
phillwTry "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg".00:00
arlbeeI will try that Phill & come back00:01
arlbeeI logged in on a text screen, then run what you said, it asked me for root pwd, then it didn't seem to do anything, at least no further text was displayed other than it going back to the $prompt......should I try to reboot ?00:09
=== bgs101 is now known as bgs100
phillwarlbee: if you have been asked for your password, and no  errors have been reported, I'd go for the re-boot; just please bear in mind that I'm not guaranteeing that will sort it for you (it should, but I've never used it).00:13
arlbeeI just rebooted but it is still the same as before.....I am really stuck00:14
phillwhmm, let me have a look, you may need to remove the exisiting file and force it to make a new one... It will take a few minutes for me to get the instructions for that.00:15
arlbeeThanks.....I appreciate any assistance00:16
phillwarlbee: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1457616 has details on re-creatig the xorg file, that is along the lines of what I recall about things. The guys and gals over at http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=334 would be better able to help you (the stickie is a good one to read) if you explain your problem there, they are far more up to speed on video matters.00:21
arlbeeThanks Phillw....I will read up & try00:25
phillwI'm sorry, but I am not a graphics card person. the people on that sub-forum certainly are though :-)00:26
edlikPlease help, some of my usb ports appear to be not working01:49
timhhi.  my pager (window list manager on the lower panel) quit paging.  It is locked on Desk 1.02:16
stlsainttimh: try restarting gdm (or whatever DE you have)02:19
darren__how do you grab email from one ubuntu partition into the new one , ie. old ubuntu was 9.10 updated to 10.04 and i have just installed 10.04 from live cd. in install it only asks if you want to import from windoZe partition not other ubuntu or slackware partitions07:37
darren__bloody touchpad , i want to import emails from old ubuntu to new installed one07:38
hobgoblinwith evolutiion you can do a backup then import that, t-bird you can copy the folder in /home07:40
hobgoblinpossibly you can copy the evolution folder as well but I don't use it07:41
darren__ah cheers, i know how to backup and install, will do that07:41
darren__is there anywhere i can get a tutorial on config. and use of ORCA speech07:42
hobgoblinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Accessibility http://live.gnome.org/Orca07:45
hobgoblinwhat do you mean by config?07:45
darren__setting voices that are easy to listen to,speed of voice, what get read, especially internet pages, what programs it works in etc07:58
hobgoblinoic - I can't help much with that then - check the links and/or wait for someone else08:01
phillwdarren__: there is an accessibily sub area on the main forum at http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=145 there is also a mailing list for them08:01
phillwthe mailing list is ubuntu-accessibility.lists.ubuntu.comĀ  although I would think you need to join ( I am a member of it, so if you need help doing so, please ask).08:03
phillwbtw, good morning hobgoblin :-)08:05
hobgoblinmorning phillw08:06
IdleOnedarren__: #ubuntu-accessibility is also a good place for help with orca I believe08:06
IdleOnedarren__: may or may not be active depending on time zone08:07
hobgoblindarren__: there you go - loads of people springing out of the woodowor :)08:07
IdleOneI just checked the channel does not have many users but I know that the team is actively working08:08
* phillw there are excellent resources for accessibilty, it just may take a little while to get answers08:09
darren__sorry guys yer im still here was doing google search on topic08:11
hobgoblinit's ok this isn't some instant messenger thingy :)08:13
phillwdarren__: the link to the sub-forum would be a good place to start ^^^08:14
darren__#ubuntu-accessibility, is that what you mean phillw08:15
darren__ ubuntu-accessibility.lists.ubuntu.com  - is this a webpage,  because i get server not found error08:17
phillwdarren__: give me a moment08:20
