses usb?11:40
ubununutunutuchousuke, how do i reply? anyway, im doing it for practice on systems where i do not have the luxury of that repository11:40
sacarlsonlittlepenguin: like a usb flash drive?11:40
Chousukeubununutunutu: ah, well, hm.11:41
soreau! compile | ubununutunutu11:41
ubottuubununutunutu: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:41
aeon-ltdxR4slehxc: trolololololol11:41
wrksxstatus installed linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic 2.6.32-24.3911:41
wrksxthis is kernel update no ?11:41
aeon-ltdwrksx: yes11:41
CatDoglittlepenguin,  nope same messages all to do with wirelass11:41
erUSULwrksx: yes11:41
wrksxerUSUL, shit11:41
wrksxany chance that reboot fail ?11:42
soreauubununutunutu: The packages ubuntu uses are built from source. -dev packages provide headers and other development tools. If you dont use repos, you will building a lot more from source than you bargained for11:42
Chousukeubununutunutu: the hardest part of compiling software really is figuring out the dependencies.11:42
littlepenguinsacarlson lsusb should show some devices so...without detailled logs its difficult to troubleshoot11:42
evonwhat's the command to get grub2 to check for new OS's11:42
Chousukeubununutunutu: read the INSTALL and README files and install whatever -dev packages are needed to build the thing11:42
pkkmIs 'find -name' case-sensitive?11:42
sacarlsonlittlepenguin: catdog: oh I forgot one other thing If you already have something using usb pull it out.  I have had a device use too much power off usb that killed all others on usb ports11:42
Chousukeubununutunutu: and follow any other instructions.11:42
aeon-ltdevon: sudo update-grub11:42
littlepenguincatdog could you pm me what lsusb gives out?11:43
evonaeon-ltd thanks man11:43
Chousukeubununutunutu: there's no real tutorial for it, since the process depends entirely on what you're installing.11:43
soreaulittlepenguin: s/pm/pastebin11:43
erUSULwrksx: did yu mean « any chance that reboot *could* fail ? » well sh*t happens. i cannot guarantee anything.11:43
silentxwhy no one want to solve my problem :(11:44
Chousukeubununutunutu: you just need to read whatever instructions the source contains.11:44
littlepenguinok catdog no device..can confirm this11:44
littlepenguinsp catdog u have a usb stick or hdd connected?11:44
xR4slehxcim running BT4 with virtual box someone that nows why i cant  find my network card11:44
Chousukeubununutunutu: the ubuntu wiki page you were linked to provides helpful tips for many software packages but even that is not applicable to everything.11:45
hwso1129I need help with installing OpenOffice in Xubuntu11:45
aeon-ltdxR4slehxc: shouldn't you be in #backtrack ?11:45
hwso1129I am a newbie11:45
CatDoglittlepenguin,  nope tho that might be intergrated card reader on lpatop11:45
hwso1129How to I install OpenOffice in Xubuntu?11:45
wrksxerUSUL, I'm not talking about any kind of guarantee =) this is the first time I update the kernel. I was simply wondering about the risks11:45
kuttan_I cannot hear anything in my headphones, speakers work fine. can I reset my audio setting ( Lucid 10.04 ) . how can I do that thankx11:45
littlepenguinok catdog Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Mass Storage Device because this device is shown11:46
aeon-ltdxR4slehxc: #backtrack-linux soz my bad11:46
erUSULwrksx: pretty low. only security fixes are added.11:46
aeon-ltdkuttan_: go to a terminal11:46
littlepenguin@catdog this could be the cardreader11:46
aeon-ltdkuttan_: then type alsamixer then enter11:46
hwso1129Anyone willing to help me?11:46
littlepenguinhwso just asl11:47
aeon-ltdhwso1129: use synaptic package manager11:47
kuttan_ aeon-ltd: did that..11:47
aeon-ltdkuttan_: are you in?11:47
wrksxerUSUL, ok. Thank you for your answers11:47
kuttan_ aeon-ltd: yes11:47
epinkyhwso1129: use SYnaptic11:47
erUSULwrksx: no problem11:47
littlepenguincatdog you have installed a new kernel??11:47
kuttan_ aeon-ltd: My external speakers just fine, problem is headphones sound11:47
hwso1129Is there any online guide to help me with using this Operating System?11:47
soreauCatDog: If you have a usb device and lsusb does not sow it, that typically means it is a physical hardware issue, either with your device (in this case your webcam), the cord attaching your device to machine (the usb cable) or something fundamentally wrong with your usb in general (a conflict or a major system issue)11:47
aeon-ltdkuttan_: max out the bars with up(arrow key) and make sure they all show 00 if not go to the bar in question and press m11:47
CatDoglittlepenguin,  just kernal hedders11:47
=== carlos_ is now known as carod
bibohwso1129: what do you need help with?11:48
minimechwso1129: There are different options. synaptic in the system settings or simply open a console and do sudo apt-get install openoffice.org11:48
aeon-ltdhwso1129: just google or read the wikis11:48
hwso1129I am new to Xubuntu11:48
hwso1129Thank you11:48
bibohwso1129: Google is your friend11:48
minimechwso1129: openoffice.org is the package name. You can also search that package with the mentioned synaptic software and then install it...11:49
aeon-ltdkuttan_: hows it going?11:49
hwso1129bibo: thank you for your help11:49
n00bziesSorry to be a pest. I'm trying to boot ubuntu form a partition on a dell DCNE and I'm getting error (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system. I dont know what to do from here. I'm really confused by the stuff I did manage to find on google.11:49
kuttan_ aeon-ltd: Sorry , same prooblem11:50
aeon-ltdkuttan_: no sound still?, double check alsamixer11:50
ruby_on_tailshello, how can I use the remote dektop viewer to view 2 desktops ?11:50
epinkyhwso1129: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/newtoubuntu/C/index.html11:50
littlepenguin@catdog check http://blog.myfenris.net/?p=377 there you see how it normally should look11:50
kuttan_aeon-ltd: Done ., no change11:51
n00bziesFor most they're getting the error on install11:51
aeon-ltdruby_on_tails: if its 2 different pcs couldn't you just use another instance of rdv?11:51
petriborgdoes nvidia somehow not require a kernel package for 10.04?11:51
aeon-ltdkuttan_: do the headphones work for sure?11:51
n00bziesI already had it installed though so I'm not sure why this error is appearing now11:51
ruby_on_tailsaeon-ltd: I am trying to view 2 pcs from my laptop, another instance doesn't fire up11:51
ruby_on_tailsaeon-ltd: it maximises the 1st instance11:51
n00bziesI'm desperate11:51
kuttan_aeon-ltd: Yes its dual boot, works fine in XP ( headphones)11:52
littlepenguinnoobzies housewife??11:52
aeon-ltdkuttan_: what are you using to test?11:52
aeon-ltdlittlepenguin: lol11:52
n00bziesyes it's getting there11:52
sacarlsonpetriborg: I have nvidia and I see it has a module nvidia-agp.ko11:52
kuttan_aeon-ltd: I am using vlc and mp3 file11:53
petriborgsacarlson - what package does that come out of? any idea?11:53
n00bziesUltimately I need to install a SQL server prolly MySQL but cant get over this silly hump of the Ubuntu install not working11:53
sacarlsonpetriborg: well it would be in the kernel package i have installed11:53
epinky!details | n00bzies11:54
ubottun00bzies: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:54
n00bziesOh thanks. Sorry If I wasn't asking properly11:54
kuttan_aeon-ltd: Can I reset audio settings by deleting some files ( like restting gnome-panel )11:54
sacarlsonpetriborg: I'm not sure what your problem is or what nvidia card you have11:54
littlepenguinkuttan rename folder .pulse in home folder11:54
ruby_on_tailsaeon-ltd: and when I connect to another ip it says connection closed11:54
aeon-ltdkuttan_: in your home directory you can delete .alsa .pulseaudio not absolutly sure of  their names but you should find them (btw they are hidden)11:55
petriborgsacarlson - not really a problem per-say :-) I've compiled my own 2.6.35 kernel for Ubuntu 10.04 and was trying to figure out what I would have to do for the nvidia card to work11:55
minimeckuttan_: I would rather try to reconfigure alsa with sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base. That should set alsa to its defaults.11:55
n00bziesI'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and when I attempt to boot my PC I'm getting error (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system.11:56
petriborgsacarlson - the 2.6.35 kernel I compiled is based off the ubuntu git repo in case you're wondering :-)11:56
kuttan_aeon-ltd: Then do I need to kill pulseaudo ( after deleting the .pulse/* ) ?11:56
n00bziesIt's a Dell dell DCNE11:56
sacarlsonpetriborg: oh ok well you would have to look at the compile config and make sure you enabled all the nvidia stuff in it11:56
sacarlsonpetriborg: so you don't see any nvidia when you do a modprobe -l11:57
petriborgsacarlson - I didn't realize it was it was included in the main kernel body these days, hence my confusion :-)11:57
crux_join #ubuntu-de11:57
epinkyn00bzies: was Ubuntu running before or this is your first installation attempt failed?11:58
petriborgsacarlson - oh, I do in fact see the nvidia drivers when I do modprobe -l -- I'm just surprised (happily) :-)11:58
petriborgsacarlson - i didn't expect it to how shall i say, go smoothly ;-)11:58
aeon-ltdkuttan_: you won't need to, it should just regenerate those folders and files but if it doesn't yeah kill pulseaudio, alsa and restart them11:58
n00bziessorry did I still fail at asking my question? I'm sorry I'm so frustrated :( I can't seem to get any of this to work. I'm just a reporting analyst !_! I don't know this IT stuff lol12:00
n00bziessorry epinky12:00
n00bziesepinky: I think it worked before12:01
n00bziesepinky: I did not do the initial install12:01
epinky!enter | n00bzies12:01
ubottun00bzies: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:01
raven__what is the cmd command for standby?12:01
n00bziesepinky: sorry thanks all for being helpful patient and understanding with my fail noobness12:02
kuttan_aeon-ltd: No luck ...12:02
minimecn00bzies: Your problem is not related to your laptop, but there's a problem with the ubuntu install youd did (or changed).. You would have to recreate a working grub2 configuration (grub2 = boot 'software'). This is not an easy task, when you a n00b as you mention...12:02
sacarlsonn00bzies: I'm not sure I read back far enuf in your questions above but it may be you have a bad boot cd.  maybe the cd media is bad?  burn another and try install again12:03
littlepenguinraven : suspend12:03
littlepenguinor hibernate12:03
n00bziesminimec: I know this might be a horrible ask, but is there any way I could get a step by step on how to do this?12:04
epinkyn00bzies: let us understand this , are you trying to reinstall Ubuntu via Live CD?12:04
=== Tina12 is now known as Kasjopaja
minimecn00bzies: that could be a start http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin712:05
n00bziesepinky: I haven't tried to do anything so far. All I know is that someone in my office attempted to install ubuntu on the Dell PC model I had mentioned earlier, I walked in today to install MYSQL and I got that error. I am gathering from minimec that I might need to I guess reinstall. Not sure how to create a grub2 configuration12:06
minimecn00bzies: nope. Forget it. He is using win7 to restore grub...12:06
n00bziesOH!!! Sorry I forgot to mention, there is a parition with Windows XP12:07
sacarlsonminimec: ya sounds like down to grub level problems for n00bzies12:07
minimecn00bzies: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows12:08
minimecn00bzies: That should be a good start.12:09
sacarlsonminimec: n00bzies: if nothing was already on it before you started maybe easier just to reinstall.  if not maybe try supergrub boot disk to fix12:09
n00bziesHmm Windows XP was already on there. A partition was created with Ubuntu12:09
minimecn00bzies: So the las link I gave you is(!) the solution ;)12:11
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n00bziesI can just re-install actually that isn't an issue. I'll do that... but now I have a way dumber question... how do I reinstall Ubuntu on a partition that was created?12:11
n00bziesOHH!!! Sorry minimec I thought that link would only work if I had installed windows after installing Ubuntu.12:12
SiNUXn00bzies, What is the file format u used to create it?12:12
sacarlsonn00bzies: one of the options in install of ubuntu is manual patition you can set the one that was used last if you want12:12
n00bziesSiNUX: I didn't create it.. hence the issues lol. If I had done the install I think I may have been less lost. Or not who knows. I'm not very good with any of this which is why I'm asking dumb n00b questions lol12:13
MiouyI moved a window outside my desktop. now I can't click at it and I can't move it12:14
n00bziessacarlson: I will give that a shot if the URL doesn't work.12:14
nicarkMiouy: Try grabing it with ctrl + a mouse click on it12:14
nicarkMiouy: or was it alt + mouse. Can't remember.12:14
n00bziesYou guys rock my socks thank you.12:14
sacarlsonn00bzies: it's not rocket science so I'm sure you can do it12:15
delaney_has anyone tried ubuntu 10.10 yet?12:15
Miouynicark: it was alt thank you12:15
minimecn00bzies: No. Just that that problem often occurs in combination with an win Install or update. so that link is ok ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows12:15
sacarlsondelaney_ is 10.10 released?12:16
delaney_its Alpha 212:16
delaney_but i cant get it to update to 10.1012:17
epinky!maverick | delaney_12:17
ubottudelaney_: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:17
n00bziesminimec: weird. the very first instruction doesn't work. tried to grub-install -v to get the grub version and got /bin/sh: grub-install: not found12:17
sacarlsonn00bzies: is this from a live boot cd?12:18
n00bziesminimec: sorry I fail. I'm gonna boot into the live CD nvm lol12:18
n00bziessacarlson: no idea. I'm about to find out. I didn't do any of the initial install12:19
minimecn00bzies: ;) Remember! You are using grub2! You need to follow the grub2 tutorial ;)12:19
raven__what is the cmd command for standby?12:19
sacarlsonn00bzies: that's what you should be doing.  do the grub-install or full install from the live cd boot12:19
epinkyraven_: standby as "ok" in Solaris?12:19
n00bziesminimec:  ohhh I must be because of my version of Ubuntu right? *facepalm* of course!!!12:19
n00bziessacarlson: I'm going to see if this is a live cd hopefully so and I can follow the instructions12:20
n00bziesyou guyes are the best thankyou for being so patient with me and helping with an answer.12:22
minimecn00bzies: I do guess that you took the newest one --> 10.04 Lucid.. That means you use grub2, right. I fyou have a version previous to 9.10 Karmic, then you are using the old grub...12:22
Nooneshello, i m trying to install neverwinter nights from the cd to my computer, i downloaded the following installer http://icculus.org/~ravage/nwn/ from the website, now my problem is that it uses the old gtk1.2 instead of the newer version. Are there any workarounds for this problem. I also tried to install the old version but i would have to remove the 2.0 and with it tons of programms any solutions ?12:23
n00bziesOMG!!!!! I GOT IT!!!12:23
suigeneriswhat package can I use to convert img to iso?12:23
minimecn00bzies: So you can boot ubuntu? Congratulations... You did your first ubuntu debugging ;)12:24
coz_suigeneris,  see if this helps   http://www.mopedia.co.uk/2008/02/convert-img-to-iso-in-ubuntu.html12:24
n00bziesTHANK YOU!!! XD12:24
epinky!yay | n00bzies12:24
ubottun00bzies: Glad you made it! :-)12:24
suigeneristhanks coz_12:24
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n00bziesI <3 you guys thank you. Now I will stop flodding your channel with praise and get through the worst hellish part... MySQL lol12:25
coz_Noones,  let me check something12:26
cescHi there. This is not a question about ubuntu itself but I'm sure someone could answer it as I don't know in which channel to formulate this question. When you visit a web site... for instance www.guardian.co.uk using firefox you see on the bottom left of the browser that it connects to multiple websites (I presume most of them for advertisement). I have installed adblock plus, the plugin for firefox and it must stop some of those intermediate sites before reac12:27
cesching the final www.guardian.co.uk. But even with this plugin, I can see lots of sites where it has to pass through. Maybe if I could detect which are those intermediate url's to reach www.guardian.co.uk I could block those places as well in a way. Any ideas?12:27
FloodBot1cesc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:27
coz_Noones,   you could try one of these installers   http://www.liflg.org/?catid=6&gameid=6512:28
Noonesthanks coz_ i will try them, hopefully they work :)12:29
oCean_cesc: you could try if #ubuntu-offtopic has clues/answers, but it's certainly offtopic here12:29
coz_Noones,  I have used liki installers for doom before and  serious sam ... I know they work but I never tried the one you have12:29
minimeccesc: your solution would be the combintation of Adblock-plus with the NoScript plugin for firefox. So install the NoScript plugin and check guardian.co.uk again.12:29
coz_Noones,  rather loki  installers12:29
n00bzieshey sorry guys going back to my original issue, dumb question... if you are using a live CD.... does it say completing installation does a countdown and then possibilty get into the error (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system? Because when I boot with the CD in it works,,, when I don't... it doesn't work12:30
sacarlson Noones:  also maybe you can put a solution in vertualbox that runs under your old system without breaking what you already have12:30
ttyXOK, I am in a bit of confusion here12:30
ttyXdisk utility says my HDD has 1 bad sector but the hdd passes all seatools tests with flying colours, whom shud I trust?12:31
Noonesyeah, if that doesn't work i will try it with a virtual box sarcarison12:31
roccity_sacarlson, what are you confused about?12:31
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ttyXeven hdd regenerator says it has no bad sectors12:32
Dr_WillisttyX:   i find most disks can report 1 or more bad sectors.. the sectors get remapped. thats how they work.12:32
epinkyn00bzies: after booting the LiceCD you've got to follow(type the commands) the HOWTO minimec posted12:32
Noonesthanks coz_ this installer seems to work flawalessly so far :)12:32
epinkyn00bzies: LiveCD*12:33
coz_Noones,  very cool :)12:33
Dr_Willisonce the # of sectors reported as 'bad' get to a high # - then you may want to worry.12:33
sacarlsonroccity_: cunfused about?  nothing at the moment just trying to see what others are confused about and see if I can help.12:33
ttyXmy deathstar is dying but this seagate even though it shows 1 bad sector seems to work fine12:33
n00bziesepinky: Ah ok. So I guess if it does that it is a Live CD? I have no idea what I have. lol the guy only wrote 10.04 on the CD didn't even mention the distro. lol.12:33
crispyHey guys! i need a hand :/12:34
roccity_sacarlson, sorry I'm confused myself LOL :)12:34
crispydownloaded 10.04 iso, burnt to disc, can boot to it but every option i do (try without install, and install) just reboots the computer.12:34
crispyany ideas?12:35
ttyXcrispy: try alternate install12:35
sacarlsonn00bzies:  I guess it was never completely installed in the first place?  when it fails it may boot the cd12:35
coz_crispy,  well...first thing to check is  ..when the live cd boos...choose the "Check cd" option to be sure it is not corrupt12:35
sacarlsonn00bzies:  it could be the boot sequence you have set in your bios12:36
crispyi think it restarts  itself on the check cd as well12:36
epinky!md5 | crispy12:36
ubottucrispy: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:36
crispyboot seq is cd > hdd > floppy12:36
coz_crispy,  ok then as sacarlson  mentioned ...go into your bios and be sure that first boot device is the cd12:36
crispyill check the md5 of the iso, thanks12:38
n00bziessacarlson: That may very well be the case. I have no idea what happened beforehand. Those steps that minimec posted should work right? I'm booting into a live environment now. It works with the CD in but like I said before it's behaving oddly. I thought this might have been a live CD but that doesn't make any sense because we need this to be a server. so I don't know. I don;t even know if I have a real install cd or a liveCD12:39
coz_crispy,   if that iso md5sum is ok  reburn the disc at the slowest speed    1x  preferred12:39
sacarlsoncrispy: you sure this isn't a hardware problem like memory errors sometimes cause reboot12:39
coz_sacarlson,  good catch... I just woke up  :)12:40
crispywhere is the md5 listed for the iso? i have the md5 hash of the iso i have, just want to confirm12:40
parag0ndoes anyone know where i can get the font from thats used for the new ubuntu logo?12:40
crispyyeah, i'll run a memtess12:40
coz_parag0n,  i dont think its finished yet12:41
sacarlsonn00bzies: a live cd and an install cd are the same thing.  you can do both with a live cd12:41
parag0nubuntu-title is th eold one, and the only thing i can find is a thing from march saying it'llb e released 'soon'12:41
coz_parag0n,  let me check12:41
roccity_hi linf12:41
staviI have a serious problem...sshd is crashing on a remote server.  I can't login anymore. But I still have one working, active ssh session.  any ideas what I can install to be able to get to a terminal without ssh before my session gets disconnected?12:41
sacarlsonn00bzies: and all the advice I saw minimec give looked good to me12:41
Angah_EypohAs`saLamuaLaikum WarahmatuLLah Hiwabarakatuh ~~:)12:42
n00bziessacarlson: ahhhh ok thanks! I thought they were two seperate things. I will follow the steps and come back to you all should there be an issue. Hoping this works. And as I mentioned before you guys are super awesome12:42
roccity_morning linf12:42
linfroccity_: 15:4212:42
n00bziessacarlson: I think so too my gut feel is that this should fix the issue.12:42
wolfricis there an editor to the standard of notepad++ for linux/ubuntu would anyone know?12:42
coz_parag0n,  apparenlt its not finished but you can use   http://new.myfonts.com/fonts/typodermic/xenu/regular/  in its place... it is nearly identical12:42
roccity_11:42pm Friday here12:43
parag0n$30? :(12:43
crispymd5 checksums are the same, thanks guys. i'll reburn at 1x, and try memtest. back sooon!12:43
epinkywolfric: gedit?12:43
Dr_Williswolfric:  depends on your needs. I perfer geany for my 'power text editing' needs. But  it is worth while to learn the old skool vi :)12:43
coz_parag0n,  unfortunately that link is for the pay version :(12:43
roccity_linf, sorry bit pre-mature12:43
linfroccity_: in russia 15:4212:43
* ttyX loves the colourful vim12:43
roccity_linf am?12:44
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linfroccity_: 15:42 this is 03:42 of day12:44
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roccity_linf, friday?12:45
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linfroccity_: ПЯТНИЦА12:45
roccity_linf, sorry I'm in New Zealand12:45
epinkyparag0n: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTitle12:46
linfroccity_: don*t sorry, I bad know english12:46
parag0nepinky, thats the old one12:46
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Zee5hanWhat's the difference between a gzip and a bzip2?12:47
linfZee5han: not difference12:47
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stereosonix  /list12:47
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Zee5hanThen why is it that some sites give two options when downloading a file?12:48
ttyXbzip has better compression I believe12:48
ttyXbut that all dpends on compression algorithm12:48
epinkyparag0n: the old one? XD, maybe this one is the "new one" : http://www.nexxuz.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Font-Ubuntu-10.04.zip12:48
Zee5hanWhich is more common?12:49
Dr_WillisZee5han:  both are very common.12:49
ttyXin *nix world both are common12:49
carbonichello, I have downloaded some files from a package from synaptic and then I decided not to download the package how/ where can I delete those unused downloaded files to free disk space (package not installed yet ) ?12:49
Dr_Williscarbonic:  package manager  keeps a cache in /var/cache/apt/archives/12:52
Dr_Williscarbonic:  apt-get clean     can auto clean the cache.12:52
carbonicthanks doc :)12:52
Dr_Willisif you arwe that worried about drive space.. :) it may be time ti get a bigger hd.  :P12:53
FriktionHey i just updated my ubuntu with the todays update through update manager, and after it asked me to restard my screen got black and nothing happened12:54
carbonicDr_Willis, I installed ubuntu on a Virtual machine that's whyI concern about space ;)12:54
parapanghelescufriktion > bad news bro'12:54
Friktioni followed what this guy told me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8y29gqX9SU12:54
skandarHow do I get ubuntu 10.04 to auto login without asking for pw12:55
bihariGood evening to all.12:55
skandari only have one account on it12:55
Friktionnow i can boot but with like allot of errors and i boot into low graphics mode and omg this is so f**ed12:55
quenbertskandar: System menu -> administration -> login screen12:56
parapanghelescubut I tell you this ....if you're a beginner .....no chabce you will be able to fix-it ...and/or you'll loose a high amount of time > So, just do a fresh re-install with 10.04 LTS and before that back-up everything in your /home folder12:56
ttyXgraphics mode can be changed in preferences12:56
Friktiondamn i have been spending hours doanloding and installing the right packages to be able to program on ubuntu i cant even imagine doing everything from the begining =)12:57
skandarthanks, was looking in the users and groups button instead12:57
ttyXok that reminds me ubuntu doesn't show 75hz option for my lcd :(12:57
jribFriktion: apt-get install build-essential, done12:57
n00bziesHey folks, dumb question but where would I find xterm on ubuntu 10.04? I've only ever used xubuntu and I think this is a live CD which I've never used12:57
jribn00bzies: ubuntu comes with gnome-terminal12:57
n00bziesjrib: thanks where would I find it?12:58
Angah_Eypohbutuh ko12:58
jribn00bzies: accessories menu12:58
ttyXand xterm also12:58
n00bziesjrib: omg sorry -_- thank you. I so fail this morning12:58
sacarlsonn00bzies: Applications>Accesories>Terminal12:58
parapanghelescufriktion > from my experience ....on the same day I upgraded my Desktop machine from old version to Jaunty ...everything worked 100% right ......after few hours I tried the same on my DELL Inspiron 6400 > after restart I got the black screen , lots of errors and no X, so I just made a fresh installation ....12:58
quenbertn00bzies: xterm is always installed by default (part of Xorg)12:58
epinkyn00bzies: ALT+F2, then type xterm then click  Run12:59
n00bziestnx once again -_-' *crawls back into the hole* lol :)12:59
Friktionso every time i get a black screen i have to reinstall -. -12:59
parapanghelescufriktion > not quite :d only if you're a beginner ....like me ...trust me ....a fresh reinstall will take around 1 hour of your time ....messing around with a buggy kernel ....can take forever :D13:00
Friktionok i guess i have no other choise, so how do irei13:00
ttyXnope you could post dmesg logs13:00
Friktionhow do i reinstall ?13:01
Friktionlike i only have an ubuntu 9.04 cd13:01
io!reinstall | Friktion13:01
ubottuFriktion: To renew the configuration of a package when installing, sudo apt-get remove --purge <package> && sudo apt-get install <package>. Note that you will lose ALL config files for that package. WARNING: This is dangerous, don't do this with core packages13:01
jribFriktion: why are you reinstalling...?13:01
purpleHazedo u guys know good kyelogger for ubuntu?13:01
skandaras I use chrome, i suppose there's no way of getting rid of firefox without diving into apt or synaptic?13:01
FriktionNo i mean how do i reinstall ubuntu13:02
jribskandar: that's how you get rid of anything...13:02
skandarit isn't listed in software center13:02
aeon-ltdskandar: yeah but getting rid of does imply uuninstalling13:02
Friktionwithout using my 9.04 cd13:02
jribFriktion: why do you want to?13:02
ikoniaskandar: as synaptic is the package manager, and firefox is a pacakge, how else do you expect to remove it13:02
skandari mean with things like ubuntu software center13:02
ikoniaskandar: open synaptic, search for it, mark it for removal13:02
parapanghelescufriktion > dont you have another machine to go on the net and download the CD image of 10.04 ??13:02
jribskandar: yeah, that's how you manage software in ubuntu13:02
Friktionyes i can13:02
ttyXskandar: firefox is attached to unbuntu's gnome-desktop package, so no way!13:02
Friktionbut i dont have any cds to burn it on13:02
skandari can remove oo.o writer for instance in ubuntu center, but not firefox13:02
skandarseems odd13:02
ikonianot really13:03
quenbertskandar: in terminal: sudo aptitude remove firefox13:03
DGMskandar: why remove it? It's only a few mb, and not all pages show up well in chrome yet. I use chrome 95% of the time.. the 5% for pages that don't work.. usually the ones made for IE13:03
aguitelwhat is the diference between xterm and terminal ?13:03
parapanghelescufriktion > I think, depending on your computer that you can boot from flash/USB card also .....13:03
ttyXyou can't completely remove firefox, the xulrunner thingy will stay13:03
jribaguitel: if by "terminal", you mean gnome-terminal, they're different programs13:03
skandari know how to remove it manually ;) i was just curious why it isn't listed in software center to be removed, unlike oo writer and calc13:04
aguiteljrib, xterm and gnome-terminal13:04
DGMFriktion: you could also order a free cd with ubuntu. I do that once in a while. That can take a while to arrive though if you can wait13:04
parapanghelescufriktion > just reboot your system , press F2 or whatever combination you have for accesing the BIOS, and check the "Boot option" ...you should have the HDD - CD/DVD - and maybe also USB - then you can use a flash card ...13:05
jribaguitel: then "they're different programs"13:05
ttyXskandar: firefox doesn't even take much space13:05
jribFriktion: I really doubt you need to reinstall ubuntu...13:05
quenbertaguitel: they all emulate a terminal under X window13:05
Friktionjirib: im listening =)13:06
jribFriktion: no you're not because I asked you a question twice, but you didn't answer me13:06
ttyXbesides chrome doesn't even have a proper abp alternative yet13:06
aguitelquenbert, ok13:06
DGMaguitel: they're terminal emulators. In the old days there used to be only terminals (command line). When they added a user interface they still wanted a way to enter console commands. Thats why those programs were created. And like quenbert says.. they're just different programs13:06
Friktionim sorry13:06
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DGMwith different pros and cons obviously13:06
quenbertaguitel: but xterm is a "minimalist" emulator (always distributed with X.org) while gnome-terminal is the GNOME version13:07
Chanson_CodeWhat are you talking about?13:07
ttyXthis is really scary, am dumping data from a dying hdd to another dying hdd :|13:07
parapanghelescujrib > friktion has a bad upgrade from 9.04 to 10.04 ....most likely the kernel has alot of errors ...do you think repairing the system will take less then re-installing the OS ???13:07
aguitelDGM, quenbert thanks13:07
Friktionjrib: my problem is that after i installed an update and restarted my screen got black, then i followed a tutorial for fixing it and now i can boot but i get plenty of errors and stuff13:07
ikoniaThe kernel has lots of errors ??13:07
Friktionparapanghelescu: nope actually the upgrade went fine for weeks13:08
jribFriktion: what update?  You tried to upgrade directly from 9.04 to 10.04?13:08
Friktionparapanghelescu: just that this morning there was an update available13:08
crispyhey guys13:08
Friktionparapanghelescu: and after that i got my problems13:08
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ttyXwhich update?13:08
crispyreburnt at 1x, still no luck. PC restarts on every option of the live cd except memtest13:09
ttyXcrispy try unetbootin instead?13:09
Friktionjrib: i already did that and it went fine, just that today i updated my kernel13:09
Friktionjrib nothing to do with upgrading from 9.04 to 10.413:09
Friktioni think13:09
epinky!alternate | crispy13:09
ubottucrispy: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal13:09
parapanghelescufriktion > OK ...then using --purge to remove the last update ( if you know the name of the package ) may do the job ...then I got the update issue wrong13:10
peter__Is it possible to install a new ubuntu version from within a booted Ubuntu?13:10
ttyXu mean upgrade peter?13:10
Friktionparapanghelescu: could you give me tutorial on how to do that ?13:10
Friktionparapanghelescu: like i just moved from xp ^^13:10
crispythanks epinky!13:10
wolfricpeter__ you can update/upgrade to the newest version, or you can run a virtual machine and install it there13:11
wolfricinside ubuntu13:11
HolyTonyis there way to adjust the brightness for my sony vgnfz180e?13:11
ChansonBefore you do anything, Pls. backup your data first...13:11
peter__ttyX, no, i mean a fresh installation13:11
sacarlsoncrispy: oh ya I needed that alternate cd boot when I had a computer with very small memeory like 64meg to install ubuntu13:11
parapanghelescufriktion > this is a command from terminal .....the apt-get manages the packages which are installed on your system ....13:12
peter__wolfric, thanks, but i need to install a new version from scratch13:12
EggXplosioNHow to auto-adjust LAN in Ubuntu?13:12
EggXplosioNit's 8.04 or something13:12
Friktionand what commands exactly am i supposed to run ?13:12
EggXplosioNI remember it's ubuntu 813:12
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timubuntucan anyone help?13:12
Friktionis it the same as what this guy shows http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8y29gqX9SU13:13
Friktion ?13:13
sacarlsonEggXplosioN: auto-adjust lan?  like dhcp auto setup IP address?13:13
crispysacarlson: i'll try the alternate one, but i dont get it. im on 4gb ram/intel E8400 cpu and IP35 mobo. it shuld run :/13:13
Friktionbecause i did what he told me and after that i got the errors just that it is actually booting now13:13
parapanghelescufriktion > the command will be like ......sudo apt-get --purge remove <NameOfthepackage>13:13
EggXplosioNnot DCHP, just detect the netcard and only ask me input DNS, gateway, and my own local IP13:14
Friktionand how will i know what package to remove ?13:14
parapanghelescufriktion > I cannot watch youtube ......filters by administrator13:14
rezolutecrispy: you're probably having this problem -  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/+bug/342926     I did, for years.13:14
SwedeMiketimubuntu: if you're connected using ethernet cable then try "ifconfig eth0 up" and "dhclient eth0" and see if you get an IP address and can update after that13:14
rezoluteI moved to an i5 (which doesnt have a northbridge) and everything suddenly worked perfectly13:14
Friktionhmm basicly he tells to boot from the 3rd choise in the grub booter and then remove the latest kernel from synaptic13:15
parapanghelescufriktion > this is the tricky thing .....you do not know that .....so .....it's unlikely you'll be able to remove that package13:15
EggXplosioNWith lan set up, inet connection would be easy13:15
Friktionactually i already did it =/13:15
crispyrezolute: yeah it could be that, i have a GTX 260 896mb card too. wish i could afford i7 setup haha13:16
parapanghelescufriktion > anyway ....you can try the following commands ................sudo apt-get clean ......after that ....sudo apt-get update ....after that ....sudo apt-get upgrade ...and see what is the result ...13:16
rezolutecrispy: don't worry, people insisted the problem was me for 2 years. It really pissed me off.13:16
bihariquestion: whear is software properties option in ubuntu ?13:17
EggXplosioNbihari, you sound like orz. go for another year or two of studying English13:17
parapanghelescufriktion > yes, you can try that .....the last "system" from the grub is the last compiled kernel .......and you can choose an early version of the kernel ...which normally should work ....13:17
crux_welchen browser verwendet ihr unter ubuntu?13:18
epinkybihari: define software properties13:18
bihariEggXplosioN, ? huh13:18
epinky!de | crux_13:18
ubottucrux_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:18
epinkycrux_: ich, seamonkey13:18
EggXplosioNOrz - a fish-like creature, whose language has many abnormalities.13:18
bihariSoftware having a properties. called software properties.13:18
bihariNow i got it :p13:19
timubuntui manged to get on the internet put i get E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)13:19
crispyrezolute: haha oh dear, well hopefully i can get it installed. i really want to try ubuntu as a alternative day-to-day OS, with windows there for gaming13:19
Friktionhttp://codepad.org/8MtQLrRI thats the output13:20
xavieranHey boys13:20
xavieranand/or girls :)13:20
xavieranI'm trying to scan with my HP laserjet 3030 ... Ubuntu sees it, and I can print with it quite happily, but the scanning doesn't seem to work13:21
DGMcrispy: a lot of games will work under linux aswell. Either through wine (for example steam games like half life 2), or through a special linux patch (like doom 3)13:21
bihariDGM dosebox also work for  gaming.13:22
parapanghelescufriktion > do you have a graphic on the screen ? or you have the black screen and the prompter only ?13:22
DGMbihari: dosbox is only for oooooold games13:22
DGM16 bit realmode13:22
Friktionok now i closed everything13:22
bihariwhat about new games?13:22
Friktionok now what should i do ?13:23
parapanghelescuxavieran > check the documentation of your scanner ....if the manufacturer does not provide a linux version for the scanner driver ....you will not be able to use-it ...13:23
parapanghelescufriktion > are you talking with me ?13:24
raven__command for standby?13:24
xavieranI may have to install the HPLIP driver, apparently13:25
xavieranparapanghelescu: ^^^13:25
DGMbihari: wine for the most part. I can name a few games from the top of my head that worked fine in wine. Then there are also some great gamedevelopers (like ID games) that just release linux patches for their games.. google will help you there. And then there is caldega which i heard good things about but that its not free.13:25
epinkytimubuntu: not sure, but maybe you would need to reinstall, also you can try this http://ubuntuguide.net/howto-fix-ureadahead-problem-after-upgrading-to-ubuntu-10-0413:25
bihariThanks DGM13:26
iktomiwhat would be the most sensible way to partition a 1tb drive for a samba fileserver (assuming the OS Won't be installed on it)13:27
=== Mike___ is now known as Mike__
parapanghelescuxavieran > i had the same issue at some point .....with Samsung SCX4300 .....apart from HPLIP driver which is a generic one , the device manufacturer should also provide a specific driver for linux in order to use the scanner option13:27
ikoniaiktomi: however best you can use it is the best way13:27
xavieranparapanghelescu: Ok, I will google that then :)13:27
iktomiikonia: yeah but i'm looking for general tips on what filesystem would be best and whether or not making one huge partition is a good idea13:27
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ikoniaiktomi: it really doesn't matter13:28
Friktiongot disconected sorry13:28
timubuntuhelp E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)13:28
ikoniatimubuntu: need more detail, what version of ubuntu, what are you installing, what command did you do13:28
timubuntutried to do a update13:29
timubuntucrashed and now only get tty13:29
ikoniatimubuntu: ok, so that's a development version, that is unsupported, but discussed in the channel #ubuntu+113:29
timubuntuwhen try do apt-get update /upgrade get this error message13:29
timubuntuok maybe its 10.413:29
parapanghelescuxavieran> after that you should use the Xsane Image scanner to access your machine ......please take note that for example in my case, I cannot managed to scan multiple pages ...i always scan page by page and after that I use Acrobat in Windows in order to merge the document all together .....13:29
ikoniatimubuntu: no - you should know what version it is13:29
timubuntuok its 10.413:30
ikoniatimubuntu: why did you say 10.10 then13:30
bazhangtimubuntu, pastebin your sources.list13:30
timubuntumultiple pcas runnign 10.10 on laptop13:30
timubuntuthis is deskto13:30
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Friktionparapanghelescu: i did what you told me and now ?13:31
Picitimubuntu: It matters what version you are running.  There have been dpkg changes in 10.10 that might affect this and our ability to troubleshoot it here.13:31
parapanghelescufriktion > that output you gave .....It looked like the Synaptic package manager was open13:32
Friktionparapanghelescu: yes it was13:32
Friktioni closed it and it worked13:32
Friktionparapanghelescu: i just tried to reboot and i stil get the errors13:32
parapanghelescuyou run all that commands .....13:32
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parapanghelescuyou rebooted the last kernel or the previous one ???13:33
Friktionactually the latest one is gone so im booting the last kernel13:34
bazhang!es | aronaliaga13:34
aronaliagaq tal , donde esta el chat español?13:34
ubottuaronaliaga: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:34
suigenerisI get Error: cannot open source file for reading! when trying to use ccd2iso. any ideas?13:34
parapanghelescuand you still have errors13:34
iktomiwhy is it exactly that the Ubuntu download page state that ubuntu 64 bit is "Not recommended for daily desktop usage"13:35
ikoniathat is something that should be removed13:35
ikoniait's an old comment that was true13:35
iktomii don't know that discouraging the deployment of 64 OSs would ever be a good statement tbh13:36
iktomi*64 bit13:36
ikoniaiktomi: there was a time when it was not fit for purpose, it is now13:36
iktomii see13:36
sacarlsoniktomi: I just coverted to 32bit from 64bit.  I was having problems with things like canon printer drivers and others that didn't support 64bit13:37
iktomiweird. i've been using 64 bit for years without problems13:37
Friktionparapanghelescu: i get this error when booting http://codepad.org/TKmlKQq813:37
