
=== bcurtiswx_ is now known as bcurtiswx
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dlbike76Is anyone from BugSquad around?05:26
micahgdlbike76: for a couple minutes05:26
dlbike76Ok so I'm looking at bug 613504.  I have found a similar bug report at the upstream gnome bugtracker (#602494).05:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 613504 in gnome-media (Ubuntu) "maximum output volume is not reached with voume control (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61350405:28
dlbike76Is finding the upstream bug report enough to change the status to confirmed?05:28
micahggnome 60249405:28
ubot2Gnome bug 602494 in gnome-volume-control "allow media keys, mouse scroll wheel to use volume >100% once active" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60249405:28
macodlbike76: i would say yes05:29
micahgnot exactly the same bug05:29
macooh yeah those arent the same05:30
micahgmaco: you want to take over, I'm about to head to sleep05:30
macobut in cases where you DO find actually-matching bugs, yes, id call that confirmed05:30
macomicahg: not particularly :P05:30
dlbike76Thanks.  I'll keep looking.05:38
macommm well actually05:39
macothose do seem like the same UI bug05:39
maco100% isnt the max is the thing05:39
macoso yeah go ahead and link them05:39
macoi just actually like, read the text ;-)05:39
macoinstead of just titles05:40
dlbike76I notice the same behavior of the volume control applet on my machine.  The applet shows 100% but sound preferences allows a setting above 100%.05:47
njinvish: are you in ?11:06
vishnjin: hey11:07
njinhggdh: around ?11:08
njinhvish: hello, can i go on with sending messages at mine bugs without packages or preferible wait my mentor ?11:09
njinvish: hello, can i go on with sending messages at mine bugs without packages or preferible wait my mentor ?11:09
vishnjin: not sure i understood , you can work on bugs and just assign the bugs to the package and make the comments as you have been doing.. if thats what you meant ,yes! :)11:10
njinvish: yes11:10
njinOk, i go on.11:12
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
devildantehi all :)11:38
njinCALL supervisors, I have a doubt. i'm assigned to bug without package assigned. At now I have treated bugs of jaunty. I've sent ~780 request of confirmation the issue in Lucid, i've received 193 reply (114 marked as Invalid due to update, 24 Confirmed, 6 converted to question, 3 duplicates, the remaining are waiting responses from reporters. My dubt is if I have to assign the package before than have the reply of the reproducibilit12:28
njinbug that probably never have reply from the reporter.12:28
njinSo i'm asking: isn't better (only in the case of bugs regardin an old distro) triage it after i have received the reply from the reporters ?12:30
micahgwell, if you can easily reproduce, there's no need to ask the reporter12:32
njinmicahg: ok but these cases are few, majority are reported by one person that have, in most cases, hardware issues12:35
njinfor me there's no problem, i don't want to disturb people with a lot of messages12:36
njin* i dont wnt to disturb supervisor with many messages that never have reply..12:38
micahgnjin: what do you mean supervisor?12:39
njinThen for now i follow the procedure, assigning the package, but securely some supervisor will reply...12:39
njinsupervisor of the package12:39
yofelbugs that are set to 'Ubuntu' don't have a maintainer and no direct subscriber12:39
micahgwell, they still go to the ubuntu-bugs list12:40
yofelonly the 'ubuntu-bugs' bot for the mailing list is subscribed to them, and the people that are subcribed to all ubuntu bugs12:40
njinthe person that will be automatically subscribed to the bug12:41
yofelyou mean the reporter?12:41
njinno, every package is assigned to a person or not ?12:42
njinthe person that will be automatically subscribed to the bug when the bug is triaged12:43
yofelyes, but bugs against 'ubuntu' don't have a package, thus no specific person is subcribed to them12:43
