
AfCIs there a way to get `bzr revert` to also revert (ie remove) "unknown" files?00:35
fullermdPretty sure not.  That's more clean-tree's territory.00:36
AfCfullermd: ah!00:39
AfCdidn't know about that one.00:39
* AfC reads help00:39
spivGood morning.00:45
fullermdI wouldn't mind mornings so much, but do they have to keep coming around every stinkin' day??00:49
AfCfullermd: that's just what we need. Thanks00:52
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hopeseekrHi, is it possible to put some specialized string in a file that when its committed will turn into the revision number of that commit?03:47
spivhopeseekr: sort of.  Take a look at the bzr-keywords plugin.03:51
johnnie_i'm using bazaar explorer - isit the case that it always creates a trunk subfolder everytime you do an init?04:01
johnnie_I find that I navigate to where my files are, do an init and then it creates this trunk subfolder and I have to move the files down in order to add them04:01
lifelessI think so, it has a default that scales well04:02
johnnie_ok - thanks - so what i'm doing is right?04:04
lifelessyou should only need to init a project once04:05
lifelessafter that, branching existing branches04:05
lifelessis more appropriate04:05
johnnie_ok - think i understand04:05
johnnie_i guess it's best to do the bzr init first before creating the dev files?04:07
lifelesswith explorer yup04:07
johnnie_great - tnx04:07
spivWhee, bugs in socket.py in maverick's python2.608:17
spiv(bug 615236)08:18
ubot5Launchpad bug 615236 in Bazaar "'bzr reconcile' unsafe for stacked 2a? (ignores parent inventories) (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61523608:18
lifelesswhat are we, barries test-case08:18
spivEr, 61524008:18
* spiv goes to pick up V08:19
lifelessbug 61524008:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 615240 in python2.6 (Ubuntu) "sock.makefile().flush has UnboundLocalError bug (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61524008:19
pooliehi spiv, bye spiv08:26
mgzuuuu, bad feeling about that socket bug08:39
mgzthat lame "explict free" comment is from the EINTR fix for socket file objects08:40
mgz...but it doesn't have a 'view'... wonder when that was added08:40
mgzlooks like a bad merge:08:41
spivBack again.08:54
bialixhey spiv08:55
mgzspiv, are you going to file an upstream bug, or just bug someone to put the one line change on release26-maint?08:55
mgzgetting an answer from ezio.melotti on why he fiddled with that patch during merging might be useful.08:57
spivmgz: I haven't looked upstream yet, 'ubuntu-bug' is more convenient than bugs.python.org ;)08:58
mgzwell, it's only a six day old error, so you're probably the first one on it08:58
spivmgz: I'll do so (even if I don't, I'm sure the Ubuntu packagers would forward the bug and fix upstream)08:58
mgz...he fiddled because memoryview isn't in 2.608:58
mgzI don't think his change is really right, even with the line he missed fixed...08:59
spivI only just finished making a coherent bug report before I had to head out the door :)08:59
mgzah, actually it might be, svn view on python server eats whitespace changes, I always forget that08:59
spivmgz: hah: http://bugs.python.org/issue954309:00
mgzwasn't suggestion you were being bad, was just going to volunteer if you were busy09:00
spivmgz: oh, please do, it's basically EOD for me here right now :)09:00
mgz^heh, mear hours in it.09:00
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mgzokay, bugs linked, think you don't need to do any more work there.09:04
Pieterhey all. Is there a way to get bzr diff --using=... to also call the supplied difftool for added or removed files?09:07
spivThanks!  I went ahead and added a comment with the contents of the script for convenience.09:07
spivPieter: I think there might be a bug report about that (if not, there probably should be)09:08
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flam_bzr add command doesn't seem to work: when i add new files with bzr add <filename> it says "adding <filename>" and when i then commit bzr says "added <filename>10:07
flam_still, when i log into the server and check if that file has been added, it isn't there10:08
flam_no error messages are shown10:08
fullermdAre you expecting to see it in the working tree of a remote branch?10:09
poolieflam_: you may need to run 'bzr update' on the server10:10
