
darrani think 607320 can be marked as wishlist00:12
=== darran is now known as drizzle
ubot2Ubuntu bug 607320 in gnome-disk-utility (Ubuntu) "Disk Utility lacks door lock/unlock button for CD/DVD drives (affects: 1) (heat: 256)" [Undecided,New]00:13
drizzlethats the correct link00:13
micahghggdh: still around, I have a couple minutes00:52
drizzlecan someone dad 607320 to wishlist?00:53
micahgbug 60732000:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 607320 in gnome-disk-utility (Ubuntu) "Disk Utility lacks door lock/unlock button for CD/DVD drives (affects: 1) (heat: 256)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60732000:53
drizzlealso 369695 needs to be forwarded upstream i think00:53
micahgdrizzle: bug 607320 should probably be upstreamed00:54
drizzlei dont think i can do that00:54
* micahg isn't sure if it belongs there00:56
micahgbug 36969500:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 369695 in pidgin (Ubuntu) "login to msn takes 4-5 tries (affects: 1) (heat: 7)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36969500:56
micahgdrizzle: wishlist done00:56
micahgdrizzle: I think it might be a dupe00:57
drizzleill look00:57
micahgdrizzle: 369695 that is00:57
micahgdrizzle: also, FYI, pidgin devs don't want reports unless they're tested against the latest code00:57
micahgdrizzle: but you can always check upstream for an open issue00:58
drizzlemaybe ill e-mail the reporter and see if hes still experiencing it00:58
drizzlestill cant believe ubuntu dropped pidgin for empathy00:58
drizzleno worries - not the place00:58
micahgdrizzle: just gnome, xubuntu still has it as default00:58
drizzlei think 614609 is going to be either a question or a wishlist01:04
micahgbug 61460901:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 614609 in friendly-recovery (Ubuntu) "I have some comments on recovery mode friendly-recovery (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61460901:06
drizzlei think what hes talking about is using the kernel recovery mode to fix broken packages01:06
drizzleand there isn't an internet connection01:06
* micahg doesn't know about that package so deferring to someone else01:07
hggdhmicahg: still there?01:08
micahghggdh: yeah01:08
micahghggdh: so, first, apport retracers aren't enabled for hardy/jaunty01:09
micahghggdh: second, what if people forget how to turn off crash reporting and don't want apport to pop up01:09
hggdhwell, they are not enabled either for Lucid, are they?01:10
micahghggdh: yes, karmic, lucid, maverick01:10
hggdhoh, this is news to me. I guess one of the things I do not get to see, since I am always running the latest01:10
hggdhbut I think I see where you are going01:10
micahghggdh: it was news to me as well when I found out01:11
hggdhwe should have an easy way of enabling/disabling01:11
micahghggdh: we have that :)01:11
micahgsudo service apport start force_start=101:11
hggdhwe have a way that requires console access01:11
hggdhand there is no automagic disabling01:11
micahgwith that method there is, on reboot, it goes off01:12
hggdhlike, say, after a certain crash, or after a while01:12
hggdhyes, but still needs console access. I would like to have it done under X also (so that a casual user could set it up/unset it01:12
hggdhmicahg: let's say I want to report a crash of (shudder) Evolution01:13
hggdhso I should be able to enable it for evolution *only*01:13
hggdhwhat wse do now will either enable forever for all crashes, or just until reboot01:14
hggdhtoo abrangent/restrictive (wow, both at the same time!)01:15
micahghggdh: sounds like a feature request01:16
drizzlei am thinking 614609 is wishlist / featurerequest01:17
micahgbug 61460901:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 614609 in friendly-recovery (Ubuntu) "I have some comments on recovery mode friendly-recovery (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61460901:17
micahgdrizzle: I deferred since I'm unfamiliar with the app01:17
micahgmaybe hggdh can help01:17
drizzlewhat does defer mean01:18
drizzleare you saying ask someone?01:19
hggdhdrizzle: like me ;-)01:19
drizzledo you want o look at it01:19
hggdhdrizzle: sigh. Although all referring to friendly-recovery, there are 3 different things there. No matter what, it is one issue per bug, one bug per issue...01:21
hggdhdrizzle: but all are indeed feature requests, so your comment applies.01:22
hggdhI will set them as wishlist01:22
drizzlethere are three different things01:22
drizzleand i think his english is not that good01:22
hggdhdrizzle: well, not really unexpected. Ubuntu is used all over the world, so you will get bad English01:23
hggdhit is part of our job to make sense off badly-written English ;-)01:23
hggdhdrizzle: done01:26
hggdhdrizzle: and 'defer' mean to put off, to let somebody else make a decision01:27
drizzlek no worries01:27
hggdhdrizzle: and thank you for helping ;-)01:28
drizzleanyone here?01:39
drizzlehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tzdata/+bug/599466 is an upstream bug already reported in debian01:39
ubot2Ubuntu bug 599466 in tzdata (Ubuntu) "tzdata refers to Americas as "America" (affects: 1) (heat: 97)" [Undecided,New]01:39
ubot2Debian bug 508118 in tzdata "Incorrect term for Americas" [Minor,Open]01:39
micahgdrizzle: Also affects Distro, select debian and add tzdata as the package w/the link01:41
hggdhdrizzle: good. You can, then, add an upstream link to the bug01:41
drizzleim sorry01:41
drizzlebut how do i do this01:41
drizzleim looking at the ubuntu bug01:41
hggdhdrizzle: select "Also affects distribution", then select Debian, and add the link there01:41
drizzleok i did that01:41
drizzlenow i see01:42
drizzlethe screen has a lot of stuff on it01:42
hggdhyes. Make sure you select Debian01:42
drizzlei id01:42
drizzlecan i confirm it01:42
drizzlei confirmed it in ubuntu01:42
