
JoeMaverickSettif i want to upgrade my kernel from this site: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.35-maverick/ what are that parts that i should download and install?03:25
JoeMaverickSetti'm running Lucid btw.03:25
rippsJoeMaverickSett: Just use the kernel-ppa04:21
JoeMaverickSettripps, how do i do that? do you mean just use the kernel provided? i'm very new to this stuff.04:25
rippsJoeMaverickSett: I believe that maverick kernels are already packaged for lucid in a launchpad personal package archive. Wait a sec, let me look it up.04:26
JoeMaverickSettripps, alright. take your time.04:27
rippsYeah, just type `add-apt-repository ppa:kernel-ppa/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-backport-maverik`04:29
JoeMaverickSettah! yup! thanks, ripps.04:29
Andre_GondimI can't install ubuntu-restricted-extras at Maverick04:32
Andre_Gondimthe pack ubuntu-restricted-addons is missing04:32
rippsI just let it uninstall, it's just a metapackage and nothing else was removed04:36
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LinoSPhiii Q:Will ubuntu10.10 include nouveau driver with Galium 3D activated by default?04:42
LinoSPor does ubuntu maverick alpha3  include nouveau driver with Galium 3D activated by default?04:43
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
rippsLinoSP: I don't think Gallium is ready yet. But the xorg-edgers PPA has the packages necessary. Ask the guys in #ubuntu-x about it.04:44
LinoSPripps: :) K thx for your answer04:44
LinoSPI have installed gallium 3d dirvers  on a nvidia8200  and is not usable at all (screen with funny colors messed), how can I unistall all the xorg-edgers PPA  packages04:47
LinoSPsorry q was for #ubuntu-x channel04:48
JoeMaverickSettis this patch: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/474223/  already applied in version 2.6.35?04:50
DanaGCool, my G-P-M is fixed... didn't even have to file a bug on it.04:51
DanaGDrop 00git-kernel-backlight-interface.patch and 00git-port-to-libupower.patch: Upstream now. The first backport was buggy and broke the correct detection and signalling of brightness values.04:51
DanaGhmm, now g-p-m gets BadAtom with Radeon.05:18
DanaGSay, how stable is btrfs?05:28
DanaGIs it prone to random corruption, and such?  And would it be worth switching my SSD to use btrfs?05:29
VolkodavMy maverick install is marginally slower on the same ssd with btrfs then Lynx on a tuned ext405:36
VolkodavLynx is way faster05:36
Volkodavboot apps - anything05:37
almoxarifeanyone else having issues with nautilus, only since upgrade, any action will close it, although it seems to complete the action???????????05:52
DanaGhmm, how do you 'tune' ext4?06:01
DanaGI do have the partitions aligned, since I had win7 create the partition table (and it used the correct block size).06:04
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sinurgealmoxarife: i had some while using the live amd64 cd06:15
sinurgebut on install it doesnt seem to have that issue06:15
VolkodavDanaG: http://cptl.org/wp/index.php/2010/03/30/tuning-solid-state-drives-in-linux/06:18
DanaGheh, when I boot from a usb-creator'd SD card, the "boot from first hard disk".... boots from... guess what?07:50
DanaG... the SD card.07:50
DanaGError mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error (could this be the IDE device where you in fact use ide-scsi so that sr0 or sda or so is needed?) In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so07:52
DanaGWow, that's a verbose message!07:53
almoxarifesomething is not right, nautilus crashes every time I use it to make a change to the file system08:16
guzuhello all10:11
guzui'd like to install maverick on a friend's notebook (because 10.04 fails to renoot. how usable it is?)10:12
ikoniait's unstable and in development10:12
ikoniaI'd concentrate on resolving an issue with 10.04 which is an LTS release and has solid support, rather than try to get around it with a development release10:12
guzucan it be used to: brose internet, play sudoku and listen music?10:13
ikoniaguzu: I would strongly advise against it10:13
guzuikonia, i've concentrated all yesterday with no use10:13
ikoniaguzu: have you logged a bug ?10:13
guzuikonia, no10:13
ikoniaok - so it has long term support, log a bug and get the development team involved to resolve it10:13
