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lagsebjan: Ping09:00
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cooloneylag: sebjan is away on vacation i think.09:36
lagcooloney: When do we get TIs patches11:04
cooloneylag: i didn't get it yet11:08
cooloneylag: i will ping them today11:08
lagI'm happy to do it11:11
lagHow do they normally send them to you?11:11
cooloneynormally, sebjan will prepare the branch in their integration tree11:12
cooloneyand ask me to pull11:12
cooloneybut i think this time ndec will help to do that11:12
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lagcooloney: Let me know if you want me to take care of it11:15
cooloneylag: no problem, man. just send out an email to ndec and added you in11:21
lagI received it11:22
rsalvetilag: did you get the new TI release?14:18
lagrsalveti: Nothing yet14:18
lagPerhaps ndec will know more?14:18
ndeclag: hi. sorry I am not too responsive these days...14:19
ndeclag: many people on vacations, too many things to cover ;-)14:19
lagndec: Do you think they will be done sometime this week?14:20
ndeclag: i have seen cooloney email. i received the new BSP based on .35, but I haven't had time to look into it.14:21
lagndec: We have a few users (and developers) who are struggling with a few things we're waiting for bugs for14:21
lagbug fixes*14:21
ndeclag: this branch: http://dev.omapzoom.org/?p=integration/kernel-omap4.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/L24.9 has the latest BSP, but it does not support panda yet, only blaze.14:21
lagPanda is the key one for us14:22
ndeclag: i am planning to have a branch with this .35 OMAP4 BSP + ubuntu patches + panda sometimes this week.14:22
lagndec: Thanks14:22
lagrsalveti: There's your answer :)14:22
ndecrsalveti: hi... does it answer your question?14:23
rsalvetilag: ndec: yep, thanks :-)14:25
dyfetI found a simple armel ftbfs much earlier this morning...libgd214:55
asacdyfet: have a fix? ;)(14:57
asacor you mean "found a fix" ;)14:57
asacdyfet: if you want a sponsor at best file a bug attach the debdiff and let me or ogra know14:57
dyfetI have to go back to the doctor this morning, but it was a quick one to fix, so i am going to do that shortly14:58
ogralibgd2 ? doesnt that need a fix in libc ?15:02
ograiirc it fails on the wrong dh_shlibs setting currently15:02
asacogra: dunno. didnt look at the build failure ... ;)15:24
ograi think it was the one15:24
* asac goes looking15:24
ograit looked like a bug in dh_shlibs15:24
asacyeah feels like it15:24
ograbut it turned out that glibc provides broken info to dh_shlibs15:24
asacyes, if libc still mentions not existing package then thats the case15:25
asacbut maybe dyfet managed to not use that part at all ;)15:25
ograso its effectively a glibc bug, only if we cant fix it there in time we should add a hack, else just wait15:25
asac(which wouldnt be that bad either ... of course libc needs to be fixed)15:25
ograright, if he has a better fix thats indeed better :)15:25
asacogra: and he should open a bug for the libc issue if its not reported and make it release critical so doko actually fixes it ;)15:26
ograi think its open upstream or in debian somewhere, i dont have the bug #'s here atm15:26
ograwe added the hack in karmic already (same issue back then)15:27
ograbah, sigh, i just bought a new car ... only thing it needs are new tires .... and i just looked up the tire price for that size of tires ... seems thats additional 10% of the price of the car ... sigh15:28
markos_ogra: are you referring to the ld-linux3-dev override hack in d-shlibmove for libgd2?15:39
ogramarkos_, xactly15:39
markos_if so, I found more packages with exactly the same problem -well, the debian ones, but I guess it might still be valid for ubuntu15:39
markos_namely ghostscript, graphviz and jbig2dec (plus libgd2 ofc)15:40
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lagmpoirier: Works for me15:40
ograwe had probs with all these back in karmic and changing the ld-linux3-dev entry fixed all of them15:41
markos_fixed it in glibc?15:41
mpoirierlag: fantascit - I'll wait 'till GrueMaster has a chance to test it too.15:41
ograno, in dh-slibs15:41
markos_oh, right, but the maintainer in debian opposes the change15:42
ograwhich is right15:42
GrueMaster_mpoirier: I'll try to get to it sometime today.  I'm in the middle of a Lucid>Maverick upgrade test atm.15:42
mpoirierGrueMaster: that would be great.15:43
markos_well, I used a simple "fix" in the same packages, I just added an override in each package, though the best solution would be ofc to fix glibc15:43
mpoirierGrueMaster:  I'll push the change in when you confirm it works for your.15:43
amitkanybody know how to "resume" booting after one has been dropped to the initramfs shell?15:46
ograamitk, ctrl-d15:52
ograthough if you are past a script thats essential and it doesnt get re-executed it might fail15:52
