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gekken11Does anyone know if there is a workaround/fix for no "add this computer" issue in UbuntuOne?03:17
duanedesigngekken11: hello03:21
gekken11ya e03:22
duanedesigngekken11: yes there is03:22
gekken11heya duane03:22
gekken11if it is u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login; u1sdtool -c03:22
gekken11that doesn't work03:22
duanedesigncan you open applications > accessories > passwords and encryption03:23
duanedesignclick the arow to expand the folder03:23
duanedesignand look for an Ubuntu One key03:23
gekken11not seeing that as a menu choice03:24
duanedesignPasswords and Encryption Keys?03:24
gekken11found it. not in accessories03:25
gekken11ok, delete the desktop couch keys? otherwise, nothing03:27
duanedesignif there is no key open http://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines03:28
duanedesignand see if your machine is listed03:29
gekken11lol, that's why I'm here! hehe03:29
duanedesignare you using firefox as your default browser?03:30
duanedesignSystem > Preferences > Preffered Applications  Web Browser03:31
duanedesignmake sure Firefox is selected03:31
duanedesigncan you close Ubuntu One preferences. Close Firefox.03:32
gekken11yeah, did all that03:33
gekken11and a reboot03:33
duanedesignopen a terminal and just run: u1sdtool -q03:33
gekken11saemon stopped03:33
duanedesignonce that goes back to prompt try: killall ubuntuone-login03:33
duanedesignthen open Ubuntu One from the Me Menu03:34
gekken11hmm, no process found03:34
duanedesignyou can run03:34
gekken11let me see if there is a PID03:34
duanedesignps aux | grep ubu03:34
duanedesignthat will return any running Ubuntu One processes03:35
duanedesignyou should get just : grep ubu03:35
gekken11yeah, there are several others03:35
gekken11some python process03:36
duanedesignwell lets quit those03:36
duanedesignonce they are quit you can try opening Ubutn One Preferences03:40
duanedesignfrom the 'Me Menu'03:40
gekken11yeah, no love03:41
duanedesigngekken11: what does it do?03:41
duanedesigndoes it open the browser at all03:41
duanedesignare you behind a proxy, or use a script blocking application like no script03:42
gekken11fresh install03:42
duanedesignok can lets try03:43
duanedesigncan you run: sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-client-tools03:44
duanedesignafter that installs03:44
duanedesigntry:   u1sync --authorize03:45
gekken11or however that is spelled03:46
duanedesignjust for future references the u1sync tool is used for testing and not recommended for daily use03:46
duanedesignit has proven useful in instances like this however03:46
gekken11right on, man thanks!03:46
gekken11now I feel I must help some other n00b03:48
gekken11N00BS come to me. I will provide mediocre advice03:48
gekken11and if it fails, I will send you to Duanedesign03:48
gekken11sorry, no good deed goes unpunished03:49
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mkarnickiafternoon all12:24
ryemkarnicki, hello!12:25
mkarnickihi rye =)12:26
duanedesignhello mkarnicki rye12:46
mkarnickihi duanedesign12:46
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duanedesignrye: 'pyinotify - ERROR - add_watch: cannot watch' error in exception.log, is that enough information to determine what is going wrong or is additional information needed?12:52
duanedesignbug 61416112:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 614161 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "ubuntu one applet crash on login (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61416112:53
ryeduanedesign, that usually means that max_user_watches is set to a low value and it most probably will be unless trackerd is installed which increases this value12:53
ryeduanedesign,  sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches12:53
duanedesignrye: ahh, thats right. thank you!13:00
facundobatistaconfirmado: me tengo que comprar una UPS13:04
nessitafacundobatista: why?13:05
nessita(and hi)13:05
facundobatistanessita, had an energy micro-cut, and my PC went down13:05
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Chipacaapachelogger: ping14:44
apacheloggerChipaca: pong14:44
Chipacaapachelogger: re: your two branches for kwallet14:45
Chipacaapachelogger: the work is still in flux, but we're getting rid of the gnomekeyring dep14:45
Chipacaapachelogger: so it kinda obsoletes your work :-/14:45
apacheloggerChipaca: what does the new solution look like?14:46
Chipacaapachelogger: we talk to ubuntu-sso-client over dbus14:46
Chipacanow, the current ussoc *does* dep on gnomekeyring14:47
* apachelogger reimplemented ussoc in Qt and that beast does not depend on gnomekeyring nor kwallet and essentially can implement encrypted token query in like 50 sloc :P14:48
