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kosaidpo | hello | 14:23 |
kosaidpo | the today's class guna be at 6 gmt ight ? | 14:23 |
kosaidpo | hello guys the class is about an hour right | 16:10 |
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Kljaver | 20 minutes remains | 16:39 |
kosaidpo | im countin : D | 16:46 |
zkriesse | kosaidpo: ten mintues | 16:50 |
zkriesse | hehe pleia2 | 16:51 |
FenBo | tried to start phpmyadmin got this: Not Found The requested URL /phpmyadmin/ was not found on this server. Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 80 ... when i look at config.inc.php ii is empty. How do I setup phpmyadmin | 16:55 |
zkriesse | FenBo: I'll get you that info in just a minute | 16:55 |
zkriesse | Ok class time! | 17:00 |
zkriesse | Anyone have any questions before I start? | 17:00 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Current Session: Launchpad GPG Basics - Instructor: zkriesse - Slides: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/slides/Launchpad_GPG_Key_Basics.pdf | ||
ClassBot | Slides for Launchpad GPG Basics: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/slides/Launchpad_GPG_Key_Basics.pdf | 17:01 |
zkriesse | If you have questions please ask them in #ubuntu-classroom-chat and put QUESTION: infront of it | 17:01 |
zkriesse | Ok Let's start | 17:01 |
zkriesse | What this class will cover is making a GPG/PGP Key on your pc, importing it to Launchpad, and if you ask about it, signing something such as the Code Of Conduct with it | 17:03 |
zkriesse | Yes please as kosaidpo asked, please login to your launchpad accounts | 17:04 |
zkriesse | Ok after you've logged in you'll then need to go to your Applications -> Accessories -> Passwords & Encryption Keys on your desktop | 17:05 |
zkriesse | http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/slides/Launchpad_GPG_Key_Basics.pdf | 17:06 |
zkriesse | Just in case you didn't get the link for the slides ^^ | 17:06 |
zkriesse | After you open that up click File -> New -> PGP Key I've included a screenshot of what you should be seeing | 17:06 |
zkriesse | After you click File -> New -> PGP Key Choose continue | 17:08 |
zkriesse | After that you should see a window similar to this: | 17:08 |
zkriesse | Enter in your info and then click "Create". Note, you can click the "Advanced key options" tab and then choose the key's encryption | 17:08 |
zkriesse | type, it's strength, and if and when it expires. Usually the defaults are ok to accept. | 17:08 |
zkriesse | Any questions before I move on? | 17:09 |
zkriesse | And a little note: For those of you who don't use Thunderbird as your email program of choice do not fret, as we will be using the Terminal do decrypt the email sent by the key latter down the session | 17:10 |
zkriesse | After you click "Create" you'll have a window in | 17:10 |
zkriesse | which it will ask you to enter a "Passphrase". Choose one and then click "Ok". NOTE: Either save or write your chosen passphrase | 17:10 |
zkriesse | down as there is no way to recover it if lost thereby making the key useless/invalid. After you're done click create and it will generate | 17:10 |
zkriesse | the key. Now to push it to the keyserver and then to Launchpad!!! | 17:10 |
zkriesse | And I stress, severely stress: SAVE OR WRITE THAT PASSKEY DOWN! | 17:11 |
zkriesse | As there is no way at all to recover it if lost | 17:11 |
zkriesse | Unless you remember it... | 17:11 |
zkriesse | It will take either a few seconds or a few minutes for the key to generate depending upon the key strength you chose | 17:12 |
zkriesse | So any questions before I move on to the next section? | 17:12 |
zkriesse | If I'm moving too fast just feel free to stop me in #ubuntu-classroom-chat | 17:13 |
ClassBot | JoeMaverickSett asked: if we reinstalled the whole OS, there is no way to recover the PGP, am i right? | 17:13 |
