
marslifeless, hey, still around?00:03
marslifeless, I have a minute or two.  What's up?00:05
marslifeless, we had a bunch of discussion today about the qa-shepherd thing - cut the scope down again, it should be ready sooner than what we expected before00:08
marslifeless, now that we have done that, I can send you that email update you asked for00:10
lifelessmars: I was offering to dive in and help00:11
lifelessmars: rather than a status update00:12
marslifeless, well, now we have the scope down to where the three of us have to worry about stepping on each-other's toes :)00:12
marslifeless, thank you for the offer, I'll keep it in mind.  I think we'll be fine for the first few days of next week.00:14
lifelessok cool00:14
lifeless(I don't do 'status update requests' unless I -really- can't help it - just for clarity :)00:15
mtaylorlifeless: shouldn't you be on saturday?00:15
marslifeless, makes sense :D00:15
marsmtaylor, it's not Saturday here, and he asked first :)00:15
mtaylorweird PPA build issue- only shows up on i386 lucid builder:00:15
mtaylordpkg-deb: parse error, in file 'debian/drizzle/DEBIAN/control' near line 6 package 'drizzle':00:15
mtaylor `Depends' field, reference to `drizzle-server': version contains ` '00:15
mtaylormars: hehe. his fault then00:16
lifelessmars: so generally the fastest way to make something go faster is to help :- which is why I offered ;>00:16
mtaylorhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/53201197/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.drizzle_2010.08.1683-1ubuntu1~lucid0_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz  in case anyone wants to look00:16
lifelessmars: still around?00:23
marslifeless, yep, thinking00:23
lifelessmars: so if there isn't anything sensible I can hop in and do; don't bother mailing me ;)00:24
marslifeless, sound fair to me.00:24
marssounds even00:25
marsneed to run again00:25
marslifeless, I'll ping you back with specifics if I get a moment back at the keys00:26
marslifeless, at the keys, if you are still there, skype?00:44
lifelessmars: hi00:48
marslifeless, yep?00:48
lifelessI amhere00:49
marsit's faster, trust me00:49
marslifeless, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ursinha/qa-tagger/setuptools-conversion00:53
marslifeless, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~launchpad-qa/qa-tagger/devel00:54
marslifeless, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-qa/qa-shepherd/devel/annotate/head:/shepherd/testing.py01:13
lifelessmake check working for me now :)01:19
marslifeless, btw, feel free to move the cards on the board if you get a chance to hack on something.  That way we can pick or pass the work on Monday morning.01:24
mars"we" being those of us on the opposite side of the planet from you :)01:25
cody-somervilleHow can you tell when its more efficient to do separate queries and when its more efficient to just do a single query with joins23:26
lifelessthe science of measurement23:27
lifelessalso some context will help23:27
lifelessthere are places where its always better to do it one way or another.23:27
lifelesse.g. per-object queries in an iterator for an api or web page -> always want one query ('build the table of data to show')23:28
lifelessthis is a scaling question - ask yourself what happens when you have BigN (e.g. 400 people on one page)23:28
cody-somervilleI was just wondering if there was a quick and easy way to tell... like look at the output of EXPLAIN and look for this or that.23:29
wgrantWhen's it going to be better to do multiple queris?23:29
cody-somervillere: buildd-master failure, 2010-08-07 23:26:24+0100 [-] exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'23:32
lifelesscody-somerville: where do you get access to that ?23:33
lifelessescalating to phone.23:33
wgrantcody-somerville: Thanks.23:33
wgrantcody-somerville: Is there something before that indicating which build it's trying to send a failure message about?23:34
lifelesswgrant: different domain lookups that aren't related to each other23:34
cody-somerville2010-08-07 23:26:24+0100 [-] Starting templates build trunk-3771906 for lp:docky.23:34
cody-somerville2010-08-07 23:26:24+0100 [-] startBuild(Lucid, daily, gnome-terminator (on http://doubah.ppa:8221/))23:34
