
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from graffy)00:26
ilovefairuzso Hoober has been trolling #ubuntu and -offtopic for two days now02:44
IdleOneWhat is the policy if a user trolls in a #ubuntu-* channel with porn but has not broken any rules in a different ubuntu channel?03:14
FlannelIdleOne: Hmm?03:14
IdleOneFlannel: the user is in #ubuntu right now and pasted a link of a nude man with his nick name at the bottom03:15
macoFlannel: hoober's got meatpuppets or maybe just alternate machines03:15
IdleOneFlannel: basically I want to know if I can ban him from #ubuntu for what he did in the other channel03:16
macoIdleOne: policy says no03:16
macono preemptive banning in core channels03:16
macoalso, if that was a pic of him....dang.... why would he show people that?03:17
IdleOneprobably wasn't03:17
macoFlannel: why is hoober saying my name in -ot?03:20
Flannelmaco: That happened a while ago, and that's why I asked03:20
IdleOneI'll take my lumps for pre-emptive ban03:21
IdleOnetechnically that isn't really pre-emptive considering his nick is in the photo that was linked03:24
macobut since he didnt do anything in /that/ channel yet, its preemptive03:25
macoyou cant ban in one channel for what occurs in another03:25
IdleOnemaco: he did03:25
macohe did?03:25
IdleOneI banned one user for posting a link to a photo with his nick, this all started after he got banned for trolling and all of a sudden we are getting users posting links with his nick in it. no coincidence there03:26
macook im confused03:26
macowhat happened in #ubuntu?03:26
IdleOneit's all logged :)03:26
macoflannel explained03:27
macoi clearly missed it between here, u-w and -ot03:27
bazhangIdleOne, the ban was on Hoober before he did anything in #ubuntu ?04:44
macobazhang: hoober's on multiple nicks04:45
bazhangmaco, what was the one that got the pre-emptive one? Prosper?04:45
IdleOnebazhang: the ban was on MikePikachu for posting a link to porn which was previously posted by Hoober aka XIII in another channel04:46
macobazhang: one of his other nicks posted a nekkid photo in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-women that says "hoober" on it04:46
bazhangconfused how that is pre-emptive if he did it in #ubuntu04:46
IdleOneit wasn't pre-emptive in the sense he had not done anything.04:46
macobazhang: its not :)04:46
macoi just didnt see the #ubuntu badness, only the #ubuntu ban04:46
IdleOnethe nick Hoober had not posted anything04:47
bazhangokay then. also RWW has ops in -women?04:47
IdleOnebut his clones did04:47
macoand got confused04:47
macohence "flannel explained"04:47
IdleOnebazhang: he does04:47
bazhangwow scary04:47
macorww has had ops there for a while04:47
IdleOneI posted the comment for rww because he does not have a bt login04:47
macoits IdleOne that just gained +o there today04:47
bazhangthat is like me having it in -ot04:47
* IdleOne hugs maco04:47
IdleOnerww is a pretty cool dude and is active in -women04:48
bazhangmight want to clear that up with an @comment IdleOne to erase the confusion04:48
IdleOnealso he wiggled my toes for me04:48
macodude, keep it in the bedroom....04:49
IdleOnebazhang: which ban am I commenting on?04:49
bazhangIdleOne, whoever the clone of Hoober was, from what I can gather04:49
bazhangmikelevel? someone else?04:50
bazhangah right04:50
bazhanglike #comment xyz posting cross-channel spam flood nsfw links etc etc04:50
bazhangerr @comment #channel etc etc04:51
bazhangwhy he's not already banned in -ot I have no idea (that Prosper soliloquy he posted was horrible)04:53
IdleOneadded comment to 2765004:56
IdleOnehope it clears it up some. in any case he is a bad bad seed.04:56
bazhangpeople love to misconstrue what is said here04:57
IdleOneThey can miscontrue, misconfalse, misspell, and missamerica all they want. Troll is troll and when I catch them they fly out.05:00
Flanneland world peace....05:01
bazhangubiwhore sufficiently offensive to remove?05:05
* maco wrinkles nose05:06
bazhangasked him in PM to change it, no response05:06
FlannelHe's only been around for five minutes, wait at least 1505:06
Flannelbazhang: He might be reading the IRC guidelines for all we know (one can only hope)05:07
bazhangFlannel, thanks05:07
IdleOnebazhang: I was just thinking we completely missed the joke Flannel made. A user joining #ubuntu and actually reading the topic and links in it. HA05:16