yofeloh, you mean if you set the package and then send the mail?12:43
yofelah, misunderstood you, sry. Well, they get a mail anyway if a bug is set to their package with a notification that a new bug was added for that package12:44
njinand i'm talking of about 1600 bugs12:44
yofelso? it's not like you set all of them to the same package, and as you said not all of them are actually still bugs or have enough information to identify the package12:45
njinah, ok then i triage then i send the request of confirmation of the issue in lucid.12:45
yofelwell, IMHO the order doesn't matter. For old bugs certainly ask if they are still reproducable and ask for enough information to reproduce it and assign the package if possible.12:48
micahgyofel: well, bdmurray has said in the past if there are clear reproduce steps, we should rather try to reproduce than ask people for updates12:48
yofelerr right, no need to ask for reproducability if we can reproduce the bug ourselves12:50
micahgnjin: ^^^12:52
njinmicahg: ok then i ask the right steps to reproduce the bug in jaunty ?12:53
micahgnjin: no, if the user provides reproduce steps, you try to reproduce on Lucid/Maverick12:53
njinoh good notice12:53
njinOk i go to work12:55
pedro_morning hggdh13:09
hggdhmorning pedro_13:10
devildantehi pedro_ :)13:22
pedro_hey devildante!13:23
stanley_robertsohi all13:26
jibelmorning pedro_ , hggdh and all13:26
pedro_bonjour jibel13:27
stanley_robertsohi jibel13:27
hggdhjibel: !!!13:28
hggdhbon jour mon ami, ça va?13:28
jibelhggdh, ça va parfaitement et c'est une très bonne journée ;)13:39
devildantejibel, hggdh: bonjour à vous deux ;-)13:40
jibelbonjour devildante13:41
gorillapedro_: and go!13:45
devildantewe should rename this channel to #ubuntu-bugs-fr :p13:45
* gorilla quits channel... and goes to re-join #ubuntu-bugs.13:46
pedro_reboot brb13:47
hggdhbonjour à toi devildante13:49
=== CieD is now known as Ciemon
hggdhwelcome back my friend / to the show that never ends / we are glad to have you here / come along, come along13:55
* hggdh ends the moment of Emerson, Lake & Palmer13:55
* hggdh goes to refresh libglib. Back in a moment13:56
abhijitjust a request.!!!!!14:12
abhijitsee here ;http://picasaweb.google.com/abhijit.foss/MyCoolDesktop#5496756959137758002 my dekstop photo!!!! :D :D :D14:12
abhijitvish, kermiac ping14:17
hggdher, what was that about?14:46
kermiacdid abhijit ping me to show off his desktop?14:59
hggdhkermiac: yes, he did15:00
devildanteyep, but he's gone15:00
kermiachaha, ok15:00
hggdhkermiac: I still owe you the script15:06
hggdhI did not forget, just got busy. (Again) trying it now ;-)15:06
kermiachggdh: No probs hggdh, I've been busy with helping out another couple of projects anyway. Seems like Dray is busy with a lot of stuff atm too.15:08
njini'm in trouble with this bug39001215:08
kermiacbug 39001215:08
hggdhkermiac: yes... we'll work on it15:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 390012 in ubuntu "[Kubuntu 9.04] Cannot extract audio from CD as ordinary user (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39001215:08
njinpedro_: welcome15:12
kermiachggdh: I'm still interested in working on that, it will be a relatively long term project though. Please ping me if you get a chance to work on that script mate, no rush though as I'm working on a few other things atm. I'm off to bed for the night15:14
kermiacmy sentence structure is basically non-existant atm15:15
hggdhkermiac: will do. What sentence structure? Oh, OK. The one that should have been there in the first place...15:15
hggdhat least there are commas15:15
kermiachaha, yeah... it's been a very long day15:16
njincan someone confirm this https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/61512615:18
ubot2Ubuntu bug 615126 in apt-file (Ubuntu) "apt-file: error in creating child process for this terminal (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]15:18
vishhmm , he aint here yet!15:20
visherr , he left rather...15:20
vishhggdh: guess he felt ignored :(15:21
devildantevish: guess we're all busy :(15:21