Pici!zh | ice13:37
ubottuice: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:37
iktomithe way i see it, you will always have problems regardless of what type of linux you use13:37
sacarlsoniktomi: it seems the only benifit of 64bit is when you have more that 4GB of memory?13:38
sacarlsoniktomi: I only have 2GB so 32bit is good for me13:38
xavieranparapanghelescu: That sounds fine, I've only got a few pages to scan ... and I use pdfsam to merge...13:39
parapanghelescufriktion > try sudo grub-install /dev/sda13:40
parapanghelescuxavieran > pdfsam > is this any good > thanks for the tip bro'13:40
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sacarlsoniktomi:  how did you ever run things like skype in 64 bit for years?13:41
iktomianother question i have is whether or no using NFS for file sharing between linux and windows computer would provide any benefit over using SMB? installing NFS support on my windows computer is not a problem for me13:41
iktomisacarlson: i don't use skype vOv13:42
xavieranparapanghelescu: It's a java app. Really useful for spiltting and merging pdf files... I have a phone that has a limmit to the size of pdfs, so I split them up with this app :)13:42
xavieranparapanghelescu: apt-get install pdfsam13:42
xavieranparapanghelescu: should do the job13:42
DGMsudo apt-get isntall pdfsam **13:43
Friktionparapanghelescu:should i reboot now ?13:43
parapanghelescuxavieran > thanks I'll give it a try ....13:43
parapanghelescufriktion > yes13:43
xavieranDGM: I use su, not sudo ;)13:43
DGMxavieran: its better to stay out of root if you dont need it13:43
SickAnimationsWhat does it mean if I "ls -l" a directory and the files have "????????" for their permission bits? Also, I can't cd into the dir. Also it has 777 perms.13:43
DGMSickAnimations: what is your user/group and what user/group are they set to?13:44
xavieranMuahaha... I have half a decade experience using linux. Gentoo, arch, LFS, etc. I shall do as I please >:D13:44
sacarlsonSickAnimations: I think it must be a fat32 or other partition no permission bits in it13:44
sacarlsonSickAnimations: or maybe it a broken link?13:45
SickAnimationsDGM: I'm "tim" in groups "deluge, sambashare" (others) - the directory is owned by "tim" and in group "sambashare"13:45
Oerxavieran,  try 'su apt-get install <package>' :-D13:46
SickAnimationssacarlson: This directory and its contents are not linked, at least they shouldn't be. Can I check with a command?13:46
xavieranYes, no obviously no user called apt-get ;)13:46
DGMSickAnimations: whats the exact path? and run sudo fdisk -l . Then we'll know for certain if its a partition thing13:47
sacarlsonSickAnimations: it's samba so it's probly net linked to a fat32 partition?13:47
SickAnimationsIt's /home/tim/torrents/*/ (where * is loaded, incomplete, complete) - this is happening for three directories at once.13:47
DGMwhat is the partition type that /home is mounted on?13:48
DGM(just guessing torrents is not a mount point)13:48
BluesKaj'morning folks13:48
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littlepenguinhi blueskaj13:49
dkannanwhy does the 64bit image say amd? is there one for intel?13:49
Friktionsorry damn internet =/13:49
Friktionparapanghelescu: i gett the same error13:49
BluesKajhi littlepenguin13:49
DGMdkannan: it does. works fine on my laptop with intel core duo13:49
guzuhello all13:49
littlepenguinhi guzu13:49
duffydackdkannan, amd came first, or something like that.  ignore it.13:50
SickAnimationsDGM: It's on the main partition13:50
DGMand thats ext2/3 i'm guessing then?13:50
SickAnimationssacarlson: It's local.13:50
SickAnimationsDGM: ext313:50
oCean_dkannan: it's just a naming convention since they introduced the extensions13:50
=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman
tomitzelHello, can someone help me with sendmail, need to change the runner's frequency and I can't find where it is set13:51
KrishnanduHi friends, I've installed Anjuta, How to run C/C++ programs directly from there??13:51
sacarlsonSickAnimations:  I'm not understanding that astris thing in your path home/tim/torrents/*/13:51
dkannanoCean: thanks13:52
Friktionparapanghelescu: ur there ?13:52
dotnettedhey all - so after a typo (rm -r /etc folder_to_be_removed) as root I accidentally removed /etc ;) - /root/.Trash/ does not exist - is there anywhere else that may be worth checking to undelete /etc/*?13:52
DGMSickAnimations: it seems you have set the execute (X) bits on your directory there13:52
muthui'm not able to copy the any documents from my system to usb.... so,please  anyone help me....13:53
DGMSickAnimations: or removed it. Either way http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=498405 aureus's posts should help you13:53
sipiordotnetted: 'fraid not. well, sans backups, of course.13:53
parapanghelescufriktion > I cannot recommend something else ..it looks like the files of your grub are corupted ...also the kernel has important bugs in it .....so reinstall will do the job trust me .....after that use all that commands when installing a system package .....sudo apt-get clean / update / and last  upgrade13:53
SickAnimationssacarlson: It's happening to three directories - "/home/tim/torrents/loaded/" , "/home/tim/torrents/complete/" , "/home/tim/torrents/incomplete"13:53
oCean_!undelete | dotnetted13:54
ubottudotnetted: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel13:54
DGMSickAnimations: yes so i think you chmodded the torrents directory in a way you shouldnt have :)13:54
dotnettedoCean_: thanks -- looks like I might as well reinstall ubuntu13:54
oCean_dotnetted: I'm afraid so13:55
dotnetted(lucky its just my virtualbox system heh)13:55
DGMdotnetted: and thats why we use sudo, and not su. And only with great care aswell :)13:55
sipiorDGM: using sudo would make no difference in that case.13:55
parapanghelescufriktion> there is no HDD installed/mounted on your system ....so you'll use a lot of time with less result .....re-install asap trust me ....in the first months of using ubuntu you'll get some issues until you'll find your way around-it ....after using this OS for 5-6 months you'll be able to solve most of the minor issues ....13:55
sacarlsonSickAnimations: you might want to run the command mount to see if you have mounted something at those points in you home dir13:56
SickAnimationsDGM: Ha, cool. Will try now.13:56
DGMsipior: obviously. But the way it should work is that if you type sudo you pay attention to what you put behind it.. always :P13:56
sipiorDGM: "should" being the operative word here.13:56
Friktionparapanghelescu: i hope so =/13:56
jimcooncatDGM: until it just rolls off your fingers automatically13:56
dotnettedDGM: I'd feel safer if rm didn't take multiple filenames ;)13:56
SickAnimationsDGM , sacarlson : Setting the execute bit worked. I didn't know that!13:57
SickAnimationsDGM , sacarlson : Thanks heaps.13:57
DGMSickAnimations: np13:57
sacarlsonSickAnimations: cool I didn't eather13:57
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sipiordotnetted: you might consider aliasing rm to "rm -i", as cheap insurance.13:58
sipiordotnetted: that can get annoying as well, of course :-)13:58
dotnettedsipior: that's not a bad idea heh13:58
parapanghelescufriktion > it will hapen trust me; it's only one condition for that ....use only Ubuntu and NO Windows - unless an emergency ;) ---for example I still have a dual OS ....Ubuntu as a main OS and XP as a back-up ....I rerely start windows ...mostly for updating the antivirus and upgrades ...13:58
DGMsipior: modify the su command to say "ARE YOU SURE!?!?!?! (Y/N)"13:59
andrea__ -it14:00
littlepenguindgm that would be microloft philosophy like do you really want that??are you sure?if so press if cleared yes14:00
xavieranparapanghelescu: What do you need antivirus for?14:00
dotnettedI need something like: root@box:/ (<<< PS. YOU ARE ROOT!!)#14:00
guzuis there another chanel for linuxmint?14:00
parapanghelescuxavieran > only for XP system :D not for Ubuntu :d14:00
jrib !mintsupport | guzu14:00
ubottuguzu: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:00
andrea__ciao a tutti volevo chiedervi ancora se avevate un link del manuale  dove potrei imparare tutto su ubuntu14:00
xavieranOk :)14:01
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:01
Pici!it | andrea__14:01
ubottuandrea__: please see above14:01
parapanghelescuxavieran : LOL14:01
guzujrib: thank you14:01
sipiordotnetted: most linux distributions set a bright colour for the root prompt; might be useful to do if you find yourself working directly with a root shell on a regular basis.14:01
pozicHow can I download silverlight streams? Moonlight is working, but I just want to have the video and audio data in a format that I can play later.14:01
guzupozic: are they not available in /tmp ?14:02
Friktionmount: mounting none on /dev failed: NO suck device(numbers and letters)14:02
Friktionchroot: cannot execute /etc/apparmor/initranfs: No such file or directory14:02
Friktionparapanghelescu: actually im gonna try to reinstall the latest kernel14:03
Friktionjust to be sure14:03
* guzu has no idea what are silverlight streams14:03
Friktionsorry for the copy paste above =/14:03
pozicguzu: silverlight streams are streams that use the Microsoft Silverlight technology.14:04
parapanghelescufriktion > don't mind the kernel .....just re-install everything from scratch ....14:04
cntrationalwhenever i start up ubuntu, the titlebars in the windows are gone and stuff like windows doesn't appear in the panel14:05
Friktionk =/14:05
parapanghelescufriktion > check the BIOS boot sequence ....you may have USB support for the boot and you'll be able to use an USB stick ro re-install14:05
DGMspamming f8 or f10 while the bios starts up might help too sometimes. Some bios'es show a bootmenu if you do that14:06
abhijit!tab > parapanghelescu14:06
ubottuparapanghelescu, please see my private message14:06
sacarlsonFriktion:   parapanghelescu:  ya just reinstall if you have nothing to loose14:06
parapanghelescusacarlson: you're perfectly right >>>> however ....if he/she had something on the HDD ( /home folder ) drive  is not accesible anyway so ....14:08
Friktioniguess thats the only choice =/14:09
parapanghelescuabhijit: thaks for the tip ;)14:09
raven__command for standby?14:10
parapanghelescuFriktion: if you have another system you can try to access the drive directly ...via a USB case for example....the partitions are there .....it's only a question to mount the drive on a different system14:11
littlepenguinsuspend raven14:11
parapanghelescubut it must by a linux OS .....Xp will not help you with the ext2/3 formatting14:12
ekai125hi.. anybody encounter this problem? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/UUf7PKGi14:13
dotnettedI like having all my server config files (mysql, apache, asterisk etc) on a seperate partition in /data/conf/ (for portability) - are there any problems I may run into later (maybe w/ aptitude) if I symlink /etc/apache2/ to /data/conf/apache2/?14:13
itamarchi, I need some help... I upgraded my ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.04 and now my computer doesn't finish the boot process...14:13
MichealHekai125, It would be better to just get the latest number and run it in14:13
KrishnanduHey friends how to compile C programs using Anjuta14:14
DGMKrishnandu: be a bit more specific please. Otherwise its just build14:14
pumpkinhi. Using 10.04 32Bit edition: Every apt-get install, aptitude install,... ends with a seg fault. i cleaned /var/log/apt/, i reinstalled from scratch, no luck. What else can i do?14:14
itamarcI've analyzed the problem and looks like it's the X server, but on top of this I my ubuntu does not give me a command prompt14:14
MichealHekai125, So, for example If the new kernel headers were 2.6.26-24 then just apt-get install them14:15
KrishnanduDGM, I just installed anjuta, and now how to run the programs??14:15
DGMKrishnandu: click file -> new -> project. Then select a C project. It will set everything up for you14:16
itamarcto have some access I used "init=/bin/bash" and changed some things, but all I could get is a X screen frozen (mouse and keyboard dead)14:16
KrishnanduI think it didn't detected GCC14:16
ekai125MichealH: i received this error in all application, so i could't use apt-get ,14:16
DGMKrishnandu: then the commands you need will be under the build and run menu14:16
jimcooncatdotnetted: I would think it would work ok, but seems awkward. How is this portable?14:16
KrishnanduDGM, I think it didn't detected GCC14:16
DGMKrishnandu: sudo apt-get install gcc g++ make14:17
econdudeawesomeHi! How do I change the default GNOME menu to GnoMenu? As in, I want to change the keybinding so that alt+f1 opens GnoMenu, not Alacarte14:17
KrishnanduI've installed GCC14:17
DGMwhats the exact error message you're getting then?14:17
itamarcmy video card is a Nvidia Geforce 7950 GT14:17
PCdocI have via chipsets on my mobo .. in the display panel of ubuntu 10.04, it says Monitor not detected. I have tried via official drivers and Openchrome .. didnt work14:18
KrishnanduDGM, I've already installed GCC.14:18
DGMKrishnandu: yes but whats the message you're getting from anjuta that makes you think it can't find gcc?14:18
KrishnanduDGM, I used to compile programs from terminal and now I want an IDE and guys here in IRC suggested me to use Anjuta14:18
parapanghelescupumpkin: you can try using Synaptic Package MANAGER ( the graphic interface ) from System/Administration and Settings > Repositories and change the Download from ...location14:19
KrishnanduDGM, no I'm not getting any message, I'm saying that to you14:19
DGMKrishnandu: yea either that or codeblocks14:19
ekai125any method to repair dpkg?14:19
itamarcanyone can help me to figure out what's wrong?14:19
MichealHekai125, Try not installing the kernel and see if that works14:19
Kodez1Hello Solly. Please call me. Let's chat14:19
abhijit!ot > Kodez114:20
ubottuKodez1, please see my private message14:20
KrishnanduDGM, ya...so how to use that?? BTW CodeBlocks detected my GCC14:20
littlepenguinim bored...14:20
crispyhey guys14:20
littlepenguinhi shapeshifter and crispy14:20
wolfrici have multiple addresses set up on wlan0 but ifconfig only displays the first14:20
wolfricanyway to display all addresses?14:20
]tomppa[Does the new nvidia geforce gtx 460 work with ubuntu?14:20
ShapeShifter499I'm trying to patch wine but "patch" isn't doing anything when I run the command14:20
DGMKrishnandu: i know codeblocks should work out of the box. But you're saying that anjuta can't find your GCC. What makes you think that? Have you tried clicking build?14:20
dotnettedjimcooncat: I frequently load up ubuntu onto new boxes and wrote a script that auto installs apache,mysql,php,ldap,ftp etc. servers and then backs up and symlinks all the relevant /etc/* config directories to /data/conf/* which resides on a seperate disk - its the easiest way Ive found to only have to worry about one set of config files for many boxes - all logs are in /data/logs/ and all the databases/web content is in /data/databases/ and /data/vhosts14:21
crispytried live cd + alternate cd, both restart the PC when i select install/any other option. any ideas?14:21
pumpkinparapanghelescu, i tried the main repos, the local repos for my country, the countries around .. same thing. It downloads, it starts to setup and dies with seg fault just before finishing the install. Most programms work anyway.14:21
Krishnanduya...it ask me for program parameter and etc14:21
littlepenguincrispy does the live cd run?14:22
DGMKrishnandu: no you must make a new project first. File -> New -> New project. You will get an option to make a new C project where you can add your files to14:22
DGMpick "Generic" for testing right now14:22
dotnettedso if something bad does happen to ubuntu I can pull off the disk with /data and stick right back onto a freshly installed distro (/home is also linked to /data/home so all user data is easily portable) - is that makes any sense heh - any suggestions are appreciated though ;)14:22
xavieranHey parapanghelescu scanning is a go :)14:22
KrishnanduDGM, ok I didn't did that, I tried adding file14:22
xavieranparapanghelescu: thanks for the help14:22
parapanghelescupumpkin: try later on ...it may be something "in the air" .....it hapend to me several times ....all the time was from the repository .....it was OK after few days14:22
KrishnanduDGM, thanks, and sorry for the confusion,14:22
DGMKrishnandu: you must add the files to a c or c++ project. Otherwise it doesn't know what to do with it14:22
DGMif it complains about glib use sudo aptitude install libglib2.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev14:23
KrishnanduDGM, I added a project and now I should add a C file right??14:23
DGMKrishnandu: yes in the src folder14:23
parapanghelescuxavieran: no problem bro > it just hapend to me few weeks ago so I was in the position to share some info .....14:23
pumpkinparapanghelescu, i have this problem since the day 10.04 was released. I ask here about once per month and never got an answer.14:23
KrishnanduDGM, file>new>file right??14:23
NovaYoshiIs there a way to DISABLE FSpot photo viewer? It locks up my old computer whenever I plug in my USB drive...14:24
DGMKrishnandu: you could yea. but if you already have existing c files that you made, you can make a project out of them by picking new -> project from existing sources14:24
jimcooncatdotnetted: so you have /data/conf on an NFS share or something? or do you just rsync among your machines?14:25
dotnettedjimcooncat: I'm not 100% positive though but it seems like my current setup disagrees with aptitude somehow - for example update-manager is currently hung updating mysql /etc/init/mysql.conf ;)14:25
parapanghelescupumpkin: Hmmm ...that reminds me about the fact that I wanted to upgrade from jaunty .....I think it wont be the case now ......again .....maybe the download link is broken or somehow not correct .....14:25
airtonixNovaYoshi, have you bothered to look in the preferences of nautilus yet ?14:25
KrishnanduDGM, ok, buddy I'm trying to add a new C file, I did file>new>file and typed the name of C file and selected C Source file and it's saying no target selected, though I selected src as you said14:25
NovaYoshiI admit that I haven't14:25
jimcooncatdotnetted: it shouldn't be messing with a conffile I would think14:25
pozicCan Nautilus be configured not to show certain extensions?14:26
DGMKrishnandu: select the project you want to add it to in that list instead14:27
DGMKrishnandu: it should put it under src for you14:27
parapanghelescupumpkin: did you tried ........sudo apt-get clean /  sudo apt-get update / sudo apt-get upgrade ???14:27
NovaYoshiTHERE we go :314:27
KrishnanduDGM, ok done...thanks...lemme try to compile14:27
KrishnanduDGM, I compiled and everything went successfully14:29
DGMgood :)14:29
pumpkinparapanghelescu, several times.14:29
dotnettedjimcooncat: /data/conf/ is just copied manually whenever I setup a new box - it just helps keep things in one place when things need fixing (frequently) - all the boxes serve as ldap/samba authentication servers too so all other local boxes work as thin clients and save all user data to /data/home/* on the main box (which is on a seperate raid drive) - seemed to me like the safest bet14:29
KrishnanduDGM, but when I click execute it does nothing14:29
itamarcminha placa de vídeo é uma Nvidia Geforce 7950 GT14:29
csgeekis there a client for Ubuntu One for KDE?14:29
csgeekor even CLI14:29
DGMitamarc: english please o.O14:29
itamarcwrong chan14:30
ShapeShifter499!es itamarc14:30
* ShapeShifter499 faceplam14:30
itamarcI wrote in english, but looks like nobody can help me14:30
chongitamarc: what ?14:30
itamarchi, I need some help... I upgraded my ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.04 and now my computer doesn't finish the boot process...14:30
itamarcI've analyzed the problem and looks like it's the X server, but on top of this I my ubuntu does not give me a command prompt14:30
_raven_suspend command not found - what to do?14:30
itamarcto have some access I used "init=/bin/bash" and changed some things, but all I could get is a X screen frozen (mouse and keyboard dead)14:30
econdudeawesomeHi! How do I change the default GNOME menu to GnoMenu? As in, I want to change the keybinding so that alt+f1 opens GnoMenu, not Alacarte14:31
itamarcmy video card is a Nvidia Geforce 7950 GT14:31
jimcooncatdotnetted: so what are you getting for an error message while updating? You may want to use command line tools for updating if you're not getting good feedback.14:31
airtonix_raven_, either upgrade your bios or confirm it can support the required options for suspend14:31
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.14:31
itamarcanyone can help me to figure out what's wrong?14:31
_raven_airtonix, but it is a linux problem isnt it?14:31
parapanghelescupumpkin: if the download is working ...than the repository link is OK ....smth is wrong in your system .....you do not have any specific errors ??14:32
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »14:32
airtonix_raven_, not as far as i'm aware. (most bioses are coded to ignore linux operating systems suspend states unless you upgrade it)14:32
_raven_airtonix, the machine is able to do standby but the command is not found14:32
dotnettedjimcooncat: can you suggest a better way to keep all server data, user data, logs, configuration in a way that they can be easily pulled off and stuck onto another box if ubuntu decides to take a nosedive (or I accidentally delete /etc again ;)) ? - I'm kind of a self-taught linux noob - It seems like there should be a more standard way of doing this14:32
pumpkinparapanghelescu, no. Everything i install works (except the flashplugin-nonfree), the system has 3 months uptime.14:32
chongitamarc: look at X log and kernel log, is there anything wrong?14:32
itamarcfor some reason there is nothing in the logs14:33
parapanghelescusorry ..I'm not able to give you any hint :(14:33
maksonI'm trying to setup chroot env in ubnutu can someone help me out, or point me in right direction all docs seem to be from version 7. and some of the commands don't exist.14:33
jimcooncatdotnetted: there's no magic bullet. You have a fairly good method, though you should think about just keeping your customizations in a standard hierarchy and rsynching it prior to installing your daemons.14:34
littlepenguinmakson http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/56614:34
dotnettedjimcooncat: as far as update-manager goes - the gui has hung at "Installing ... /etc/init/mysql.conf" - after I kill the gui should I clean/purge anything w/ aptitude before attempting to upgrade mysql again to avoid corrupting anything?14:34
maksonlittlepenguin: says debian, doesn't matter if im on ubuntu? ( I'm a n00b... )14:34
littlepenguinno makson schroot is avail for ubvuntu also14:35
KrishnanduHey friends, I just downloaded Aptana Studio, But I don't think it got installed. Rather I'm running directly like a stand alone program14:35
jimcooncatdotnetted: yes, purge, add your custom config, then install14:35
maksonlittlepenguin: its not ... i looked in package manager it's not listed?14:35
maksonlittlepenguin: do i have to manually download and compile?14:35
airtonixKrishnandu, thats how it works.14:35
itamarcchong: sorry, wrong info... there is some logs now14:35
SimonSayezKrishnandu, check for it in /usr/bin14:35
maksonapt -get install schroot says it's not found14:36
maksonlittlepenguin: ^14:36
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littlepenguinmakson 1 moment14:36
maksonlittlepenguin: sure thing.14:36
airtonixKrishnandu, Aptana "installation" involves you extracting the archive and optionally moving it to a place you want.14:36
littlepenguinamkson https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebootstrapChroot14:36
chongitamarc:  just show the warning and error info ,the more the better14:36
dotnettedjimcooncat: thanks a bunch - you're extremely helpful - this channel is probably up in my top 5 irc channels (along w/ #android-dev)14:36
Krishnanduairtonix, okies, thanks :)14:36
jimcooncatdotnetted: Some people use cfengine or puppet, but these seem to have a learning curve I don't know where to start climbing.14:37
littlepenguinmakson https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebootstrapChroot14:37
foobarHow do I set up in /etc/network/interfaces a usb0? I tried doing: http://pastebin.com/RA74rDP4 but it doesn't add it when the computer restarts. Did I format it wrong?14:37
edbianfoobar, What does the usb device do??14:38
jimcooncatdotnetted: I'm playing with custom packaging instead, starting with dpkg-repack. It seems to work well with the packages I've tried, but I'm bound to run into some problems -- especially with security updates14:38
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foobaredbian: It's connected to a beagleboard14:38
granteAnyone know what would cause this error?  SSH dies as soon as I try to connect:  *** invalid open64 call: O_CREAT without mode ***: /usr/sbin/sshd terminated14:38
obscurant1stsome time back i used to use win key+ L to lock the user. I dont remember how i assigned that short key. someone know, where i cn assign that?14:39
foobaredbian: basically I'm using it to connect the beagleboard to internet14:39
edbianfoobar, Umm, ok on that end you're over my head on that end.  I'll just fix the one thing I see wrong with the file. you're missing the auto usb0 line.14:39
edbianfoobar, If you don't have auto <deviceName> then the device doesn't come up when you boot.  You have to start it with sudo ifup deviceName14:39
jimcooncatobscurant1st: perhaps System -> Preference -> Keyboard Shortcuts?14:40
edbianfoobar, Either use that command (ifup) or add in the auto line (like interface lo has) and it should come up if you restart the machine or run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart.14:40
Black_PrinceWhat is wrong with java14:40
foobaredbian: that worked14:40
foobaredbian: thank you14:40
dotnettedjimcooncat: I considered using cfengine but I'd rather have something put together from scratch to avoid the guess work when problems arise14:40
itamarcnow my Xorg.0.log now says: Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)14:41
edbianfoobar, Excellent.  That was easy wasn't it?! :)14:41
Black_PrinceWhen I download jre6u21.bin from www.java.com and install it , then link installdir/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins it won't load java in firefox14:41
littlepenguinblack prince why not install through synaptic?14:41
Black_PrinceI could not find sun-java6 packages14:42
foobaredbian: yes very. Makes sense to. :)14:42
edbianfoobar, Good.  Glad I could help.14:42
maksonlittlepenguin: that's the issue sudo apt-get install schroot it won't install so i'm stuck there14:42
littlepenguinblackprince sun-java6-jre14:42
maksonlittlepenguin: also this is older version of ubuntu server is 9.0114:42
edbianfoobar, What did you have to do to get your unorthodox hardware working?  Anything tricky?14:42
dotnettedjimcooncat: I'm assuming building apache from src and changing its default config directory (/etc/apache2) would probably be a bad idea right? I'm not how many other packages require it to be at /etc/apache214:42
littlepenguinmakson 1 moment14:43
Black_Princewill try14:43
littlepenguinah ok makson did not know that u use 9.0114:43
Picimakson: schroot is in every version of Ubuntu that is currently supported.  What architecture are you on?14:43
chongitamarc:  remove the old xorg.conf, reinstall your nvidia driver14:43
foobaredbian: What do you mean? I used the beagleboard starting guide page. It's just a small computer that you can install angstrom or ubuntu to. I have angstrom on it.14:44
jack_guruhello! how can i adjust the touchpad's scrolling region on ubuntu 10.4? thanks14:44
Picimakson: And do you have the universe repository enabled?14:44
eagleflyhighhey guys14:44
maksonPici: it's not there... ?14:44
edbianfoobar, So it is just a network connection over USB cables?14:44
Picimakson: Whats not there?14:44
edbianeagleflyhigh, Hello14:44
maksonPici: schroot sorry14:44
maksonPici: I'm new to linux, im just trying to download it and it says pacakge isn't available.14:45
Picimakson: Is this a server or desktop?14:45
chongitamarc: upgrade kernel need recompile nvdia kernel module14:45
maksonPici: server14:45
maksonPici: I'm on a VPS.14:45
foobaredbian: yeah. Seems to be the easiest way. You use a USB a to b from your computer to the BB. You have to set up an ip. Actually I had internet working oddly enough. I'm off to find out why it stopped. :P14:45
Picimakson: Can you check /etc/apt/sources.list to see if universe is listed as an enabled repository?14:45
eagleflyhighhow do i install my vga14:45
maksonPici: sure thing, one sc.14:45
eagleflyhighmy wireless aint working14:46
edbianeagleflyhigh, You said hello. I answered.14:46
eagleflyhighim using 8.1014:46
maksonPici: they are commented out14:46
Picimakson: Uncomment then.14:46
edbianfoobar, Awesome.  Thanks for the info.14:46
maksonPici: what's the universal used for?14:46
skumaraeverytime after playing some games which require graphic card my xorg.conf setting all changed. When restart i get xorg.conf wrong setting and unable to load. Then I have to manually edit xorg.conf and insert this line metamode 1280x800_50. and everything get back to normal. Why is this happening and how to prevent my xorg.conf from changing itself?14:46
Picimakson: The majority of the packages available to install.14:46
littlepenguinmakson this guide should help https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/appendix-chroot.html14:47
maksonPici: ok, cool uncommented i'll give it a go again... do i need to kick start anything before i try it out14:47
Picimakson: sudo apt-get update    first.14:47
Picilittlepenguin: 6.10 is no longer supported.14:47
maksoni'm on 9.0114:47
f0gHow can I recompile the desktop kernel with support for the marvell driver?14:48
pumpkinparapanghelescu, another month with no solution. Oh, well, i didn't expect anything else. Thanks and Bye.14:48
littlepenguinyes pici but the guide helps in setting up chroot14:48
f0gMy computer won't boot unless it has it.14:48
itamarcchong: when I install the driver or a new kernel using aptitude, doesn't it recompile the driver already?14:48
eagleflyhighedbian...how do install my vga... im a newbie14:49
itamarcI removed all nvidia drivers and re-installed14:49
itamarcmaybe I'm trying to use the wrong driver14:49
eagleflyhighhow do i install my vga14:49
istvanhey, when I log into my freshly installed Ubuntu 10.04 i get up to entering my password - then I just get the background and cursor.. but doesn't complete the log in. what should I do?14:49
edbianeagleflyhigh, I don't know what you mean?  VGA is a type of connection for monitors.  It also sometimes refers to the actual resolution.  VGA = 640x48014:50
jimcooncatdotnetted: if you're building stuff from source then you should probably be installing in /opt or /usr/local unless you make a real package out of it.14:50
qbitzaAny idea how I can install Firebird1.5-super?14:50
qbitzaIt used to be distributed with Hardy, but I think it was dropped in Lucid14:50
sosaitedI can't seem to mount my microsd card connected in my Samsun S5233a (Tocco lite)14:50
sproatyis there a way to search a terminal's output from within the terminal without piping to grep or redirecting stdout?14:50
qbitzaEditing the sources.list and adding Hardy sources didn't work14:50
sproatylike you do with a text editor :)14:51
maksonPici: that worked! OK, so what's a universal binary, is that for diff architecture, AMD vs Intel x86 x64?14:51
itamarcistvan: problem similar to mine, but I upgraded my ubuntu, isnt't a fresh install...14:51
qbitzasproaty, nope14:51
kurtb141Hello I am new to linux and am trying to install over windows vista.  I have a 64 bit system and have downloaded the 64 bit version of 10.04 and burned the image to a disc like directed in the instrustions but it will not install any ideas14:51
Picimakson: Sorry, I'm unfamiliar with that.14:52
dotnettedjimcooncat: thanks for the info14:52
istvanitamarc, yes, same. I had the issue so i -re installed and same problem14:52
jimcooncatdotnetted: you should really consider sticking with the repo apps so your package manager doesn't get confused. If you can, that is.14:52
edbiankurtb141, Why won't it install?  What is stopping it?14:53
itamarcistvan: what's your video card? Nvidia?14:53
kurtb141not sure it boots up as usual then goes to black screen with blinking white cursor in upper left corner then turns off14:54
dotnettedjimcooncat: I thought so - symlinking the config directories seemed the easiest route - I'm sure I'll figure out the disadvantages soon enough14:54
qbitzaAny idea how I can install Firebird1.5-super?14:54
istvanyes - nvidia 9800gx2 and 9600gt14:54
istvanitamarc, ^14:54
HyYohi. i cant enter password characters in ubuntu running on vmware workstation 7.0.114:54
=== MattJ is now known as MattJ100
itamarcistvan: my video card is a Nvidia Geforce 7950 GT, looks like the problem is really the driver...14:55
benccs it possible to mount a cd from gui or just from the command line with "mount /dev/sr0 /media" ?14:55
edbianHyYo, At the command line?14:55
HyYofor entering username is no problem but while i want to type a password, keyboard won't work14:55
qbitzaHow do I install a package from a previous distribution?14:56
hariomWhat is the best firewall tool for Ubuntu Server?14:56
edbianHyYo, It's typing you just can't see it.14:56
qbitzaI like arnos-firewall14:56
edbianHyYo, It doesn't even type stars so that when people watch on a projector or over your shoulder they can't tell how long the password is either.14:56
istvanitamarc, well i'll download the driver from nvidia and install it with target disk mode I guess14:56
itamarcistvan: I think I will remove all nvidia packages in aptitude and see what happens14:56
HyYoalso in mint 8.0 (on vmware) in gedit14:56
edbianHyYo, That's not a question.  I'm telling you, it's typing the password you just can't see it typing.14:57
istvan*not target disk.. froma live cd14:57
HyYono when i enter it, it give me an error14:57
kurtb141edbian, it boots up then goes to black screen with white cursor then shuts down after a couple miunutes14:57
edbiankurtb141, I don't know what your problem is.  Sorry! :(  Ask around.14:58
HyYono! i am pro in windows. and know star characters14:58
ubuntuokay hi folks! i have a short question about a ubuntu live cd!14:58
skumaraHyYo what is the error?14:58
chongitamarc:  where did you get the driver? from nvdia office website or ubuntu  restricted driver?14:58
HyYoprobebly it is for vmware.14:58
ubuntuwhen i boot a livecd from usb and connect to the internet... is it probably possible that a "buffer" runs out of memory and slows down the connection?14:58
HyYologin faild.14:59
kurtb141Hey guys i am trying t convert from vista to ubuntu 10.04.  I currently have a 64 bit OS so I should download the 64 bit version of 10.04 correct?14:59
econdudeawesome                                 /14:59
SlartHyYo: ubuntu doesn't use stars, dots or anything like that for when you type your password in a terminal.. nothing happens visually when you press a key for a password14:59
hariomqbitza: anything specific you like about arnos-firewall?14:59
skumarakurtb141, yes14:59
parag0nkurtb141, ys14:59
HyYoi typed password correctly but it give me login faild14:59
hariomWhy is it better?14:59
Slartkurtb141: go ahead.. give 64bit a try.. 32bit will work too but 64bit can handle more memory15:00
skumarakurtb141, u can also use 32bit15:00
itamarcchong: I installed the driver from ubuntu repos with aptitude15:00
qbitzahariom, It's easy to configure15:00
xanguakurtb141: that depends, not all programs are supported or have problems with their 64bit version15:00
kurtb141how do you pvtmsg on here15:00
qbitzahariom, edit 1 config file and you're done15:00
qbitzahariom, but it's flexible too15:00
xanguaSlart: 32bit can also handle more memory with !pae15:00
hariomqbitza: is it gui based?15:01
maksonis hardy the ubuntu name for older version and like Karmic Koala. is V9?15:01
qbitzahariom, we use it for general firewall, port fowarding, etc.15:01
Slartxangua: yes.. but I think it still comes with some limitations if I recall correctly15:01
Slart!hardy | makson15:01
ubottumakson: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.15:01
qbitzahariom, no - that's another +115:01
will_Is there a way I can speed up my fan, because my laptop get very hot.15:01
qbitzahariom, no GUIs on servers15:01
maksonSlart: how about 9.10?15:01
makson!9.10 | makson15:01
ubottumakson, please see my private message15:01
Slartmakson: looks like you found it =)15:02
maksonSlart: ;) ok cool, i'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebootstrapChroot and it's for hardy, but im sure i can alter for newer version right ? Pici ?15:02
kurtb141ok the problem im runing into.  I tried installing both now and neither have worked.  When using the infrarecorder like the site say I burned the disc to image then rebooted computer the 32bit one failed to read disc on multiple attempts and the 64 bit version goes to black screen with white linking cursor then shuts down my computer and help?15:02
bencchow do I turn on automount in ubuntu-desktop?15:03
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Slartmakson: afaik chroot hasn't changed in a while.. it should work15:03
maksonSlart: ok. Cool.15:03
Nebulosabencc: use /etc/fstab15:03
will_ACPI report a constant temp of 26.8C for no mater what,, anyone knows why?15:03
benccNebulosa: looking at this file15:04
chrometigercan anyone tell me how to get google calendar into docky like on this page ?   http://lifehacker.com/5145499/gnome-dos-smart-dock-takes-app-launching-to-another-level15:05
ubuntumy question again: can a ubuntu live cd system run out of any memory what causes internet to slowdown dramatically?15:05
Nebulosawill_: what's wrong?15:05
kurtb141I tried installing both the 32 bit and the 64 bit now and neither have worked.  When using the infrarecorder like the site say I burned the disc to image then rebooted computer the 32bit one failed to read disc on multiple attempts and the 64 bit version goes to black screen with white linking cursor then shuts down my computer and help?15:06
will_Nebulosa: thing is my fan runs at an apparently constant speed even though my computer is very hot15:06
Slartubuntu: yes, a live cd can run out of memory... internt connection speed depends on a lot of thing.. you might want to specify if you're using a wifi-connection or wired connection15:06
ShoCkRaVeRif i want to save the .png images from the backgroud of backtrack 4 where do i find them15:06
will_Nebulosa: also ACPI always reports a temp of 26.8C15:07
SlartShoCkRaVeR: ask the backtrack people.. we don't support it here..15:07
xanguachrometiger: are you talking about gnome do or docky 2¿¿15:07
Nebulosawill_: did u run sensors-detect already?15:07
ShoCkRaVeRthank you Slart15:07
Slart!backtrack > ShoCkRaVeR15:07
ubottuShoCkRaVeR, please see my private message15:07
chrometigerxangua: like on that page  google calendar is inside docky15:08
ubuntuSlart, im using a mobile broadband connection on the ubuntu system and connect a wired laptop to it. i just use thise shared internet thing and ubuntu system is my... "router"15:08
xanguachrometiger: that's gnome do15:08
dotnetteddoes anyone have a bash script w/ apt-get error handling lying around somewhere? I need to install a few packages and handle the most common errors15:08
will_Nebulosa: I need to install the package, then I'll do that15:08
Slartubuntu: then I would start looking at that mobile internet connection... I don't know of anything in ubuntu that might make the network connection gradually slower after time15:08
ShoCkRaVeRthx guys see you around15:08
Nebulosawill_: u need lm_sensors..15:09
chrometigerxangua: ok im missing something,   how do i get Do to be like a dock then15:09
will_Nebulosa: actually apt-get reports that it's already installed15:09
xanguachrometiger: you enable the docky theme in do's preferences15:09
chongitamarc: maybe precompiled nvidia drivers in the repo was not successfully upgraded to the new version, there is two solutions: download the lastest nvidia driver from official sites, reinstall follow the guide, or remove all old nvidia drivers and reinstall by aptitude.15:09
will_Nebulosa: but the command you told me doesn't exists15:09
radiguys, in which repo i can find beryl for lucid ?15:09
littlepenguincompiz is already installed radi..15:10
Nebulosawill_: so run sudo sensors-detect and answer yes for all questions15:10
littlepenguinberyl oldname compiz new15:10
radilittlepenguin: hm, ok, in which repo is the newest version15:10
Nebulosawill_: very strange15:10
radilets say it this way15:10
radiand plugins15:10
chrometigerxangua: cool thanks i missed that15:10
will_Nebulosa: sensor-detect: Command not found15:10
ubuntuSlart, thank you. the mobile connection has its issues that is for sure. but problems i experience only occur after a "lot" of traffic during online gaming with my laptop. when i had the mobile umts card in a usb stick there were no such problems. notafter hours of gaming15:11
Piciradi: beryl is no longer developed.  Compiz is its replacement and it is installed by default.15:11
littlepenguinradi this i would take https://launchpad.net/compiz15:11
radii uderstood that15:11
Nebulosawill_: sensorS-detect!15:11
radibut wheres is the newest15:11
radilittlepenguin: thanks15:11
will_Nebulosa: oh... my bad15:11
Nebulosawill_: use tab for autpfilling names15:11
Destructohello all.15:11
Destructohello all. anyone awke for a quickie.ifconfig -a shows my pcmcia wireless adapter( wlan0 ). when i do ifconfig wlan0 up. i get this error --> SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory15:11
parapanghelescuanyone experienced with installing and setup of a mail server in ubuntu ? postfix ? exim4 ? etc ?15:12
kurtb141I am trying to switch from vist 64 bit to ubuntu 10.04.  I followed the directions on the download site to a T and the disc is unreadable any idea why?15:12
xanguaradi: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager > to configure plugins15:12
ciss_hi, how can i verify the file type when downloading a file with wget? e.g., i have a link like .../download/123456 and want to make sure it serves a file *.zip15:12
Piciparapanghelescu: Those questions are probably better for #ubuntu-server, but you should take a look at the mail server section in http://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ first.15:12