guzuikonia, it's a common problem on this notebook with fedora and mandriva\10:14
ikoniaguzu: so why do you think maverick will fix it ?10:14
guzuikonia, so maybe i should report to the upstream instead10:14
guzuit's newer kernel10:14
ikoniaguzu: log it to ubuntu, and give them the detail, and let them feed it upstream10:14
guzui suppose :)10:14
guzuikonia, not many details are available, mavhine just freezes after "Restarting system"10:15
guzuand in 10.04 x86_64 too10:15
guzuof course, these distros all work fine in any other machine i've tried before. otoh, on this buggy asus machine ,wxp and jolicloud have no problem10:16
guzuso, would you recommend 8.04 instead of mavericl, ikonia ?10:18
ikoniaI'd recommend 10.04 the current LTS release10:19
guzuikonia, thank you very much10:19
guzuSorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad.10:23
guzumaverick: in user account creation step, if passwords don't match, it will not display the forward button but, it will also not say what the provblem is10:29
guzuwhere can i report a new bug? i'm here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ and i see no "new bug" button10:31
ikonia!bugs | guzu10:48
ubottuguzu: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots10:48
guzuikonia, that link puts me in a loop (with no visible exit point :) ). i've found the useful link is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect . thank you10:49
yofel_guzu: that link works fine here, please read it and ask in #ubuntu-bugs if you have any more questions about bug filing11:02
guzuyofel_, thank you11:02
guzuyofel_, would it work even if i'm in fedora now?11:03
yofel_ah probably not11:03
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guzuok thank you11:03
vershanhello there guys and girls I am currenly using ubuntu 10.10 and would like for a windows computer to see a folder - how do i share a folder we are on the same network11:41
ikoniavershan: why are you using a development version ?11:43
vershanim new to ubuntu and one of my friends did this update for me11:44
vishikonia: nice!11:44
vershanshould i just move back to 10.0.411:44
ikoniavershan: you can't move back to 10.04 without an install11:45
ikoniavish: huh ?11:45
vershanwow how do i do that11:45
vishikonia: i guess #ubuntu experience, played here.. you asked a neat Q ;)11:45
vershanikonia sorry i never saw the ńot´11:47
vershani get it now but can i make a windows computer see a folder if im using 10.1011:47
ikoniavershan: exactly the same as in 10.0411:48
scizzo-vershan: you mean another computer in the same network?11:48
vershanyes sir11:49
scizzo-vershan: there are many ways....many howtos for that also....everything depends on what you want to use...11:49
scizzo-vershan: best is to look for SMB sharing from linux to win11:51
vershani used shares-admin - and installed whatever needed to be used11:51
vershanwhen i want to share i dont see Windows networks (SMB) option11:51
scizzo-vershan: well the are many howtos out there about sharing files from linux to win11:53
scizzo-vershan: was a long time since I set one up...only NFS shares I have used recently..11:53
vershanok if i use unix networks nfs - will a windows computer be able to see this11:54
scizzo-vershan: NFS support in win is not standard11:54
vershanok i see11:54
scizzo-vershan: and NFS to win is bad since it is slow....best is to use Samba sharing11:54
vershanok how do i do that then?11:55
scizzo-https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba  <---- not sure how good that is....but its a start...11:55
vershanthanks buddy ill have a look11:55
scizzo-read it before doing the steps11:56
scizzo-vershan: if not check in #ubuntu channel11:56
vershani will do11:56
Machtinany hint on how to get java installed?12:14
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* penguin42 yawns14:00
penguin42Hi Bug14:24
boris-how stable is alpha 3 ? am i likely to have a lot of problems ?14:25
BUGabundonothing special here14:25
BUGabundobut I've using it since day one of maverick14:25
boris-had to fix many things ?14:26
BUGabundoand all alphas before that back to 7.0414:26
BUGabundoI kinda stop noticing "bugs"14:26
boris-its so time wasting to upgrade ubuntu versions14:26
BUGabundocurrently bugging me: kmail will need to be open twice, sound is mutted on boot, bright requires password, e-sata requires password14:26
