
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
=== dgroos_ is now known as dgroos
coz_hey guys...just noticed that the kde applications do not fully use the gtk theme of the system...is there a way to force the kde apps to conform to the gtk theme?18:11
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
Ahmuckhi dgroos20:27
dgroosHowdy Ahmuck20:28
dgroosHow's it going?20:28
dgroosyour computers/server behaving?20:35
Ahmucki closed the labs20:43
dgrooshmmm...  maybe I knew that.  When was that?  I know that it was a volunteer project for you and a big one.  Using edubuntu personally at the present or otherwise?  I'm using it on my home computer and hope that it'll work as LTSP in my classroom in 2 weeks!22:02

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