Chipacaapachelogger: you did? did you let us know? :)14:48
apacheloggerI am pretty sure I a mentioned it a couple of times ;)14:49
Chipacanessita: ^14:49
apacheloggerbtw, I think a mailing list would be a good idea to setup14:49
nessitaChipaca: looking, had no idea14:50
nessitaapachelogger, Chipaca: is C code14:51
nessitais a completely different project, with the same name, right?14:52
* Chipaca looks14:52
nessitabzr: ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision was specified.14:54
apacheloggerit is a completely own implementation to prevent RAM from getting eaten but has the same dbus interface14:55
apacheloggeralso it is C++ with QtCore (i.e. non-gui dependant which also works in favor of light weight)14:57
apacheloggerin particular it currently uses 700 KiB non-shared memory, of which around 176 KiB are actual heap data14:58
apacheloggerin a gnome environment it would come to about 1.5 MiB I would assume14:59
apachelogger(that is if no other Qt apps are running)14:59
helois it possible to buy music from ubuntuone using only a web interface?15:26
mkarnickiapachelogger: what does gsoc stand for in /ubuntu-sso-client/gsoc? is it GSoC realted :D?15:40
apacheloggermkarnicki: side product15:42
mkarnickiapachelogger: sorry, didn't get that.. is it an ancronym?15:43
mkarnickiapachelogger: btw I'll be writing the same thing for android really soon, and I feel like this moment is perfect to ask that question - should I name it ubuntu-sso-android-client or android-ubuntu-sso ? ideas :)?15:44
mkarnickiapachelogger: oh shoot, I get it. sorry!15:44
mkarnickiapachelogger: it's like branching the project, and pushing ~username/project/feature right?15:45
* mkarnicki feels silly15:45
apacheloggerjust that mine is not really a branch ;)15:47
apacheloggermkarnicki: btw, I would go for ubuntu-sso-client-android15:48
mkarnickiapachelogger: thanks :)15:48
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rodrigo_apachelogger, ping16:05
verterokapachelogger: hi16:05
verterokapachelogger: just commented on the kwallet support branch for syncdaemon16:06
verterokapachelogger: we think it's better to add support in ubuntu-sso for kde than in syncdaemon as we are about to drop the gnomekeyring dependency really-soon-now16:06
mkarnickiCardinalFang: easy question this time :D - should I use Log.isLoggable(TAG, LEVEL) or a static boolean LOCAL_LOG flag to turn on/off logging? (I read that string building in log messages is expensive)16:13
CardinalFangmkarnicki, Yes, it can be too expensive IF you're logging in a tight loop and constructing String objects.  I don't turn off logging usually.  Log constants or not in a loop, and I think you're okay.16:29
CardinalFangmkarnicki, if you're concerned about a loop, a bool check is very cheap, so I'd do that.16:30
CardinalFang...or just comment out that code.16:30
CardinalFang...or make two functions of code (with and without logging), and programatically switch them earlier based on whether you want logs or not16:32
CardinalFanga preprocessor would help with that last dumb idea.16:32
mkarnickiCardinalFang: very cool, thanks for all hints :)16:36
mkarnickiCardinalFang: is there anything like a preprocessor in Java ;d ? I like #ifdef's in C/C++ ;)16:36
mkarnickiCardinalFang: nah.. bool checks should do fine. thanks!16:37
CardinalFangmkarnicki, Nope, not AFAIK.  Best not to ask me, or I'll have you using m4.16:37
mkarnickiCardinalFang: M4? hahah thanks :) I have enough info now, both from you and #android-dev16:38
heloare there plans to allow purchasing music through ubuntuone using a web browser?17:06
CardinalFanghelo, good question.  It's technically possible.  Do you object to using it embedded in a music player in principle, or do you dislike Rhythmbox?17:10
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heloCardinalFang: i'd like to be able to browse/purchase new music while not using ubuntuone-client and associated dependencies (linux, synched home pc, etc)17:19
CardinalFanghelo, ah.  It's not really hard, but not near the top of our to-do list.  10.10 beta is really close, and we have too much to do for the next few weeks to even think about it.17:26
CardinalFanghelo, the pieces are all there.  Web UI to purchase,   Web UI to download from Ubuntu One storage.17:28
Chipacaverterok: rodrigo_: I suspect kenvandine pinged too many people about those branches, and we're all getting back to apachelogger about them :)17:29
Chipacaverterok: rodrigo_: at least we're all saying the same thing (phew)17:29
rodrigo_sorry apachelogger for the delay, anyway17:29
kenvandinei just pinged joshuahoover :)17:30
