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rackITdoes k3b 1.91 transcode mp3s? I used to have to turn mp3's into ogg in amarok when I was using hardy. Just upgraded to Lucid and thing are a bit different.01:58
ttxskubuntu netbook is blind annoying]02:00
ttxsoh, hieverxyone02:00
ttxsrackIT for simple tasks like that, use a windows machine and save yourself a few hours]02:01
rackITttxs: what is this "windows" you speak of?02:01
ttxsit iis an evil creature02:02
ttxsthat one should never pay to use02:02
ttxsif one is so unfortunate to have to]02:02
rackITttxs: even if it was free, I'd stick to my linux (or bsd)02:03
ttxsi just murdered the win7 thatcame with this netbook02:04
ttxsnew to linux02:05
ttxswhat is bsd02:05
ttxsek sal vir oom google vra...02:08
DarthFrogBSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) is a variant of Unix.02:16
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LIITGood evening - I'm having issuws with npviewer.bin hogging the CPU (64bit Kubuntu) - been looking around, but the only suggestions I can find is 1) create a hotkey to kill npviewer and 2) install the 64bit adobe plugin. I'm tired of killing it every 10 secs, and the links to Adobe tells me there is no linux 64bit plugin right now. Anyone have some better suggestions ? :-)02:25
dverweireLIIT:  how about using chrome?02:26
dverweirei think that it packages its own flash02:26
LIITdverweire: tried, runs even worse with chromium02:26
LIITdverweire: hmm, might be missing a package then02:27
LIITdverweire: didn02:27
LIITdverweire: didn't install anything specific for chrom02:27
dverweireLIIT: are you using chromium or the official chrome?02:27
LIITdverweire: chromium - is there a chrome for linux ?02:27
dverweireLIIT: chromium is what's in the repos, but google has a chrome deb package. yup.02:27
LIITdverweire: excelent, I will try that out right away :-)02:27
dverweireLIIT: btw, it will add a repo to /etc/apt/sources.list.d so you will get automatic updates through apt as well.02:28
LIITdverweire: chrome is using npviewer.bin too - do I need to install something other than just 64bit chrome ?02:35
dverweireLIIT: sorry i didn't realize that would happen too. and now after checking it actually looks like my chrome is using npviewer.bin also.02:36
dverweirein chrome i went to about:plugins and it looks like it is using the plugin installed with flashplugin-installer02:37
LIITdverweire: well, I got the real chrome instead of chronium, so that's a nice thing :-) But this Flash thing is driving me crazy02:37
LIITtrying to watch live NFL, but after 10-15 secs, it's using 150-170% CPU02:37
dverweirebut this article says that it should be bundled. http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/2010/03/dev-channel-update_30.html02:38
dverweireoh wow02:38
dverweiredo you have a link to what you are watching? maybe i could try it and see how my system reacts, i'm on kubuntu 10.0402:38
LIITsame here - let me find a link to the demo02:39
LIIThttp://gamepass.nfl.com/ << view demo02:39
dverweirejust went to hulu and was watching something. and it stayed around 15% and when i went to full screen it was around 30%02:42
LIITI can't even run it in full screen - I get like ½ fps :-/02:42
dverweireand i cannot try gamepass because it thinks that i am not in the united states, but I am02:42
LIITIt might be blocked because you are in the states - not sure - I'm outside02:43
dverweireoh. hmm02:43
LIITBeen having problems with npviewer a long time, but normally I just kill it and refresh the page using flash02:43
LIITBut this 3000 Kbps HD is too much it seams02:43
dverweirehmmm. i'm almost willing to bet that my machine would start seeing some serious cpu action at 3000Kbps if that's what i was watching.02:44
LIITGuess I will have to run windows after all and reboot back and forth :-/02:45
dverweirehmmm. let me see what the highest bitrate i can find just to check.02:45
LIITThere are people talking about problems with npviewer and 64bit everywhere - but no good solutions02:45
dverweireyeah. i haven't looked into it in a while. is there any documentation on enableing vdpau with flash?02:46
dverweirei've been happy with flash just working period. :)02:46
LIITI don't know - still a rookie :-)02:47