cody-somerville2010-08-07 23:26:24+0100 [-] Scanning failed with: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'23:34
cody-somervillelifeless, devpad23:34
lifelesscody-somerville: where - /srv/ somewher e?23:35
* wgrant prepares the SQL.23:35
cody-somervillelifeless, /srv/launchpad.net-logs/soyuz/cesium/buildd-manager.log in this case, yea23:35
lifelesscody-somerville: thanks23:35
lifelesselmo will be around shortly23:36
elmo 23:36
cody-somervillewgrant, would having a launchpad admin set a preferred e-mail address for the requester work?23:36
wgrantcody-somerville: It might, but we could also just suspend the build to preserve the evidence.23:36
lifelesssuspend it please23:36
lifelesswe need to fix root causes23:36
cody-somervilleI've ran into this issue myself with scripts that use the launchpadlib23:39
cody-somervilleI had assumed that every user had preferred email address I could grab.23:39
wgrantelmo: SELECT * FROM buildqueue, job, branchjob WHERE buildqueue.id = 3771906 AND job.id = buildqueue.job AND branchjob.job = job.id;23:39
cody-somervillePart of the issue is that you have to get the actual e-mail address from an attribute on the user that doesn't exist if there is no preferred e-mail address available23:41
wgrant(I really don't know why a translations job dispatch would be trying to acesss an email address)23:41
cody-somervillewgrant, its a recipe build thats causing it to die23:41
cody-somervillewgrant, line 66 lib/lp/code/model/recipebuilder.py23:41
wgrantOh, recipe build logging is fucked.23:42
cody-somervillelifeless, are you going to own the incident report?23:43
lifelesscody-somerville: thanks for volunteering :)23:44
wgrantelmo: You should have a cancel button on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gnome-terminator/+recipe/daily/+build/51523:44
cody-somervillelol, alright. :P23:44
elmoman, seriously23:45
elmothis is Ng's fault?23:45
lifelessits a bug in translations somewhere23:45
wgrantNo, it's not.23:45
wgrantThe logs are just misleading. It's actually a recipe build.23:45
elmowgrant: I do?23:45
elmowgrant: sorry23:45
elmowgrant: I do.  hit it?23:45
lifelesswgrant: oh, grah23:45
wgrantelmo: Please.23:45
cody-somervillewgrant, the recipe build belongs to Ng23:46
lifelessanyhow,  bug, not user error, right ?23:46
wgrantlifeless: The first two lines of that log that cody-somerville pasted are equivalent, but for different job types. Yay for consistency.23:46
wgrantcody-somerville: It is, yes.23:46
wgrantlifeless: Right.23:46
elmowgrant: done23:46
cody-somervillewgrant, sorry, misread you23:46
wgrantWe're 20 seconds in... let's see if it sticks.23:47
wgrantApparently not.23:48
wgrantIs there another build appearing in the logs now?23:50
wgrantThe other two builds are now at the head of the queue.23:51
elmo2010-08-07 23:50:38+0100 [-] startBuild(Maverick, daily, gnome-terminator (on http://muntries.ppa:8221/))23:51
elmo2010-08-07 23:50:38+0100 [-] Scanning failed with: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'23:51
wgranthttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gnome-terminator/+recipe/daily/+build/516 and https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gnome-terminator/+recipe/daily/+build/517 need destruction.23:51
wgrant40 seconds in. Looking good.23:53
elmoI'm tailing the log looking for noe23:53
elmowill this happen again tomorrow?23:53
wgrantThe API won't tell me who requested them :(23:54
wgrantI guess it probably uses the recipe owner for daily builds.23:56
wgrantSo it might be a good idea to disable daily builds of that recipe for now, or it will indeed happen again tomorrow.23:56
elmodo you know the url for that offhand?23:56
elmoor even pointers to it23:57
wgrantThere should be a checkbox.23:57
elmothat says *I'm* the owner23:57
wgrantOh no, not that bug...23:57
elmothat's either an awesome troll by Ng or an epic UI bug in LP23:57
wgrantIt's a known bug, yes.23:57
wgrantEither find someone in the team to do it, or just twiddle the flag manually.23:58
elmomanually == SQL?23:58
* elmo rolls his eyes23:58
wgrantSorry :(23:58
elmoit's not your code23:58
elmo(I assume)23:58
wgrantHeh, no.23:59
wgrantAnd we have logtails... so everything's working again for now. Thanks.23:59

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