zkriesse | No there is no way to recover the key UNLESS you previously saved it off to an external drive, USB Flash drive or something to that effect...but to what end I'm not entirely certain at this time | 17:14 |
zkriesse | Ok so now that you've made your key what we need to do now is push it to the keyserver. | 17:14 |
zkriesse | To do that we're going to use the Terminal. The Terminal can be found by going to | 17:14 |
zkriesse | Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal. Open that and then type in the following without | 17:14 |
zkriesse | quotes. " gpg --list-keys " If it's successful it should display something similar to | 17:14 |
zkriesse | "/home/zach/.gnupg/pubrin.gpg | 17:14 |
zkriesse | ---------------------------- | 17:14 |
zkriesse | pub 1024D/12345678 2010-08-25 | 17:14 |
zkriesse | uid Zach Kriesse (My Test GPG Key) <test@zachkriessetest.com> | 17:14 |
zkriesse | sub 2048/9ABCDEF1 2010-08-25" | 17:15 |
zkriesse | Make a note of the public id which in this case is "1024D/12345678" Specifically the last | 17:15 |
zkriesse | part "12345678" Now because Launchpad doesn't automatically store your key(s) we have | 17:15 |
zkriesse | to add them to the keyserver. To do that we run the following in the Terminal " gpg --send- | 17:15 |
zkriesse | keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 12345678 " The 12345678 being your own public | 17:15 |
zkriesse | key ID. If its successful it should display som | 17:15 |
ClassBot | kosaidpo asked: and how we can save the key to another support? | 17:18 |
zkriesse | For saving a key off somewhere else I'd look into this http://www.gnupg.org/documentation/faqs.en.html | 17:18 |
zkriesse | It has just about any answer on that as I'm not ENTIRELY positive if you can or can't. I don't want to say yes or no for fear of misleading you guys! | 17:19 |
zkriesse | Ok so after you get your public ID via " gpg --list-keys " and you import it there should be this being displayed to you If its successful it should display something similar to "gpg: sending key 12345678 | 17:20 |
zkriesse | to hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com" | 17:20 |
zkriesse | Ok everyone doing ok so far/following along easy? | 17:21 |
zkriesse | Everyone ok then? | 17:22 |
zkriesse | Ok....moving on | 17:22 |
zkriesse | Ok so now that we've added our key(s) to the Ubuntu Keyserver we now need to import it | 17:22 |
zkriesse | into Launchpad. This part is pretty easy and fairly quick. Ok so for Launchpad to know that | 17:22 |
zkriesse | the key you just imported is actually yours and belongs to you it needs it's personal | 17:22 |
zkriesse | fingerprint. Much like your own fingerprint it's the unique identifier for that specific key and | 17:22 |
zkriesse | it alone. Ok so open up your terminal....yes again you gotta open just one more time! | 17:22 |
zkriesse | Come on you can do it! Ok, in your terminal type " gpg --fingerprint " It should output | 17:22 |
zkriesse | something akin to, " pub 3584R/12345678 2010-08-06 | 17:22 |
zkriesse | Key fingerprint = 3D5A 45BC D847 2509 59RT 29TQ 3214 1234 ABCD EFGH | 17:22 |
zkriesse | uid | 17:22 |
zkriesse | Billy Bob (My test key for the session...it may be deleted after this is over.) | 17:22 |
zkriesse | <email@mail.com> | 17:22 |
zkriesse | sub 3584R/123456FG 2010-08-06 " What you'll need is the Key fingerprint. Copy that and | 17:23 |
zkriesse | then go to your Your GPG Key Page and paste your Key's fingerprint into the fingerprint | 17:23 |
zkriesse | text box and then click import. | 17:23 |
zkriesse | In the example above the Key's "Fingerprint" is 3D5A 45BC D847 2509 59RT 29TQ 3214 1234 ABCD EFGH | 17:23 |
zkriesse | You will of course replace that with your own | 17:23 |
zkriesse | And for those who are having a bit of trouble with this do not worry. After I finish giving the session itself I will be sticking around to answer any questions you have until the hour is up | 17:24 |
zkriesse | And what I mean by You GPG Key page i mean this page https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editpgpkeys | 17:25 |
