
manusheelkandarpk: Hi kandarp15:19
kandarpkmanusheel sir: Hello sir.15:19
manusheelkandarpk: Were you able to complete the dependencies part, yesterday?15:20
kandarpkmanusheel sir: sir, I tried installing glib from the tarball which broke the system15:20
kandarpkubuntu could not start in graphicla mode15:21
kandarpkhad to reinstall it today15:21
manusheelkandarpk: Ok. That was unfortunate.15:21
manusheelkandarpk: Let us write an e-mail on glib issues.15:22
manusheelkandarpk: Let us try and arrive at a good conclusion on it.15:23
kandarpkmanusheel sir: sir, I reloaded the package info. in synaptic and had libglib2.0 there15:23
manusheelkandarpk: Great.15:23
kandarpkinstalling it solved the problem15:23
manusheelkandarpk: Wonderful. So, now is there any other dependency left?15:23
kandarpkworking on installing sugar-jhbuild now15:23
manusheelkandarpk: Ok, as you install it, let us discuss the bugs too.15:24
kandarpkmanusheel sir: jhbuild is being installed and hasn't reported any yet15:24
manusheelkandarpk: Ok, no errors.15:24
manusheelkandarpk: Is it working fine?15:27
kandarpkmanusheel sir: cloning source right now, 12/30 done.15:27
manusheelkandarpk: Great.15:28
kandarpkmanusheel sir: it failed on 5th and 6th yesterday.15:28
kandarpkso going good right now.15:28
manusheelkandarpk: Happy to hear.15:30
manusheelkandarpk: Hope we arrive at a good conclusion on it.15:30
satellit_I have a question about a HD install of USR-i386-20100628.iso  (Ubuntu 10.04) It works fine but On boot  It cannot find a HD with a long number is error code; so it drops to a shell. I have to type "exit" and hit return to get boot to continue  is this a known error?15:50
satellit_I lost connection sorry15:56
manusheelsatellit__: Sorry. I don't have an answer to your question. Have forwarded your query to our experts in USR. They'll get back to you soon.16:16
manusheelsatellit__: Actually, none of our team members faced such an issue.16:17
manusheelsatellit_: satellit__: Sorry. I don't have an answer to your question. Have forwarded your query to our experts in USR. They'll get back to you soon. [20:47] <manusheel> satellit__: Actually, none of our team members faced such an issue.16:24
satellit_thanks. I see your web site is updated to new version of USR now....16:25
satellit_I will reinstall it (is it still ubuntu 10.04 LTS?16:26
satellit_manusheel: I used the USR for testing activities: http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/Soas_V4/ASLOxo_Activity_Test_Table#Activity_Test_Results  Updated today USR are in Bold16:28
manusheelsatellit_: Thanks for sharing this information.16:38
kandarpkhulahop gives http://paste.ubuntu.com/474568/ on building16:44
kandarpkmanusheel sir: sugar-jhbuild is running in maverick.17:17
manusheelkandarpk: Great.17:33
manusheelkandarp: What is the next task we are working on?17:40
kandarpkmanusheel sir: trying to package exelearning17:41
manusheelkandarpk: Great.17:41
manusheelkandarpk: Let us have a word on bugs at 10:45 pm.17:42
manusheelmukul: Hi Mukul.17:42
mukulmanusheel sir:Hi17:42
manusheelmukul: How is packaging process coming along?17:43
manusheelmukul: Talk to you soon. In the middle of a task.17:44
mukulmanusheel sir: I am currently trying to package TurtleArt-9317:44
kandarpkmanusheel sir: around ?18:02
kandarpkankur: Hi.18:03
ankurhi kandarpk18:03
ishanankur, sir could you please explain the order of files in copyright18:07
ankursee , what part was exactly not clear to , i mean can you frame your question more specifically?18:08
ishanankur, i was not able to understand the match part18:10
ishanankur, i was not able to understand the match part?18:10
ishanwhat exactly does it mean?18:10
ishanankur, what do you mean by file match,sub-directory match,explicit path match and /.debian match??18:12
mukulkandarpk, ankur sir: Can you help me resolve this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/474598/18:12
ankursee first we mention the * ruke18:13
ankurthat is files : *18:13