flam_fullermd, both10:15
flam_poolie, i don't think i have rights to do it10:16
fullermdbzr doesn't touch working trees of branches it accesses across the network (e.g., anything you `bzr push bzr+ssh://...`), so they'll never be updated.10:16
MAfifiIs pushing code to launchpad now a little problematic?12:29
MAfifiI'm trying to push a new commit to an already existing branch on launchpad, and I keep getting that error:12:30
MAfifissh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Connection refused bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.12:30
MAfifiI've made sure I'm logged in via bzr launchpad-login <username>.12:31
lifelessMAfifi: do you have a firewall blocking port 22 perhaps ? its working for me12:32
MAfifiNo, I even can't checkout code with bzr branch.12:33
lifelessDo you have a firewall blocking port 22 ?12:33
MAfifiI consulted my system administrator and he stated that it was really blocked, sorry.12:37
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AfC1Thank god for professional systems administrators, in the service of their users.13:42
AfC1Probably blocks port 80 too. Can't be too careful.13:44
rubbsactually, as a sysadmin, there is a reason to not let 22 out, not that I'd do it, because it's just too tin-foil hat, even for me.14:23
rubbsmostly due to the creation of port forwards and tunnels as a way to defeat incoming firewall rules.14:23
rubbsbut if you got a guy on the inside punching holes you already have a problem, trying to block outbound ssh isn't going to help that.14:24
rubbsIMHO of course14:24
ddaait depends on the level of competency you expect to block14:25
ddaapunching holes out of a http proxy is a bit trickier, I would not know how to do it in a pinch14:25
rubbsunless you had an ssh server listening on port 80. There are a million and one tuts out there telling you how you can break through firewalls at work.14:27
ddaaI'm sure I could figure it in a couple of hours14:27
ddaanote the "in a pinch"14:27
bialixheya GaryvdM14:50
GaryvdMHi bialix14:51
bialixdo you have 5 minutes to chat about explorer?14:51
bialixI'm starting to think about explorer performance and what to do about it14:52
bialix2 obvious things coming to my mind14:52
GaryvdMbtw - Thanks for doing the release last week. I was to busy.14:52
bialix1) if explorer using treewidget from qbzr, then on every refresh of the branch status explorer do 2 status operatrions: 1 for its own view, and second (indirectly) for treewidget14:53
bialixI think it's a waste14:54
Noldorinwhat can i use for resolving conflicts of files after a merge?14:54
Noldorindoes bzr come with it's own tool i should be using?14:54
bialixGaryvdM: np, it's not hard for me to do release, but gave me a way to come back into bzr dev mindset after vacation14:54
bialixNoldorin: you can use extmerge plugin, or qconflicts command from qbzr, or just fire your favorite 2/3-way merge GUI tool14:55
Noldorinbialix, winmerge would do the job?14:55
bialixNoldorin: winmerge is ok, but you have to run it just from commandline14:56
GaryvdMbialix: Sure. I think it would be easiest for us to make the qbzr treewidget accept a delta.14:56
Noldorinbialix, why's that?14:56
bialixNoldorin: like this: winmergeu file.txt14:56
Noldorinah yes14:56
Noldorinbialix, is there a detailed tutorial on how merging works in bzr? i could probably benefit to read up on it14:57
bialixNoldorin: because winmerge gets only 1 filename as parameter, but extmerge and qconflicts don't allow you to configure it this way. yet14:57
bialixNoldorin: tutorial?14:57
Noldorinbialix, or guide, rather14:57
Noldorindocumentation of some sort14:57
bialixit works in the similar way as GNU diff314:58
timhi, is there a way to clone a repository without downloading the whole history, but just the most recent revision?14:58
bialixhmm, is not the User Guide has the section about resolving conflicts?14:58
GaryvdMtim: bzr checkout --lightweight14:58
bialixNoldorin: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.1/en/user-guide/resolving_conflicts.html14:59
timGaryvdM, thanks!14:59
bialixNoldorin: also http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.1/en/user-guide/merging_changes.html14:59
GaryvdMtim: In the feature we hope to support shallow branches/history horizon (http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/HistoryHorizon)14:59