BUGabundothat's it14:26
boris-what would you rate your computing skll14:26
BUGabundo4 bugs heeh14:26
BUGabundoohhhh and the DAMN gtk sloooooooowwwwwwwww bug14:27
BUGabundoboris-: using linux since '95, previous win power user, sysadmin, spending most of my time in FLOSS projects, doing class in FLOSS projects14:27
BUGabundodoes that count?14:27
boris-so expert14:28
boris-i've been alive since '9514:28
BUGabundoI've alone, filed more bugs in BTS then most users in #ubuntu put toguether14:28
penguin42BUGabundo: I've got an oops I can trigger from google-earth but I've got a patch for it - I'd like to get the kernel builders to pick it up though14:28
BUGabundoI have accounts in more BTS then most ppl know exist14:28
BUGabundopenguin42: weekly days, USA TZ #ubuntu-kernel14:29
BUGabundoor email their ML. don't expect a quick reply in both places14:29
penguin42BUGabundo: Yeh, I've noticed many of the channels are getting dead at weekends when most of us who work get the time to fiddle!14:29
penguin42still, I've got a week off in a couple of weeks14:30
BUGabundoUse the Force my friend14:32
penguin42well, how do you think I fixed it :-)14:32
george__I am looking for options to help develop Ubuntu Maverick14:57
george__any ideas ?14:57
penguin42george__: Test it and report bugs! Oh, and fix them!14:58
george__the thing is I don't know where to start14:58
george__I don't have any experience in working on Open source OS14:58
penguin42ok, then report bugs14:59
penguin42If you're not a programmer then maybe get involved in the documentation or graphics projects14:59
george__I am a programmer but I've never tried working on and OS before I know a couple of programming languages very well15:05
penguin42george__: OK, so are there any programmes you relaly like a lot or any programs you would use a lot but they have problems/things you would fix?15:06
george__Empathy the IM Client15:07
george__had tons of them15:07
george__is it fixed in Ubuntu 10.1015:07
penguin42I don't know, I don't use Empathy15:07
nysosym10.10 wont boot in my virtual machine15:07
penguin42george__: If you can try 10.10 see if those bugs still exist, see if the bugs are in Launchpad, if not report them; find where the Empathy developers hang out, get to know them and try and fix some of the bugs15:09
penguin42nysosym: How far does it get?15:09
nysosympenguin42 i just get a black screen after grub15:09
penguin42nysosym: OK, so get into grub (shift just as it starts) and try editing out the lines near the top that are load video and set gfx something  and try again15:10
dutchiei seem to have rather a lot of packages help back on my maverick netbook15:23
dutchieas in, 10515:23
penguin42dutchie: Try doing apt-get install on one of them , it will either work and bring in a load of other stuff or suggest doing something bad (like removing a critical package) - if it just wants to install some more it will probably unblock it15:27
* dutchie waits for the current batch of upgrades to finish15:27
dutchiemy fingers are too well trained to type "aptitude"15:36
BUGabundodutchie: mine too15:41
dutchiei've managed to unstick it a bit by apt-get installing certain packages15:44
* penguin42 is sure there is an aptitude equivalent - my brain just knows apt-get15:45
novaanyone know how i can run maverick from a flash drive with a ati5xxx hooked up with hmdi?16:50
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novaso i guess if i have it hooked up this way, there is no way to install maverick?16:55
penguin42nova: Two things to try16:55
penguin42nova: First try removing the load_video and set gfx thing from the grub when you boot, also try booting with nomodeset16:56
novaok and the other option?  i will restart here shortly and try16:57
penguin42there are two things there; the removals and the adding nomodeset16:58
novaoh ok got it thanks16:58
* BUGabundo stabs avidemux18:02
mikeconceptsI've had no success creating a working boot usb of a3 maverick netbook, none of the easy methods like startup disk creator, unetbootin or the windows way work18:51
mikeconceptsthe a2 version worked using startup disk creator and I've downloaded the a3 netbook iso twice18:53
duffydackdd ?18:56
mikeconceptsduffydack: if you are answering me, no18:57