phillwdarren__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility08:21
darren__heh cheers phillw, i appreciate it, sometimes navigating around planet ubuntu is daunting08:31
IdleOneubuntu-accessibility@lists.ubuntu.com I believe is the email list08:33
IdleOnethat wiki page just above probably has a link to sign up08:33
IdleOnewith that I bid you all a good whatever time zone appropriate greeting :)08:35
hobgoblincya IdleOne08:36
phillwIdleOne: from that page you will get in contact with them, I'm not that active on it but do keep a check and interact with it http://forum.phillw.net/viewforum.php?f=14 holds my views08:38
marcrhey i havea problem trying to format my new external hard drive to fat32 so i can use it on my ps3, i can see the device in g parted but i am unable to select format, i tried to unmount the drive but the doesn't work, when i click the file sys that says ntfs, it tells me it cannot find the mount point, anyone know of a fix or what i have done wrong10:51
phillwmarcr: does gparted report back that it cannot access it?10:56
marcrphillw warning11:00
marcrunable to find mountpoint11:00
marcrunable to read the contents of this filesystem!11:00
marcrbecause of this some operations may be unavailable.11:00
marcrthis is all i get, the unmount optsion is available but not the format11:00
phillwhmmm, what does11:04
phillwsudo fdisk -l11:04
ubot2For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:05
ubot2Factoid 'pastebinint' not found11:05
marcrok really dumb question do i need to acesses the HDD in the termial11:08
phillwif the hard drive is connected up, then fdisk -l should "see it"11:09
phillwpossibly as /dev/sdb at the start of it11:09
marcrgot it11:10
phillwnow issue11:10
phillwis it on that list also?11:10
marcryeah it is11:10
marcrcommand df?11:10
phillwdf - report file system disk space usage11:11
phillwdf only reports back for areas that are mounted, the sudo fdisk -l digs a bit further11:11
marcri have def sda1 and def sdf111:12
phillwsdf would be a boot device?11:12
marcrno it's the iomega HDD11:13
phillwwas it plugged in when you booted your computer?11:13
phillwbooted == started / turned on11:14
marcri was but has be disconnected and reconnect since11:14
marcri know boot lol11:14
phillwokay, when you plug it in, the system should ask to mount it.11:14
marcrok should i reboot and plug it in after?11:15
phillwif you do df, you should see an entry that starts /media11:15
marcryes it did11:16
phillwI'm not in ubuntu atm, under adminstration do you have the option "Disk Utility"?11:17
marcri'm in11:19
phillwunder that you should have the option to select the disk, from there you can unmount it11:19
marcryeah, i can also format it from here by the looks, or is g parted better?11:20
phillwthey are both GUI's to the same command :-)11:20
marcrwell the unmounted it11:21
phillwjust make sure you choose the correct disk, linux does not do "Are you sure" ;-)11:21
marcri have read you got to fat32 and keep all the files11:21
marcris that true11:22
phillwmarcr: hey i havea problem trying to format my new external hard drive to fat3211:22
phillwwhen you press "nuke the drive" it will do11:22
phillwahh, you want to format it for ps3?11:23
* phillw slow11:23
marcri put my media on already11:23
phillwgive me a moment, my drive came ps3 ready11:23
marcrnot knowing ps3 didn't do ntfs11:23
marcrjust might save me a few hour if i can do it11:24
marcrmy computer is a dinosaur11:25
phillwmarcr: I've got some really bad news for you11:26
phillwThe latest firmware upgrade for the bios apparently prevents any operating systems (such as Ubuntu) from being installed. So please avoid getting the new bios11:26
phillwSo, I'm going to have to a bit of digging11:26
marcryeah already did it, i just want to play the media on it thorough the ps311:27
marcri read that i need the file format to be fat3211:28
phillwmarcr: I'm reading something far more scary :-\  http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/70262611:29
phillwbut, it does discuss things. If you do not any joy on there, I can only suggest you ask over on http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=9311:31