dverweirelooks like not. apparently there were rumors of video acceleration with vdpau for flash 10.1 but it didn't happen (from what i just found on the web)02:48
LIITThx for trying :-)02:49
dverweireyour welcome. sorry i couldn't come through for ya. at least you got chrome though!02:50
LIITyeah, no need for chromium any more :-)02:50
dverweireoh another question, what video card do you have? and are you using vendor supplied drivers?02:50
LIITSome kind of Nvidia - just installed kubuntu 10.04 - haven't installed any drivers myself02:51
dverweireok... how familiar are you with this linux stuff?02:52
LIITran Gentoo a few years back - I'm not that much into stuff, but not afraid to try stuff. I can find my way around the terminal editing stuff and compiling, etc - but not a lot more than that02:52
dverweireok. that's cool enough. go to your package manager and make sure that nvidia-glx is installed02:54
LIITPackage nvidia-glx is not available, but is referred to by another package.02:54
dverweireif you have to choose something more specific you may need to use nvidia-glx-18502:54
LIIT(from using apt-get - prefer staying in the terminal if possible)02:55
LIITtrying 18502:55
dverweiresudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18502:55
LIITinstalling now02:55
dverweireyou'll probably have to restart X at some poitn and you should run sudo nvidia-xconfig02:56
dverweire(if it doesn't do it automatically)02:57
LIITafter restaring X I assume02:57
dverweirei'd say: install driver -> run nvidia-xconfig -> restart x02:57
dverweiremake sure you backup your x config02:57
dverweirenvidia-xconfig will create a backup for you but better safe than sorry. :)02:58
dverweirethis should get you better usage of your gpu.02:58
kdkwow, font-size/buttons etc just got huge03:01
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LIIT_dverweire: where do I change the system font-size ?03:04
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rackITLIIT_:settings>system settings>>apperance>fonts03:09
LIIT_rackIT: that helped, thx :-)03:12
sehven_can anyone help me with installing compiz fusion?03:19
sehven_or direct me to the updated tutorial or guide about it03:20
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DragnslcrI don't think compiz works all that well with KDE03:23
DragnslcrKDE has its own compositing in kwin03:23
johnshoot5hello, when partitioning a hard disk for a new install is home primary or logical and is it at begining or end?03:30
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m_tadeuhow do I get the sound osd to work?04:26
shadowm_kubuntuhi, I've just installed kubuntu in a virtual machine and I don't really need automatic package updates since I'm just trying it out (besides, I have a download bandwidth limit). What's the easiest/most appropriate way to disable those?06:59
poyntzif I want to edit the vga value in grub.conf what's the best way to do it?08:46
ubuntistasI have multi-OS. How do I set ubuntu as the default OS if I don't press any key in 5 seconds at startup? Now win7 is the default and timer gives me 10 seconds.08:54
|GaiJin|Why does my Iphone mount and connect automatically in Ubuntu 10.04 but not in Kubuntu?08:55
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Optimus55how do i check disk free space in kubuntu?09:20
well_laid_lawnin konsole   df -h09:21
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nobarkinghi looking for a color picker app in kubuntu09:55
nobarkingsomething with a color wheel09:55
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oalWill Kubuntu get a 4.5 update of KDE tomorrow?12:20
James147oal: might not be tomorrow... but soon :)12:21
James147oal: http://www.kubuntu.org/news  will tell you when its out12:22
oalJames147, so I don't have to wait for 10.10?12:25
EagleScreenoal: KDE 4.5 will come with Kubuntu 10.10 on October12:25
James147oal: not if you dont might enabling the backport ppa12:25
oalSo basically I could go ahead compiling it myself now, and get it immediately :)12:26
EagleScreenoal: there are extra-oficial repositories with KDE 4.5, and you can use them, but dont cry if something become broken after installing KDE 4.5 from it12:26
oalI'm interested in trying the tiling window system12:26
James147oal: ^^ you could... or wait a couple of days... RC2 is also availble from the beta ppa12:26
James147oal: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.5-beta-212:27