duffydackI just use gujins bootloader and cat  my isos to the stick. quick n simple18:57
mikeconceptsduffydack: I will go learn that, thanks18:58
duffydackbit long winded, basically just make 16mb fat16 partition, install loader to it, make partition for each iso, cat ubuntu.iso > /dev/sdb218:59
duffydackjust easier for me when testing isos a lot.. dd zero it, cat the iso, done19:00
BUGabundo$ ffmpeg  -I input.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec ac3 -ab 160 output.mkv = Error while opening encoder for output stream #0.1 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height19:04
duffydack160k ?19:08
duffydackis it supposed to be -ab 160k  (or maybe 160000019:09
duffydack160000  I mean19:10
BUGabundolet me try19:10
duffydackcertain versions ive used in the past have been weird like that19:10
duffydackah, maybe the encoder..  -acodec faac or libfaac19:11
BUGabundoEncoder (codec id 0) not found for output stream #0.219:11
BUGabundonow we are getting somewhere19:11
duffydackis it compiled with all the needed encoders?19:13
BUGabundoI do have libavcodec-extra-5219:14
BUGabundoavidemux won't produce valid files19:15
BUGabundowhen doing video passthrough19:15
duffydackumm.  you be better off really compiling it properly..much nicer to you :)19:15
duffydackhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095  fantasticly easy.. and vp8 too!19:16
BUGabundoI expect for the package maintainers to do a reasonable job19:16
BUGabundolike any other packages19:16
almoxarifeanyone else seeing nautilus crash after the upgrade?19:16
BUGabundoalmoxarife: no19:17
duffydackif maintainers kept up I wouldnt have a ppa list a mile long :)19:17
BUGabundoactually I think there's an ffmpeg trunk ppa19:17
BUGabundoand one for gstream too19:17
BUGabundoor not19:18
BUGabundoill try your way19:18
duffydackive wasted my time with the repo version before..  I just compile it..  its only a copy paste job19:18
duffydackreminds me I need to do it again on this new install...19:19
BUGabundojpds: Err mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/ maverick/main git amd64 1:1.7.1-1.119:20
BUGabundo  404  Not Found [Mirror: http://cesium.di.uminho.pt/pub/ubuntu-archive/]19:20
duffydackalso uses checkinstall for nice debs.19:20
duffydackgit/svn are always slow for me, I jsut get the daily tarballs19:21
BUGabundowhy is this even pooling GIT?19:22
BUGabundoshouldn't it be git-core?19:22
duffydackim assuming your are using git to get x26419:22
BUGabundothey changed it19:22
BUGabundono no19:23
BUGabundo!info git19:23
ubottugit (source: git): fast, scalable, distributed revision control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.7.1-1.1 (maverick), package size 5648 kB, installed size 11684 kB19:23
BUGabundoit used to be git-core19:23
BUGabundo!info git-core19:23
ubottugit-core (source: git): fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (obsolete). In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.7.1-1.1 (maverick), package size 1 kB, installed size 28 kB19:23
BUGabundoppl always installed the app git when they actually wanted GIT the DRCS19:23
BUGabundoduffydack: how often should I check on ffmpeg updates?19:26
BUGabundoinstall: cannot change permissions of `/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig': No such file or directory19:27
BUGabundo****  Installation failed. Aborting package creation.19:27
BUGabundomake: *** No rule to make target `/tests/fate/vp8.mak'.  Stop.19:29
BUGabundo****  Installation failed. Aborting package creation.19:29
BUGabundothis "thing" doesn't like me :(19:29
BUGabundoall it needed as -scodec copy19:37
rippsHmmm.... nautilus keeps crashing when I try to move or delete a file. http://pastebin.com/uvvdx4wA19:38
BUGabundoripps: dropbox? ubuntu one ?19:39
rippsBUGabundo: I have Ubuntu One19:40
rippsI wasn't using it at the time. I'm using nautilus elementary, could it be doing something?19:40
BUGabundoits pooling some kinda of plugin or gtk lib19:41
duffydackback.  check on updates?   you can recompile it everyday if you like :)19:41
rippsBUGabundo: any idea what plugin it's polling?19:42
duffydackripps, there are known bugs with U1 and nautilus elementary.  I have one.19:43
rippsBut I'm not even trying to use U1, why is it interfering19:43
BUGabundoripps: no19:43
BUGabundothere's a folder for them19:43
