
ScottKneversfelde: I think Ubuntu Tweak is still an open question.  I'd just reply to the thread with what you said here.00:22
neversfeldeScottK: k, will do00:30
Quintasanshadeslayer: ping00:37
QuintasanHmm, our Todo is pretty much greed00:38
QuintasanRiddell: Trying updating on Lucid00:44
CIA-98[kubuntu-firefox-installer] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100807000342-58pgwyemsxj2ydu7 * (8 files in 3 dirs) (log message trimmed)01:03
CIA-98* Apply patches in debian/patches, and remove debian/patches * Switch to source01:03
CIA-98format 3.0 (native) since quilt packages must have an orig tarball, and we can't01:03
ScottKRiddell: Now that the Kopete icon is gone, how is one supposed to get to the setting for the application?  That seems a bit of a problem.01:38
ScottKRiddell: Nevermind.  Combination of appmenu, messag indicator, and hidden systray icon was just a little too obscure for me.01:41
ScottKFigured it out.01:41
FloridaGuyis there a repo right now for 4.503:14
lubun2FloridaGuy, kubuntu-ppa/beta but only rc203:20
FloridaGuydang....been useing 3 in mandriva03:20
lubun2get the maverick if you want 4.5.003:20
FloridaGuywhats the maverick03:22
CIA-98[kubuntu-firefox-installer] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100807031035-eoxb7oa66zo06rj7 * (4 files in 2 dirs) * Since qapt-batch handles authorization, there is no need to use kdesudo * Remove dependency on kdesudo in debian/control04:10
CIA-98[muon] jmthomas * 1160112 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/MainWindow.cpp Only go in to download or commit mode if Muon has asked to do so, otherwise we may start displaying progress for example qapt-batch and crash because we haven't made our download or commit widgets yet04:59
JontheEchidnaonly caught that one after software-properties-kde was ported to qapt-batch :P04:59
JontheEchidnaonce the buildd's catch up there should be no more reverse-depends for install-package05:00
JontheEchidnaI've booted it off the CD too05:00
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I've uploaded a new libdebconf-kde, so perhaps tomorrow (todayish now, I suppose) you could take another look at it.05:11
JontheEchidnaand if everything's all published, install-package can be removed from the archive, too.05:11
pushkarajhello, i am getting -> error : Unknown CMake command "kde4_add_library" while compiling kate07:35
pushkaraj do anyone know about this ? I am reffering - http://kate-editor.org/get-it/ point #507:35
pushkarajanyone here???07:36
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: ping09:02
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100807084326-lc2olsh7qjk4g1z9 * src/ (6 files in 3 dirs) mergery09:43
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== pushkaraj_ is now known as pushkaraj
pushkarajhello everybody12:27
pushkarajI am facing error while compiling kate, - while executing command - cmake ../kate -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=fulldebug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/kde/usr12:28
pushkarajit is saying 12:28
pushkarajCMake Error at app/CMakeLists.txt:33 (kde4_add_library):12:28
pushkaraj  Unknown CMake command "kde4_add_library".12:28
pushkarajpushkaraj@laptop:~/kde/build$ echo $CMAKE_MODULE_PATH 12:29
pushkarajI have $CMAKE_MODULE_PATH set  to  /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/12:29
pushkarajCan anyone tell me in which package the function - kde4_add_library is present?12:30
Riddellpushkaraj: needs to be   ..   not ../kate12:30
Riddellthe kate directory isn't set up to be a top level directory for compiling12:30
Riddellthen you can do   cd kate; make  if you only want to compile that part12:31
pushkarajRiddell: as per http://kate-editor.org/get-it/; I have following structure ~/kde/ is parent containing kate/ & build/ dir, and I am executing the command from build directory12:38
pushkarajfollowing directory strucutre*12:38
Riddellkate moved to git?12:38
Riddellpushkaraj: well you probably need the kdelibs developer package for your distro12:39
pushkarajyes i guess12:39
pushkarajyeah I have installed it12:39
shadeslayerweekend.. finally \o/12:39
pushkarajapt-get install says - kdelibs5-dev is already the newest version.12:40