James147oal: ^^ sorry ment http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45-rc-212:27
James147(not that it makes much difference :)  )12:27
oalHehe, thanks!12:27
James147oal: keep in mind you also will need the ppa:/kubuntu-ppa/backports ppa inorder to get the fianl release12:28
James147(or backport... cant quite remember :D  )12:28
* oal is just compiling it :)12:29
eagles0513875hey guys where would be the best place to discuss plasma desktop issues on lucid?12:33
James147eagles0513875: here if its lucid related or #plasma12:35
eagles0513875James147: im nost sure what it is12:35
eagles0513875after a while of leaving my pc on plasma starts to crash12:35
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eagles0513875icons start disappearing and if i kill plasma-desktop and restart it via commandline it seems to fix the problem12:36
James147eagles0513875: 4.4.x?12:36
eagles0513875James147: kde 4.4.212:36
eagles0513875i know kde 4.4.5 is out am i right James147`12:36
James147hmm, dont remember seeing that issue :S ... possibally a config problem (or plasmoid missbehaving?) you could create a new user and see if it happens on them12:37
James147^^ if it does them its most likly a #plasma issue12:37
eagles0513875my other issue got resolved which was my video driver crashing12:38
eagles0513875i asked in ubuntu-x and installed the newer driver from their repo12:38
eagles0513875where can i get kde 4.4.5 from12:38
James147eagles0513875: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.4.4  ^^ not sure if it has 4.4.5 but if it does then it will be in that ppa non the less12:39
eagles0513875humm ok12:39
eagles0513875James147: im starting to wonder if my issue has to do with kde12:39
James147eagles0513875: also, if you care at all kde 4.5 is due to be released today (so kubuntu packages will follow in a couple of days)12:40
eagles0513875that i think is what i was thinking of12:40
eagles0513875is 4.5 in a ppa somewhere12:40
James1474.5 RC2 is, (4.5 isnt released yet so it wont be)12:41
James147eagles0513875: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45-rc-2   note that for final you probally also want the backports ppa12:41
James147eagles0513875: (ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports)12:42
TaHaNoMtengo un problemita13:00
TaHaNoMque paso con al autocompletado de apti<tab> ins<ta> opess<tab> no me funciona13:00
well_laid_lawnis that spanish?13:01
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:01
TaHaNoMhi there13:02
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:03
TaHaNoMi cant to autocomplete using komodo, somethings like apti<tab> inst<tab> php<tab><tab>13:03
TaHaNoMit inst work13:03
dcorbin_workA recent update has changed the way ALT-TAB works where it now is very "flashy".  Is there an option to return it to the old way where it just shows a row of icons in the middle of the screen?13:03
James147dcorbin_work: system settings > desktop > desktop effects13:04
TaHaNoMsorry! is not komodo, is using kubuntu sosrry13:05
TaHaNoMi cant to autocomplete un "konsole" the tab doesnt work well13:05
well_laid_lawnTaHaNoM: you could try in konsole   sudo dpkg-reconfigure bash-completion13:11
TaHaNoMwell_laid_lawn: aptitude, done, but inst<tab> wont13:12
well_laid_lawnTaHaNoM: aptitude is different to dpkg - when did aptitude come into it?13:14
TaHaNoMyeah, but yesterdar! in ubuntu example: apti<tab> inst<tab> php<tab>  work fine! today (New installation) it doesnt work13:15
well_laid_lawnand the above command would have at least given a readon why or made things work13:16
TaHaNoMi would like than it works, because is toooo usefull13:18
TaHaNoMis too usefull and quickly13:20
well_laid_lawnmakes using the terminal as a file manager so easy here13:21
blip99hi all, I run Kubuntu 10.4 and want to get the latest KDE4.5 when it's released.  Will it be in the repos, if not is it a good idea to install it myself from source ?13:21
James147blip99: it wont be in the default repors, but wil should end up in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports13:22
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.13:22
blip99well_laid_lawn, James147:  sounds good.  thanks13:24
James147blip99: it will be anounced with instructions on www.kubuntu.org/news13:25
James147when its ready :) ^^13:25