hggdhperfect. I will set it as Triaged01:43
* micahg is off01:44
* hggdh is now officially on Saturday01:46
drizzlethere are a few tzdata bugs01:46
drizzlethat are upstream01:46
stanley_robertsohi all04:15
kermiachi stanley_robertso04:36
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stanley_robertsohi kermiac07:38
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renier1hi folks09:29
renier1i'm hitting a nasty bug on ubuntu 10.04 netbook edition and would like to submit a report (my first)09:30
renier1i'd appreciate some help on how to collect information for the report09:31
renier1basically, i'm hitting a hang in the user interface, this occurs intermittently09:33
vishrenier1: what is the bug? what symptoms?09:33
renier1by hang i mean, i've got mouse movement, but mouse clicks don't respond at all09:33
vishstanley_robertso: heya!09:33
renier1prtscr works09:33
renier1and i can switch to console mode with CTRL-ALT-F109:34
renier1can't switch between apps (this usually occurs while browsing with either chrome or firefox)09:34
gorillarenier1: have a read of the following: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs09:34
renier1thanks gorilla, i will check it out09:35
vishrenier1: hang , and it does not respond or takes a very long time to respond?09:35
renier1vish, it does not respond, within 5-10 minutes. i've not left it any longer09:36
renier1it's been happened about 5times in the past 2-3weeks, never happened before09:37
renier1i've installed all the automatic updates that the system suggested during that time, which leads me to suspect it's a new bug09:38
vishrenier1: hmm , its probably something related to you graphics drivers , try checking launchpad for existing bugs09:39
renier1i will do, thanks vish09:39
renier1i'm from a solaris background, so my first inclination is to collect a crash dump for analysis09:40
renier1is there an easy way to do this on ubuntu?09:40
JoshuaLubuntu-bug packagename09:40
renier1JoshuaL, my problem is that it's not easily apparent in which package the bug lives09:41
renier1the problem has occurred while using different browsers, and impacts the entire user interface09:42
renier1for reference the graphics driver:09:42
renier1VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller09:42
renier1so, when i speak of crash dump i mean a dump of the entire os for post mortem analysis09:43
renier1thanks for the help. i will check launchpad for existing bugs and log a placeholder bug describing the symptoms the next time the problem occurs09:45
JoshuaLgood luck finding the bug :)09:47
renier1thanks :)09:47
renier1hah, found the following which helps a lot:10:00
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
guzuhello all11:03
guzuis there a known problem with launchpad? i keep getting timeout errors11:04
yofelthat is somewhat of a known problem -.-11:04
guzuthank you11:05
yofelguzu: btw, it would be best if you could use ubuntu-bug on the affected notebook as that will add some information about the system to the bug11:05
guzuyofel, i'm just installing maverick on it11:05
yofelah, well, then see if it works there and add that information to the bug11:06
guzusame thing, it freezes11:07
guzuyofel, unfortunately, the timeout occurs from apport, too. i'll just give up11:25
vishdevildante: hi, did you ping mvo to review your update manager branch?11:31
devildantevish: not yet11:31
devildantevish: but I saw what you did with the bug reports, thx :)11:31
vishdevildante: rigtho , we need to do that before UIF11:31
vishdevildante: np .. ;)11:32
devildantevish: not before FeatureFreeze?11:32
vishdevildante: oh , even better :)11:32
devildantevish: argh, mvo isn't here11:33
vishdevildante: weekened ;) he'll be back on Mon11:33
devildantevish: oh, okay11:33
devildantevish: should I make mvo the reviewer for my branches?11:37
vishdevildante: yeah , add him11:37
devildantevish: okay, thx11:37
devildantevish: all done :)11:41
vishdevildante: neat , thanks! :)11:42
devildantevish: np :)11:42
devildantevish: shouldn't we be discussing about this on #ubuntu-desktop in the future?11:43
vishdevildante: meh ;p11:43
vishdevildante: it is related to bugs though ;)11:43
devildantevish: true11:44
Laibschand another recent member of the BugSquad that instead of doing useful work creates more14:22
Laibschwho is granting these kinds of privileges?  Is there a lottery or do people actually have to show they know what they are doing?  Is anybody actually watching what they are doing?14:23
LaibschBUGabundo: was that an answer to my question?14:23
Laibschhm, no, I guess14:23
Laibschhadn't asked the question, yet ;-)14:23
BUGabundobut I think its 42!14:25
nigelbLaibsch: member of bug squad?14:25
Laibschnigelb: Fabio is a member of bug squad since about two weeks14:25
nigelbif so, there is no previledges granted.  anyone can do stuff.  if you have a problem with somone's work, raise it with him/her via email.14:25
nigelball we care for joining bug squad is CoC and agreed to have read triage guide.14:26
LaibschHe's like the fourth guy who as a recent bugsquad member is overeager and doing harm instead of helping14:26
Laibschbug 376485 is what I know, I'm sure he sent out a batch of those14:26
nigelbLaibsch: I'd say talk to him because I've done some nasty stuff when I started out too :D14:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 376485 in ubuntu ""Key stuck" after switching workspace in Gnome with Keyboard shortcut (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37648514:26
Laibschnigelb: is that so?  My apologies, then.  I thought it came with elevated priviledges?  Is that not the case?14:27
nigelbLaibsch: Only bug control comes with elevated previleges.14:28
Laibschsorry, it's "bug control" that grants the privs, right?14:28
Laibschsorry, my misunderstanding14:28
Laibschordinary guy, then14:28