ankurthen we go on to mention18:13
ankursubdir using wildcards18:13
ankurlike ./sugar* or something like that18:13
mukulneeraj sir:Hi18:13
ankurcomes file match18:13
ankurmukul : looking18:14
ankurand so on18:14
neerajhi all :)18:14
ankurcan you decipher the direction i am trying to give?18:14
ishanankur, yes18:14
ishanankur, regarding the copyright sign- is that to be changed with any other symbol or just removed18:15
ankurremove it18:15
ankurbut make sure18:15
ankurthat " © " is replaced by " "18:15
ankurbot two spaces18:15
neerajEither you use Copyright symbol in all copyright or don't use it at all..18:16
neerajthat's what luke told me18:16
ankurNeeraj : joans asked to not use them ....18:17
kandarpkmukul: you'll need to edit changelog file18:17
ankurin his latest review18:17
kandarpkthe version there18:17
neerajmukul, yes18:17
neerajplease paste bin ur changlog file18:17
ishanankur, like i am making changes in the package so should i be updating the changelog18:18
neerajuse typewithme site18:18
ishanankur, okay18:18
kandarpkhi neeraj18:18
neerajhi kandarpk sir18:18
ankurmukul : add version no istead of VERSION18:19
neerajmukul: http://typewith.me/f1xAi8EakG18:20
mukulneeraj, ankur, kandarpk sir: How do I find its version no. ?18:26
kandarpkmukul: its 9318:26
kandarpkas mentioned in the tarball18:27
neerajmukul: can u give me the link of git repo for turtle art?18:28
mukulneeraj sir: git://git.sugarlabs.org/turtleart/mainline.git18:28
neerajmukul: thanks18:32
mukulneeraj sir:What do I do now?18:38
neerajmukul: have u edited other files as mentioned in documentation?18:39
mukulbut wherever there was PACKAGE_NAME,I wrote TurtleArt-9318:41
neerajreplace it with sugar-turtleart-activity18:41
neerajas in changelog18:41
neerajalso regenerate ur control file from control.in after making these changes18:41
ishanneeraj, could you help me in copyright file18:58
neerajishan, yes19:00
mukulneeraj sir: http://typewith.me/AZymQ7wqJm19:01
ishanneeraj, please check if order in copyright file is correct19:01
mukulneeraj sir: Please check the command at typewithme19:07
manusheelkandarpk: Hi Kandarp.19:08
kandarpkmanusheel sir: yes sir.19:08
manusheelneeraj: Hi Neeraj. Sorry, was working on USR plans for the coming week.19:08
manusheelneeraj: How are you doing?19:08
manusheelkandarpk: How is exelearning packaging on Debian coming along?19:09
kandarpkmanusheel sir: its almost done.19:09
kandarpkit requires firefox19:09
manusheelkandarpk: Great.19:09
kandarpkI am trying to run it without that19:09
manusheelkandarpk: Sure.19:10
neerajmanusheel sir, sorry couldn't pick your call at that time. Was away.19:10
kandarpkit shuldn't be browser dependent19:10
manusheelkandarpk: Neat work.19:10
manusheelneeraj: No worries. Did you get a chance to spend time on bugs?19:10
manusheelkandarpk: Absolutely.19:12
neerajmukul: let me know if u face ny problem19:12
manusheelishan: Yes, you mistakenly went out of the #ubuntu-sugarteam channel.19:15
ishanmanusheel, okay19:15
mukulneeraj sir: Please check typewith me19:15
ishanneeraj, have u looked into copyright file sir19:16
manusheelshachi__: Hi Shachi.19:16
shachi__hello sir19:16
neerajishan: sorry but could u re-post the link? I think I lost u.19:17
neerajmukul, let me forward u a mail19:17
shachi__neeraj sir, hello19:17
ishanneeraj, i think i somehow went out of irc19:18
neerajshachi__: hi19:18
manusheelshachi__: How is packaging of image viewer coming along?19:19
neerajishan: I think as Jonas was maintaining this activity you should not face ny problem with copyright file.19:19
ishanneeraj, jonas was not maintaining this activity sir19:20
ishani packaged it from scratch for debian19:20
shachi__manusheel sir,  i'm yet to start on it. I hadn't registered at alioth19:20
neerajishan: Sorry. I got confused. Jonas was maintaining  mukul's earlier activity :)19:21
manusheelshachi__: Ok, please do so today.19:21
ishanneeraj, yep19:21
shachi__manusheel sir, so i applied for the registered there, applied for membership at deban-olpc and collab-maint19:21
