
=== Guest94387 is now known as d250993
=== Dominus is now known as Guest85183
=== Guest85183 is now known as d250993
distroiahello everybody. will 8GB be enough to install Ubuntu Studio? I already have a swap partition, so that space will be for Ubuntu Studio only16:37
holsteinhey distroia16:37
distroiaI'm not interested in Video production and it seems I can exclude that when I install16:37
holsteinwhen installing, just select the audio packages16:38
holsteinand it should fit16:38
distroiasounds great. thanks16:38
holsteinyou wont have much room for anything else though16:38
holsteinare you planning on tracking to an external drive?16:38
distroiathat's fine, I'll use 2nd drive for data16:39
distroiawell, let's burn this ISO then. thanks again and take care16:39
holsteingood luck :)16:39
holsteindistroia: OH16:39
holsteinyou can install the vanilla version16:40
holsteinjust plain old ubuntu if you prefer16:40
distroiaand then add packages...16:40
holsteinand just add ubuntustudio packages16:40
distroiaok. I'll keep that in minf16:40
aquifex__do someone know where are stored reports from routine system integrity check?18:06
jonathanrlivelyHi, anyone have this problem: Tried to change login sound in /usr/share/sounds/ubuntustudio/stereo/desktop-login.ogg to a different file and login sound won't play. Changed back to default login sound and still doesn't work.19:08
jonathanrlivelyAnyone have a problem changing their login sound? Using ubuntustudio 10.04 kernel 2.6.32-24-generic19:20
jonathanrlivelyanyone on?20:33
jonathanrlivelyzob: just making sure my irc client is functional; can you see this message?20:39
zobjonathanrlively, yes, I sure can.20:40
jonathanrlivelyzob: thank you, haven't irc'ed in awhile20:40
zobjonathanrlively, I'm no pro either.20:40
jonathanrlivelyzob: heheh, ever have an issue with changing your desktop login sound?20:41
zobjonathanrlively, I've never tried. But it could be hidden somewhere in gconf-editor20:42
jonathanrlivelyzob: I know how it20:42
zobjonathanrlively, Oh, sorry. Go ahead.20:43
jonathanrlivelyzob: is supposed to work but, for some reason, it doesn't. Weird problem- just wondering if anyone else has run into it20:43
jonathanrlivelyzob: one of those weird linux bugs that makes no logical sense. It's a trivial problem but, driving me crazy trying to fix it20:44
zobjonathanrlively, make your own sound at give it this path and name: /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/desktop-login.ogg20:51
jonathanrlivelyzob: yeah, tried that and didn't work but, when I switch back to the original desktop-login.ogg file it still doesn't play20:52
zobjonathanrlively, oh, so you want the original sound?20:53
jonathanrlivelyzob: I've searched all over the internet and no solution, read up on canberra-gtk-play, which is the program that plays system event sounds and I just can't seem to get it to work. Weird thing is that all other system sounds work fine20:53
zobjonathanrlively, I'm not quite sure what you want. Your problem is only related to the login sound? And do you want to change that sound? Or to get back the original sound? Or make it not play at all.20:56
jonathanrlivelyzob: I'm trying to change the login sound but, first I'm trying to get the original login sound to play just to make sure it works20:58
jonathanrlivelyzob: it's some kind of bug that's preventing the login sound from playing at all20:59
zobjonathanrlively, well, that bug is not on my system.21:00
jonathanrlivelyI tried changing the login sound in /system/preferences/startup applications/GNOME Login Sound and it wouldn't work. I changed it back to the default setting and it still doesn't work21:01
RaylaxHey, can someone help me out? Just installed Ubuntu Studio on a partition on my laptop, but it won't boot. GRUB loads and Windows 7 still boots fine, but Studio just gives me a flashing cursor when selected21:33
RaylaxTried deleting the partition and reinstalling it again, but same happens.21:35
RaylaxRunning 10.04, 64-bit btw. Processor is 64-bit Intel Celeron (dual core).21:36
Raylax...This place sure is quiet for a support channel. Is anyone alive back there?22:23
RaylaxSod it. Could've written the disk manually by now with a chisel and a microscope. I'm out. Thanks for... all being dead or something :\22:27

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