
nigelbpaultag: no problem :)03:26
czajkowskiGood Morning :)10:28
duanedesigngood morning10:34
* nigelb waves to cz10:40
nigelbgah, czajkowski10:40
nigelbmorning duanedesign, rather frightfully early today ?10:40
duanedesignnigelb:  not to bad10:55
duanedesign5 am10:55
czajkowskiwhy so early10:55
duanedesigni just like to get up early.10:56
Pendulumnigelb: only 90%?13:25
nigelbPendulum: yeah.  I need to go submit it.13:26
Pendulumso it's all the stuff you can do now13:26
nigelb(a) I got lazy today. (b) Every time I stepped out, it started raining.13:26
nigelbOnce I submit it, it takes like 2 weeks13:26
nigelbI'll probably take a day off on tuesday to do it.13:27
nigelbI wonder which blog popey was talking about18:57
highvoltagenigelb: what did he say?18:58
highvoltageah, *that* one18:58
nigelbwhen he said "he'd rather gouge his eyes out with a rusty spoon"18:58
czajkowskiI see he removed his post/copy of it from planet Ubuntu18:58
highvoltageyeah that's been all over the ubuntu twitter/dentisphere this morning18:58
popeyhe pasted it to the planet!?18:59
czajkowskiit's been removed about an hour now or so18:59
czajkowskipossibly two seeing as I've been away actually18:59
czajkowskiNot really what I'd expect to read on the planet tbh18:59
czajkowskihttp://humphreybc.wordpress.com/2010/08/08/dude-youre-a-35-year-old-with-a-neck-beard/ was on the planet19:00
* nigelb votes blacklisting19:03
* vish silently removes nigelb vote ;p20:10
vishpopey: topyli's comment was nice and to the point! :)20:12
pleia2popey: thanks for updating the sounder description :)20:16
pleia2that list makes me facepalm frequently, but somehow the pedanticism of some of the members has kinda grown on me, they're such characters20:17
czajkowskigreat commen from zooko http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/08/dude-youre-35-year-old-with-neck-beard.html#comment-6701753821:00
paultagOh wtf21:13
paultagI'm a 21 year old with a neck-beard21:13
paultaghaters gana hate21:13
* AlanBell is now a little bit tempted to grow a neck beard21:15
czajkowskiakgraner: clearly women dont count in his books we don't have beards21:16
paultagdo it! :)21:16
AlanBellpaultag: I am 35 too21:17
paultagOh man!21:17
paultagthat's perfect AlanBell!21:17
AlanBellsometimes I want to help Ben to be a better person, other times I just want to rip his arms off and slap him about with the soggy ends21:18
czajkowskiAlanBell: see that;s the dad in you21:18
czajkowskihelp a boy grow21:18
czajkowskinot all boys grow up21:18
* czajkowski mutters21:18
* paultag waves21:19
AlanBellhttp://twitter.com/humphreybc definitely leaning towards the arms option at the moment21:20
* cjohnston cant grow a beard21:44
AlanBellI think everyone who can should turn up to UDS with a neck beard21:45
cjohnstonI could try for that21:45
paultagOh! And get a picture of Ben as Che on an acid wash T21:46
AlanBellneck wigs could be provided for the genetically neck-hair challenged21:46
cjohnstonI found out yesterday I'm on call for a trial the entire week of UDS21:46
cjohnstonand not jury duty.. to testify21:46
cjohnstonI'm gonna try to get outta it since im on vacation21:47
cjohnstonand its for work21:47
vishheh , upstreams are pissed at that post!22:08
AlanBellnot surprised22:08
jcastroI have a neckbeard!22:08
jcastrotbh the post was tl;dr for me22:08
vishnow that was removed from the planet they are questioning " i didn't see the post removed that called us (gnome icon theme maitainers) idiots "22:09
AlanBellvish: where?22:09
vishhad to mention the OMG and planet are on same22:09
jcastrovish: ah, slippery slope22:10
jcastrodidn't he have some interview where he mentioned macking on ladies or something?22:10
AlanBellyup, that was last week22:10
vishjcastro: yeah , that line was removed22:10
czajkowskijcastro: tl;dr ?22:11
vishAlanBell: the gnome icons post was one of an earlier post on OMG , iirc that was joey22:11
jcastroczajkowski: "too long; didn't read"22:11
czajkowskijcastro: ahh:) thank you22:11
jcastroI think part of ben's problem is that he's full of hopes and dreams.22:11
jcastroHe hasn't been using linux long enough to be a beaten down piece of pulp22:12
czajkowskijcastro: It's not even that, he just is young immature and lacks cop on and respect, that post insults Many many people22:12
AlanBelljcastro: he also has another 15 years to grow a neckbeard22:12
jcastroI don't think he'll ever grow a neckbeard22:13
jcastroyou can tell22:13
AlanBellI can see that post as being rather damaging in terms of perception of Ubuntu by upstreams22:14
jcastrois omg!ubuntu on an ubuntu.com domain?22:15
AlanBellit is omgubuntu.co.uk22:15
jcastroso like, why is ubuntu in the name? etc.22:16
AlanBellgood question22:16
czajkowskiits a fan base for Ubuntu, but not really much fo a fan when it posts shite like that22:16
vishand some supporting such posts :s22:17
AlanBellczajkowski: it is an add supported publication, they are making money from it22:17
czajkowskithats even worse then :(22:17
vishAlanBell: really? there was a comment from someone among them that he is not doing it for profit22:18