nigelbAlso, the bug reprter was rude to someone who's trying to help.14:28
Laibschsorry for the noise14:28
nigelbnjin: ^14:29
nigelbLaibsch: talk to njin, that's his irc nick.14:29
njinnigelb: tell me14:30
Laibschnjin: please stop comments like "When reporting bugs in the future please use apport by using 'ubuntu-bug' and the name of the package affected."14:31
Laibschthat is not helping, it's alienating14:31
Laibschpeople may have good reasons (and did have good reasons in this case) for not choosing a package14:32
Laibschthe pointer to ubuntu-bug is OK14:32
nigelbJust to add to that, if you can figure out the package, you should change it and then give this comment.14:33
Laibschthe suggestion that unspecified bug reports are not welcome is not14:33
njinI'm just using https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Bugs%20without%20a%20package14:33
Laibschnigelb: nod14:33
Laibschmaybe the wiki needs to be changed, then14:33
Laibschlet me see14:33
njinI'm just a bot...14:33
Laibschnjin: that is dangerous14:34
Laibschand the impression I got14:34
Laibschif bug triage was bots work, we'd use bots, I guess14:34
Laibschmass comments are dangerous14:35
njinI'm not talking serioussly14:35
LaibschI *am*14:35
Laibschplease take the work seriuosly14:35
njinLaibsch: my mentor teel me to add this at every reply of mine old bug without package assigned.14:37
njinand because i send 800 request, now i have to send 800 of this reply.14:38
LaibschWho is your mentor?14:39
Laibschnigelb: 800!!!14:39
njinLaibsch: what iI have to do, to go on or to stop me.14:39
Laibschwhat you did is done14:39
Laibschplease don't continue with this particular type of comment14:40
Laibschdo you understand where the problem is?14:40
Laibschplease also tell me who your sponsor is14:40
LaibschI think he needs some update, too14:40
Laibschnjin: ?14:41
nigelbLaibsch: I'll take care of it.14:41
LaibschI think the bigger problem is sending out 800 comments like that14:42
Laibschnobody can look at 800 bugs14:42
vishLaibsch: could you mention , what is exactly wrong with that comment?14:42
Laibschsending out comments to bugs and snippets of texts without even a short look is not good (unless in very few circumstances)14:43
Laibschvish: you're the mentor?14:43
Laibschor just curious?14:43
vishLaibsch: no , but you assume the mentor has less knowledge about bugs14:43
LaibschI don't14:43
Laibschbut he certainly is overlooking a problem14:44
njinExcuse me, the majority of these 800 bugs are reported by one person and probably due to hardware issue in most cases not reproducible14:44
vishLaibsch: btw, are you the bug reporter?14:44
Laibschthe problem is that although nigelb or anybody else using that snippet may come across to the OP as having some kind of official position14:44
vishLaibsch: first , no need for that offensive response , njin is just trying to help14:44
Laibschand people may not know what package a bug is in14:45
njinfrom these 800 bugs i've recived no more than 100 reply, majority say that the problem is fixed14:45
Laibschin that case assigning against ubuntu is the best thing to do, IMHO14:45
Laibschif njin had actually read the ticket he would have seen the efforts to determine what package the bug is in14:45
vishLaibsch: that doesnt make the response wrong? it does need to be assigned to a package for a report to be taken care of by a developer14:45
vishLaibsch: bugs in ubuntu are just a black hole ... they need to be assigned before any progress can take place14:46
Laibschvish: the response is not offensive.  It's factual.  Plus the snippet is useless and harmful.14:46
Laibschvish: then the triager should help doing that14:46
Laibschotherwise it's useless and harmful14:46
Laibschbots work14:47
Laibschtriage is not bots work14:47
Laibschlook at the ticket and you will see that I did quite a lot to find out whether it is a kernel or Xorg bug14:47
vishLaibsch: yes , agreed bout that , but the triager doesnt seem to know about the package either. so not need to be rude there ;)14:47
LaibschI'm not rude14:47
penguin42Laibsch: It came across somewhere between frustrated and rude14:48
Laibschand the "the triager is using his free time" is not a valid response IMHO14:48
Laibschthe OP or any other reporter is also using his free time14:48
vishLaibsch: well, #5 is a bit rude, njin is new  , that is not really a good way to treat new contributors14:48
Laibschyou guys only see the perspective of people trying to help you14:49
LaibschI appreciate people trying to help triage14:49
Laibschbut you guys seem to forget that unless people report bugs, you've got nothing to work on14:49
vishLaibsch: i can see your frustration too :) , but such a response can be a bit scary for a new triager14:50
Laibschwhy did Ubuntu rightfully start "please reopen if this is still a problem" type of comment? to make14:50
Laibschanswer: to make sure people are not alienated14:50
njinI just want to tell that i just made my third session of mentoring14:51
Laibschvish: I am of the opinion that new triagers should not work on more than maybe 10 bugs a day14:51
Laibschor something like that14:51
Laibschcertainly not 80014:51
LaibschI've seen exactly this type of problem at least 4-5 times before14:51
Laibschit's scary that even the wiki and mentors are now encouraging mass-comments without actually looking14:51
* Laibsch is off to the wiki14:52
njinbut this isn't mass comment.14:52
vishLaibsch: dont edit wiki's without discussing here14:52
vishLaibsch: can you suggest how we can handle such bugs better?14:52
njinthis are just request of confirmation of the existing of the bug in the new version14:52
LaibschI think it's easiest for me to make the change and then point to it here14:52
Laibschnjin: the first comment is OK14:53
Laibschafter a year or so14:53
LaibschI don't have issue with that one14:53
vishLaibsch: no , the wiki is a guideline and not to be altered without prior discussion14:53
