
=== daker_ is now known as daker
jenkinshmm quickshot needs a much better debian rules file19:06
* jenkins adds it to the list19:06
dutchieisn't quickshot a quickly app?19:06
jenkinsyea but the rules file is BAD19:07
dutchiewhat's wrong with it?19:07
jenkinsthe one for quickshot does not have any of the build clean , build and install stuff . I have never needed to look at it untill now19:16
jenkinshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/474619/ is quickshots one19:17
dutchieit is up on LP19:18
dutchiedoes it not work in some way? because that would probably be a CDBS bug...19:18
jenkinsit does work but I need to get it to add the apport stuff correctly19:20
jenkinsbe back later dinner time19:20
dakeranyone using the LoCo Directory API ?19:33
* jenkins has had some nice food19:55
dutchiethat was quite an email to write20:27
dakerdutchie, interested ? http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/canonical_LPSWD/20:28
dutchienot really the right time for me to apply for a job now20:29
dutchieand I don't have "extensive experience" of anything really :(20:29
* daker really need to take a look at Zope20:31
thorwildutchie: well written20:38
dutchiethorwil: thank you20:39
dutchiei think we needed that20:39
* daker need to check his emails20:39
dutchiethorwil: i like your thinking about the sound menu, too20:40
thorwilheh, ty20:40
thorwilunfortunately no reactions on the ayatana list20:40
* dutchie goes to write up his agenda on the wiki20:41
dakerthe LP guys should rethink about the homepage20:43
thorwilthe project should not try again to bring out a 2nd edition20:46
jenkinsdutchie: I am glad you wrote the e-mail I have not read it all yet. I wrote one to ben about the same topic and had no reply20:46
thorwiljenkins: i guess his inbox is rather full, these days :}20:47
jenkinsthis is how I am finding it at the moment "I'm starting to come up to a pretty busy set of20:47
jenkinsholidays with dubious internet access, "20:47
jenkinsdutchie: yea, I can't write this release as I am way to busy but I am happy to help people out etc and do my usual latex where i can20:48
dutchieyeah, good point thorwil20:48
dutchieif anyone sees humphreybc anywhere, give him a good poke20:48
jenkinswill do20:48
jenkinsI think we need to get lucid -e2 and merge the updates to it with mavrick and get some people to make the changes for lucid20:49
vishdutchie: nice!20:50
jenkinswe are way behind on the planned schedule. I think what has not helped is the core team has found that they have suddenly got other things to do. I start my placement/job a week on monday and so will have even less time20:50
jenkinshey vish20:50
dakerdutchie, 1500 UTC ? in GMT pls20:50
vishdutchie: "spending more time writing controversial blog posts" :D20:50
dutchiedaker: UTC == GMT20:50
vishjenkins: heya20:51
jenkinsvish lol i saw that bit and laughed20:51
jenkinsvish what do you think of "Quickshot is a program designed for capturing a large number of screenshots in different languages. It is principally designed for use with the Ubuntu Manual Project, but should be able to be tweaked for different projects and uses." as the quickshot package description20:51
jenkinsthats our current one20:51
dutchiei think popey summed it up quite well: http://twitter.com/popey/status/2056411196420:51
jenkinslol at popey20:52
dakerdutchie, you forgot a item20:52
vishdutchie: i like topyli's reply , he really called out hbc' bluff20:52
dutchiedaker: oh?20:52
vishdutchie: see hbc' own site for toplyi's reply20:52
dutchiedaker: feel free to add to the agenda on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/Meetings20:52
dutchiewtf even is a "neck beard" anyway?20:53
dutchiesome kiwi-ism20:53
thorwiljenkins: get the "designed for" out. it "is" ;)20:54
vishjenkins: let me pastebin a description20:54
jenkinsthanks vish, I am right in thinking you are working on this stuff in ubuntu right? I know there is a massive drive to make them less techy20:55
dutchiewasn't it vish's idea initially?20:56
jenkinscool, I could not be 100% sure I read the e-mails a while ago20:56
vishjenkins: quickshot takes screenshot of specified applications or just about anything in general?20:58
jenkinsapplications or desktop depending on what is chossen by the project who wants them taken. There is no way for the user to set it20:58
jenkinsthe next release will support any project who wants to use it21:00
