
mpoirierrcn-ee_lpt: I started a bisect between 33-rc8 and 34-rc1.00:06
mpoirierapparently, i have only 12 steps to go00:06
mpoirierdoes that sound right to you ?00:06
rcn-ee_lptyeah, i'm doing about the same.. i got 2.6.33 to work, other than that.. ;)00:06
rcn-ee_lpthopefully we come with the same..00:07
mpoirierwhy did you choose to start from 2.6.33 rather than 2.6.33-rc8 ?00:07
rcn-ee_lptbtw disable the touchbook, it gets in away alot..00:07
rcn-ee_lpta hunch as i got 2.6.33 to work.... so far the first bisect points to 2.6.34-rc1 vs 2.6.33, as long as one fails i'm good00:09
mpoirierbut we know 2.6.33-rc8 works... won't that reduce the number of iteration ?00:09
mpoirierI'm not questionning your work - just want to learn.00:10
rcn-ee_lptdo you mean maybe 2.6.33-git8? cause 2.6.33-rc8 < 2.6.33 < 2.6.34-rc1..00:10
mpoirieroh !00:11
mpoirieri thought 2.6.33 < 2.6.33-rc1 < 2.6.33-rc2...00:11
rcn-ee_lpt(it twists my mind out too.. ;) )00:11
rcn-ee_lpti'm so glad it isn't that one.. .as it has the mach -> plat conversion..00:13
rcn-ee_lptyes it broke.. qgit shows a omap hsmmc merge.. ;)00:16
mpoiriercongrats - do you have a sha1 ?00:18
rcn-ee_lptstill going between them... currently bisect good 47871999 bisect bad 1154fab7300:18
rcn-ee_lptyou need the vram patch00:19
rcn-ee_lptconsole works fine asiss00:19
mpoirierI'm behind - I had to restart my bisect...00:20
rcn-ee_lptkeep checking your config in there, the omap34xx config names change..00:20
rcn-ee_lptwhen the config changes, you lose all the omap modules too (snd/mmc/etc..) so it'll take a little extra time between builds..00:23
rcn-ee_lptgeting down there, 15ish revisions to go, kinda wish i had 8-16G of a ramdrive.. ;)00:55
mpoirierrcn-ee_lpt: got to log out now - i'll catch up with you on Monday.01:01
mpoirierThanks for your time and help01:01
rcn-ee_lptsure no problem, have a good weekend01:02
rcn-ee_lptsweet, got it...  2.6.35 + revert(6da20c89) fixes the mmc -110 error on bx/cx and xm... ;)01:39
GrueMasterrcn-ee: Excellent job, thanks.03:56
rcn-eeno problem, now just to figure out what it should have been...04:34
rsalveticool, finally :-)04:57
rsalvetimpoirier will be happy04:58
rsalvetihe's digging this for more than 2 weeks04:58
* cwillu pokes rcn-ee with a stick05:35
cwilluoom problems you say?05:35
cwillurcn-ee, check the slabtop output05:39
cwillure: my oom issues, that was due to the micrel memory leak05:39
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