
ron_owtf... every single font is incredibly off after upgrading to lucid?02:48
ron_oI mean, what the hell?02:48
ron_oopera is huge, xchat is very small..02:48
ron_omy desktop was very tiny but now it's too huge to read?02:48
ron_ogawd, I guess I must reinstall everything from scratch no matter what.02:50
ron_onever mess with any kind of normal like function that satifies my own needs...02:51
ron_ofrick, I'm so pissed off...02:51
ron_omaybe there should be a 'reset to normal mode' button.02:52
Mahmoudhow to change US icon?02:56
Mahmoudthe one used in keymap layout settings02:57
stratshi, anyone can point me to some reading about how to customize xfce?03:16
ubimanbazhang hi07:25
bazhangubiman, hi07:25
ubimancna i join here07:25
bazhangubiman, yes07:25
ubimanbazhang :can i chat here07:25
bazhangubiman, in #xubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-offtopic or #kubuntu-offtopic the main channels are for support NOT chat07:26
ubiman:bazhangok only support07:27
ubimanhere nobody to ask questions07:27
ubimancan i join in #ubuntu07:27
bazhangubiman, no. and dont ask again07:28
ubimanok iwil keep quit07:28
Yoeschuabazhang bruder ola07:52
YoeschuaTheSheep bruder beeee07:52
Yoeschuaikonia bruder kisss07:52
Yoeschuawhere is da fat and ugly holy shit linuks penguin now? They called TUKS...08:00
YoeschuaHeaWy TrOLLz AtTak WarNiN'08:00
amminiHey all, I'm using Xubuntu 10.4. I don't seem to have the panels on the top and bottom of the desktop, I suppose I might've unknowingly deleted it. How'd I add it back?08:26
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/08:26
amminibazhang++ Excellent.08:27
bazhangammini, welcome08:27
amminiThis is my fiancee's pc with 512M RAM. I'm new to XUbuntu/XFCE/Thunar. I suppose this is the lightweight DE she'd run in this config, right?08:28
bazhangor lubuntu08:29
bazhangyou can try by installing lubuntu-desktop and see08:29
amminiOk, I'll try it bazhang. Thanks again. Appreciate your help. Byes and good day ahead.08:30
ben72hi! I installed xubuntu on a friends old machine and one strange thing is that it automounts dvd:s but not cd:s!10:20
Sysiwhat kind of dvd?10:22
ben72Sysi, not sure. I think it's a NEC or samsung. it's not that old10:29
Sysiben72: i mean data dvd or movie11:09
ben72sysi, movie dvd11:19
ben72Sysi, there were no lines in fstab for the cd drives (there is one cd and one dvd) so I added them now and trying to restart..11:25
Sysi!dvd | ben7212:14
ubottuben72: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:14
buzz_Hi, does anyone know about Xubuntu's weird bootsplash problem ... actually Ubuntu has it too.12:17
Sysiwhat's it like?12:18
buzz_The Xubuntu logo has odd colored auras around it at start and shutdown ...12:19
ben72ubottu, there were no entries in fstab for the cd/dvd-drives. I tried adding them manually but it didn't automount after that either. now I added two icons for mounting manually running a script for it. and it does work but I hope I can get them to automount in the future..12:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:19
buzz_This is a new development. I see it on ThinkPad T41 & Dell L800 laptops. Was some change made to video drivers?12:20
Sysibuzz_: propietary drivers?12:20
Sysiben72: i think it's not needed12:20
ben72Sysi, what's not needed?12:21
buzz_I have not installed any special drivers. Could you suggest what I should look into?12:21
Sysiline for cd drive in fstab12:21
ben72Sysi, ok I have it in ubuntu so I tried it on the xubuntu as well..12:22
Sysiworth a tru ofc12:22
buzz_Sysi, the odd looking logos may seem not important. But they are kind of jarring -- and I like to show Linux to others. It is embarrassing.12:23
ben72Sysi, nothing happens when I insert a data cd or music cd. and nothing is mounted under /media12:23
ben72Sysi, but when I mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 I can mount it..12:23
Sysioh well i misread things earlier, adding that line propably helps12:24
ben72Sysi, strange that xubuntu didn't add it automagically like ubuntu does.. no it didn't help I'll have to debug it later. I'm just connected remotely to it sometimes when helping my friend..12:41
Sysiben72: xubuntu and ubuntu are exactly the same behind GUI12:41
ben72yes I guess so, I tried ubuntu first but it was too slow on my friends computer with only 256Mb ram! =)12:42
nirvanahi, i can't get my sound drivers to work13:30
nexus6__my screen turns off few times. but i turned screensaver off. any ideas?14:42
Sysisettings → xfce4 power manager, or click battery icon in panel14:43