GaryvdMtim: lightweight checkouts kind of suck, because the have to redownload the data if you want to do a diff/status.15:00
bialixGaryvdM: 2nd point about explorer: it's almost useless to run explorer under profiler, because it's supposed to be long running process. I'm thinking about adding profile calls for specific operations or for refreshes15:01
Noldorinbialix, it doesn't explain what the BASE/THIS/OTHER files correspond to though15:01
Noldorini can guess...15:01
bialixNoldorin: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.1/en/user-reference/conflict-types-help.html#text-conflicts15:01
NoldorinBASE is the ancestor of the file in both branches, THIS is the version of the file in the destination branch, and OTHER the version in the source branch15:02
bialixit's a kinda split over the docs15:02
timGaryvdM, well, it is ok for me ... i was trying to branch a repository, but stopped after downloading almost 3gb15:02
Noldorinyeah, i'm noticing. cheers15:02
GaryvdMbialix: That should be easy to do. You will just have start the profiler, and stop it you self.15:04
bialixGaryvdm: 3rd point: maybe we can provide a result of q-subprocess operations (like qadd, qrevert) back to explorer via some sort of IPC (don't know yet) as list of affected files, to speed-up status update15:04
bialixGaryvdM: yep, that's my guess about profiler as well. I can store such data into user directory and then asking people for mailing these data for analysis15:05
bialixtim: what is your master branch?15:05
GaryvdMbialix: Also, with KCachegrind, you can see the callees of a method. So it's easy to see what is taking long in the refresh method.15:07
bialixGaryvdM: also, I'm thinking about using separate process a-la tortoisebzr status RPC service/daemon to collect status info in the background. I'm not sure how good it will be for Linux15:07
timbialix, lp:ubuntu/gcc-4.515:07
bialixtim: ah. sorry15:08
bialixGaryvdM: I don't have Ubuntu yet15:08
GaryvdMtim: I know that there were some memory issues with gcc checkouts. jam was looking at them.15:09
bialixGaryvdM: but maybe I need to get new notebook, where I can create dual-boot system15:09
GaryvdMbialix: Do you have any callgrinds I can look at?15:09
Noldorinbialix, what would you recommend for merging on windows? i'm not sure i fully like winmerge...15:10
bialixGaryvdM: no new data so far, I'm trying to figure the right way to attack this problem15:10
bialixNoldorin: I'm using either winmerge, or just text editor15:10
bialixNoldorin: many people like diffuse, and Araxis Merge tool (non-free)15:11
Noldorinbialix, i'm trying to figure out the correct command-line option for opening a conflict file15:11
GaryvdMNoldorin: On windows, I like Araxis Merge. It's propritory :-( and expensive :-(, but works well15:11
NoldorinGaryvdM, i see...15:11
bialixNoldorin: for which tool?15:11
bialixwinmergeu FILE_WITH_CONFLICTS15:11
bialixjust a file name, without THIS/BASE/OTHER15:12
Noldorindoesn't work...15:12
bialixNoldorin: I'd recommend to use winmerge 2.13.8 or higher15:12
bialixprevious versions have some bugs in this area15:12
GaryvdMbialix: Re explorer, and qbzr dialogs, I think the easiest would be for them to be in the same subprocess...15:13
Noldorinbialix, i see. that version is beta as i understand15:13
bialixGaryvdM: yep, I think we can run qdialogs from main explorer process, anyway we then invoke qsubprocess, right?15:13
bialixNoldorin: I'm using it for very long time15:13
bialixNoldorin: no problems detected so far15:14
Noldorinok that's good to know :)15:14
GaryvdMbialix: Yes. The issue with that is then you will have different code for qbzr and bzr-gtk dialogs.15:14
bialixGaryvdM: well, at some point I can drop bzr-gtk support, if it will be too much hassle15:15
GaryvdMI wonder if there  are any people who  launch bzr-gtk dialogs from explorer?15:15
* bialix too15:15
bialixin the end there is olive-gtk, and nautilus15:15
GaryvdMbialix: Re https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~garyvdm/bzr-explorer/better_tree_filter/+merge/2051915:15
ddaaI would, bzr vis is superior to qlog in some respects15:15
GaryvdMbialix: I got stuck with requiring a version qbzr.15:16
GaryvdMddaa: In what way?15:16
bialixGaryvdM: what's the problem?15:16
GaryvdMddaa: And do you use bzr explorer?15:16