radixangua: i already have it i was just wondering where are the newest -.-15:12
will_Nebulosa: I don't get it sry I'm new to IRC15:12
radinow i know15:12
Nebulosawill_: ^)15:13
NokioHi all, For some reason cups is no longer stating on boot. So i have to manualy start cups. Can someone help me out ?15:13
xanguaradi: compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported ¿¿15:13
Slartubuntu: well.. it's certainly possible that the ubuntu box is messing up.. just saying that it isn't a regular problem so I don't really know where to start looking.. there's nothing in the logs? errors? warning?15:13
radifound them15:13
NebulosaNokio: see  the logs15:13
grendal_primeOk i have a virtual enviroment running at home. I want to ssh with a public key to a box on the otherside of the gateway machine.  Is this possible?15:13
will_Nebulosa, Ctrl-) ?15:13
Nebulosawill_: just smile - :)15:14
parapanghelescupici: Im on the same page ...it's just a statement here saying that configuring postfix is tricky and so on ...just wanted to know how hard can it be in reality :d15:14
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chongNokio: you can find cups startup setting at   gnome-session-preferences15:14
Piciparapanghelescu: Its rather easy in my opinion.15:14
will_Nebulosa, so basically I type your name then press tab15:14
ubuntuSlart, no such things. at least there was no pop up or something that said "running out of memory!" or something. what could i do to visualize the "buffer" or wherever this internet traffic is stored to?15:15
Nebulosawill_: and it works in terminal too15:15
istvanhey, whats that command i run in the terminal to run terminal commands on the hard drive from the live cd?15:15
istvanif I were to, say, run apt on my broken system from the live CD15:15
parapanghelescupici: me myself I think wont be so painfull but ...anyway ...I'll look into it inside ubuntu-server later on > thanks for the tip ;)15:16
Slartubuntu: if your box is running out of memory it will start shutting applications down.. and it will show up in the logs15:16
will_Nebulosa, I ran the command and it detected my Atom's sensor15:16
Nokiochong, i just saw that im currently in the runlevel unknown :p if this point out to a bug15:16
dotnettedIs there an auto snap-to-grid script for nautilus/gnome somewhere (to get the same functionality as a windows desktop)15:16
gtklockerhi guys and girls15:16
Artihi all,i ahve some problem with starting Ubuntu ,i got this mesage   could not update ICEauthority file/ home/.ICEauthority , can someone help me how to fix this?15:16
DGMparapanghelescu: might i also recommend webmin and/or virtualmin for servers and their configuration15:16
Nebulosawill_: good! so say yes always15:16
Nebulosathen try sensors15:17
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.15:17
DGMubottu: it works just fine on the latest ubuntu server 64 bit :P15:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:17
chongNokio: which version are you using ? normal runlevel is 215:17
Artihi all,i ahve some problem with starting Ubuntu ,i got this mesage   could not update ICEauthority file/ home/.ICEauthority , can someone help me how to fix this?15:17
NebulosaArti: rm ~/.ICEauthority and relogin15:17
ubuntuSlart, however this isnt happening at all. in fact everything runs fine on the ubuntu system but the shared connection seems to have some serious problems over time15:17
will_Nebulosa, I'll reboot15:18
DGMa bot spreading falseness.. nice.. xD15:18
Nebulosawill_: no!15:18
Nebulosawill_: it not nessesary15:18
ArtiNebulosa thnx15:18
SlartDGM: it just says "likely to cause..." I've also used it on my ubuntu server.. it might just be that you're not using one of the modules that doesn't work and blows up your box15:18
parapanghelescuDGM > got the point > I was looking at the webmin at some point ...seemed a little bit hard for me ....but never know ...15:18
nunojpghow can I download the source of a older kernel? apt-get source linux-image-2.6.32-21-generic is replaced by the latest...15:19
rocket16Hello all15:19
will_Nebulosa, so what should I do15:19
DGMSlart: maybe. Bit long to compare all the modules i guess but i haven't had problems with it in over 3 years :)15:19
ubuntuSlart i dont wanna bother you any longer with that minorproblem. who knows what exactly causes my troubles. maybe i should install ubuntu to hdd and make it a real router. :)15:19
Nebulosawill_: just run command sensors15:19
rocket16Drivel doesn't work with Blogger. I started a new Blog, and the address is http://linux-rocket.blogspot.com/ . So, how should I set up Drivel?15:19
Slartubuntu: it's not guarantee that your problem will go away.. but who knows.15:20
will_Nebulosa, ok now I get a 36C and the 26.8C15:20
Nokiochong, ubuntu 10.04 i believe i must have previously been using runlevel 2 since before this monday everything wasd fine. After multiple reboot i am always in runlevel unknown. Which is why cups does not start. It can't process the runlevel script. sshd also does not start same thing as cups15:20
rocket16It closes as soon as it starts.15:20
Nebulosawill_: nice! :)15:20
Lukiandpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 48098 package 'virtualbox-3.1': error in Version string15:20
Lukian`3.1.6-59338_Ubuntu_karmic': invalid character in revision number15:20
Dr_HeiterInstalled ubuntu using wubi, when I reboot and select Ubuntu from the list of OS, it loads the grub screen and the only choice is Windows Vista (I dont even have vista, installed from win xp).  What the hell happened?15:20
Lukiantesting an upgrade from lucid to maverick15:21
ubuntuSlart, i was just wondering if this could be a memory problem since i never booted anything from a USB stick. ubuntu is just fast and nice. but has its issues. :)15:21
will_Nebulosa, how do i link this to my fan15:21
LukianShould I file this bug against virtualbox or dpkg?15:21
SlartDGM: I've never had any problems with it... but ubottu doesn't hand out warnings for nothing.. I would make regular backups (as always, of course)15:21
Nebulosawill_: it only shows you temps15:21
Slartubuntu: well.. there is a memtest option when you boot the live cd.. give it a try15:21
will_Nebulosa, at least I have that15:22
ArtiNebulosa thnx a lot again15:22
ubuntuSlart, sure. thank you anyway! see you around ;D15:22
Nebulosawill_: u can use applets for monitoring and so on..15:22
Slartubuntu: bye bye15:22
NebulosaArti: :)15:22
ArtiNebulosa what is .ICE authority15:22
DGMSlart: hehe yea i guess. It does that by itself anyway. And since the whole thing is virtualized its easy to revert15:22
ArtiNebulosa u saved me ,tried to many thing but this one solved15:23
NebulosaArti: it's just temp file15:23
istvanhey, whats that command i run in the terminal to run terminal commands on the hard drive from the live cd?15:24
icerootistvan: chroot15:24
NebulosaArti: need for X when you login15:24
istvaniceroot: ah, thanks!15:24
will_Nebulosa, thing is, my computer crashes to blinking cursor and I suspected an overheat because I could cook an egg on it15:24
ArtiNebulosa thnx15:24
icerootistvan: if you mean you want to be in the system from the hard-disk15:24
rocket16Drivel quits as soon as I try to log in. And when in terminal, it shows "Could not open user list". Any help?15:25
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n00bziesHey folks, silly question. I'm trying to create a folder (using the UI not terminal) in opt directory and I get the error that "the folder cannot be created" Error creating directory:Permission Denied... do I have to do it in terminal?15:25
istvaniceroot: no, i want to run apt on my broken install from my live cd15:25
Nebulosawill_: may be it's for videocart?15:25
kurtb141I am trying to switch from XP to ubuntu 10.04.  I followed the directions on the download site to a T.  It starts to read the disc then just freezes any help?15:26
wechatn00bzies: man sudo_root15:26
will_Nebulosa, I have a stupid Intel GMA 945something15:26
chongNokio: Yes, you are right ,it's a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/54350615:26
* lolx greets15:26
lolxCan I know what is the meaning of $gettok or $addtok15:26
rocket16n00bzies: Not needed. In terminal, type: sudo nautilus to start Nautilus with root rights. Now go to the directory, and create the folder there.15:26
will_Nebulosa, does it needs any drivers or whatever15:26
xanguawill_: something wrong with your fan ¿¿15:26
Nebulosawill_: i don't know..15:26
Nebulosaif it was nvidia..15:27
n00bziesthanks folks15:27
xangua!gksu | rocket16 n00bzies15:27
ubotturocket16 n00bzies: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)15:27
Nokiocong, ok thanks ill take a look into that !15:27
Nokiochong *15:27
benccwhen installing netbeans binary script, should I run it as sudo or normal user?15:27
wechatn00bzies: without admin rights u can do everything only in *your home* folder For any other places use sudo or graphical gksu15:27
chongNokio: upgrade upstart15:27
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Nokiochong , my system is already up to date from what i understand...15:28
Nebulosawechat: ;)15:28
will_xangua, thing is my comp crashes at random moments and I suspect overheating15:28
n00bziescool thanks folks!! much appriciated15:28
wechatNebulosa:good job I see u15:28
istvaniceroot: i want to say the command is something like usedisk...15:29
chongNokio: can you switch to runlevel 2 ?15:29
wechatNebulosa: while u are solving realy complicated problems let me help to begginers15:29
Nokiochong, yes if i manualy ask for run level 2 everything is fine15:29
Nebulosawechat: :) ok15:30
wechatNebulosa: well done15:30
will_Nebulosa, thanks for helping me get my temp reading15:30
urthmoverI have installed the oxygen icon set...now how to I change the Applications icon in my top panel back to a gnome foot?15:30
Nebulosawill_: uw15:31
=== Rupert is now known as rup
wechaturthmover: right click  - properties - press the image on the left and change it15:31
c3lwhats the best way to remov a user from a group? I guess manually changing /etc/group isnt a smart idea15:31
Nebulosaurthmover: RMB on desktop.. Change background..15:32
urthmoverok trying those Nebulosa and wechat15:32
Lukianc3l, groupmod?15:33
c3lLukian: oh, thanks ill look into the manpage15:33
Nebulosac3l: gpasswd -d USER GROUP15:33
urthmoverwechat: well in the top panel in gnome....when you r-click on the Applications main menu...the only option is to edit main menu   there isn't a properties  like other launchers15:34
chongNokio: runlevel is reserved  for compatible old sysvinit , i think runlevel is also controled by upstart.i am not sure which script in /etc/init control runlevel change15:34
itamarcchong: I removed all nvidia-* packages in aptitude, but leaved xserver-xorg-video-nv and something changed: the text in the screen became smaller, like the resolution is greater now...  :)15:34
wechaturthmover: u can make ".icons" directory (without quotes) in your home (~) folder put there your icons and use them15:34
c3lNebulosa: thanks, there seems to be many ways to do this =)15:34
chongNokio: i am using fedora now, i can't test now15:35
urthmoverNebulosa: I don't need to change backgroud...and yes you can get to the themes from there....but I don't want to change the entire theme...I just want to edit the oxygen icon theme to have a gnome foot for the Applications (main menu) icon15:35
wechaturthmover: gotcha the only way is to change the icon in the folder with the theme15:35
istvanmy system isn't getting past the login screen, people here seemed to think that it was the nvidia drivers. I just chrooted into my system and tried to install the drivers from nvidia's site but the installed failed under chroot. what should I try now?15:35
Nebulosaurthmover: it run program where u can change everything15:35
gmitrevurthmover: i think you can use gconf-editor to change it15:35
urthmoverwechat: thats what I thought...so I have been scouring the /usr/shar/icons/oxygen folder  and can't find this dumb little circle triangle thing15:36
chongitamarc: is it the right solutions now ?15:36
urthmovergmitrev: where in gconf-editor ?15:36
itamarcchong: no, but at least something has changed: now I need to find out what the right driver for my card15:37
ian__I know it isn't needed, but has anyone ever used or using avast for linux15:37
itamarcI will try installing one at a time15:37
chongitamarc: :-D15:37
istvanitamarc: how can I un-install all my nvidia stuff from ubuntu - that was your idea right?15:37
wechaturthmover: u got it But there are a lot of icons in different size So you've got to choose the one that is used by the applet on the top (It's open source -- You can try and change anything)15:37
benccwhen installing a binary software like netbeans, should I run the .sh script with sudo or as normal user?15:37
urthmoverwhat is the syntax using locate to only search within a particular folder?15:38
Artican some one tell why am i having problem with amarok  this is report of it  http://paste.ubuntu.com/474073/15:38
kagekagebencc, you may have to run as root. If you can't install it as a normal user, run as root15:38
bencckagekage: thanks15:38
itamarcistvan: I just used aptitude, searched for "nvidia" and marked all packages for "purge"15:39
wechaturthmover: can't get the idea15:39
urthmoverok thanks for the advice wechat15:39
istvanitamarc: did that work for you?15:40
istvanitamarc: how did you get into aptitude? if you cant log in that is...15:40
ian__I know it isn't needed, but has anyone ever used or using avast for linux?15:40
nexus6__anyone here has expirience with Smb4k ?15:40
chongNokio: this may be help to you   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=921356715:41
itamarcistvan: not yet, I'm testing the drivers one at a time now15:41
xanguaian__: since no one answer i guess no15:41
ian__xangua: thx anyway15:41
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itamarcistvan: I used the grub menu and edited the kernel line putting "init=/bin/bash", then I can use aptitude... I only needed to setup my network "by hand"15:42
itamarcchong: when I try to install "nvidia-current" I receive an "Error! DKMS tree already contains: nvidia-current-195.36.24"15:43
* briggy slaps leashed around a bit with a large trout15:44
Nokiochong, thanks im testing all these il lbe back15:45
nostomornin all15:45
nostoanyone have some time for some assistance with wireless issues?15:46
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:46
deepkI am not able to use the entire screen of my Samsung T240 HD (24") monitor with Ubuntu 10.04. Any hints?15:46
deepkI have got GEForce Nvidia graphics card and I have installed nvidia drivers.15:46
thune3Arti: how are you launching it, it seems like a bunch of stuff is inadvertently getting run on command line. Also how did you install it? (running ubuntu/kubuntu?)15:46
deepkNothing I do seems to make any use of the left and right portions (~2") of the screen :(15:47
chongitamarc: you have already build nvidia kernel modules for current kernel.15:47
Luiehey i got a noob question about ubuntu15:47
ShapeShifter499should I remove the wine packages from my system BEFORE compiling and installing wine from git?15:47
Artithune3 yes runing ubuntu sudo apt-get install amarok15:47
NebulosaLuie: say it!15:47
LuieI want to run files that I have on win 7 on ubuntu, is it possible to do it?15:47
nostowell i would just consider it polite to ask before throwing my question out there15:47
chongitamarc: i think your nvidia driver works well now .15:47
Luiei have 2 os on this laptop15:47
drelyn86deepk: have you tried adjusting the screen size using the controls on the monitor itself?15:47
Artithune3 yes i lunched it in terminal15:47
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:47
c3lis it possible to manipulate multiple users and groups with the same command? for example gpasswd -a user1,user2 group115:48
xanguaLuie: what files¿15:48
cawncanybody know a media/music library that works well?15:48
Luiei want to access my music and videos15:48
deepkdrelyn86: will do. Thanks.15:48
soundrifthello got a question regarding lucid and default folder..15:48
nostoi am running on a T40 IBM laptop and i am having issues with connecting to WPA networks via the integrated wireless manager on ubuntu 10 any help on this?15:48
=== lance is now known as Guest34668
xanguaLuie: just mount your partition15:48
NebulosaLuie: so just load ubuntu15:48
deepkSomehow the "Screen" menu from the SyncMaster monitor is grayed out :(15:48
itamarcchong: I don't think so, but I will test it15:49
Guest34668Sarva: Hello I cannot play .wmv and .wmv9 format files in ubuntu15:49
Guest34668Sarva: please help15:49
xanguaGuest34668: have you already installed ubuntu-restricted-extras ¿15:49
makson!9.10 | makson15:49
ubottumakson, please see my private message15:49
Luiemount partition?15:49
cawncanybody use a media library they like?15:49
wechatLuie: choose in Places on the top panel menu15:50
Guest34668xangua: How to check that. I am new to linux15:50
thune3ShapeShifter499: there is a cutting edge ppa (usually only a week behind) https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa15:50
soundriftfollowing scenario on a pc with 2 hd (500 Gb each) do you reccomend to move the home directory to the secondary drive? to gain more disk space on the primary one?15:50
wechatGuest34668: also install vlc -- it will bring a lot of codecs15:50
xanguaGuest34668: in a !terminal: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras15:50
cawncCan anyone recommend a media library?15:51
demoneyeAnyone handy with Xorg? I help configuration a 1000x* monitor resoloution thing for xorg.conf. Advice.15:51
leoerrhola alguienb habla español15:51
nostolookin for someone handy on wireless wpa issues15:51
ShapeShifter499thune3: I know, I have that installed, but I want to try to patch and install wine with a DIB engine15:51
tweepcathi, i want to delete the mbr and partition table, and i have been told to use this command: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count =1. However, I get the error dd: unrecognized operand `count'. Can anyone help?15:51
QuantumI never knew wmv files were restricted in Ubuntu Linux general install15:51
chongsoundrift: you'd better use lvm to manage your large disks15:52
soundrifthi chong thanks15:52
Guest34668xangua: I am working on cli15:52
TohuwBest practices/opinion question for an Ubuntu webserver: /etc/adduser.conf: USERGROUPS=yes or no? (In other words, should I force new user john to belong to a group called john. Is there any compelling reason why I can't have him just be added to the standard users group?) It's probably worth noting that I use UserDir public_html15:52
drelyn86tweepcat: is this not something you can do with gparted?15:52
Quantumeverytime I come here I learn something new15:52
tweepcatwhy wont the command work?15:53
wechatGuest34668: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats -- that's the issue15:53
tweepcatis it a simple typing error; maybe a space in the wrong place?15:53
Artithune3 u there15:53
=== sebi_` is now known as sebi`
drelyn86tweepcat: like "count=1" instead of "count =1"?15:54
thune3Arti: i need to look it up, i think you may need to launch some kde4 init stuff before running applications15:54
drelyn86tweepcat: I think you just answered your own question15:54
Artithune3 but i am in gnome15:54
tweepcati will try15:54
LuieSorry but what do i do after i open 'places'?15:55
thune3Arti: that's what i'm saying, amarok is kde4, and it needs some basic backround kde4 processes running in order to launch (i think)15:55
Guest34668wechat: so is there way where I can play those format in ubintu15:55
tweepcati have tried and it says: dd: opening `/dev/sda': Permission denied15:55
tweepcathow do i grant myself permission, i am using a live CD15:56
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chongtweepcat: sudo15:56
thune3ShapeShifter499: just "dpkg -l | grep wine" and "sudo apt-get purge <those packages>", also installing using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall might help you remove compiled wine later, if you decide to.15:56
demoneyeI can''t seem to get xorg to work.. Here is my xorg conf file I added few mins ago: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ptRNMzFV15:56
brimsi've been looking for a solution for a while but cannot find anything. for a default gnome installation on ubuntu 10.04, is there a way to dump the clipboard contents via the command line?15:57
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castbrims: hmm i think so15:57
tweepcatsudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda        ?15:57
ShapeShifter499thune3: ok15:58
chonganybody who knows that why ureadahead use trace system to export file list in system startup  progress but not audit?15:58
brimscast: do you happen to know a command to dump it or where the clipboard is located?15:58
Artithune3 amarok it shows but i cant play my songs in it,it doesent recognize my audio15:59
castbrims: xsel15:59
urthmoveroh how frusterating ...the icon is nowhere to be found in /usr/share/icons/oxygen  it looks very similar to an mplayer icon  if anyone feels like they want to help  sudo apt-get install oxygen-icon-theme-complete   and help me sort this out16:00
c3ldemoneye: noramlly you shouldnt use xorg.conf, use xrander and other tools to achieve what you want, unless youre running some proprietary graphics drivers etc16:00
brimscast: thank you, i will take a look at that16:00
xanguaurthmover: better to use that theme with kde16:01
c3lis it possible to manipulate multiple users and groups with the same command? for example gpasswd -a user1,user2 group116:01
maksonSlart: hey, I'm getting an error saying Karmic isn't supported for debootstrap... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebootstrapChroot im following this doc... dos the ubuntu version matter if the chroot env is different then the main env? I just need to run IRSSI in it and screen...?16:01
urthmoverxangua: pfft  not helpful16:01
xanguaurthmover: you can also find configurable icon themes oxygen like in http://gnome-look.org/16:01
castbrims: xclip, too16:01
demoneyec31: Ok. So, should I install xrander then?16:01
ShapeShifter499thune3: thanks I did not know about checkinstall16:01
c3ldemoneye: its already ther16:01
macodemoneye: no "e"16:02
urthmoverxangua: that is true16:02
opijdoes anyone happen to know how to run google earth in terminal?16:02
thune3Arti: there is some audio output device setting list in amarok2, where you may have to put pulseaudio as the top entry.16:02
tweepcatguys, i have run "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda" in terminal, and nothing seems to be happening. is this normal?16:02
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SimonSayezopij, Google Earth doesnt work in Ubuntu16:02
Artithune3 i tried that but didnt help16:02
c3ldemoneye: ah yes, lika maco says its xrandr not xrander16:02
yessir_turanHas anyobdy used exchange 2007 with evolution in 10.04 lts?16:02
opijSimonSayez, really? why?16:02
sipiorc3l: according to the gpasswd man page, no. try a for loop instead, if you've a lot of names to iterate through.16:02
chongtweepcat: what hell are doing?16:02
SimonSayezopiJ, otherwiae it would be google-earth for terminal16:03
xanguaSimonSayez: why do you say such a thing¿¿16:03
tweepcatdeleting my hd16:03
DesiArnez6Yesterday's update wiped out my sound, and changed my volume settings. Ubuntu 9.0416:03
maksondoes it matter if chroot env is different then main OS?16:03
SimonSayezxangua, Google Earth is broken in Ubuntu16:03
demoneyec31: so, where is this located? /etc/?? maco: thank you16:03
opijSimonSayez, i get it to work but it frequently crashes16:03
c3lsipior: hm, thank16:03
sipiorc3l: on the other hand, if you want to set the group member list explicitly, the -M switch might save oyu some trouble.16:03
chongtweepcat: this may takes long time..16:03
SimonSayezopij, try google-earth from comman line16:03
tweepcatbut is it normal if it appears to be doing nothing in the terminal?16:03
sipioryou, even16:03
xanguaSimonSayez: well that's a diferent thing16:03
c3lsipior: ill look into it, ty16:04
SimonSayezopij, google stores all there files in /opt16:04
opijSimonSayez, i  did. it said command not found16:04
tweepcatoh, can i stop it?16:04
tweepcatand just delete the mbr?16:04
Artithune3 check this report http://paste.ubuntu.com/474092/16:04
SimonSayezopij, cd /opt and look for google earth directory16:04
thune3Arti: maybe http://www.mygnulinux.com/?p=129 , or install "ubuntu-restricted-extras" as well16:04
DesiArnez6Yesterday's update wiped out my sound, and changed my volume settings. Ubuntu 9.0416:04
axisysi am trying to install ubuntu desktop on this hp desktop.. but its keep complaining about soft lockup on cpu#0 .. and keep repeating with some other cryptic message.. how do I install ubuntu on it?16:04
macodemoneye: /usr/bin/xrandr16:04
Artithune3 now  i opened the amarok and he just begined to work16:04
chongtweepcat: that command means you are writing each block of your disk to zero,16:05
opijSimonSayez, there is no such directory in opt, m816:05
sipiortweepcat: you didn't give a count or bs?16:05
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot16:05
ubottuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository16:05
thune3Arti: hmmm16:05
SimonSayezopij, Did you install Google Chrome yet ?16:05
ikercnobody know how to configure virtual with postfix to mailman ?16:05
demoneyemaco: I'm not able to go into that directory /xrandr/16:06
DesiArnez6Yesterday's update wiped out my sound, and changed my volume settings. Ubuntu 9.0416:06
SimonSayezopij, Google Chrome web browser works in Ubuntu 10.0416:06
macodemoneye: its not a directory16:06
macodemoneye: xrandr is a command16:06
SimonSayezand Google picassa runs under Ubuntu linux too16:06
alAthareeHey is anyone avaliable to help me with an issue im having with wubi and windows 7?16:06
c3lmaco: run man xrandr16:06
demoneyemaco: It shows 2 monitor resoloution : 800x600 (current) and 640x48016:07
macodemoneye: and you want to add more?16:07
SimonSayezopij, Try this link http://www.google.com/chrome?platform=linux16:07
c3lmaco: that was ment for demoneye; run man xrandr16:07
maco!resolution | demoneye16:07
ubottudemoneye: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:07
macodemoneye: that wiki page explains how to add more16:07
DesiArnez6Yesterday's update wiped out my sound, and changed my volume settings. Ubuntu 9.0416:07
demoneyemaco: ok will try16:08
meerahi is there someone helping me with my dates? i have all my dates on several usb steks. when i load them on ubuntu than some of them with same names got overwritten. how can i avoit it?16:09
arvind_khadrihi, anyone who has used sogo here ?? I needed help with setting up dovecot16:09
alAthareeAfter installing Wubi im experiencing an extremly slugish expereince16:09
meltersurvey time: what are your favorite ps arguments?16:10
DesiArnez6Yesterday's update wiped out my sound, and changed my volume settings. Ubuntu 9.0416:10
wechatopij: http://www.google.com/linuxrepositories/ and probably http://picasaweb.google.com/picasanewbie/PicasaLinux#16:10
ubuntukapoios gia voitheia?16:11
whlspacedudemy delete key in terminal is messed up. it works like backspace. any suggestions to get it to work like a normal delete button?16:11
castmelter: aux16:11
jconnollyanyone test-drive ubuntu-netbook alpha3 on VirtualBox yet?16:11
Pici!gr | ubuntu16:11
ubottuubuntu: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes16:11
castmelter: -ef, on SunOS16:11
jconnollyi don't get a menu for grub2, just skips into booting default.  anyone know how to force a menu?16:11
alAthareeCan someone please point me in the right direction to figuring out why Ubuntu is running so slow after installing it via Wubi? I am interested in changing to linux... but i want to check it out first16:11
arvind_khadrijconnolly, #ubuntu+116:11
jconnollyarvind_khadri: kthx16:12
arvind_khadrialAtharee, wubi has been known to run slow16:12
yessir_turanexchange 2007, with 10.04 anyone?16:12
arvind_khadriyessir_turan, ask what you want to, someone who knows will answer16:12
alAthareeI mean, dead slow, and the drivers manager wont even launch16:12
c3lis it possible to remove a user from a group, and make that change apply without reloggin that user?16:13
yessir_turanHas anyone used exchange 2007 with evolution on ubuntu 10.04?16:13
DesiArnez6Yesterday's update wiped out my sound, and changed my volume settings. Ubuntu 9.04  and I thought I used to see ALSA. Can someone help?16:13
yessir_turanarvind_khadri: That was my question.16:13
itamarcchong: not solved yet, but I need to go now... thanks for your help, later I'll try to fix it.16:13
SimonSayezAnyone get Google Earth work on Ubuntu Linux yet ?16:13
BigMaoHi there .. is anyone here experienced at using Evolution?  I somehow lost 95% of my message headers so my emails are not searchable, although they are present.16:13
xanguaalAtharee: better try a real install, what do you mena by slow¿¿ it freezes¿¿¿16:13
opijgoogle earth is in the repositories and can be installed online as well but it keeps crashing. can anyone help me with this please?16:13
arvind_khadriyessir_turan, what exactly do you want to know?16:14
chongitamarc: you are wellcom :-D16:14
alAthareeyeah and there are no signs of system strain, it just dosnt launch applications for awhile16:14
SimonSayezopij, Did you go to the Google site and download it directly ?16:14
DesiArnez6SimonSayez, Awhile ago on my old computer with gutsy, now I can't get it to work, I have 9.04 now16:14
alAthareethen will launch them all at once16:14
jackfruit_bill_Hi all , is there any alternate ways of connecting to the internet , apart from using nm-applet ?16:14
opijopij, i16:14
opijSimonSayez, i've tried that as well16:14
SimonSayezDesiArnez6, yeah it keeps crashing on me too with all kinds of errors16:15
yessir_turanarvind_khadri: I just want to know if anybody has used evolution with exchange 2007 on ubuntu 10.04. Because my out of the box evolution, with all the updates/upgraded doesn't support 2007, it only supports 2003.16:15
yessir_turanSo if anybody knows it can run, and how its done, then I would want to know that.16:15
DesiArnez6opij, I got the same problem16:15
SimonSayezDesiArnez6, make a report out to google that Google Earth keeps crashing on Ubuntu Linux systems16:16
demoneyec31, maco: xrandr --newmode "1024x768_60.00"   38.25  800 832 912 1024  600 603 607 624 -hsync +vsync -- like that?16:16
macodemoneye: exactly16:16
DasEiSimonSayez: , opij : do following16:16
jackfruit_bill_I find that in Lucid , if the nm-applet is not available for any reason, is there any other application or tool that will allow me to establish the network connections16:16
nucc1the volume applet doesn't show on my laptop anymore, how can i get it back?16:17
DasEiSimonSayez: , opij : wget -q https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub -O- | sudo apt-key add -16:17
DasEideb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable non-free16:17
shiki-hello guys. a short question and maybe someone knows the answer. I installed a new kernel with -ck patchset. Everythin went good, except this part: "sudo cp /usr/share/kernel-package/examples/etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs  /etc/kernel/postinst.d/" I skipped these steps, it installed fine, running fine. However, it says it coulndn't find modules.dep (at boot)16:17
shiki-The file exists, and I have no idea what could I do :/16:17
DasEiSimonSayez: , opij : pastie comin', second16:17
c3ljackfruit_bill_: nm-applet is just a frontend to I think NetworkManager, but why dont you want to use nm-applet?16:17
froschiuh, i got a bit of a problem now... borked my xorg... need to bring up existing wlan or broadband from the commandline to fix... howto?16:17
c3lis it possible to remove a user from a group, and make that change apply without reloggin the user in question?16:18
SimonSayezDasEi, okay making a note of that16:18
DesiArnez6SimonSayez, I don't know how to do that since I've never made a bug report. When I try to open googleearth from the terminal, It tells me a txt file that it saved about the error, I don't know where to send16:18
wazzupif i wana install ubuntu on a normal amd dual core laptop should i install the netbook edition ?16:18
froschijackfruit_bill_: oh, i need the same, exactly now :)16:18
chongjackfruit_bill_: start networking16:18
DasEiSimonSayez: , opij : http://pastebin.com/3Aqb9by016:18
abhijitwazzup, no16:18
TheSkewardHi.  Trying to connect to the Internet on a 2Wire 1701HG Gateway router.  Every time I attempt to connect, the computer freezes and has to be manually restarted.  I'm able to connect to the neighbor's wireless easily, so it's nothing to do with the computer, the drivers, or the wireless card.  The router is encrypted and I know the key, but I don't know how to configure the connection.  Can anyone help me?16:18
jackfruit_bill_c3L:  NetworkManager  does not provide any functionality to dial or connect or link up , it just allows me to add or setup connections , nm-applet is what allows me to connect16:19
DasEiSimonSayez: , opij : then reinstall again16:19
demoneyemaco: It's done. But on my Ubuntu monitor settings, it only show two options: - http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/3he2UsEg16:19
wazzupso abhijit i should just install the normal one ?16:19
xanguaalAtharee: no, i have no idea which one of a thounsand causes would be that your ubuntu runs slow, better give details here in the channel to get help from everyone16:19
DesiArnez6Yesterday's update wiped out my sound, and changed my volume settings. Ubuntu 9.04  and I thought I used to see ALSA. Can someone help?16:19
abhijitwazzup, you can install regular ubuntu in NOTEBOOK. but if you have NETBOOK then go for ubuntu netbook remix :P16:19
wazzupi have a normal laptop16:20
wazzupa hp laptop16:20
c3ljackfruit_bill_: okay, but why not use nm-applet? if you dont like it you could try the kde equivalen, I dont remember what its called though16:20
=== log|in is now known as log|out
DesiArnez6Yesterday's update wiped out my sound, and changed my volume settings. Ubuntu 9.04  and I thought I used to see ALSA. Can someone help?16:20
abhijitwazzup, whats the full name of your laptop?16:20
macodemoneye: if you run "xrandr" does it list the new one?16:20
macodemoneye: and did you associate it to the monitor?16:20
c3lwazzup: yeah go for normal, netbook doesnt really increase performace much, but it has a interface I just cant use16:20
wazzupdv6 2120ed16:20
macodemoneye: the wiki page lists two steps you need to do... new mode and add mode, i think they are16:21
abhijitwazzup, yah install regular ubuntu16:21
wazzupokay :)16:21
froschiso i have a working connection configured in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/<name> ... <- how to start that from the command line? x is not availabe!16:22
mfilipethe ubuntu sso doesn't work with ubuntu brainstorm? I can't login there. :(16:22
SimonSayezDesiArnez6, this is the error message I get when I try to install Google Earth from the Google .bin file from the website http://pastebin.com/5m3Kpnm716:23
chongfroschi: start networking16:23
Picimfilipe: Thats probably a better question for #ubuntu-brainstorm16:23
froschichong: i tried. doesn't do anything16:23
chongfroschi: which version are you using?16:23
froschichong: this is a broadband connection/dial in, which is not configured as default or so i think16:23
SimonSayezWhat is signal 6 error ?16:23
froschichong: 10.04 ofc16:23
DasEifroschi: edit /etc/network/interfaces,  restart network16:24
chongsee /etc/network/interfaces16:24
froschiDasEi: maybe. what should i enter in 'interfaces' for the broadband? any examples?16:24
DasEifroschi: dial up via modem with user/pass ??16:25
MohShamihey guys, I have a very weird usb ethernet adapter that I need to work on a server, it works fine on ubuntu 10.04 desktop, does the server edition use the same kernel? I want to make sure before I download the image (crappy ISP with low download quota)16:25
Error404NotFoundi keep getting http://pastebin.com/se10ufk2 when i try to run pgadmin..16:25
DasEifroschi: how do you connect ?16:25
froschiDasEi: in general yes16:25
jackfruit_bill_c3l: is there a command line backend to NetworkManager  and or nm-applet , which i can rely on if the nm-applet gui is not working for me ?16:25
mfilipePici, thanks16:26
froschiDasEi: normall i click on the network manager icon in the taskbar -> <configured-broadband-name> and it works.... only X isn't coming up atm16:26
froschijackfruit_bill_: i just found16:26
DasEifroschi: still doesn't give the info, try sudo ifup eth016:27
froschijackfruit_bill_: cnetworkmanager ... dunno if it's in ubuntu though. and i cant install without network here :/16:27
rainrainam doing a bit of research about the use of 3G usb modems with ubuntu because im going to my friends house later to try to get a 3G modem hooked up to an ubuntu computer he has - it seems people were saying at one stage that ubuntu were going to make it plug an play .... yet when he plugs it in, nothing pops up, so does anyone know of a good up to date resource on this - soory im not really...16:27
rainrain...an ubuntu buff either, thanks16:27
demoneyemaco: some commands done work for me: xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1024x76816:27
froschiDasEi: what info? why shout broadband be eth0? 'ignoring unknown interface'16:28
TheSkewardHi.  Trying to connect to the Internet on a 2Wire 1701HG Gateway router.  Every time I attempt to connect, the computer freezes and has to be manually restarted.  I'm able to connect to the neighbor's wireless easily, so it's nothing to do with the computer, the drivers, or the wireless card.   I also have no idea whether it's WPA or WEP.  Can anyone help me?16:28
c3ljackfruit_bill_: hm yeah there is some terminal based network managers, ill check if I can find any. btw, why wont nm-applet work?16:28
DasEifroschi: I still don't get your connection type.. is it a router providing dhcp ? what's the output of ifconfig ?16:29
froschic3l: in my case because x doesnt' start :)16:29
TechMiX rainrain: the support of 3g modems is just really weak .. i am using one and i have to use it in virtual machine (windows) and share the internet in ubuntu!16:29
DesiArnez6SimonSayez, I don't get the Fatal error (First two lines) but the last part is the same about debugging info being logged16:29
jackfruit_bill_c3l: nm-applet suddenly stopped appearing for me ,  though it is back now , i was left without net connection for 2 days ,because of missing nm-applet16:30
SimonSayezSorry I was dropped by the channel16:30
froschiDasEi: nope. it's an internal umts. it works. i have configured it fine under nm-applet. nm-tool even shows it. i just cannot start it in lieu of something like cnetworkmanager, from the command line, because my X is defective, have only console atm16:30
c3lfroschi: oh, so do you know any terminal based frontend for network manger?16:30
kurtb141I burned the ubuntu 10.04 to a disc and place in into cd drive restart computer then go to the cd boot selection and it doesn't read the disc.  I have tried making different copies and downloading again any help available?16:30
rainrainTechMiX: thanks .... however there's lots of people on forums saying they got it working fine16:31
c3ljackfruit_bill_: oh, that sux =/ i cant find any, but I know there is, ill look some more16:31
DasEifroschi : ic, sorry no experience on umts here16:31
froschic3l: cnetworkmanager ... if found. just not in ubuntu. and on my machine...16:31
bandeirakurtb141: have you tried to put your cd driver as primary boot?16:31
SimonSayezkurtb141, Change your BIOS settings to boot from CDROM16:31
kurtb141bandeira, yes I press f12 go to boot from cd drive16:31
froschiDasEi: the problem is not umts or not, only how to use Networkmanager from cli, without gui16:31
macodemoneye: well the name you gave it was 1024x768_60.0016:31
jackfruit_bill_c3l: ok!16:32
macodemoneye: not just 1024x76816:32
wechatkurtb141: burn as 1 file or many on the disk?16:32
sighey guys I just "tried" to install the lastes on my sony laptop and at the very end of the install it ejected the cd and all that showed up on my screen was I/O error ..... and I get nothing, I've tried it twice16:32
sigany ideas16:32
DasEifroschi: can try sudo pppoeconf                            , idk how interfaces handles it16:32
kurtb141wechat, 1 disc16:32
bandeirakurtb141: he means if you burn correctly the file.16:32
TechMiXrainrain: well that was my experience.. generaly speaking, it's risky! ... be sure them modem is supported and works with ubuntu then buy it!16:32
TechMiX rainrain: the*16:32
froschic3l: and btw there is netm-cli. only not for ubuntu either it seems (and not for me without network :)16:33
rainrainTechMiX: thanks anyway though16:33
elitexrayI always get "desktop effects could not be enabled" after installing certain drivers for my graphics card. And I would always reformat to fix this.16:33
c3ljackfruit_bill_: as froschi says, cnetworkmanager, but its not in the ubuntu repos. I remember using it when I was running archlinux, and its nice16:33
kurtb141i did as the download site said.  download the infra recorder then burn the image to cd16:33
bandeirakurtb141: can you see which files your cd contains?16:33
jackfruit_bill_c3l: ok , i'll try that16:34
kurtb141bandeira: one second16:34
c3ljackfruit_bill_: jackfruit_bill_ or as froschi said, netm-cli, though not in the repo either. I dont know which one is best16:34
skumarahow to put gwibber in top panel?16:35
kurtb141i dont get it it's not showing anything, but its got visible writing on the back16:35
wechatkurtb141: i googled for installing without cd at all - it can be 2 you can use AlternateCd 3 you can use Minimal CD 10 Mb - a lot o solutions -- Anyway the quality of disk record is very important (i had this types of problem)16:36
* wechat sory my quick english16:36
demoneyemaco: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/EJvUTLcW16:37
kurtb141I am not sure the quality im just using a dvd-r16:37
macodemoneye: oh i see16:37
macodemoneye: your output is named default not LVDS16:37
dayzI've just installed 2 sticks of 2gb DDR2 into my laptop which is running 32bits 9.10. When I run lshw, it says there are 2gb sticks in my DIMMA and DIMMB. but when I run top, it says I have only 3528MB. Where did my other 500MB+ go?16:38