BUGabundofind it and move stuff out19:43
BUGabundoripps: as long as u1 is installed.....19:43
BUGabundoyou know the drill19:43
duffydackSorry not U1,  I mean using nautilus elementary with things like emptying trash19:44
duffydackhas U1 related bugs also tho..like making a file public, crashes.19:44
BUGabundothe video is TOO fast19:47
BUGabundoand no sound :(19:47
Jordan_UBUGabundo: Are you using mencoder?19:47
BUGabundooh wait19:47
BUGabundothere's audio but its glitchy :(19:48
BUGabundoJordan_U: $ ffmpeg  -i input.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec ac3 -ab 128kb -scodec copy output.mkv19:48
BUGabundoavidemux already gave me very similar results19:48
rippswhy did this suddenly happen, though. I've been using nautilus-elementary in Maverick for months, why did this suddenly happen?19:48
* BUGabundo points ripps to /topic: anything and everything will brake19:49
BUGabundothis is useless19:50
BUGabundolet me see if there's a bug in WDTV firmware19:50
Jordan_UBUGabundo: Does the Video play properly in another player?19:51
BUGabundoplays fine in mplayer in my laptop19:52
BUGabundoa bit slow19:52
BUGabundobut that just CPU for a 720p19:52
Jordan_UWhat about totem. Due to bugs I think that mplayer is more likely to "properly" play a malformed file than gstreamer.19:53
duffydackI`ll try find an mkv to test mine on.19:53
BUGabundototem is fine FYI19:54
BUGabundoI've tried *every* option avidemux gives me, and now cli ffmpeg19:54
BUGabundovideo passthrouth is just busted19:54
BUGabundorecoding with something like handbrake works fine19:54
BUGabundobut thakes 1h:50m for a 50min video19:55
BUGabundowhile passthtouth takes 1-3 min depending on audio codec19:55
Jordan_UAnd I'll bet that all but about 20 seconds of that is writing the new file to disk :)19:55
BUGabundofor some background , my WDTV 1stgen doesn't like DTS (or any audio format with more then 2 outputs)19:55
BUGabundothere are some known apps in wdtv forums that do the trick, but they are all windows19:57
BUGabundoand I'm stubern and refuse19:57
BUGabundomust do it in linux some how19:57
BUGabundojust not now19:57
BUGabundodinner with friends19:57
BUGabundothanks for the help19:57
BUGabundoI'll be here later or tomorrow, probably, and week nites (no more IRC at work, or I get fired :( )19:57
almoxarife(gnome-power-manager:3090): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_connect_data: assertion `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed <-- what would the cause be for that error, I have a log full of them20:03
DanaGLast time I tried to tell U1 to sync my Dropbox folder (so I could sync with ARM), it just devoured my CPU for hours on end.20:06
penguin42wow, that's a weird bug - starting a VM and I get a multisecond echo on my pulse audio playback20:09
Jordan_Upenguin42: Do you know what a ring buffer is?20:11
Jordan_Upenguin42: Pulseadio (through ALSA) writes audio samples to a ring buffer, which when using pulse can be quite large (multiple seconds). If pulseadio is unable to update the buffer in time then the audio card will loop back and replay what's left over from the previous write.20:13
penguin42Jordan_U: It shouldn't be causign that much delay - the machine doesn't feel sluggish, and it still seems to be doing it if I remove the emulated sound card20:14
Jordan_Upenguin42: What virtualization software?20:16
Jordan_Upenguin42: Does just starting kvm without a virtual disk, "kvm" without any other options, trigger the loop?20:17
penguin42Jordan_U: It seems to be on starting or shutting down the guest20:18
Jordan_Upenguin42: Is that a no?20:18
penguin42Jordan_U: I haven't tried it without a virtual disk yet - I'm just waiting for something to fail in the VM20:19
penguin42kvm without any optinos doesn't trigger it20:22
duffydackbugabundo, meh you're gone.  Well I did what he was trying to do with success.20:27
duffydackany way to leave a pm for someone, for when they are here and I am not?20:29
penguin42duffydack: However, see https://launchpad.net/~bugabundo20:34
guntbertduffydack: /msg memoderv help20:35
penguin42golly, I didn't know we had such technology20:36
duffydackThe memo has been successfully sent to bugabundo :)20:47
* penguin42 sighs at mountall20:48
mikelifeguardHow can I find out what version of a package is going into maverick?21:38