marcri saw that but didn't get to far down the page, my label has a space also11:32
marcri will just nuke the bugger11:33
phillwmarcr: My new drive was "ps3" compliant *what ever that means*, from the bit I've read if it is fat32 formatted, when you plug it into your ps3, it will ask to reformat it.11:34
marcrergh, well i can only muck around with it some more, you got me thru the format roadblock tho, i'm doing that now11:36
marcrwould you like to know how it goes?11:37
marcrhmmm, a terrabyte will take some time huh?11:37
phillwI'd recommend you head over to http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=93 I needed a new 2.5" drive and it came "PS3 ready", yeah, like I needed that - I just turned it into linux, you want to do the opposite thing :-)11:40
phillwmarcr: I'd be delighted to know how you get on, but I'd really suggest you ask on that area of the forum11:41
* phillw just a librarian, point people to the area of knowledge that they need. :-D11:43
marcryeah, forum just take so long and i normally get few conficting solution, which lead to an online fight lol but i'll give it a crack if this doesn't work thank you phillw been an awesome help11:45
phillwthat area I pointed you to, should be okay11:46
phillwgood morning hobgoblin, i don't suppose you know of any PS3 people who are about this time of day?11:49
marcrok interesting i put 1 video on it looks like i'll be on the forum, it now see the hdd but does not see the video11:50
hobgoblinphillw: nope sorry11:50
phillwmarcr: you're going to have to hit the forum area. Sorry I cannot walk you through it, my knowledge of the way 2.5" disks and ps3 are limited to the fact that I know they work :-(11:52
marcryeah just signing up to that one now11:53
marcrergh gotta go afk need to get my son a dummy11:53
phillw##ps3 exists, not sure how active it is. I'd still go for the forum.11:54
phillwhi pedro300512:09
pedro3005hey phillw12:09
=== daker_ is now known as daker
_schism_morning all13:29
marcrhello, any hdd and or ps3 experts in?13:29
_schism_can anyone help me with a small video problem? I have some movies of my kids I want to make into a dvd for the grandparents and cat seem to find a ubuntu solution that works.  devede converts it to a dvd but it doesnt burn. anyone have anywhere they can point me?13:31
vangelisanyone knows how to access recent documents (under places)?13:31
hobgoblinmarcr: sorry - not me13:33
hobgoblin_schism_: I was under the impression that devede did that as well - but I will have a look13:33
_schism_hobgoblin, it looks like it does but I cant get the dvd image to burn to a dvd or even get the image to mount and play it there.  so looking for some other ideas while I am messing with devede13:34
hobgoblin_schism_: maybe pitivi - I know it is included by default now - but if you've not found these pages they might be of some help http://www.pitivi.org/ and the devede one http://www.rastersoft.com/programas/devede.html13:39
hobgoblinI am pretty sure that devede will do what you want - I just not used it - tbh I don't even have advd burner ;)13:39
_schism_hobgoblin, thanks I had not come accross that yet I'll go look at them now.13:39
hobgoblinvangelis: I'm not sure that you can - places is for 'places' recent documents could be in more than one 'place' I know mine are13:40
_schism_may be a setting I goofed up in devede I am still messing with it and although I have used nix for a couple f years I am a noob13:40
hobgoblinvangelis: though if your docs are all in one place you can drag that across13:40
vangelishobgoblin: my docs are all in one place. what do you mean drag that across. I just need an easy way to access my recent docs and I was thinking to create a shortcut.13:41
hobgoblinvangelis: that is what it does - you can either bookmark - add in the nautilus toolbar or if they are in a folder for instance drag the folder to the left where into places13:42
vangelisyes, but I don't just want them under places. I want them under recent documents (which is under places). does this make sense?13:43
hobgoblinyes - not sure you can do that13:44
vangelishobgoblin:yes, but I don't just want them under places. I want them under recent documents (which is under places). does this make sense?13:44
