
=== xubuntu216 is now known as Alexzander
charlie-tca!hi | Alexzander00:53
ubottuAlexzander: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:53
Alexzandercharlie-tca.. tel me hot tu use Wine :|00:53
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:53
charlie-tcaJust click the link to the help wiki00:54
charlie-tcaThose people in #winehq will know a lot more than I do, too00:54
=== mmoebius is now known as mmoebius_afk
GooseheadedHello. Absolute newbie, heree.01:46
GooseheadedI've been trying to install Xubuntu on another computer for half an hour now, and teh installation simply stalls.01:46
GooseheadedI'm transitioning form Windows to Xubuntu. Is there anything specific I should do... ?01:46
GooseheadedYes, I've taken a look at the forums, but I can't seem to find a fit solution to my problem.01:47
GooseheadedIs there a help channel or somethign similar I can go to... ?01:52
=== manbra is now known as pointypickle
=== pointypickle is now known as manbra
Gooseheaded...anyone around?02:49
well_laid_lawnit's quiet time in here mostly at this time of day...02:56
well_laid_lawnbut ask away :]02:56
GooseheadedI've been trying to install Xubuntu on another computer for half an hour now, and the installation simply stalls.02:58
GooseheadedI've looked around the forums, but I haven't found a solution yet.02:59
well_laid_lawnany errors mentioned at all?02:59
GooseheadedAfter the "7 stesp" (keyboard, location, username, etc)02:59
GooseheadedIt just shows me the xubuntu logo02:59
GooseheadedAnd after a minute, I get a black screen.02:59
GooseheadedThe computer has Windows XP, but I'm going to overwrite it.03:00
well_laid_lawndone the md5 check from the cd menu?03:00
well_laid_lawnbad cd burns do that sort of thing03:00
GooseheadedAlright, I don't actually knwo hwo to do that.03:01
GooseheadedI'm not an absolute newbie when it comes to software. I know 'how' to do stuff, but I don't knwo what.03:01
GooseheadedSo, how do I check that?03:01
GooseheadedIs it the "main menu option", "Check for disc errors" ?03:02
Gooseheaded(Sounds a bit obvious, but, I don't want to lose any more time)03:02
GooseheadedAlright. Letting it run.03:04
GooseheadedSo why do -you- use xubuntu? I'm a "loyal" Windows user, just because I'm a gamer.03:04
well_laid_lawnI like how it looks and it is very configurable - I right click the desktop to open the menu03:04
GooseheadedI'll have to admit, I've always loved the look of some unix-based OSs03:06
Gooseheadedespecially Fedora. Fedora is gorgeous.03:06
GooseheadedA bit too complex for me, though. :P03:06
well_laid_lawnfedora is pretty bloated03:07
GooseheadedAh, finally. "installing system" window. Sweet.03:08
GooseheadedAnd, well, according to some ofm y friends, Fedora is really powerful03:08
GooseheadedHard to use, but very customizable.03:08
GooseheadedI wouldn't know. :P03:08
GooseheadedI'm just going to install xubuntu, install mysql, php, torrentflux, and what not...03:09
GooseheadedThen leave the computer turned on for the rest of eternity, with no mouse, keyboard, or monitor03:09
well_laid_lawnxfce4 comes with it's own compositor for some eyecandy stuff :]03:10
well_laid_lawno k03:10
GooseheadedThere's an effect that, when you drag windows around, they look like jelly-ish. They wobble around. Any iddea of what that 'plugin' or 'effect' is called?03:18
well_laid_lawnthat's compiz's wobbly windows - a seperate window manager03:19
well_laid_lawnit's easy enough to use03:19
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz03:19
GooseheadedTy. :D03:20
GooseheadedYay, installed.04:05
GooseheadedI'll set up a render farm in a year04:06
GooseheadedFor now, I'll just use it as local network storage.04:06
GooseheadedThank you, mister well_laid_lawn.04:06
well_laid_lawn:] np04:06
Mahmoudhow to turn LED on/off depending on keyboard toggled layout05:07
Mahmoudwhen I do alt_shift, and my input keyboard layout toggles to "fr", for example, I want to turn on the light of "mic mute" as I don't really use it05:08