ari-tczewRiddell: can you help me with package konversation?12:41
Riddellpushkaraj: what distro are you on?12:43
Riddellari-tczew: what needs helped?12:43
pushkarajRiddell: kubuntu 10.0412:43
Riddellnice choice :)12:43
Riddellpushkaraj: let me try12:43
ari-tczewRiddell: I'm preparing a merge this package and in debian/control exist line Replaces12:44
pushkarajRiddell: okey12:44
ari-tczewI don't know what I have to put there. I tried to install built'ed package, but it's not possible to install12:44
Riddellari-tczew: what happens when you install?12:46
ari-tczewRiddell: Breaks existing package 'konversation' dependency konversation-data (= 1.3.1-0ubuntu2)12:47
Riddellpushkaraj: you presumably have this file?  /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/KDE4Macros.cmake12:48
Riddellari-tczew: what are you doing to install it?12:50
ari-tczewRiddell: 2x click on .deb file 12:51
ari-tczewso use gdebi to install12:51
Riddellari-tczew: that won't work you need to install the -data and the other one together12:53
Riddellsudo dpkg --install *deb12:53
pushkarajRiddell: Yes i have12:55
pushkarajRiddell: I read on some forum; to add - find_package(KDE4 REQUIRED) in CMakeLists.txt 12:59
ari-tczewRiddell: ok, but what I need have in debian/control? The different between ubuntu and debian is following: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/mRmrfy3J13:01
pushkarajRiddell: this is the output of the cmake http://paste.ubuntu.com/474489/13:01
Riddellpushkaraj: do you have /usr/lib/automoc4/automoc4.files.in  ?13:03
pushkarajRiddell: there is something vital thing i am missing in configuration!!! :S13:03
Riddellari-tczew: hard to say it depends when the relevant file was moved about, I'd go with the higher version number to be sure13:06
ari-tczewRiddell: so keep Replaces field from Ubuntu? Replaces: konversation (<< 1.3.1)13:07
pushkarajpushkaraj@laptop:~/kde/build$ ls /usr/lib/automoc4/automoc4.files.in 13:08
pushkaraj /usr/lib/automoc4/automoc4.files.in13:08
pushkarajRiddell: Yes I have13:08
Riddellari-tczew: yes13:09
Riddellari-tczew: may as well add the Breaks too though13:10
Riddellpushkaraj: dunno.  I try a  sudo apt-get install --reinstall automoc13:12
Riddellautomoc is the start of your errors13:12
QuintasanRiddell: no kwin for me as for now13:17
shadeslayerohhh this is awesome...13:18
QuintasanRiddell: kwin is broken with lucid packages somehow13:18
shadeslayerQuintasan: apachelogger you guys ever watched House MD? 13:18
Quintasanshadeslayer: Who haven't?13:19
shadeslayerme :P13:19
shadeslayerim watching it right now :D13:19
shadeslayerwith PIM is compiling :P13:19
QuintasanKWin: Library /usr/lib/kde4/kwin3_oxygen.so is not at window manager plugin13:19
QuintasanRiddell: ^13:19
pushkarajRiddell: the reinstall didnot solved it :(13:25
shadeslayeri fixored the patch :P14:30
shadeslayerkdepim done14:30
QuintasanIt's your fault shadeslayer 14:32
shadeslayerQuintasan: whut? 14:32
QuintasanMy KWin broke once again :/14:32
shadeslayerQuintasan: yeah same thing happening here14:32
QuintasanSomeone has to blamed, right? :P14:32
shadeslayerQuintasan: i blame kwin guys :p14:32
shadeslayer-./usr/lib/kde4/kabc_groupwise.so -./usr/lib/libtemplateparser.so and -./usr/share/man/man1/kabcclient.1 << do i need to install all of these? ( the so file i think yes )14:33
shadeslayernot sure about manpage14:33
Quintasanshadeslayer: are those files in not-installed file?14:34
shadeslayerand then theres the issue of where to put those kabc files 0_o14:34
shadeslayerQuintasan: yeah14:34
Quintasanmas shall be ignored14:34
shadeslayerno.. they are from B1014:35
Quintasandamn you shadeslayer 14:35
Quintasancheck not-installed file in debian/14:35
Quintasanare those files mentioned there?14:35
shadeslayernot there14:35
Quintasanso you want to install them14:35
Quintasanthe manpage can be ignored as we told you earlier14:36
shadeslayertemplateparser is there tho14:36
shadeslayerQuintasan: yeah i guessed we can leave that out14:36
Quintasanin not-installed?14:36
shadeslayerso only the kabc file14:36
Quintasanso we probably want only kabc file14:36
shadeslayerwhich install file tho....14:37
shadeslayerQuintasan: your window borders disappear abruptly too?14:38
Quintasannot abruptly14:38
Quintasanthey just do not start14:38