frxstremI have a PPA repository with Firefox 4.0b4pre, but when I try to upgrade or (re)install it, it won't give me anything else than Firefox 4.0b3pre16:38
TheSkewardI'm trying to configure my wireless connection.  It's encrypted with WEP-Open.  It's set to use the default encryption key (the ten-digit code on the botom of the router).  Looking through the router settings, I see that under Connection Information, it also has a "Key Code", which is a 20-digit number/letter combo in blocks of four, separated by hyphens.  Do I need to enter these both in somewhere when configuring my connection?16:38
wechatkurtb141: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/minimal16:38
skumarahow to put gwibber in top panel?16:39
demoneyemaco: so, I replace "LVDS" with "default" ?16:39
steve001hsdhey all can i get some info on 802.11?16:39
macodemoneye: yep16:39
steve001hsdMy ubuntu system picks up my wifi card and pulls an ip but will not surf or even ping th router16:40
psyt7anyone here with experience using linux on intel gma500?16:40
kurtb141wechat: does that download from the internet for installation?16:41
bandeirakurtb141: well.. so you can't access your dvd files, can you?16:41
drelyn86is the IP that it picks up within your subnet?16:41
kurtb141bandeira: no for some reason it won't read it16:41
wechatkurtb141: yep16:41
kitplyhi, i was trying to import a .pst file of outlook in evolution (Ubuntu 10.04) and in the middle of the import the power got cutoff. The next time i start evolution, it crashes in the middle. Can anyone help me restore evolution?16:41
stoovehi, i'm have succesfully built my own ubuntu install cd. what is the best way to update/add/remove packages from the cds "repository"?16:41
stoovewhen adding a new package i want automatic depdency resolving, so simply moving the package to pool/ won't do16:41
bandeirakurtb141: have you tried another dvd just to be sure your driver is working fine?16:42
demoneyemaco: demoneye@Ubuntubox:/etc/gdm$ xrandr --output default --mode 1024x768  || xrandr: cannot find mode 1024x768 -- same goes with '1024x768_60.00'16:42
macodemoneye: might need to put quotes around it?16:42
kurtb141bandeira: I tried redownloading twice and tried about 10 dvd-rs now16:42
dayzI've just installed 2 sticks of 2gb DDR2 into my laptop which is running 32bits 9.10. When I run lshw, it says there are 2gb sticks in my DIMMA and DIMMB. but when I run top, it says I have only 3528MB. Where did my other 500MB+ go?16:42
frxstremif I have a program installed through apt-get, and I upgrade using another installer or compiling the source, will I still receive new upgrades through apt-get?16:42
bandeirakurtb141: you can also install ubuntu by those pendrivers.16:43
kurtb141yeah going to give that a shot i guess thanks for your help everyone hope it works i hate windows16:43
ikoniafrxstrem: no16:43
ikoniafrxstrem: it will break y our package16:43
demoneyemaco: it says: xrandr: cannot find mode 1024x768 - with "quotes"16:43
chongdayz: install pae kernel can support more than 4G mem at 32 bit16:43
frxstremikonia: okay :S16:44
wazzupis there a easy way to setup a diffrent dns then my isp dns ?16:44
ikoniawazzup: just change it in network manager16:44
bandeirakurtb141: i think you haven't burned it correctly or your dvd driver isn't working.. when you burn it correctly, you can also install it from windows through wubi.16:45
wazzupok will try :)16:45
kryptykdayz: See my PM16:45
macodemoneye: looking at your pastebin, you did newmode on 1024x768 but didnt do addmode for adding it to default16:45
aeon-ltdwazzup: router settings, for global config16:45
kurtb141yeah i went with the download page on http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download and did as they directed but no luck16:46
wazzupmy router does not support that :p16:46
chongdayz: 32 bit system support 4G address at most, but some address is reserved for special use,16:46
bandeirakurtb141: yeah.. it seems like a hardware trouble.16:46
bandeirakurtb141: give a chance for your pendrive.. it'll just work fine. a little slower but it will.16:47
kurtb141yeah downloading the file from that website now to do it that way16:47
myrkraverkhow/where do I install opengl headers?16:48
myrkraverksudo apt-get install opengl-dev16:48
myrkraverkdoes not cut it16:48
wazzupok i just learned when i am trying the ubuntu try out from cd > dont out ya laptop in standby :p16:49
demoneyemaco: I did: xrandr --addmode default "1024x768"16:49
steve001hsdis the rtl8191se chipset supported in lts?16:49
macohistory | grep xrandr       <-- can you pastebin that?16:50
froschic3l: fyi tried a bit with dbus-send to wake the NetworkMangaer-connection, no use... got it working then: just changed autoconnect to 'true' in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/xyz and restartet NetworkManager :)16:51
froschiDasEi: fyi as well ^^16:51
iceage2098I have ubuntu 9.10 and I don't know Why I update upstart package to 0.6.3-11 version, cron doesn't work! anybody knows about this problem?16:51
DesiArnez61Yesterday's update wiped out my sound, and changed my volume settings. Ubuntu 9.04  and I thought I used to see ALSA. Can someone help?16:52
demoneyemaco: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/WHQRkfsq - looks messy ;P16:52
Guest34668Hello still I am not able to play ***.wma and wma9 files in ubuntu please advice ...16:52
FabParmai need to provide a very verbose processes list with dependences, zombies and more if is possible. how to capture everything is working and save it as file?16:52
abhijit!restricted | Guest3466816:52
ubottuGuest34668: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:52
froschipsyt7: i'm just working on that with varying succes atm :/16:52
DasEifroschi: nice it works now, but dbus is deprechiated, upstart rather16:53
maco!jp | hedgehog16:53
ubottuhedgehog: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい16:53
c3lfroschi: woh, that sure is a solution for the geeky ones ;)16:53
Miouyhedgehog: hello16:53
c3lis it possible to remove a user from a group, and make that change apply without reloggin the user in question?16:53
Guest34668ubottu: Thanks i will try16:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:53
TheSkewardI am capable of connecting to my router.  However, when I attempt to connect using WEP-open and my default encryption key, my computer freezes as soon as it tries to connect, and must be restarted.  What can I do to fix this?16:54
trojan_spikeur a smart bot ubottu16:55
psyt7froschi: looking at this on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsPoulsbo16:55
crazygirhiya hiya, so this issue is really on xubuntu, but I think this applies more to ubuntu, and no one in #xubuntu has been able to help.16:55
crazygirhiya, so I'm upgrading my system and am at the dreaded update menu.lst step. I usually have problems with this if I don't pay attention and/or trust xubuntu too much, and then have to go fix the entries. The first thing I noticed in comparing the two versions is that the UUIDs are not the same for the old/new menu.lst entries16:56
psyt7froschi: new laptop. seems like a bad choice so far ;)16:56
ikoniacrazygir: you shouldn't have to touch menu.lst16:56
aefhi, what could cause that drag and drop on my gnome desktop doesn't work with lucid?16:56
crazygirI haven't formatted or changed any of the partitions (indeed, I've only rebooted once since the last update), so the UUID should not be different16:56
crazygirikonia: I know, and every time I've trusted the system with that I've gotten screwed16:56
xanguaaef: drag and drop from where to where¿16:57
crazygirdue to the UUID being changed16:57
aefxangua:  i can drag things but they won't stay. for example app starters in the upper bar or moving symbols on the desktop16:57
ikoniacrazygir: what has changed that has caused you a problem16:57
crazygir(it saying the UUID is different when it isn't)16:57
crazygirI haven't touched menu.lst, so the update should be trustworthy16:57
wazzup<ikonia> wazzup: just change it in network manager < where can i find teh network manager ?16:57
ikoniacrazygir: then I'd log a bug with the grub-legacy package on launchpad.net16:57
crazygirikonia: but the updater is telling me the UUID is different16:58
thune3crazygir: UUID is part of the filesystem, you didn't create a new filesystem (on an existing partition)?16:58
ikoniawazzup: systems->preference->network connections16:58
ikoniacrazygir: log a bug16:58
crazygirhow do you check the UUID for a volume again?16:58
ikoniasudo blkid16:58
ikoniacrazygir: how can you not know the command, yet you know they haven't changed ?16:58
froschipsyt7: yeah, i'm at the 'drmOpen failed' stage atm :/16:58
wazzupty ikonia i foudn it :)16:59
chongcrazygir: blkid16:59
=== caio is now known as Guest68856
MrSayaheyHello everyone, i have a HP DM3 laptop and when i use my headphone the sound still be out from my speakers17:01
Dravekxanyone know where the apache control conf file is located on a LAMP install?17:01
MiouyBastien59: Hi17:01
dayzchong, but I only have 2x 2gb, it shows 3500mb17:01
Quantumopij, hey are yu still here ?17:01
ikoniaDravekx: it's same place as a standard apache2 install on ubuntu17:01
Guest68856quem é vc17:01
Dravekxikonia, ugh. I cant find it.. it's not in /etc/apache217:02
ikoniaDravekx: it should be17:02
ikoniaDravekx: what is the name of the file you are looking for ?17:02
MrSayaheyin my laptop, the sound don't switch between the speakers and the headphone, anyone know why ?17:02
Dravekxits the conf file that specifies the default page.17:02
mrandrzejakCan anyone recommend a good website for installing java in lucid? Ive installed it on a netbook, and in firefox typing in "about:plugins" shows that it is installed. Thanks for any help!17:02
ikoniaDravekx: what is the name of the config file you're looking for17:03
ikoniaDravekx: each site normally has a config file look in the sites-available directory17:03
xanguamrandrzejak: if it's already installed, what else do you need¿17:03
Guest68856quem é vc17:03
Guest68856 para ti tar  falando ingles17:03
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.17:03
mrandrzejakit doesnt work in firefox17:03
Dravekxikonia, let me check that.17:03
Guest68856quem é vc17:03
c3lI removed a user from the admin group, ie removing permission to use sudo. but this change does not apply until the user logs out, can I make the change apply directly?17:03
ikonia!es | Guest6885617:03
ubottuGuest68856: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:03
ikonia!br | Guest6885617:03
ubottuGuest68856: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:03
xanguamrandrzejak: did you install restricted-extras before java¿17:04
chongdayz: yes, you have 4G ,but not all of this memory can be use ,because some adress space is reserved, ex. pci ,dma ....17:04
mrandrzejakyes, all that was installed17:04
FabParmahow to create a verbose processes list with kernel dependences, zombies and more if is possible. how to capture everything is working and save it as file?17:05
Guest68856yuo is17:05
mrandrzejakjava works on some pages, but not most17:05
chongdayz: if you install kernel with pae support, it will show 4G not 3500mb17:05
demoneyemaco: should I paste that code on wiki, to my xorg.conf file?17:06
MrSayaheyHello all, i have a HP DM3 laptop and when i use my headphone the sound still be out from my speakers. The sound don't switch between headphones and speakers. Anyone can help me please ?17:07
ikoniaGuest68856: what ?17:07
LicuadoraI uninstalled and reinstalled Alsa, pulse, re installed the kernels... and still no audio17:07
Guest68856fala portugues17:07
ikonia!br \ Guest6885617:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:07
Guest68856por favor17:07
ikonia!br  Guest6885617:07
thune3FabParma: "ps" man page has some 'tree' examples. ps is highly configurable, you can probably make it do what you want (depending on what you want exactly)17:07
ikonia!br | Guest6885617:07
ubottuGuest68856: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:07
FloodBot1ikonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:07
xangua!pt > Guest6885617:07
ubottuGuest68856, please see my private message17:07
Licuadoraubottu: you are a spy!!17:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:08
Licuadoraubottu: O yes you are!17:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:08
kuattoI just upgraded to the new kernel and my external monitor is having the wrong mode probed: 1360x768 instaed of 1900x120017:08
MrSayaheyubottu, i love you17:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:08
Guest68856fala portugues po favor17:08
ikoniaGuest68856: this channel is English only17:08
LicuadoraHes just a little shy17:08
kuattohow do I assign a mode?17:08
LicuadoraEu soi do Brasil17:08
ikoniaGuest68856:  you have been given the channel for protugues chat17:08
xanguaLicuadora: please stop that17:08
Licuadoraok ok ok17:08
chongMrSayahey: maybe it's driver issus, try upgrade you system to the lastest17:08
Licuadoraalready did17:09
LicuadoraAnyway, how do you installa driver?17:09
ikoniaLicuadora: for what17:09
xanguawhat driver¿17:09
LicuadoraIntel does offer an .exe file, but for linux, its justa .something file17:09
artinstartinHow can i save audio from a video file as mp3 using GUI instead or the terminal?17:09
dmgjoin #english17:09
Guest68856eu não falo inglish17:09
maco!pt | Guest6885617:10
ubottuGuest68856: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:10
ikoniaLicuadora: please link to the page your getting the "driver" from17:10
FabParmathune3: thank you for suggestion. create the right string with "ps" can take hours, but if is the only one ill do it17:10
kuattoeverytime I upgrade a kernel it's a crapshoot!17:10
kuattothis or that will break17:10
ikoniakuatto: don't talk nonsense, explain your problem clearly17:10
mrandrzejakdoes i686 mean a 32 bit computer?17:11
chongLicuadora: alsa support many types of sound card, this is not problem at most time, maybe a small but at your version17:11
_raven_which ubuntu for machines with less ram?17:11
ikoniamrandrzejak: yes17:11
ikonia_raven_: how much ram ?17:11
mrandrzejakfor less ram17:11
kuattoikonia, The external monitor on my laptop (after kernel upgrade) is missing a bunch of modes, or I should say it is being probed incorrectly17:11
ikoniamrandrzejak: how do you know ? he may have 64meg for all we know17:11
_raven_ikonia, >20017:11
xangua!lubuntu | _raven_17:11
ubottu_raven_: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu17:11
kuattothe highest resolution is 1360x768 instaed of 1900x120017:11
ikonia_raven_: exactly how much ram17:12
_raven_ikonia, no <200 i mean17:12
ikonia_raven_: exactly how much17:12
ikoniakuatto: that sounds more to me like an xorg issue than a kernel17:12
_raven_ikonia, 18417:12
LicuadoraI do not have a sound card, its my built in from th Mother board17:12
mrandrzejakmy mistake, should astill work with 184 ram17:12
kuattough, How can I tell ubuntu that my external monitor can support 1900x1200?17:12
FabParmahow to capture in a file a very verbose processes list with kernel dependences, zombies and more if is possible?17:12
_raven_mrandrzejak, what do you mean?17:13
gabrielsnoob needs help.17:13
MrSayaheychong, i've tried but it's the same issue17:13
gabrielsanyone there/17:13
ikonia_raven_: how is that ram made up, in terms of sim sizes17:13
Licuadorahelp | gabriels17:13
rooksFabParma, ps -afx > some file17:13
Licuadora!help | gabriels17:13
ubottugabriels: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:13
Licuadorahehehehe, i love that bot17:13
_raven_ikonia, no idea...17:13
ikonia_raven_: I can't see that as a valid ram figure17:14
mayitophi, someone here knows something about configurations for a proxy server with kaspersky? some how to or tutorial, i did not find anything17:14
ikonia_raven_: if that's your ram, I'd check out your hardware for a hardware fault as I can't see a way to get that ram ammount17:14
LicuadoraMy PC has been soundless for months now17:14
jbzHopefully the right place for a question...can anyone tell me how to load additional iptables modules on 9.10?17:15
_raven_ikonia, 3x 64 mb17:15
ikonia_raven_: that's 19217:15
chongMrSayahey: I dont't known exactly you sound chip and software info .17:15
kuattoxrandr is missing a buch of modes17:15
Licuadorathe Sound card was working, but when i change it for a WIFI PCI, and then tryed to lisent to song from the built in audio, it didint worked17:15
_raven_ikonia, riight17:16
LicuadoraWell, im gonna get me some munchies17:16
ikonia_raven_: you said you had 18417:16
_raven_ikonia, it sais 184 but its 3x6417:16
ikonia_raven_: so then there is a hardware error17:17
ikonia_raven_: get that solved17:17
TxMattanyone want to do me a flavor and see if my vnc is working properly17:17
TxMattby connecting to it=\17:17
slinker1raven_: or some is used for onboard video17:17
TxMattwrong channel17:17
ikoniaTxMatt: control your langauge17:17
sipiorjbz: you can find them in /lib/modules/.../kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter. load them with "sudo modprobe <module name without the .ko>"17:18
sipiorjbz: add them to /etc/modules if you want them started again at boot.17:18
jbzsipior:  Thanks.  If the one I want isn't there, is it possible to compile it without doing a full kernel recompile?17:18
sipiorjbz: sure, if you've got the kernel sources + headers to hand.17:19
jbzsipior:  Thank you!  Looks like I have research to do then. :-)17:19
sipiorjbz: have fun :-)17:19
SimonSayezIf you have a problem with Google Earth Crashing on Ubuntu Linux 10.04 submit here: http://code.google.com/p/earth-issues/issues/list17:19
Oerikonia, 3x 64 = 192, but  onboard graphics can take 8 mb ?17:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:20
kreme191I just installed windows 7 on a second partition, but now i need grub to switch between them. When i used grub in the past all it did was go straight to the grub command prompt, is there a way to install grub and have it recognize the two OS17:20
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:21
kjcoleThis morning I received a message during an update: "Setting up base-files (5.0.0ubuntu20.10.04.2) ... proxy 'false' looks invalid". Is it a cause for concern?17:23
chongkreme191: reinstall grub ,edit menu list , use chainloader to load window 717:23
kreme191chong: where is the edit menu list, can i find it during the installation17:24
demoneyehmm, no changes17:25
sipiorkjcole: doubtful. the update finished without further complaint?17:25
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:25
kjcolesipior: Yes. No complaints.17:25
sipiorkjcole: you should be fine, i think17:25
kreme191thanx ubottu17:26
chongkreme191: are you using lucid?17:28
lucenutI installed Eclipse and am trying to create a new "project", but I can't browse to my windows shares on the server from the New Project wizard.17:28
karlhuntjoin #ubuntu-server17:28
lucenutIn a File Browser I can go to the windows shares.17:28
kreme191chong: no17:28
=== log|out is now known as log|in
chongkreme191: old grub menulist is in /boot/grub/17:29
demoneyeI done everything that is on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution, but I still can't seem to change/add the monitor resoloution17:29
kreme191chong: what about grub217:30
lucenutIs it possible to do something like in Windows when you "map a drive"?17:30
JenniferBhi folks... i have put a password for sudo and my username on ubuntu... I am wondering if tehre is any possibility for anyone to be able to access files in ANY way. or are they secure and can only be accessed with the passwords ?17:30
lucenutSo that the Browse utility will show it.17:30
kurokugenlucenut - if you mount it you can see it from anywhere.17:31
lucenutIt is mounted I think.17:31
lucenutIf you right-click there's an option to unmount.17:31
kurokugenHave you looked in /mnt/?17:31
abhijithello all after reinstalling ubuntu now everything is working good including firefox, postres :D :D :D17:31
chongkreme191: /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:31
lucenutNo, I don't seee that17:31
sacarlsonlucenut: you can create a symbolic link to it from your /home/usr or just setup a favorite in nautilus17:32
crazygirikonia: how do you mean: 'how can you not know the command, yet you know they haven't changed ?'17:32
kreme191chong: do i put this in the terminal or grub prompt17:32
crazygirikonia: I'm looking at the diff17:32
* man8 hola , hi 17:32
lucenutsacarlson, can you explain? I don't understand that. :-)17:32
sacarlsonlucenut: the file browser you use is called nautilus17:33
crazygirikonia: I also have had to do this each time I upgrade (fix the menu.lst which the update broke), so I know the process, but forget the that specific cmd17:33
sacarlsonlucenut: when you are in a directory you want to return to you can set a bookmark like your browser17:33
FabParmaOn closing i get a strange error window. screenshot and process list are available here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1543720 please have a look17:34
chongkreme191: i means that , if you install win7 after, you should reinstall grub because of mbr replaced, and then modify grub.cfg17:34
linguiniiWhen multiple users are logged in, a non-admin can't shut down the computer.  That is a problem for me.  What is the recommended way of changing this behavior so that any user can shut down the computer without being prompted for an admin password?17:34
lucenutMade a bookmark which I can see from the File Explorer, but can't see it in the Eclipse Browse utility.17:34
c3lI removed a user from the admin group, ie removing permission to use sudo. but this change does not apply until the user logs out, can I make the change apply directly? somehow reload the sudoers file or so?17:35
aefhi, what could cause that drag and drop on my gnome desktop doesn't work with lucid? dragging things works, but if you drop them, the are sucked back. for example moving desktop icons or placing icons on the top bar.17:35
sacarlsonlucenut: I'm not familur with eclipse]17:35
kreme191chong: ok I will do that, do I find grub config by using the terminal or when the grub prompt comes up17:36
c3lbut also, the user is still in the admin group, how do I fix this without leaving the sessin, ie relogging17:36
tomoyahey, I have a linksys USB AE1000, I followed this tutorial: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?p=1353558 But my system still doesn't recognize the tutorial17:36
linguiniiI am thinking of just making all users admins even if I wouldn't otherwise.17:36
tomoyaThe driver compiled and installed correctly17:36
chongkreme191: you'd better startup by live os, install grub and edit with terminal17:37
syivanaIs there a way to block linux-image from updating since 2.6.34 is installed? (and grub configured)17:37
kurokugenlucenut - but you could try sacarlson's idea of a symbolic link.  That might work for you!17:37
lucenutYeah, I created a link.17:37
lucenutI can see the link in File Explorer but not in this Browse utility.\17:37
tomoya*recognize the card17:37
lucenutThere is a button at the top of the Browse utility labelled "mnt".17:37
siri_abhijit: Hi17:37
lucenutBut it doesn't appear to do anything.17:37
abhijit!wubi | siri_17:38
ubottusiri_: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.17:38
Oertomoya, fedora howto's do not work on ubuntu wich is debian-based17:38
kreme191chong:  i will do that and come back if i have questions, thanks17:38
abhijitsiri_, but dont go for that if you are willing to use it for day to day main purposes.17:38
linguiniiDo the "user settings" have any merit?  I see basic thing such as "Use audio devices" unchecked. (?)17:38
chongkreme191: :-D17:38
sacarlsonlucenut: funny thing I have eclipse installed but don't remember running it before and I don't think it's standard install17:39
tomoyaOer: Are you sure? The driver compiled from scratch properly, and many people from ubuntu forums have linked to that tutorial17:39
ecraneWhere can I find some themes for Ubuntu 8.04 please?17:39
kurokugenUnfortunately I'm on a Mac right now and can't look....  If you go to /mnt/ in File Browser do you see your mounted network point?17:40
lucenutI don't see anything under /mnt17:40
Oertomya, did you succeed step 6 ? fedora=su / ubuntu=sudo17:41
lucenutBut I see my windows shares in the left pane of the file browser.17:41
lucenutWhen I hover over the windows share I see smb://server/wwwroot/17:42
kurokugenHave you tried asking in #eclipse?  They may be able to help.  Unfortunately I'm away from my Linux box!17:42
lucenutBut I try just typing that into the browse utility with no luck.17:42
lucenutNah, I'll try there.17:42
lojackAnyone know if there is a way to disable the use of FUSE when mounting NTFS drives?17:42
sacarlson lucenut: browse utility like firefox?17:43
Oerlucenut, does eclips have acces/rights to use your server ?17:43
Antracionesalve a tutti17:44
lucenutI just mean the browse button in the New Project wizard.17:44
lucenutI don't know anything about eclipse's rights.17:45
KernelCrash23HELP PLEASE!!!17:45
lucenutUbuntu can see the shares.17:45
ikoniacalm down krafty17:45
ikoniaKernelCrash23: calm down please17:45
ecraneWe're about to have a KernelPanic....17:45
ikoniaKernelCrash23: ask a question and someone will help, if they can17:45
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
doctorZeusanybody using software raid 5 in ubuntu?  How is the performance/stability..any comparisons to a true hardware raid using a controller card?17:46
KernelCrash23I was trying to upgrade my kernel to maverick one and when compiling i got a error message cuz no more space in root???17:47
Aloneaever since these newer kernels came out I can't get my wireless card to reliably work anymore. Sometimes it does, most of the time it just goes into an endless connect cycle, but hardly ever successfully connects17:47
ikoniadoctorZeus: by software raid, you mean mdadm, if you have a modern processor thats on a box thats not %90 utilised, it's perfect17:47
ikoniaKernelCrash23: then you should know what you're doing if your custom compiling development kernels17:47
ikoniaKernelCrash23: custom kernels are not supported here at all17:47
KernelCrash23when restart i couldn's acces my session anymore cuz a power something error17:47
sacarlson lucenut: eclipse apears to be a software development tool.  just use your home directory default to work in17:48
ikoniaKernelCrash23: custom kernels are not supported here17:48
KernelCrash23where can I found some help???17:48
ikoniaKernelCrash23: no idea, but we do not support custom kernels, it is assumed you know what you're doing if you're using and and building development kernels yourself17:48
AloneaI have been using the compiled drivers from compat-wireless (the ath9k ones) any idea whats up?17:49
ikoniaAlonea: you've not said there is a problem17:49
Aloneaikonia: I did...17:49
KernelCrash23I was doing well, but then i ran out of space (don't know why)17:49
ikoniaAlonea: I've not seen17:49
sacarlson KernelCrash23: well with all that detailed info about power something error I'm sure we can figure it out17:49
ikoniaKernelCrash23: please stop discussing it, it's not supported here17:49
ikoniasacarlson: please don't mock, it's not supported, leave it at that17:49
doctorZeusthanks ikonia.. that's my understanding as well.  Running a c2d 2.66ghz, average utilization reports are quite low17:50
Alonea(12:47:15 PM) Alonea: ever since these newer kernels came out I can't get my wireless card to reliably work anymore. Sometimes it does, most of the time it just goes into an endless connect cycle, but hardly ever successfully connects17:50
ikoniadoctorZeus: I have excellent performance on both raid 1, 5 and 617:50
wildc4rdevenin' all!17:50
aquifexwhere are stored in ubuntu the data from routine disk integrity checks?17:51
KernelCrash23very nice sarcasm sacarlson... I new but not noob OK, is that a sin or what??? Sometimes Linux geek think they are God or something...17:51
ikoniaKernelCrash23: please drop it17:51
doctorZeushave you lost power abruptly?  What kind of issues should I expect?  I have an old UPS going but it's only good for a couple of minutes and I tend to get 5-10min drops in my area from time to time17:51
aquifexI've had an "error on root partition" fixed by the system but i am not sure it is safe to use this installation now...17:52
ikoniadoctorZeus: I was losing power recently funny enough, and I've had zero issue with array rebuild17:52
Aloneabefore the only drivers that would get my wireless to work is the ones from compat-wireless, but now they don't. They worked perfectly at first, but as ubuntu has updated, its stopped17:52
ikoniaaquifex: very safe17:52
doctorZeusexcellent.. worth a shot17:52
aquifex@ikonia the error appeared after some random boot failures on my pc, probably hardware-caused17:53
doctorZeusI will keep all of my critical stuff double backDupD on a USB until my confidence level comes around17:53
aquifexi was worried that the reset can damage my system17:53
kjcoleI installed a fresh 10.04 a few weeks ago, and have been updating diligently. I noticed that /etc/motd -> /var/run/motd which is not present on my system.  Which package would be the place to report or search for the bug?17:53
KernelCrash23I came here for help and I got nothing. Stupid geeks... FUCK THAT!!!17:54
aquifexi am on 8.04 LTS17:54
Aloneaikonia: this has been what I have been using for the last few months with no issues until recently: http://linuxon1001p.blogspot.com/2010/03/fixing-wireless.html17:54
macokjcole: its not on mine either17:54
zkriesseKernelCrash23: What your language17:54
coz_KernelCrash23,   you have to be patient...17:54
coz_KernelCrash23,   if you ask and no one knows the answer  somtimes unfortunately they dont answer17:54
coz_KernelCrash23,  however you can also visit ##linux channel17:54
doctorZeusAlonea I actually had the same issue..it would randomly lose it's mind and drop the wireless connection, using a linksys pci card.  I could not find a solution, but switching to an old linksys usb adapter seemed to fix the problem (mostly), it only dropped a few times in a couple of weeks opposed to a few times a day17:55
aquifexso the "errors on root partition" will not damage my critical files?17:55
biharikernelcrash whats you question?17:55
ikoniahe's gone17:55
iktomido any of you know where i can find all of the gnome launcher scripts?17:55
AloneadoctorZeus: well, the thing is, it used to work perfectly, now I have only gotten it to connect twice maybe in the last couple weeks17:55
aquifex...is ubuntu so failsafe?17:55
jonathanrlivelyHi there, wondering if anyone has run into this problem- tried to change login sound(using ubuntustudio 10.04) in /usr/share/sounds/ubuntustudio/stereo/ and now have no login sound. Tried to change back to default and still no login sound.17:56
iktomii'm trying to add the Log Out launcher to a menu but i don't know the name of it, so i want to find out where all of those are located17:56
doctorZeusSame with me Alonea.  I was I had been paying better attention but it seemed to start immediately following an update17:56
coz_jonathanrlively,  is the new log in sound an .ogg or .wav??17:56
kjcolemaco: Doesn't seem like a big deal, but does seem like a bug.  Just not sure which package deals w/ it.  But silly me: I can check myself...17:56
aquifexlogin sound is stored somewhere17:56
churlHow does one make Nautilus remember what app you want it to use to open a file? (Right click->Open With Other App->Remember this app is not working)17:56
jonathanrlivelytried both file types17:56
AloneadoctorZeus: and the ndiswrapper was horrid before and dropped constantly so I am not going back to that17:56
iktomichurl: there should be an option to set default programs that is easily accessible somewhere17:57
doctorZeusAlonea because I had the USB card to try I didn't see how deep that rabbit hole went.  Seeing as we both had the issue I'd go so far as to say other people have and their should be some bug reports out there with (hopefully) workarounds or resolved17:57
macokjcole: i dont actually see any packages listed as providing /var/run/motd when i do an apt-file search17:57
iktomii saw it while looking through one of the menus17:57
jonathanrlivelyand changing back to the exact same default login sound config still doesn't work17:57
coz_jonathanrlively,  ok check under system/preferences/ sound to be sure nothing is musted and also with   alsamixer in the terminal17:57
Larimaniflash videos (youtube) are choppy on my new lubuntu install... those vids play fine on windows 7... any idea why?17:57
AloneadoctorZeus: well, my card isn't linksys. Its a netbook with..let me look that up again17:57
coz_jonathanrlively,  they sould be .ogg files I believe17:58
kjcolemaco: see /var/lib/dpkg/info/initscripts.postinst17:58
iktomiso do any of you know how i can add the Log Out button (addable in the "add to panel" window, but i don't know the name of it to add it to a menu)?17:58
coz_jonathanrlively,  i am also assuming  you renamed the new file  to the same name as the old one ...yes??17:58
jonathanrlivelysystem/preferences/sound is fine and all other sounds play fine- just the login won't work anymore17:58
sacarlsonLarimani: maybe change the cache mem or whatever the buffer mem17:58
Alonea01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Atheros AR8132 / L1c Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev c0)17:58
Alonea02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Device 002c (rev 01)17:58
Larimanithanks sacarlson, I'll look into that17:59
kjcolemaco: It doesn't provide /var/run/motd, but links /etc/motd to it...17:59
jonathanrlivelytried renaming the file to the original- desktop-login.ogg and still doesn't work17:59
jonathanrlivelyodd thing is that reverting back to the original desktop-login.ogg file doesn't work anymore either17:59
coz_jonathanrlively,  was this the  drums one or the song one17:59
macokjcole: well i dont think anything provides the file its trying to point to though17:59
coz_jonathanrlively,  did you restart x  to test or even reboot17:59
jonathanrlivelysong one18:00
macokjcole: but sure file a bug that maybe the symlink is tryign to link to the wrong place18:00
kjcolemaco: as does base-files.postinst18:00
doctorZeusdoes anyone know where the ubuntu update change logs get posted to?18:00
jonathanrlivelyrestarted x and rebooted several times- no luck18:00
coz_jonathanrlively,  so it was the      deskto-login.ogg ..yes?18:00
bjhaidhi, i successfully had a adhoc wifi connection with a vista machine, but i could not share files, i have samba installed, can anyone pls help out on this?18:00
coz_jonathanrlively,  rather desktop-login.ogg18:00
jonathanrlivelyyes, desktop-login.ogg18:01
coz_jonathanrlively,  let me find another sound here and test hold on18:01
sacarlsonbjhaid: adhoc conection so you can ping him?18:01
bjhaidsacarlson: i can ping, though it took a while before i had a succesful ping18:02
=== DBO_ is now known as DBO
kreme191chong: I booted my computer from the live cd and opened terminal, and when i typed in /boot/grub/grub.cfg it said "command not found" but grub2 is installed on ubuntu 10.0418:02
sacarlsonbjhaid: do you just want to move one file or many?18:03
jonathanrlivelytried changing the setting in system/preferences/startup applications/Gnome login sound and no luck. Tried changing manually as root in /usr/share/sound/ubuntustudio/stereo and no luck either18:03
Aloneaok, how about this then is there a way to go back to a previous kernel?18:03
coz_jonathanrlively,  mmm ok its going to take me a while to test ... I have to increase volumes on these sound files I have18:03
bjhaidsacarlson: i wan to be able to share resources, move files and sorts, just be able to access both pcs18:03
jonathanrlivelyapparently canberra-gtk-play is the application that plays the login sound but can't find much documentation on it18:04
Larimanisacarlson, the problem doesn't seem to be with the buffer thing because flash video plays fine in normal size. only starts lagging in full-screen. does flash for linux not use accelerated graphics?18:04
vipinbHi all18:04
bathacidhello vipinb18:04
vipinbI'm getting my syslog is populated this message completly "ratelimit.c: 661 events suppressed"18:04
edbianLarimani, It is poorly written I know.  I'm not sure if it accelerated or not.  I just know it runs crappy on pretty much every system.18:05
vipinbanyone know to solve this issue18:05
Larimaniedbian: :(18:05
sacarlsonLarimani: sounds like your not using the best video drivers18:05
littlepenguinedbian i save them as movie file and use vlc18:05
coz_jonathanrlively,  right  you could try to reinstall libcanberra-common18:05
vipinbHi bathacid18:06
bjhaidsacarlson: i wan to be able to share resources, move files and sorts, just be able to access both pcs18:06
vipinbcan you help me on this issue18:06
edbianlittlepenguin, clever!18:06
Larimanisacarlson: I'm using the open-source ones i think... because when i go into the "Hardware Drivers" it's empty in there... which is strange because i does find my card in Ubuntu but not in Lubuntu18:06
aquifex do someone know where are stored reports from routine system integrity check18:06
jonathanrlivelycoz, will give that a shot now. let you know how that works out in a minute. Thank you.18:07
sacarlsonbjhaid: can you connect with a wire first and get the samba working before you deal with the wifi problems?18:07
Larimanisacarlson: lspci | grep VGA18:07
Larimani02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G92 [GeForce GTS 250] (rev a2)18:07
sacarlsonLarimani: nvidia my favorite18:08
Larimanisacarlson: :) lol18:08
coz_jonathanrlively,  just a hint...when talking with someone specifically...type the first 2 or 3  letters of their name and hit the tab  key to complete  ...this way the person will be alerted18:08
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:08
hsa2j #omgubuntu18:08
sacarlsonLarimani:  can you play like totem and see how it works?18:08
aquifex...are the reports stored somewhere?18:08
jonathanrlivelycoz, did that work? been awhile since I used irc18:09
sacarlsonLarimani: maybe it's a flash thing18:09
bjhaidsacarlson: with wire, without samba i can access the vista machine, and that's adequate for me, though i would like to get samba working but what i have already would be adequate with the wifi18:09
Piciaquifex: What reports?18:09
aquifexwhat type of question this channel is for? :P18:09
aquifexah reports18:09
Piciaquifex: This channel is for Ubuntu support only.18:10
jonathanrlivelyaquifex, general ubuntu questions18:10
aquifexfrom system file integrity check routine after 20 boots18:10
Piciaquifex: in /var/log/fsck/18:10
Larimanisacarlson: Tried Gnome Mplayer (default player that comes with lubuntu) and it plays videos fine in normal & full-screen18:10
aquifexthe last repotred "errors on root partition"18:10
sacarlsonbjhaid: I have had many problems getting security setup on samba with windows.  every time it takes me 2 hours to get to work18:10
aquifexi want to see what were in it18:10
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Piciaquifex: I just told you.18:10
aquifexand if this is severe18:10
aquifex@Pici  thanks18:11
Larimanisacarlson: verdict: adobe sucks @ss ?18:11
lojackAnyone know much about udev?  What rule sets default options for external NTFS volumes?18:11
vipinbcan anyone please help me i'm getting in my syslog populate with  "ratelimit.c: 661 events suppressed"... please please anyone help me18:11
sacarlsonbjhaid: if I move files it sometimes easier to setup apache2 on my ubuntu and have the windows just get it from a browser18:11
Kyle__Does anyone know if there's a metapackage that installs a full compliment of the R project?18:12
prakritiis there a way to get ubuntu's rhythmbox to use the old style notification icon?  the one that accepts scroll wheel for volume control18:12
bjhaidsacarlson: i am not really interested in getting samba work, with wired connection i can access windows so all i would want is to access windows from ubuntu18:12
IdleOne!language | Larimani18:12
ubottuLarimani: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:12
sacarlsonLarimani: I havn't tried youtube with my new ubuntu 10.04 maybe your corect18:12
bjhaidsacarlson: apache2 how do i get that done18:13
sacarlsonapt-get install apache218:13
Larimanisacarlson: guess i'll just have to live with it... thanks for the help!18:13
n00bziesHey peeps I'm failing hardcore and was wondering if once again someone would be able to help. lol :-/18:14
sacarlsonbjhaid: oh windows from ubuntu that's not going to help you then18:14
sacarlsonbjhaid: I guess you will need samba then18:15
iktomin00bzies: what's the issue you're having18:15
iktomisacarlson: windows can also use NFS18:15
bjhaidsacarlson: lemme know how u get the apache2 done, could be an interesting challenge18:15
iktomiwindows doesn't setup NFS support by default though. you have to add it using the add/remove apps thing18:15
MortuisIs there a way to have both Firefox 3.5.9 AND the current firefox on my 10.04 system at the same time?18:16
sacarlsonbjhaid: iktomi  maybe that would be easier.  nfs has very little security18:16
lojackvipinb: Does your question relate to a mediacenter PC?18:16
hsa2why ubuntu is using pulseaudio while it's not stable yet?18:16
sacarlsonbjhaid: iktomi: only thing I used nfs for was boot off network18:17
iktomisacarlson: yeah do a google search for your version of windows and you shuld be able to find plenty of info. about it18:17
edbianMortuis, Yes, go to the website and compile 3.5.9 by hand and give it a different name.18:17
DasEihsa2: I like pulse18:17
bjhaidsacarlson: how do i get nfs working?18:17
edbianMortuis, The current version will be handled by the package manager.  The package manager will not be aware of this older version.18:17
hsa2DasEi, is it because you like it?18:17
iktomibjhaid: on windows?18:17
sacarlsonbjhaid: google find the driver18:17
hsa2when i hit pause on a youtube video i still hear sound of video for half a second, i hate pulseaudio18:17
vipinblojack: I'm using ubuntu 10.04  when ever I play sound in my system my syslog is populated with "Ratelimit.c: 92 events suppressed" message18:17
bjhaidsacarlson: the driver works on both right?18:18
Mortuisedbian: great, thanks18:18
barf00365Hi all, my 10.04 server installation refuses to power off.  Running sudo shutdown -P now results in everything correctly shutting down but then it hangs on a 'System Halted' message.  Anyone any ideas?18:18
sacarlsonbjhaid: setup the nfs on windows first nfs is easy on linux18:18
edbianMortuis, Yep.18:18