ddaaI find the "show me the revision where this line was introduced" behaviour of vis very nice.15:16
ddaaAnd qlog quite confusing in that respect.15:17
ddaaGaryvdM: I'm trying on occasion, but truthfully, I'm too used to the command line and I find a gui clumsy.15:17
ddaaSo feel free to ignore me.15:17
GaryvdMddaa: Ok15:18
bialixddaa: is not this is annotate?15:18
ddaayes it is :-)15:18
ddaawas about to correct myself15:18
GaryvdMddaa: for qannotate, just click on the line of text, and the revision is selected?15:19
ddaaGaryvdM: do you really want go into debugging what exactly I found confusing?15:20
GaryvdMddaa: Yes :-)15:20
ddaaok, let me fire the bugger15:20
GaryvdMddaa: what version was this in. qannotate got some nice improvements in 0.1815:21
ddaaqbzr 0.18.415:21
GaryvdMddaa: i.e. Find, goto line, and when you change the annotated revision, the scroll remains consistent.15:22
bialixin 0.19?15:22
GaryvdMddaa: sorry - in 0.19...15:22
bialixGaryvdM: I guess you mean 0.1915:22
GaryvdMYes :-)15:22
ddaamh... maybe my confusion came from scrolling issues indeed15:22
GaryvdMbialix: For https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~garyvdm/bzr-explorer/better_tree_filter/+merge/20519 , I have 2 code paths. one for qbzr 0.18, and one for qbzr 0.1915:23
GaryvdMbialix: basicly, the methods added in 0.19 are included in that patch as a fall back...15:23
bialixGaryvdM: ok, I understand15:24
bialixGaryvdM: I'm happy to say that explorer trunk required qbzr 0.1915:25
Noldorinbialix, thanks, seems to be working nicely now :)15:25
GaryvdMbialix: My problem was I was not able to do that.15:25
GaryvdMbialix: let me have another go...15:25
bialixGaryvdM: sorry, I can't dig into your code right now15:25
bialixGaryvdM: but I will review it ASAP15:26
bialixNoldorin: good to hear15:26
GaryvdMbialix: I would have just landed it, if it were not for the qbzr version issue.15:27
GaryvdMThat for me is the issue.15:27
GaryvdMbialix: Were should we do the check? In the __init__.py, like we do for bzrlib check in qbzr,15:34
GaryvdMor in commands.cmd_explorer.run?15:34
ddaaGaryvdM: I'll check the newer qannotate when I get it from the system update.15:34
bialixGaryvdM: I'd prefer the latter15:34
GaryvdMddaa: Cool.15:34
GaryvdMbialix: ok - I'll do that now.15:35
Noldorinbialix, so i've finished doing my merge/conflict resolution. is there any easy way to tell bzr to remove all the .~1~ and .moved files?15:41
Noldorinand .BASE, etc.15:41
bialixbzr resolve15:41
Noldorinthatl leaves them there15:42
bialixbzr clean-tree15:42
Noldorinah yes15:42
maxbbzr clean-tree --detritus15:42
bialixNoldorin: you need to run `bzr resolve` and mark non-text conflicts as resolved15:42
bialixqconflicts is your friend15:43
Noldorinbialix, yes, bzr resolved tells me there are no more conflicts15:43
bialix(or qresolve, it's the same thing)15:43
Noldorinbut the tree was dirty still15:43
Noldorinthat did the job though - thanks again15:43
bialixnow you're ready to commit your merge15:44
GaryvdMBla - my in progress maverick upgrade has broken pyqt...15:52
GaryvdMI guess you or not ment to use it while it's upgrading....15:53
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GaryvdMbialix: landed.16:11
bialixGaryvdM: thanks!16:11
* GaryvdM off to get food.16:11
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Kaspiwhat's the difference between branch and repository?16:57
maxbA repository is an on-disk store of revision data16:59
maxbA branch is a store for a reference to a specific revision (and implicitly all of its ancestors), and also a mapping of tag-name -> revision-id.16:59
parthmKaspi: 'bzr help branches' and 'bzr help repositories' have some good notes. There are some more topics under 'bzr help topics' in case you haven't seen it already.17:01
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thropedoes loggerhead have a download tarball link yet?17:09
Kaspiparthm: maxb: thanks17:10
thropeis there any other bazaar web client that allows downloading a tarball of the latest revision? ive been pretty happy with loggerhead but really need that functionality17:11
thropeaccording to this it can do it17:13
thropebut i can't see how17:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 246764 in loggerhead "Recreate "Download a Directory" feature (affected: 1, heat: 0)" [Wishlist,Triaged]17:13