vishLaibsch: and any changes to the wiki are sent out to the whole bug squad14:54
Laibschwhatever, then14:54
Laibschdo as you please14:54
LaibschUbuntu used to be fun14:54
Laibschused to do the right thing14:54
Laibschit seems to have changed14:54
Laibschgood bye14:54
vishLaibsch: ubuntu is still fun :)14:55
Laibschit's going in the wrong direction for quite a while14:55
vishLaibsch: your concern is valid , just bring it up when the bug masters are here as well14:55
LaibschI'll leave that up to you14:56
Laibschif it's a valid point, you should have an interest in fixing it14:56
vishLaibsch: each person changing the wiki to their own accord is not how it is done, we have a meeting on this tuesday , you can bring it up then as well14:56
Laibschif the wiki is only changed after discussion, then I wonder who was asleep at the time this particular addition to the wiki was made14:57
Laibschmust have been a lot of people14:57
Laibschmeeting fatigue, I guess14:57
Laibschfrom too many meetings14:57
vishLaibsch: the reason for the response is mainly every bug cannot be assigned by every triager , there needs to be help from the reporter too14:58
Laibschabsolutely agree14:58
vishLaibsch: they need to learn as well how to effectively report bugs14:58
Laibschand I don't disagree about triaging ubuntu unassigned bugs14:58
Laibschbut the suggestion "you made a mistake not to pick a package" is offensive and damaging14:58
Laibschno two ways about that IMHO14:59
gorillavish: Ends users are rarely willing to do that and it's an uphill battle to attempt to do so.14:59
vishLaibsch: "you made a mistake" is not the wording there , but is close enough14:59
vishgorilla: reporting bugs is not easy ;)15:00
Laibschanother point I'll not budge on is that mass-comments to 800 or so bugs are ALWAYS going to do a lot of harm so should not be done.15:00
Laibschespecially from fresh personnel15:00
penguin42vish: It's not a mistake to not know which package something is due to15:00
gorillavish: I know. I used to work in incident and problem management.15:00
Laibschvish: the suggestion IS "you made a mistake", you even talked about "educatin" bug reporters15:00
vishLaibsch: yes, the reporter has to know about effective bug reporting..15:01
penguin42vish: That's a bit harsh for some stuff - for some stuff it's fine, but it's not an atuomatic15:02
njinthis is the only reply to the more of 700 message that i sent : Too complicated, has no gui and I dont even know the package names.15:02
vishpenguin42: i dint understand..?15:02
njini just follow instrucyion15:03
njinI just paste what is in the wiki15:03
penguin42vish: There are some bug reports against Ubuntu where the bug reporter really thought about it and just doesn't know which package it should be in; some are bug reports are where people really were careless; where they were careless it's OK to tell them to use ubuntu-bug etc - but if they thought about it and it wasn't obvious what to do then it's up to a triager to think about it for them15:03
Laibschnjin: again, bug triage is not just "switch brain off, run scripts".  I had hoped you understood that by now. (not trying to come across as offensive, but it's important for me you understand this)15:04
Laibschnjin: I appreciate your effort to help out.15:04
vishpenguin42: that is why we have "ubuntu" , to allow the reporter to just file it .. but some dont know that they have to file in the package..15:04
njinI think that the really problem is in the Launchpad interface that not guide the rreporter trow a initial triaging15:04
penguin42vish: Yes agreed15:04
Laibschnjin: but bug triage can only be done by understanding15:04
Laibschnjin: bug triage is NOT about closing the largest number of tickets15:05
Laibschnjin: bug triage is about fixing the largest number of bug15:05
Laibschand that is a huge difference15:05
vishLaibsch: actually not fixing too ;) , its just getting the bugs to the right place with right info for a developer to start working15:06
Laibschvish: why the nitpicking15:06
njinno reply?15:06
Laibschthe ultimate goal is to fix the bug15:06
Laibschfixing, not closing15:06
Laibschclosing is just a side product15:07
njinLaunchpad is for expert user IMHO15:07
njinLaibsh: the system has made a mistake15:08
Laibschwhat system?15:08
Laibschwhat mistake?15:08
Laibschin this case, I'm sorry to say, you made the mistake (and your mentor)15:09
njinLaibsch: the system has made a mistake, and you are a part of it15:09
Laibschnow, you're blaming me again?15:09
LaibschI can't believe you still don't seem to understand15:09
Laibschdunno what else to say15:09
LaibschI hope that some day you will understand that "bug triage is not bots work"15:10
Laibschreally not that difficult to comprehend IMHO15:10
vishLaibsch: seriously , chill!15:10
LaibschI guess I said what I can say15:10
holsteini belive the main concern is the 'This bug affects 1 person. Does this bug affect you?' part15:10
Laibschholstein: we're long past one bug15:11
holsteinif its not reproducable15:11
holsteinanyone can change the status15:11
holsteinif you dont like the state of the bug15:11
njinbut in this condition i think that isn't right to tells s it evolution steps15:11
holsteindont 'agree'15:11
vishLaibsch: take a walk and relax ...its just a comment , how does it really hurt?15:12
njinops *is right15:12
holsteinalso, thats a great thing about community projects15:12
holsteinyou can get involved, and become part of the solution15:13
njinI suggest to change the Launchpad interface.15:13
holsteini find LP to be non-friendly15:13
holsteinBUT i dont have a better suggestion15:13
Laibschvish: I'm really sad to see that you also don't understand what's wrong about the system.  This is not about one bug15:13
holsteinand it does do the job15:14
LaibschThis is about 800 bugs from one guy alone15:14