manusheelshachi__: The login issues got solved, right?19:21
neerajishan: git repo link of ur activity?19:21
shachi__manusheel sir,and just completed registering my ssh keys on it19:21
ishanneeraj, i just want to know if anything is wrong in my copyright file according to the jonas specifications19:22
neerajishan: first please give git link of ur repo. :)19:22
neerajon git.debian.org19:22
manusheelshachi__: Ok. Were you able to do it successfully?19:22
shachi__manusheel sir, yes sir..i had forgotten to suffix -guest to my username19:23
shachi__manusheel sir, yes19:23
manusheelshachi__: Ok. Glad it came along well. What are the next set of steps you are moving forward to/19:23
ishanneeraj, http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-moon-activity.git;a=summary19:23
neerajmukul: please create a new git local repo and try turtle activity19:24
mukulneeraj, ok sir19:24
shachi__manusheel sir, well..i just contacted dipankar sir. And he has asked me too go through the documentation and start off with the initial steps19:25
neerajmukul: check ur inbox. :)19:25
manusheelshachi__: The documentation on log viewer?19:25
shachi__manusheel sir, he's unwell so he was not able to come online today..so he would send me the debian folder tomorrow.19:26
* ishan is waiting19:26
manusheelshachi__: Yes, he informed me about it. Shachi, which debian folder?19:26
manusheelshachi__: I can share the documentation on packaging log viewer if you don't have it.19:27
ishanmanusheel, sir the debian folder which is added for making the debian package19:27
neerajishan: you should make changes in one file then commit it and push it on git19:27
ishanyes sir i know19:27
neerajyou shouldn't make changes in multiple files then push all changes. :)19:28
ishani am still making changes in copyright file only19:28
neerajishan: yeah. was just informing ;019:28
neerajishan: great :)19:28
manusheelishan: Can you share that debian folder with Shachi?19:28
ishanmanusheel, okay sir19:29
manusheelneeraj, ishan: Let us make sure that we comment on the wiki page after sending a review request (r?) on the tasks page. Moon activity is not there, and will need to be added. Please add it carefully.19:30
neerajishan: have u regenerated your copyrighthints file?19:30
ishanshachi__, neeraj sir already sent you the source ball19:30
neerajur copyright file seems ok to me19:30
ishanneeraj, i tried running that command but it didnt showed any comments yet19:31
manusheelishan: Yes, did you regenerate copyright hints file?19:31
neerajishan: which command did u run?19:31
ishanneeraj, the command added by ankur sir in his documentation to generate copyright hints19:32
neerajishan: i don't think I have it right now? Can u post it so that I can confirm?19:33
neerajthe prebuild one..19:33
ishanneeraj, yes sir19:34
ishanneeraj, DEB_MAINTAINER_MODE=1 fakeroot debian/rules pre-build mv copyright_newhints copyright_hints19:36
shachi__neeraj, there?19:38
neerajishan: ok19:39
neerajshachi__: yes19:39
neerajishan: you should commit ur copyright changes and push ur changes19:39
shachi__neeraj, sorry something went wrong19:39
ishanneeraj, okay sir19:39
neerajshachi__: np19:39
manusheelshachi__: Neeraj is already swamped. If you have any questions, you can ask kandarpk or ankur (at google chat).19:40
shachi__manusheel sir, oh ok. np.19:41
manusheelshachi__: Thanks for the kind understanding.19:41
mukulneeraj sir: Pleasee confirm whether these lines are correct on typewithme19:42
neerajishan: see line 31 in rules file19:42
neerajI think I made this typo in the initial_debian folder.19:42
neerajAfter pushing ur changes, correct this file19:42
neerajand commit ur changes with commit message, Corrected typo in debian/rules file19:43
ishanneeraj, first i should be making all changes and push the changes19:44
shachi__manusheel sir, they don't seem to be online right now.19:44
neerajIdeally u should make one change only and inform about the change in ur commit message19:44