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GaryvdMjam: Ping18:18
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bialixGaryvdM: ping19:21
GaryvdMbialix: Pong19:22
bialixGaryvdM: regarding your check for qbzr version in explorer19:22
bialixI think it should report in the console AND as GUI MessageBox19:22
bialixor only as MessageBox19:22
bialixthink about bzrw.exe19:22
GaryvdMGood point.19:22
bialixif there won't be a real console user will not know why explorer does not start19:23
bialixeven with bzr.exe the console will flashing and closing19:23
GaryvdMbialix: If explorer had a ui-mode option, and you ran the command with it, then it would show a message box.19:24
bialixwe can say that explorer is always run with --ui-mode ;-)19:24
GaryvdMbialix: but that's not what I think we should ho19:24
GaryvdMbialix: The error handler should detect bzrw.exe (using sys.frozen)19:25
bialiximho, explorer is GUI application, and I'd prefer to show error messages as GUI dialogs, when possible19:25
jamhey GaryvdM19:27
GaryvdMHi jam.19:27
GaryvdMjam: I can't connect to the ec2 computer.19:27
jamit would be at a different address, I forgot about that19:27
* bialix waves at jam19:27
jamhi bialix19:27
GaryvdMjam: That's what I figured.19:28
dleeAny way to use a normal bzr repository to manage parts of a tree also managed by svn?  IOW, I have an svn checkout but want to use bzr to manage little bits of it locally.  the .svn folders confuse bzr at sublevels though.19:32
dleei think I'm looking for a way to get bzr 2 to ignore .svn folders, without having to rename them all momentarily.19:33
GaryvdMdlee: bzr ignore .svn19:33
dleeI doubt that helps... scenario: bzr init in folder a with subfolder b/c/d.  Then cd b/c/d, bzr add file.txt... but there are b/.svn, b/c/.svn, and b/c/d/.svn, all of which keep bzr from finding a/.bzr at all.19:35
GaryvdMbialix: I just had a look at the error handling in bzr-explorer. I would like to do some improvements there.19:36
GaryvdMbialix: But tonight, I want to get the 2.2.0 final installers done.19:36
bialixGaryvdM: ok19:37
GaryvdMbialix: How much do you know about buildout?19:37
bialixa little19:37
bialixbut enough to get the bad impression19:37
GaryvdMbialix: Would you be able to help me get the build script to use a downloaded version of pycrypto & paramiko, rather than the ones installed on the build system?19:38
bialixyou need to download?19:39
bialixor you need to force them in py2exe>19:39
bialixor you need to force them in py2exe?19:39
GaryvdMbialix: yes, download, and change sys.path.19:39
bialixI guess PYTHONPATH should be enough for py2exe19:40
bialixlemme pull the branch first, trunk?19:40
GaryvdMbialix: yes19:40
* bialix pulls19:40
GaryvdMbialix: I think buildout is ment to be able to do that for you automaticly.19:40
bialixI meant: pull the latest changes from lp:bzr-windows-installers19:41
GaryvdMI watched a video about buildout. The guy added to install_requires in setup.py, and it automaticly got the egg, and change the sys.path so that the egg got used.19:43
GaryvdMThe module was not installed on the system.19:43
GaryvdMMaybe I need to do that in the setup.py in the py2exe code.19:45
bialixfile build.py, line 393, def _build_exe19:45
bialixIMO, you need to add PYTHONPATH to env dict19:46
GaryvdMAh - ok - so I'm not going to be able to get buildout to do it for me.19:47
bialixGaryvdM: btw, in the bazaar_releases.py you have custom bzr19:47
bialix        Project('bzr', 'lp:~garyvdm/bzr/2.2b4-optimize'),19:47
bialixI think it should be updated to lp:bzr/2.2 ?19:47
GaryvdMbialix: Yes19:48
bialixand you need to merge my branch with changes to qbzr/explorer versions19:48
bialixor I should merge and push?19:48
GaryvdMbialix: Allready done :-)19:48
GaryvdMoh wait.19:49
GaryvdMI did not push19:49
GaryvdMbialix: Sorry - I thought I had done it.19:49
GaryvdMDone now. :-)19:50
bialixGaryvdM: now only bzr 2.2 branch need to be changed19:51
bialixGaryvdM: to download pycrypto/paramiko I guess you need to add them into bazaar_releases19:51
GaryvdMbialix: Yes - and I need to go through the rest of the plugins, and check if there are any new releases.19:52
bialixI'd suggest to download them and install into temp directory, then use this directory in the PYTHONPATH19:52
bialixGaryvdM: it seems igc has removed some dependencies on buildout19:52
