
stlsaintlive: no this is not the forums00:00
stlsaintlive: here are the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/00:00
stlsaintlive: ..00:03
livehmm.. thanks00:03
stlsaintlive: ;)00:03
stlsaintlive: whats that?00:04
liveokay, how about a bot00:04
liveoh wait00:04
ubot2A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines00:04
stlsaintlive: yes?00:05
liveI thought it was interesting that I sent my mom the ubuntu live CD00:05
livealso a computer that was broken00:05
livei sent them a cd aswell00:05
bootstrapI'm a bit behind, but has turbo been fixed for intel iX processors?00:11
stlsaintbootstrap: sorry i couldnt tell ya00:24
bootstrapstlsaint: That's ok, thanks for the response though.00:24
liveturbo boost isn't working00:48
bootstraplive: thank you. do you have any speculations on it?00:52
bootstrapthat's fine, thanks again00:55
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duanedesignwhat ubuntu package allows you to do svn checkouts?03:59
duanedesignaha, its subversion, not svn :)04:01
ShadowKnighthey, i was wondering if there was anything i can do to basically make poweriso run in ubuntu or something similar04:25
duanedesignhello ShadowKnight04:27
ShadowKnighthi duanedesign04:28
duanedesignShadowKnight: what were you wanting to do? mount an iso?04:28
ShadowKnightduanedesign: yes thats exactly what i want to do, is it possible?04:28
duanedesignhave you ever used nautilus scripts before?04:29
ShadowKnightno i havent actually, what are they?04:29
duanedesignif you right click on a file or folder there is a scripts option04:30
duanedesignthese are scripts you put in  ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/04:30
ShadowKnightanything i have to download before that? or like do i just right click on it?04:31
duanedesignthere are a couple of scripts that you can download put them in that folder04:31
ShadowKnightoh okay then and downloading those scripts would enable to mount?04:31
duanedesignand then you can r-click mount/unmount iso04:31
duanedesignthat is how i do it, i find it convenient04:31
ShadowKnightalright sounds pretty easy, any particular place you can download them from?04:32
duanedesignill walk you through it real quick if you like04:32
ShadowKnightokay that would work, thank you very much04:32
duanedesignopen a Terminal04:32
ShadowKnightokay opened04:33
duanedesignthen enter the command:04:33
duanedesignwget http://www.debianadmin.com/images/iso/mount.sh04:33
duanedesignwget http://www.debianadmin.com/images/iso/unmount.sh04:33
duanedesignsudo chmod +x mount.sh04:34
duanedesignsudo chmod +x unmount.sh04:34
duanedesignthat makes them executable04:34
duanedesignnow to  move them04:34
ShadowKnightokay then got all that down04:34
duanedesignsudo mv mount.sh ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/04:34
duanedesignsudo mv unmount.sh ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/04:35
duanedesignor you can move them manually into the folder :)04:35
ShadowKnightokay i entered all of them :) thank you so much :)04:35
ShadowKnightthanks imma see if this works :) i owe you :D04:36
duanedesignso now when you r-click04:36
duanedesignyou should see mount and unmount04:36
duanedesignin the scripts option04:37
ShadowKnightyea i see them :D can any cd be mounted or unmounted?04:37
duanedesignthere is also an app gmountiso. I find the r-click thing easier. But different people like different things04:38
ShadowKnightokay then thank you this works for me :)04:38
duanedesignShadowKnight: great04:40
ShadowKnightthanks duanedesign04:40
duanedesignShadowKnight: yes you can mount all kinds of things :) that script uses mount04:41
ShadowKnightokay good :) thanks imma go try it out :D04:41
duanedesignShadowKnight: this is a bit verbose04:42
duanedesignbut if you googe the 'mount' command you might get an easier read04:42
ShadowKnightokay then :) ill go read up on this :D you have been so helpful duanedesign i didnt even expect an answer lol04:43
duanedesignif someone is awake, we like to help.04:43