hobgoblindifferent places - I was talking about the sidebar in nautilus13:44
vangelishobgoblin:yes, but recent documents have to be stored somewhere, no?13:45
vangelishobgoblin:from my so far search, they are stored in ./recently-used.xbel13:47
hobgoblinif they are then create a shortcut13:48
hobgoblinmmm - not here they aren't13:49
hobgoblinI lied13:50
hobgoblinnot sure that file will be much help13:50
vangelishobgoblin:that's what I want to do. but I can't find the file :S13:50
hobgoblinit's .recently-used.xbel13:51
hobgoblinin home13:51
vangelishobgoblin:lol...it's supposed to be, but it's just not there :(13:52
hobgoblinso you want to duplicate the recent docs you can see in the menu in nautilus13:52
vangelishobgoblin:in a way, yes!!13:52
hobgoblinvangelis: you're one ./recently-used.xbel has a /13:52
hobgoblinbut regardless I am not sure that file will be of any help13:53
vangelishobgoblin:I'm using nautilus and go to home and trying to find it. on command prompt, it won't let me access it13:53
hobgoblinif the docs are in one place I would make that a bookmark - I don't know otherwise13:55
vangelishobgoblin:OK. thanks very much anyway :)13:56
hobgoblinit might be hard coded into nautilus - in which case you'd need to fiddle with the code I guess13:57
mergehi! Is there a way to turn off/on the sound of specific programs? iow I want to have sound in Empathy but sowhere else.16:25
mergeWhen I use the "no sounds" profile, can I turn the sounds for Empathy on?16:26
IdleOnehmm I think you want to keep the sound on system wide and  turn it off per application16:32
mergethat would be fine when I can turn off the ubuntu login sound as well16:35
IdleOneI see what you are saying, the login manager at this point lacks features16:37
IdleOnesorry don't know what else to offer as a solution.16:38
shponglemerge, to turn off the login sound you can use Ubuntu Tweak16:49
FenBotried to start phpmyadmin got this: Not Found  The requested URL /phpmyadmin/ was not found on this server. Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 80   ... when i look at config.inc.php ii is empty. How do I setup phpmyadmin?16:56
John__Hi there19:13
shpongleSchrodingerscat1, hey there19:18
Schrodingerscat1Super noob question here, do you mind?19:18
shpongleSchrodingerscat1, i can surely try :)19:18
IdleOnehello Schrodingerscat119:19
shpongleSchrodingerscat1, you don't need to be shy or to ask for asking, just ask.. no one will laugh at you, i promise you :)19:20
Schrodingerscat1Okay, so I recently had a pc die on me, pretty sure my boot drive is corrupted. I'm trying to boot from a ubuntu 10.04 liveDVD to save some files before I either reformat it or turf the drive. When i boot from the liveDVD it shows the ubuntu logo and "scrolling dots", but then it just gets to a corrupted screen that looks like static/white noise.19:20
Schrodingerscat1I haven't md5'd the dvd, but do you think that's the problem?19:20
Schrodingerscat1or perhaps a graphics driver/GPU issue?19:21
IdleOnemd5 first and make sure the image is good19:21
IdleOnealso I did not know Ubuntu had Live DVD19:22
Schrodingerscat1well, i only had blank dvd's, so i found a dvd image in the "alternate downloads" section19:22
Schrodingerscat1i think it's the same thing as the live cd only with multiple languages19:23
IdleOneSchrodingerscat1: you got a link?19:24
Schrodingerscat1scroll to the bottom19:24
IdleOneok, well I suggest you always md5sum to start. Also believe the live cd/dvd use generic graphics drivers so that should not be an issue19:27
IdleOneI found that I get better burns when I burn at the slowest speed possible19:27
Schrodingerscat1yes, I definitely did that, but thanks for reminding me19:27
Schrodingerscat1Question though, does checking "verify" after a burn do an md5sum?19:28
IdleOnefor anything more specific you could try asking in #ubuntu also19:28
IdleOneSchrodingerscat1: I don't believe so19:28
IdleOnemd5 checks if the file you have is equal to the file the server has19:28
Schrodingerscat1yes, true, good point :)19:29
IdleOneso save a disc and md5 before burning :)19:29