GooseheadedI'm a new guy, sorry, <:/05:08
GooseheadedBut, good luck with your issue05:09
Mahmoudxubuntu/ubuntu has a stupid user community05:09
nexus6__does anybody here use jDownloader on xubuntu?05:27
=== Pupuser402 is now known as mysteriousdarren
nikolamnexus6__, I use tucan sometimes, it is very nice, also08:03
IledenHi! I'm encountering a REALLY weird problem on my Acer Aspire one netbook. My screen is all mangled up, it's like the pixels have gone on a party or something. It affects fonts (same characters are mangled up in a same way) and window decroations - but icons seem ok. Reboot fixes. Never happened before with Ubuntu, now happened twice with Xubuntu. Both times after somewhat "intense" use. Questions: 1) Is there a way to try to fix this without rebooting, and thus l08:07
Sysicutted after: and thus l08:08
IledenQuestions: 1) Is there a way to try to fix this without rebooting, and thus losing all open windows. On gnome, I could do "metacity --replace" to fix some prolems, is there a similar thing for xfce? 2) What on earth is causing this weirdness? :D08:09
franciscocan someone help me? I replaced my Ubuntu to Xubuntu but I don't know how to mark some files for executable now, I don't have any option =/08:32
Iledenfrancisco: how did you do it in ubuntu?08:32
Iledenfrancisco: from terminal, it's always the same: chmod u+x <file>08:33
franciscoIleden: I pressed (propiedades), I'm spanish, like settings I think of that file, then I marked it as executable, but I don' have any mark now for executable >,< xD08:33
franciscooh kk08:34
franciscothank you Ileden =)08:34
IledenHi! I'm encountering a REALLY weird problem on my Acer Aspire one netbook. My screen is all mangled up, it's like the pixels have gone on a party or something. It affects fonts (same characters are mangled up in a same way) and window decroations - but icons seem ok. Reboot fixes. Never happened before with Ubuntu, now happened twice with Xubuntu. Both times after somewhat "intense" use.08:53
IledenQuestions: 1) Is there a way to try to fix this without rebooting, and thus losing all open windows. On gnome, I could do "metacity --replace" to fix some prolems, is there a similar thing for xfce? 2) What on earth is causing this weirdness? :D08:54
well_laid_lawnIleden: I wonder if your vid caed is dying? - you can try xfwm --replace for xfce409:07
well_laid_lawn /09:07
Sysiin xubuntu that doesn't kill compiz09:07
well_laid_lawndidn't see compiz mentioned09:08
well_laid_lawnbut won't that at least restart the wm?09:08
Iledenwell_laid_lawn: it could be it's dying, but I doubt it, since symptoms appeared only after switching to xubuntu09:52
IledenSysi: no compiz in use09:52
Iledenwell_laid_lawn: xfwm4 --replace didn't help09:54
well_laid_lawnIleden: is there a .xsession-errors file or similar?09:57
Iledenwell_laid_lawn: yes09:58
Iledenwell_laid_lawn: What should I look for there?09:59
well_laid_lawnIleden: I have no idea - I've never encountered graphics playing up like that10:00
IledenI'll try to get it into pastebin...10:01
well_laid_lawnIleden: is there a new monitor - it might be refresh rates10:01
Iledenwell_laid_lawn: Nope. Same attached lcd screen.10:02
Iledenwell_laid_lawn: and the problem only has appeared twice10:02
well_laid_lawnIleden: that makes me think it's hardware - fan dying maybe..?10:03
Iledenwell_laid_lawn: hmm, could be... I'll have to monitor the fan speeds10:06
Iledenwell_laid_lawn: funny thing is, after the problem appears, it persists whether continuing "intense" use or not, until i reboot.10:06
Iledenwell_laid_lawn: also, it wasn't *that* intense, that's why the quotes :)10:07
well_laid_lawnIleden: the only way to see if it is that is to look :]10:07
Iledenhere's .xsession-errors http://ubuntu.pastebin.org/45052410:08
well_laid_lawnIleden: from that vlc and thunar have minor issues10:13