bialixbefore buildout generated bat file to execute build. now it's plain python, and this is good19:53
GaryvdMjam, bialix: This is harder than I thought. So I'm going to install the new versions on the build server.19:59
* bialix nods19:59
GaryvdMjam: Sorry - forgot I don't have admin.20:06
GaryvdMplease will you do it for me.20:06
GaryvdMthe files are in d:20:06
jamGaryvdM: what do you need installed?20:09
GaryvdMpycrypto 2.220:09
GaryvdMand paramiko with my patch20:09
GaryvdMI have the source for both in d:20:10
jamk, be about 5 min20:10
GaryvdMjam: Thanks20:10
jamGaryvdM: just setup.py install for paramiko?20:21
GaryvdMjam: I guess so. I'm not sure what the easest way to get easy_install to manage it.20:22
GaryvdMMaybe build an egg?20:22
jamGaryvdM: were you expecting pycrypto 2.2 to be installed?20:24
GaryvdMjam: Yes - that is the latest release20:25
jamk, I only knew about 2.120:25
GaryvdMyes - Very new.20:25
GaryvdMI've run the paramiko test suit on it - all passes.20:26
jamso I made one small change, bumping 1.7.6 to
jamso that it will update to this version20:27
GaryvdMOk - cool.20:27
jamrather than think it is new enough20:27
jamI'm a little concerned about this:20:27
jam  warning: GMP library not found; Not building Crypto.PublicKey._fastmath.20:28
jambut I guess I'll live with it20:28
jamthey don't have binaries for pycrypto because of export rules, iirc20:28
jamanyway, stuff is installed, care to test it?20:28
GaryvdMjam: Thanks - Will do in a sec.20:29
=== thrope_ is now known as thrope
GaryvdMStill no 2.2 compatible releases of bzr-loom, and bzr-pipeline :-(20:43
bialixjam: there is binary for pycrypto available on voidspace20:47
quotemstr1What's the best way to create a private fork of a project already on bzr?21:09
ddaabzr branch21:09
quotemstr1On Launchpad, that is.21:10
quotemstr1Without having to re-upload the *entire* project to a fresh Launchpad branch.21:10
GaryvdMjelmer: I'm getting this error building subvertpy http://pastebin.org/462761, should I log a bug?21:11
ddaadefine "private fork" in terms of launchpad21:11
ddaawhen uploading a branch to an existing project, lp will use stacked repo21:11
jelmerGaryvdM, please do21:11
jelmerGaryvdM, actually, any chance you can try with lp:subvertpy as well?21:11
jelmerif it doesn't work with that, I think we should fix the issue and release a
GaryvdMjelmer: ok21:12
quotemstr1ddaa: Ah.21:14
quotemstr1ddaa: Is it normal that it bugs me about a missing .bzr directory?21:14
ddaayou must be doing something wrong, we'd need the full command and output of bzr (to a pastebin) to be able to tell21:16
quotemstr1Well, I created a new branch of Emacs using the bzr web interface, and tried to push to it: http://pastebin.ca/191403621:17
ddaawhat about following the hint in the error  message?21:19
quotemstr1That'll probably upload the entire project, which is huge.21:19
ddaawhat about trying?21:19
quotemstr1Hrm. It seems to have worked.21:20
ddaathanks to stacked repos21:22
ddaacanonical does not terribly fancy the idea of hosting one complete copy of the emacs repo for each branch, either21:23
ddaanot to mention the fact it would make lp unusable for people21:23
GaryvdMjelmer: Yhea - builds fine with lp:subvertpy. I'm going to log a bug, and then release with 0.7.221:27
jelmerGaryvdM, thanks.21:27
GaryvdMAh - allready loged: bug 61205621:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 612056 in subvertpy "Can't compile _ra.c using VC++ (affected: 1, heat: 7)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61205621:29
C-SAny ideas when bzr-gtk is released? It is not usable on the 2.2 version of bzr...21:41
dobeyjam: ping :)21:59
dobeyso i am having a bit of a weird experience similar to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/614404 i think22:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 614404 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "commit uses system user-id to generate revision-id even when committer id is supplied (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged]22:16
dobeybut even with jam's patch from there, i still get the same failure, occurring elsewhere22:29
james_wdobey: that's not really the same issue, as nothing is specifying --committer for you22:40
james_wdobey: in that case I think it's probably that tarmac isn't using bzr's test case and so doesn't get the sanitised environment that should stop this sort of thing from happening22:41