ishanyes i did that19:45
ishani am asking about push part19:45
ishanmake change and commit19:45
ishanafter all changes done then push19:45
neerajmake change, commit and push19:45
ishanneeraj, okay19:46
neerajIdeally we want to infrom about ny change in commit message only19:46
neerajwe can't include information about all changes in a single message19:46
ishanneeraj, okay will take care from next time19:46
manusheelshachi__: I think Kandarp is there. Let me check.19:46
neerajfor more understanding u can see my changes and commit messages for record activity19:46
ishanneeraj, okay19:47
* ishan is bit confused19:47
shachi__manusheel sir, ankur sir just came online19:47
shachi__i'll ask him19:47
neerajishan: still confused?19:48
ishanneeraj, yes a bit regarding the commit and push part19:48
neerajmukul: any ques?19:48
mukulneeraj sir: i am proceeding ahead19:49
mukulneeraj sir: as for now no19:49
neerajmukul: great19:49
manusheelshachi__: Sure, please do.19:49
neerajishan: Change->commit->push->change-commit->push19:49
ishanneeraj, i got that point19:50
neerajishan: changes should be as small as possible so that u can informed about the change in commit message19:50
neerajishan: then where is the confusion?19:50
ishanneeraj, i cant describe it19:51
ishanit can only be shown19:51
neerajishan: hmm..19:51
neerajok have u pushed your changes?19:52
mukulneeraj sir: I did all the steps again19:52
neerajif not then please do.19:52
ishanneeraj, just going to do that19:52
mukulneeraj, I am getting the same error what Ishan had got the other day19:52
neerajmukul: did u faced ny problem?19:52
neerajmukul: ok. Can u please send me ur debian folder(zip it) and location to original tarball file?19:53
neerajalso pastebin ur error message19:53
mukulLocation to original tarball file : http://download.sugarlabs.org/sources/sucrose/fructose/TurtleArt/TurtleArt-93.tar.bz219:55
kandarpkneeraj: are you using debian right now ?19:59
neerajkandarpk: can win+ubuntu.. should I run my debian vm?20:00
ishanneeraj, sir i am not able to push20:00
neerajdebian on* vm20:00
kandarpkneeraj: does it have firefox installed ?20:00
neerajkandarpk: no20:00
neerajishan: try git push git+ssh://ishan-guest@git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/sugar-moon-activity.git20:02
ishanneeraj, sir done20:02
ishanneeraj, if you open the link then you would see all changes that i commited20:04
ishanso what difference between commit-push commit-push20:04
ishanand commit-commit......-push20:04
ishanif it shows the commit message20:04
neerajishan: never used commit-push..? Where did u read about this?20:06
ishansir was just giving example20:06
ishanleave it i will sort it out personally20:06
neerajmukul: looking working at ur activity..20:06
ishanwhen i meet you20:06
neerajishan: :)20:06
ishanneeraj, why is git push --all not working20:07
neerajishan: can u try that without master in end?20:07
neerajishan: also, I am not sure what I knw about git is correct or not.. In case of any confusion related to commands,  I just ask on #git channel :)20:09
neerajishan: http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-moon-activity.git;a=commit;h=229d5af1504c7afd0db03ff736057259f430c1e620:10
neerajIn ur message u said that u made changes in copyright file, while in actual, your control file is modified.20:11
ishanneeraj, sir that is one error i commited20:12
ishanrest all is fine20:12
neerajishan: ok. :)20:12
neerajishan: will review it after sometime. working on mukul's activity. Please remain online20:13
mukulneeraj sir: Please drop a mail when you review my debian folder20:13
ishanneeraj, i want going through the above conversation and i saw you talked about line 37 in rules file20:13
mukulishan, as you faced the same error i would be obliged if you help too20:14
neerajmukul: original tarball folder is of tar.bz2 extension20:15
neerajafter renaming it, it should be like sugar-turtleart-activity_93.tar.bz220:15