Quintasanshadeslayer: have you been using oxygen-transparent14:38
shadeslayerwell... they abruptly vanish here and then come back to life14:38
shadeslayerQuintasan: yes :P14:38
Quintasanthat's the cause probably14:39
shadeslayerbut i installed it and resinstalled the files it uninstalled14:39
shadeslayerQuintasan: how do you reinstall all your kde :P14:39
QuintasanI'm waiting for Riddell to confirm if it occurs or not14:40
QuintasanIt might be something with our packages14:40
Quintasanshadeslayer: I would personally do sudo dpkg --force-all --purge <kde packages>14:40
Quintasanand then sudo aptitude reinstall <kde packages>14:40
shadeslayerQuintasan: we does not have aptitude any more14:41
shadeslayerwell.. in default install14:41
Quintasanand that was the worst choice14:41
Quintasanaptitude is my right-hand until Muon gets in shape14:42
shadeslayerhmm... no stalcup here 14:42
Quintasangotta get some food14:43
shadeslayerQuintasan: kabc first14:43
shadeslayertell me where to put it 14:43
shadeslayeroh ha14:44
shadeslayerQuintasan: found it kdepim-groupware.install14:44
RiddellQuintasan: kwin all good here using 4.5.0b14:47
QuintasanRiddell: :<15:21
QuintasanNow I'm missing Oxygen window decoration15:23
QuintasanI wonder why15:23
Quintasanpurging whole KDE15:30
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QuintasanRiddell: can you upload that kde3_oxygen.so somewhere?15:52
RiddellQuintasan: it's from kde-window-manager_4%3a4.5.0b-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1_amd64.deb16:16
QuintasanRiddell: this doesnt cut it16:56
QuintasanI wonder what is wrong16:56
RiddellQuintasan: are you on i386 or amd64?16:57
QuintasanRiddell: it seems this is caused by installing oxygen-transparent17:03
Riddellah hah17:07
QuintasanIt overwrites some files but shouldn't dpkg -i --force-overwrite on our packages solve the thing?17:09
Riddelloverwrites files?  erk17:10
macoer... you mean it has conflicting files17:11
shadeslayeri hate building PIM :/17:32
shadeslayermy hardware is sloooow :(17:32
debfxRiddell: have you seen my messages regarding packagekit?17:33
Riddelldebfx: no, on the bug?17:34
debfxRiddell: basically when you upgrade from lucid to maverick packgekit doesn't work anymore17:36
debfxbecause packagekit-backend-apt is installed so it doesn't install packagekit-backend-aptcc17:37
Riddellit should still work with packagekit-backend-apt17:38
Riddellalthough I haven't tested it17:38
debfxRiddell: yes, but you need to change the config17:39
debfxit doesn't automatically fall back to another backend17:39
Riddelloh, hmm17:39
Riddellthat'll be an issue then17:40
debfxideally each packagekit backend would register itself and we could assign priorities17:46
debfxbut as that's not the case we need to make it depend (or at least recommend) backend-aptcc17:48
pushkarajJames147: Hello James I am back17:51
James147Hi pushkaraj17:51
pushkarajas you said before, I have git cloned kate in a seperate folder in ~/kde117:53
pushkarajand then I have created a build folder; and from build folder I did run the cmake (modified one)17:53
pushkarajJames147: this is the modified command referring to kde1 -> cmake ../kate -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=fulldebug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/kde1/usr17:54
pushkarajthis way the cmake is completed, but there are warnings 17:55
James147pushkaraj: what I tend to do is: "git clone ..." then "cd kate" then "mkdir build && cd build" then "cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/kde1/usr" then "make && make install"17:56
pushkarajthis is the output - http://paste.ubuntu.com/474594/17:56
James147pushkaraj: sorry, add a .. to the end of the cmake17:56
pushkarajyes thats what i did but in 'kde1' folder instead of 'kde'17:56
James147pushkaraj: try doing it without the -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=fulldebug17:57
pushkarajthe output pasted at - http://paste.ubuntu.com/474594/ are some of the last lines printed, which has the warning17:58
pushkarajcheck if that is okey?17:58
pushkarajtill that time let me try without fulldebug17:58
pushkarajwithout the fulldebug is also successful, but with the same warnings which came up with the fulldebug :)17:59