Schrodingerscat1okay, well I think what I'll try to do is go burn a cd instead of a dvd on a separate laptop, and hope that works19:29
Schrodingerscat1and while that's happening I'll md5 this dvd just to see what happens19:29
IdleOnesounds good.19:30
Schrodingerscat1thanks very much for your time19:30
IdleOneAlways feel free to ask questions anytime. you may not get an answer right away but you will never get an answer if you don't ask :)19:32
Schrodingerscat1Haha, good point. Thanks a lot, have a good day.19:33
=== [-slidinghorn-] is now known as slidinghorn
suprengrI've this on #ubuntu but no reply, so trying here [especially as the likes of ikonia appear to be here atm]... Anyone got any thoughts re Firestarter vs. GUFW? .. reason for asking is that I've heard 'rumours' re Firestarter's insecurity?  Although I now use GUFW I really did like the capabilties of Firestater and would love tob switch back... if safe.20:18
suprengr*to switch20:19
aveilleuxsuprengr, As far as I know Firestarter and GUFW are just frontends to the same firewall20:20
aveilleuxsuprengr, I could be wrong though20:20
IdleOnethey are both frontends to iptables20:21
suprengrI know they both config iptables but FS gave so much more as well... then there were rumours re FS being hackable?20:22
pleia2gufw is a front end for ubuntu fireweall (ufw) which is a pretty common things these days20:22
IdleOneuse which ever you like, keep updated and you should be fine20:22
pleia2I don't know about firestarter20:22
suprengrhi there idleone20:22
suprengr3rd time you've offered me help/opion.... thanks20:23
IdleOneheh I try20:23
pleia2suprengr: I'd recommending using gufw simply because it's the more common/supported one in the community20:23
IdleOneI would go with pleia2's recommendation seeing how she is just awesome20:24
IdleOnelike a Rock Star20:24
IdleOnebut more cool20:24
IdleOnewith less glitter20:24
pleia2oh, "ufw" is "uncomplicated firewall"20:24
pleia2well, it's the one ubuntu uses anyway :)20:24
suprengrpleia2 IdleOne : ok, cool - will do20:24
pleia2I don't use either :\20:24
IdleOneme either20:25
IdleOnehack me all you want all you will find is pictures of my babies20:25
suprengr..butn who uses glitter, hu?20:25
pleia2well, on my firewall I just write the iptables20:26
pleia2and on my netbook I just don't run services, so there isn't much *to* break into20:26
pleia2s/services/external services20:26
slidinghornsame here -- nothing worth stealing  -- kinda like my apt20:28
slidinghornbut I still protect my apartment ;-)20:28
pleia2I don't have stuff worth stealing, just have multiple networks at home and a VPN to work so I need to route my traffic appropriately20:29
pleia2(this is what happens with a work-from-home sysadmin and a network engineer live together)20:29
IdleOneSo before you moved in you two sat down and had to figure out the network situation?20:30
pleia2IdleOne: yeah20:31
pleia2there is a diagram20:31
IdleOneYour packets are getting in my way!!!20:31
pleia2I don't want to go out on your reverse dns!20:31
shahanIs there any one who have downloaded the file directx_feb2010_redist.exe20:35
shahanhow MegaByte is the file is?20:35
aveilleuxshahan, the DirectX Redistributable package from Microsoft? Why do you ask?20:38
shahanaveilleux: I wanna install it in wine...20:39
aveilleuxshahan, use Winetricks to install it20:39
shahanaveilleux: ya... I am installing this....20:39
shahanaveilleux: directx_feb2010_redist.exe is downloading for a long time....20:39
aveilleuxshahan, I don't know how large it is. Wget should tell you.20:40
shahanaveilleux: not finishing yet... already downloaded 40 MB20:40
shahanaveilleux: how to ask Wget?20:40
aveilleuxshahan, It should be somewhere around 150 MB iirc20:40
squaregoldfishshahan: 104Mb20:41
shahansquaregoldfish: hmm20:41
shahansquaregoldfish: tnx20:42
shahanaveilleux: tnx20:42
shahanIt has downloaded 45.5 MB20:43
shahanIf I now turn off my PC, will it be paused or cancelex20:43
squaregoldfishshahan: Assuming the server supports it, wget will pick up where it left off. Check the man page to see if you should pass it any special flags, but I don't think so.20:44
squaregoldfish(Assuming you're using wget, that is...)20:44