dakerdutchie, agenda updated21:02
dutchiedaker: thanks21:02
vishjenkins: cool , but now how will user use it from next release? as a user all one would need to do is just download it and run it and it takes shots in that language?21:03
jenkinsvish: yep thats all the user needs to do21:04
vishjenkins: you said any project can use it right , who sets this up?21:04
jenkinsthe project leaders set up the requirements on the server.21:05
vishjenkins:  just a bit confused since this is not exactly similar to other applications21:05
dutchiehow hardcoded is the server?21:05
vishjenkins: if someone else is setting it up , where do they download it from?21:06
jenkinsdutchie: not sure flan is doing all that21:06
dakersee y21:06
vishthey as in everyone other than project leader ;)21:07
jenkinsvish: err our website. we have not got that far as this will be the first time the server will be released. quickshot gui will be in a ppa21:07
vishjenkins: so this is basically now gonna be an app directed at project leaders , so that they can set it up and re-distribute it?21:08
jenkinsnope, the app allows the user to take the screenshots. all the set up will be done online in the server set up21:09
thorwilgood night!21:09
jenkinsmake sense?21:09
vishjenkins: sorta, now the user would have to select the project they want and those settings are used?21:10
jenkinsyes , should have said that the user does choose they project they want and the settings are all called automaticlally21:10
dutchiea similar sort of setup to jono's lernid app21:11
vishjenkins: righto , now i dont see why the app is targeted at users , since a user would not be able to control anything... but it seems to be more something a project manager should be looking for21:12
vishso that raises the bar for a description ..21:13
vishjenkins: once the manager sets it up , he just has send it out to his members with steps to use it21:14
vishjenkins: am i right?21:14
jenkinswell the user still has to click a menu to display it if thats what is required of the screenshot. the user may have to set up a new user account if the project requires it.21:14
jenkinsyour right21:14
jenkinsbut the instructions should be, install quickshot and choose our project21:14
jenkinsthen follow it21:15
jenkinsit = quickshot21:15
* jenkins wonders if vish is writing and essay :P21:17
vishjenkins: cool , this is an advanced tool tbh. and not something which a novice user should/will look for.  if the description is on the website it needs to be more about its features and directed towards project managers.. hence my confusion why you want to keep it simple21:19
jenkinso right i see, i was just wanting to check if the description was ok. We would like people to go "I have a spare few minutes I will do some ubuntu stuff, I know I will do some screenshots with quickshot"21:20
vishah , so that is your target audience!21:22
jenkinsI am not very good at explaining things :?21:23
* jenkins shouts at quickshot in the hope it will work21:24
jenkinsthanks vish :)21:30
* jenkins mentally fell asleep21:30
vishjenkins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/474654/  how does this sound?21:36
visherr , should have been "multi-lingual"21:37
dutchiehi there nisshh21:39
nisshhdutchie: hey21:39
nisshhkeep hitting ctrl+d in the terminal21:40
dutchiei do that21:40
nisshhannoys the crap out of me21:40
dutchiei go to press ctrl-w to delete the last word, catch the shift key, and ctrl-shift-w closes the terminal window21:40
nisshhdutchie: have you ever tried a tiling window manager?21:41
godbykI keep hitting Ctrl+L when I think my browser has focus and it ends up clearing my xchat or terminal windows because they still have focus.21:41
nisshhwhich ones?21:41
godbykWhere's my focus-follows-gaze option?21:41
jenkinsthanks vish thats great !21:41
dutchieanother one21:41
vishjenkins: np..21:42
nisshhawesome is not bad21:42
dutchiei find that terminator is close enough to a tiling wm without being insan21:42
godbykOoh, Ctrl+W bites me all the time. I use it in vim to delete a word.  It doesn't do that when I'm composing an email with gmail.21:42
nisshhiv tried awesome wmii ratpoison xmonad dwm, and a few more21:42
dutchiei do that in web forms too :)21:42
dutchiethat's the other one21:42
nisshhcurrently using wmii21:43
jenkinsso vish one down how many to go?21:43
nisshhwmii <- best one21:43
nisshhvish: what are you doing?21:43