neerajalso, inside this tarball file rename the turtle art folder to sugar-turtleart-activity.20:15
ishanneeraj, command not working without master as well20:16
ishanmukul, just gonna finish up in 10 mins max20:16
neerajishan: then I am not sure why its not working.20:17
neerajishan: take a 15min break. some work came up. In the mean time can u please helo mukul20:18
mukulneeraj, so i hv to rename the orig file to tar.bz2 right??20:18
neerajmukul: i think you made a mistake while renaming.20:18
mukulI never renamed anything20:19
mukulWhere was it written in the documentation :(20:19
neerajmukul: yes. It should be sugar-turtleart-activity_93.orig.tar.bz220:19
neerajmukul: I am not sure whether its in documentation or not as I never used original tarball before moon activity. I always used to generate this file using git of activity on sugarlabs20:20
neerajishan: can you please help mukul in this. Its same as we did in moon. :)20:21
ishanneeraj, okay20:21
ishanmukul, while renaming the extension should be .orig.tar.gz20:22
mukulishan, what!!!20:22
mukulneeraj sir was saying the opposite20:22
ishanmukul, this will work20:23
ishanwhat neeraj sir said will work as well20:23
ishanbut you need to rename folder20:23
mukulrename which folder20:23
ishansorry means the source ball20:23
mukulfolder inside the orig.tar.gz file20:24
mukulneeraj sir: The folder inside the tar ball is already sugar-turtleart-activity-9320:26
neerajmukul: i downloaded the tarball file from the link which u gave me.20:26
mukulneeraj sir: ok20:27
neerajin that it was't. please re-check. Also I think it should be sugar-turtleart-activity20:27
mukulYes sir in that it wasn't20:28
mukulbut I used the command20:28
mukulso it was renamed20:28
ishanneeraj, check this http://pastebin.com/XQE8STHp20:28
mukulok sir now I have renamed it to orig.tar.bz220:29
mukulnow what should I do?20:29
neerajishan: we can't do anything about these warning.20:29
ishanneeraj, i was just refering to first one20:29
neerajmukul: u renamed original tarball file right?20:29
neerajthe one whose download link u gave me20:30
mukulneeraj, No20:30
mukulI renamed the orig.tar.bz2 that was generated20:30
neerajmukul: u used get-source?20:30
ishanneeraj, when i have in source folder in debian written 3.9.0(quilt) then why does it still shows 2.9,420:31
mukulusing the command : git-import-orig --pristine-tar -u ''93'' /home/mukul/TurtleArt-93.tar.bz220:31
neerajishan: yes. this is bug with lintian which will be removed in later version20:32
neerajmukul: follow the steps.20:32
neerajRename TurtleArt-93 to sugar-turtleart-activity_93.orig.tar.bz220:32
neerajalso rename the folder inside it to sugar-turtleart-activity20:33
neerajCreate a new git repo on ur local machine20:33
neerajand copy ur debian folder inside id so that u don't need to make all changes again20:33
neerajthen use git-import-orig --pristine-tar -u ''93'' /home/mukul/sugar-....20:34
neerajafter that run DEB_MAINTAINER_MODE=1 fakeroot debian/rules clean20:35
neerajand try to build package20:35
ishanmanusheel, sir can i start work on juke-box activity tommorow20:37
ishanthe changes to moon activity have been made20:38
neerajishan: http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-moon-activity.git;a=commit;h=d9cd4b2180b00ce535aacf741769eff0ead21c8620:40
neerajchanges in multiple file and redundant files.20:40
neerajDid u ran clean command?20:40
neerajdo one thing after renaming it20:41
mukulneeraj, my ubuntu just crashed20:41
mukulhave just come back20:41
ishanneeraj, yes i did sir20:41
neerajde compress it and then re compress it in tar.gz format20:41
ishanneeraj, i have to be careful a bit more20:42
ishancan anything be done20:42
neerajmukul: are you getting what I am trying to say?20:42
neerajishan: drop a mail to other members to review it again20:43
ishani have already20:43
mukulsir what do you mean by de compress it and then re compress it in tar.gz20:43
ishanneeraj, cant anything be done sir20:43
neerajishan: great..20:43
ishanhave a type mistake as well20:43