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Chipacaapachelogger: so, about this qt ussoc, is it going into the maverick?18:25
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mkarnickibeuno: you around?18:56
Chipacaapachelogger: the api will probably change or grow another leg over the next day or so, and the freeze is upon us, so *please* talk with us :)19:02
beunomkarnicki, hi19:05
mkarnickihi beuno, one question if I may19:05
mkarnickiaquarius is not back and I have that interesting question19:05
mkarnickiit's about UDFs and where to download them19:05
beunogood question19:05
mkarnickinormally, files land under '/sdcard/Ubuntu One' but it's not the proper place for UDFs to land19:06
mkarnickisince they're not *in* that folder19:06
beunomkarnicki, so, in the webui, we show them in the root folder19:06
mkarnickiand I'm more and more thinking about... yes yes, but the question is19:06
mkarnickiwhere to save them.19:06
mkarnickiand my solution, or suggestion19:06
mkarnickiwould be to use android function getApplicationFilesDir() or something like that19:07
beunoyou could save them in /sdcard/Ubuntu One/full/path/of/the/udf19:07
mkarnickiwhich will return something ala-program-files on windows, which is /sdcard/Android/data/com.ubuntuone.androidu119:07
mkarnickibeuno: if we introduce sync to AndroidU119:07
mkarnickibeuno: it would be a mess to distinguish whish files under '/sdcard/Ubuntu One' are '~/Ubuntu One' files and which are UDF files19:08
beunoyeah, I think I lack a bit of knowledge on how android works here19:09
mkarnickibeuno: naturally, only starred items will be synced, but I think it needs consideration where should we keep that UDF content19:09
mkarnickiCardinalFang: ^ what do you think?19:09
mkarnickibeuno: normally, ~/Ubuntu One is ~/Ubuntu One and UDFs are somewhere under ~/ -- but we don't want to make a mess on the sdcard with UDFs19:09
mkarnickibeuno: therefore I'm considering moving *all* files (both ~/Ubuntu One and UDFs) under /sdcard/Android/data/com.ubuntuone.androidu1/_here_19:10
beunomkarnicki, I would make /sdcard/Ubuntu One the root folder, aka, ~19:10
mkarnickiit's little bit cryptic, but so is C:/Program Fiels/Canonical/stuff (I'm making this up)19:10
beunosure, that could work as well, but would be harder for people to find the files on the sdcard19:10
mkarnickitrue. that's the problem :<19:11
mkarnickiI can think of holding everything under /sdcard/Ubuntu One , it seems resonable plus easily accessible19:11
mkarnickibeuno: you know what. when I talk much, I clear my mind. thanks :) it just needs to be a lil' backed-up by the database, and that should do.19:13
beunomkarnicki, having to communicate ideas helps shed light on to them19:13
mkarnickibeuno: :)19:13
beunoI can't tell you how many times we start questions and end up answering them ourselves19:13
mkarnickiI'm glad I'm 'not alone' ;)19:14
mkarnickior, should I say, it's not just me hehe19:14
mkarnickiI'll rethink how to handle UDFs - aquarius really wants them ;)19:15
mkarnickiI'm currently cleaning up code and working on i18n19:15
beunothat sounds great, you're an unstoppable machine of awesome19:16
beunoI've had a few Canonical co-workers ask for for this app, and they said it was awesome19:16
mkarnickiyou are too kind, thank you :)19:16
mkarnickibeuno: you mean, they have tested it \o/ ?19:16
mikeconcepts wondering if the free level of ubuntu one permits sync of firefox bookmarks once the associated plugin is installed19:17
beunomkarnicki, yes they have19:17
beunomikeconcepts, it does19:17
beunobut we have couchdb replication disabled at the moment19:17
mkarnickibeuno: that's great ^ ^ I'm glad I can bring a little awesomeness to Ubuntu!19:17
beunoas we finish upgrading it to a more scalable version19:18
mikeconceptsalso wondering if oneconf once installed will show inventory of connected computers19:18
beunogood question, I don't know a lot about oneconf19:18
mkarnickimikeconcepts: btw, you can check status of services here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status19:18
mikeconceptscurrently it isn't showing inventories but folder sync is working just fine19:19
mikeconceptsmkarnicki: thank you19:19
mkarnickimikeconcepts: you're welcome19:19
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apacheloggerChipaca: it is very likely that the Qt version will be in maverick20:20
apacheloggerapi enhancements are really a no brainer20:20
Chipacaapachelogger: ok. Should we ping you if/when the dbus api changes?20:20
Chipacaapachelogger: well.... ...20:20
Chipacaapachelogger: we might be using a plug+socket20:20
Chipacaapachelogger: I know qt and gtk are supposed to interoperate well using a plug+socket, but have never seen it in practice afaik20:21
Chipacaapachelogger: fingers crossed!20:21