bazhangquieted, switched to a shell then got around it and nastiness (never responded via PM)05:31
bazhang<ryaxnb> wtf is acceptable language, bazhang05:39
Tm_Twhat where05:39
bazhangin -ot05:39
bazhangHoober pushing it there as well05:39
Flannelbazhang: with that last comment?  I don't see how.05:40
Flannel"last comment" being the poetry/whatever thing?05:42
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:48
IdleOneseems to me wtf is not acceptable05:48
Tm_Tit isn't05:48
FlannelIdleOne: Hoober didn't say "wtf" recently05:49
IdleOnehe should be banned from -ot05:49
bazhangryaxnb was debating it05:50
IdleOneryaxnb pushes it everyday05:50
FlannelIdleOne: For what?05:50
IdleOneFlannel: for being05:50
IdleOnebut I know we don't ban for that05:50
FlannelIdleOne: Yeah, or not.05:50
FlannelIdleOne: If you've got a vendetta, go get over it.05:50
IdleOneI don't05:50
IdleOnebut point taken05:50
macothere's a lot of tightrope walkers in -ot05:53
bazhanggetting creepy06:02
Flannelbazhang: Where?06:06
bazhangFlannel, hoober declaring his love for Cammy06:06
bazhangHoober, hi06:15
HooberI have an issue to report. I am disgusted with this community. The OS is great. Devs make stuff that is great and fun. but the people are and will be an insignificant factor in my everyday life and when using Ubuntu. Furthermore i pledge a life of virginity, despite having the ability to court any of the chicks on here. It isn't worth my effort, or the sorrow. i hate you. Plz take this report respectfully. maybe you can save06:17
Hoober the next user(s) the pain i have. from windows to now. all is pointless.06:17
bazhangHoober, this channel is to resolve bans and such issues06:18
bazhangHoober, you are not in #ubuntu , you realize06:19
Hooberpretty sure i was06:19
bazhangnope. forwarded here06:19
Hooberif i knew even one girl, i would kill myself infront of her. oh well06:20
bazhangHoober, you are banned in #ubuntu06:20
Hoobershame on you06:20
Hoobercan't you give me06:21
bazhangif you would like to resolve it, this is the place to do so06:21
Hoobersome sort of06:21
Hooberi want a premium ubuntu experience06:21
Hoobereven if your users lie to me06:21
Hooberthey can tell me lies, as long as they say they like me06:21
bazhangHoober, not sure what you mean, but this channel is to resolve bans and such issues06:22
Hooberi need to be unbanned from the ubuntu-women06:22
Hooberi want to tell them how much i want them to lie to me06:22
bazhangHoober, that would be resolved in #ubuntu-irc06:23
Hooberand pretend that they care. i want us both to know that they don't really,06:23
Hooberbut atleast plz lie to me06:23
Hoobersay you care06:23
bazhangHoober, your ban in #ubuntu could be resolved here, but not the one for #ubuntu-women06:24
Hooberi know for a fact none of you exist, and it is an in-alienable right that such algorithms be the explanation of why you exist06:24
bazhangHoober, if you wish to move forward on having the bans resolved, I suggest you stick to the matter at hand; I have no idea what you are talking about.06:25
Hooberi think you do know. we all know deep down that we must cover up our non-existence06:25
Hooberi can't be unbanned until they promise06:25
bazhangHoober, well since you seem not to want to discuss this sensibly, please /part the channel.06:26
Hooberi don't have gparted installed06:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:26
macoHoober: gparted has nothing to do with leaving06:27
bazhangHoober, no, not the partitioner.06:27
bazhangHoober, simply type /part06:27
Hoobermaco, you are not real. plz do not interrupt my death06:27
Hooberhow can type slash part if i am unsure of who i am06:27
Hooberi don't even know how to explain in terms where i exist06:28
bazhangwould someone please remove him from here? topyli Tm_T Pici ?06:28
Hoobermust i do /part sda106:28
Hooberyou cannot remove me06:28
Hooberyou are mirages06:28
Hooberghosts can't hurt each other06:28
Hooberplease let us be civil06:28
Hooberi recognize your usernames06:29
HooberAmaranth is someone i knew years ago06:29
Hooberit seems the system can't generate more random names06:29
Hoobermore proof none of this is happening06:29
Hooberwhat you seek cannot be found. nothing makes sense.06:31
Hooberhave you asked yourself, what you would do if there is nothing people need you for06:31
Tm_THoober: if you don't desire to discuss of your bans, please leave06:38
Hooberare you so foolish?06:39