euphorialI have used ubuntu and kubuntu for a long time now, and I have been curious about xubuntu. The about just says some general stuff about it, but comparable to the statements ubuntu and kubuntu have written about themselves. Can someone please tell me what the major advantage to having xubuntu would be, or why someone would choose it over u/kubuntu?14:48
Sysimemory usage and some features14:49
Sysitry and see :)14:49
euphorialI do want to try, but would like to get a couple examples of features. The current kubuntu installation I am using has been tweaked and customized out the wahoo, I don't really want to have to do it again. (sound problems, video, webcam issues)...14:50
euphorialCan you take a minute and possibly give me 1-3 features it may offer that would appeal to a general linux user?14:51
euphorial(please) :)14:51
Sysiwell, xubuntu has simple menus for configuring14:53
Sysiyou can have nice opacities and what i like, workspace switches14:53
Sysignome apps work well with xfce too14:54
Sysiyou know you don't neet to reinstall entire *buntu to try other DE14:54
Sysiwindowmanager settings are also great, keycontrols and buttons shown in panel14:55
euphorialohh nice15:00
euphorialSo would I just apt-get install xubuntu-desktop and after apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop ?15:01
euphorial(with all my settings saved)?15:01
Sysi!purexfce | if you want15:02
ubottuif you want: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »15:02
Sysisettings aren't removed with that15:02
Sysiyou don't need to remove kde to test xubuntu, just choose it on login15:03
euphorialok so basically it will be like now, I have both gnome and kde (ubuntu and kubuntu), except this time I can choose from all three? or am I mistaken?15:04
kim0Hi folks .. I want to install a "light-weight" xfce desktop (i.e. not the full xubuntu) which pkg do I install ?15:27
Sysixfce4 and xfce4-goodies15:29
kim0Sysi: thanks .. doing it15:31
kim0ubuntu's gnome is slow as molases for some reason15:32
Sysihow much ram, desktop effects turned off?15:32
kim04G .. yes .. effects off15:33
kim0still extremely slow15:33
kim0It's because of some theme they're using15:33
kim0gnome-settings-deamon had crashed .. the theme went back to something grey-only and very ugly ..15:34
kim0but it was very fast as well15:34
kim0unfortunately I dont know how it keep it grey/fast ..15:34
kim0so I'm dropping all of it anyway.. I hope xfce will be prestine15:34
strog_hello people15:53
=== strog_ is now known as Guest11834
knome!hi | Guest1183415:54
ubottuGuest11834: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:54
Guest11834i'm new to xubuntu and just installed it, made some  updates and now the taskbar is gone and the systembar at the top of the screen is cone also15:54
knome!panels | Guest1183415:54
ubottuGuest11834: Did your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/15:54
Guest11834ok thanks15:56
nexus6__heck my xubuntu is lagging and i dont know why. it looks like sometimes it has an increadible leak17:00
th0rnexus6__: are you running a system stack like gkrellm to keep an eye on resources?17:01
th0rI guess that was a "No"17:08
nexus6__i suppose not17:17
nexus6__what does it mean "the channel is logged" ?17:28
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mikehershey_hello I'm having issues with my sound, I have no system sound at all. when I open the mixer i only have playback: dummy output (pulse audiomixer). Under applications->preferences there is no option to configure sound, any idea where i should begin?18:27
Guest84152hi guys i have an nvidia card in my system and i cannot find the nvidia-xconfig package18:58
Guest84152can someone hlep]18:58
=== manbra is now known as MANBRO09
=== MANBRO09 is now known as MANBR09
danboidWhy do I get sfx when I click stuff under fluxbox but not under GNOME? Its stopping me using my s/card for JACK so I'd like to know how to get rid (lucid 32)20:31
Sysithis is xfce channel, not fluxbox or gnome20:34
danboidsame happens under icewm too20:34
Sysiwe propably don't know20:34
danboidI've tried asking in #ubuntu a few times but no-one had any solutions20:34
danboidI've tried also the ALSA and pulseaudio tricks I know and I'm stumped now20:35
well_laid_lawndanboid: there is a #fluxbox channel20:39
danboidwell_laid_lawn, This is a buntu, not a fluxbox issue20:40
xxx_ooo_xxxis there a simple way to change the window placement geometry for all windows?20:47
xxx_ooo_xxxanyone know how to catch all windows with devilspie?21:15
=== MANBR09 is now known as manbra
xxx_ooo_xxxhow do I offset the center of my desktop 200px left?22:56
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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