penguin42holstein: It's one of the least bad bug reporting systems I know of15:14
Laibschand I assume many others15:14
Laibschit's about processes15:14
Laibschthose concern me15:14
holsteinpenguin42: :)15:14
njini'm lonely....15:14
vishLaibsch: he might have answered a lot of bugs , but he is trying to help , lets just encourage him in the right direction than take out our anger at him :)15:15
njinnoone loves me here '15:15
Laibschencourage him to do what he is doing? no15:15
Laibschencourage him to learn to do better? yes15:15
vishnjin: nah , ;)15:15
penguin42Laibsch: I think the best thing you've said however is that new bug triagers shouldn't do a lot of bugs in one go - they need to start slow15:15
Laibschproblem in this case, he was told to do what he did15:15
penguin42njin: Not everyone will like what you do to one of their bugs! However with experience you learn what people don't like15:17
vishnjin: its part of triaging , sometime or the other everyone gets yelled at ;)15:19
njinWell we have a bug to solve or not ? can we open a summit ??15:19
penguin42anyway - which bug have we been arguing about?15:20
Laibschpenguin42: no bug in particular15:20
ubot2Ubuntu bug 376485 in ubuntu ""Key stuck" after switching workspace in Gnome with Keyboard shortcut (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:20
Laibschat least I've been arguing about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Bugs%20without%20a%20package15:21
Laibschand the dangers of mass-commenting with the help of scripts15:21
LaibschI can take care of my own bug15:22
LaibschI would not have to come here to see it through15:22
penguin42holstein: Yes I agree - I wouldn't know what package that should be assigned to15:22
vishLaibsch: lets try this  , what would you edit it to : http://pastebin.com/ED48A30u  ?15:22
penguin42vish: That's a slightly different case - that says the triager has found an appropriate package for it15:23
vishpenguin42: well , thats what Laibsch is trying to change!15:24
vishpenguin42: what is needed here is to steer njin in the right direction15:24
vishoh njin left :s15:24
penguin42vish: It's different from Holstein's case - in that one the triager had told someone to use ubuntu-bug without figuring out the package either15:25
vishpenguin42: yes, i can see that , but Laibsch is confusing the two cases15:25
holsteinpenguin42: thats Laibsch 's bug15:25
vishpenguin42: the response is supposed to be used after assigning , but njin just used the reply :(15:26
Laibschwell, if the agree best process is for the triager to reassign the bug to a package, I'm OK with slipping in a helpful comment about how to report better bugs.  But that will take time from the triager and in that case, I'm not sure we even do need a template in the wiki.15:26
vishLaibsch: the reason we have  template is not everyone is well versed in english , so the templates help15:27
penguin42vish: OK, so the wikipage needs changing to tell triagers only to use that text if they can figure out which package it should be15:27
LaibschI'd also like to see a very visible comment at the top of that wiki page that warns about the danger of "switch brain off, run scripts on $gazillion tickets"15:28
penguin42vish: And as for that text, it could be friendlier - e.g. When reporting bugs in the future, please try and find the right package and if you can then use 'ubuntu-bug' and the name of the package affected.15:28
Laibschwouldn't it be "if you can, then use ..."?15:28
penguin42oh I leave punctuation to others :-)15:29
Laibschwell, sometimes it helps understanding ;-)15:29
Laibschbut I loathe English punctuation, too15:29
njinsome people thanks me to pick up his bug15:29
vishnjin is back! yay!15:30
njini was disconnected15:30
vishnjin: yes,comments are often both positive and negative , we need to take comments and see what needs to be changed in our methods15:31
njini tell that the problem IMHO is ih launchpad interface15:31
penguin42njin: Why? What would you change?15:31
njinI think that it have to be more orientative, interactive15:32
penguin42njin: I'm not sure I understand?15:33
njinwell, i want to report a bug but i don't know the package, the interface has to guide me in a first analisys of the problem asking if it is related to the computer, monitor, disck, keyboard,ecc , to take a first analisys15:35
vishnjin: assigning bugs to a package is not a very easy task, if you doubt the package , try to think of the closest one you can get to and just assign it and a reply as to why you think it is assigned so , if wrong it can be changed later15:35
penguin42ah, having launchpad work through package finding - that wouldn't be a bad idea - although it's not always possible to identify the package that easily15:35
vishnjin: also , if in doubt just ask your mentor which would be the right one.15:37
njinvish: in conclusion, can i go on with the work that my mentor assign me, sending the other 150 messages or not or is better wait .15:41
vishnjin: keep doing the triage , just read the bugs and assign to the closest package you can think and make the comment..15:42
penguin42njin: It's also OK if you really don't know what to assign a particular bug to - just move on to the next one15:43
njinbut the problem is in assigning package or in the bad responses, i don't understand15:45
vishnjin: the problem is that you dint assign any package , the reporter obviously doesnt know either15:46
penguin42njin: If I understand correctly the 'Thank you for taking the time..' response was only meant for use after assigning the package15:46
njinbut i cannot assign the package if the reporter's don't reply,  i mark as Incomplete, then i reply for next expiration then if nothig happends i have to mark as invalid15:52
penguin42njin: no15:52
njinthese are old bugs, jaunty don't exist and people don't reply15:52