amitkogra: it does :-/ with "chvt: can't open console"16:08
ograthat sounds more like a devtmpfs or udev prob16:08
ogrado you have devtmpfs compiled in ?16:09
ograand is udevd running16:09
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lagogra: If I have a kernel and I run update-initramfs on it them mkimage it, should it just work?17:05
ogralag, if you wait until my just uploaded initramfs-tools is in the archive you only need update-initramfs17:06
ograno mkimage or anyrthing needed ;)17:06
lagSo what's this for then:17:07
lagmkimage -A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n initramfs -d ./initrd.img-* ./uInitrd17:07
ograthat will give you a uImage in $(pwd)17:09
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lagA uImage?17:20
lagNot a uInitrd?17:20
lagogra: ?17:21
ogralag, err, indeed, uInitrd17:34
lagAnd that's what I want right?17:34
ograno idea what you want17:35
ograwhat do you plan to do ?17:35
ogralag, if you want to actually use it, it needs to be copied into the vfat partition too17:36
lagogra: http://paste.ubuntu.com/475518/17:38
lagThis is what I'm doing17:39
lagIs it correct17:39
rsavoyeany ideas for a stable kernel I can run on an XM board that seems to trigger segfaults ?17:39
lagogra: Line 67-7117:39
ogralag, yeah17:40
lagrsalveti: Would you mind rephrasing the question please?17:40
rsalvetilag: rsavoye :-)17:40
ograrsavoye, there are bad ram chips on a good bunch of the XMs17:40
rsavoyeis that my problem ? I can;t compile anything17:41
ograrsavoye, if you have one of these, no kernel wont help17:41
rsavoyearg.... so much for free hardware :-(17:41
ograi dont know exactly how to tell them apart17:41
lagrsalveti: :)17:41
rsavoyeI'd love to know, it's getting in the way of work...17:41
ograbut there are two different manufacturers for the ram17:41
ograone works, the other doesnt17:42
rsavoyeMine's got an 'A' on it17:42
lagrsavoye: I think it will only affect you if you are using >255.9MB RAM17:42
rsavoyeI've got 512M, can I limit it to 256 but at 1Ghz ?17:42
ograwhich he likely does when compiling17:42
ograyou could try booting with mem=17:43
rsavoyeI'm using micheal1's C4, but now there are two of trying to compile at the same time...17:43
ograwell, XM is pre-production HW, dont expect it to work flawless yet17:44
rsavoyethis was supposedly post production... :-(17:45
rsavoyeogra: how to boot with mem= from the monitor ?17:45
ograthere are no "post production" XMs yet17:45
ograyou need to change the cmdline in boot.scr (if your image has one, no idea what you use over there)17:46
ograelse you are doomed to serial console :)17:46
rsavoyeI can live in the serial console no problem if it stops crashing :-)17:47
ograjust for setting the mem= option i mean :)17:47
rsavoyethat's what I was going to try, just gotta figure out the command line17:48
ograin ubuntu the source for boot.scr is stored in /boot/boot.script, you can just change it and run sudo flash-kernel and reboot, not sure how it is on the linaro images17:49
rsavoyeI should be running stock maverick17:50
ograstock maverick from one of the alpha releases ? that should work with the ubuntu method above17:51
rsavoyeyes, alpha-2 I believe17:52
lagogra: So I can download the daily build, run that script on it (where uImage is my own kernel) and it should work?17:52
ogralag, how would the update-initramfs be executed ?17:53
ogra(line 67)17:53
ograi assume you run that script on your x86 host ?17:53
ograthen it wont work17:53
ograthe initramfs needs to be rolled inside the rootfs17:54
rsavoyeogra: flash-kernel run on the host or the target ?17:54
ograrsavoye, all run in a booted beagle17:54
rsavoyedon't see it, let me go look for it17:55
ogralag, you would at least need to chroot into the rootfs and run it there, but it will try to install the modules from the kernel package which is indeed not installed inside your rootfs17:56
ograsince you work with raw uImage files17:56
ogralag, if you only rebuild existing kernels and dont fiddle with modules etc i'd just omit the initramfs building completely17:57
ogradoing it in a cross way is some effort17:57
rsavoyeogra: what package is flash-kernel in ?18:02
lagogra: NP - thanks18:02
ograrsavoye, flash-kernel :)18:02
rsavoyeI need more coffee....18:03
rsavoyeYou are currently running the Community Kernel edition  ?18:04
ograi'm running the linux-omap or the linux-omap4 metapackages18:04
rsavoyeshould I remove /etc/flash-kernel.conf ?18:04
ogradepending on the board/image i run18:04
ograno, /etc/flash-kernel.conf is needed so flash-kernel finds the vfat18:05
ogra(which holds bootloader and kernel)18:05
rsavoyeah, thanks. Maybe I should try linux-omap too18:05
ograrsavoye, not on the XM ....18:07
ograrsavoye, the XM doesnt find it's SD card currently with the -omap kernel, dont even try it18:08