ubuntubeginnerI seem to have lost the main menu for my folders can anyone help me show them again04:55
tenachubuntubeginner, The menu on the top bar?05:03
IdleOnetenach: right click on the top panel > Add to Panel > main Menu05:04
IdleOnethat should re-add the Applications/Places/System menu05:04
ubuntubeginnerwhen i open my home folder I have no file edit menu on top..05:09
ubuntubeginnersorry should've been more clear05:09
ubuntubeginnerI am not for sure how I even misplaced them. :-/05:14
duanedesignubuntubeginner: you havent installed anything like 'global menu'05:19
ubuntubeginneris that the gnoMenu? I installed that   that's it05:19
IdleOneheh I just realized I responded to the wrong person05:19
ubuntubeginnerduanedesign:is that the gnoMenu? I installed that   that's it05:24
duanedesignlet me see05:26
duanedesignubuntubeginner: looks like gnoMenu is a different project then global-menu. However that is likely the cause05:29
ubuntubeginnerduanedesign: so how can I fix it??? Can it be fixed???05:30
duanedesignubuntubeginner: did you install gnomenu from a package? or di you install it by running the commands 'make' 'make install'05:31
ubuntubeginnerduanedesign: I ran commands05:32
duanedesignubuntubeginner: i thinkn i know how to uninstall it05:33
duanedesignOpen a terminal type:     gksudo nautilus05:33
ubuntubeginnerduanedesign: Ok05:34
duanedesignnavigate to:   usr > share > gnomenu and delete the gnomenu folder05:34
ubuntubeginnerduanedesign: Ok deleted05:35
duanedesignthen you will probably have to reinstall nautilus to restore the .xml files it changed05:35
duanedesigni installed a 'simple nautilus' once and had a similar issue05:36
ubuntubeginnerduanedesign: OK how do I reinstall?05:36
duanedesignthe command would be:05:36
duanedesignsudo apt-get install --reinstall nautilus05:38
ubuntubeginnerduanedesign: It finished will I need to restart my computer?05:40
duanedesignyou can restart nautilus or log out and log back in05:40
duanedesignkillall nautilus && nautilus &05:40
duanedesignshould restart nautilus05:41
ubuntubeginnerstill no file menu05:42
duanedesignhmm, ok05:43
ubuntubeginnerDid i hurt myself by installing that?05:44
duanedesignwell get it05:45
duanedesignlets purge nautilus then reinstall05:45
duanedesignto make sure all the files get replaced05:45
duanedesignthe command would be:05:46
duanedesignsudo apt-get purge nautilus && sudo apt-get install nautilus05:46
duanedesignpurge is like remove but configuration files are deleted too05:47
ubuntubeginnerok it finished still no file menu05:48
duanedesignrun :  killall nautilus05:48
duanedesignthen run it again05:48
duanedesigndoes it say no process found?05:49
ubuntubeginnerNo it didnt say anything05:49
duanedesignok. nautilus is not completely quitting. Mine does that sometimes05:50
duanedesigntry log out05:50
duanedesign and log back in05:50
ubuntubeginnerok I shall return05:50
duanedesignubuntubeginner: wb05:57
ubuntubeginneryeah i had to get on another computer cause when i logged out I couldn't log back in...05:58
duanedesignyou cant log in?05:58
ubuntubeginnerNo when i click on the user name and type my password it just goes straight back to the login screen05:59
ubuntubeginnerAnd the sessions thing down in the corner that shows up after you click on your username is disabled as well06:00
duanedesigncan you try restarting it?06:00
ubuntubeginnerdoing that as we speak06:00
ubuntubeginnerstill nothing06:02
duanedesignand the only folder you deleeted was the gnomenu folder?06:03
ubuntubeginneryep thats the only one06:03
duanedesignTry holding down <Ctrl><Alt>F2 to get into a console. Now, log in with your username and password to see if you can actually log in at all. And if you can, then we know that your username and password are good. It's Gnome then...06:08
ubuntubeginnerYep i just logged in06:09
duanedesignrun the command:06:09
duanedesignls -la ~/.gconf06:10
duanedesignshould look like: drwx------  57 duanedesign duanedesign  4096 2010-07-30 08:15 apps06:10
