
RichWI get "internal server error" with http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~richies/hypernucleus-server/PylonsPort/revision/301:13
RichWhelp me please :)01:13
thumperRichW: hi01:14
* thumper looks01:14
RichWthumper, hi thumper01:14
RichWis this right channel for launchpad explosions?01:15
thumperyes it is01:15
thumperalthough unfortunately there isn't a lot I can do right now01:15
thumperthe admins are meeting in europe for a sprint01:15
RichWquite ironic how its called laundpad and it crashed haha01:15
* thumper smiles01:15
RichWI graduate with software engineering couple years maybe one day i can iron these bugs lol01:17
thumperRichW: you don't have to wait01:18
thumperwe have had several people help with the codebase while still at uni01:18
RichWoh yeah they open sourced it01:18
RichWi'd need some way of finding the traceback01:19
thumperRichW: with the next rollout (Thursday) we add OOPS handling to the code browser01:20
thumperwhich will give tracebacks01:20
thumper(to developers)01:20
RichWwow! impressive. I could just download a local copy and hack away :)01:20
RichWoh I see01:20
RichWdevs only01:20
thumperRichW: ?01:21
RichWYou guys use zope, I use pylons normally, is it pretty similar?01:21
thumperwhat I mean is that the traceback will be shown to members of the launchpad developer team01:21
thumperothers will just get an OOPS id01:21
thumperbut if running locally01:21
thumperyou'll be able to see the traceback01:21
thumperI don't know pylons01:21
RichWoh yeah fair enough :)01:22
thumperbut zope has lots of weirdness01:22
thumperRichW: I don't see anything wrong with your branch01:22
thumperit is likely that the codebrowser has wandered off into lala land01:22
thumperand needs to be shot01:22
RichWIt has happened before01:22
RichWand that time a guy fixed it in about 10 minutes01:23
thumperit would have been fixed by one of our admins01:23
RichW2GB ppa! wow01:24
micahgthumper: still here?02:16
micahgthere seems to be a stuck builder or 202:16
micahgmake that 3: https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/lemon02:18
* thumper wanders around blindly looking for someone who has the ability to shoot stuck builders02:30
jmarsdenLOSA ^^02:32
jmarsdenthumper: That issue of stuck builders has been around for a couple of days now, on and off... something is strange with the build farm.02:33
thumperjmarsden: yeah, I'll make sure I tell bigjools when he gets up, also the LOSAs are sprinting this week, so no-one is around right now02:34
micahgthanks thumper02:42
wgrantjmarsden: It's actually unrelated to the issues over the weekend.02:48
wgrantJust some unhappy builder hardware, by the look of things.02:48
jmarsdenwgrant: Fair enough... quite a coincidence, the builders seem (from my casual PPA user perspective) to generally be very reliable.02:49
wgrantThey're not too bad, but the few problems that do appear can stack up when nobody's around to fix them.02:50
wyhhi there. is the po file uploading problem solved now?03:23
lifelesswhat problem ?03:25
wyhlifeless: I see there's an email in the mailing list mentioning  that. but I didn't care much.03:27
wyhlifeless: will it work properly if I upload a po file?03:27
lifelessI'm not aware of a system issue, - nothing in /topic03:28
wyhlifeless: so, where to post this topic?03:28
lifelessI don't understand the question03:29
wyhlifeless: who should I ask for help?03:29
lifelesswhat help do you need ?03:30
wyhlifeless: I just wonder if uploading po file works fine now03:30
lifelesswhat happened when you last uploaded one?03:31
wyhlifeless: and whether it will be properly merged03:31
wyhlifeless: eh, nothing. I just saw a bug announcement in the mailing list about it. I don't use uploading frequently recently03:33
lifelesswyh: Like I say, I'm not aware of a system wide issue at the moment.03:33
lifelessIf there was an announcement, it should have instructions about when to do things again, or the bug that they referenced. I suggest re-reading the announcement.03:33
wgrantI don't recall seeing such an announcement recently.03:34
wyhlifeless: yes, but I thought there's some one in this channel to tell me clearly whether its fixed.03:35
wyhwell, if no one knows, I'll re-read the mail. Thank you all.03:37
nigelbthat was strange.03:38
wgrantThat was.03:38
nigelbI hate it when loggerhead gives me "Internal server error"03:49
* nigelb stabs F503:49
johnnie_so i'm not the only one?03:49
wgrantIt seems to be down at the moment.03:49
wgrantAnd the sysadmins are all in Europe this week.03:50
nigelbAh, IS sprint!03:50
ajmitchso this will be the week when everything falls over03:53
wgrantajmitch: And we even have an LP upgrade to help things along :)03:54
ajmitchthat'll go smoothly, I'm sure :)03:54
wgrantAn LP upgrade with big recipe build schema changes, too.03:54
nigelbWhich is a good thing in itself, unless it breaks everything else.03:54
zubin71hi, which all version control systems are supported at launchpad? just bzr?04:00
zubin71I could'nt find any details, so I guess its only bzr as of now04:01
nigelbfor code hosting, yes.  bzr.04:01
zubin71are there plans to include other version control systems too?04:01
zubin71(just curious)04:01
lifelesslp can import from most VCS systems into bzr for you04:01
zubin71ok, thanks nigelb lifeless !04:02
harpreetursinha, matsubara, garyposter, bac : Hi Gud morning05:47
harpreetursinha, matsubara, garyposter, bac : I have problem while logging in to launchpad, can any one please help me.05:48
harpreetthis is the error which I get http://dpaste.com/226498/05:49
thumperharpreet: there seems to be something wrong with the account05:58
harpreetthumper: can you please guide me on how to fix it OR get it fixed...05:59
thumperharpreet: Have you changed the email address linked to your account recently?06:01
thumperharpreet: I'm not sure what is causing the issue06:01
harpreetthumper: not recently but yes have changed, it used my 1 id as defult i changed it to the other06:03
thumperwhen did you change it?06:04