Hooberall things are connected06:39
Hoobereverything i say is somehow related06:39
bazhangHoober, you are doing this in #ubuntu-offtopic ; here is not for that06:39
bazhang* [IKissAss] (~mtmzzz@bas1-richmondhill34-1176125973.dsl.bell.ca): mtm serial troll ban evader06:50
bazhangubottu, ban dodging07:05
bazhangubiman, you were ban dodging07:05
ubimanwhat do you mean by it07:05
bazhangubiman, you were told to come here, not change IP to rejoin #ubuntu (as you have done several times in the past)07:05
ubimani didnt change my ip07:06
bazhangsure you did07:06
ubimanok then what is my ip.i can check07:06
ubottumaco called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (language Hoober)07:09
ubimanbazhang:my ip is
ubimanididnt change it07:10
bazhangubiman, this time, yes07:10
bazhangbefore was not07:10
ubimanno iam 15 years old 9th standard student idont know to change my ip07:11
bazhangubiman, you did it in the past as well.07:11
ubimani think it was server complaint07:11
macoare there any -ot ops around?07:11
bazhangubiman, ok. well you dont want to be truthful, so no way to resolve this07:11
IdleOnefunkyHat ping07:12
IdleOneFlannel: ping -ot needs attention07:12
ubimanbazhang :ididnt..................07:12
ubimanplease i have many question to ask07:12
bazhangubiman, please come back when you wish to be honest about this.07:12
FlannelIdleOne: thankee07:12
bazhangubiman, no07:13
ubimanyes  iwill come back in 2 minutes07:13
ubimanyou must unban me07:13
maconot really07:13
bazhangubiman, no unban on demand.07:13
macothere's no "must" about it07:13
ubimanyou must un ban me........please07:14
bazhangubiman, you have done this with at least 5 or 6 other nicknames.07:14
bazhangubiman, and each time you promise it is the last time.07:14
Hooberi have urgent issue to discuss07:14
bazhangubiman, so no more chances until you stop the nonsense and be honest07:14
bazhangHoober, hang on for a moment please07:14
ubimanididnt change my ip i dont know .it may be a server complaint07:15
Hooberubiman, maybe i can help. are you a girl though?07:15
bazhangubiman, come back when you are ready to be honest, and not before07:15
macoHoober: will you stop trying to hit on every woman you see?07:15
IdleOneHoober: You have enough of your on problems to deal with07:16
Hoobermaco, will you stop not trying to be flirted with?07:16
Hooberok plz don't triple team07:16
bazhangTm_T, around?07:16
Hooberi do not know07:16
Hooberbazhang, plz leave if you don't wish to discuss a banning07:17
Hooberas we alll have to follow rules07:17
FlannelHoober: Howdy.  How can I help you today?07:17
bazhangmaco, IdleOne he has a point. let Tm_T remove him07:17
Hooberhey Flannel, there seems to be several bad events that have happened07:17
ubimanbazhang:i am a honest please take me to ubuntu channel07:17
ubimanbazhang:at which time i can join07:18
FlannelHoober: Which elements were those?07:18
HooberI woke up and minded my own business. i walk into the ubuntu-women planning to give a speech for them to support their causes, but i get tossed out for addressing them as momma bears07:18
ubimanhoober :can you help me07:18
bazhangubiman, you have been doing this since April at least.07:18
Hooberubiman: sure what is up07:18
macoubiman: hoober is not an op so cannot help get your ban lifted07:19
Hoobermaco may be right07:19
macoubiman: bans are also not time-based, so "at which time" is a moot question07:19
Hooberbut if i help you , i get unbanned07:19
ubimanhoober:tell bazhag ito lift the ban07:19
macoit doesnt work like that07:19
bazhangplease remove Hoober as he does not want to get his ban resolved.07:19
Hooberbazhang, attention07:19
FlannelHoober: #ubuntu-women bans aren't discussed here, but I'd be happy to discuss your #ubuntu-offtopic ban07:20
ubimanmaco:its not a moot............07:20
Hooberbazhang, ubiman only means the best for ubuntu. he has ubi in his name. he wears your colors, just give him some slack until he warms up07:21
HooberFlannel, yes . so what do i do to get unbanned07:21
FlannelHoober: Just sit tight for a little bit until ubiman is finished, then we'll discuss it.07:21
IdleOneFunny how your writen English improves from time to time.07:21
HooberIdleOne, wait your turn plz. ty07:22
bazhangubiman, your ban will not be lifted at this time.07:22
ubimanbazhang:please if i did anything wrong please forgive me07:22
ubimanbazhang:then at which time07:23