duanedesignwith your name of course :)06:10
ubuntubeginner1Sorry stupid internet connection.....06:19
ubuntubeginner1Well... My laptop is dead for now... So thanks for all the help tho\06:19
ubuntubeginner1I will just use my wifes for now...06:20
duanedesignubuntubeginner1: if you can log into a prompt06:20
ubuntubeginner1duanedesign: my laptop died so.. I cant do anything now... Sorry, but thanks for your help06:21
ubuntubeginner1I saved all the things you walked me through. So that when i get it up and running i can use it.... Thanks again06:24
duanedesignubuntubeginner1: ok i got the commands in the paste06:24
duanedesignfrom a thread on the forums06:24
duanedesignabout just your issue06:24
duanedesignthough they might need sudo06:24
duanedesignso these 5 commands is where i would start http://paste.ubuntu.com/475279/06:25
duanedesignlike i said i forgot to put sudo in front of them.06:26
ubuntubeginner1duanedesign: Thanks I will catch you again some other time06:26
=== Ji is now known as Xiella
shponglegood morning Silver_Fox_09:43
shpongleand others as well :P09:43
Silver_Fox_Hello shpongle09:43
Silver_Fox_How are you?09:44
shponglei'm just fine, thank you09:45
shpongleSilver_Fox_, and how are you doing?09:45
Silver_Fox_I am quite well thank you09:45
=== swoody_ is now known as swoody
duanedesignmorning all12:35
phillwhi duanedesign12:35
duanedesignhello phillw12:37
Mohan_chmlhey arulalan15:34
arulalanMohan_chml: Hai15:34
arulalanchidambaresan: Hi15:35
Mohan_chmlOh my God welcome chidambaresan and arulalan15:35
Mohan_chmlboth of you /join #ubuntu-beginners-team15:35
Mohan_chmlarulalan: how is life??15:35
arulalanMohan_chml: Joined15:36
arulalanMohan_chml: Fine15:36
Mohan_chmlwb chidambaresan15:37
chidambaresanhai mohan15:37
chidambaresanteach something ya15:37
chidambaresanhai arul15:38
=== Mohan_chml is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
dkgbond3hello all. i need some help regarding the grub. can anyone help?17:39
IAmNotThatGuydkgbond3: shoot17:45
IAmNotThatGuydkgbond3: hello17:45
dkgbond3got some help from the other channel. i'm trying. will ask if i face some problems. thanks :)17:45
IAmNotThatGuysure thing dkgbond3 (:17:46
dkgbond3i uninstalled all but the most recent kernel. but still windows loader is missing from the grup list at startup. what can i do? :(17:55
dkgbond3i uninstalled all but the most recent kernel. but still windows loader is missing from the grup list at startup. what can i do? :(17:55
IAmNotThatGuydkgbond3: hello17:57
dkgbond3please help17:57
IAmNotThatGuyplease pastebin the result of the following17:58
IAmNotThatGuyopen up terminal and type sudo fdisk -l17:58
IAmNotThatGuyand paste it in paste.ubuntu.com17:58
dkgbond3ok i'll do17:58
IAmNotThatGuydkgbond3: and what version of windows you use?18:00
dkgbond3i'm using windows 718:01
dkgbond3how to use pastebin?18:01
dkgbond3sorry for the nooby question18:01
IAmNotThatGuyopen paste.ubuntu.com18:02
IAmNotThatGuyin your web browser18:02
dkgbond3yes. next18:02
dkgbond3where should i paste the content of terminal?18:02
IAmNotThatGuyselect the contents from terminal and right click, copy and paste18:02
IAmNotThatGuyin contents tab of paste.ubuntu.com and click paste18:03
IAmNotThatGuyIt will give you a link at the task bar and paste that here18:03
asterismohi people18:04
asterismojust one question18:04
asterismoblackbox, openbox or fluxbox ?18:05
dkgbond3did that18:06
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml
hobgoblindkgbond3: have you tried simply updating grub? sudo update-grub18:18
hobgoblinasterismo: depends who you ask - if you ask me fluxbox - if you ask paultag he'd say his fluxbox18:19
dkgbond3yes i did18:19
dkgbond3@hobgoblin: but no help18:19
paultag_hobgoblin: wha?18:20
hobgoblinpaultag_: <asterismo> just one question <asterismo> blackbox, openbox or fluxbox ?18:20
paultag_https://launchpad.net/~paultag/+archive/staging <-- bleeeeding edge Fluxbox in there18:21
paultag_/fluxbox is a bit more stable18:21