Daekdroommikelifeguard, you can also use !info <packagename> in this channel21:39
DaekdroomIn case you need to check a lot of packages, do /msg ubottu !info <packagename> maverick21:39
mikelifeguardthanks, I'll use PM...21:40
mikelifeguardhmph, perl 5.10 still21:40
yofelmikelifeguard: we sync most packages from debian, they have 5.10 in testing and unstable, 5.12 is in experimental, but we don't sync from experimental unless requested and there's a reason to do it21:42
penguin42which reminds me actually21:42
mikelifeguardbut it is New! and Improved!! xD21:42
penguin42!info iscsitarget21:42
ubottuiscsitarget (source: iscsitarget): iSCSI Enterprise Target userland tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.19+svn275-ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 64 kB, installed size 240 kB21:42
penguin42hmm, that's still the broken verson21:42
yofelmikelifeguard: New and Improved usually contradict each other :P21:43
mikelifeguardsilence, heathen! :D21:43
duffydackI know why do they people keep usin that term,.21:43
skyjumperis rubygems working on maverick for anyone else?22:01
penguin42skyjumper: I don't really no ruby gems, but it just managed to install the heroku gem ok for me22:08
skyjumperusing 1.9.2?22:13
skyjumper(ruby version)22:13
penguin42no, ruby1.8 - that was installed when I installed rubygems22:14
Machtindoes anyone know how i can get sun/oracle java from the repos? can't find it in partner..22:30
guntbertMachtin: might not yet exist for maverick?22:31
Machtinhmh, i see.22:31
penguin42Machtin: There is a fair chance if you copy the debs from the Lucid partner repo they'll work22:32
Machtinhumm.. will try that :)22:33
Machtinah, just noticed that i do use the lucid-partner-channel.22:35
Machtinbut it was blocked because of the maverick one i suppose.22:36
Machtinthanks penguin42.. that's SO much faster.22:37
penguin42no problem22:39
rippsOkay, I've determined that my nautilus-elementary crashing isn't being caused by any nautilus plugins, because it still happens even after I remove all of them22:42
penguin42ripps: When it crashes does it generate a core/apptrace thing?22:43
rippspenguin42: no, but I do have a backtrace22:43
penguin42what does it look like?22:44
rippspenguin42: http://pastebin.com/61ekPZAC22:44
penguin42hmm I don't know how to debug dbus evilness; I've got a gio/dbus breakage in the drive mounter I haven't been able to track down22:46
rippsI think this might have started with the latest glib upgrade22:46
penguin42ripps: What USB or similar devices do you have plugged in?22:46
rippspenguin42: just a usb harddisk22:46
penguin42ripps: You could try running dbus-monitor (for both session and system busses) and see if anything interesting takes place just prior to nautilus dying22:47
rippspenguin42: error sender=:1.10 -> dest=:1.287 error_name=org.glib.GError.g_2Dio_2Derror_2Dquark.c15 reply_serial=12 string "The specified location is not supported"22:48
penguin42that's not too dissimilar to the crash I get - which happens when it tries to mount my camera22:53
penguin42the question is how to figure out what location it was trying to access22:55
rippspenguin42: the crash occurs whenever I try to move a file, that includes moving to trash.22:57
penguin42what's your filesystem?22:58
rippsI can move things fine from commandline, it's only nautilus22:58
penguin42hmm nothing odd then22:58
rippspenguin42: hmm... it might be caused by some power-management issues23:23
ripps** (nautilus:8956): WARNING **: Could not inhibit power management: Timeout was reached23:23
rippsg_dbus_connection_real_closed: Remote peer vanished. Exiting.23:23
penguin42I'm not sure what that would be - maybe on your USB disk?23:24
rippsdidn't they just remove the last bits of devkit-power for upower, maybe some api bits are still in place for nautilus23:27
penguin42but that's just a name change isn't it?23:27
rippspenguin42: it has nothing to do with my usb disk. I still get the crash even when I remove it.23:28
penguin42then I wonder what power management it's moaning about23:28
rippsIt seems to freeze a bit before it crashes, as if it's waiting for something, but than it fails and aborts23:29
rippsI should probably downgrade to normal nautilus and see if the problem remains23:29

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