apacheloggerChipaca: well, IMHO the fdo secrets solution is very sane and portable ... using dbus and encryption ... from a portability POV I would also opt for dbus really20:23
Chipacaapachelogger: not tracking you, sorry. What?20:23
apacheloggerinstead of using a socket I would suggest enhancing the dbus api to become a bit like http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/secret-storage-spec20:24
apacheloggerwhich essentially would mean introducing sessions and handshaking an encryption type  (or maybe just use a fixed one?)20:25
ChipacaI don't think we have time right now, but it's an excellent point. nessita ^20:25
Chipacaapachelogger: but socket/plug is orthogonal to that20:25
Chipacaapachelogger: it's to embed the ussoc in the client, for example20:26
apacheloggerwell, I never ported a socket across operating systems, but I imagine it a lot less platform agnostic than dbus20:27
apacheloggerwhy would you embed ubuntu-sso in the client?20:27
nessitaChipaca: reading20:27
nessitaChipaca, I'm not following, could you please provide some more context?20:30
Chipacaapachelogger: to be prettier? behave more like the user expects?20:31
dobeyi don't get it20:32
Chipacanessita: apachelogger says we should make our api follow a freedesktop spec more. I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing, but wondered20:32
ChipacaI haven't read the spec :)20:32
Chipacadobey: which it?20:32
dobeywell, the emedding bit, to start with20:32
Chipacadobey: well... design wants the login dialog to be *inside* the control panel or whichever app it comes up in first20:33
apacheloggerChipaca: well it must not be the exact spec (since that will become a backend to ubuntu-sso at some point anyway) but I think the approach very sane and protable (not only across desktops but also operating systems)20:34
apacheloggerChipaca: why do you need to embed sso though? or what particular do you mean by embedding?20:34
dobeyyeah i don't get that20:34
apacheloggerfrom my POV ubuntu-sso-client does the non-gui stuff and you can stack whatever gui you want ontop of it20:35
apacheloggerwell, not really ontop of it, but attached to it ;)20:35
dobeyhow does embedding it vs. just popping up the dialog correctly, make sense?20:35
Chipacaapachelogger: ussoc is both things20:35
dobeyapachelogger: no, it does gui stuff. the whole point is that it's the gui for doing the log-in20:36
apacheloggerwhat gui do you have?20:36
dobeyif everyone has to create their own log-i ui, it's broken. the log-in ui should be the same for everything using it20:36
apacheloggerit really just shows the auth dialog?20:36
Chipacadobey: well, even simple things like popping the dialog up on top of the app that requests it (so the user sees it, instead of having to notice it blinking in the taskbar)20:36
dobeyChipaca: i did say *correctly* for a reason :)20:37
apacheloggerChipaca: for that one supposedly could send the xwinid via dbus?20:37
dobeyi don't think doing it wrong is a good excuse for doing it more wrong20:37
Chipacaapachelogger: you can't create a gtk window with just a xwinid20:37
dobeyand plug/socket is generally discouraged in gnome20:38
Chipacasee, you should've started there :)20:38
Chipacadobey: you're saying that disabling the control panel and waiting for the user to realize it's because they have the sso dialog waiting for their attention is better?20:38
dobeywell, a widget is a widget. if you don't make it plug/socket, you'll just make it a GtkWidget you embed instead :)20:38
dobeyChipaca: no20:39
Chipacasee, now *I'm* not following20:39
dobeyChipaca: i'm saying if the user is waiting to notice that there is another dialog, you're doing it wrong :)20:39
nessitaapachelogger: a GTK one20:39
dobeyChipaca: why isn't the window id of the parent being passed in over the API to whatever pops up the dialog?20:39
Chipacadobey: and what do we then do with the window id?20:40
Chipacaset_transient_for doesn't want a window id20:40
Chipacait wants a gtkwindow20:40
Chipacaand you can't build a gtkwindow with just a xwinid20:40
dobeyChipaca: stop looking at GtkWindow :)20:40
dobeyChipaca: you can set a parent with xwinid, if you use the lower level api to do it20:40
* Chipaca weeps20:40
dobeyie, gdk20:40
dobeyso you build the dialog with NULL parent20:41
Chipacadobey: today, I hate that you give me the good news after the bad20:41
ChipacaNone, but I think it boils down to the same :)20:41
ChipacaI sure hope this bit of the api isn't cuddled away cutely by pygtk20:41
dobeyset the transient parent via the gdk api, and then realize/show the window20:41
Chipacadobey: and could this same level of trickery be used to actually add the dialog to a widget in the parent, if we're asked to do that next cycle?20:42