well_laid_lawnbut nothing else major10:14
well_laid_lawn!info sensors10:15
ubottuPackage sensors does not exist in lucid10:15
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.10:16
MagicSatais there a way to change from ubuntu to xubuntu and keep my /home without backing up?10:17
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels10:18
ubottuSupport: #xubuntu | Developer Discussion: #xubuntu-devel | Offtopic chatter: #xubuntu-offtopic10:18
MagicSatais there a way to change from ubuntu to xubuntu and keep my /home without backing up?10:19
Sysiinstall package xubuntu-desktop10:19
MagicSatai installed xfce4 and select from start10:20
MagicSatado i do xubuntu-desktop as well?10:20
Sysithey should be same10:21
nexus6__hi, i have a NAS (buffalo linkstation duo). how can i mount it on xubuntu?13:20
psycho_oreoshow is it connected?13:21
nexus6__its plugged in into the w-lan router13:22
psycho_oreoshmm needs something that can mount cifs/smbfs, I don't know of the frontend tools for that but the type of filesystem I mentioned I think can help you13:25
crazygirhiya, so I'm upgrading my system and am at the dreaded update menu.lst step. I usually have problems with this if I don't pay attention and/or trust xubuntu too much, and then have to go fix the entries. The first thing I noticed in comparing the two versions is that the UUIDs are not the same for the old/new menu.lst entries15:24
TheSheepcrazygir: uuids change if you formatted the disks15:28
crazygirTheSheep: I haven't15:46
crazygirthe updater is just wrong15:54
crazygirwhy is this?15:55
nexus6__xfce4-volumed needs 90% cpu... how comes?17:58
nexus6__102% cpu... o017:58
charlie-tcaNot sure where it comes from, though18:07
nexus6__well i just "sudo apt-get remove xfce4-volumed"... but that no a clean solution :(18:09
charlie-tcabug 60747418:09
charlie-tcaclick the top line, Does this bug affect you?18:10
nexus6__top line?18:10
charlie-tcaJust click the pencil in the circle next to that and mark it yes18:10
charlie-tcaWell, not top line, I guess18:11
charlie-tcabut above the "Affects   Status   Importance" line18:11
nexus6__i dont have a yes option there ...18:21
charlie-tcaWhen you click the yellow circle next to the "does this bug affect you?" line?18:23
charlie-tcaThen add a comment that the bug affects you also18:23
nexus6__it looks like i need to be registered18:35
charlie-tcaOh, yeah. You need to be registered. You need that anyway, so you can report bugs you find18:39
nexus6__hmm i suppose i will switch back to windows xp... i am not so satisfied with xubuntu18:40
charlie-tcaI see18:40
nexus6__i need to think about it...18:41
nexus6__could it be that the xubuntu wlan driver make my wlan slow?18:41
charlie-tcaNot that I know of. Could be that it is trying ipv6 though18:44
nexus6__some of my customer websites i am managing take incredible long for uploading files via the browser18:44
nexus6__or some rendering in firefox18:45
nexus6__could be a firefox issue though18:45
=== manbra is now known as moduseffectus
=== moduseffectus is now known as manbra
=== manbra is now known as MANBRA09
datacrusherim wondering in xubuntu wiki, but didnt found a nice guide about installing nvidia drivers on xubuntu, is it too different than ubuntu?20:06
TheSheepdatacrusher: no, it's identical20:17
TheSheepdatacrusher: go to system->hardware drivers20:17
datacrusherhm thanks20:28
datacrusherhmm actually i dont got nvidia graphics, check my lsusb and lspci - http://pastebin.com/rN6nyBma20:38
datacrusheris there a way to improve the driver?20:38
=== emma is now known as em
=== MANBRA09 is now known as manbra
maxwellianHi all, just upgraded to Xubuntu 10.04 and now I'm having trouble booting.22:21
manbraAre you ubootuing?22:24
maxwellianubootuing...I don't know what that is, so I'd guess not?22:24
manbraOh, I was kidding, sorry, I can't help : (22:25
* manbra stumbles around linux just as much22:25
Sysimaxwellian: any more details?22:26