blip99James147: I just got myself a new homepage ;)13:26
well_laid_lawnthat's a nice link thnx :]13:26
well_laid_lawnif ppl read topics that would be a good one to have in there ,,,13:27
TaHaNoMwell_laid_lawn: look, this is :D solved :D http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/01/28/turn-on-bash-smart-completion/13:27
James147well_laid_lawn: it is partly :) just direct links to pages from the above ^^13:27
TaHaNoMwell_laid_lawn: do this, close and open you terminal, and take a surprise xD13:28
TaHaNoMwell_laid_lawn: apt<tab> inst<tab> phpmy<tab>13:28
TaHaNoMwell_laid_lawn: full completion :D13:28
well_laid_lawnTaHaNoM: excellent :D13:30
TaHaNoMwell_laid_lawn: ;( yeah try unrar xD13:32
well_laid_lawnTaHaNoM: unrar works fine here13:32
well_laid_lawnunrar e /rath13:33
TaHaNoMwell_laid_lawn: completion xD13:33
TaHaNoMthe 'e' can be completed xD13:33
blip99I'm trying to decide if I should have enable fancy effects on my laptop with a Quadro FX880M card, I want some balance between effects and speed/battery usage etc..    I've tried Compiz fusion as well as built-in KDE4 Compositing and I don't see any performance difference.    Anyone been able to tell which is lighter ?13:40
blip99I tested with default plugins/options on both (except added wobbly windows on compiz)13:40
jussiblip99: Id expect the Kwin one to be lighter, as its made for kde4, but Im not certain at all, just a guess.13:41
James147blip99: I think it depends more on what effects you have enabled, ones that wakeup your gpu more often are going to draing your battery more :)13:42
blip99my gpu barely sleeps, nvidia's nice driver keeps it running at full clock speeds (max performance mode) 3/4 of the time :)    Even with barely anything happening13:44
well_laid_lawnblip99: you should look into cpufreqd13:49
well_laid_lawn!info cpufreqd13:49
ubottucpufreqd (source: cpufreqd): fully configurable daemon for dynamic frequency and voltage scaling. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.3-4ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 83 kB, installed size 392 kB13:49
blip99well_laid_lawn: hmm I doubt that can scale nvidia clock13:49
well_laid_lawnprob not13:49
jwc44Cairo Dock on Kubuntu you are using, but how to use kmenu13:51
James147jwc44: how to use the kmenu widget in cairo dock? not sure thats possible since i doupt cario knows what plasma widgets are :S13:55
jwc44How to use in Kubuntu kmenu13:58
jwc44Cairo-dock for Kubuntu How to use the kmenu13:58
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Shdwdrgnhi folks.  I run kde3 with packages from launchpad, but since upgrading to lucid last week, I've not been able to fix kde-guidance-kde3.  Any ideas?16:06
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sheytanHi there17:12
sheytani'm looking for someone with clean KDE setup17:12
sheytanand desktop effects turned on17:13
sheytanwould be cool to have 4.517:13
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BluesKajsheytan, I have kde 4.5...what's your question?17:56
sheytanBluesKaj i need some screenshot :)17:58
sheytanif you're interested, i send you a list :D17:58
BluesKajsheytan, depends on your themes18:05
sheytanBluesKaj, i found a way to make that shots for me, but thanks anyway :)18:06
BluesKajok, sheytan18:08
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vinnie_where can i set the monitor to shut down?18:30
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DarthFrogvinnie_: I'd try System Settings/Power Management.18:54
viktor85aВсем привет19:21
ugurHi all I cannot dual boot with Windows xp after installing kubuntu lucid19:28
derdonwhat is the best way of removing a plugged-in camera safely?20:05
BluesKajderdon, it's not windows , just close the app you're using to transfer the pics or video , if any and unplug20:08
DarthFrogderdon: Click on the icon in the system tray and then press the Eject button on the pop-up screen.  I think the icon looks like the USB icon.20:08
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Not a good idea if the device has a file system on it.20:08
BluesKajDarthFrog, never had a problem as long as there was no actitvity20:09
derdonDarthFrog: it doesn't have an eject button20:09
Travdoes anyone know why when I try to go in to the gui using xstart I loose my keyboard and my video goes away?20:10