paultag_and also Debian branded18:21
paultag_staging is for winners18:21
Mohan_chmlhobgoblin: can we suggest dkgbond3 to check the installation of os prober??18:22
hobgoblindkgbond3: in a terminal run    sudo os-prober18:23
hobgoblinsee what it says18:23
hobgoblinMohan_chml: yea :)18:24
hobgoblindkgbond3: if necessary we can build an entry for it18:25
dkgbond3os-prober does nothing :(18:25
hobgoblindkgbond3: let's try this then - open a file for editing - run this command     gksudo gedit /etc/grub.d/40_custom18:27
hobgoblincopy this stuff into the file, save it and close gedit    http://ubft.pastebin.com/e09XA74v   then run sudo update-grub again18:29
hobgoblinthen cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg |grep menuentry   and see if the win entry is at the bottom18:30
Mohan_chmlhobgoblin: will the manual entering works??18:30
hobgoblinwell it works for pclinuxos and parted magic18:32
dkgbond3should i try?18:32
hobgoblinand the forum has thread after thread with exactly the same thing18:32
hobgoblindkgbond3: yep18:32
Mohan_chmlokay hobgoblin18:33
dkgbond3yes, now windows entry is there18:35
dkgbond3should i reboot now?18:35
Mohan_chmldkgbond3: yeah! reboot :)18:35
dkgbond3ok. thanks. see you all in a moment :)18:36
hobgoblinhope os18:36
dkgbond3heya. back18:39
dkgbond3but problem not solved18:39
dkgbond3i got the windows 7 loader option18:39
dkgbond3but when i hit enter it displays..18:39
dkgbond3error : no argument specified. press any key to continue18:39
hobgoblinok - hang on a moment - needing tea18:43
dkgbond3okay. please allow me to have dinner too. hope you'll be there when i'm back in a while :)18:44
hobgoblinI suspect so :)18:45
hobgoblindkgbond3: can you go here and follow the instructions - when you get to the end instead of the stuff about posting it to a forum paste it into paste.ubuntu.com18:49
hobgoblindkgbond3: I  will show you were to go - that will be lots of help :) http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/18:55
dkgbond3@hobgoblin- http://paste.ubuntu.com/475557/19:12
hobgoblindkgbond3: looks like you have an issue with the win7 " Mounting failed: mount: unknown filesystem type ''19:14
hobgoblinif you have the win7 discs I would use them to fix the win bootloader - at that point you will lose the ubuntu bootloader so it will need reinstalling afterwards19:15
dkgbond3seriously i have no idea. until today evening, everything was ok. i was able to boot ubuntu as well as windows 7 from the grub menu. but when i updated ubuntu, the list was elongated and the windows option vanished19:16
dkgbond3can you please guide?19:16
hobgoblindkgbond3: updated?19:17
hobgoblindkgbond3: a system update from update manager?19:18
dkgbond3whose update? windows or ubuntu?19:18
hobgoblinubuntu - I would have no idea at all about windows ;)19:19
hobgoblinwhat I am getting at was it a normal update or did you go from one version to the next19:20
dkgbond3i guess normal update in the Update Manager, to a new kernel. Not Upgraded to the new release 10.0419:23
hobgoblink- well tbh I am not sure - I would be concerned about the error that gets flagged from the script, but it's a long time since I had much to do with windows - see if someone else can help19:24
hobgoblinmaybe Mohan_chml is able to19:25
dkgbond3i have very less idea about ubuntu or grub, but what i think is the problem is that...19:25
dkgbond3my list of ubuntu kernels in the grub (at startup) was very long, with windows loader as one of the option. when i updated ubuntu today, another two items were added to the list and maybe for that the windows loader option, which was the belowmost, got erased19:25
hobgoblinoh - maybe try this then19:26
dkgbond3so, i just need to add my windows loader to the boot list, which you helped me to do. but its showing error, needing some parameteres19:26
AlmostI am dying trying to get my radeon hd 3450 card working in a dual monitor config using the ATI provide drivers and control center, It was working but then died. I re -installed os, re configured and now it wont install the driver package19:27