neerajIshan, no. but its not a big issue.20:44
neerajJust don't repeat these mistakes20:44
ishanneeraj, definately sir20:44
neerajmukul: uncompress the folder somewhere20:44
neerajand then compress it again. In tar.gz format20:44
ishan*me is going to quit20:45
mukulI had understood this when you meant to rename20:45
* ishan is going to quit20:45
mukulneeraj  sir : Ultimately tell me tar.gz or tar.bz220:46
ishanmukul, tar.gz20:46
neerajmukul: try tar.gz20:46
ishanneeraj, http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/jukebox20:50
mukulneeraj, won't I run fakeroot debian/rules get-orig-source20:55
neerajmukul: no20:56
neerajas u already have the source20:56
neerajmukul: in ur debian folder20:56
neerajchange the Depends: filed in control.in file20:56
neerajand use Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${python:Depends}, ${cdbs:depends}, ${misc:depends}20:57
neerajmukul: also, regenerate ur control file.20:57
mukulI got an error relating to this when I build package20:58
neerajmukul: extra dependency one?20:58
neerajmukul: you were on right path done.20:58
neerajmukul: but initial importing is confusing :(.. sometimes it works perfectly20:59
neerajmukul, change the depends field as I told u20:59
neerajand regenerate the control file21:00
neerajmukul: also switch to quit 3.0. There should be mention of it on documentation or ask ishan how to switch :)21:00
neerajmukul: use this21:02
neerajmkdir debian/source ; echo '3.0 (quilt)' > debian/source/format ;21:02
mukulYou are talking about this line right : CDBS_DEPENDS += , python-hippocanvas, python-telepathy, python-gtk2, python-cjson21:02
mukulneeraj sir: Sorry for the lame question...my mistake :P21:03
neerajmukul: np :)21:04
mukulI have regenerated the control file21:05
mukulNow what21:06
mukulI didn't get your point of quit 3.021:06
neerajmukul: also in Control.in replace short description with Sugar Turtle Art Activty21:06
neerajmukul, just run this command in ur source dir21:06
neerajmkdir debian/source ; echo '3.0 (quilt)' > debian/source/format ;21:06
mukulneeraj, I made a small mess of the command.Is it ok now?21:10
mukulOr should I first delete the source folder in debian and then run the command again21:10
neerajmukul, rename forma to format in source21:11
mukulI deleted the folder of source only21:11
mukulI will run the command again21:11
mukulneeraj, done now21:12
neerajmukul: try to build the package and check whether its working or not21:13
neerajtry debuild command only21:13
neerajmukul: btw, I have tried and tested it and its working.21:13
mukulneeraj : And I have just confirmed it :)21:14
neerajmanusheel sir, turtle is working on lucid. Mukul, please ask ishan to help u out on copyright21:14
neerajmukul: basically u have to include copyright of almost all py files inside ur source directory21:14
mukulHow do I check whether it is working or not?21:14
mukulneeraj, Ok21:15
neerajmukul: by installing the deb file :)21:15
mukulneeraj : thanks a lot for your help.I must say you really have a lot of patience21:18
neerajmukul: np :). So do u :)21:19
mukulI was just seeing the copyright file21:20
mukulIs it that we have to see every .py file and see who's copyright is present there21:21
manusheelneeraj: Great.21:21
mukuland then manually add those in the debian/copyright21:21
manusheelHow about Maverick?21:21
manusheelneeraj: Is it working on Ubuntu 10.10?21:21
neerajmukul: u r running lucid or maverick?21:22
neerajmanusheel sir, will let u knw after testing it on maverick also :)21:22
mukulI updated yesterday...Is there a chance of an upgrade >21:22
manusheelneeraj: Yes, that is indeed very important.21:23
neerajmukul: yes, u can take help of copyright hints file21:23
mukulBut copyright hints file is blank21:23
mukulneeraj, the package installed successfully throught the .deb file but how do I run it?21:24
mukuland check whether it is working perfectly21:24
neerajmukul: :)21:25

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