DarthFrogderdon: If the device is mounted, yes it will.20:10
derdonDarthFrog: it will what?20:11
DarthFrogderdon: It looks like a small circle with a solid up arrow in it.20:11
BluesKajTrav, do you mean startx?20:11
DarthFrogderdon: The eject button.20:11
derdonDarthFrog: I know how it should look like ;)20:11
derdonDarthFrog: my two partitions on the external hard drive have this icon20:11
derdonDarthFrog: but not the camera20:11
derdonDarthFrog: could it be that it was unmounted automatically?20:12
DarthFrogBluesKaj: True.  If all the cached writes have been written to the disk, you'll probably get away with it.  But unmounting properly ensures that they have been.20:12
DarthFrogderdon: Type "mount" from a Konsole window and see if it is still mounted.20:13
BluesKajDarthFrog, I've looked for the eject option as you mentioned, but with some equipment thered oesn't seem to be such an option.20:13
DarthFrogHmm, everything that has a file system upon it has given me the eject icon.20:13
DarthFrogIf it is mounted, that is.20:13
BluesKajTrav, why are you using startx  , cli ?20:14
derdonDarthFrog: ok, appearently, KDigiKam unmounts it automatically20:14
derdona bit strange, though20:14
DarthFrogderdon: Good to know, thanks.20:14
Travbecause when it was going to the desktop gui automaticaly I also lost video and my keyboard20:15
TravI am using 9.10 and I just did a bug fix system has been up for a while with no problems before this20:16
Travwhen I go to recovery menu it does not let me do anything like the keboard is not there20:18
TravBut when I got do a Ctrl-Alt-f2 it changes the screen20:19
BluesKajTrav, ctrl+alt+f2 should bring up a tty shell20:20
Riddell** testers needed for 4.5.0 on lucid20:21
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James147Riddell: I am up for it :)20:22
BluesKajtrav, have you tried systemsettings/Country region & language/keyboard layout/enable keyboard layout/keyboard model option ?20:22
BluesKajRiddell, already running 4.5 :)20:23
RiddellBluesKaj: from where?20:23
DarthFrogRiddell: I"m running RC220:23
DarthFrogIs this the Released Version?20:23
RiddellDarthFrog: do you want to test final?20:23
Travright for tty shell20:24
BluesKajRiddell, oops sorry , 4.4.5 here20:24
Travhow do I get to the keyboard layout setings?20:24
Travfrom a shell20:24
BluesKajyou need X and the desktop for the kmenu/system settings20:25
RiddellBluesKaj: do you want to test 4.5 final?20:26
gorgonizerRiddell: I am willing to test :)20:27
BluesKajRiddell, sure , where to get it?20:27
ikoniawhat's the kde gksudo command ?20:30
ikoniaI can't remember it20:30
ikoniais it ?20:31
ikoniaI had that in my head, but I don't know20:31
James147kdesudo yes20:31
ikonialets find out20:31
PiciJames147: thanks20:31
no_u0im  curious to find errors since i cannot open the super user konsole from the gui. the normal konsole opens fine. but when i click the super user konsole, the icon just bounces but doesnt open20:31
ikoniano_u0: can you open a terminal and do kdesudo $command_to_open_your_shell20:31
ikoniaJames147: Pici thanks20:31
no_u0ikonia: not sure what the command is20:32
ikoniano_u0: what exactly are you trying to open20:32
no_u0the super user konsole20:32
ikoniaok, so "kdesudo konsole"20:33
James147no_u0: do you really want to run konsole as root? or open a session as root?20:33
ikoniado you get any errors/warnings ?20:33
ikoniaJames147: a better question20:33
James147no_u0: most the time if you need to run commands as root just open konsole as a user and type "sudo COMMAND"   or if you want to log in as root "sudo -i" << it is not advised to do this20:34
no_u0James147: i just want to be able to run things without restriction20:34
no_u0the regular konsole can get annoying that way20:34
James147no_u0: i still se no reason to launch konsole as root ^^ due to the above20:34
no_u0it opens the super user console fine from another konsole20:35
no_u0yea i guess20:35
no_u0it just saves typing sudo everytie20:35
James147no_u0: if you really want to not type sudo all the time, dont run konsole as root, just type "sudo -i" inside konsole... although its not advised to do that20:36
joe____hello everybody20:48
joe____I just installed Kubuntu, I am a quite experienced Linux user, I used other distros before20:49