maxwellianSysi: Sure, I just didn't want to flood this channel if no one was here. :)22:26
maxwellianI get to some kind of Xubuntu splash screen, and I'm given the option to "Continue to wait, press S to skip mounting, or M for manual recovery"22:27
maxwellianI think it's doing mountall at that time.22:27
Sysihow many partitions do you have?22:28
maxwellianBut I've waited ten minutes and nothing happens.  If I press S (to skip mounting) it just goes to a blank screen.  If I press M (for manual recovery) it asks me to enter the root password (which doesn't exist).22:29
maxwellianHmm, how do I figure out the partitions?22:29
Sysido you have dualboot?22:29
maxwellianSysi: Yes.22:29
maxwellianWith Windows.22:30
Sysihmm, you should maybe use livecd, if it's just fstab22:30
maxwellianWhat do you mean, if it's just fstab?  If fstab is the problem?22:31
Sysiif there aren't more broken things22:33
maxwellianWhat would I do with the LiveCD?  I know I can boot from it, but how will it help me fix the problem?22:34
Sysimount your xubuntu-partition and fix fstab (where are mounted devices)22:34
maxwellianSysi: How do I fix it?  I don't know what's wrong with it, if anything.22:35
maxwellianCan I pastebin my fstab?22:35
Sysithat's what i'm talking about22:35
maxwellianSysi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/474249/22:38
Sysimaxwellian: from the broken xubuntu?22:38
* maxwellian nods22:39
maxwellianI just realize that I didn't mention that I'm able to boot with the previous kernel.  That's how I'm here right now.22:41
Sysiso it isn't fstab22:41
maxwellianOn the previous kernel I can press S (to skip mounting) and Xubuntu launches.22:41
Sysihum, interesting22:41
Sysicould you pastebin 'sudo fdisk -l'22:42
maxwellianWhen I use the previous kernel and press S (to skip mounting) it gives a couple of errors: "Mounting none on /dev failed; no such device"22:45
maxwellianAnd "chroot cannot execute /etc/apparmor/initramfs: No such file or directory"22:45
Sysireplace UUID=numbers with /dev/sdaX22:46
charlie-tcaSysi: what about replacing /dev/hda1 with sda1 on line 12?22:48
charlie-tcaor does it matter?22:48
Sysicharlie-tca: i think it's not needed, at least for fixing xubuntu :P22:48
maxwellianThat's my Windows partition.  I think it was sda1 at some point in the past, but I don't know for sure.22:49
Sysicharlie-tca: could it be something very other than fstab?22:49
maxwellianSysi: How would I know which numbers to use for X in sdaX?22:49
charlie-tcaI don't think so. The new kernels though care about what is in fstab. If LVM is used, UUID won't let it boot at all22:50
Sysiit's there on the abowe line22:50
charlie-tcaI think you are on the right track, but I am learning too.22:50
maxwellianNot using LVM, for the record.22:51
maxwellianI'll try those renames in fstab.22:51
maxwellianIs there a known problem with using UIDs, or are we just trying this out?22:53
maxwellianUUIDs, rather.22:53
charlie-tcaI sure would. Sysi knows these things better than me22:53
Sysii've heard about uuids changing in update22:53
maxwellianIt seems weird that the older kernel can figure it out though?22:54
Sysithat's why i'm not sure it's fstab22:55
SysiIDK how uuids work22:55
Sysibut that change won't break anything22:57
maxwellianIs it a problem that the last line in my fstab doesn't actually seem to do anything?  I.e., /mnt/ntfs does not exist.23:01
Sysidoes it boot to windows?23:02
maxwellianWell, at least it came out of hibernation for Windows.23:03
maxwellianWindows had been hibernated, but I assume it would work if it weren't.23:04
Sysifolders can be created automatically23:05
maxwellianI understand that, but assuming that during boot the system tries to mount everything in my fstab, it seems that it didn't succeed.23:06
Sysii also don't actually know how other broken entries affect others23:09
=== em is now known as emma

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