iktomibjhaid: yes google "windows NFS" to figure out how to get NFS support on windows18:18
DasEihsa2: I had my time to understand it, it's not like alsa or oss, but acts as a proxy to intermediate between different sound apps18:18
iktomiit is incredibly easy18:18
edbianbarf00365, Did you try shutdown -h  (for halt)  Does shutdown -r work??18:18
bjhaidiktomi: thanks, i would read it up18:18
DasEihsa2: I just switched over, what's your issue ?18:18
hsa2DasEi, i have not one, i have more than one18:19
hsa2as i said: when i hit pause on a youtube video i still hear sound of video for half a second, i hate pulseaudio18:19
barf00365edbian : shutdown -r works and reboots but shutdown -h gives me the same system halted error and then just sits there until I press the power button18:19
sacarlsonbjhaid: but I don't recall using it for this before but eather way will work eather get samba to work or nfs on windows18:19
Honey01 http://doiop.com/Ma-toff.jpeg18:19
th0rbarf00365: had that problem once with a laptop, had to boot with noacpi, or noapm, something like that18:19
hsa2and on gamezer.com (it's a online billiard game page) sound delays about 1 sec18:19
lojackvipinb: Do you have a souundcard with an LCD?18:19
edbianbarf00365, Hmmm, odd.  I don't know!18:19
Honey01hi all its my pic take the link shake me out ;)18:19
x_linkI have a small problem18:20
Honey01 http://doiop.com/Ma-toff.jpeg18:20
n00bziesoops sorry I forgot I'm not supposed to say that and just go with the issue. -_-'' sorry!!! Ok so I need to set environmental variables for JAVA_HOME and I've done the following: :~$ vi ~/.bash_profile then export JAVA_HOME=usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/ but I get error E486: Pattern not found: export JAVA_HOME=18:20
lojackvipinb: Or something similar?18:20
Honey01 http://doiop.com/Ma-toff.jpeg18:20
x_linkI want to run a program as root, so I type in "su" in the terminal. Then it asks me for password.18:20
edbianbarf00365, Sounds like a little anomily in your hardware.18:20
jonathanrlivelycozziemoto: don't have a libcanberra-common package available. Tried reinstalling libcanberra-gtk-module and still no luck18:20
x_linkBut I havent set any password.18:20
KE1HAshutdown -h is the same as shutdown -P or at least, -P implies -h, maybe there's a link missing.18:20
Slartx_link: use sudo18:20
x_linkI cant18:20
barf00365th0r : I';ve been lookin at acpi=off and apm but still no joy18:20
edbianx_link, It doesn't show up when you type, it is typing it.  I assure you.18:20
Slartx_link: or sudo -i if you want a root terminal18:20
JobobAwaiting need of help.18:20
barf00365edbain : Seems to be, its starting to stress me!18:20
Slartx_link: just type in your user password.. the same one you login in with18:20
vipinblojack: I did not understood your question. But I have onboard sound card18:20
edbianbarf00365, Sorry to hear that! :(  I'm not sure what to say.  does dmesg show you anything about it?18:21
x_linkSlart: It says that it's the wrong password18:21
ohieshi guys, I am using Ubunt Netbook, is it possible to use skype web cammera? and how?18:21
Slartx_link: using "su" or "sudo -i" ?18:21
kreme191I am trying to configure grub to dual boot windows and ubuntu, i have them both installed and i'm trying to get into grub.cfg with the live cd but I can't, even though it exists18:21
Jobobi will be happy to help18:21
prakritilets try another tactic.... can I add pulse application volume controls to the sound menu?18:21
x_linkSlart: "sudo -i" worked, thanks18:21
th0rbarf00365: just did a very quick google, it is noacpi, not acpi=off, if I remember correctly18:21
biharii have a question can any one have used metaspoilt on ubuntu ?18:21
Slartx_link: you're welcome18:21
NRemorseHello all, I am trying to get my cron job to run for a specific user...when i crontab -l it shows up...but never actually runs.  i hate it18:22
sacarlsonohies: if your web cam works then yes, I've have skype installed on ubuntu 10.0418:22
JobobPlease give me your version of ubuntu and your skype web camera type.18:22
barf00365edbian : too much info returned!  Is there a way to drill it down to the relevant info?18:22
flambohey guys.. i have a problem with phonegapsimulator deb, it has a dependancy of adobeair, ofcourse i did a local install of air under just my user, (/home/me/opt/lib/adobe/) but the phonegap deb gives out about the dependancy in aptitude18:22
barf00365th0r : Thanks ill try it now18:22
flambocan i force it to ignore this dependancy in my dpk setup somehow? #18:22
prakritihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundMenu   <--- or set it up like this18:22
x_linkSlart: Can't I just highlight a file and choose to run it as root?18:22
ohiessacarlson,  web camera works fine, but I am unsing skyp 2.1 beta version. it has not web camera? waht t o do?18:22
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:22
Slartx_link: not with regular nautilus, no18:22
Slartx_link: I think there are some addons you can install that will give you a right click option to "run as administrator"18:23
edbianbarf00365, It's in time order.  You can see the time in seconds that each line was written.  Most of it happens within 2 minutes of booting.  Look at the last like 20 lines.  That's where you're likely to see something.18:23
iktomiman the new Ambiance theme is nice. waaaaaay better than Human was18:23
lojackvipinb: Its definately a pulseaudio issue, though a lot of people with VCDs have reported though entries in syslog.18:23
x_linkSlart: What's the name of that addon?18:23
lojackvipinb: ...those entries in syslog.18:23
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ohiesJobob,  I need skype with vido call option for netbook ubuntu 10.0418:24
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Jobobohies, please chat in the tab i opened. then recap your problem.18:24
ELtu11537 people?!18:25
Slartx_link: I can't find it at the moment.. you can create your own by using "nautilus-actions" though18:25
sacarlsonohies: ID 0545:8080 Xirlink, Inc. IBM C-It Webcam18:25
vipinblojack: I also agree with it. In my system I have 4 speaker. i have seleted profile as analog duplex. Still my 4 speaker is working by that time this is not populating. But when I select profile  analog sourroudning 4.0 out. I'm getting this messages18:26
ohiesJobob,  ok :))18:26
Aloneaanyone know how to go back to a previous kernel and remove the newer ones?18:26
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NRemorseAnybody here know why crontab -l would show my cronjob but never run?18:26
aguitelAlonea, with synaptic18:26
SlartNRemorse: what are you trying to run? it might just be that your command doesn't work the way you intended18:27
kn100is it possible to read ext4 in windows yet?18:27
NRemorsemy command works...18:27
xanguakn100: no18:27
sacarlsonNRemorse:  show me the crontab line18:27
NRemorseits echo "test" > test.log18:27
kn100xangua, damn18:27
SlartNRemorse: crontab doesn't get access to the X sessions for one thing.. there are lots of tricky little things that might go wrong18:27
NRemorseslart: no X, its ubuntu server18:27
DasEikn100: last tries only the root dirs, no subfolders, but ext3 works18:27
sacarlsonNRemorse:  did you check the log to see what it did?18:27
SlartNRemorse: might want to add an absolute path to that file18:27
NRemorse0,30 * * * * echo "test" > /home/arf4kids/public_html/office/log/cron.log18:27
kn100there is no chance in hell i'm going to go back to ntfs18:28
grendal_primeanyone have any experience with honeypotting?18:28
NRemorsesacarlson: nothing was put in18:28
jonathanrlivelyAlonea: you can edit your /boot/grub/grub.cfg file to show all available kernels at boot and select the one you want18:28
SlartNRemorse: and make sure permissions are ok18:28
kn100I've never had so much trouble in my life18:28
DasEikn100: use ext318:28
grendal_primei want to simulate like 200 or so openvpn clients18:28
NRemorseslart: permissions ok and are owned by user18:28
kn100DasEi, my disk is already ext418:28
lojackvipinb: grep the log for pulseaudio and see of there are any good messages before the ratelimit* entries18:28
bathacidis there a site that compiles how to do most of the server functions that ubuntu server supports or is there no one site and its on many18:28
kn100DasEi, Is there any way to convert it back without moving the data off the drive?18:28
c3lId like to point out that a part of the official documentation is unreachable: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/switching/index.html18:28
sacarlsonNRemorse: did the user have permision in that directory to write?18:28
Pici!serverguide | bathacid18:28
ubottubathacid: The Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/18:28
Aloneajonathanrlively: I did that, but when I load an earlier one and try to install drivers it complains of missing folders and stuff for that kernel18:29
SlartNRemorse: it's supposed to run twice an hour, right? at 9:00, 9:30, 10:00 and so on?18:29
NRemorsesacarlson: i can execute the command under that user and it writes to that file, yes18:29
NRemorseslart: yes18:29
DasEikn100: ic, make a little extra partition ? ext4 back to 3 ? I don't believe18:29
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kn100DasEi, I could do it, but it'd be a huge amount of work :(18:29
flamboso guys, i have a deb which gives out about dependancy, i have that dep' installed as a binary under my home directory, so can i force apt-get/itude  to stop trying to uninstall the deb?18:29
kn100DasEi, guess I'll have to :)18:29
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:29
vipinblojack: yes  when i change back the profile to sourround 4.0 output and check before ratelimit* entries there are messages18:29
x_linkSlart: Aha okey, well thanks again! =)18:29
ELtu1 18:29
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Guest91930hi some one plz explain whats this "root (hd0,1)" and how to find the partition ....18:30
sacarlsonNRemorse: I didn't know there was such an hour as 3018:30
sacarlsonNRemorse: I thought there was only 24 hour in a day18:30
DasEikn100: just googled it : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109693318:30
SlartNRemorse: checking the same thing on my machine..18:30
SlartNRemorse: the crontab thing18:31
NRemorsesacarlson: the first parameter is minutes buddy18:31
NRemorseslart: thank you18:31
jonathanrlivelyAlonea: fortunately I've never had to revert to an earlier kernel: what problem specifically are you having?18:31
DasEiGuest91930: seems like you talk of a command from grub1 shell18:31
NRemorsesacarlson: the 2nd parameter is hour18:31
SlartNRemorse: worked here.. can you pastebin the output of crontab -l ?18:31
NRemorseand that is *18:31
sacarlsonNRemorse: oh ok on the hour and ever 30 min18:31
DasEiGuest91930: please detail whole story/distro18:31
NRemorseno need for pastebin...only 1 entry under crontab -l for this user (im testing)18:31
Aloneajonathanrlively: wireless no longer works no matter how many time I reinstall the drivers.18:31
NRemorsesacarlson: yes! :)18:31
vipinblojack : You can check this link to find out the messages before ratelimit* entries http://pastebin.com/pfgBT9XJ18:32
jonathanrlivelyAlonea: uh oh, what kind of wireless card are you using?18:32
Aloneajonathanrlively: and they used to work fine before, but after some update or another its broken18:32
Aloneajonathanrlively: 01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Atheros AR8132 / L1c Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev c0)02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Device 002c (rev 01)18:32
NRemorsethe output of my crontab -l is 2 lines...1= MAILTO"my@email.com" and 2= 0,30 * * * * echo "test" > /home/arf4kids/public_html/office/log/cron.log18:32
sacarlsonNRemorse: should work I would think18:32
SlartNRemorse: and the path to the file is ok? it exists?18:32
NRemorseslart: the file exists...and i can execute that same command at the command prompt and it works18:33
sacarlsonNRemorse: maybe cron is not running?18:33
NRemorsesacarlson: well, there are many cronjobs running on this machine. could it be shut off for just one user?18:33
sacarlsonNRemorse: not lickly18:34
lojackvipinb: Oh, alsa issues?18:34
jonathanrlivelyAlonea: that's what I was afraid of. Atheros chipsets are notoriously buggy with linux systems. I just had a problem with the exact same 8132 chipset on a client's laptop and ended up having to reinstall Windows 7 which broke my heart18:34
rooksAlonea, i had some problems with wifi yesterday after updating to recent kernels, it turned out that it was something with my wifi router, after reseting it all was back to normal18:34
vipinblojack: what should i Do to fix this18:34
PiciNRemorse: is there an equals sign between MAILTO and your email address?18:34
sacarlsonNRemorse: oh I know this bug in cron if you don't have a new line or do have a new line at the end of the file18:34
Aloneajonathanrlively: and the thing is, its worked perfect for months. no issues once I started compiling them18:35
lojackvipinb: Are your alsa and pulseaudio packages up to date?18:35
jonathanrlivelyAlonea: atheros has a linux driver for that family of chipsets on their support page but, I couldn't get it to work.18:35
radianyone here using gDesklets?18:35
sacarlsonNRemorse: so if there is a newline at the end remove it and if there isn't a newline at the end add it18:35
radii get an error when i try to start it18:35
NRemorsesacarlson: What do you mean "a newline"18:35
DasEiGuest91930: ?18:35
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SlartNRemorse: you edited the crontab using crontab -e, right?18:35
sacarlsonNRemorse: also you should look at the cron log18:35
radiCould not import tiling module!18:36
Aloneajonathanrlively: I dont use those. I use the ones from this guide:http://linuxon1001p.blogspot.com/2010/03/fixing-wireless.html18:36
sacarlsonNRemorse: ya if you don't use the crontab -e it won't change until you reboot18:36
vipinblojack: I'm using the latest ubuntu 10.04 with all update. That  mean my pulse and alsa will be up to date??18:36
NRemorsesacarlson: the cron.log shows LIST, REPLACE and RELOADS for that user18:36
lojackvipinb: Yes, it does.18:37
lojackvipinb: Obviously your problem is related to sound (drivers).  I can't help any more than that.  Try posting to Ubuntu forums and see if anyone outside of IRC can help?18:37
soreauAlonea: What wifi drivers are you installing? You shouldnt have to install anything for atheros chipsets since the driver (that is already in the linux kernel) should be autoloaded and working OOTB18:37
sacarlsonNRemorse: but no run at that 30 min interval18:37
NRemorsesacarlson: i rebooted 4 hours ago18:37
rooksAlonea, i recommend intel 5300 wifi for lappy, especially if you have 3 antennas, i only have 2 in my lappy but nevertheless the card works very well18:37
bathacidthis may sound dumb but its a serious question if i make a dns server do i need to add a name server to the ifconfig?18:37
NRemorsesacarlson: correct18:37
Aloneasoreau: it never worked out of the box since this was a newer atheros card18:37
vipinblojack: thank you.. I will try that18:37
lojackvipinb: It is very frustrating when you can find an answer to a question, I know.18:37
soreauAlonea: Did you try a 10.04 live cd?18:37
okahi DrDuck18:38
DrDuckHow do you take screenshots of your desktop on ubuntu?18:38
DrDuckHi, oka18:38
rooksbathacid, dns = converitng ip to names and back, ifconfig = telling which interface has which ip18:38
Dunkirkbathacid: Put "nameserver xxx.yyy.zzz.aaa" in your /etc/resolv.conf18:38
Jobobshould be Prnt Screen like windows drduck18:38
Aloneasoreau: nope. no cdrom on here. its a netbook. I did upgrade from 9.10 to 1018:38
ZykoticK9DrDuck, one way is Application / Accessories / Take Screenshot18:38
lojackDrDuck: printscreen18:38
Dunkirkbathacid: Taking care of this at reboot can get tricky. There are several options.18:38
DrDuckJobob, where will the image be stored?18:38
DasEi!screenshot | DrDuck18:38
ubottuDrDuck: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.18:38
KE1HAApplications >> Accessories >> Take Screenshot18:38
DrDuckI love you guys.18:38
DasEi DrDuck : also gnome-utils offer a way18:38
NRemorseI am dumbfounded over this18:39
vipinblojack: when I disable pulse i'm not getting this problem. But my issue is I want a volume control like in Ubuntu 8.04 . Here in 10.04 Volume control support Only pulse audio. If you have any idea on this can you help me18:39
soreauAlonea: Tried uninstalling the driver you installed and see if it just works?18:40
ZykoticK9vipinb, i don't think you'll get the default volume control to work without pulse (one side effect of removing it i'm affraid).  You could try the older gnome volume control (not sure of package name sorry).18:40
lojackvipinb: Sorry, I don't know.  I wish I could help you.18:40
Aloneasoreau: I have a EEE 1001P. I could try, but I doubt it, unless you guys made drivers for this in the last month?18:40
jonathanrlivelyAlonea: I didn't try the wireless driver install, just the ethernet driver and couldn't get it to work. Spent hours trying to figure it out and finally gave up. If you figure it out, please let me know. jonathanrlively@aim.com I service computers for a living and one service I'm proud to offer is setting up people with open source solutions and those *expletive* atheros chipsets have been making my life miserable. I always stick wit18:40
bathacidi just tried a (sudo apt-get update) and at the end recived -* W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B5* any thoughts?18:41
Aloneajonathanrlively: oh? my ethernet works fine. I am talking to you on it18:41
macobathacid: you added a ppa and not its key18:41
xangua!gpg | bathacid18:42
ubottubathacid: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts18:42
Aloneajonathanrlively: Never had an issue with wired, just wireless18:42
vipinbZykoticK9: Ok But I will not remove it. I will remove it from start up and client.conif file of pulseaudio. This disable the pulseaudio??18:42
ZykoticK9bathacid, i "think" you need: gpg –keyserver –recv 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B5 && gpg –armor –export 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B5 | sudo apt-key add -18:42
Pici!zh | xumtkm18:42
ubottuxumtkm: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk18:42
okai wonder18:42
macobathacid: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 4E5E17B518:42
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okatotem doesnt come with decss support?18:43
okain the official distro?18:43
ActionParsnipoka: you need to install the dvd codec18:43
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:43
sacarlsonjonathanrlively:  I'm not sure but atheros is the chipset my eeepc uses and it's wifi and ethernet works ok.  I don't have it running so I could be wrong but maybe see what driver they use in easypesy18:44
n00bziesomg nvm I didn't have java installed sorry people. :(18:44
ZykoticK9oka, nope - you can install "libdvdread4" then run the appropriate script to install libdvdcss from the mediubuntu repo (or just add medibuntu and install libdvdcss2)18:44
Lizzard88Q: I'm using a program called PlayOnLinux and it tells me that I dont have 3D Acceleration, how do i enable it?18:44
rooksi installed php5-adodb, any idea where is the include file for adodb?18:44
Lizzard88My video card is capable of 3d acceleration18:44
ActionParsnipLizzard88: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga18:44
Lizzard8801:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G71 [GeForce 7900 GS] (rev a1)18:45
ActionParsnipLizzard88: have you installed the proprietary driver?18:45
ZykoticK9Lizzard88, System / Admin / Hardware Drivers - is nvidia enabled?18:45
ZykoticK9Lizzard88, System / Admin / Nvidia - what driver does it say is in use?18:46
ActionParsnipLizzard88: ok, do you get the error when you run an app, or just when you launch playonlinux?18:46
jonathanrlivelyAlonea: yeah, definitely a kernel version problem with the driver modules used. I always have problems with hardware vendors like Atheros and ATI and linux. They only offer limited support for their hardware. Next kernel update might break your ethernet too.18:46
Lizzard88When running the app, the app doesn't start and i get that message from PlayonLinux18:46
ActionParsnipLizzard88: ok, what app?18:46
Lizzard88Fallout 318:46
ActionParsnipoops, misread18:46
Aloneajonathanrlively: if I wasn't already stressed out I would reinstall OS, but I need to calm down18:46
ActionParsnipLizzard88: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=14322    have you read that?18:47
NRemorseAnybody else wanna take a stab at my crontab problemo? It lists when i "crontab -l" but never executes the command.  i can execute it manually and it works so its not syntax!18:47
okaok, so18:47
okasudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh18:47
jonathanrlivelyAlonea: hahaha, I feel your pain. I've spent the last two days just trying to get my login sound to work. Not a big deal but, stuff like that drives me crazy. And wireless connectivity is way more important.18:47
ActionParsnipoka: sudo apt-get install libdvdread4; sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh      done18:48
sacarlsonNRemorse:  did you try add a line to the crontab file like I told you?18:48
ZykoticK9jonathanrlively, Alonea you guys should see if installing "dkms" helps for your kernel update issues18:48
okaSetting up libdvdcss2 (1.2.10-0.3medibuntu1) ...18:48
NRemorsesacarlson: oh you meant an empty line18:48
ActionParsnipLizzard88: ok then it gets a gold rating so should run great18:48
AloneaZykoticK9: what is that?18:48
ZykoticK9!info dkms18:48
ActionParsnipoka: amazing what the official docs tell you eh ;)18:48
ubottudkms (source: dkms): Dynamic Kernel Module Support Framework. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 68 kB, installed size 460 kB18:48
Lizzard88This does not solve the problem18:48
sacarlsonNRemorse:  yes newline blank line whatever18:48
AloneaZykoticK9: I mean, the kernel updates fine, it just breaks my wireless drivers18:49
Lizzard88Apparently, I dont have 3d acc18:49
okaActionParsnip, I guess it is non-official for legal reasons :)18:49
ActionParsnipLizzard88: i'd ask in #winehq   as long as you have 3D accelleration running it should be fine (if you are runing compiz etc then you have 3D accel)18:49
ZykoticK9Alonea, it "should" install modules automatically when you update your kernel (might not work depending on what your modules are/or how they where installed)18:49
ActionParsnipoka: pretty much,yep. Only open source stuff is on the install CD18:49
KE1HAActionParsnip, Have a Looky Here, may need winetricks installed: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?bShowAll=true&bIsQueue=false&bIsRejected=false&sClass=version&sTitle=&sReturnTo=&iId=1432218:50
guzuhello all18:50
ghoulmannI'm installing a Ubuntu lab in a classroom with 6 workstations. I would like to be able to access any of the computers via gnome's vnc. Is there a way to disable the individual user from disabling remote desktop?18:50
NRemorsesacarlson: i added a line in between the 2 lines good?18:50
ZykoticK9KE1HA, careful with winetrick - i've had a lot more issues with it recently, then i used too.18:50
AloneaZykoticK9: that sounds familar...I might already have that18:51
oka"Installing libdvdcss18:51
okaLegal Warning: Check with your local laws to make sure usage of libdvdcss2 would be legal in your area."18:51
sacarlsonNRemorse: no at the end of the file18:51
FloodBot1oka: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:51
NRemorsesacarlson: done18:51
ZykoticK9Alonea, "apt-cache policy dkms" will tell you for sure18:51
ActionParsnipghoulmann: make sure the users are not in the admin group, should be fine18:51
NRemorsesacarlson: what should i do after dat?18:51
KE1HAZykoticK9, rrr .. I dont use them, but some folks do, and / or need too for whatever reason.18:51
sacarlsonNRemorse: ok wait and see18:51
ActionParsnipoka: indeed, its so that a single ISO can traverse the globe without worrying about local laws18:51
sacarlsonNRemorse: make a new line that hapens in 2 min so we don't have to wait18:52
ZykoticK9KE1HA, it's pretty powerful, just has some "issues" ;)  good luck man.18:52
NRemorsesacarlson: we'll see in about 8 minutes, won't we then?18:52
AloneaZykoticK9: yup. its there. and this module is something I have been having to compile myself18:52
NRemorseoh true18:52
JelouHello, anyone knows how can i add a text to a panel that can change itself, like clock does?18:52
ZykoticK9Alonea, ummm i see.  well sorry no other suggestions for ya, good luck man.18:52
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sacarlsonNRemorse: i just love the suspence18:53
Xpistosgetting an error that says ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/... does not exist. Dropping to a shell. What does that mean?18:53
NRemorsesacarlson: ahahah i changed it to 0,218:53
WorldBFreeis there a good lightweight ubuntu distro that is good for using as a guest on virtual machine?18:53
NRemorsei guess i can also put 0/2 couldn't i?18:53
ActionParsnipXpistos: boot to live cd and ceck fstab in the installed system compared to the output of: sudo blkid18:53
ZykoticK9WorldBFree, you could try lubuntu if you wished18:53
ActionParsnipWorldBFree: Lubuntu18:53
ghoulmannWorldBFree: Turnkey Linux core is built on Hardy.18:54
ActionParsniplubuntu in all cases :)18:54
sacarlsonNRemorse: ya that means it will start at 12:00 and 12:0218:54
WorldBFreesweet thanks guys, just what i was looking for18:54
kris33Hi everyone. If you're for legalization, please help spread this: http://digg.com/politics/Glenn_Beck_and_Sarah_Palin_supports_Marijuana_legalization18:54
ActionParsnipWorldBFree: theres also fluxbuntu and moonos, none of these derivitive OSes are supported here18:54
NRemorseif your time zone has you at noon ,yes. im about to hit 1400 hours18:54
ZykoticK9!ot | kris3318:54
ubottukris33: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:54
NRemorseso 1400, 1402, 140418:54
ActionParsnipWorldBFree: XUbuntu is kinda light and you can install LXDE on it to make it light, or install Ubuntu minimal then install LXDE18:55
XpistosActionParsnip: booing to a live cd now18:55
clarinetHi, guys. How long does compiling the kernel takes?18:55
ActionParsnipclarinet: how long is a piece of string.18:55
ZykoticK9clarinet, depeneds on your system18:55
Nebulosaclarinet: CPU?18:55
guzui've installed 10.04 on a k50in asus notebook, and it hangs at reboot, after displaying "Restarting system"18:56
guzuany idea?18:56
ActionParsnipclarinet: depends on a whole host of stuff, CPU speed, bus speed, ram amount, drive speed, drive seek time, amount of modules18:56
Milp_mainHey guys, why cant i connect my ubuntu laptop to the ad-hoc wifi network of my android cell? (unsecured) Wicd cant obtain an ip adress from it, however it works on my windows systems18:56
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, i like you string question18:56
kreme191i'm using the live cd to configure grub to boot both windows and ubuntu18:56
clarinetNebulosa, AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+18:56
aquifexis there a way to check all partitions for error  - schedule that check for the next boot...(?)18:57
Nebulosaclarinet: about 30 minutes18:57
ActionParsnipclarinet: there is no real answer, people use time to time their compiles and it varys wiildly from 20 mins or so for 8 core cPU with 64Gb RAM to a few days on a Pent 200MMX with 64Mb RAM18:57
ActionParsnip!fsck | aquifex18:57
ubottuaquifex: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot18:57
guzuaquifex, try: sudo touch /.autofsck18:57
clarinetOK, thanks guys.18:57
KE1HAKernel Compile benchmarks, kinda old though: http://linuxgazette.net/issue32/henning2.html18:57
Nebulosaclarinet: but if u will compile drivers only for you system18:58
guzu!fsck | guzu18:58
ubottuguzu, please see my private message18:58
aquifexok, running fcsk in opened system could damage filesystem?18:58
roy_Is it possible to connect to a windows server from Ubuntu using a remote desktop18:58
ActionParsnipclarinet: check compile times online, expecting us to know is kinda a bit much, you may get slightly more luck in #gentoo18:58
okaMilp_main,  dunno, the embarrassingly default hotspot ad-hoc password is 1234567890 and the SSID is "HTC network"18:58
KE1HAJust google Kernel Compile Benchmarks, there's loads of sites.18:58
ZykoticK9roy_, rdesktop18:58
ActionParsniproy_: sure you can use rdesktop to use the RDP protocol to connect to the Win Server18:58
jonathanrlivelyZykoticK9: Alonea, Was unaware of DKMS but, that seems like what I've been looking for. I was about to try and write my own script to recompile drivers automatically after kernel updates. Thank you. This should save me alot of wasted time.18:59
okaMilp_main, dunno why they didnt let the user choose it18:59
NRemorsehere we go...im getting excited18:59
oka(on HTC devices on 2.2)18:59
NRemorse< one minute18:59
aquifexok thanks for advice!!!!18:59
Milp_mainoka i can find the network and connect, but i cant get an ip adress, it is not encrypted in any way18:59
roy_ok, thanks :)18:59
ActionParsnipMilp_main: is there any mac filtering enabled?19:00
NRemorseit didn't run crap19:00
clarinetActionParsnip, OK.19:00
guzuhow can i search the ubuntu bugs database?19:00
sacarlsonNRemorse:  if that fails I think you should reformat the disk drive..... just kiding19:00
Milp_mainActionParsnip yes it is based on that, but the computer is enabled in it19:00
NRemorsesacarlson: ahahaha19:00
ActionParsnipMilp_main: i'd double check the mac19:00
KE1HAclarinet, if your still here, here's one from Tom's Hardware, much newer info: http://www.tomshardware.com/charts/desktop-cpu-charts-q3-2008/Linux-Kernel-Compilation,841.html19:00
abhijitguzu, you can search on launchpad19:00
NRemorsesacarlson: Im stumped19:01
ZykoticK9guzu, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu19:01
ActionParsnipguzu: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs19:01
Milp_mainActionParsnip: It works like this: when someone connects the app notifies me and asks me if i want to enable him, and i did that ;)19:01
ActionParsnipMilp_main: funky stuff, like it19:01
guzuabhijit, ZykoticK9 ActionParsnip thank you19:01
clarinetKE1HA, Thanks.19:01
Milp_mainActionParsnip oh i forgot to mention that it always shows channel 6 for the network, no matter which channel i run it on19:01
Milp_mainActionParsnip so it might not be able to connect at all afterall, it used to be able to once though19:02
sacarlsonNRemorse:  ya me too.  maybe just run a script instead of that line you have.  I never do more that a script19:02
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NRemorsesacarlson: well i was trying to run a script at first and it wasn't running...so i basicly just replaced my script with a command that I knew worked19:03
schmichaelis there a way I can specify packages to never install via a config file?19:03
sarawarai have done a new install of 10.04 and seem not to be able to have Gimp, can someone advise me? (i'm not very skilled)  http://paste.ubuntu.com/474163/19:03
schmichaelor command line tool19:03
NRemorsesacarlson: I feel crontab is NOT running for this user...or its not comparing the time correctly19:03
NRemorseat all19:03
ActionParsnipyo can pin versions of packages19:03
sacarlsonNRemorse:  crap ok try run it as super user19:03
aquifexsudo shutdown -F -r now19:03
aquifexi entered this19:03
aquifexand ubuntu 8.04 didnt checked after boot19:03
sacarlsonNRemorse: it must be a permistion problem but you should have seen that in the logs19:03
ActionParsnipschmichael: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:04
lunganHaving som trouble with ubuntu, if I have a whole site which I whanna download. How do I do that when the site have many links to files I also whanna download?19:04
schmichaelActionParsnip: thanks!19:04
ZykoticK9sarawara, try "sudo apt-get update" then try "sudo apt-get install gimp" again19:04
KE1HAclarinet, Also, heres a kernel Compile Bechmark Application for testing: http://linux.die.net/man/1/kcbench19:05
sacarlsonNRemorse: just sudo su and crontab -e and add your line there19:05
maksonHi i'm creating a CHroot env following ubuntu doc and it has be running schroot -c chrootname to get into the ENC and i get this error http://pastebin.com/acr1Jjy8 any ideas?19:05
maksonthe error is crappy19:05
ActionParsnipNRemorse: you can use gnome-schedule as a gui to cron19:05
guzuso, is there any way to make ubuntu reboot on this asus notebook?19:05
abhijitlungan, http://www.surfoffline.com/19:06
maksonany ideassssssss? on chroot issue?19:06
ZykoticK9guzu, "sudo shutdown -r now"?19:06
ActionParsnipguzu: sudo shutdown -r now    will make the system shutdown19:06
ActionParsnipand reboot19:06
guzuZykoticK9, ActionParsnip no, it just hangs19:07
aeon-ltdguzu: hardware forced restart?19:07
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abhijiti was disconnected19:07
abhijitlungan, http://www.httrack.com/19:07
abhijitlungan, http://www.surfoffline.com/19:07
FloodBot1abhijit: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:07
ActionParsnipguzu: then you have an issue with shutdown/restart19:08
guzuaeon-ltd, i can keep the power button pressed, if that's what you mean19:08
aeon-ltdguzu: press it once if it doesn't work force it by holding19:08
guzuActionParsnip, that is the whole idea. only, shutdown works fine19:08
ActionParsnipguzu: try: sudo reboot19:09
guzuActionParsnip, tried. same hang19:09
frxstremis there some software that would allow me to apply an auto-tune effect to an audio track19:09
abhijitlungan, you can read me?19:09
EcksBocksSockswait whats the problem guzu?19:09
guzuActionParsnip, also i've tried acpi=off, pci=noacpi, noapic nolapic19:09
guzuEcksBocksSocks, this asus notebook hangs if i try to reboot19:10
guzuEcksBocksSocks, asus k50in19:10
aeon-ltdguzu: try reboot -f19:10
ActionParsnipguzu: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/ubuntu-9-10-64bit-wont-boot-hangs-at-starting-up-787977/19:10
XpistosActionParsnip: when i run sudo blkid sda5 doesn't show up19:10
EcksBocksSocksguzu, oh alright19:10
guzuaeon-ltd, ok19:10
guzuActionParsnip, thank you19:10
ActionParsnipXpistos: could be why then, if you run: sudo fdisk -l    does it show?19:10
Xpistoshow do I run a fsck on sda from the live cd?19:10
ActionParsnipXpistos: sudo fsck -a /dev/sda     not sure you can fsck sda, you may have to fsck sda1 etc19:11
XpistosActionParsnip: It shows all three devs and all their partitions19:11
ActionParsnipXpistos: including sda5?19:12
aquifexi found solution19:12
guzuaeon-ltd, nice thing, it reboots immediately, apparently before entering shutdown sequence19:12
ActionParsnipXpistos: then change the UUID=yaddayadda for /dev/sda519:12
Xpistoshow do I do that?19:12
aquifexsudo touch /forcefsck19:12
XpistosActionParsnip: not sure how19:12
lunganabhijit, Yes I try with wget =)19:13
aquifexah, from live cd this should be simpler19:13
ActionParsnipXpistos: open the file in a text editor with gksudo19:13
guzuaeon-ltd, sorry, that was a typo, it _ hangs _ immediately19:13
NRemorsesacarlson: I think you have something here...crontab wants a path to run a file...you cannot just call echo19:13
ActionParsnipXpistos: you'll see a line like this (This is mine so don't copy this): UUID=849e9aae-99c4-4d47-803b-6ede182d0863 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       119:13
aeon-ltdguzu: damn, what oes it say when it hangs?19:14
sacarlsonNRemorse: cool finaly19:14
XpistosActionParsnip: I tried to fsck sda4 and it said attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open19:14
ActionParsnipXpistos: change it to: /dev/sda5   /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       119:14
abhijitlungan, ok19:14
rooksi installed php5-adodb, any idea where is the include file for adodb?19:14
NRemorsesacarlson: when i tried to add that line as a superuser...it wouldnt' allow it19:14
Xpistossda5 is extended19:14
guzuaeon-ltd, nothing, just freezes. i'll look in messages, maybe iu'll see something19:14
XpistosActionParsnip: my next available woudl be sda719:14
sacarlsonNRemorse:  why it checks it?19:15
Picirooks: in Lucid: /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/adodb.so19:15
ActionParsnipXpistos: is sda5 an extended partition?19:16
sacarlsonNRemorse: well out of about 20 suggestions I give 1 sometimes works19:16
XpistosActionParsnip: sda4 is extended19:16
Picirooks: Try dpkg -L php5-adodb  next time19:16
XpistosActionParsnip: but yes it is a partion from the extended19:16
rookspici, thanks, but i guess im still slot since its not include files for php but module file/plugin for server... but thx anyway19:17
Picirooks: Check dpkg -L for libphp-adodb perhaps?  I'm not a php guy, so I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for.19:18
ActionParsnipXpistos: cool, as long as its not the extended itself19:19
rookspici, yay, thats it, thanks!19:19
ActionParsnipXpistos: if you change fstab like that it may work19:19
guzuaeon-ltd, nothing in messages19:21
ssuuddoomy question:19:21
aeon-ltdguzu: nothing outputted to vt1 (ctrl-alt-f1)19:21
XpistosActionParsnip: well when I fsck the sda5 drive it says bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sda519:22
ssuuddooif i would like to add a new keyboard layout 2 ubuntu, where should I do it?19:22
abhijitssuuddoo, do you mean you want to type in your language?19:22
ssuuddooi want 2 type dvorak, not qwerty19:23
XpistosActionParsnip: The superblock could not be read or does not descrie a correct ext2 fs. If the device is valid and it really cotains ext2 (which it does not ext4) fs then the superblock is corrupt and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock19:23
ssuuddooand there is not yet a slovak-dvorak layout19:23
guzuaeon-ltd, the system is frozen, no c-a-fn19:24
abhijitssuuddoo, http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/01/31/changing-the-system-keyboard-mapping-on-ubuntu-dvorak-vs-qwerty/19:24
ssuuddoothnx, i know how 2 change it, I would just like this layout 2 be available from the box19:26
removemefromherehi, plug'n'play is not working for me in ubuntu 10.0419:26
removemefromherecan anyone help me?19:27
Slart!details | removemefromhere19:28
ubotturemovemefromhere: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:28
ghoulmannIn Lucid, for Firefox, where can I put bookmarks that are common to all users of firefox on that workstation?19:30
removemefromhereSlart, ubottu, everytime i want to connect something trough a usb port (external hd or flash memory) i have to restart19:30
removemefromhereto get the computer to reconigze them19:30
removemefromhereit's ubuntu 10.0419:30
ZykoticK9removemefromhere, just an FYI ubottu is a bot (not a real person)19:30
sebsebsebremovemefromhere: ubottu is a computer program, not a person19:30
Slartremovemefromhere: hmm.. that's odd.. those usually work without any problems..19:31
Slartremovemefromhere: do you have an usb-stick you can try with?19:31
savidWhy is there an adobereader-deu package and not an english one?19:31
Slartremovemefromhere: ok.. open a terminal (from apps, accessories,19:31
removemefromhereslart, yes19:31
Slartremovemefromhere: and run    tail -f /var/log/syslog   in that terminal19:32
ActionParsnipsavid: theres acroread too, english19:32
ZykoticK9!partner | savid19:32
ubottusavid: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »19:32
ActionParsnipsavid: run: apt-cache policy acroread19:32
Slartremovemefromhere: that will give you a running display of the system log19:32
Slartremovemefromhere: now connect your usb stick to a free usb port and watch what gets printed out in that window19:32
ZykoticK9savid, ActionParsnip you need partner repo for acroread to show up19:33
removemefromhereok, Slart19:33
removemefromhereI'm going to do it19:33
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: adobereader-deu is also in partner :)19:34
ssuuddooany info about the layout?19:34
Slartremovemefromhere: if you want to, you can paste it to a pastebin.. that way we can take a look at it as well19:34
XpistosActionParsnip: I double checked the UUID and I think it is the / partition19:34
jonathanrlivelyAnyone have a problem changing their login sound? Using ubuntustudio 10.04 kernel 2.6.32-24-generic19:34
Slart!pastebin | removemefromhere19:34
ubotturemovemefromhere: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:34
iktomiis there any sort of program available to troubleshoot/stress test hardware/drivers?19:34
removemefromhereSlart, it doesn't end19:34
iktomii need to figure out what is causing my system is run so poorly19:34
ActionParsnipXpistos: well yeah, otherwise it'd boot19:34
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, your right ;)19:35
ActionParsnipiktomi: run: top   and observe19:35
removemefromhereSlart, the terminal gets stacked up19:35
ghoulmannis there a way (Lucid) to have every user have the same bookmarks in firefox?19:35
Slartremovemefromhere: press ctrl+c to stop the log display thing19:35
iktomiActionParsnip: what am i looking for19:35
XpistosActionParsnip: I usually put /, boot. home, data and swap in seperate partitions19:35
removemefromhereslart, ok19:35
removemefromhereslart, sorry19:35
ActionParsnipiktomi: high cpu usag19:36
Milp_mainGuys, i cant connect to ad hoc networks on my ubuntu machine, what is going wrong? Ive tried wicd19:36
removemefromhereslart,. this is what i get without flash memory19:36
Xpistoscould I reinstall /boot and / and leave the rest alone?19:36
Xpistosleave home untouched etc19:36
Slartremovemefromhere: just so you have something to compare with.. here's what it looks like on my machine http://paste.ubuntu.com/474175/19:36
iktomiActionParsnip: yeah the program with the highest usage is pulseaudio ranging from 5% to 10%19:37
GeekSquidSo I installed UEC, and completly Borked my system, currently running via live disk and chrooted into my drive, ... what is the best method of reversing what eucalyptus and UEC have done to make my machine unbootable... not even in recovery mode,19:37
n-iCehi, is there any way to make my connection kinda more stable? I'm not moving the pc or even the wireless card and the connections signal keeps changing, any ideas? thanks19:37
Slartremovemefromhere: that looks normal.. but nothing else happened when you connected the usb stick?19:37
thune3ghoulmann: not sure, maybe a bookmark sync add-on like https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2410/19:37
removemefromhereslart, mine has nothing to do with that19:37
removemefromhereSlart, the output is exactly the same19:37