joe____I wanted to give a suggestion, but I don't know which one is the appropriate channel20:50
maco#kubuntu-devel tends to be a good place to discuss ideas20:50
joe____ok thanks20:50
joe____it's not a very "development" suggestion, anyways20:51
joe____I just think that it's not a good idea to ship default Kubuntu without pulseaudio20:52
joe____I am quite experienced so I had no problems installing it, but an average user will just have no audio in Firefox, in VLC and other stuff20:52
joe____I hope my consideration can be of any help, thanks for listening20:53
macojoe____: 10.10 will include pulseaudio20:53
joe____maco: oh, ok that's nice!20:54
macojoe____: the reason it didnt earlier was that some versions of qt phonon handled it poorly. thats been fixed though (i never had problems with it, but some folks did)20:54
joe____maco: oh, I see... I was using Fedora before and I think that you are right, if I remember correctly the Fedora people worked to let pulseaudio work on KDE, and it was just for Fedora20:55
macojoe____: well, lennart works for red hat ;-)20:55
macobut it was actually some bugginess in qt, i think. qt 4.6 is the first to handle it well, iirc20:56
joe____maco: I see... that's good, then! if 10.10 will have pulseaudio then my "work" here is done! lol20:56
joe____I go back and install the missing stuff for my fresh kubuntu installation, bye all and thanks for your time20:57
joe____bye maco20:58
BluesKajpulseaudio is a mixed bag for those with onboard audio20:59
macoBluesKaj:quite a lot of the underlying alsa bugs have been beaten into submission though ;-)21:00
BluesKajmaco, i have 3 kubuntu machines with various soundcards and alsa isn't responsible for the audio probs, as soon as I dump PA, the audio works fine after setting up alsamixer properly.21:03
macoBluesKaj: that doesnt make alsa not responsible21:04
macoBluesKaj: drivers should work in both polling and interrupt mode. some of them work well in one of those modes and fall over in the other. that often results in it looking like pulse is broken when its really the driver21:05
* BluesKaj shrugs..run PA if you like , I'm merely telling you my personal experience and what I've come across with others ...PA isn't required on a lot of simple audio setups, cuz it's just another layer of processing21:06
BluesKajpolling or no21:07
macoits really hard to say "with onboard audio" too21:07
macobecause thats *most* audio21:08
macoi mean, ALL laptops have onboard afaik, and most desktop mobos include onboard with only some higher end systems having an additional sound card added on21:08
macobut things only break in a minority of cases21:09
frenchyhello every one :)21:10
=== frenchy is now known as frenchyboy
frenchyboyI have just a quick question, i am searching for a laptop with ultra long battery life (i.e mac bookpro) but i really want to use ubuntu for the os. does someone know a model that have the same performances ?21:14
James147frenchyboy: asus eee pc have a really long battery life and work great with [k]ubuntu, although might be a bit small21:16
frenchyboyjazzy_d: why do you need 96khz ???21:16
frenchyboyjames147: yeah but they are pretty small, i think i will need 13" min ... and i really love the idea of 10+ battery ... if i wasn't loving kubuntu so much ...21:18
=== aperson is now known as DonSpice
=== DonSpice is now known as aperson
chiiphhi... does anybody knows how to solve the problem of apt not finding any basic package after a fresh installation?21:38
well_laid_lawnhave you run an update?21:41
BluesKajchiiph, open kpackagekit and enable canonical partners repositories as well as other sources , in the sources options21:41
=== petr_ is now known as testerq
chiiphBluesKaj: oks, I'll try that...21:42
James147chiiph: first try running an update (via kpackagekit or by "sudo apt-get update"21:42
chiiphBluesKaj && well_laid_lawn: everything's enabled and updated...21:42
chiiphJames147: ^^21:42
James147chiiph: not finding anything...?21:43
testerqhow to register new user in some other channel????    for example "xxx-irc-channel"  ??  (for example)21:43
chiiphJames147: well... no, git... vim... I don't... basic packages... none are there..21:43
BluesKajchiiph, pastebin your sources.list21:45
testerqallllooooooooo!!!!!!!   guys!!     "/invite usernamexxx ???? "21:46
testerqanybody heart ??21:47