vishdevildante: heya , poked mvo yet? ;p15:22
mvoabout what exactly?15:23
hggdhnjin: sorry, not running lucid. Will test on a VM soon15:24
njinok, when you can.15:24
njinpedro_: around?15:24
pedro_njin, yes, hello15:25
hggdhnjin: look at /var/log/apt/term.log15:25
vishmvo: https://code.launchpad.net/~ilidrissi.amine/update-manager/window-main-alerts/+merge/31091  , that fixes 4bugs mpt spec'd for update handling15:25
mvoyeah, I promised to look at it today15:26
njinhggdh: The system-wide cache is empty. You may want to run 'apt-file update'  as root to update the cache. You can also run 'apt-file update' as  normal user to use a cache in the user's home directory.15:28
njinhggdh: in the terminal with root permission works15:31
njinpedro_: hello, sorry i,ve a problem with apt-file15:33
devildantevish, mvo: thanks :)15:33
jibelnjin, hi, this is very likely bug 50808915:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 508089 in apt-file (Ubuntu) "apt-file fails 'There was an error creating the child process for this terminal' (affects: 1) (heat: 20)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50808915:48
njinjibel: tanks, it the same, but in Lucid we still with the bugged version15:52
njinjibel: in Lucid we have 2.3.3 and the fixed version is 2.4.015:54
njinwait for update then mark as invalid .15:54
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jibelnjin, You can mark it as duplicate and file an SRU for lucid. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates15:57
njinjibel: at now is too complicate for me16:02
drizzlehi all16:04
njinjibel: i've to made little step...16:04
jibelnjin, no problem. Mark it as duplicate, I'll proceed with the sru.16:10
njinpedro_: i need a lesson ( how found duplicates on Lanchpad).16:11
jibelnjin, btw I'm interested to know what seems too complicated in the stable release update process ?16:11
njinjibel: i'm a new entry and my little brain cannot be overloaded, just little step ( what means btw ?)16:13
ashamshello all16:14
njinashams: hello16:14
ashamsnjin: how's your day?16:15
ashamsnjin: could you please tell me how to join the Ubuntu Bug Squad??16:16
jibelnjin, I understand and you have a good mentor to help you. btw = by the way16:16
hggdhashams: the easiest way is to read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs and follow the instructions pointed out there16:17
hggdhand we will help you on doubts16:17
ashamsOk, Thank You, I'll start to.16:17
njinjibel: thanks, is really a good person, my friends on iso-testing team speaks very well of him16:18
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
micahghggdh: I"m assuming I should let my bugcontrol membership lapse since I'm a dev now?17:44
drizzleprobably a personal call17:45
drizzlewhat do you do in development micahg17:45
micahgdrizzle: maintain the mozilla package set17:45
* micahg probably should've asked pedro_17:46
ldoh, nice17:47
pedro_micahg, congrats!!17:48
pedro_micahg, well your call re membership on bugcontrol :-)17:49
micahgpedro_: k, well, I'm an implicit member now through ubuntu-dev, so I don't see why I should keep it active17:50
vishom26er: heya , dont mark SC bugs "wont fix" if its not specked in the wiki yet, its still a baby and can be improved17:51
pedro_micahg, yeap but if you are interested on staying on the mailing list i think you need to be a member of the team17:51
om26ervish, ok. and I no longer triage SC bugs17:51
micahgpedro_: right, but I am a member through ubuntu-dev, no?17:52
pedro_micahg, besides that, as you said you'll get the same rights on ubuntu-dev17:52
pedro_micahg, well i don't exactly recall how launchpad works on that :-P17:52
micahgpedro_: if it breaks, I'll bug you Wed :)17:53
vishom26er: ah , cool , i noticed this Bug #597958 only recently17:53