ActionParsnipiktomi: sounds fine, have you installed / configured video drivers19:38
Slartremovemefromhere: if you look at mine you see from line 5.. that's where the kernel sees the usb stick.. then it checks all kinds of stuff and in the end it mounts it so I can access it19:38
ghoulmannthune3: thank you for taking the tine. I'm not much of a tech reader, but I think this gives an anwer? am I right??19:38
Slartremovemefromhere: this might sound like a weird question.. but does the usb port work at all? or you said it worked if you restarted?19:38
iktomiActionParsnip: nah. i'm half guessing that's the issue, but i don't remember the standard drivers causing this much trouble even just moving windows around19:38
ActionParsnipiktomi: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga19:39
SimonP86hello, I have a clean install of Ubuntu that I just downloaded .  I am able to run the GNU C compiler from the terminal using the gcc command, but when I try to run the GNU C++ compiler using the g++ command it doesn't work19:39
removemefromhereSlart, it does work, if i have themory sitck connectend before booting, it odes work19:39
SimonP86does Ubuntu not come packaged with the GNU C++ compiler?19:39
iktomiActionParsnip: yeah i'm about to try installing the radeon driver19:39
macoSimonP86: thats the gcc package19:40
rwwSimonP86: install the "build-essential" package if you haven't already19:40
SlartSimonP86: try running "sudo apt-get install build-essential"... then try again19:40
wechatSimonP86: ther is a c++ compiler in Ubuntu?19:40
macoSimonP86: build-essential is the package to pull in all the stuff for compilng19:40
Slartremovemefromhere: hmm.. what kind of computer is this?19:40
removemefromhereSlart, IBM, Pentium IV19:40
removemefromhereSlart, what exactly are you asking me?19:40
thune3ghoulmann: i'm not exactly sure what your use-case is, the add-on may be something to try. It's just a suggestion.19:41
XpistosActionParsnip: The problem is the root partion for sure. Can I reinstall /boot and /root but not touch home and any other paritions19:41
Slartremovemefromhere: wondering if it might be some kind of powersaving feature that ubuntu didn't know how to handle..19:41
ghoulmannthune3: I'm running a ubuntu foss lab in a high school.19:41
b09m24scan anyone help with a froyo problem19:41
ActionParsnipXpistos: sure, i'd go with the fstab edit first, might be fine19:41
Slartremovemefromhere: I've never heard of usb ports not working unless they are connected at boot..19:41
n-iCehi, is there any way to make my connection kinda more stable? I'm not moving the pc or even the wireless card and the connections signal keeps changing, any ideas? thanks19:42
Picib09m24s: This channel is only for Ubuntu support.  #android might be more appropriate.19:42
XpistosActionParsnip: so change sda2 to like sda719:42
removemefromhereslart, me neither, that's kind of an odd problem i don't know how to fix19:42
DiverdudeHow can i see what kind of processor i am running ?19:42
ActionParsnipXpistos: no, change the uuid for /dev/sda519:42
ZykoticK9Diverdude, "cat /proc/cpuinfo"19:43
ActionParsnipDiverdude: cat /proc/cpu19:43
tensorpuddingI'm curious what part of Eclipse depends on gcj, it'd be nice to remove that dependency so one doesn't have to have two Java's installed19:43
SimonP86thanks guys, g++ is installed now :)19:43
removemefromhereSlart, thank you for trying to help me19:43
Slartremovemefromhere: I've been googling a bit but so far I haven't found anything19:44
removemefromhereSlart, thank you anyway i'm starting to think that is a hardware problem19:45
opijcould anyone please tell me why google earth keeps crashing on mysystem?19:45
Jason_WThello all ... got a question related to serial ports;  im looging for a way to log all the serial port data (i.e. what comes from the device and what is sent to the device) ... how can i do this?19:45
ChoHagI'm playing around customising the latest Ubuntu, and I can't find any setting to stop opening all applications (except chrome for some reason) maximised.19:45
Slartremovemefromhere: you're welcome.. I'll let you know if I find anything useful19:45
ChoHagI don't want to start anything maximised.19:45
hakzsam_Hi there, I have a problem during the installation of rhythmox from the git sources, the error message is here : http://pastebin.com/6tNs0dtr19:45
ChoHagHow can I turn it off?19:45
XpistosActionParsnip: sda5 doesn't show up in fstab19:45
iktomiokay; how do i figure out if my setup is using the Radeon driver?19:46
thune3ghoulmann: if you are trying to have a default set of bookmarks, you might be able to clone a ~/.mozilla/firefox/?????.default/bookmarks.html across the different accounts.19:46
kerebrusOk sorry about the random letters irc freaked out19:46
ActionParsnipXpistos: yes but the root partition is defined as a UUID which you said doesnt show up in the output of: sudo blkid19:46
kerebrusAnyone know of a terminal based port monitor/packet monitor?19:46
ActionParsnipChoHag: you can use devilspie to manage windows as they open19:46
ZykoticK9ChoHag, applications should remember if they where maximized or not.  open nautilus, make it not full screen - then close it.  When you reopen nautilus it "should" not be fullscreen.19:47
oCean_kerebrus: tcpdump maybe?19:47
ActionParsnipiktomi: sudo lshw -C display    may tell you19:47
XpistosActionParsnip: sda5 doesn't show up but the UUID for the / parition does19:47
graffyserious help please19:47
graffyI think my IP has been put on a major blacklist19:47
graffyhow can i know for sure?19:47
oCean_graffy: what does that have to do with ubuntu?19:48
thune3ghoulmann: or export a set of bookmarks and have all users import them19:48
graffyI get HTTP connection refused (102)19:48
kerebrusgraffy you really cant, why do you think you have been?19:48
graffyand i cant nslookup or ping19:48
bazhanggraffy, contact your isp, that is not an ubuntu issue19:48
graffywell i have been doing some web crawling19:48
spakCiao a tutti19:48
songermy pci wireless does not recoconinize lucid any more19:48
bazhang!it | spak19:48
kerebrusgraffy rofl what kind of web crawling ...19:48
ubottuspak: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:48
graffyweb graph researcfh19:49
songeris g 52019:49
iktomiActionParsnip: it looks like it is using the radeon driver. is this driver supposed to perform poorly or what? when i tried running tuxracer i was getting about 0.5 FPS on a Radeon X800 card19:49
kerebrusgraffy that shouldnt get you blacklisted ...19:49
graffythen i think its an OS thing19:49
oCean_graffy: your issue is not ontopic here19:49
graffyfor example i can DCHP for a public IP19:49
graffyim doing this on a class A network...19:49
graffyand i still have the problem19:50
graffythought maybe you could help me troubleshoot19:50
graffyare there any global proxy settings in ubuntu?19:50
Milp_mainMy ubuntu shows weird named wifi networks that dont exist and it cant connect to ad hoc networks, what is going wrong?19:50
oCean_graffy: you come in asking if you are blacklisted, and now it is an ubuntu issue?19:51
graffyno I mean i can change my public IP19:51
cbronsongraffy: no.19:51
graffyI am onl the local network of an isp19:51
oCean_graffy: contact your isp19:51
ActionParsnipiktomi: yes, the chip isnt supported by the proprietary driver19:51
graffyI AM MY ISP19:51
opijcould anyone please tell me why google earth keeps crashing on mysystem?19:51
graffyi can change my public IP19:51
graffyand its still blocked19:51
graffyi guess i started with the wrong phrase19:52
cbronsongraffy: you have to use one of the ones that was assigned in your block19:52
bazhang!ot | graffy19:52
ubottugraffy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:52
c3lgraffy: you own an isp?19:52
ChoHagZykoticK9: They don't. Everything starts maximised whatever I do.19:52
ssuuddooI had a ubu question19:52
ssuuddooif i would like to add a new keyboard layout 2 ubuntu, where should I do it?19:52
graffyI'm a network admin at a university that owns a class A block...19:52
ssuuddooi know how 2 change it, I would just like this layout 2 be available from the box19:52
iktomiActionParsnip: so it's normal for the radeon driver to perform poorly?19:52
oCean_graffy: have you tried other OS?19:53
ChoHagopij: Did you sacrifice the goat with the black knife or the white?19:53
ActionParsnipiktomi: depends on your config19:53
ActionParsnipiktomi: you can use an xorg.conf file to maybe specify better options for your chip19:53
graffyyeah on Win 7 I can access the sites19:53
ChoHagWere you turning widdershins while doing the chant at the time?19:53
graffyits not an IP problem19:53
graffythis is a software problem19:53
oCean_graffy: what does lsb_release -a output?19:53
graffysorry for ever mentioning that19:53
cbronsonthere are global proxy settings in ubuntu19:53
ActionParsnipgraffy: is it related to ubuntu?19:53
opijcould anyone please tell me why google earth keeps crashing on mysystem?19:53
bazhangChoHag, thats not helpful19:53
ActionParsnipopij: run it in a terminal, the output may be useful19:54
Slartopij: run it from a terminal and tell us what is says when it crashes19:54
cbronsonsystem -> preferences -> network proxy (in gnome)19:54
macoopij: theres a bug in the latest version19:54
macoopij: rever to 5.1 i think19:54
ChoHagbazhang: Nor is "Please tell me why foo is crashing on my system".19:54
graffyNo LSB modules are available.19:54
graffyDistributor ID:Ubuntu19:54
graffyDescription:Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS19:54
FloodBot1graffy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:54
bazhangChoHag, if you dont know just dont answer19:54
=== pepee_ is now known as pepee
vipinbanyone know how to install mixer applet in Ubuntu 10.0419:54
Oeropij start googleearth from terminal, does it show any error ?19:54
opijhow do i start google earth from terminal?19:55
kballashYAY finally got my ubuntu up no more windows.  If anyone is in here who was helping me earlier thanks a bunch19:55
ActionParsnipvipinb: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/pulseaudio-mixer-applet-lets-you-change.html19:55
macothe google earth package downloads the latest version, which is *broken*19:55
Oertype: /home/<user>/google-earth//googleearth %f19:55
kballashnow how do i change my name lol19:55
oCean_graffy: when on internet, you don't go through proxy? So, if you change your ip, browsing to whatismyip.com shows the actual ip?19:55
songermy my pci wireless does not recogninize eny more lucid19:56
songeris g 52019:56
graffyyep not on proxy19:56
aeon-ltdkballash: /nick19:56
graffyits so odd19:56
graffysome sites work19:56
ChoHagI had to install Ubuntu using pxe, not the live CD (don't ask). Is there a list of packages which are installed by default?19:56
aeon-ltdkballash: soz wrong context19:56
macoopij: is it this? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/googleearth-package/+bug/59588719:56
ChoHagubuntu-desktop seems to be somewhat lacking on its own.19:57
graffybut sites like newegg.com, amazon.com, microcenter.com will refuse on all ports19:57
ghoulmannthune3: that'll work. thanks.19:57
oCean_graffy: and there's no squid running locally? Also tried different browsers?19:57
vipinbActionParsnip: This is pulseaudio mxier applet. I want to install mixer applet which is coming with gnome applet package...19:57
ActionParsnipvipinb: i just websearched that out, maybe there is a ppa for it19:58
c3lhow do I see the sticky bit or whats it called when listing, it doesnt always show in the permission field (with ls -l) how do I know the exact permissions?19:58
graffysquid is not installed19:59
graffyall browsers and protocols seem to be refused19:59
guntbert!enter | graffy19:59
ubottugraffy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:59
oCean_c3l: ls -l should show, but there's also 'stat filename'19:59
oCean_graffy: that's weird indeed. Especially when you say win7 has no issues.20:00
natesmI have just installed maverick a3 and my username does not appear in gdm (no usernames appear), but my user/pw works fine, is there a way to enable username/password box like it used to be? can't find it in gconf and I have no idea where ubuntu hides gdm.conf20:00
guntbertand, graffy if you talk to a person please put their nick at the beginning of your sentence to avoid confusion20:00
bazhangnatesm, #ubuntu+1 for that20:00
guntbert!fr | thierry20:00
ubottuthierry: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:00
tsoloxis it possible to put 4 user gmail accounts inside one .fetchmailrc file, and later manually and selectively download email of just one user. Like, "fetchmail -u john" ???20:01
vipinbActionParsnip: But is it part of Ubuntu 10.04 Build??. Because i'm not able to find its binary in /usr/lib/gnome-applets folder20:01
graffyoCean_: yeah I guess I can set my public IP to the one Windows pulls from DHCP20:01
c3loCean_: I was trying it and setting first chmod 700 foo then cmod o+t the T is shown with ls -l, but then if I set chmod 707 the T is not visible, but the folder still has strange color when listing it20:01
oCean_graffy: would be good to try20:01
c3loCean_: but the stat command was nice, thanks20:02
graffyoCean_: ill try that20:02
ViruslessHello all20:06
SyntheadI have a problem ... I have a server with a "rocket"-based (kernel module) serial card20:08
Syntheadbut when I modprobe the card, I get an error20:08
SyntheadI'll pastebin the lspci -vv20:08
ViruslessI need help with "Windows Wireless Drivers" in Ubuntu 9.10 or later (cannot remember exact ver. #, but do know that its X64 and has the new "Software Center"20:08
Syntheadroot@smd-initial /var/spool/hylafax/etc =) # modprobe rocket20:09
SyntheadFATAL: Error inserting rocket (/lib/modules/2.6.32-21-server/kernel/drivers/char/rocket.ko): No such device or address20:09
Syntheadthis is what I get20:09
sarawarathe Gimp installation worked thanks ! (sorry forgot who it was that helped me out)20:09
SyntheadI can't seem to find anything in the repos for this module20:10
yuvilioanyone know of a good offline commandline html validator? kinda like what xmllint does for xml docs20:10
Syntheadand it is on my system20:10
Syntheadroot@smd-initial /var/spool/hylafax/etc =( # locate rocket.ko20:10
bsod1how can I know if there is nautilus installed without which nautilus or locate nautilus commands20:10
graffyoCean_: I now have the IP that Windows gets20:11
Picibsod1: apt-cache policy nautilus20:11
macobsod1: dpkg -l nautilus | grep ^ii20:11
macobsod1: if it prints something, it's installed20:11
ViruslessI need help with "Windows Wireless Drivers" in Ubuntu 9.10 or later (cannot remember exact ver. #, but do know that its X64 and has the new "Software Center"20:11
graffyoCean_: same problem so I'm near certain now that it's an ubuntu problem20:11
bsod1maco: Thank you I think this is what I was searching20:12
stianfanIm trying to access another (local network) linux, I've started vnsserver, but trying to connect to "ip:1" makes rdviewer halts for a few sec and gives a connection closed message, and ideas what's wrong?20:12
myqfhello every body20:13
v0lksmanhey all!  any ideas how to install ZendExtensionManager and ZendOptimizer in Lucid server?20:16
jebsciao a tutti20:17
bazhang!it | jebs20:17
ubottujebs: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:17
jebsah scusate, ma sono nuovo dell'irc20:17
bazhangv0lksman, related to zend-framework ?20:18
bazhang!info zend-framework | v0lksman20:18
ubottuv0lksman: zend-framework (source: zend-framework): a simple, straightforward, open-source software framework for PHP 5. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.10.3-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 0 kB, installed size 8 kB20:18
Karen_mmy panel on the bottom, somehow got reversed on a reboot.  Now my trash can is on the left, 4 desktop windows on the left, and then the application tabs.  How can i reset it?20:18
EcksBocksSockshow can I enter ubuntu from inside lubuntu? They are on seperate partitions.20:19
bazhang!resetpanels > Karen_m20:19
ubottuKaren_m, please see my private message20:19
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:19
bazhangEcksBocksSocks, why separate? you could easily install lubuntu-desktop with Ubuntu and choose from login window20:19
v0lksmanbazhang, not sure that's it...migrating a php site to a new server and I have these lines in the existing php.ini:  zend_extension=/usr/local/zo/ZendExtensionManager.so20:20
ViruslessI have just installed windows wireless drivers, but they are not working. the computer is offline (no internet connection unless in windows 7). how can i fix this? im using a SiteCom WL608, and have disk20:20
EcksBocksSockssorry bout that, its a shared PC20:20
hdonhi all. i am debugging a program freeze in Pidgin on Lucid Lynx. (http://pastebin.mozilla.org/763072) i have installed libgtk2.0-0-dbg but gdb still doesn't know simple things like function prototypes to show me the arguments of functions on the stack automatically. please help :)20:20
bazhangv0lksman, perhaps they are installed with it, not sure there. apt-cache search zend turns up a number of items20:20
DigeratiWany ubuntu xbmc users in here?20:22
jed_Ubuntu rules!20:22
ZykoticK9Grub issue dual booting Lucid and Maverick.  Maverick's grub was installed 2nd and is thus "in control".  For example removing kernels from Lucid does not remove the entries from Grub (even after restarting AND running update-grub2 then restarting again from inside Lucid fails to update), BUT running the grub update from inside Maverick updates both installs correctly.  I would prefer Lucid to control Grub IF it's an easy fix!20:22
DigeratiWis there a way to make xbmc watch live tv and record programing20:22
mysoogalshey guys i need help, how to install mod_python ? i'm confused20:23
Virusless              20:23
mysoogalsi want to run python scripts from /var/www/20:23
erUSULZykoticK9: reinstall grub on the mbr from the lucid install20:23
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:23
ZykoticK9erUSUL, LiveCD + chroot style?20:23
erUSULZykoticK9: no need you can still boot into lucid; can't you ?20:23
ZykoticK9erUSUL, yup here now ;)20:24
mysoogalscan anybody help me install mod_python ? please20:24
io!anyone | mysoogals20:24
ubottumysoogals: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:24
Picimysoogals: sudo apt-get install libapache2-modpython20:25
brontoeeeis gnome 3 safe to install / betatest or will make a havock?20:25
jed_or at least hello20:25
jed_at mysoogals...20:25
mysoogalsPici i already run apache2 so i just need to sudo that ?20:25
erUSULZykoticK9: sudo grub-install /dev/sdX20:25
songeri need some help20:25
Picimysoogals: You asked how to install mod_python, you need to install that package first. Then do sudo a2enmod python20:26
songer lucid does not recognize anymore more my wireless pci20:26
ZykoticK9erUSUL, thanks!  i'm still going trough grub2 for my specifics - good refresher stuff in there though ;)20:26
mysoogalsok  thank u i will try that :)20:26
bazhangsonger output of lspci in pastebin20:27
bazhang!pastebin | songer20:27
ubottusonger: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:27
mysoogalsi get this E: Couldn't find package libapache2-modpython20:27
mysoogals 20:27
Karen_mbazhang, , thank you20:27
bazhangKaren_m, welcome20:27
mysoogalsi think i already added all the sources in update section :O why show that20:28
Picimysoogals: What version of Ubuntu are you using?20:28
L0kiHi everyone, trying to get totem to run dvds? any ideas?20:29
mysoogalsnewest version20:29
bazhang!dvd > L0ki20:29
ubottuL0ki, please see my private message20:29
Viruslessmy wireless dongle doesnt work. how can i use the windows wireless drivers?20:29
Picimysoogals: What architecture?20:30
L0kiubottu: cheers!20:30
bazhangVirusless, give us the chipset lsusb to pastebin20:30
mysoogalsinside vbox20:30
Viruslessi would but im on a duelboot system, that will only access the internet using windows 720:30
mysoogalsPici i can give you remote access if you want20:30
thune3mysoogals: it has another dash libapache2-mod-python20:31
bazhangVirusless, need the chipset to troubleshoot20:31
Picithune3: I just realized that :(20:31
Lemoplooking to stream video from pc to dbox2 via lan, what App?20:31
Karen_mI setup empathy, but i do not see my contact list to message people; how do i find it lol20:31
mysoogalsso i try sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-python20:31
ViruslessBazhang: i know that its a sitecom wl-60820:31
Picimysoogals: yes20:31
mysoogalsok im going to do it now20:31
bazhangVirusless, that is the brand name not the chipset20:32
mysoogalsits fetching :D20:32
songerthere is the  pastebin20:32
xanguaKaren_m: clic in the mail icon> chat icon20:32
bazhang Atheros AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01) songer20:32
mysoogalsok after i enable sudo a2enmod python i need to restart apache?20:32
xanguasonger: my atheros works just fine20:33
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs songer20:33
Viruslesssitecom wl-608 / arcadyan wn3501e (intersil prism chipset)20:33
mysoogalsdo i put my script.py into www or somewhere else ?20:33
songerit wast working on karmic20:33
Viruslessbazhang: sitecom wl-608 / arcadyan wn3501e (intersil prism chipset)20:34
kballashif the website for my printer doesn't have the driver for this OS what do i do20:34
bazhangkballash, checked linuxprinting.org 's database?20:35
ZykoticK9erUSUL, so I ran the grub-install and restarted, right away it showed lucid first in the grub list rather then second.  There where some dead entries for removed kernels in Maverick, so when lucid booted up i ran update-grub - restarted and confirmed Lucid's grub is now "in control".  Thanks again.20:35
kballashthanks bazhang20:35
mysoogalshow to test mod20:36
mysoogalshow to test mode_python i mean how would i know it works ?20:37
joonaAnyone know how I could get a VGA output working?20:37
joonaI plug in a VGA cable to my laptop, but I can't see the output on the external screen20:38
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1147481 Virusless20:38
cliffI need help installing Ubuntu Lucid on an old alienware laptop can anyone help me plz?20:38
dlublinkI am trying to move the lighttpd root directory from /var/www, is there a third party app ( such as app armor ) that controls the root ?20:39
bazhangcliff, what is the issue; please clarify20:39
guntbertjoona: usually you must tell your laptop hardware to use the VGA out (it may be some Fn combination)20:39
kestasis it possible to update from 7.04 to 10.04?20:39
Viruslessleads to: http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php/topic,334176.0.html, which is Italian (or so i can recognise, bazhang20:39
kreme191I have ubuntu 10.04 installed on one partition of my hard drive and windows on another, could someone help me setup up grub20:39
bazhangkestas, no20:39
joonaguntbert: Well, the shortcut would be FN+F5, but it won't work...20:39
kestasbazhang: so I need to start over?20:39
bazhang!grub2 > kreme19120:40
ubottukreme191, please see my private message20:40
joonaguntbert: Should I reboot and try if it detects it automatically?20:40
_raven_vncviewer screen frozen but mouse moves - what to do?20:40
joonaguntbert: xrandr doesn't detect any VGA outputs20:40
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kestashow can I tell if a ubuntu using a raid 1 config is using hardware or software raid?20:40
bazhangkestas, as a one step upgrade? that version is end of life; at this point backing up and installing fresh would be way easier20:40
guntbertjoona: sorry, no idea except pressing Fn+F5 repeatedly (its a round robin thing)20:41
cliff<bazhang> it takes a long time to get to the main menu to try, install or check disk for defects and once I click on either install or try it takes a long time loading until it finally crashes with a blank screen after changing colors many times.20:41
kballashso i heard linux is pretty virus free should i still purchase a antivirus/spyware/malware software?20:41
kestasbazhang: I was hoping there'd be a nice way to do it remotely, but I guess that was a bit ambitious20:41
guntbertav | kballash20:41
cliff<bazhang>Im thinking its a problem with the graphics but I dont know how to fix it...20:41
guntbert!av | kballash20:41
ubottukballash: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus20:41
bazhangcliff, md5 the iso? did the disk integrity check? alternate installer may fare better20:41
bazhangkballash, no need20:41
cliff<bazhang> the disk is fine, Ive used it on other computers20:42
bazhangkballash, clamav if you have a windows mail server I suppose20:42
bazhangcliff, then whats the ram on this?20:42
cliff2 gb and a 2gh pentium processor20:43
kballashim new to linux and only used windows for school/ and mild gaming so I still have a lot to learn20:43
L0kiStill got probs running dvds from totem - any ideas anyone?20:43
bazhangkballash, may want to check the nifty manual then20:43
cliff<bazhang>2 gb and a 2gh pentium processor20:43
bazhang!manual | kballash20:43
ubottukballash: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:43
Alazarecan someone help me install the latest nvidia drivers from the .run file20:43
bazhangcliff, odd, I would give the alternate installer a shot then20:43
Alazareits telling me i need to stop xserv20:43
kballashthank you I wills tart reading after this weekend.  Have a midterm monday AHHHH20:43
_raven_vncviewer screen frozen but mouse moves - what to do?20:44
bazhangL0ki, did you read the dvd link?20:44
joonakballash: If you want to play games, you should get Wine. You won't need any Antivirus programs, but if you just need to get one, try ClamAV and KlamAV20:44
CheguerzIf I use vpn pptp, is it normal for the pptp service to always be running started as root: /usr/sbin/pptp "name of VPN provider" -- nolaunchpppd. Or is it some sort of vulnrability. Thank you.20:44
kballashthe games I play are free online games like the whack a penguin and stuff lol20:44
CheguerzIt's always running20:45
bazhangkballash, then really no need20:45
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cliff<bazhang> do you think if the installer had problems, I might encounter similar problems after I install it?20:45
bazhangcliff, its not installed yet, is it? hard to say at this point20:45
kballashwhere do i extract printer drivers to?20:46
bazhangcliff, I would doubt it though20:46
L0kibazhang: yep - didn't work - trying vlc...20:46
cliff<bazhang> ok, ill give it a shot then. Thanx!20:46
bazhangkballash, linuxprinting.org says what about that printer20:46
bazhangL0ki, you got libdvdcss2 from medibuntu.org ?20:47
kballashthey didn't have that driver on there so I googled it came up with the .tar file with the stuff but no instruction on where to install drivers too ill read and figure it out though20:47
CppIsWeirdwhat is the default java_home?20:47
L0kibazhang: tried that, ubuntu lucid said there was nothing in the repositories?!20:48
bazhangkballash, I'd check linuxprinting.org database as a first step20:48
kreme191does someone know how to configure grub220:48
barbara_Hi, I've managed to be an idiot and overwrite my partition table on sda rather than sdb D: Is there some way to rewri20:48
bazhangL0ki, its at medibuntu.org20:48
CheguerzCheguerz: If I use vpn pptp, is it normal for the pptp service to always be running started as root: /usr/sbin/pptp "name of VPN provider" -- nolaunchpppd. Or is it some sort of vulnerability, I thank for any answers.20:48
barbara_te the partition table?20:48
kestashow can I tell if a ubuntu using a raid 1 config is using hardware or software raid?20:48
barbara_I am still booted into Ubuntu20:48
L0kiokay...trying that! :)20:49
bazhangkreme191, the grub2 wiki is quite informative20:49
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G_A_Ckestas: try "mount" and look for any /dev/md[0-9] mounts, they generally point to software RAID I believe20:50
CheguerzIt gets restarted when I kill it20:51
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kreme191bazhang: i am using a live cd, but when i try to update it, like the wiki page says it says "cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?)." and i have my partition with linux already mounted20:53
soreauIf I have installed a ppa that provides newer packages of those already in official repos, is there a way to easily restore all packages to their official versions after removing the ppa?20:54
kreme191bazhang: the same thing happens when i run sudo grub-mkconfig in the folder it's contained20:54
thune3barbara_: did you make backup of mbr (if using msdos partition format)?20:54
barbara_thune3: no20:54
thune3barbara_: how many partitions? do you have some output of fdisk -l in a scrollbuffer you can save off to some other hardware (I'm not sure if that's enough info to reconstruct)20:56
L0kibazhang: cheers m8 works great owe you a pint! :)20:59
bazhangL0ki, welcome20:59
punkmexicwhe i open guvcview i have this error how can i solve it? Make sure the device driver suports v4l2.21:00
MarkSSWhere is a good manual on X?  I'm looking to find a good source to read about adding resolutions to my resolution menu from command line21:01
bazhang!xrandr > MarkSS21:01
ubottuMarkSS, please see my private message21:01
Diverdudeon linux, what compiler is normally used to compile assembler programs?21:02
MarkSSbazhang:  Not looking to run dual screens.21:02
MarkSSMy monitor resolution is not in the resolution menu for Nvidia X Server Settings and I want to add it to the menu and I been told it is possible from CLI21:03
CyberRatMarkSS http://www.google.com/search?hl=nl&safe=off&q=ubuntu+x+nvidia&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=21:04
punkmexiccan anyone help me with this? whe i open guvcview i have this error how can i solve it? Make sure the device driver suports v4l2.21:05
Guest68980Is there something special I need to do to make an /etc/group edit work?  I want to make several users part of the www-data group and vice versa, but these group edits appear to be unresponsive, and I was told there is new magic in some linuces which doesn't even read /etc/group unless you run a cute program...?21:05
ndxtghi. Does anyone know where to find the minimum hardware requirements for Ubuntu 9.04 server? (And also the CPU supported list)21:05
elpaisais there an automatically backup aplication on ubuntu ?21:06
guntbert!backup | elpaisa21:06
ubottuelpaisa: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:06
bazhang!requirements > ndxtg21:06
ubottundxtg, please see my private message21:06
ndxtgbazhang: got it :) ty21:07
bazhangndxtg, welcome21:07
joeyeyeanyone here familiar with brasero ? I want to transcode some AVIs and create an .iso that will fit for a DVD burn. Is there a way to force brasero to reduce quality to fit to DVD ?21:09
bazhangjoeyeye, using devede?21:10
joeyeyebazhang, no using brasero21:10
thune3barbara_: i *think* that you are right that much of this partition information may be available if you are still on a system with the partitions mounted. [through /sys/class/block/sd* information]21:10
bazhangjoeyeye, my suggestion was use devede21:10
joeyeyebazhang, ok - I used to have devede does it let you easily control size/quality ?21:11
joonaAnyone got any experience on laptop VGA outputs?21:11
bazhangjoeyeye, should do21:11
joeyeyebazhang, thanks I'll give it a whirl21:11
Slartjoona: works nicely on my asus laptop21:12
thune3barbara_: certian commands may just scrape it for you in one go (not sure which or how though).21:12
joonaSlart: Okay, did it just by plugging the cable in?21:12
joonaSlart: Because when I plug the VGA cable in, the TV gets no signal. But when I boot...21:13
joonait gets the signal21:13
Slartjoona: well.. plugging the cable in and pressing Fn+F6 or whatever the key combo is to enable VGA output21:13
joonaand shows the boot, but when the X has started running, the output disappears21:13
joonaI got Fn+F5, but does nothing21:13
joonaAcer Aspire 5520, Samsung TV21:14
joonaxrandr --output VGA --auto says: warning: output VGA not found; ignoring21:15
punkmexiccan anyone help me with this? whe i open guvcview i have this error how can i solve it? Make sure the device driver suports v4l2.21:15
MichaelXX2The crown jewel of the freenode network; #ubuntu.21:16
MichaelXX2Ha, I can't read.21:16
hasibullahhi dear i can install any software or i can't update my os i am using ubuntu 9.1021:17
xanguahow do you instal¿¿ do you get any message hasibullah¿21:18
hasibullahxangua yes the message is that it say installation failed even i have dowloaded the correct software21:19
MarkSSMan...Ubuntu's speed makes Windows look like a total joke21:19
hasibullahactually i am having problem with my updates21:19
bazhanghasibullah, pastebin the error messages21:19
bazhang!paste | hasibullah21:19
ubottuhasibullah: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:19
hasibullahbazhang where to past that stuff21:21
bazhanghasibullah, look at the link above ^^21:21
hasibullahbazhang ok i will past it now21:22
kestashow can I tell if a ubuntu using a raid 1 config is using hardware or software raid?21:23
kish                       This APT has Super Cow Powers.21:24
kishwhat                   This aptitude does not have Super Cow Powers.21:24
kishwhat is the deal with those two21:25
kishapt-get and aptitude21:25
mikerukish: apt-get is more basic. aptitude includes a console UI21:26
c3lkish: apt-get moo21:26
mikeruhaha aptitude moo: there are no easter eggs in this program21:26
kishc3l, o21:26
slinker1also do aptitude moo21:27
rwwaptitude -v moo, aptitude -vv moo, etc.21:27
mikerurww: hahahahaha21:27
rwwLe Petit Prince reference :)21:28
nhawdge1Hey all, having issues setting up the subnet mask issued by pptpd's dhcp service, anyone know where to go to change these settings?21:28
mikeruI won!!! -vvvvv moo21:30
kishifconfig eth0 netmask21:30
kishwhat should the netmask be21:30
nhawdge1255.255.255.0 should be fine21:30
talashey, why is there vegastrike-data and vegastrike-music.. but no vegastrike binary? (universe repos)21:31
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ndxtghi. after apt-get update, what command to update the updates? (note: i dont want to "upgrade" to new version)21:33
bazhangsudo apt-get upgrade ndxtg21:33
Slartndxtg: apt-get upgrade will upgrade some packages, apt-get dist-upgrade will upgrade even more.. and install new packages21:33
bazhangndxtg, perhaps have a gander at the manual21:34
bazhang!manual | ndxtg21:34
ubottundxtg: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/21:34
Slartndxtg: neither of those will upgrade to a new version of ubuntu21:34
rwwtalas: the vegastrike package was deleted from lucid because it depends on python2.5, and we switched to python 2.6. I have no idea why the other vegastrike-* source packages are still there. The relevant bug report is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pychecker/+bug/51693221:34
verb3kWhere in Lucid do you have a text file with the names of all your CD/DVD drives?21:34
ikoniaverb3k: there isn't one21:34
ndxtgok that's good thank you :)21:34
matrixi need a opensource sql manager21:35
matrixdo you know ?21:35
matrixfor mysql21:35
matrixon ubuntu21:35
ikoniamatrix: this is an ubuntu support channel, can we help21:35
verb3kikonia, previously they were listed in fstab but now they're no more. Is there a way to get their names? (not necessarily a text file)21:35
ikoniaverb3k: what do you mean "names" ?21:35
matrixok i needd a sql manager for ubuntu21:35
verb3kikonia, "/dev/sr0"21:35
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TurbolinuxDoes Ubuntu One music makes good selling?21:36
ikoniamatrix: sql manager ? there are mysql tools21:36
ikoniaverb3k: they are symlinked to /dev/cdrom and /dev/dvd21:36
ikoniaTurbolinux: ask canonical21:36
IpSe_DiXiThi i run 8.10 with ff3 and suddenly nothing written appears anymore, not even if i write it in the search box, the cursor goes on but nothing appears21:36
IpSe_DiXiThelp? :D21:36
TurbolinuxIsn't there any statistic?21:37
ikoniaIpSe_DiXiT: 8.10 is no longer supported, and it didn't contain firefox 3, so I don't know where you got that21:37
ikoniaTurbolinux: it's not a public service21:37
bazhangTurbolinux, perhaps, but nothing to do with this channel21:37
rww!info firefox | ikonia21:37
ubottuikonia: firefox (source: firefox): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.8+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid), package size 10980 kB, installed size 29664 kB21:37
graffyi have some really aggravating domain reachability issues21:37
rww!info firefox intrepid | ikonia21:37
ubottuikonia: 'intrepid' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable21:37
rww... huh.21:38
graffyi can communicate with some domains and not others21:38
ikoniarww: I know what you're trying to do, 8.10 repos are dropped from ubottu now21:38
rwwikonia: sorry, what I was attempting to make the bot say was that firefox in intrepid is v. 3.0.1921:38
IpSe_DiXiTikonia: uff... why r u guys always commenting things instead of simply giving a possible solution?21:38
ikoniaIpSe_DiXiT: where ?21:38
ikoniarww: good find21:38
IpSe_DiXiTikonia: where? here!21:39
rwwIpSe_DiXiT: the correct solution to your issue is "upgrade to Ubuntu 9.04 or higher". Your installation is no longer receiving security updates, and this channel's policy is to not support obsolete Ubuntu versions.21:39
ikoniaIpSe_DiXiT: I'm not sure what you're talking about21:39
IpSe_DiXiTikonia: <rww> IpSe_DiXiT: the correct solution to your issue is "upgrade to Ubuntu 9.04 or higher". Your installation is no longer receiving security updates, and this channel's policy is to not support obsolete Ubuntu versions.  <<<--- this is what im talking about21:40
bazhang!eol > IpSe_DiXiT21:40
rwwIpSe_DiXiT: regardless of whether you believe it, it's correct.21:40
ubottuIpSe_DiXiT, please see my private message21:40
ikoniaIpSe_DiXiT: why is that hard to believe ? the product has had support dropped, so we can't support it21:40
xanguarww: well hardy has still support21:40
erosswhat's a good lazer mouse to get for ubuntu? my razer copperhead keeps freezing ever so often, have to keep unplugging and plugging back into USB. googling reported problem is rare.21:40
ikoniaxangua: thats LTS21:40
rwwxangua: Hardy is a Long Term Support release, so it's supported on desktop for 3 years instead of the usual 18 months.21:41
graffycan someone please help? I can't reach certain websites on ubuntu that I can reach with windows21:41
ndxtghi sorry noob question again: somehow I unticked the "security-updates" & "recommended updates" in the software sources. Now I don't have physically access to it, except ssh. Is it possible to edit these settings on command ine?21:41
ikoniagraffy: can you give me an example of one ?21:41
ikoniandxtg: look at the file /etc/apt/sources.list21:41
rww8.04 + 3y = April 2011. 8.10 + 18m = April 2010.21:41
oCean_graffy: ah, switching the win7 ip to ubuntu did not work?21:41
alexanderanyone know how I open a new chess engine in xboard? I installed said engine in the package manager already.21:41
ikoniagraffy: can you access any internet services on ubuntu21:41
graffyoCean_: nope21:41
carabinieriAre any Germans here?21:41
yigalmy SSD disk label seems to be corrupted, it used to show up in /media as 4C... where ... refers to other numbers/letters now it shows ??.  Can someone help, thank you21:41
kestashow can I tell if a ubuntu using a raid 1 config is using hardware or software raid?21:41
IpSe_DiXiTikonia: r u getting paid or ur a volunteer?21:42
ikoniakestas: how did you set it up21:42
graffyikonia: yes for some domains i can access everything21:42
ikoniaIpSe_DiXiT: I don't get paid21:42
oCean_carabinieri: german channel is #ubuntu-de21:42
rwwndxtg: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list, uncomment the lines containing lucid-updates and lucid-security (or whichever version you're using)21:42
guntbert!de | carabinieri21:42
ubottucarabinieri: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:42
kestasikonia: I didnt unfortunately21:42
ikoniagraffy: ok, so if you open a terminal and type "ping www.w3.org" what happens21:42
ndxtggot it, thanks rww & ikonia21:42
ikoniakestas: can you pastebin the output of "df -h" please21:42
CrustyBarnacleopen and read epub files?21:42
maksonI have a few ssh sessions open to my VPS i got disconnected when internet went out how can i connect back to that session?21:42
kestassure 1 sex21:42
graffyikonia: "Destination Port Unreachable"21:43
ikoniagraffy: port unreachable.....that's odd21:43
Milp_mainWhat kind of stupid logic is this? I try to change the Driver for my wifi card on ubuntu and before it even starts downloading it it somehow disables the wifi card, so of course it cant connect and download it. Goddamnit.21:43
oCean_graffy: you cannot reach *any* site?21:43
yigalmy SSD disk label seems to be corrupted, it used to show up in /media as 4C... where ... refers to other numbers/letters now it shows ??, and is labeled "^H^JM-,M-^RpM-]#^AbFM-D".  Can someone help, thank you.  The material is fine, I can browse, and edit the files on the disk.21:43
ikoniakestas: that's not using any form of software raid21:43
graffyoCean_: I can reach many sites, for example all google services21:44
automaticalhey guys, i'm looking for a distributed authentication system, so far i've looked at ldap, nis and kerberos, are there any other ones you can recommend that i look at?21:44
ikoniaautomatical: they are the main ones21:44
xanguaMilp_main: what driver¿¿ normally it's already in the kernel21:44
kestasikonia: so when I install a fresh 10.04 on here I can treat it as if it was just a normal hdd?21:44
ikoniakestas: to be honest, it looks like it is a normal hard disk, there is nothing to suggest there is any raid on that disk21:44
pdelgallegohi what software would you recommend you for recording  screencasts?  I dont need to record the audio21:45
kestasikonia: Ive opened it up and there are 2 hdds, connected to each other by an odd curly red cable, and the manager says he asked for raid21:45
ikoniagraffy: if you ping www.google.com does that work21:45
Milp10What kind of stupid logic is this? I try to change the Driver for my wifi card on ubuntu and before it even starts downloading it it somehow disables the wifi card, so of course it cant connect and download it. Could someone please explain that to me or something? D:21:45
ikoniakestas: hard disks should not be connected to each other at all21:45
kestasis there anything like device manager?21:45
maksonhow can i connect to an existing shell session21:46
graffyikonia: yes <4ms21:46