well_laid_lawntesterq: it depends on the other channel - you'll need to ask in there21:47
testerqanybody hear ??21:47
testerqwell_laid_lawn NO21:48
chiiphBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/NTkZt8NS21:48
testerqwell_laid_lawn  I can not write in this channel21:48
testerq[00:46] [404] #cakephp Cannot send to channel21:48
well_laid_lawntesterq: you might need a registered nick21:48
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:48
testerqwell_laid_lawn how???21:49
testerqwell_laid_lawn  man --- faster please   tell me21:49
well_laid_lawntesterq: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:49
BluesKajchiiph, and sudo aptitude install "packagename" isn't working ?21:50
testerq[00:51] [435] test567 #cakephp Cannot change nickname while banned on channel21:51
chiiphBluesKaj: nope21:51
well_laid_lawntesterq: you need to shut that channel window21:51
testerqI see it after type "/nick test567"21:51
BluesKajchiiph, which package ?21:52
chiiphBluesKaj: git-core21:52
=== testerq is now known as test999
chiiphBluesKaj: and outputs nothing for aptitude search htop (as another example)21:53
test999[00:53] <test999> hi21:53
test999[00:53] [404] #cakephp Cannot send to channel21:53
test999well_laid_lawn  aaaaaaaaaA????????? !!!!!!!121:53
test999well_laid_lawn  what???????????????????21:53
test999чёртов ирк21:54
chiiphwell_laid_lawn || James147: you guys have any idea what could be happening?21:54
test999кто-нибудь на русском может сказать????????21:54
well_laid_lawntest999: you didn't register your nick you just changed it21:54
test999как зарегстрироваться на каком-нибудь канале ???????21:54
test999well_laid_lawn   how to regist?21:55
well_laid_lawntest999: try   /msg nickserv !register <email address> <password>21:55
well_laid_lawntest999: do it in the freenode tab21:56
test999well_laid_lawn  ok   I look at /help message and I am not understend what a fuck??? fuckind 20 words and nothing more --- fucking help21:56
well_laid_lawntest999: you can't use that language in here]21:57
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.21:57
well_laid_lawntest999: go to this webpage for more help   http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration21:58
=== ty is now known as Guest9534
well_laid_lawnchiiph: in konsole when you run   sudo apt-get update   what doe it return? - lots on connecting and stuff?21:59
|magic|how do you change color of panel of kubuntu, i can put only theme21:59
chiiphwell_laid_lawn: I'm acting as a proxy for another person... so, give me a sec, and I'll pastebin the outpu22:00
test999well_laid_lawn  /msg NickServ !register <email address> <password>   DOES NOT WORK22:00
well_laid_lawntest999: go to this webpage for more help   http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration22:00
test99901:00] [Notice] -NickServ- Invalid command. Use /msg NickServ help for a command listing.22:00
well_laid_lawntest999: go to this webpage for more help   http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration22:00
test999well_laid_lawn  NO MAN - tell me here22:01
test999well_laid_lawn do not run from problem - solve it22:01
well_laid_lawnyou are on ignore22:01
chiiphwell_laid_lawn: http://pastebin.com/7QHsg1w722:02
|magic|how do you change color of panel of kubuntu, i can put only theme22:03
|magic|chi ha kubuntu22:03
James147|magic|: you need to change the theme to change the colour... i think the aya theme works off the system palette22:04
test999well_laid_lawn   I register!22:04
|magic|James147: i understand22:04
|magic|: /22:04
test999well_laid_lawn     what is more?22:05
test999well_laid_lawn      how to login?22:05
well_laid_lawnchiiph: looks like the update fails with mismatched Hash Sums22:05
|magic|is a restriction on kubuntu: (22:05
chiiphwell_laid_lawn: yep...22:05
chiiphwell_laid_lawn: we are behind a proxy... could that be it?22:06
James147|magic|: its not a kubuntu restriction, its the way plasma themes work... aya is probally the theme you want, it will change to the colour of your windows22:06
well_laid_lawnchiiph: I never use a proxy but lots do so it should work - try a diff mirror to download from22:08
|magic|James147:  Can you show me how to do it, forgive me for not correct English22:09
chiiphwell_laid_lawn: sudo apt-get update -o Acquire::http::No-Cache=True <-- this solved it...22:09