penguin42njin: I meant in the case of non-old bugs if it's just not assigned a package then you should try and assign a package15:53
njinyes, surely15:53
njinbut they are 10-15 on 100015:54
penguin42sorry, I don't understand that ?15:54
njinIn this old bugs on 1000 bug reviewed there are 10  or 15 bug confirmable in Lucid too.15:56
penguin42njin: Old bugs are a separate question from ones without packages?15:57
njinrthis bug i triage.15:57
njinyes, old bugs without package assigned15:57
njinmy works is this, review the old bugs, ask if reproducible in Lucid and in positive cases triage it15:58
njin*jaunty bugs15:59
njinBut i cannot add the triaged option15:59
njinI can only confirm the bug16:00
njinpenguin42: i'm connected?16:01
penguin42ok, hmm these are bugs that are both old and also not in a partiuclar package?16:01
njinnoi, assigned to ubuntu16:02
njinops * yes16:03
njinpenguin42: at now i don't understand what is wrong in mine reply16:07
stentenHow do I add another Ubuntu package to a bug report?16:15
njincan someone help with bug 36889116:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 368891 in ubuntu "Elan usb audio does not work (heat: 4)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36889116:16
penguin42there is an alsa pacakage (alsa-base ?)16:19
njinyes, he said: The device uses the snd-usb-audio driver and its detected by ALSA:16:28
njinpenguin42: so i request an apport collect for alsa base ?16:29
penguin42njin: I'd first assign the package to alsa-base (I think that's the right one?) and then it it's probably right to ask for that (although I'm not sure what the right way to ask for that is)16:30
stentenBah, can someone please fix my botched upsteaming for Bug 614176? It upstreamed to the Linux package instead of the xf86-video-intel package like it should have.16:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 614176 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[855gm] 2.6.35-14: Invisible Cursor (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61417616:33
stentenAnd I can't figure out how to fix it :(16:33
penguin42stenten: Yeh the same thing happened to me when I upstreamed something to fdo16:34
stentenI can't even remove it...16:35
penguin42stenten: Maybe a launchpad bug? Thing is some of the fdo bugs are kernel drm code, some are xorg16:35
stentenI'm just going to forward the duplicate, and then mark mine as a duplicate of that instead of the other way around.16:36
stentenOr should I just try forwarding it again?16:36
penguin42stenten: Well, it's actually a kernel bug, so I'm not sure it's that wrong, but to remove it click on the down arrow next to the Linux and change the remote watch button?16:36
njinpenguin42: i think to assign it at linux-alsa -driver-modules16:36
stentenThe edit button on the upstream tag sends me to edit the Ubuntu package :P16:37
njinit seems a driver issue, too problems16:37
penguin42njin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage#Sound  suggests it should go alsa-base16:37
njinpenguin42 : yes, but in select source packages we don't find alsa-base16:41
penguin42are you sure? I'm sure I've seen bugs reported against it before16:41
njinpenguin42: probably typed in the box, but i don't know if it is the right procedure16:42
njinpenguin42: alsa-base is under alsa driver16:45
njinpenguin42: but alsa driver is related at all the kernels ??16:48
penguin42njin: Alsa is the sound system in the kernel16:49
njinpenguin: ok, then i assign to alsa-driver?16:52
* penguin42 isn't sure16:53
stanley_robertsohi all16:53
njinpenguin42: this bug still reproducible in Lucid, then i assign it to latest kernel version, becouse IMHO a module is not appropriate to this card, then assign to linux-alsa-driver-modules-2.6.32-10 or if updated to2.6.34-116:58
penguin42njin: I'd just assign it to alsa-base16:59
* penguin42 decides to go for a snooze17:00
yofelnjin, penguin42: here's another page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems  - crimsun: there?17:26
penguin42yofel: Yeh and that says t o use ubuntu-bug on alsa-base - I think it collects most of the stuff those pages tell you to17:32
njinPizza time.....17:53
njinnother reply : It was the latest upgrade but I had to downgrade it again because it didn't work with my old machine and I have no time to search the libraries I'm just an user17:54
penguin42njin: Old bugs are very difficult; for example I know some of my old bugs affect machines I no longer old - but the bugs might still exist17:55
njinyes, but i want to learn and difficult things capture my attention, i'm curious.17:56
njinmy mentor there isn't again17:57
yofelnjin: which bug?18:00
stanley_robertsohi penguin4218:01
stanley_robertsohi hggdh18:01
njinyofel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/38830118:03
ubot2Ubuntu bug 388301 in ubuntu "package installer window can not be closed (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete]18:03
penguin42Hi Stanley18:04
* yofel goes reading the bug again because he doesn't get what the reporter is talking about...18:05
penguin42confusing isn't it18:05
yofelwait, comment #2 is talking about 5 different bugs right? (or 4 as the "multiple 9.04 OS" are just the different kernels I think)18:07
njin*njin is going to eat pizza because is afflicted and uncouraged. do not disturb for one hour. thanks18:07
yofelnjin: the '* yofel does ..' is done with '/me ...' in IRC18:07
hggdhcheers stanley_robertso18:08
hggdhwhat? yofel does anything? ;-)18:08
* yofel gets something to eat too, be back in a few minutes18:08
yofelhggdh: yep, having dinner :P18:08
hggdhgood dinner for you, yofel :-)18:09
vishhggdh: all this while you had been silently smirking , wernt ya? ;)18:27
vishhggdh: read above ^ logs, would have been great if you had jumped in ;)18:27
stanley_robertsohi vish18:27
vishstanley_robertso: hey18:27