jcastroright, so like would we care if it was softpedia or webupd8 or some other site without "ubuntu" in the name?22:18
czajkowskimeh we can all give out about out, we all dont like it, chances of his apologising are slim and none.  whats the point.22:18
AlanBelltbh I am not that bothered about OMGUbuntu as a concept, they are learning journalism on the job, slowly, and they do put out some good articles22:18
jcastrobesides, if you want more news on ubuntu you can always read plaanet fedora!22:19
czajkowskijcastro: for me, i see it as an Ubuntu member slagging off the majority of people who have developed and worked on Ubuntu and open source in rather poor taste22:19
AlanBellBen has noticed that he gets rewarded with more readers and comments and probably add views when he posts that kind of article22:19
jcastroczajkowski: so say something!22:19
jcastrowell, not to me22:19
jcastrobut then it will just cause more pain22:20
AlanBellI am more concerned about it being on planet.ubuntu.com as an Ubuntu member and representing the project22:20
jcastroso you don't22:20
jcastro(I do this all the time)22:20
jcastroAlanBell: that is a good point22:20
czajkowskijcastro: I don't get you?22:20
jcastroczajkowski: like, you could respond with something22:20
czajkowskiAlanBell: he removed it within an hr of it being on the planet22:20
jcastrobut then there would be a retort22:20
jcastroand then other people would retort22:20
jcastroand then it would be even worse22:20
czajkowskijcastro: I've tried in the past to reason with ben and it didn't happen so I just gave up22:21
AlanBellyeah, that is the "don't feed the trolls" thing22:21
jcastroczajkowski: right, so you just put him in the "done with that pile" and move on22:21
czajkowskiI didn't blog it, I spoke to him in pm and meh.  exactly move on build a bridge and get over it :)22:21
AlanBellczajkowski: doesn't matter so much that he removed it from the planet, he is an Ubuntu member either way22:21
czajkowskiI think the person zooko wrote the bext reply on the comments with the dear Ben  I am a 35....22:24
jcastroI am 35!22:24
AlanBellso when he says on twitter about Maia Kozheva "Yeah, seriously, you should find her blog post. I just want to tell her to fuck off." I think that is kinda unacceptable22:25
czajkowskiyou can grow a beard :)22:25
czajkowskisilverfox wrote a detailed bug report over the fonts wasn't it22:26
jcastroI don't see why he's upset about that bug22:26
czajkowskihe's not22:27
czajkowskishe is22:27
czajkowskihe's upset she filed the bug22:27
jcastroI don't see why he would care, the bug was worth it just so mark can explain why the font is what it is22:28
jcastro(I posted the same kind of thing on her blog)22:28
jcastrohmm, so hey22:30
jcastrothe dell store started selling desktops again22:30
jcastroand I priced one for about $1000 USD22:30
czajkowskifeck ye over in USa ye can get them!22:30
jcastrotoday I find the same one in a store22:30
jcastrowith higher specs22:30
* czajkowski can only get a mini over here 22:30
jcastrofor 799, with windows 7!22:30
jcastroso I ask if they have the 7100n in stock, of course they've never heard of it22:31
czajkowskithough I think the next laptop I get will be a system 76 shipped to mate in Canada - pending I get a job of course22:31
jcastroso basically, if I buy from their online store I am out the 500gb and 2gb that's in the store model + no ubuntu ootb22:32
jcastro(disk and ram spec, respectively)22:32
AlanBellat least they will let you buy it22:33
jcastrogood point22:33
AlanBelldid you see my conversation with them in the UK?22:34
czajkowskiAlanBell: hey at least you didn't have to give them a geography lesson, she tried to tell me I was in the UK22:35
AlanBellnow they only sell them over the phone, one of the guys in the UK loco phoned them up and got basically the same "you must buy windows" that I got online22:35
czajkowskiI really wish other manufacturers sold with Ubuntu on them22:35
AlanBellczajkowski you are proper foreign22:35
jcastroam I proper rebel then?22:38
czajkowskiAlanBell: I'm a mixutre alright :)22:39
AlanBellbedtime reading czajkowski http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy22:40
czajkowskiI've not broken any..22:40
IdleOnejcastro: with a name like yours claiming to be a rebel is a capital offence in some countries :)22:41
highvoltageczajkowski: ireland isn't part of the UK?22:41
jcastroIdleOne: yeah!22:41
Pendulumhighvoltage: ooh. treading on dangerous ground there22:41
* highvoltage backs off22:41
* IdleOne grabs popcorn and watches czajkowski rip highvoltage a new one22:41
czajkowskihighvoltage: I'm one of the few folks who don't mind it.  I'm half English being born over there and dad is English, in fact he calls me a turn coat as I gave up british passport 12 years ago.22:42
* czajkowski kicks highvoltage just the same 22:43
czajkowskihighvoltage: you can chair the next two emea board meeting just for that22:43
highvoltageouch :)22:43

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