voxynI understand that here are all the linux geeks to help you :P?20:46
squaregoldfishSome of them - just ask a question and if we know we'll answer20:46
voxynWell i'm installing ubuntu dekstop on my netbook currently but it is possible to switch between the netbook remix skin and the normal ubuntu enviroment?20:47
aveilleuxVoxyn, Not that I know of20:50
shahansquaregoldfish: I am using winetricks to download the directx_feb2010_redist.exe20:51
shahansquaregoldfish: and downloaded the winetricks by wget http://www.kegel.com/wine/winetricks20:52
shahanwget http://www.kegel.com/wine/winetricks20:52
suprengrsquaregoldfish: it was included / tried in UNR 9.x... useful if not often used..; now [appaently] dropped.20:53
suprengrvery sorry squaregoldfish wrong tab - daughter got to the keyboard20:56
suprengrvoxyn:  it was included / tried in UNR 9.x... useful if not often used..; now [appaently] dropped.20:57
squaregoldfishshahan: I think you'll be OK. The script is set up to continue previous downloads. It should also skip any files you've already downloaded :)21:00
voxynThanks for hte help anyway ;021:08
Schrodingerscat1Hi everyone, question21:45
aveilleuxSchrodingerscat1, maybe answer21:47
Schrodingerscat1I recently burned a 10.04 live cd, and I can't get it to work21:48
Schrodingerscat1I did an md5sum of the iso and the cd after I burned it, both of them checked out21:48
aveilleuxSchrodingerscat1: Define "Can't get it to work"21:48
Schrodingerscat1haha, yes, that would be useful wouldn't it?21:48
Schrodingerscat1so, the livecd starts up, i see the ubuntu text/logo and loading bar beneath it, but then it just goes to a screen that looks like lines of white noise and static21:49
aveilleuxSchrodingerscat1: What speed did you burn the disc at?21:50
Schrodingerscat1I made sure to do it very slowly21:50
aveilleuxSchrodingerscat1: Do you have another computer to test the disc in?21:51
Schrodingerscat1I do, which I was thinking of doing next, but it is a mac21:51
Schrodingerscat1so i'm not sure this helps me isolate what the problem is necessarily, although I guess it could tell me if my cd is good21:52
aveilleuxSchrodingerscat1: Is it an Intel mac?21:53
Schrodingerscat1Yes it is21:53
aveilleuxSchrodingerscat1: Then it'll work to test21:53
Schrodingerscat1Okay then. Well, it's the computer I'm currently using, so i'll have to log off to test it. What do you think could be the problem with the pc if it works on my mac?21:54
Schrodingerscat1some sort of video driver issue?21:54
aveilleuxSchrodingerscat1: Not sure. I get that sometimes when I boot up on my Thinkpad (HDD install), so try again?21:54
Schrodingerscat1Mmm. I haven't actually done a full install, this is just booting straight from the cd21:55
Schrodingerscat1I think my HDD is failing though, hence trying to use the live cd to dump the files off it before i format the drive21:56
Schrodingerscat1would that affect it?21:56
aveilleuxSchrodingerscat1: Probably not.21:56
Schrodingerscat1That's what I thought. Such an odd issue.21:56
bobo123I think the ubuntu-cd should work ok even if your harddisk goes completetly dead21:56
Schrodingerscat1Yeah that's what i thought21:57
Schrodingerscat1I guess I'll try it on my mac and see what happens21:57
Schrodingerscat1I'll probably be back :P21:57
Schrodingerscat1Thanks a lot guys, appreciate your help21:57
aveilleuxHow did it go?22:26
Schrodingerscat1Well, the cd seems to work perfectly on my laptop22:26
Schrodingerscat1but I still get booting to the corrupted screen right after the "Try ubuntu" selection on the pc22:26
Schrodingerscat1(Laptop = mac)22:27
aveilleuxSchrodingerscat1: Could be a video driver issue22:27
Schrodingerscat1Yes, i was thinking that22:27
aveilleuxSchrodingerscat1: Realized that :P22:27
Schrodingerscat1but it's a pretty mainstream nvidia card22:27
Schrodingerscat1anything I could do to overcome this?22:27
aveilleuxSchrodingerscat1: Hm, not sure. On the disc, can you set it to safe graphics mode?22:29
Schrodingerscat1interesting, is there a specific set of boot parameters for that?22:29
aveilleuxSchrodingerscat1: I don't have a liveCD right now, so I don't know the procedures22:29