pedro_micahg, heh ok ;-)17:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 597958 in software-center (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Make easy to launch installed apps for novice Ubuntu users (dup-of: 420517)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59795817:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 420517 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Installed apps: "where-to" and open button (affects: 12) (dups: 5) (heat: 80)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42051717:53
micahgpedro_: team meeting tomorrow?17:53
om26ervish, that was the last bug I triaged ;)17:53
pedro_micahg, yes, will send the reminder in a bit17:54
vishom26er: lol!17:54
hggdhmicahg: yes, ubuntu-dev grants automatic membership to -control17:55
hggdhmicahg: anything goes wrong, it is always pedro_'s doing ;-)17:56
pedro_see that's why we don't tell you our secret!17:56
vishpedro_: you dint tell him yet right?!17:57
pedro_vish, course not!17:57
pedro_tomorrow at the meeting we can tell him another clue17:57
* micahg will pay attention to the meeting time this month :)18:01
* hggdh will also...18:02
kamusin!ping devildante18:05
ubot2Factoid 'ping devildante' not found18:05
devildantehi kamusin :)18:05
kamusinhey ,  have you listened last message (from BugSquad meeting that we will have tomorrow)?18:07
devildantekamusin: Yes, I'll be attending18:07
kamusinsuper :)18:08
devildanteanyway, hopefully mvo will review my branches today :)18:08
kamusinI hope so, or tomorrow devildante will execute a sudo rm -fr *software-center* hah18:10
pedro_because he's 'devil' :-O18:10
* pedro_ hugs devildante and kamusin18:11
* devildante hugs pedro_18:11
devildanteI love you all guys :)18:13
kamusinhaha and has a long sword  like a good Sith (he tolds me that)18:13
njinin a case like this what is the procedure ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/39000418:15
ubot2Ubuntu bug 390004 in linux (Ubuntu) "Eeepc 900a won't switch to audio line-in (affects: 1) (heat: 15)" [Undecided,Incomplete]18:15
vish!ping | vish18:47
ubot2vish, please see my private message18:47
nigelbthat isn't right18:48
elopiohello there18:48
elopiomy thunderbird is crashing but I don't know how to debug it.18:48
elopio"thunderbird" is not a binary, so gdb doesn't start it18:48
elopioand if I use /usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0.6/thunderbird-bin, when gdb starts it can't find libmozjs.so18:48
elopiois there any guide?18:48
devildantehggdh: vish pinged vish, and vish isn't even here18:48
nigelbhggdh: it isn't supposed to do PM with |, PM is with > like18:49
nigelb!ping > nigelb18:49
vishhuh! why? that /was/  me pinging myself :D18:49
ubot2nigelb, please see my private message18:49
nigelb!ping | nigelb18:49
hggdhoh, you are not a bot?18:49
vishnot yet ;p18:49
devildantevish: weird, I don't even see you in the "contact" list in empathy18:50
vishdevildante: yeah , empathy is silly , it aint too good for irc18:50
hggdhI humbly suggest weechat18:51
devildanteor rather +10.10 :p18:52
njinwhat can i do here ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/39000418:52
ubot2Ubuntu bug 390004 in linux (Ubuntu) "Eeepc 900a won't switch to audio line-in (affects: 1) (heat: 15)" [Undecided,Incomplete]18:52
* hggdh is running 3.3.rc218:52
devildantehggdh: okay, will look at it later18:52
hggdhdevildante: if you are running Maverick, I have the GIT version in my pPA18:52
devildanteoh, great18:52
drizzlei like pidgin18:53
njinpedro_: i need your help18:54
hggdhI gave up on pidgin and xchat.18:55
nigelbhggdh: irssi ftw!18:55
nigelbor quassel+quassel core18:55
devildantei sense a flamewar coming :p18:56
drizzleis https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maximus/+bug/615454 wishlist?18:56
ubot2Ubuntu bug 615454 in maximus (Ubuntu) "split screen mode needed (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]18:56
drizzlehow come there isnt a default response for bugs that are missing flavor, version, architecture and all the standard details like:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/euca2ools/+bug/61544218:57
ubot2Ubuntu bug 615442 in euca2ools (Ubuntu) "euca-describe-users fails with ImportError: No module named euca_admin.users (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]18:57