Hooberif it helps i can monitor ubiman for ya. make sure he stays out of trouble07:23
bazhangubiman, come back here in 48 hours and we can discuss.  do not change your IP and rejoin #ubuntu07:23
ubimanhoober:thanks you are correct07:23
FlannelHoober: Please just sit tight and don't say anything until he's finished, thanks.07:23
ubimanbazhang:ok ok thanks i love you07:24
bazhangubiman, please exit the channel now07:24
FlannelAlright, Hoober,07:25
FlannelHoober: Do you understand why you were banned from #ubuntu-offtopic?07:25
Hooberbecause Cammy, wanted to be my friend07:26
Hooberand that wasn't enoug hfor me07:26
HooberFlannel, this is a case of a broken heart07:27
FlannelHoober: that's not quite right.  But I think you know that.  Please come back when you're serious.07:27
FlannelHoober: In fact, don't come back for 72 hours.07:28
FlannelHoober: Have a nice day.07:28
Hooberhow many days07:28
FlannelHoober: Three days07:28
Hooberi am serious07:28
Hooberi tricked myself07:28
Hooberinto loving her07:28
Hoobereven though i had a chance and could of waited07:28
FlannelHoober: Alright.  You can come back in three days.07:28
Hooberit is my fault07:28
Hooberfine .sorry. the problem here is i am a ginger07:29
Hooberyou hate gingers07:29
Hooberwhoa Anjuta can do asm07:29
Hooberis it better than VIM?07:30
FlannelHoober: Please part this channel now, thanks.07:30
Hooberone moment and i will07:30
Hoobernot sure if you know but you can't force a shutdown like that while working with partitions07:31
Hooberhey wait07:31
Hooberbefore you ban me07:31
Hooberhow come my webcam doesn't work07:31
Hooberdoes it have to be for linux in its design07:31
Hooberi know it worked on windows07:31
FlannelHoober: This is not a support channel.  Have a nice day.07:32
macoim getting PMs now07:33
Hooberwhoa i am a hot gay adam's apple, eating frenchfries. gosh wtf pills  i need. my mind isn't performing how they do.07:37
IdleOneSo do we add 24 hours for every time he does that to his ban?07:37
bazhangthat would stretch to infinity, so no07:38
Hooberwhoa wussup07:38
Hooberhow come my webcam can't be found07:38
IdleOneThink I will keep a running tab just for giggles.07:38
bazhangHoober, still not a support channel07:39
Hooberso i am banned07:39
Hooberfrom ubuntu07:39
macoyes, you have been for a few hours07:39
bazhangHoober, you were asked to come here in 72 hours07:39
Hooberi thought i had ubuntu still safe07:39
macono that was the second channel you were banned from07:40
Hooberok going to ubuntu-irc then07:40
macoi thought it was women, u, ot07:40
bazhangah order07:40
bazhangthen yep07:40
Hooberhow come maco07:40
Hooberyou don't discuss with me07:40
Hooberi messaged you07:41
macoi didnt set the ban07:41
IdleOnebut from the behavior he has displayed in the past couple of hours in those 3 channels I don't see me removing the ban in #ubuntu before 72 hours07:41
Hooberwhat behavior07:41
Hooberif you can describe it i might be able to avoid07:41
FlannelHoober: Have a nice evening.07:41
IdleOneHoober: return in 72 hours and we can talk about it. until then please part this channel07:42
bazhangnow in -irc07:42
ubottubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu-irc (Hoober)07:51
ubottuHoober called the ops in #ubuntu-irc ()07:51
bazhangthat certainly merited a ban07:53
IdleOnebtw you have ops there also bazhang07:55
bazhangno I dont07:55
macobazhang: youre not a member?07:56
bazhangmaco, noppers07:56
IdleOnethat's why07:56
IdleOnewhy aren't you a member anyway?07:56
IdleOnedidn't you used to be07:56
bazhangnever was07:57
macoRMBs all meet in like 2 weeks07:57
IdleOnewhat you waiting for?07:57
bazhangserious trouble makers in #ubuntu07:59
bazhangperhaps a review of bshellz as it seems to be abused a fair bit of late08:01
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #kubuntu (Yoeschua)08:01
IdleOnenothing against shellium but why do we let the shellium admin idle here08:14
bazhangan issue with kwpolska08:14
ikoniaI believe that the shellium issue has now been resolvd10:00
ikoniaI think we need to look at !bug factoid10:50
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots10:50
ikoniathe wiki page doesn't exist10:50
ikoniathe guy who has 15 years linux experience has no idea what he's doing12:39
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
knomesome weird nicks @#x23:26

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