Schrodingerscat1argh, let me prowl the wiki22:29
aveilleuxschrodingerscat1: Give me a minute, I have fast Internet. I can get the ISO and look at it in VBox22:29
Schrodingerscat1Thanks so much :D22:29
aveilleuxschrodingerscat1: (after exiting BioShock on the other computer xD )22:30
Schrodingerscat1lol, such a great game22:30
Schrodingerscat1This is the page I was looking at, fyi22:32
Schrodingerscat1I tried replacing quiet splash, and this way it let me watch the loading process with a lot of text readout for a minute or so, but it still ended up at the corrupted screen after that22:32
aveilleuxSchrodingerscat1: There's a way to boot into safe graphics mode (generic driver) without manually modifying the boot parameters. Let me boot into the LiveCD and see.....22:35
Schrodingerscat1okay, thanks very much22:35
aveilleuxSchrodingerscat1: Apparently safe-graphics-mode is no longer available on the 10.04 LiveCD... I can't imagine why, though22:45
Schrodingerscat1well then. Any other suggestions?22:46
aveilleuxSchrodingerscat1: I seem to have found a solution: http://my.opera.com/sjosul/blog/2010/05/14/ubuntu-10-04-installation-and-upgrade22:47
Schrodingerscat1Oh wow, i see this comment: Anonymous writes: 100% agree with the easier way being left in... I have this same problem with an Nvidia card in my desktop. The last few years livecds have *all* crashed without using safe graphics mode.22:48
Schrodingerscat1i also have an Nvidia card22:48
Schrodingerscat1could be the problem22:48
Schrodingerscat1let me try22:48
Schrodingerscat1oh wow, just got some prompts about safe graphics mode :O22:53
* phillw have you tried nomodeset in grub ?22:54
Schrodingerscat1splash screen!22:54
Schrodingerscat1I have not tried nomodeset yet, no, but it looks like it's working now22:54
Schrodingerscat1wow, aveilleux, thank you so much22:55
aveilleuxSchrodingerscsat1: Thank the woman who taught me how to use Boolean logic22:55
aveilleuxSchrodingerscat1: (better known as Google-fu)22:55
* phillw you got to love + ;-)22:56
Schrodingerscat1hahah, yes, i could have googled it i'm sure, but being a linux newb I wouldn't have known what to look for22:57
Schrodingerscat1ugh, after all that it can't mount the hard drive I expected to be dead22:57
CalberthaHey all. Need some help!22:58
=== slidinghorn is now known as [-slidinghorn-]
Schrodingerscat1Going to go, thanks so much everyone22:58
CalberthaAnyone here to help me out?22:59
phillwCalbertha: just ask :-)22:59
CalberthaOh thanks!22:59
ubot2Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic22:59
CalberthaI loaded up my machine two days ago to the message error: the symbol 'grub_device_open' not found. grub rescue>22:59
CalberthaI have no idea what to do22:59
phillwCalbertha: one moment :-022:59
phillwCalbertha: is it new installation?23:04
CalberthaI installed it about a week and a half ago and its worked fine until now23:04
phillwhmm, all I can find is for old installations, do you still have your installation CD?23:05
phillwI'd go for re-installing Grub, as to what caused it, idk, but a re-installation of grub will "un-confuse it"23:06
CalberthaHow do i do this?23:07
phillw#13 at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527523:07
CalberthaAlright I'll give it a shot. Thanks! I may be back23:08
phillwyou can get grub to work from the grub rescue prompt, but IMHO a re-install of grub is actually quicker :-)23:08
CalberthaSweetness! Alright thanks a ton.May be back. Later!23:09
=== [-slidinghorn-] is now known as slidinghorn
phillwhi stlsaint:-)23:19
stlsaintphillw: sup23:19
phillwgoing okay here, how's things with you?23:20
pedro3005hey stlsaint23:28
stlsaintpedro3005: hey man23:29
pedro3005stlsaint, how's Python?23:39
stlsaintpython is python is python :D23:47
stlsaintpedro3005: im taking a different apporach to learning23:51
pedro3005stlsaint, how so?23:52
stlsaintpedro3005: reading up on art of programming instead of just python writing23:52
pedro3005stlsaint, yeah, that's good23:54
stlsaintpedro3005: any good links you could provide23:56
pedro3005stlsaint, sure, lots. PM?23:58
stlsaintpedro3005: yep yep23:58

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