
LuisfernandoGNUido you know where is the add this computer button04:11
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mkarnickihi guys :)12:01
=== jumpa is now known as JUMPA
=== JUMPA is now known as jumpa
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
adamramadhani cant login19:39
adamramadhanive login but it goes strait to the https://one.ubuntu.com/dashboard/ how do i add my computer19:39
adamramadhanwhere is the sign this computer button ?19:40
adamramadhanok is there anyone here ?19:42
abhijitduanedesign, ping19:45
adamramadhanhello there is no  click on the Add this Computer button..19:46
adamramadhanis it my connection error or its olny abhijit that is typeing ?19:47
abhijitadamramadhan, hmm?? what happen?19:47
adamramadhanwell i cant add my computer.19:48
adamramadhanthere is no  click on the Add this Computer button. anywhere.19:48
abhijitadamramadhan, that button is on web interface.19:48
adamramadhanon https://one.ubuntu.com/account/ ? where?19:48
abhijitadamramadhan, you first go to System>Preferences>Ubuntu one19:49
abhijitadamramadhan, sing in there and there is button to add this comptuer.19:50
adamramadhanabhijit: Account ? Devices or Service ?19:51
adamramadhanthere is no add this.19:51
adamramadhanolny manage and support .19:51
abhijitadamramadhan, under Devices. you see first sign in. then connect or something like that. but the option is there under Devices only.19:52
abhijitadamramadhan, wait19:52
adamramadhanthere is connect. but its still localhost19:52
abhijitadamramadhan, hey listen19:52
adamramadhani mean localcomputer19:52
adamramadhan<LOCAL MACHINE> sorry19:53
abhijitadamramadhan, you first open ubuntu one from System>Preferences>Ubuntu One. then it automatically opens web browers asking you to add this machine.19:53
suprengrHi folks.  Would it be safe / OK to use U1 to sync my .evolution folder in order to keep mail etc. sync'd on both desktop & netbook? [& apologies in advance if this is not best channel to ask on... if so is there an evolution channel?]19:53
adamramadhanabhijit: doenst work, btw im useing chrome as my defult.19:54
duanedesignadamramadhan: hello19:54
adamramadhanduanedesign: yes?19:54
abhijitadamramadhan, it should work. hey ask your questio to duanedesign. he is master in this!!!! :D19:54
duanedesignadamramadhan: for no 'add this computer button' see http://bit.ly/caHbOf19:54
abhijitduanedesign, ;)19:54
duanedesignhello abhijit19:55
abhijitduanedesign, hi. hows everything?19:56
duanedesignsuprengr: i dont see any problem with syncing your .evolution folder.19:57
duanedesignabhijit: everything is good. It is really hot here19:58
adamramadhanok great duanedesign: but another problem he Ubuntu One Preferences application ? where is that ?19:58
abhijitduanedesign, good. :)19:58
duanedesignabhijit: so trying to stay indoors19:58
abhijitduanedesign, ohh.19:58
suprengrduanedesign: cheers & thanks19:58
* abhijit is feeling weak too. :(19:58
duanedesignadamramadhan: What version of Ubunt are you using?19:58
adamramadhanbtw its working now :|19:59
duanedesignadamramadhan: on Lucid it is 'Me Menu' -> Ubuntu One19:59
adamramadhanthanks alot duanedesign:19:59
adamramadhanthe kill all fix it.19:59
adamramadhanmaybe error or something20:00
duanedesignadamramadhan: that is a strange bug that no one has been able to accurately reproduce20:00
duanedesignthe android U1 app is looking great20:01
adamramadhanbtw thanks again . need to go mate :)20:01
duanedesigncya adamramadhan20:01
duanedesignthanks for pinging me abhijit20:02
abhijitduanedesign, yah. :)20:03
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== jumpa is now known as JUMPA
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk

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