Almostcan  i just remove all the drivers video drivers and start clean install ATI 10.7?19:29
hobgoblindkgbond3: yep - I understand that, I don't though know how to get around the windows error. Also you appear to have 2 grubs installed - then new one and also the old version installed onto the smaller drive19:30
dkgbond3yes, i was considering that19:30
dkgbond3can i remove one of the grubs?19:30
dkgbond3needing reboot, see you in a few mins19:33
ryan_how can you get a webcam to work with the chat program? my friend has a webcam and it wont let me view it19:56
=== shpongle is now known as serfus
RealEyesThe action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.21:46
RealEyesHow do I get around this?21:47
=== RealEyes is now known as Laggg
=== Laggg is now known as RealEyes
serfusRealEyes, what were you trying to do when this came up?21:52
RealEyesinstall desktop drapes21:52
RealEyesfrom the software center21:53
RealEyesserfus, what should I do?21:54
serfusi don't know this21:54
serfusRealEyes, is it from the repositories?21:54
serfusRealEyes, sec, i'll check21:55
serfusRealEyes, run in a terminal21:57
serfusRealEyes, sudo apt-get update21:57
serfusRealEyes, now try it21:58
serfusRealEyes, installing what you tried21:58
RealEyesits working now21:59
serfusRealEyes, yay :)21:59
RealEyesdoes ubuntu go out of date that fast?21:59
serfusRealEyes, it never happened to me but seems like it happens some times to other users... i really don't know why22:00
RealEyesthere was a key symbol up in my menu bar22:04
RealEyeswhat was that?22:04
serfusRealEyes, never saw something like that... was it in the notification area?22:05
RealEyesnet to my rythym box and mail icon22:06
serfusRealEyes, did you click on it?22:07
RealEyesyeah it was like 'disable all dropdown permissions' or something along those lines22:07
RealEyesbut it disappeared22:08
serfusRealEyes, i guess it was a notification about your repository being out of date22:08
RealEyeswhats a repository?22:08
serfusRealEyes, check this doc https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu22:09
ZeRoDeAtH50435is ubuntu server a NOS23:34
ZeRoDeAtH50435network operating system23:36
jacobyes - any modern OS can be considered a NOS23:38
jacobbut don't confuse it with software you'd put on routers; that's a more special case23:39
ZeRoDeAtH50435that what I was think but my professor wants us to pick one NOS and one OS and describe the process of hardening it from attacks and intruders.23:39
jacobubuntu server would work well for that, there are plenty of hardening options available (see apparmor, ufw, etc)23:40
ZeRoDeAtH50435never use it so Im a little lost23:41
stlsaintZeRoDeAtH50435: ubuntu server is awesome! you really should give it a go :D23:44
tenachI'm with stlsaint!23:45
stlsaintZeRoDeAtH50435: it is very easy to harden it23:45
stlsaintNovell Netware, Artisoft's LANtastic, Microsoft Windows Server, and Windows NT are examples of an NOS.23:45
ZeRoDeAtH50435yeah my IT secruity professor it like us he can't stand windows would rather use Linux23:47
ZeRoDeAtH50435do I have to have a server to run ubuntu server23:47
stlsaintyou can put it on anything23:50
stlsainteven a lappy :D23:50
ZeRoDeAtH50435well I am really going to have to try it out have another pc not being use so why not23:52
ZeRoDeAtH50435hey any of  ya'll know of a good Web site to buy computer parts23:52
stlsaintZeRoDeAtH50435: start studying iptables, fail2ban, deny/allow.hosts for starters :D23:52
stlsaintZeRoDeAtH50435: tigerdirect.com, newegg.com, geeks.com23:53
tenachstlsaint, fail2ban <323:55
stlsainttenach: ;)23:55
ZeRoDeAtH50435hey anyone play WoW on Linux23:56
ZeRoDeAtH50435lol just checkin to see if it works or not23:56
stlsaintit is possible though23:56
ZeRoDeAtH50435I seen a thing for it on pol23:57
stlsaintZeRoDeAtH50435: http://appdb.winehq.org/votestats.php23:57

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