ClassBot | kosaidpo asked: where i can find that gpg page ?? on launchpad ? i dont see it | 17:27 |
zkriesse | https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editpgpkeys is the page you will need | 17:27 |
zkriesse | Just drop the Key fingerprint into the Text Entry box which is labeled "Fingerprint" | 17:28 |
zkriesse | After that you'll get a message stating that an email has | 17:28 |
zkriesse | been sent. You'll have to decode this email with the Passphrase you gave for the key back | 17:28 |
zkriesse | in the first part of this session. NOTE: If the key fingerprint reports an error stating that the | 17:28 |
zkriesse | key is either invalid or not acceptable don't worry. All you'll have to do is type it in manually. | 17:28 |
zkriesse | Make sure to put only ONE space between each set of the letters/numbers. Now for the | 17:28 |
zkriesse | email part. | 17:28 |
zkriesse | Everyone with me so far? | 17:30 |
kosaidpo | yes | 17:30 |
zkriesse | Get the key imported? | 17:31 |
ClassBot | kosaidpo asked: what to do with that mail now ? | 17:31 |
zkriesse | Ok if you've got your email it's going to look a little, jumbled up | 17:31 |
zkriesse | Which means it's encrypted with your key! | 17:32 |
zkriesse | Now that in itself has gotta be a cool feeling. You have just encrypted your very own email | 17:32 |
zkriesse | Ok so to decrypt your email copy the part that starts with " -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- " and | 17:32 |
zkriesse | ends with " -----END PGP MESSAGE----- " and save it to your desktop as a .txt file. | 17:32 |
zkriesse | Make sure that you only copy the part that starts with " -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- " and | 17:33 |
zkriesse | <zkriesse> ends with " -----END PGP MESSAGE----- " | 17:33 |
zkriesse | After you've saved the file off to your desktop as a .txt file | 17:34 |
zkriesse | Open up that terminal again | 17:34 |
zkriesse | In the terminal type WITHOUT QUOTES: " cd ~/Desktop " | 17:35 |
zkriesse | What that will do is change the direction to your desktop where that .txt file should now reside | 17:35 |
zkriesse | Then type " gpg --decrypt | 17:35 |
zkriesse | file.txt " File being the name of the file itself. After typing that you will be required to type in your passkey for the PGP/GPG | 17:35 |
zkriesse | key and then hit enter. The message should now be decrypted and at the bottom of the message there will be a link. Click | 17:35 |
zkriesse | that, choose confirm on the Launchpad page which is displayed and your key is now imported! | 17:35 |
zkriesse | For the --decrypt file.txt make sure to replace "file" with the name you gave the .txt file | 17:36 |
zkriesse | After you type that all in hit enter and you will be required to type in the passkey you gave the key back in step 1/2 | 17:37 |
zkriesse | After that your email should be decrypted and you should have actual understandable text with links in there | 17:38 |
zkriesse | The one you want is at the bottom. It'll say something like, "Click this link to verify your key" or something to that affect | 17:38 |
zkriesse | OK! | 17:39 |
zkriesse | That's it! | 17:39 |
zkriesse | You have just made your very own GPG Key | 17:40 |
zkriesse | Now that I'm done giving the session itself I'm going to stay for the last 20 minutes of the session and answer any questions/problems you might have | 17:40 |
ClassBot | There are are 10 minutes remaining in the current session. | 17:50 |
ClassBot | There are are 5 minutes remaining in the current session. | 17:55 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi | ||
Kljaver | ohh | 18:08 |
zkriesse | Kljaver: ? | 18:08 |
Kljaver | i want to learn Packaging | 18:08 |
Kljaver | i missed package training | 18:09 |
zkriesse | :( | 18:09 |
Kljaver | what training will be next? | 19:47 |
pleia2 | Kljaver: we don't have anything on the schedule right now | 20:01 |
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