stanley_robertsolast 2 weeks.. i got held up by my office project work .. got kinda free now :)  so jumped back to Ubuntu18:28
hggdhvish: reading the backlog18:31
hggdhfor sound bugs, the best is to follow the debugging sound wiki page18:34
* nigelb waves to hggdh 18:46
* hggdh waves back at nigelb19:00
njin*sometimes an icecream solve much problems than a pizza19:00
nigelbhggdh: hows it going? ts been a while :)19:01
hggdhnigelb: yes indeed! But life is good: I am alive, you are alive ;-)19:02
hggdhnigelb: going to the next UDS?19:02
nigelbhggdh: I'd better.  Chris Johnston and Mike Hall have promised to physically kick me if I don't19:02
hggdhand I will virtually do the same ;-)19:03
nigelbhggdh: take a number and stand in line. :D19:04
nigelbFar too many violent people these days :p19:04
hggdhI am not violent, not at all. Kicking you for not being at UDS is not violence, it is just the Right Thing To Do19:05
nigelbRight Things To Do (tm)19:05
njinanother insatisfact people that greetings me to look at his bug: I was a little bit disappointed  that no one answered my error report - I know it was not the most dangerous problem...19:06
hggdhnjin: what problem?19:11
njinAt now i don't understand, i was victim of somethigs much greater than me, wounded in my pride to help the community. So if you want to know more take a look at the log19:14
hggdhnjin: which log?19:15
njinof the chan19:15
nigelbnjin: it happens all the time.19:15
nigelbThough its nice that it didn't happen ona  bug report per se19:16
nigelbI got kicked on a bug report :/19:16
nigelbsomething like "ubuntu sucks and you're the reason" types19:18
njini go to work on my old bugs without package assigned remembering to use half comment and in the hope that my mentor don't kick me.19:18
hggdhnjin: I read the backlog, and I am still unsure of which bug you are talking about. Can you please clarify?19:20
njinno ,back again there was a flame not a bug19:21
hggdhnjin: OK. Now please do point me to the issue. I want to know, flaming is not expected here19:22
njinwell. i'm assigned to old bug without package assigned (bug regarding jaunty)and becouse this bug are generally reported by one person i send to him if the bug still reproducible in Lucid packages.19:24
hggdhnjin: OK, so far, so good. And?19:25
njinI've sent more than 800 of this request, but yesterday, my mentor tell me to add the response of bug without package of the wiki, and i do it, but someone is not in accord19:27
njinhe said that the wiky is not right and so on , i made a lot of work with the convinction of doing a good help and i'm treated like an irresponsable, this hurts me and without explication19:30
njinvish can clarify better tha me19:30
njinI go to my bug19:31
vishhggdh: started : http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/08/07/%23ubuntu-bugs.html#t14:2219:32
atrushttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/file-roller/+bug/372149 uhm, is this a good idea? .exe executables in attachements?19:33
ubot2Ubuntu bug 372149 in file-roller (Ubuntu) "archive manager can not open reports zip file missing (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 9)" [Low,Incomplete]19:33
vishhggdh: its mostly about njin just asking the reporter on bugs to file bugs using ubuntu-bugs or to assign package , but Laibsch got furious with that comment and wanted it to be changed from the bug squad wiki19:35
hggdhnjin: oh boy. Really not needed.19:36
hggdhnjin: (1) bugs should *not* be left as affecting the Ubuntu package. Saying so is the same as saying "it affects something, I do not know what, and I do not really care"19:37
hggdh(2) assigning a (more) correct package is the way to go. If the assigned package is wrong, we then correct as needed19:38
hggdh(3) *even* if you were to be wrong, you can learn. We all started not knowing, and learned.19:39
hggdh(4) please do not take it that hard19:39
njinhggdh: yes, but i'm treating bugs regarding jaunty, and when i have a reply in most cases it tells that the bug is fixed19:40
vishnjin: everyone *has* to get yelled at by the original reporter at some point! ;)  else they are not doing triage :p19:40
hggdhnjin: which is PERFECT!19:40
hggdhand means you are doiong a good job19:40
njinbut in the other lot of cases what i have to do ' assign a package without a reply from the reporter?19:40
hggdhnjin: you make a best bet, bsed on what you can find from the bug description. If there are more than one issue reported in one single bug,19:41
atrusis it normal for launchpad to be able to store .exe attachements, and download them without warning? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/file-roller/+bug/372149 seems kind of dangerous, if not in that particular case, then just in general that it's possible.19:42
ubot2Ubuntu bug 372149 in file-roller (Ubuntu) "archive manager can not open reports zip file missing (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 9)" [Low,Incomplete]19:42
hggdhnjin: you select one -- what you consider the most serious -- and assign the package to the bug & tell the OP it is one issue per bug, one bug per issue19:42
hggdhatrus: they are attachments. None get downloaded unless you ask for it19:43
hggdha .exe has no meaning on Linux, anyways19:43
atrushggdh: yes, but in general that's dangerous. say, if an ubuntu user is looking for support while on windows... just makes me a little nervous.19:43
atrusi don't know what that .exe is, but launchpad could relatively easily be used to distribute harmful executables this way. a similar problem hit a big theme site a while ago.19:45
atrusmaybe this is more appropriate for #launchpad anyways19:45
vishatrus: arent we being chicken little here? ;)19:45
atrusvish: given this kind of vulnerability has been exploited in other FOSS projects recently, i'd say it's realistic.19:46
