
macowhat the hell?02:57
macosteady stream of new silent people since that ban....02:58
Pendulumall coming from the same channel, probably02:58
rww18:48:22 <Hoober> robert, did your friends call me retarded02:58
rww18:48:28 <Hoober> my friends said your friends did02:58
rwwso possibly they're meatpuppets of Hoober. yay :(03:01
IdleOnekeep an eye on XIII03:02
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czajkowskihey there15:26
Pendulumhiya czajkowski15:26
czajkowskicatching up on planet reading15:27
czajkowskialso step up 3D is the first film I've seen that makes sense to be done in 3D15:27
PendulumI'm refusing to see the step-up movies because as far as I can tell from the adverts it's a film about white appropriation of a traditionally black culture thing and it's sad that it couldn't just be about black culture/dance styles without a white lead character15:28
czajkowskium.... I wouldn't view it as that and never have done15:29
czajkowskinone of the step movies are...15:29
Pendulumwhat race are the lead characters?15:30
PendulumI'm not saying it's a conscious choice15:30
czajkowskithere isn't any one major lead, it's a group so I really cant say tbh15:30
czajkowskiI never break folks down into race either tbh15:31
Pendulummaybe it's the American adverts, then15:31
czajkowskiI cant related to that15:31
Pendulumthat's fiar15:31
pleia2Pendulum, issyl0, reminder: interview due tomorrow :)19:29
Pendulumpleia2: I've poked ivanka a bunch with no answer :-/19:29
PendulumI'll try again, but I know weekends are harder to get her19:29
pleia2maybe we should have an interview or two prepped in the queue so we don't miss months again?19:30
pleia2depending on a single interviewee is a burden on us and them, might be better if we loosened it a bit19:30
pleia2I am sure if we get the article in by monday it'll be ok, I've been late a couple times before :)19:30
AlanBellPendulum: speaking of reminders . . .19:30
nigelbpleia2: +1 on having something ready so that you have some leeway19:37
dakeranyone using the LoCo Directory API ?19:37
AlanBelldaker: it has only been out a day hasn't it!19:39
dakerAlanBell, the API ?19:42
AlanBellI thought so (I might be wrong)19:43
dakerAlanBell, ?20:09
AlanBelldaker: lets move this to #ubuntu-locoteams20:10
czajkowskiisnt ivanka on hols?20:50
elkypleia2, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-women/2010-August/002955.html20:55
pleia2elky: yay! :)20:56
* pleia2 just saw it hit her mailbox20:57
elkyLet the games begin!20:57
czajkowskithats really cool21:01
czajkowskithanks elky21:01
czajkowskiI should stop reading blog posts when they make me this mad :(21:01
pleia2czajkowski: yeah, I stopped a couple hours ago21:02
czajkowskiI thought it couldnt get any worse21:02
czajkowskibut it did21:02
czajkowskione person um zooko 3 hrs made a great point not sure I'm linking to it properly but...  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/08/dude-youre-35-year-old-with-neck-beard.html#comment-6701753821:03
elkyIt also went to planet.21:03
czajkowskiand then removed very fast...21:03
pleia2I don't think their links to comments work21:03
czajkowskipleia2: seems that way.. but 3hrs ago is the time stamp21:03
elkypleia2, the comments are in disqus, which might get adblocked21:03
czajkowskistarts off with Dear Benjamin:21:04
czajkowskiI'm 36 years old. I have a beard. I have contributed to the creation of Ubuntu in several small ways over the21:04
pleia2czajkowski: yeah, I searched for the nick :)21:04
pleia2great comment21:04
czajkowskiaye really nice comment21:04
czajkowskibut I'e little or no time for Ben since his behaviour at UDS tbh and when I asked him to remove stuff that had me in it and never did. so not much respect21:05
elkyI'm annoyed at the way he did the whole manuals thing too. Especially since when we turned him down for membership when he'd been around for only a month or so writing howtos on the forum or whatever we told him to work /with/ the docs team, not stomp off and build a new sandpit.21:08
elkyAlso that 'interview' a few days back where it's like the took a sample of their irc channel one friday after a few beers.21:10
czajkowskitbh I never read omg ubuntu as the writing style reminds me of a bunch of college kids, which it really is.21:10
czajkowskiand articles like today prove it21:10
czajkowskiand I don't think Ubuntu/canonical should be associated with it at all21:10
czajkowskitodays article is daming21:11
elkyAlso, his pestering me on facebook to "hurry up and add" him so he could feed stuff in to my wall or respond to something I said or etc21:11
elkyAnyway, enough time spent on him for today. G'nite21:13
czajkowskimeh I came with a rule, if I've not met them or work with them on areas I dont add21:13
czajkowskiG'night elky21:13
elkyI have a rule too; If I see the bump before I see the original request, they meet my blacklist.21:15
macoooh apparently im blocked from commenting on omgubuntu?  or did comments close?22:49
AlanBellmaco: looks open to me, I would be surprised if you were blocked though22:58
macoi wouldnt22:58
macoi publicly refer to that blog as a gossip rag in the grocery store22:58
AlanBellyeah, but they *like* comments like that22:59
czajkowskimaco: lol22:59

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