James147|magic|: system settings > appearance > ... umm Desktop Theme I think ... cant quite remember where on 4.422:10
James147|magic|: then click the "get new themes" when you find it :)22:10
|magic|i iunderstand22:11
|magic|what do you use as KDE22:12
James147on kde 4.5 now, they moved allot of the system settings stuff around so I cant remember where everything is :)22:16
|magic|kubuntu is good but delicate22:20
BluesKajchiiph, well_laid_lawn is correct, you should change your server source to Main or USA....being behind a proxy can be difficult in my experience.22:21
BluesKajbbiab ...the new kde test didn't go so well , so i have to relogin22:22
=== ubuntu is now known as Freaks
MakuseruIm having some problems using HDMI out. I have a HP G60 with an Nvidia 8200M graphics chipset. When i plut the hdmi cable into my tv the nvidia settings sees the tv and i can change settings and such, but the tv always says "no siginal." I've googled around and came across people saying the nvidia 8200 has a hdmi/dvi jumper that you have to move. But since i have the laptop version (the 8200M) i dont know if mine would have that22:37
Makuseruor not. Is it a case of that, or are there some setting/drivers i don't know about that i should to get hdmi working?22:37
sithlord48hey all, i have lucid w/ kde 4.4.5 with radeion driver and kcm for effects says they are not supported, but they are on and work. how can i get it to allow me to config the settings?22:39
=== max is now known as Guest89820
Guest89820Im having some problems using HDMI out. I have a HP G60 with an Nvidia 8200M graphics chipset. When i plut the hdmi cable into my tv the nvidia settings sees the tv and i can change settings and such, but the tv always says "no siginal." I've googled around and came across people saying the nvidia 8200 has a hdmi/dvi jumper that you have to move. But since i have the laptop version (the 8200M) i dont know if mine would have23:19
Guest89820that or not. Is it a case of that, or are there some setting/drivers i don't know about that i should to get hdmi working?23:19
sithlord48Guest89820: do you have the vendors driver for the gfx card installed? if so you can try 'kdesudo nvidia-setting' to run the nvidia display control panel23:22
Guest89820sithlord48: I have the current driver going, and the nvidia settings see the tv and everything, but the tv says no input23:24
sithlord48oh i was just suggesting..23:24
Guest89820Appreciate it.23:25
sithlord48ok first off you did open the program w/ kdesudo , so your running as root.23:25
sithlord48secondly, be sure you have saved to xorg file  , and you also may have to restart X server23:26
Guest89820i didnt open it with sudo, and i did save the xorg23:29
nuovodnawhen will be kde 4.5.0 final release on kubuntu lucid ppa ?23:35
roxymy kopete w/ yahoo account just crashz. default from repo. fresh install. :<23:37
bittinHello, anyone know if peppermint got an irc channel?23:37
James147nuovodna: kde 4.5 isnt out yet :) but the 4.5 packages have/are being built and tested now so they should be released about the same time kde 4.5 is, or at elast with a day or two23:37
nuovodnaok, thanks James14723:38
James147nuovodna: watch www.kubuntu.org/news  it willl be anounced there with insctuctions when it is availble23:39
nuovodnaJames147: thanks. do you know if the qt dbusmenu patched version will be uploaded on lucid ppa?23:41
bittintheir website says its #PeppermintOS but thats empty :(23:41
James147nuovodna: dont know sorry23:42
nuovodnaok i ll ask to devel channel23:42
bittinthinking about installling that distro on my netbook23:45
djusticewtf pplz. kopete. busted yahoo. that cant be stock 4.4.5 release.23:46
djusticeill dig for a ppa...23:46
=== warren is now known as Guest75780
djusticezero useful ppaz. no working kopete/yahoo for kubuntu then.23:49
djusticeand gyachi fails. weird server refusals. infinite popup dialogs..23:50
* djustice returns to #chakra-devel23:50
James147stacasajac: ?23:54
James147!br | sithlord4823:58
ubottusithlord48: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:58
James147sithlord48: sorry, dam tab complete as ppl leave :S23:58
=== jan is now known as Guest48912
poyntzhow to I get korganiser to work in lucid lynx without crashing?23:59

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