=== jam changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: poolie | bzr 2.2-final has gone gold, build those installers
GaryvdMBla - I'm stuck. Will continue tomorrow.22:54
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
pooliehi gary,23:14
pooliemkanat: hello?23:14
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
mkanatHey poolie!23:20
pooliemkanat: hi there, be with you in a sec23:24
pooliei'm glad that's all settled23:26
poolienow how about some lp bugs?23:27
pooliei mean loggerhead bugs23:27
mkanatYes, sounds like a plan. :-)23:27
thumpermkanat: hi23:27
pooliei had a couple of specific suggestions23:27
pooliewe're seeing crashes every few days23:27
mkanatpoolie: My schedule has become slightly more occupied since I was last doing loggerhead work, but I have a whole plan for how to fit this in.23:27
thumpermkanat: I should really have a chat with you and poolie about directions I'd like to see loggerhead go in23:28
pooliethe losas may be able to help you characterize it23:28
pooliei don't think there's any specific emergency at the moment, so it doesn't need to be right this week or anything23:28
thumperpoolie: it isn't quite as bad as every few days23:28
mkanatpoolie: I think the memory leak thing should probably be addressed pretty quickly, though.23:28
thumperalthough we did have a day a while back where it was four times in one day23:28
poolieanyhow the suggestions were to do fixes off a stable branch we can roll out23:28
pooliemaybe a numbered release branch, and then to get lp-loggerhead to converge with that23:29
poolieand also perhaps to see about meliae integration23:29
poolieperhaps working with jam23:29
mkanatpoolie: Those sound like reasonable suggestions.23:29
pooliemeliae should help get better data about future stuff23:30
poolieapparently the losas are all at a sprint in utc+2 at the moment23:30
pooliethumper: do you have any favourite bug nominations?23:30
thumpernothing really beyond the crash and non-responsive fixes23:31
thumpermy concerns are more with strategic loggerhead direction23:31
mkanatThat makes sense.23:33
mkanatFWIW, my general suspicion on loggerhead strategic direction is that it should switch to Spawning.23:33
poolieit makes sense to me23:34
pooliehow hard would it be? perhaps reasonably easy if it's just a wsgi reconfiguration23:35
poolie(he says hopefully)23:35
mkanatWell, we have a lot of custom code around Paste.23:35
mkanatI haven't looked into Spawning too much, but I have seen that there is a Paste layer.23:35
mkanatWhat wouldn't be portable is the kill-hung-threads stuff. But it might also no longer be necessary.23:36
mkanatI'm hoping that to get it to the point of doing a basic experiment wouldn't be too much work, but I suspect that a full "correct" migration would be more effort.23:36
poolieso istm, i'm not sure about tim23:38
pooliethat if there are smaller point bugs they would be good to do first23:38
poolieotherwise, switching to a spawning model makes sense23:39
poolieyou could send a brief rfc if there's anything more to say beyond your previous mail23:39
mkanatpoolie: Okay. :-)23:46
mkanatpoolie: The only tricky part with Spawning is caching, because we can't share in-memory caches. So we have to do everything on-disk.23:46
poolieyou could have nonshared in memory caching23:47
mkanatYeah, we could.23:47
mkanatBut I think that would make each process enormous.23:47
pooliemm maybe23:48
mkanatpoolie: Maybe I should just go through every open loggerhead bug, right now, too. There aren't that many.23:48
poolieso we could externalize it to tdb, or a bzr pack, or memcached23:49
* mkanat nods.23:49
poolieperhaps the last would be nice eventually but that may require bigger changes23:49
pooliealso it'll make it less self contained23:49
mkanatYeah, and I don't think it will be necessary.23:49
pooliethat could be good23:49
mkanatThat is, I think memcached is in the realm of YAGNI for the moment.23:49
thumperI just tried to use "bzr send" for the first time in gnome, and after switching default email client from evo to kmail it now brings up an email, but there is no attached bundle23:51
thumperit should right?23:51
poolieit should either have a body or an attachment23:51

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