vishjenkins: lol! there are so many bugs , would like more help there ;)21:43
vishnisshh: cleaning up app description :)21:44
nisshhvish: ah21:44
jenkinsvish: well I will add it to the list of things to help with, but I am quite busy atm21:44
* nisshh is currently reading a very very long extensive ubuntu rant21:44
dutchieoh no, not *that* one21:45
vishnisshh: stop now and dont wast your time ;)21:45
dutchieanyone who mentions it is getting kicked ;)21:45
nisshhwhich one?21:45
jenkinslol mentions what?21:45
dutchie*that* blog post21:45
jenkinswhich one dutchie :P21:45
vishnisshh: dont read the rant! there can be only one!21:46
nisshhwhcih frigging one?21:46
vish*he who shall not be named!*21:46
vish</potter reference>21:46
nisshhi know the one you mean21:47
nisshhbens one21:47
nisshhon omg21:47
nisshhi was reading that one21:47
nisshhvish: no, i was kidding, i was reading this one -> http://izanbardprince.wordpress.com/2010/08/05/is-ubuntu-becoming-more-of-a-pain-to-set-up-than-windows/21:48
nisshhand yes21:49
nisshhi agree with it21:49
vishoooh! yay rants!21:49
nisshhits one of the most sensible rants iv ever seen21:51
jenkinspopey must have seen the word rant and left to take his eyes out21:53
dutchie"Deleting useful programs to make way for more Mono" # wow21:54
dutchief-spot isn't even in the install any more...21:55
nisshhdutchie: its a bit dated, since fspot is being removed21:55
nisshhone thing i agree with is the fact that Ubuntu is trying to be linux but at the same time, trying to be windows21:56
jenkinsgodbyk: / dutchie what was with that translation import this morning?21:57
dutchiei don't even know any more21:57
nisshhjenkins: the settings got changed21:57
dutchieactually, i never knew21:57
jenkinsnisshh: what settings?21:58
nisshhjenkins: dutchie it was you who changed them silly :)21:58
nisshhjenkins: the translations settings21:58
dutchieshouldn't have caused an import thoug21:58
nisshhdpm came in here a while ago/last night and requested they be changed21:58
nisshhso dutchie did it21:58
jenkinswhat was changed out of interest?21:59
nisshhdutchie: i thought thats what it did21:59
* nisshh shrugs21:59
dutchiejenkins: disabling the auto-import21:59
nisshhsomething about having to do translations manually21:59
godbykyeah, you enabled auto-import, so it, well, automatically imported the template.21:59
jenkinsi thought auto-import  was disabled? and thats how we wanted it21:59
godbykthat's why it was disabled in the first place. :)21:59
dutchiei changed the auto import from pot+po to just pot22:00
jenkinsok so that means ...22:00
jenkinsI have no clue what the pot does apart from when it is used for a plant :)22:01
dutchiepot is the template for translation22:01
godbykthe pot file is what provides the list of strings that need to be translated.22:01
jenkinsrigth and assumably the minimum needed to translate in launchpad?22:02
godbykmy stance on all this translation stuff is that I prefer to have all the automatic stuff disabled because it does things that frighten and confuse me.  I only want the translations to be affected when someone makes a conscious decision to do so.22:02
godbykyeah, so launchpad reads the pot file and uses that to present the list of strings to the translators.22:03
godbykif you change the pot file, then the strings for the translators change, too.22:03
jenkinsI agree with godbyk that way we know when and why it happens. also anyone can change the pot file22:03
godbykyeah, since anyone can commit to the bzr repository, anyone can change the pot file at any time.22:04
jenkinsdutchie: which page do you change all this? for reference22:04
godbyksomeone could be evil and change all the strings in the pot file and force a LOT of extra work on the translators.22:04
dutchiejenkins: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1/+translations-settings22:04
jenkinsbut who has the authority to do the import our sleves?22:05
jenkinsthanks dutchie as that is lucid-e1 can it not be set to none?22:05
dutchiesuppose so22:06
godbykI would set e1, e2, maverick, all of 'em to 'none' for now.22:06
* jenkins does his first quickshot commit in a month22:07
jenkinsI have just been so busy22:07
jenkinsright I have to go an pick up my sister, talk tomorrow o/22:08
jenkinsnight all22:09
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj

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