dobeyhmm, so in pygtk it might be harder to do :-/20:44
dobeygdk_window_set_transient_for() wants a GdkWindow as the parent20:44
dobeyah, ok20:45
dobeybut you can do gtk.gdk.window_foreign_new(xwinid)20:45
Chipacano problem because20:45
Chipacayeah, exactly20:46
dobeyand that should give you a gtk.gdk.Window, to use for transient_for20:46
Chipacanessita: alecu: are you guys following this, or do you want an executive/panicked hacker summary?20:46
dobeyChipaca: re: embedding it as a widget in the parent is the same trickery, because that is how plug/socket works, really20:46
nessitaChipaca: second option, starting on Monday?20:46
Chipacait's the level of change I can do if you're too busy making things work, but I'd rather spend my time fixing emblems20:47
Chipacaapachelogger: what you have in qt then is just the backend, not the actual dialog?20:47
alecuChipaca, not following20:47
dobeyit should never be embedded though. if it is, it's being done wrong. there is no reason for it to happen in that way for the user workflow20:48
Chipacadobey: I can show you designs, but I know it would kill you20:48
dobeyi've seen the designs20:48
Chipacaalecu: we'll change the api to take a x window id, and if/when we show the dialog, we set_transient_for that window id using the low level api20:49
Chipacaalecu: no socket/plug needed (phew)20:49
dobeyux design should only dictate the behavior and experience, not how that experience is achieved20:49
apacheloggerChipaca: yes20:50
apacheloggerso I still do not know what dialog you are having in the GTK version20:50
nessitaapachelogger: wanna try it?20:50
apacheloggerby passing the xwindow id you can supposedly define a parent for the dialog20:50
nessitaapachelogger: bzr branch lp:ubuntu-sso-client20:50
apacheloggerhence let the window manager figure out sorting20:50
apacheloggernessita: I am on a netbook right now20:51
nessitaapachelogger: ah20:51
Chipacaapachelogger: how does your ubuntu-sso-client get the user details to talk to sso and get the tokens?20:51
apacheloggerone that is upgrading right now ^^20:51
alecuChipaca, afaik sending a id thru dbus is all that's needed for plug/sock as well.20:51
apacheloggerChipaca: oauth20:51
Chipacaalecu: yes20:51
alecuChipaca, so it's pretty much the same20:51
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Chipacaapachelogger: bananas20:51
apacheloggerclient app requests token20:52
Chipacaapachelogger: how does it *get* it20:52
apacheloggermy implementation goes looking for the token in every keyring it can find a plugin for20:52
Chipacaapachelogger: and when it isn't there?20:52
apacheloggerif that fails it gets an oauth request token20:52
apacheloggerthen opens a browser window with the auth20:52
apacheloggerthen receives a callback with token (yes I implemented a http server in Qt :P)20:53
apacheloggerstores token in whatever keyring it found a plugin for and emits NewCredentials or whatever the dbus signal is20:53
Chipacaapachelogger: so you've rewritten ubuntuone-login, not ubuntu-sso-client20:53
Chipacayou called it the latter just to confuse us20:54
apacheloggerfrom what I have ssen ubuntu-sso-client is ubuntuone-login with the ubuntuone stripped in all but the keyring reading and saving :P20:56
dobeyugh, browser windows20:57
apacheloggerChipaca: so what does ubuntu-sso-client do differently?20:57
dobeyapachelogger: it's migrating to the actual ubuntu sso stuff20:57
dobeyso it will do registration, etc.. without opening a browser20:57
dobey(or may do already, i haven't been paying a lot of attention to it lately)20:58
apacheloggeris the web ui so crappy?20:58
apacheloggerwhy not fix that then?20:58
dobeybecause going to the web is the wrong way to do things20:58
dobeyif the answer is "go to the web" why do we have a local client at all? :)20:58
mkarnickidobey: the API for browserless oauth is ready iirc20:59
mkarnickidobey: it serves a captcha (you probably know more then me anyway :) )20:59
Chipacaapachelogger: our biggest problem with new users is that the browser doesn't appear21:00
Chipacaapachelogger: or is not noticed21:00
dobey"oh hi chrome, you opened a tab on workspace #32 where i use the web from."21:01
dobey"thanks for nothing"21:01
apacheloggerwell, wether essentially duplicating strings from the web ui or not is a good idea is a topic of its own21:01
apacheloggerbut I do not see the problem with defining a parent via xwindow id21:01
apacheloggerembedding is all sorts of nasty if the thing you are embedding is GUI and backend21:02
dobeythere is no problem21:03
dobeyi just explained that :)21:03
apacheloggerwell then I vote for that + dbus only api ;)21:04
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