vishatrus: if harmful .exe is found on lp , the most appropriate thing would to just delete the attachment19:46
vishwould be* to19:47
* hggdh is not sure what RE.EXE -- an MS-DOS binary -- has to do with file-roller19:47
hggdhnjin: please keep on what you are doing, you are doing a good job19:48
hggdhand disregard Laibsch's comments19:48
njinok now i'm analizing replies19:49
hggdhatrus: in general, downloading *anything* from the Internet is dangerous. I fail to see why a possible virus/trojan/whatever for Windows would be a problem here19:49
penguin42it seems reasonable that it could well be an honest report19:50
* penguin42 is assuming the .exe is a self extracting zip19:50
hggdhbut I still fail to see why a MS-DOS binary would be a problem for file-roller19:50
hggdhpenguin42: no, it does not seem to be19:50
hggdhmaybe the issue is that there is a MIME set for .EXE -> file-roller19:52
njinthis is too hard for me: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/37243019:52
ubot2Ubuntu bug 372430 in linux (Ubuntu) "After fsck failure, maintenance shell asks for root password (affects: 7) (heat: 38)" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:52
penguin42njin: That sounds like a real bug19:53
penguin42njin: It's not easy to test though19:53
njinpenguin42: and i cannot ask him the exact step to reproduce it19:54
penguin42njin: Well the exact steps are pretty easy; 1) Have a broken fileystsem 2) Boot19:54
hggdhyes. It seems the root FS is hosed, so there is no access to /etc/sudoers, etc. Maybe the best would be to reboot in recovery mode19:54
penguin42hggdh: No, that's not the problem19:54
hggdhpenguin42: this is *part* of the problem. No root FS19:55
penguin42hggdh: No, there *is* a root fs - thats where it would take the root password from19:55
penguin42hggdh: The filesystem just isn't fsck'd and is suspected to be dogy - the problem is that Ubuntu doesn't generally have a root user/password19:55
hggdhpenguin42: yes. This is where the recover mode boot option comes into play. It will *not* ask for the root password19:56
njinIn alternate install expert mode if i don't wrong there is this option19:56
hggdhnjin: as long as you have not set a root passwd: boot, select the recovery mode on Grub, then select a root console19:57
hggdhalternate install is also an option, but you should first see if you can still use/recover the root FS19:58
penguin42hggdh: Ah, was that around on 8.10?19:58
hggdhpenguin42: heh. I do not remember, but I think so19:58
penguin42hggdh: OK, so a fair argument should be that it should tell you to use recovery mode19:59
* penguin42 could probably trigger the bug in a VM just to try it20:01
njinok, i remark as new then ?20:01
penguin42njin: Just give me a few minutes - I'll try and trigger it in a VM20:02
njinso rapid ?20:02
penguin42well, we'll see!20:02
penguin42njin: Well, I seem to have triggered a different bug :-(20:10
hggdhheh. The beaties of triaging...20:10
penguin42actually 2 bugs20:10
nigelbpenguin42: heh.20:10
njin2 bug from one '20:10
nigelb3 including the one he was trying to trigger20:11
penguin42I'm trying it on a Maverick Alpha 2 and I added into fstab  the line    /dev/frob /frob ext3 default 1 220:11
penguin42I expected it to fail with a can't fsck /dev/frob20:12
penguin42but I think mountall has got in the way20:13
* penguin42 wonders whether mountall will eventually give up or whether it will stay hung (which would be another bug)20:16
njintoo much bug20:19
njinMy maverick works well20:19
penguin42njin: I don't know, but I think the old root password stuff is gone in maverick with mountall (Not sure about lucid) - although based on my present experience mountall is much much more broken than that20:42
njinmaverick is not complete at now, the freeze is from some days20:44
* penguin42 confirms bug 563418 that mountall doesn't do anything sane on broken fstab20:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 563418 in mountall (Ubuntu) "Wrong filesystem line in /etc/fstab, no error message on bootscreen (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56341820:54
* Laibsch is disappointed to learn from the backlog that instead of taking the opportunity to learn he is taking things personal20:58
LaibschI should stop caring about bug triage in Ubuntu21:00
LaibschI'm not involved enough to care21:00
yofelpenguin42: actually, if it's 'hung' plymouth should tell you something like "Can't mount $partition [S]kip [M]ainenance shell <and something else I think>'21:13
yofelif you don't have splash enabled then it won't ask you that bug S/M should still work (there was a but about the missing notification)21:14
yofel*but S/M21:14
penguin42yofel: Yeh, as I say from that absolutely no diag21:28
yofelerr, right, got distracted and skipped a few lines reading the backlog -.-21:28
penguin42yofel: Actually, this is bug 56391621:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 563916 in plymouth (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 4 other projects) "[details.so] No prompt for [S]kip or [M]anual recovery on server boot (affects: 18) (dups: 1) (heat: 108)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56391621:30
penguin42yofel: So is there nothing any more that asks for a password - does  it always let you do S/M ?21:38
yofelactually I don't know, last time I got a maintenance shell on lucid I think it did ask for a password, I think roots but I'm not sure21:40
yofelthat was like lucid alpha2 - haven't had the need for a shell since then21:40
penguin42yofel: If you have a root password set it will ask for it21:45
yofelah, I have one set actually21:46
njinI go to sleep, good night to everybody, here are 23.13 see you tomorrow.22:13
hggdhfor the record, I slightly changed the bugs-without-a-package response23:07
penguin42what to?23:22

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