hggdhdrizzle: this is a good bug19:31
hggdhI know, I opened it ;-)19:31
hggdhthe version is there -- the euca-version output19:31
hggdhbut I agree at least I could have added Ubuntu version. At least. probably more19:33
drizzlei forgot to check attached documents19:33
drizzlestill would be good to have a standard bug response that asks for details like that19:34
drizzle..i think19:34
hggdhthere is19:35
hggdhdrizzle: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Not%20described%20well19:37
hggdhdrizzle: it falls smack on on 'not described well'. Obviously, you would edit the response and add the specifics for the case19:38
drizzlemy mistake19:39
drizzlei must have missed it19:39
drizzleim down in austin19:40
hggdhand I am in the Dallas/Forth Worth area. You are better off in Austin :-)19:42
valsumjfi: hello19:49
jfiIs there somebody with a Gigabyte GA-D525TUD, there are bad values with sensors, someone can confirm it? I would like to ensure that I don't have a faulty HW before submiting a kernel bug19:52
jficorrection, that's Gigabyte GA-D510UD19:53
drizzleyou will probably hav eto google it20:03
jfidrizzle, yep, already googled, I just found http://sites.google.com/site/klaasdc/atom-d510-linux-server where you can see also sensors wrong values (in my case the coretemp is invalid too)20:05
jfiwell, the webpage does not even mention if it is ubuntu and my sensors output is a little bit different (coretemp)20:07
drizzleis it ubuntu specific or kernel level?20:10
jfidrizzle, I don't know, I guess it can be kernel level or due to the default config files or sensors-detect20:43
drizzlethats touch20:53
drizzleim a noob on those kind of things20:53
yofelif my power button doesn't do anything (well, not send an acpi event at least) when pressed, that would be a kernel bug right?21:24
vishargh!!!   :/21:38
vishBug #270206 was fixed and now someone wants to update title!21:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 270206 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Rhythmbox should never start minimised to tray (affects: 36) (dups: 6) (heat: 177)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27020621:38
vishunnecessary spam! :/21:39
jfiyofel, or a bios setting which disable it? :-)21:39
yofelwell, holding it pressed will cause a poweroff, but might as look through the settings before reporting the bug21:40
yofel*as well look...21:40
micahganyone have an apt-cache issue after today's updates in lucid? (update-manager)22:20
devildantemicahg: apt-cache and apt-get are saying something like "*.save file is not recognisable" after each operation22:22
chrisccoulsondevildante, that's only in maverick though. micahg is asking about lucid22:26
micahgchrisccoulson: you think I should file a regression-update bug?22:26
chrisccoulsonmicahg - what's the actual issue?22:27
chrisccoulsoni've not tried updating my lucid desktop for a week or so actually22:27
micahgchrisccoulson: Red Exclamation point saying cache is out of date22:27
micahgI update it daily, several times/day in fact22:27
micahgupdate manager GUI says last updated 104 days ago22:28
* micahg tries something22:28
micahgI had a repo that was inaccessible and after the update it kept saying cache out of date, I removed it and it disappered22:30
micahgchrisccoulson: ^^22:30
chrisccoulsonwhich repo was that?22:31
chrisccoulsonalthough, i don't suppose it matters22:31
micahgxerox openprinting that jockey added22:31
micahgbug 57447122:32
ubot2micahg: Bug 574471 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/574471 is private22:32
* micahg kicks ubot2 for bad info22:32
devildanteseconded :p22:32
KE1HAHey all, I've got a bug I can't seem to trap. piix4_SMbus is uninitialized, upgrade BIOS or force_addr_0xaddr  This happens only at boot time, but have no idea where to track this down. Andy advise?22:34
falconneri found somthing not quite a bug tho22:59
falconneris anyone here?23:00
falconnerthere is no statagey sec in the software center under games23:02

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