ikoniakestas: pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" please21:46
oCean_graffy: hm.. since the ip works on win7, it is not blacklisted.. nor is (part of) the entire network21:46
kestasikonia: they are, I would have thought that would be something to do with the raid, not sure thought21:46
ikoniagraffy: then why is w3.org complaining about a port ??? ping doesn't care about ports....??21:46
ikoniakestas: hard disks raided are raided through the controller, they are neve directly connected to each other21:46
kestasikonia: maybe I missed it, not sure21:47
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »21:47
ikoniakestas: I'm pretty confident they are not raidd21:47
xanguastrange, the bot doesn't want to answer me in private21:47
ikoniakestas: %99.99 certain21:47
oCean_graffy: and you're absolutely sure you're not through proxy right? Does www.whatismyip.com show correct ip?21:47
kestasikonia: hmmm21:47
kestasikonia: how would I bump that up to 100% ?21:47
rwwxangua: she ignores you if you as her to repeat herself. could be that.21:47
graffyoCean_: exactly what i see in ifconifg21:48
ikoniakestas: how many disks are in the system in total21:48
kestasisnt hardware raid supposed to be transparent?21:48
kestas2 if memory serves, but really Im not sure they may have been another tucked away21:48
bonhofferi am having trouble editing the /etc/sudoers21:48
graffyoCean_ ikonia stand by, changing ip21:48
ikoniakestas: if there are 2, I'm %100 certain it's not raided21:48
kestasand its on the other side of the city, Id like to know what Ill be facing when I next go in21:48
kestashmm, but if there are 3 it probably is raid?21:48
xanguarww: she¿¿ well i tried to ask it on private but didn't answer; i have to first enter the channel if i want it to answer me in public or private21:48
oCean_kestas: hardware raid would have drivers showing specific storage devices. Like /dev/cciss/c0d0 and not /dev/sda. Does "lshw -C storage" show any storagecontrollers?21:49
rwwubottu: tell xangua about gender21:49
ubottuxangua, please see my private message21:49
ikoniakestas: no, I doubt very much it's raid21:49
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
bonhofferin looking at the man page, i don't want any of the visudo options21:49
bonhofferbut it won't run vanilla21:49
rwwxangua: yes, she also won't answer if you don't share a channel21:49
ikoniakestas: do you know what type of machine it is, a desktop, a server etc21:49
bonhoffervisudo /etc/sudoers produces usage: visudo [-c] [-q] [-s] [-V] [-f sudoers]21:49
tesujihow do you get gnome to restart the apps that were running when you boot?21:49
kestasikonia: desktop machine21:49
ikoniabonhoffer: it's just visudo21:49
kestasoCean_: trying that now21:49
tesujixfce does this and it's very nice21:49
ikoniakestas: ok then it's %99.999999 certain it's not raid21:49
xanguadidin't know it was a she :O rww21:49
ikoniakestas: output of lshw in a pastebin please, lets check it21:50
bonhofferikonia: visudo alone won't run21:50
rwwxangua: FloodBots are male. Ubuntu bot developers are nerds :(21:50
bonhofferit gives me the usage menu21:50
kestaslshw -C storage: http://pastebin.com/jqrfHRsL21:50
graffyoCean_ ikonia : just changed public IP21:50
tesujihow do you get gnome to restart the apps that were running when you boot? xfce does it, i'm gnome can21:50
graffystill the issue21:51
jallajallaHi guys, i just want to know if gpg is compatible with pgp except for the idea algorithm?21:51
ikoniabonhoffer: sudo visudo21:51
tesujihow do you get gnome to restart the apps that were running when you boot? xfce does it, i'm sure gnome can21:51
ikoniakestas: not raid, certain of it21:51
graffygoing to try uninstalling Iron21:51
oCean_kestas: no sign of array controllers21:51
bonhofferikonia: o.k. but that tries to save to sudo.tmp21:51
rwwjallajalla: pretty much, yes. `man gpg` mentions which options are incompatible, but common usage is compatible.21:51
ikoniabonhoffer: no, it uses sudo.tmp as a swap file21:51
kestasikonia: okay doke, ty, thats actually a relief21:51
jallajallarww: oki, thanks21:51
kestasoCean_: ikonia: okay doke, ty, thats actually a relief21:52
CrustyBarnacle@tesuji: System >> Preferences >> Startup Apps >> Options21:52
oCean_kestas: cheers, then :)21:52
bonhofferikonia: o.k., don't get what is going on internally, but it works21:52
ikoniabonhoffer: I know ;)21:52
chr0n0Hello.  I got a question, or potential series of them.  I just picked up a Toshiba Lifebook with Vista.  It has a special Toshiba HDD Recovery Mode, which reinstalls the OS to the factory settings.  I want to install Ubuntu on it, but I may want to revert in case I decide to sell it.  I know that I can leave that partition intact, but do you think that GRUB will interfere with it in any way?21:52
tesujiCrustyBarnacle, i just want to start whatever was running, not have to manually configure it to start certain things every time21:52
CrustyBarnacletesuji: System >> Preferences >> Startup Apps >> Options21:53
ikoniachr0n0: grub goes on the master boot record, it will be fine21:53
CrustyBarnacletesuji: You can just set it to remember running apps21:53
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CrustyBarnacletesuji: One time fix21:53
chr0n0ok, that is what I was thinking, I just wanted some expert advice. :)21:53
matrixi need mysql sql manager tools21:54
oCean_graffy: iron as in the browser?21:54
matrixdo you have mysql ?21:54
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ikoniamatrix: yes, we heard the same time21:54
ikoniamatrix: mysql is in the ubuntu softwae repos,21:54
Muelli!mysql | matrix21:54
ubottumatrix: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:54
ikoniamatrix: along with tools such as mysql admin and mysql query browser21:54
graffyoCean_: yes, I realized its not in repository21:54
Muellihm. bad advice. sorry -.-21:54
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matrixi, need good sql manager21:54
matrixfor opensource21:54
ikoniamatrix: look at mysqladmin21:55
pepeehi, I don't need help22:00
ikoniapepee: then please don't make pointless noise22:00
MACscranyone know of a app that works with ubuntu (gnome based) that will allow me to view and print xps files?22:01
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graffyoCean_: any ideas?22:03
HumleMACscr, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_XML_Paper_Specification#Software22:04
graffyoCean_: I installed ubuntu in a virutalbox22:04
graffyit has the same problem22:04
graffyso its deep in my main install's networking proc22:04
oCean_graffy: routing tables are okey?22:05
HumleMACscr, http://www.xps2pdf.org/22:05
oCean_graffy: it's totally weird22:05
ikoniaoCean_: can't see it as routing as ping is complaining about a "port"22:05
JEUSi use this command but not solved my problem http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-network-manager-disabled-problem-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid.html22:05
ikoniagraffy: do you know how to use nslookup22:05
oCean_ikonia: oh yeah, agreed22:05
ikoniaI'm wondering if the port error is the dns socket can't open on a cetain server in the resolver22:05
graffyikonia: yes nslookup works fine because i can retrieve data from my domain's dns server22:06
graffyso does host22:06
ikoniagraffy: can you do a lookup on w3.org for me please, what do you get22:06
graffyNon-authoritative answer address
ikoniagraffy: wrong address22:07
ikoniathat address is not in the cluster22:07
SH-ChrisHi, i have a question for as to how i can turn off X?22:07
SH-Chrishow can*22:08
slonikI don't know if it's ubuntu issue, but I have desktop wider than the monitor can fit, it's 10.0422:08
Slartikonia: that's the same address I get when I do nslookup w3.org22:08
linduxhi chan22:08
slonikand I can't do anything about it22:08
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ikoniaSlart: that address is dead22:08
oCean_ikonia: it's the same ip as I get from resolving22:08
ikonialooks like some stale dns entries22:08
sassinoogineed help reinstalling a printer; did updates on my computer and it wiped out whatever the communication was from the computer to the printer; even when plugging it in, the PC does not recognize that it's been just plugged in; installed new driver--still nothing will print; sits in que--need help ASAP b/c I have to print off before 5:30pm EST...anyone?22:08
hareshhey guys need some help when i do a update using the update manager i get cannot upgrade a upgrade from lucid to handy is not supported please help me22:09
Jordan_Ukreme191: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide22:09
SH-ChrisIm trying to install teh .run file from nvidia but it says im running an X server and asks for me to stop it but how exactly do i do so?22:09
alexanderHi I'm trying to play chess against a chess engine with Ubuntu 10.4 but I can't figure out how to do this with xBoard or Chess or PyChess (app doesn't work at all) so far.22:09
ikoniaSlart: oCean_ .45 has been blocked22:09
Slartharesh: lucid to hardy is a downgrade.. and not supported afaik22:09
ikoniait's been removed from the dns cluster, looks like someone's running crap dns servers that are stale22:09
graffyikonia: type it into a browser22:09
hareshhow can i go about it ??22:10
ikoniagraffy: I have22:10
Jordan_USH-Chris: Don't, you should use System > Administration > Hardware Drivers instead.22:10
SH-ChrisIm trying to install the .run file from nvidia but it says im running an X server and asks for me to stop it but how exactly do i do so?22:10
SH-Chrissorry, lol22:10
hareshi cant install any firefox also22:10
SH-Chrispressed up xD22:10
Slartikonia: googles dns servers give the same result22:10
sassinoogineed help reinstalling a printer; did updates on my computer and it wiped out whatever the communication was from the computer to the printer; even when plugging it in, the PC does not recognize that it's been just plugged in; installed new driver--still nothing will print; sits in que--need help ASAP b/c I have to print off before 5:30pm EST...anyone?22:10
ikoniain my opinion - it's s stale entry22:10
SH-ChrisJordan_U: Thanks :)22:11
linduxi'm a newbie here, and i need help and i dont' want to flood the chan. if someone is available and got some timeto spend, i will appriciate. thank you so much.22:11
ikoniaSlart: the root of that webserver has a message up saying it's a dead host due to abuse22:11
ubuntu__this will sound weird but i need a copious amount of help, my computer won't boot anymore and just goes to grub-rescue :s22:11
rwwharesh: run the commands "lsb_release -a" and "apt-cache policy" in the terminal, copy to http://paste.ubuntu.com/, copy the address of the page it creates here.22:11
Jordan_USH-Chris: You're welcome.22:11
xanguaSH-Chris: you can install the restricted drivers from reposiroty, don't you¿22:11
ralliasHi. I have a question. I have 3 major users I use on my computer, and for certain reasons, I wish to have one of the users not show up on the login screen. How would I go about hiding this user from the login screen?22:11
oCean_ikonia: www.w3.org = .45 and I can get the site just fine. The nameservers have other ips indeed.22:11
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ikoniaoCean_: how do you know your hitting .45 ?22:11
hareshthe problem is i dont have any firefox or anythign in to surf the net and when i try installing it will not install22:11
Humleis there any way to see the network traffic on a network interface after a reboot?22:12
Humlei mean, the ifconfig TX/RX details22:12
ikoniaHumle: counters are cleared on reboots22:12
hareshrww, the problem is i dont have any firefox or anythign in to surf the net and when i try installing it will not install22:12
pepeeharesh, apt-cache search firefox22:12
sassinoogiJordan_U: I am sure you remember me from the other day when I was attempting to fix my printer--my chat room etiquette had much to desire--sorry; I was desperate! :)  can you help me?22:12
SH-Chrisxangua: Well, i tried teh drivers but seems i have a slightly older one installed22:12
ralliasharesh: then install an alternate web browser.22:13
oCean_ikonia: you're right, I did not know. However, browsing to the ip (.45) results in "forbidden due to abuse"22:13
matrixi need good22:13
Humleikonia, ah, u see, i pay per MB on mobile broadband22:13
matrixsql manager ide22:13
hareshrallias, like22:13
graffyoCean_ikonia: can you take a look at my route? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/4z7qe6JB22:13
Humlesome kind of tracker would be nice22:13
ikoniagraffy: it's not routing22:13
SH-Chrisxangua: i couldnt get my screen to expand to 1300x700 so i thought maybe going to nvidia might have helped :P22:13
xanguaharesh: the problem is that you mixed repositories, that's what i understando; don¿22:13
ikoniagraffy: I think there is a stale dns entry for .4522:13
ralliasharesh: chromium (google chrome), konquerer22:13
SH-Chriswtf.. Ikonia got opped and deoped..22:14
graffyikonia: its many sites, newegg.com, microcenter.com, amazon.com22:14
ikoniaSH-Chris: control your language, and I didn't op22:14
SH-ChrisOh, sorry22:14
matrixwhat s up ?22:14
ralliasCan someone help me? I have a user existing on my user that I don't want showing at the login prompt. How do I do this?22:14
sassinoogineed help reinstalling a printer; did updates on my computer and it wiped out whatever the communication was from the computer to the printer; even when plugging it in, the PC does not recognize that it's been just plugged in; installed new driver--still nothing will print; sits in que--need help ASAP b/c I have to print off before 5:30pm EST...anyone?22:14
hareshok can after that what should i do22:14
ikoniamatrix: you have been told about the mysql tools22:14
pepeesorry, but, I think DNS problems is OT here22:14
ikoniamatrix: please stop asking the same question22:14
ikoniapepee: it's not offtopic, he's resolving an issue with his ubuntu machine22:15
pepeeikonia, same applies to gentoo, debian, mandriva...22:15
ikoniapepee: we don't know it's a dns issue, so it's fine22:15
pepee/j #linux ?22:15
Jordan_Usassinoogi: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg" immediately after plugging in the printer?22:15
pepeeah ok, sorry22:15
hareshbut after installing i dont see it anywhere22:15
pepeeharesh, alt+f2, type "firefox"22:16
ikoniagraffy: work through one site at a time, get w3.org working first, that one I think is a dns cache issue22:16
sassinoogiJordan_U: there was no message :(  Should I pick a different USB until it appears?22:16
pepeesassinoogi, please don't repeat, we can read22:16
ikoniaoCean_: Slart comments, agree/disagree ?22:16
hareshi install the google chroum22:16
Jordan_Usassinoogi: You can try that. Do other USB devices work?22:17
graffyI'm on opendns now22:17
Slartrallias: some unconfirmed results from google suggests that if you use user id's below 1000 they won't show up in the user list22:17
chr0n0meh, the fool who owned this thing formatted the backup partition and put music on it.  :-/22:17
Humleis there a way to launch a script after I shut down from "Shut Down" menu icon22:17
pepeesassinoogi, someone will help you if he can22:17
sassinoogiyes--the printer did until just recently22:17
oCean_ikonia: the weird thing is, he has win7 box which works just fine (even after switching ips between ubuntu and the win7)22:17
ralliasSlart: tyvm22:17
ikoniaoCean_: I'm wondering if the ubuntu box has cached the bad ip though22:17
Slartikonia: humm.. haven't really been following the discussion..22:17
hareshpepee, cant bro please help22:18
Jordan_Uikonia: Ubuntu doesn't do DNS caching by default.22:18
graffyikonia: the past few days I've been running a crawl that ignores robots.txt22:18
ikoniaJordan_U: I don't know what his setup is, but it's all I have to explain his issue22:18
graffybut if they blacklisted me its based on some kind of OS signature....22:18
sassinoogiJordon_U: sorry--yes, the printer worked until just recently.  IDK what exactly happened, but after I made some updates, it no longer would communicate with my PC22:18
pepeeharesh, ok. what version are you using? lucid=22:18
hareshchromium is already the newest version.22:18
ikoniagraffy: they haven't blacklisted you, the host has been shut down22:18
graffyI feel like a backbone host blacklisted my OS22:18
hareshhow do i cehck that22:18
hareshpepee, how do i check that22:18
ikoniagraffy: then I wouldn't be able to get to it ?22:19
Jordan_Usassinoogi: But to other USB devices work *currently*?22:19
graffyikonia: lets check my newegg.com record then22:19
ikoniaI'm using ubuntu  too, MANY people would be complaining if that was the case22:19
hareshpepee, Distributor ID:Ubuntu22:19
hareshDescription:Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS22:19
FloodBot1haresh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:19
sassinoogiJordan_U: yes22:19
graffyikonia: and i don't know if you know but chrome gives me "102 Unknown Error"22:19
graffynot unreachable name or what is says in a dns case22:19
pepeeharesh, did you install firefox?22:20
ikoniagraffy: it's not unreachable, the host is still running a webserver, but if you read the message on the web server, it's been taken out of action22:20
hareshpepee, i cant install firefox i have  a files to install22:20
Jordan_Usassinoogi: You can try printing from a LiveCD, if the printer worked previously but doesn't work from a LiveCD then it's likely an issue with the printer itself.22:20
pepeeharesh, where are you from? india?22:20
hareshpepee,  firefox: Depends: libstartup-notification0 (>= 0.10) but it is not going to be installed22:20
hareshpepee, singapore22:21
mksexecan somebody help me with extracting some files from a rar archive22:21
sassinoogiJordan_U: what exactly do you mean by a LiveCD?  Print info from a disk?22:21
Jordan_U!rar | mksexe22:21
ubottumksexe: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free22:21
pepeemksexe, install rar and unrar packages22:21
infidwhere does ubuntu keep it's sound files, like the equivalent of windows chimes, etc22:21
oCean_graffy: I'm kind of lost with this issue. :(22:21
graffyikonia: I'm telling you it's not a cache issue. I'm on OpenDNS servers right now. My newegg record is Check that...22:21
Jordan_Usassinoogi: A LiveCD is a CD containing a full bootable GNU/Linux system, like the Ubuntu install CD.22:21
pepeeharesh, /j #ubuntu-sg22:22
mksexeI have installed unrar-free package22:22
JoshuaLinfid, /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/22:22
rezoluteis there a quickpar equivalent for linux that would allow me to just click on pars and repair like I do in windows?22:22
hareshi am there22:22
Jordan_Usassinoogi: Booting from a LiveCD is a good way to get back to a default configuration (at least temporarily).22:22
infidthanksj oCean_22:22
pepeeharesh, try installing that package: libstartup-notification022:22
sassinoogiJordan_U: I don't know where my original CD is; do you think that you could assist me in having the PC recognize the printer since it has been re-installed?22:22
ikoniagraffy: what happens when you try to get to the newegg site22:22
hareshyeah thanks i am doing in22:22
JoshuaLinfid, np22:22
mksexebut when I try to extract a picture from a archive i get an error22:23
graffyikonia: all browsers give some sort of error and return nothing. I just installed winxp in a virtualbox, same thing22:23
infidJoshuaL: what command line program can play the sound file, eg just play the .ogg file, preferably without having a gui22:23
pepeemksexe, you can use winrar with wine22:23
graffyikonia: i think somewhere deep my network procs got screwed up22:23
thune3rallias: i'm going to test another possible solution for your issue, brb22:24
Trashihi. i have a further fail2ban question. i cannot use iptables (vserver) so i try to use deny.hosts support. its all fine and fail2ban is writing my ip after a couple of tries into the hosts.deny, but after, apache2 lets me anyway to receive my website? whats the problem with this? for what could i look for?22:24
ikoniagraffy: sorry, don't buy that, networking is eithe up/down for things like you route to the internet, unless you have some personal routing you've put int22:24
dewwinfid: ogg12322:24
Slartgraffy: what happens if you try   "wget www.newegg.com" in a terminal?22:24
hareshhow to slove this  when i do a update using the update manager i get cannot upgrade a upgrade from lucid to handy is not supported please help me22:24
JoshuaLinfid, by default that is not possible. maybe MPD can help you22:24
ikoniaTrashi: apache doesn't use hosts.allow/deny22:24
JoshuaLinfid, mpd is a music player deamon22:24
ralliasthune3: and that is?22:25
graffySlart: wget gives connection refused22:25
Jordan_Uharesh: "upgrade from lucid to handy" doesn't make any sense. Can you please rephrase what exactly you're trying to do?22:25
Trashiikonia: but why fail2ban provides an "apache auth filter" ?22:25
infiddeww: apt-get says ogg123 is unavailable22:25
pepeeharesh, please, don't repeat... also, you got an answer for that question22:25
hareshi am trying to update using the update manager22:25
Slartgraffy: and  "wget" gives you the same result?22:25
JEUShow can i fix problem with eth0 network . is disable22:26
ilovefairuzharesh: better do a clean install22:26
Jordan_Uharesh: From which version of Ubuntu?22:26
mksexeI will try with wine than22:26
ikoniaTrashi: that's for iptables22:26
mksexeTanks for your help22:26
pepeeharesh, lucid is the latest version22:26
ikoniaTrashi: and it also depends how your apache application is built22:26
hareshi can i have the new cd but the provblem is when i am trying to install it says it cant find my cdrom drive it ask me to look for it22:26
dewwinfid: then try mpd as suggested by JoshuaL :)22:26
Trashiikonia: ah ok ... i did find a tutorial about tcp wrapper & apache2 .. first, i will take a look for this ... thank u ;)22:27
graffySlart: here's some progress! I can reach that in a browser but none of the images load22:27
graffySlart: this is also what happens for gamespot.com22:27
ikoniaJEUS: ok22:27
ikoniaJEUS: stop now please22:27
JEUSikonia, hi22:27
oCean_graffy: browsing to ? (= newegg)22:27
Jordan_U!pm | sassinoogi22:27
ubottusassinoogi: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:27
Slartgraffy: one way to find out if it's your computer or the network would be to try a live cd.. see if you have the same problems there22:27
Jordan_Uharesh: From which version of Ubuntu?22:27
dewwinfid: what about vorbis-tools ?22:27
infiddeww: i liked the sound of ogg123 though since i used to use mpg123 or whatever, or was it 321. anyway vlc does the trick22:27
hareshi am on 10.422:28
chr0n0pepee: actually 10.10 Maverick Meerkat is Alpha  ;)  But Lucid is the latest stable22:28
JEUSi have this problem but not solvet after do it http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-network-manager-disabled-problem-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid.html22:28
sassinoogiJordan_U: I need to learn this Ubuntu etiquette---sorry!22:28
graffyikonia: I was crawling with Scrapy, which keeps a list of urls not to visit. It was killed overnight for using max RAM and swap. I think there is some debris causing this22:28
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infiddeww: ah yeah that installed it22:28
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pepeechr0n0, yeah, but no one should install it :)22:28
SH-ChrisLucid seems to have a bit of problems lately...22:28
infiddeww: thanks22:28
ikoniagraffy: have you tried something simple like a reboot, clear your ram and start again ?22:28
SH-ChrisDOesnt seem as stable as its lable as22:28
graffyikonia: i have rebooted a few times. checked my small win7 partition22:29
chr0n0lol ya22:29
bytesaberany reason a grub1 bootloader can't boot current ubuntu?22:29
graffycan you ping newegg?22:29
graffyi cant ping it in windows?22:29
ikoniaah yes, you did say22:29
ikoniabytesaber: nope22:29
JEUSikonia, i have this problem with ubuntu 10.4 but not solved after do command http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-network-manager-disabled-problem-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid.html22:29
ikoniagraffy: their firewall blocks ping22:29
chr0n0lucid runs great on my box :)  loving it22:29
ikoniaJEUS: I'm not interested in helping you at this time, I'm looking at other things22:29
ilovefairuzbytesaber: who said it can't?22:29
SH-ChrisJEUS: Dont repeat stuff22:29
oCean_graffy: no ping reply, have you tried browsing to ?22:29
graffyoCean_: yes its newegg's homepage with no images22:29
bytesaberilovefairuz, no one.  just messing with bootloaders22:29
tripleb-mircHow to set this up question: I have windows on one hard drive. I have another hard drive and will install ubuntu on it. What do I have to do to get grub to line up to give me choices to boot on windows or not. I want to have the windows drive not on the computer from time to time. I intend the ubuntu drive to be the Master drive.22:30
oCean_graffy: ok, so nameserver issue after all?22:30
pepeegraffy, can you browse newegg from windows?22:30
pettterjoin ubuntu-se22:30
bytesaberilovefairuz, trying to learn how to use grub222:30
RWolfHi, I've installed 10.04 on my USB flash drive instead of HDD, is it ok? will the drive wear off quickly?22:30
ikoniaoCean_: it does look that way22:30
oCean_graffy: since the images are probably loaded by location by name22:30
oCean_ikonia: Indeed22:30
JEUSthis chanel for help or for pussy22:30
SH-Christripleb-mirc: Grub must be installed on teh master drive, liek windows if you boot taht first.22:30
ilovefairuz!grub2 | bytesaber22:30
ubottubytesaber: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:30
graffyoCean_: sorry i was responding to your last question. produces no response and an error. I can browse to newegg in windows, but not from a windows VM on this lucid22:31
ikoniagraffy: what's the error22:31
chr0n0RWolf: usb flash is cheap anyhow, if it dies you can justify getting a bigger one22:31
bytesaberthanks ilovefairuz22:31
graffyikonia: this is a Iron/Chrome error code, "Error 102 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED): Unknown error.". usually caused by proxy but im not behind a proxy22:32
RWolfchr0n0: there's a risk of losing data22:32
Jordan_Utripleb-mirc: The boot menu will be setup automatically but you should make sure during install that grub isn't being installed to the windows drive (otherwise you won't be able to boot anything without the windows drive in).22:32
pepeegraffy, what about installing a local DNS cache server?22:32
ilovefairuztripleb-mirc: install grub on that drive that you'll be keeping all at the time22:32
tripleb-mircSH-Chris: so I want to have ubuntu be the master drive. But mostly I want windows to just be an option.22:32
ikoniagraffy: telnet to 80 please22:32
ikoniagraffy: does it get a connection22:32
pepeegraffy, like dnsmasq or pdnsd22:32
SH-Christripleb-mirc: Not sure, i did it with ubuntu partitioned on my 500GB hdd22:33
graffyikonia: connection refused22:33
ikoniagraffy: that suggests something is blocking you22:33
graffypepee: installed them about an hour ago22:33
sassinoogijordan_U: (if I make another bad pass, sorry--I am new to Ubuntu!) so after I have reinstalled the driver, I know that I have to go into the terminal to "override the system" and I am not sure what the command(s) is.  Do you know what it is that I am talking about or is there another way for the system to get data to transfer to the printer?22:33
Jordan_Utripleb-mirc: The setting for where grub should be installed is fairly hidden in Ubuntu's installer, you get to it by clicking the button labeled "Advanced" on the last screen of the installer.22:33
oCean_graffy: are there accesslists on your gateway?22:33
Jordan_Usassinoogi: How did you re-install the driver?22:34
pepeegraffy, do you have a firewall in the machine? modified your /etc/hosts or something?22:34
graffyoCean_ i dont have control of them, and the guy went home...22:34
sassinoogiJordan_U: went directly to Lexmark, downloaded the driver to my desktop, extracted the file, then ran it22:35
oCean_graffy: you default to gw10-ints.noc.d, there could be an accesslist. Is your ubuntu gw same as on win?22:35
ilovefairuztripleb-mirc: the ubuntu installer will detect windows if the drive is present during installation and add an option to boot it, even if the drive is not present you can add an option later to boot windows from the "secondary" drive22:35
Jordan_Usassinoogi: Did your printer not work out of the box with Ubuntu?22:35
tiinaHi anyone here who could help me with my mp3 files?22:35
pepee!ask | tiina22:35
ubottutiina: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:35
ilovefairuz!details | tiina22:35
ubottutiina: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:35
tripleb-mircJordan_U, SH-Chris: So I am going to install ubuntu on this new (SATA) drive. I have windows installed on another drive (I am using it now.) I want windows to appear in the grub options. Do I set that up at install time or later or do I have a choice? (with xchat I get lines with "mynick" in them highlighted. I wish I could get that with mirc - which I am using now.)22:35
harley_any one know some plug to aqalug player22:36
harley_any one know some plug to aqalug player?22:36
graffyoCean_: yes at least the same ip, gw10-ints.noc.d is a sub domain yeah?22:36
JEUSof 1526 petson is not anybody to help me22:36
tiinai have  denver mp3 and i have downloaded mp3 files via frostwire and cannot get them to my mp3 player denver???22:36
sassinoogiJordan_U: no; I had to go through a series of steps and all was well; I updated to 9.10 and that is when the real issues began; I don't know how to downgrade, or I would, but either way--I wanted to write down what steps I took the last time so that I don't have to bug my fellow ubuntu-ers about how to do it again22:36
SH-Christripleb-mirc: In teh end of teh install you ahev teh option to install grub but only if it detects another boot loader22:36
ilovefairuztripleb-mirc: the installer will add the option automatically22:37
tiina i have  denver mp3 and i have downloaded mp3 files via frostwire and cannot get them to my mp3 player denver???22:37
ilovefairuztiina: do you see the music player when you plug it to usb?22:37
JEUSping :  i have this problem but not solvet after do it http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-network-manager-disabled-problem-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid.html22:37
RWolfany ideas how to reduce disk writes while 10.04 running to save the Flash drive? for example, are there processes that are known to write to disk in a timely manner? or, maybe, /tmp on a RAM disk will help?22:37
ikoniaJEUS: stop with the "ping"22:37
tripleb-mircilovefairuz ah. OK I'll have it present at install.  ((another question: while ubuntu installs, how long will it take for a 1T drive (new) and will I be locked out from using the computer for that time frame?))22:37
ilovefairuztiina: no, on the desktop, can you see an icon for it?22:38
SlartRWolf: I would put tmp on a ramdisk to start with..22:38
chr0n0sassinoogi: when I upgraded to 9.10 I had a bunch of problems that I could not remedy at all.  fortunately I keep my /home on another disk entirely.  makes for easy migration22:38
JEUSwhat do :/ ikonia22:38
tiinaonly usb0 like an harddisk22:38
cjdevlini am running ubuntu 8.04 and i a program i am installing needs pygtk 2.16.0 is there a simple way to install/upgrade?22:38
oCean_graffy: sorry, I think I'm out of options. You should check accesslists when your collegue returns.22:38
chr0n0sassinoogi: i also tried to downgrade, which cause further instability22:38
pepeeJEUS, paste the output of those commands in pastebin, please22:38
ilovefairuztiina: when you click on the icon on the desktop, doesn't it show the files inside the player?22:38
SlartRWolf: perhaps even try to limit logging.. but I would only do that once everything is working22:39
tiinaonly usb0 like an harddisk22:39
sassinoogichr0n0: did anyone make suggestions to you?22:39
ilovefairuz!screenshot | tiina22:39
ubottutiina: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.22:39
ilovefairuztiina: take a screen shot of it22:39
graffyoCean_: what's a reliable way to clear my dnscache? now looks like a full newegg.com22:39
JEUSi use this command i have this problem but not solvet after do it http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-network-manager-disabled-problem-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid.html22:40
NCS_Onewhhen I try to seen flash videos on browser firefox or chromium it is slow, lags. What can I do to fix it ?22:40
pepeeJEUS, where are you from?22:40
hellokit1yHowdy. =)22:40
JEUSim from earth22:40
RWolfSlart: how do I turn the logging off? anyways, I can switch them again when needed22:40
ikoniapepee: why are you asking people where they are from ?22:40
pepeeJEUS, paste the output of those commands in pastebin, please22:40
ikoniaJEUS: stop with the smart answers22:40
ikoniapepee: what commands ?22:40
pradeephi everyone22:40
graffyoCean_: Yeah! if I rewrite URIs with i can browse newegg22:41
SlartRWolf: I think there is a config file for logging.. something like /etc/syslog , I think22:41
pradeephope everyone is good in here22:41
chr0n0sassinoogi: I don't remember the specifics, sorry.  but I know that I found several forums where people had the same problems, I tried the fixes over and over with no luck.  Are you having some issue with network manager by chance?22:41
oCean_graffy: hmm22:41
graffyoCean_: i think i have a bad dnscache22:41
sassinoogiJordan_U: no; I had to go through a series of steps and all was well; I updated to 9.10 and that is when the real issues began; I don't know how to downgrade, or I would, but either way--I wanted to write down what steps I took the last time so that I don't have to bug my fellow ubuntu-ers about how to do it again22:41
ilovefairuztiina: go to http://imgur.com and upload the image, then paste the address here22:41
pepeeikonia, 1. for telling them to go to the channel of their country, 2. commands from the website he's posting22:41
sassinoogichr0n0: no, no other issues except this @#*$&@#( printer22:41
ikoniapepee: why don't you find out what the actual problem is22:42
JEUSi work in windows now  and linux have problem to connect internet22:42
oCean_graffy: on ubuntu and win, you use the same dns configuration? (i.e. /etc/resolv.conf)22:42
JEUSikonia, pepee22:42
chr0n0sassinoogi: sorry, my attention is divided.  man, no ideas  :(22:42
SlartRWolf: although that file doesn't exist.. let me look around.. see if I can find it22:42
RWolfSlart: rsyslog.conf?22:42
graffyoCean_: well right now its just OpenDNS's 2NS22:42
JEUSikonia, pepee not have way to connect to ubuntu22:43
graffyoCean_: but I think i have a bad local cache22:43
pepeeikonia, because most people is new, and I prefer to see what the system says before trying to understand them22:43
ikoniaJEUS: as I said before I'm working on other things so chose not to help you22:43
JEUSand can't22:43
graffyoCean_: where is this in ubuntu?22:43
oCean_graffy: oh, ok. Your reboots would have cleared those out22:43
JEUSpaste to this computer22:43
graffyCan I purge the DNS handler or something?22:43
SlartRWolf: it sounds right.. but I looked at that file and I didn't recognise the things in there..22:43
ilovefairuztiina: ok good, what happens when you click the usb0?22:43
SlartRWolf: of course, it might have changed since I last looked at it22:43
thune3rallias: adding a [greeter] section with Exclude=<user> to /etc/gdm/custom.conf is supposed to do that according to http://library.gnome.org/admin/gdm/2.30/configuration.html.en It didn't work for me because these options apparantly aren't availble for gnome 2.28 (i'm on karmic)22:44
pepeeJEUS, ahh ok. well, try using sudo with those commands22:44
tiinamy filemapp opens22:44
JEUSpepee, ikonia to this to your work ? http://pastebin.com/RA8jn1RS22:44
pepeesudo service network-manager stop; sudo rm /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state; sudo service network-manager start22:44
Shark360ciao a tutti22:44
pepeeJEUS, do that22:44
ikoniaJEUS: please stop saying my name22:44
Shark360hi all22:44
SlartRWolf: ah.. /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf looks better..22:45
ilovefairuztiina: so keep it open, and open another one with the folder that contains your mp3 files, then select them and right-click, choose copy and go to usb0 and select paste22:45
tiinacouldnt do so wrong at the backends of files?22:45
ilovefairuztiina: is there an error ? what does it say ?22:46
tiinaI gat that answer when I tried to do as you said before22:46
ilovefairuztiina: is there an error message that shows up when you try to copy?22:46
hayikonia: being nice to people from other countries wouldn't hurt22:46
tiinalike something is wrong I cannot move the musicfiles22:46
RWolfSlart: hmm, so I can redirect the logs to /tmp22:46
CppIsWeirdjust for a sanity check, i ran diff -rqd /dir1 /dir2, and it didnt report anything, this means that those directories are EXACTLY the same byte for byte, bit for bit, content and structure?22:47
sassinoogiSeriously--anyone (I am in near tears with this!!  I am still a newbie!) and I cannot get my printer to print documents or pics.  Reinstalled several times with no avail--only need a person to take me through the steps of getting system to re-recognize printer22:47
ilovefairuztiina: write the exact error22:47
ikoniahay: I don't have a problem with people in other countries22:47
SlartRWolf: possibly.. or just disable the loggin altogether22:47
somniumIm looking for something like mumbles, but it seems it hasn't been updated for over a year. Is there a alternative like it for gnome or is it still the best bet?22:47
tripleb-mirctesting highlight function22:47
adubhi all22:48
Slarttripleb-mirc: try joining #test , they have bots and all kinds of stuff to test things22:48
ilovefairuz!hi | adub22:48
ubottuadub: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:48
adubcool a nice bot22:48
pepeeJEUS, you there?22:48
adubjesus is always there22:49
adubyou just have to ask22:49
ilovefairuz!ot | adub22:49
ubottuadub: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:49
macoadub: one fewer s22:49
tiinaWrong at doing copy of 08 Rude Boy- Rihanna-,mp322:49
graffyoCean_: I cam in this morning to all 12GB of my ram being used and max swap22:49
ikoniatiina: ?22:49
pepeeadub, no, jesus is dead, if he existed... lol22:49
JEUSpepee, yes im here22:50
adubguys im having an issue with installing ubuntu22:50
graffyI think something got screwed up22:50
haytiina: that could be because of rihanna  ;-)22:50
pepeeJEUS, did that work?22:50
ilovefairuztiina: do you have other files on the player?22:50
adubi am trying to install 10.0422:50
ikoniapepee: what part of "offtopic" was not clear to you22:50
ilovefairuz!who | tiina22:50
ubottutiina: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:50
aduband i keep getting this error   ---> This particular error is often due to a faulty CD/DVD disk or drive, or a faulty hard disk. It may help to clean the CD/DVD, to burn the CD/DVD at a lower speed, to clean the CD/DVD drive lens (cleaning kits are often available from electronics suppliers), to check whether the hard disk is old and in need of replacement, or to move the system to a cooler environment.22:50
graffyoCean_: mouse was lagging on a Core i722:50
oCean_graffy: that's not ok22:50
macotiina: maybe because there's a comma in the file name? some formats cant take commas22:50
graffyoCean_: but I shouldn't have to reinstall22:50
pepeeikonia, you are always that serious?22:50
adubits annoying i run fsck and all is well this is the second time i have burned the disk and it errors 36% into the install everytime i have tried 5 different installed22:50
tiinaand detalied says: wrong at the opening of file"/media/usb/0/08 ...YES in each of files the same message22:51
adubusing 10.04 lts installation22:51
ikoniapepee: this channels topic is ubuntu support discussion, not chat, not jokes, ubuntu support, please try to stick to it, more so when you ae told a pevious comment is offtopic22:51
ilovefairuztiina: you can right-click on usb0 and select "format" but that will delete files on the music player so you'22:51
macoadub: did you do the "check disc for errors" thing on boot? because maybe the iso you're burning was a corrupt download22:51
linduxanyone who is able with recovery dead filesystem?22:51
ilovefairuztiina: you'll have to copy them again22:51
macoadub: also possible is that your cd drive is overly sensitive (I have one that wont read more than 100mb into a cd)22:51
ilovefairuz!undelete | lindux22:51
ubottulindux: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel22:51
JEUSi try copy output to this computer (ubuntu ----> windows)22:52
graffyoCean_: do you think i got attacked?22:52
oCean_graffy: agreed. Using 'top' and then sorting on mem and/or swap usage should show you what is hogging the resources22:52
tiinaoboy how i shall do that via frostwire? as i did at the first time?22:52
ikoniaoCean_: he's rebooted though, so there should be no resource hogs now22:52
ilovefairuztiina: do you have the files on the hard disk in a folder?22:52
adubmaco how do i check for errors on boot22:52
ilovefairuztiina: after you format, copy them from that folder22:52
macoadub: i dont know with the new cd. maybe hold down shift?22:53
tiinayes in the rythmbox player in ubuntu22:53
graffyoCean_: it was my crawler running in python. but it has a feature to never go back to visited urls. and i think that behavior leaked to the system???22:53
macoadub: older versions of ubuntu offered it during boot22:53
NCS_Onewhen I try to seen flash videos on browser firefox or chromium it is slow, lags. What can I do to fix it ?22:53
tiinaHow I format those?22:53
ilovefairuztiina: no, open the folder that contains them, and copy after you format22:53
mintanyone here running on hardy heroin ubuntu still im curious to hear how stable it is22:53
ikoniamint: it's stable22:54
tiinaI dont understand what format means?22:54
ilovefairuztiina: you format the music player by right-click on usb0 and select "format"22:54
oCean_graffy: from here, I really couldn't tell. Maybe see tomorrow (with several reboots done now) how your system is behaving?22:54
=== mint is now known as Alazare
KE1HAgraffy, just try a top -d 1 and watch what apps / svc's float to the top, you'll see CPU & MEM22:54
graffyoCean_: is there no standard location for the DNS cache? (my hosts file is empty of course, suprised you haven't mentioned it)22:54