James147pushkaraj: should be safe to ignore them if you follow the rest of the instruction on that page18:01
pushkarajJames147: thanks James!! you made my weekend today I can sleep with satisfication!18:09
pushkarajJames147: I was trying this from last 3 days18:10
sheytanHey guys18:36
sheytani can't run update-notifier-kde18:36
sheytanit wasn't installed, so i installed it, but still command not found :D18:36
sheytanlucid here18:36
yofelsheytan: tried dpkg -L update-notifier-kde to see where the executable is? maybe it's in /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/18:37
shadeslayerkdepim is such a PITA :/18:38
sheytanyofel there even isn't a exec18:38
pushkarajyofel: what is update-notifier-kde used for?18:38
shadeslayerit builds in clean chroot but not in cowbuilder18:38
yofelsheytan: oh, from the description: " This is a dummy package to help with upgrades, and can be safely removed."18:39
sheytanyofel can this be becouse i removed kpk?18:39
yofelmight be, I think kpk is supposed to handle updates nowadays18:40
pushkarajJames147: can you do me one more favor18:46
James147pushkaraj: ?18:46
pushkarajeverything is completed as per the document - now the ./run.sh is getting exitted without starting kate18:47
pushkarajit just says - kbuildsycoca4 running...18:47
pushkarajthats all is printed on console18:47
James147link the page again18:47
James147pushkaraj: are you running the scrip via "./run.sh kate"?18:49
pushkarajnope should i?18:49
sheytanyofel this sucks :D I can't get it to work18:49
sheytanupdate-manager-kde and update-notifier-kde dont have exec18:49
pushkarajwhat does @@ mean?18:49
pushkaraj$@ * sorry18:50
James147pushkaraj: or at the end of the script type the location of kate you want to run18:50
sheytanis there a way to upgrade to maveric from terminal?18:50
yofelsheytan: actually I don't think they even exist anymore, iirc kpk handles the notification18:50
macosudo do-release-upgrade --d18:50
pushkarajJames147: hmm okey so they are the command line parameters .. 18:50
yofelJontheEchidna might know more 18:51
sheytanmaco thank you :)18:51
pushkarajJames147 rocks!! it worked like charm18:51
pushkarajJames147: the page says - to run - ~/kde/run.sh kate18:55
pushkarajJames147: I didnot read it properly, my bad18:55
sheytanHey, will we have bluedevil with the kde 4.5 upgrade for lucid?19:12
Riddellbluedevil isn't part of the software compilation19:13
sheytanRiddell but it's a default bluetooth stack for kde19:19
sheytani think you should package it :)19:19
sheytanwould be cool :)19:19
ScottKsheytan: It's just been uploaded to Debian and we'll sync it from there.19:32
ScottKSpeaking of which...19:32
sheytanScottK thaaaaaaank you :D19:32
ScottKRiddell: did you sync libbluedevel?19:32
shadeslayerScottK: probably stuck in new if he syncd it :D19:36
DarkwingDuckScottK: Got out yesterday. :)19:40
RiddellScottK: yes19:46
ScottKRiddell: Cool.19:46
ScottKbluedevil itself is still in New I think.19:46
RiddellScottK: although libbluedevel's packaging is modified from upstream because the packager mistook the licencing19:46
ScottKHopefully that'll get fixed by him soonish then.19:47
JontheEchidnaari-tczew: pong19:47
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: bug 614610 could you review?19:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614610 in konversation (Ubuntu) "Merge konversation 1.3.1-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61461019:48
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: please leave a message/comment, I'm going out. thanks!19:48
shadeslayer^ forgot to thank him there19:51
shadeslayeri was supposed to do that :(19:51
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: any idea why digikam pulls in konqueror along with it?20:23
JontheEchidnakipi-plugins recommends it20:24
shadeslayerwhy? 0_o20:25
JontheEchidnaone of its plugins needs KHTML20:25
shadeslayerohh i see20:26
JontheEchidnabug 34995520:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349955 in kipi-plugins (Ubuntu) "kipi-plugins should depends on konqueror but do not recommend dolphin" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34995520:26
JontheEchidnafor the whole story20:26
shadeslayerohh 20:28

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