harpreetsorry dont rememeber exactly when  :-(06:04
harpreetthumper: but now it is allowing me to change it back to the old id, but gives same error with that also.06:05
wgrantthumper: Have you merged one of your accounts into another?06:05
* thumper has to run out to collect people06:06
harpreetwgrant: not merged, but i used this second id to another account which was almost dead for me, so released this id from that account attached it to this current account and deleted the dead account06:06
wgrantharpreet: By 'id' do you mean 'email address'?06:07
harpreetwgrant: yes06:07
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gesersomeone an idea why http://launchpadlibrarian.net/52599395/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-armel.opendrim-lmp-battery_1.0.0-0ubuntu1_MANUALDEPWAIT.txt.gz is correctly marked as DEPWAIT while http://launchpadlibrarian.net/52805733/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-powerpc.opendrim-lmp-battery_1.0.0-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz is marked as FTBFS (for the same reason)?10:28
geseris it perhaps because the output has changed slightly?10:29
wgrantEasy enough fix.10:30
wgrantCan you file a bug?10:30
wgrantI'll get it done tonight.10:30
gesersure, against launchpad-buildd?10:30
geserwgrant: bug #61528610:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 615286 in Launchpad Auto Build System "DEPWAIT not recognized from build log (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61528610:42
Whistler36just created account & created SSH key using PuTTYGen. SSH-2 RSA 1024 bits. Can't get Launchpad to accept key.11:11
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spivWhistler36: the key needs to be in OpenSSH's format; I think that's the -L option for the puttygen command line tool.11:15
Whistler36ok. I exported the key using the menu option in puttygen as openssh. In the file the key is marked private.11:16
spivLaunchpad needs the public key, not the private key.11:16
spivOnly you need the private key :)11:17
micahgdid the subscribers box disappear?12:41
micahgderyck: ^^12:43
deryckmicahg, shouldn't have.  Can you point me at a bug where's it not there?12:44
micahgderyck: all of them for me12:44
* micahg wonders if it's my browser12:44
deryckmicahg, hmmm, yeah, I have a subscribers box on every bug I look at.12:44
* micahg tries in another browser12:45
deryckeven looking at some ubuntu bugs with lots of duplicates and subscribers the lists appear fine.  a little slower to load, obviously.12:46
micahgderyck: yeah, seems to be something in FF, let me try a clean profile12:46
micahgderyck: sorry for the noise, seems to be bad cache data in my browser12:47
deryckmicahg, no worries.  Better to ask an be sure.12:48
czajkowskiis mrevell on hols?12:53
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micahgderyck: I figured it out, it was my user agent (was set to IE8 -- was testing something last night)13:12
nigelbmicahg: so full of fail to use IE13:13
nigelbmicahg: also, how did you do that?13:13
micahgnigelb: user agent switcher extension13:13
nigelbmicahg: thanks :)13:17
deryckyeah, there is a quite different experience of lp with IE than FF or Chrome.13:20
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jemaduxi have one serious problem w/ my acc in launchpad14:15
jemaduxLaunchpad requires a REFERER header to perform this action. There is no REFERER header present. This can be caused by configuring your browser to block REFERER headers.14:15
jemaduxUnblock REFERER headers for launchpad.net and try again, or see the FAQ Why does Launchpad require a REFERER header? for more information.14:15
jemaduxYou can also join the #launchpad IRC support channel on irc.freenode.net for further assistance.14:15
abhijitif anyone wishes to contact me through launchpad then does he must have launchpad account?14:53
beunoabhijit, yes14:56
abhijitbeuno, ok14:57
abhijitbeuno, thanks. bye15:00
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proppybug #1 broken ? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (I get an OOPS)16:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share (affected: 519, heat: 2686)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share (affected: 519, heat: 2686)" [Critical,In progress]16:57
proppyoh, now it's ok16:57
proppysorry for the noise16:57
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salgadoLaunchpad encountered an error during the following operation: generating the diff for a merge proposal.  The source branch has pending writes.17:43
salgadoI'm getting that (via email) for all merge proposals I create17:44
salgadorockstar, do you know if there's anything wrong with diff generation?17:44
rockstarsalgado, that's a known bug.17:44
rockstarsalgado, wait, for ALL of them?17:44
rockstarsalgado, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/612171 Is this what you're experiencing?17:45
salgadoI've created two mps for two distinct branches and got that in both occasions17:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 612171 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "Error generating merge proposal diff when "source branch has pending writes" (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged]17:45
rockstarsalgado, hm, I wonder if there's a race somewhere.17:45
rockstarsalgado, please comment on the bug.17:46
salgadosounds like it, but why would my branch have pending writes?17:46
rockstarsalgado, are you pushing before you send the merge proposal via email+17:47
rockstarsalgado, hm, there might be another of those requestMirror bugs we've had since eliminating the hosted area.17:48
salgadorockstar, when it happened earlier I resubmitted my proposal and even then it wasn't able to generate the diff17:52
rockstarsalgado, that's very odd.17:52
cperrin88Hey, is someone here familiar with how launchpadlib handels the WADL files. Does it download the whole root file at first?18:00
cperrin88Very talkative chat ^^18:05
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