ilovefairuztiina: format will delete files from the player and reset permissions22:54
ilovefairuztiina: will probably fix your error22:54
Alazarereason being isadora (mints version) of lucid lynx seems to have some problems one being it wont let me install nvidia's drivers from there site and there at 255.44 atm and the ones in the repo are 195....22:55
ikoniaAlazare: mint is not ubuntu, they have differences22:55
tiinadont understand my player is brand new only  anyting inside of it everything are on my computer and I try to download them to my brand new denver mp3 player...but wrong...wrong....cannot do it22:55
Alazaremainly just the software tho ikonia22:56
ilovefairuztiina: right-click on usb0 and select "format"22:56
oCean_graffy: well, hosts is only for exact matches, not for complete (sub)domains. Regarding local dns cache: I don't think a lot of that happens unless you're running nscd. (I could be wrong here.. ikonia?)22:56
Alazareits ubuntu at its core infact if gdm crashes it says ubuntu is in low res mode22:56
tiinawhat is format????22:56
ikoniaoCean_: bang on22:56
ikoniaAlazare: ok, in that case you can assume it will be the same as mint22:56
ilovefairuztiina: it's probably named different because you use a different language, what's your native language?22:57
tiinano shuch a thing as format22:57
Alazareso ikonia would you say ubuntu 6 hardy would be extremly stable mainly going to do some nix gaming on it22:57
ilovefairuz!se | tiina22:57
ubottutiina: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se22:57
=== emil is now known as Guest37128
Dr_WillisAlazare:  any old releases would be using older drivers also. so i dont see what you woukld gain.22:57
ilovefairuztiina: type /join #ubuntu-se22:57
tiinaok thanks22:58
ikoniaAlazare: I'd say you will have the same issues you have with mints hardy distro, Hardy is very old and obsoleted22:58
Alazarehmmm...what kernel is hardy ?22:58
ikonia2.6.24 I think22:58
ikoniamaybe 2.6.1822:58
vhugoxI have some problems with the micro on Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope. Does someone can help me ?, i've been trying all type of things, but it doesn't work.22:58
ikoniavhugox: the "micro" ?22:59
pepee!details | vhugox22:59
ubottuvhugox: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:59
HooberQuestion: Where do i begin making my own graphics library and gui library in NASM? is there a guide to plotting first pixel on screen?22:59
KE1HA2.6.24 on my box.22:59
IdleOnemicrophone ikonia22:59
chrOnikhey whats up :022:59
ikoniaHoober: no22:59
ikoniaKE1HA: hardy box ?22:59
ilovefairuzHoober: stop trolling22:59
Alazarethe problem im having with nvidia's driver not installing is this nuoveau stuff....22:59
Hooberi am not trolling22:59
ikoniaHoober: the answer to your question is "no"22:59
Alazarei cant seem to remove it not matter what guide i follow22:59
Hooberok well i guess i can google some more22:59
Dr_WillisHoober:  the nasm homepage may have some guides.22:59
ascheelIs there a known issue with 'Safely Remove Drive' in relation to SD Cards?  I did a safe remove on a card, now new cards I insert don't show up in gnome.23:00
ikoniaascheel: bus has probably hung23:00
faheynanyone know where i can get a working vlc for 10.1023:00
ascheelikonia: it's a card reader (4 slots) and all 4 drives disappeared when I did the safe remove23:00
ikoniafaheyn: 10.10 is a development release and not supported. Discuss on it is in #ubuntu+1 channel23:01
Dr_Willisascheel:  theres issues with siome laptops and card slot readers where  they wont see cards plugged in after the4 system boots.23:01
graffyis a valid newegg IP?23:01
IdleOnefaheyn: in the repos and 10.10 in #ubuntu+123:01
ikoniaascheel: bus probably hung23:01
thune3ascheel: i've had that problem "safely remove drive" removes the card reader device altogether! I use "eject" without issue.23:01
Dr_Willisascheel:  what thune3  says makes sence to me also.. Theres somthing  more extree about remove, vs eject ive notced also.23:01
graffygetting dhcp....23:01
ascheelthune3: thanks!  I unplugged the card reader, plugged it back in and all is well in the world.  Doesn't seem the bus was hung23:01
ascheelDr_Willis: sounds exactly right in this situation23:02
vhugoxI have Ubuntu 9.04, Siragon Laptop, well..., i'm trying to connect my guitar to my laptop, but i don't have any audio. I tried to play with the alsamixer options.23:02
ikoniaascheel: unplugging it will re-scan the bus23:02
tripleb-mircI have a new 1T drive. I am going to install Ubuntu on it all one partition. Can I split up the partiton later? Is there any advantage doing it this way. If I leave a section not partitioned then I will have to add a partition on it anyway. Is there the primary and extended partion thing in Ubuntu? I have never used 10.04 -- Is it less efficient (slower?) than 9.10? How long will it take to23:02
tripleb-mircinstall Ubuntu on the whole drive?  (thanks)23:02
ascheelDr_Willis: I think the safely remove meant it was working with the USB device and not the drive itself23:02
NCS_Onewhen I watch flash videos Xorg starts using 70 - 80 % of CPU and to get it down I have to restart. Is there something I can do to fix it ?23:02
Dr_Willistripleb-mirc:   the default install will make a / and a swap. You may want to make a /  /home and swap.23:02
pettigrew95Hey can anyone help me with a problem im having installing Ubuntu inside of Windows?23:02
ikoniaNCS_One: not really, flash is closed source and eats resource23:02
ilovefairuzthune3: ascheel: this option powers down the device, "eject" just umounts it23:02
ascheel!ask | pettigrew9523:02
ubottupettigrew95: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:02
Dr_Willistripleb-mirc:  normal install for me - about 30 min.23:03
pepeepettigrew95, Virtual Machine? just ask23:03
NCS_Oneikonia: but if I stop the flash video Xorg is still using 70 80 %23:03
SlartWould it be considered "safe" to cancel a running fsck on an ext3 file system? can I tell it to stop in a nice way?23:04
tripleb-mirchow long will it take to install 10.04 on a 1T drive?  Hours? Overnight?23:04
ikoniaNCS_One: because you still have the player loaded23:04
ikoniatripleb-mirc: minutes23:04
IdleOnetripleb-mirc: no more then 1 hour usually23:04
Slarttripleb-mirc: less than an hour23:04
ascheeltripleb-mirc: I'm guessing 15 minutes?23:04
Dr_Willistripleb-mirc:  i just said.. about 30 min. why would the HD size matter...23:04
ikoniaDr_Willis: only the format section, that's it23:04
Dr_Willistripleb-mirc:  what in the world would make you think it would take overnight? :)23:04
ascheeltripleb-mirc: 15 minutes if you know how to set everything up right out the door.  The size of the drive only matters if you do a full format on the drive23:04
JEUSpepee, http://pastebin.com/a7N78GRj23:04
Space_Manabout 25 - 35 minutes23:05
tripleb-mircDr_Willis thanks for your reply. It took hours /overnight on my 40G drive to change from 9.04 to 9.10.23:05
ascheeltripleb-mirc: ever set up Windows XP yourself?  Ubuntu has about 1/10th of the question and the time associated with installing and updating it23:05
pepeeJEUS, did that work?23:05
Dr_Willisi find installing from a usb flash drive. a lot faster then installing from a cd also.. but i guess it depends on the speed of your optical drive23:05
pepeeJEUS, by the way, no need to copy all the output...23:05
Dr_Willistripleb-mirc:  that was a 'upgrade' not a new install.. and i  bet a lot of that was downloading.23:05
suprengrUbuntu /Grub question: With  10.04.1 due - Would a dual installation of 10.04 & 10.04.1 be ok on same disk - could GRUB differentiate ok?23:05
Dr_Willissuprengr:  grub2 sees and adds entries for all the os's it finds for me. if i pluyg in a flash drive with 10.04 on it.. it will add it to the grub menus. :) (which can be annoying, or good)23:06
oCean_Slart: I'd say that it depends on whatever action the fsck is performing. I guess interrupting while fixing inodes, or rebuilding journal could be problem.23:06
pepeetripleb-mirc, what Dr_Willis said, or problems with the CD/CD reader23:06
ilovefairuzsuprengr: why "dual" installations? just update packages23:06
tripleb-mircascheel this is a new drive so I assume it is formatted in NTFS so I would have to do a full format. -- yes I just set up XP on this 40G drive so I can have it for some functions: skype on my webcam.23:07
JEUSno didnt work23:07
suprengrDr_Willis: cheers23:07
RWolfI've got an issue with "sis" video driver in 10.04 (intel board), there's some garbage on a screen, although "vesa" works ok, how to diagnose it?23:07
ascheeltripleb-mirc: a new install including a full format of that 1TB drive, I'm guessing 1-1.5 hours.23:07
pepeeJEUS, what does network manager says?23:07
SlartoCean_: hrmpff.. well.. I'll just let it run then23:07
SlartoCean_: thanks23:07
Dr_Willisformating 1TB hd to ext4 - i dont recall taking too long last i did it..23:07
daniel__hi, anybody has here the sony vaio w netbook?23:07
pettigrew95Ubuntu Install Inside of Windows Question / I booted my Ubuntu 10 live cd and chose install inside Windows. I then restarted and let it finish installing. I boot back into windows and Ubuntu shows in my programs and features page but there's no way to execute it and run it. Anyone know what's up?23:07
ascheeltripleb-mirc: and about 45% of that is the formatting itself.  Dr_Willis if you do a quick format, it's done very fast.23:07
ilovefairuz!details | daniel__23:07
ubottudaniel__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:07
oCean_Slart: sit it out :p23:07
Dr_Willisperhaps 10 min? it was USB - so thats hard to tell.23:07
tripleb-mircDr_Willis I have a 1.3 cable internet connection. Cant be the downloading.23:08
SlartoCean_: I'll sleep it out =)23:08
vhugoxI have Ubuntu 9.04 and my microphone doesn't work. I can't listen any audio, but on Debian it works perfectly.23:08
Dr_Willistripleb-mirc:  if everyone was updateing at the same time.. yes it could been the download speeds.. but it dosent matter now..23:08
ascheeltripleb-mirc: My advice is to just install it.  :)  The longer you debate, you could be almost done!  :D23:08
JEUSno do any things is disable and didnt work23:08
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tripleb-mircascheel Dr_Willis -- is there a disadvantage to quick formatting vs full formatting. (I should learn the difference.)23:08
mkanyicyvhugox, I thought a microphone is not for listening23:08
Dr_Willistripleb-mirc:  you rarely need to do a full format.23:09
ascheeltripleb-mirc: I agree with Dr_Willis, but I'm paranoid so I do anyway.23:09
Dr_Willistripleb-mirc:  learn the differance if youy want to save hours and hours of time.23:09
pepeeJEUS, I recommend you to go to the channel of your country23:09
daniel__ubottu: ok, i am running the ubuntu netbook remix 10.04 on my sony vaio w netbook, and the problem is, i cannot use the wifi, network manager says, the 'device is not ready'. i tried to install drivers via Hardware Drivers program, but it did not offer me anything.23:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:09
tripleb-mircOK I need to decid re 10.04. Is it slower than 9.10? ie less efficient.23:09
ilovefairuztripleb-mirc: not relevant any more23:09
Dr_Willistripleb-mirc:  why would it be slower/less efficnent?23:09
suprengrilovefairuz: I have a longo utstanding issue with firefox not resolved - (gtk gt+ rendering following a kde desktop tryout. After many suggestions and much helpp fromall good people here, no result.  So Iwant to safley /slowly get out of a non-urgent annoyance.23:09
pepeevhugox, if I recall correctly, 9.04 had a lot of problems with the audio drivers23:10
ascheeltripleb-mirc: it does not seem slower to me.  I think the upgrade is worth it23:10
HolyTonyhow do i make ubuntu volume control likes mac volume control? When i turn up the volume i want to hear a noise telling how loud it is23:10
EvilDinhi, with which tool can i sign pdf in cli?23:10
daniel__ i am running the ubuntu netbook remix 10.04 on my sony vaio w netbook, and the problem is, i cannot use the wifi, network manager says, the 'device is not ready'. i tried to install drivers via Hardware Drivers program, but it did not offer me anything.23:10
tripleb-mircWell I thought it took 3 times as long to load up from the liveCD as 9.04.23:10
Dr_Willisnewer drivers = more optmized for the most part.23:10
Dr_Willistripleb-mirc:  the live cd's are not a good 'test' of that23:10
ilovefairuzsuprengr: what was/is the issue?23:10
Dr_Willistripleb-mirc:  a full install here boots up in under 30 sec.. thats MUCh faster then 9.04 -23:10
ascheeltripleb-mirc: live CDs are slow.  The files are compressed and CDs in comparison are VERY slow to load files from.23:11
vhugoxpepee, yeah i know, i dont know what to do. What do you recommend?23:11
KE1HASame here, it's real fast on Boot.23:11
tripleb-mircDr_Willis - why not a livecd vs livecd test?   Well I thought it (10.04) took 3 times as long to load up from the liveCD as 9.04.23:11
ascheeltripleb-mirc: the only way you're going to be able to gauge it is through a real install/boot23:11
pepeevhugox, to update your system23:11
Dr_Willistripleb-mirc:  the CD's speed is the boottleneck. not the drivers/bianries/os..23:11
graffyI can get to the websites in "Low Graphics Mode"23:11
ascheeltripleb-mirc: live CDs are not built to be boot efficient.  They're built to put as much content into 650 MB as they possibly can23:11
pepeevhugox, or try and install newer packages manually23:11
tripleb-mircOk will install 10.04.23:11
IdleOne!sounbd | vhugox23:12
IdleOne!sound | vhugox23:12
ubottuvhugox: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:12
tripleb-mircget back to you in xchat. thanks ascheel and Dr_Willis23:12
Dr_WillisTinyCore linux boots in like 20 sec from a live cd. :) that dosent make it more efficient.23:12
vhugoxpepee, ok thanks brother.23:12
pepeevhugox, you are wellcome23:12
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* tripleb-mirc goes to merge with "tripelb"23:13
ascheeltripleb-mirc: if you want to use a real IRC client, investigate irssi  :)23:13
ascheelirssi + tmux/screen = WIN!23:13
iceroottripleb-mirc: ascheel is right!23:13
hellokit1yI love irssi23:14
suprengrilovefairuz: i tried kde desktop [sheer curiosity] in Ubuntu 10.04 - I hated it so reverted.  Problem was: Firefox and Open Office menus still render in an undesireable font).  Pure Gnome (manual & auto) no good , all suggestions proferred here no good.23:14
hellokit1yVili? :O23:14
vhugoxubottu, ok thanks. I'm going to do that, on debian it was so easy, i'm going to update my system, lather i'll go to the forums. Thanks bro!23:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:14
JEUSi have there before come here23:14
hellokit1yirssi 0.8.14 (20090728 1938)23:14
bytesaberi do NOT understand this line.     Partition numbering has changed. The first partition is now 1 rather than 0. The first device is still 0, however (no change).23:14
ilovefairuzsuprengr: still having it?23:14
pepeeJEUS, ok23:15
ilovefairuz!hi | Thr4nduil23:15
ubottuThr4nduil: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:15
Jordan_Ubytesaber: Don't worry about it, you shouldn't need to specify devices manually anyway, and if you do you should use UUIDs instead of static device names.23:16
suprengrilovefairuz: after prolonged research Ifound people with same issue going back to 9.05.   None solved but nearest came up with Firefox & OOO.org use different rendering  which KDE , once used, is kept.23:16
bytesaberJordan_U, ok23:16
shane2peruis there a desktop search app for gnome that Ubuntu is using now?  can it search inside pdf and openoffice docs?23:16
bytesaberoh sda,b,c  vs sda,x,y,z23:17
JEUSpepee, TNX a lot\23:18
KE1HAshane2peru, google-desktop23:18
ascheelIn ubuntu server, should SD cards and whatnot automount?23:18
pepeeJEUS, try this: sudo aptitutde -d install network-manager; sudo aptitude purge network-manager{,-gnome}; sudo aptitutde install network-manager23:18
shane2peruKE1HA, is there a native linux alternative?23:18
KE1HADont think it can Source Binary files, not many apps can do that.23:18
macoascheel: no23:19
ilovefairuzsuprengr: well the brute force solution would be to just create a new user (with a brand new home directory)23:19
EvilPhoenixanyone know where Apache's configs are?23:19
ascheelmaco, is that a gnome thing?23:19
macoascheel: that's a function of the desktop environment when things automount in gnome or kde23:19
pepeeJEUS, that will remove network manager completely, and reinstall it23:19
ilovefairuzsuprengr: thus ignoring all previous .files23:19
ascheelmaco: thanks for the confirmation.  :)23:19
shane2peruKE1HA, not in the repos23:19
ilovefairuzEvilPhoenix: /etc/ ?23:19
rwwEvilPhoenix: /etc/apache2/23:19
KE1HAshane2peru, not sure, that's what I used, it's pretty slick one ya set it up.23:19
pettigrew95pepee no its not a virtual machine23:19
pepeepettigrew95, do you want to install ubuntu using wubi?23:20
shane2peruKE1HA, yeah, I have used it, but as of late I'm trying to stick to repo apps, and not a bunch of outside stuff.23:20
pettigrew95That's what I did.23:20
pettigrew95I then restarted the computer and it finished install.23:20
pettigrew95Went back into Windows and I see the folder on my HDD but nowhere to run the Ubuntu instance inside of my Win environment.23:21
shane2perulooks like beagle vs strigi  any prefs one way or the other?23:21
Dr_Willisascheel:  there are automount services you can isntall on a server.23:21
KE1HAshane2peru, fare enough, I dont know of a gnome-app that is similar to google-desktop .. not to say there isn't one, I just don't know it.23:21
pepeepettigrew95, so the installer didn't install grub...23:21
shane2peruKE1HA, ok, thanks for the info, may have to go with google-desktop, if nothing else, thanks23:22
pettigrew95I chose install inside of Windows and it did its thing.23:22
Dr_Williswubi uses the windows boot manager I thought.23:22
suprengrilovefairuz: yep, I agree... but I have all my data on separate partitions [smug smile], 10.04.1 is due in a few days - so i thought, 'what the heck'... start on a clean deck' :D23:22
ascheelDr_Willis: Thanks, at least I know it's not a futile effort!23:22
qUaNtiC_hi im on 9.04 and ff3 suddenly shows only images, nothing written appears, just lines, whatz happening?23:22
hellokit1yIt does, Willis.23:22
IdleOnepettigrew95: when you reboot you should get a screen with the option to boot either windows or ubuntu. Do you get that option?23:22
ilovefairuzsuprengr: you don't really needed it23:22
chrOnikCan any1 please help me getting 1920x1080 reso with, A old x700 radeon pci card..23:22
KE1HAshane2peru, besides, I really like picasa, and they work well together :-)23:22
hellokit1yLOL.  chrOnik23:22
chrOnikits only showing 1280x780 or so23:23
IdleOnepettigrew95: yes to what?23:23
pettigrew95But I chose to install inside of Windows...I do not want dual-boot.23:23
rwwqUaNtiC_: What's the output of "apt-cache policy firefox"?23:23
chrOniki think i have the wrong drivers or something23:23
ilovefairuzsuprengr: besides these "revision" ISOs don't offer anything new, just the package fixes you get when updating23:23
chrOnikithink its rv200 based? chip23:23
pettigrew95I got the dual boot menu on startup.23:23
pepeepettigrew95, you cant...23:23
rwwqUaNtiC_: (copy it to http://paste.ubuntu.com/, link the page it creates here)23:23
IdleOnepettigrew95: ok with the arrow keys scroll down to Ubuntu and then hit enter23:23
hellokit1ypepee: Isn't there a "live" version that runs in a VM?23:23
chrOniki cant remember what i did, last time to fix it :/ please any1 :D23:23
pettigrew95Yes but that boots into Ubuntu.23:24
pepeehellokit1y, yep, that's why I asked him23:24
drbobbhey guys, the two most recent kernel updates on lucid are not booting on my machine - wtf?23:24
pettigrew95I want Ubuntu to run but inside of my Windows environment.23:24
IdleOnepettigrew95: correct, you can only run one OS at a time23:24
Dr_WillischrOnik:  the old (and not so old) ati cards now use the GPL/OSS normal drivers.. those may not work perfectly23:24
hellokit1ypettigrew95: Just got download Sun's xVM/VirtualBox23:24
IdleOnepettigrew95: so either you boot to windows or you boot to Ubuntu23:24
hellokit1ypettigrew95: it's free and just run the VM.23:24
chrOnikwell i dont need nothing fancy? just 1920x1080 :/23:24
chrOnikor do u mean they have major bugs?23:24
pettigrew95Will it run on ESXi?23:25
suprengrilovefairuz: so if I created the new user woyldn't Istill need all extra apps installed that Icurrently have in use?23:25
qUaNtiC_rww: http://paste.ubuntu.com/474265/23:25
JEUSpepee, i run these command and this output23:25
hellokit1ypettigrew95: Wouldn't see why not.23:25
Dr_Willissuprengr:  apps are normally installed system wide..23:25
rwwqUaNtiC_: that's not the output of "apt-cache policy firefox"23:25
ascheelSuperL4g: when you install an app, I personally have never seen an INSTALLED app that every user didn't have access to.  The user WILL have their own settings, though.23:25
qUaNtiC_rww: yes it is i just run it as u said23:26
olskolircsomeone say my name please23:26
ascheelsuprengr, that is.23:26
Dr_Willisolskolirc:  what if i dont want to. :)23:26
olskolircthanks Dr :-)23:26
ilovefairuzsuprengr: the apps are installed system-wide, not per user, so you won't need to reinstall anything, you'll just need to redo your preferences, export bookmarks and re-import them, etc23:26
olskolircthanks hellokit1y23:26
drbobbhelloooo anyone seen the problem that recent kernel updates on lucid don't boot?23:26
suprengrilovefairuz: ...and their configs? or are you suggestion just copy themto new user & 'chown'23:27
maxwellianHi all.  I just upgraded to Xubuntu 10.04, and now I can't boot unless I use a previous kernel.23:27
suprengrilovefairuz: youbeatmeto that one!!!!23:27
qUaNtiC_rww: so?23:27
Dr_Willisdrbobb:  seems theres a few people with issues..23:27
KE1HAJust a few :-) Dr_Wills :-)23:27
pepeeJEUS, try this: sudo dhclient eth023:27
qUaNtiC_can anyone tell me why i cant see anything written in ff3 but just images and lines?23:27
ilovefairuzsuprengr: since the config files are your problem,  i suggest you don't copy anything except exporting bookmarks and re-import them23:28
pepeeJEUS, I made a mistake, sorry...23:28
drbobbDr_Willis: I was thinking it might have to do with my use of LVM?23:28
Dr_WillisqUaNtiC_:  make a new user and see if affects them.23:28
KE1HAThe last kenerl update has really thrown few flags fer sure.23:28
ilovefairuzsuprengr: copy any other important data by hand23:28
rwwqUaNtiC_: considering that it consists entirely of "http://paste.ubuntu.com/", I sincerely doubt it.23:28
bazhangqUaNtiC_, what does lsb_release -a show23:28
qUaNtiC_rww: then it means it wouldnt even let me paste anthing23:29
bazhangqUaNtiC_, would that be 8.10 perhaps?23:29
qUaNtiC_wait ill try again23:29
extorIs it bad when your hard drive has a much much slower transfer speed from the other end of the platter than the inner end? http://pastebin.com/idMB8FL923:29
ResolanceIs it possible for Fedora 13 with GRUB to boot Ubuntu 10.04 by editing grub.conf?23:29
bazhangResolance, ask in #fedora ?23:29
drbobbactually it's the two latest kernels that fail to boot, the previous are ok. The panic is about failing to mount root filesystem..23:29
Dr_WillisResolance:  yes. it shoul;d be possible23:29
gabrielHi everyone23:29
hellokit1yResolance: Have a special relationship with that Grub conf? :P23:29
KE1HAextor, think abt that for a monent, which one has further to travel, inner or outer ?23:29
sometuxwhere i can find system crash log, so i can know why my system crashed?23:29
suprengrilovefairuz: sideways thinking... &why didn'tIthink of this before!  What about uninstalling firefox and OOO.org and reinstalling (as current user)?23:29
maxwellianIf anyone wants to help with my boot problem, I've pasted my fstab here: (http://paste.ubuntu.com/474249/) and the output of fdisk -l here: (http://paste.ubuntu.com/474251/)23:30
gabrielI want to make a custom Ubuntu 10.4 cd with some packages on it, how can I do that?23:30
bazhangqUaNtiC_, and version number? lsb_release -a ?23:30
qUaNtiC_bazhang: No LSB modules are available.23:30
qUaNtiC_Distributor ID:Ubuntu23:30
qUaNtiC_Description:Ubuntu 9.0423:30
FloodBot1qUaNtiC_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:30
bazhang!remaster > gabriel23:30
ubottugabriel, please see my private message23:30
extorKE1HA, think about THIS for a moment...why is the difference in speed on some hard drives between inner and outer tracks not as dramatic as on this drive? That's the question23:30
ilovefairuzsuprengr: won't do much good because their config files will remain but I don't think their config files are the problem, probably some broken gtkrc files23:31
gabrielok, How do I use it?23:31
KE1HAextor, there's far to many reason for that than can be explain in a chat, but that's nto what you asked.23:31
CheguerzCheguerz: If I use vpn pptp, is it normal for the pptp service to always be running started as root: /usr/sbin/pptp "name of VPN provider" -- nolaunchpppd. Or is it some sort of vulnerability. Thank you.23:31
sometuxmy system crash randomly, where i can start troubleshooting?23:31
IdleOnegabriel: ubottu sent you a link, follow it.23:31
KE1HAextor, you asked if it is "bad" .. and the answer would be not always, but could be.23:32
hellokit1ysometux: Right here.  =)23:32
ilovefairuzsuprengr: press ctrl + h in file manager and backup their config folders to another location, then start the app to make it generate a new config and see if it helps23:32
gabrielbut is there a program with a GUI interface to do that?23:32
jasonwryansometux: check your logs...23:32
bazhanggabriel, did you read the link?23:32
=== em is now known as emma
sometuxhellokit1y, is three any log file related to crashing23:32
qUaNtiC_please help, i cant even search a solution on the web cuz it doesnt let me see any written thing23:32
IdleOnegabriel: read the link, it is not a simple 1 step thing to do but not as hard as you imagine either23:33
pepeesometux, check your memory modules23:33
mrandrzejakI have a small older computer... with 128mb ram. Can anyone recommend an OS that can run off of it? I tried Xubuntu and its sluggish. I would  try Lubuntu but I dont recall if that has the software center.23:33
KE1HAextor, and even if the delta is "dramatic' doesn't = a problem.23:33
rwwqUaNtiC_: close any running copies of firefox, do "mv ~/.mozilla ~/mozilla-profile" in the terminal to move your Firefox profile out of the way (you can restore it later with "rm ~/.mozilla; mv ~/mozilla-profile ~/.mozilla"), then reopen and see if the problem still happens23:33
bazhanggabriel, the answer is yes, you need to read the link though23:33
pepeesometux, /ver/log/syslog , dmesg23:33
Dr_Willismrandrzejak:  you can always use the apt-get command line to install stuff23:33
qUaNtiC_rww: kk right away23:33
rwwsorry, that rm ~/.mozilla should be rm -r ~/.mozilla23:33
MakXHi. Have a vista laptop and ubuntu pc. Samba installed, my Mac can connect and mount volumes hosted on the ubuntu PC. Vista can see the 'network drives' but can't mount them citing an unknown error. :S23:33
mrandrzejakits true. Do you think Lubuntu would be better?23:33
Dr_Willismrandrzejak:  you may want to try to find some more ram. it shouldent be that expenxive and will be a big big boost.23:33
extorKE1HA, might be a sign of impending failure or manufacturing weaknesses23:34
mrandrzejakI had PClinuxOS installed and it was pretty fast.23:34
Dr_Willismrandrzejak:  lubuntu uses less resources.. but 128mb is very very very low these day23:34
qUaNtiC_rww: wait can u re-write it once more?23:34
suprengrilovefairuz: ok... don't feelso bad about not trying the reinstall now :)    Don't need the show hidden files Ctrl H bit first - entire home  directory backed up weekly to 2nd hard disk [double smug smile]23:34
kbrosnanrww: rm is not a good command to give people, use mv23:34
Dr_Willismrandrzejak:  theres tiny core linux, or other Uber-minimal disrtos out also23:34
mrandrzejakI cannot upgrade the ram anymore. It was a mini system out of a video poker box23:34
Dr_Willismrandrzejak:  it dependsd on your needs.23:34
mrandrzejakI would love to have the ubuntu OS (of some variation)23:35
KE1HAextor, tiz true, but may also mean there more data in those sectors than others, only an in depth analysis would tell the truth.23:35
maxwellianmrandrzejak: If you need a graphical interface on 128 mb, my guess is you're going to be hurting.23:35
ilovefairuzsuprengr: great then just restore a backup before the problem (but mind any new important files)23:35
Dr_Willismrandrzejak:  luibuntu is about as light as you are goiong to get  for a 'desktop' setup.23:35
rwwqUaNtiC_: 1) close firefox, 2) mv ~/.mozilla/ ~/mozilla-profile/ 3) start firefox23:35
rwwqUaNtiC_: to undo (2) later, 1) rm -r ~/.mozilla/ 2) mv ~/mozilla-profile/ ~/.mozilla/23:35
hellokit1ySandGorgon:  xD23:36
hellokit1ySandGorgon: OmNomNom xD23:36
gabrielthanks for the help23:36
IdleOne!ot | hellokit1y23:36
ubottuhellokit1y: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:36
qUaNtiC_rww: didnt solve the prob23:36
KE1HAextor, have a look at IOMeter or IOZone, could tell you much more about real performace issues than guessing.23:36
mrandrzejakthanks Dr_Willis23:38
suprengrilovefairuz: smug smile gone... it tookso long finding out what had gone wrong, next wee's backup had happened - have you ever seen someone kick their own genitals before - I have - me!23:38
rwwqUaNtiC_: have you manually installed any fonts to your computer recently?23:38
nomicarioushello everyone23:39
qUaNtiC_rww: i think so yes23:39
ilovefairuzsuprengr: then just do the selective config regeneration, it's a lot easier23:39
nomicariousi'd like your help23:39
rwwqUaNtiC_: according to people with similar issues on Ubuntu Forums, that can cause the problem. Try removing them again and see if it fixes it.23:39
pepee!ask | nomicarious23:39
qUaNtiC_rww: downloaded from dafont and copied into the fonts folder, they also worked23:39
ubottunomicarious: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:39
IdleOnenomicarious: ask and someone will help if they can23:40
qUaNtiC_rww: ok but how can i find those recently installed fonts? i mean its so many of em23:40
ilovefairuzsuprengr: try this in a terminal: firefox -safe-mode23:40
Dr_WillisqUaNtiC_:  you installed to  Your users .fonts dir? or to tye system wide fonts dir?23:40
nomicariousis there any way to rip a perfect copy out of a protected pc game in ubuntu like using alcohol120% in windows?23:40
suprengrilovefairuz: just trying now23:40
kentrAnyone have suggestions for troubleshooting ftp connection issues with ubuntu server karmic?23:41
qUaNtiC_Dr_Willis: i copied the files into /usr/fonts23:41
Dr_Willisnomicarious:  totally depends on the game.23:41
KurlonHopefully someone's run into this before, I've got 10.4 installed on a Soekris 4801, serial console only.  Grub2 works beautifully, but I can't get the kernel to output to the serial port.  When the box was working I'd see grub, long delay... then init would spawn a console on ttyS0 and I'd have access.  Well now that it's failing during boot for some unknown reason, I can't get into it to fix it.23:41
YankDownUnderkentr, client side or server side?23:41
ilovefairuznomicarious: dd /dev/cdrom0 /path/to/file.iso23:41
Dr_WillisqUaNtiC_:  in the future you may want to use your users personal .fonts directory23:41
nomicariousgui supported?23:42
suprengrilovefairuz: done it, menus the same23:42
ilovefairuznomicarious: no in a terminal23:42
qUaNtiC_Dr_Willis: i read it on the forum, just followed the instructions, copy them into usr23:42
Dr_Willisnomicarious:  if you need the features of alcohol120 then you proberly should be using that tool.23:42
ilovefairuzsuprengr: then it's some gtkrc file23:42
kentrilovefairuz: client-side.  I'm trying to open outgoing connection.  Just hangs.  So does a ping.  I don't know enough about network / DNS to know where to look.23:42
KurlonI can add console=ttyS0,115200 to the kernel boot string till I'm blue in the face and near as I can see the kernel just ignores the setting.23:42
Dr_WillisqUaNtiC_:  for a single user theres no need to use /usr/share/fonts   .fonts will do.23:42
nomicariousno apps running a gui?23:42
suprengrilovefairuz: yep that's what the long research cameup with23:42
nomicariousalcohol won't run in wine23:43
Dr_Willisnomicarious:  the issue with game disks is all teh tricks.. dd may or may not work.23:43
ilovefairuzsuprengr: just do a new user23:43
qUaNtiC_rww, Dr_Willis: so how do i unistall those fonts in order to have firefox working properly again and finally showing me all the writings?23:43
Dr_WillisqUaNtiC_:  did you make a new user and see iof the issue affects them as well? If the issue affects Everyone. then it Might be a fonts issue23:43
pepeenomicarious, make an image of the cd/dvd and burn it, that's what you mean?23:43
suprengrilovefairuz: methinks you're right23:43
pepeenomicarious, or mount it?23:44
YankDownUnderkentr, Um....so you're trying to ping the server, but you get nothing back - just a hang?23:44
pepeeJEUS, you there?23:44
nomicariouseven an iso will do the trick as long as it maintains the defective sectors of safedisc protected cdrom23:44
JEUSyes im here23:44
Dr_Willisnomicarious:  running games in wine - can often have issues with game copy protection as well.      try dd, and see23:44
suprengrilovefairuz: ...and thank you very much23:44
SoldOutnomicarious: dd will  not work!23:45
qUaNtiC_Dr_Willis: dunno how to do that and i dont think itz a fonts issue but rww said so its reported on some forums so i might want to give it a try, but how?23:45
ilovefairuznomicarious: it's only a single command, don't be scared of CLI23:45
kentrYankDownUnder: yes.  Ultimately, I'm trying to wget from an ftp server.  But ping, ftp, and wget all fail to reach the server from this particular machine.  Works fine from other machines.23:45
Dr_WillisqUaNtiC_:  make a new user.. log in as new user.. try firefox as new user..23:45
ilovefairuzsuprengr: you're welcome23:45
JEUSpepee, im here23:45
pepeeJEUS, have internet access in the ubuntu machine?23:45
ascheelDr_Willis: to automount USB devices in Ubuntu server, the package 'usbmount' is pretty phenomenal, JUST in case you were wondering!23:46
JEUSno i havent access internet23:46
pepeeJEUS, is it connected to a router?23:46
Dr_Willisascheel:  i never use the server editions. :) i recall using such tools years and years ago befor gnome/kde handled the task23:46
pepeeJEUS, or do you use wifi?23:46
nomicariousthank you very much but still i'm having trouble with the command23:46
DGMthey should really use version numbers instead of release names with ubuntu-vm-builder.. how am i ment to know which version is what name from the top of my head :P23:46
JEUSyes is connect to ethernet adsl modem23:47
qUaNtiC_Dr_Willis: but wait since i put them in usr/share/fonts they're supposed to be shared by all the users so will it make any difference? i mean will i be able to see if that is the prob or not?23:47
SoldOutnomicarious: what command?23:47
JEUSpepee, i use ethernet23:47
ilovefairuznomicarious: pastebin the errors you get23:47
nomicariousdd gives unknown (something ican't translate)23:47
ilovefairuz!who | nomicarious23:47
ubottunomicarious: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:47
Dr_WillisqUaNtiC_:  if it affects ALL users then its some sort of system issue.. if it only affects your one user.. its a user config issue. Logical :)23:47
ilovefairuz!paste | nomicarious23:48
ubottunomicarious: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:48
pepeeJEUS, ifconfig | grep Link | cut -d\  -f123:49
pepeeJEUS, two spaces after the \23:49
JEUSpepee, ok23:49
maxwellianHello, updated to Xubuntu 10.04 and now I can't boot with the default kernel.  Have to use the previous one, and even then it's not a clean process.  fstab: http://paste.ubuntu.com/474249/ fdisk -l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/474251/23:50
IdleOneThat command returns nothing useful23:50
SoldOutnomicarious: tpb is your friend ;)23:50
IdleOne!warez | SoldOut23:50
ubottuSoldOut: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o23:50
qUaNtiC_Dr_Willis: u didnt get me wil, u said i could find out if this firefox issue was linked to the newly installed fonts, and that if i created a new user and open ff with it i could actually find out if the fonts were the cause of the issue or not. so i assume the new user does not use those fonts and its not affected by the prob, or if he is then its not the fonts causing it. but since i firstly put them in  usr23:50
qUaNtiC_/usr/share/fonts they will be used by every user, so whatz the point?23:51
qUaNtiC_neway im trying now23:51
SoldOutslap on the wrist!!23:51
qUaNtiC_see u in a bit23:51
JEUSpepee, eth0  eth0:avahi   lo23:51
IdleOneqUaNtiC_: the point is to see if it is a system wide issue or not23:51
qUaNtiC_ur still not getting me, i was gonna try anyway23:52
pepeemaxwellian, can you paste the grub config file?23:52
maxwellianpepee: Which is that, sorry?23:52
pepeemaxwellian,  /boot/grub/grub.cfg23:52
Dr_WillisqUaNtiC_:  you can prove its a 'users settings' or 'system settings' issue.23:52
pepeeJEUS, sudo dhclient eth023:53
Resolancepepee: Could you please take a look at my grub.conf? I just edited it. I'm trying to get Ubuntu bootable from it.23:53
maxwellianpepee: Don't have that file.23:54
pepeeResolance, yeah, paste it23:54
Resolancepepee: http://fpaste.org/KJC7/23:54
pepeemaxwellian, ubuntu version?23:54
maxwellianpepee: 10.04, just upgraded today.  That's why I'm having trouble.23:54
maxwellianpepee: Xubuntu, btw.23:54
qUaNtiC_Dr_Willis: same thing happens with the new user23:54
petriborg1hi how do i get ubuntu to see my HDTV? I've got a p5n-em HDMI mobo w/ hmdi cable to the tv, but they don't see each other, er ideas? :-)23:54
qUaNtiC_Dr_Willis: (thatz what i was trying to say)23:55
pepeemaxwellian, Resolance, you can replace UUID=<some-hash> with /dev/sdaX23:55
SoldOutpetriborg1: your tv should show up as a second monitor23:55
Dr_WillisqUaNtiC_:  time to explore your /usr/XXXX/fonts dir and see if you can recall what you changed i guess.. or try altering the fonts settings in  forefox to use different fonts.  Seems like a font problem would also be affecting other programas/browsers as well.. does chrome, or opera have issues also?23:56
maksoncan someone explain how ssh will work with chroot, i want it so when someone logs into the server over ssh they get put into chrooted env23:56
pepeeor /dev/sdbX or whatever partition is ubuntu installed in23:56
retourafter adding line in /etc/sudoers I'm out of access to it to fix it! How to get root access again?23:56
maksonover ssh they get put into chrooted env23:56
maxwellianpepee: You think that would help?23:56
=== EAS_ is now known as EAS
petriborg1SoldOut - it isn't showing up in the nvidia settings pannel23:56
Dr_Willisretour:  live cd,  or recovery mode23:56
KE1HApetriborg1, did you do the install with the TV or a regular monitor ?23:56
DGMlol woa23:56
pepeemaxwellian, yeah, probably23:56
DGMsomething just died23:56
maksoncan someone help me with chroot + ssh?23:56
retourDr_Willis: how to enter recovery mode?23:56
petriborg1KE1HA - monitor23:56
Resolancepepee: So it would become kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-21-generic root=UUID=/dev/sda3 ro   quiet splash?23:56
pepeeDGM, bots?23:56
Dr_WillisResolance:  its there on the GRUB menu.23:56
=== wann is now known as wannjanjic
pepeeResolance, yeah23:56
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"23:57
Resolancepepee: Okay. Thanks. I'll give it a try.23:57
maxwellianResolance: I don't think you use the UUID part if ou're not using UUID.23:57
SoldOutpetriborg1: do you have a monitor icon on the top bar?23:57
qUaNtiC_Dr_Willis: i only use ff but ill delete right away the recently installed fonts, alright?23:57
Dr_Willisheh.  i never saw taht option on a cd..23:57
DGMpepee: all those clients bots? lol23:57
retourubottu: ok thankyou!23:57
KE1HApetriborg1, I did that once as well, tried reconfiguring X-org, to no avail, found the soluton was to do the Install using the HDTV as the monitor. Great Res on a 60" Sony :-)23:57
JEUSpepee, http://pastebin.com/E70E7PzQ23:57
pepeeDGM, heh yeah, why not?23:57
Dr_WillisqUaNtiC_:  it would be very odd that installing new foints would cause that issue. uinless they overwrote some allready used fonts.23:57
maxwellianResolance: Double check that before you change it.23:57
petriborg1SoldOut - you mean on on the gnome panel or whatever? no don't see one23:57
Dr_WillisqUaNtiC_:  so it may not be related to teh fonts at all23:57
pepeemaxwellian, you don't really need UUID23:57
DGMpepee: seems a bit crazy haha23:58
tank_hey all, need a little help here, i cannot pick up any wireless networks in ubuntu (was able to do so with no issues in F13) can someone help me please? I have cookies.23:58
qUaNtiC_Dr_Willis: alright man so what i need to do?23:58
petriborg1KE1HA i see, well i'll consider that if nothing else works i guess :-/23:58
SoldOutpetriborg1: yeah top bar on gnome   try adding it23:58
Resolancemaxwellian: I wasn't even able to boot ubuntu before so it's not a big deal. I'm editing it in Fedora right now. But I guess I should just change it to root=/dev/sda3?23:58
maxwellianpepee: I'll try it, but Resolance showed what it would look like after the change and they still have the word UUID in the string23:58
YankDownUndertank_, Is the proper driver being loaded?23:58
SoldOutpetriborg1: I have my hdtv working and installed from normal monitor first23:59
KE1HApetriborg1, I tried fer days, but there my be an X-Org guru here that may be able to sort it out.23:59
Dr_WillisqUaNtiC_:  no idea really. It depends on what all you did to the system.    You did try the font settings in  the firefox configs?23:59
tank_how do I check?23:59
Alazareanyone know how i can install GLIBC23:59
Alazarei found the doc in synaptic but not the dev23:59
pepeemaxwellian, oh yeah, didn't read well23:59
petriborg1KE1HA - SoldOut - i suppose the live CD saw the hdtv for you?23:59
qUaNtiC_Dr_Willis: the thing is i cant even search for a solution online cuz i cant read the results!!! ridiculous23:59
YankDownUndertank_, What was the driver you were using under F13?23:59
pepeeResolance, remove "UUID="23:59
Dr_WillisqUaNtiC_:  there are other browsers you can install..23:59
Resolancepepee: kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-21-generic root=/dev/sda3 ro   quiet splash23:59
Resolancelook better?23:59

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