
=== DanRabbit_ is now known as DanRabbit
thorwilkwwii: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/tourismussteuer102.html09:58
darkmatterhttp://img651.imageshack.us/img651/7376/screenshotdb.png bahhhh......10:29
thorwildarkmatter: it seems all so limited to a small green-grey color range. depressive10:44
darkmatterthorwil: nah. I'm changing it (lots of pixmaps, new colors :P). just testing layouts for apps10:46
vishdarkmatter: though an etched in look for the buttons look nice , how is it that a button can be etched in and be pressed ? ;p11:02
darkmattervish: where wut huh?11:04
vishdarkmatter: the toolbar icons..11:04
darkmatteroh.lol. those are only temporary you nab :P11:05
darkmatterteh theme will have it's own eventually. atm I just ripped them from elsewhere. colored blobs are too distracting ;)11:06
vishdarkmatter: i dont mind the lack of color , infact i think i showed you a mockup earlier with monochrome icons on toolbar , what would be cool is if  the buttons came flush to the surface or popped up when we hover over them11:52
darkmattervish: aye. I'm working on a spec for my project I call "popups" for fun. it's all about the graphical representation of icons and related images11:53
darkmattervish: I actually "like" monochrome for the most part. even the theme will stay generally level in that regard, just blingy ;o11:54
darkmattervish: basically the spec is for desaturated/mono versions of icons, flush or nearly so (dependin on where in the ui) they colorize and "popup" to a slightly floating state when interacted with (or when speaking). basically. I'll be fine tuning it for the various parts of the ui11:57
darkmatter_if_ I can pull it off with smexy rendering magic instead of multiple icons, then I will11:57
darkmattervish: I want another state in dropbox. thinking of the spec made me realize we need an "update" notification that doesn't involve libnotify ;o11:58
darkmattervish: I think the colorized/mono transitions would be a nice and distinct compromise. I find pure mono/technicolor unbearable. both make it a pain to notice stuff12:00
vishdarkmatter: yeah , i'v noticed that in several places , it works pretty well , [on hover the icon gains color]12:00
vishdarkmatter: now , we just need to make them[-shell folks] realize it ;)12:01
darkmatterbbiab. walk time12:05
thorwilcolor theory: http://chzsomuchpun.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/ec2afff5-ea33-44d4-b714-64fac2f92380.jpg17:41

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