rsavoyeok, thanks for stopping me before it was too late :-)18:09
rsavoye## Executing script at 8020000018:10
rsavoyeBad data crc18:10
rsavoyetime to reinstall from scratch I guess18:11
* ogra calls it a da18:13
rsavoyeguess I'll try alpha-3 this time18:14
* XorA wishes he could just get meeting requests in non garbled forms in linux :-(18:26
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rsavoyeoh well, maverick alp[ha-3 won't boot on an XM18:56
GrueMastermpoirier: Test kernel is booting fine on my 4G Class 2 SD Card.  :D19:25
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rsavoyedpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.35-14-omap (--configure):21:58
rsavoye subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 221:58
rsavoyeah, "Cannot find mtd partition 'Kernel'"21:58
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GrueMasterrsavoye: That's an interesting issue.  Can you try running update-initramfs and possibly flash-kernel separately to see which is hitting this?  I suspect it may be flash-kernel.22:35
rsavoyeafter it reboots, it just hung on me...22:35
rsavoyeyes, Cannot find mtd partition 'Kernel' comes from flash-kernel22:37
GrueMasterI wonder if I am hitting a similar issue with my lucid>maverick upgrade test (which I restarted and is still running).22:38
GrueMasterAre you running a maverick image?22:40
jcrigbyrsavoye:does /etc/flash-kernel.conf exist?22:42
jcrigbyupdate-initramfs sources that file to setup UBOOT_PART22:47
jcrigbyUBOOT_PART is what flash-kernel needs to know the boot partition device to update the kernel and initrd22:47
rsavoyeno wonder it won't work :-)22:47
rsavoyecan I just create the file ?22:48
jcrigbyyes but update-initramfs may still not call flash-kernel because of another but there22:48
jcrigbyecho UBOOT_PART=/dev/mmcblk0p1 > /etc/flash-kernel.conf22:49
rsavoyeI'm just trying to get my XM to run long enough to actually compile something22:49
jcrigbyso you are trying a kernel upgrade?22:50
jcrigbynot sure newer kernel will fix anything22:51
rsavoyeI get Creating backups of uImage and uInitrd... cp: cannot create regular file `/tmp/m22:55
rsavoyeFailed to create initrd image.22:55
rsavoyewhat's weird is it wants to reinstall the kernel I'm already running22:55
jcrigbyall flash-kernel does is mount your boot partition and copy kernel and initrd there22:57
jcrigbyif you are already running the same kernel then this wont help anything22:58
jcrigbyare you running ubuntu or linaro now?22:58
jcrigbyI assume linaro since it missing the flash-kernel.conf file22:59
rsavoyeI think linaro, but the repository seems to point to maverick23:00
rsavoyeI couldn't get alpha3 to boot, so tried the linaro image, which at least booted23:00
rsavoyeit's so much more fun to be on the bleeding edge like this :-)23:03
GrueMasterOdd.  I could have sworn either ogra or rsalveti had tested Alpha 3 on XM.23:06
GrueMasterAh, found it.  Bug 613855.23:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 613855 in jockey (Ubuntu) "Jockey adds outdated debian repo for xerox from openprinting.org (affects: 1) (heat: 39)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61385523:07
GrueMasterErr, that's not the right bug.  weird.23:08
GrueMasterBug 61385523:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 613855 in linux (Ubuntu) "omap3 beagle XM MMC card always comes up readonly (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61385523:08
GrueMasterMuch better (or not, depending on your perspective).23:08
rsavoyeGrueMaster: I'll gladly try alpha-3 again, but I reinstalled twice and it never booted23:13
rsavoyearg, build-dep is braindead23:14
GrueMasterI was looking at iso.qa.ubuntu.com.  According to the test results, it fails because the kernel is only seeing the microSD as read-only.23:15
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rcn-eersavoye, that's probally my bad with the /etc/flash-kernel.conf, what am i missing in my images to help users switch between kernels.. My main motivation is to stop 'flash-kernel' when i don't want it to right to flash..23:47
rsavoyercn-ee: I'm trying the linaro image of 2.6.35-14, course it just hung...23:48
rcn-eeif it hangs after 'uncompressing' it's basicly bombing on the lack of omap3630 stuff..23:49
rsavoyethat time it hung running configure23:50
rsavoyethat is the configure script for Gnash23:50
rcn-eersavoye, are you going to be around for a bit? got to disable a couple config things to get it built, but i almost have a latest git kernel..23:56
rsavoyeyep, it's only 1700 here23:56
rcn-eeoh, your montain time.. cool central here so basicly the same..  usually everyone's from europe..23:57
rsavoyeyep, mountain time. I live up at 9000 feet in the Rockies of Colorado23:58
rsavoyewow, somebody almost in my time zone ? :-)23:58
rsavoyewe must be the only 2...23:58

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