
nigelbJFo: cool pic on facebook :)03:32
highvoltagegoodnight everyone!04:10
nigelbnight highvoltage :)04:11
duanedesign'lo nigelb04:43
* nigelb waves to duanedesign 04:43
nigelbjust bout to step out to work04:44
duanedesignnigelb: i was working on some strategies to bring attention to a team. I wanted to ask how often you guys blog about the cleansweep04:44
duanedesignsafe trip to work04:45
doctormopleia2, jono: http://doctormo.org/2010/08/07/lousy-cold/06:13
doctormoHad a fun time, came home a day early.06:14
nigelbdoctormo: I think a lot of people said that about UDS :D06:31
* nigelb hides from dholbach and cz[tab]06:32
doctormonigelb: That they come home a day early?06:34
* duanedesign just figured out there are two clipboards in Ubuntu.06:46
duanedesigngtk clipboard(ctrl + v), x clipboard(middle click), huh06:47
IdleOnenice middle click is both copy and paste06:49
nigelbyep, I use the middle click one quite often06:50
nigelbdoctormo: no, they went throgh it and christened it ubuflu06:50
duanedesigni was trying to access the clipboard from my python app. Now i dont know which one I want :)06:50
doctormonigelb: Went through one?06:50
doctormoduanedesign: You want them all!06:51
IdleOneduanedesign: key combo :)06:51
duanedesign:) guess that would be optimal06:51
IdleOneremember in terminal it is ctrl+shift+c/v06:51
doctormoIdleOne: In _some_ terminals, gnome-terminal for instance.06:54
IdleOnethought ctrl+c was the samein all terminals.06:55
IdleOne+space where needed06:55
nigelbdoctormo: I think all of them got sick at Belgium during uds06:58
nigelbI remember dholbach and laura cussing about ubuflu06:58
nigelbbtw, today I'm going to listen to uupc to hear czajkowski being referred to as cz[tab] :D06:58
doctormonigelb: Funny, I didn't get sick at Belguim or Texas. I wonder if I got lucky.06:59
kim0morning folks07:00
doctormoHey Kim007:00
kim0lol @ cz[tab] :)07:00
nigelbmorning kim0 :)07:02
kim0doctormo: nigelb hey there folks07:03
nigelbI think she'll whip me when she sees the scrollback :D07:03
aramorning all07:38
dpmgood morning all!07:47
kim0dpm: morning man07:52
dpmhey, morning kim0 :)07:55
dholbachgood morning07:57
aramorning dholbach, dpm, kim007:58
dholbachhola ara!07:58
* kim0 waves hi to everyone 07:58
dpmmorgen dholbach, buenos días ara!07:58
dholbachhola dpm, kim007:58
dholbachhow are you all doing?07:59
dpmon a Monday morning?07:59
dpmslowly waking up07:59
kim0Enjoying this fantabulous day :)07:59
dholbachdpm: I know what you mean :)07:59
kim0lazy boys .. hehe07:59
nigelbmorning ara, dholbach and dpm :)07:59
nigelblooks like kim0 is waking up earlier than you all ;)08:00
dholbachhey nigelb08:00
kim0that's because the clock is to my advantage08:00
dpmhey nigelb - he's got the advantage of an earlier time zone :)08:00
nigelbdholbach: your turn today for stats?08:00
kim0DST is being switched off though .. I'll be up with both of you guys soon08:00
nigelbugh, I hate dst transitions08:01
nigelbmeetings are a mess for weeks08:01
dholbachnigelb: it's not in my calendar, so it must be somebody else :)08:01
nigelbah, jcastro !08:01
nigelbjcastro: your turn for cleansweep stats today!08:02
dholbachI think jcastro's on holidays this week08:02
jussiMondays... :/08:04
kim0Aren't people supposed to be back to work "fresh" from the weekends :)08:11
jussikim0: its a myth08:12
jussiwe had the most awesome storm here last night08:12
jussithere was lightning every 5-10 seconds or so, it was very strange, Ive never seen anything like it.08:13
kim0talk about an active weather08:13
kim0Cairo is just sunny all the time .. that's boring08:13
jussiWe just moved to a house int the middle of nowhere, and it was way better than being in the city08:14
jussioooh, found some pics :) http://www.kaleva.fi/index.cfm?m=alasivu&osio=lukijakuva&lkuva=273449&sivu=0;10;008:16
nigelbjussi: whoa08:17
nigelbkim0: a lot of people would prefer that.08:18
jussiIm not one of them :)08:18
kim0people will prefer what they don't have :)08:18
* nigelb prefers cold and snow or just plain sun08:18
nigelbinstead of hot and humid08:18
vishhmm , did maverick+1 get christened yet?08:31
dholbachnigelb: so as I said, I think jcastro's on holidays - I can blog today and mention the next hug day too09:01
dholbachnigelb: but I don't think I can do any more planning/organisation this week09:01
dholbachhola randa_!09:19
randa_hi dholbach09:21
=== randa_ is now known as randa
huatsmorning everyone !09:23
dholbachsalut huats09:25
czajkowskiMorning folks09:46
jussihuomenta czajkowski09:47
czajkowskidpm: http://freelancejobs.ie/job/51/english-catalan-translation-at-blacknight-internet-solutions-ltd/  if you know of anyone09:56
dpmczajkowski, thanks, I will forward it to our list, but their ad is not particularly rich on details :)10:31
czajkowskiI'd assume it's for their hosting, blacknight.com10:32
nigelbdholbach: I can team up with pedro for the planning/organization10:56
dholbachnigelb: I set up the very basic wiki page: UbuntuBugDay/2010081210:57
dholbachnigelb: I just wanted something I can link to10:57
nigelbdholbach: I'll need to look at it later today when I get off work.10:58
dholbachblogging now10:58
nigelbnext time we'll get jcastro to do 2 weeks!11:03
dholbachnigelb: http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?p=75811:03
* nigelb hugs dholbach 11:18
czajkowskithere are 142 ish teams and we only have 8 signed up http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/195/detail/ :(11:18
nigelbafternoon popey :)11:19
nigelbczajkowski: global jam?11:19
nigelbI will once I get the time to announce it for my loco.11:19
czajkowskinigelb: aye11:19
nigelbI got the venue and stuff already :)11:19
* nigelb => coffee11:19
* dholbach hugs nigelb back11:19
nigelbdholbach: where in the world do you get the images? o.O11:44
nigelbthe picture you used in the blogpost was *awesome*11:45
nigelbwow -12:08
nigelbI"m ready for Monday. Hope Monday is ready.12:08
nigelbgomerx  - 5 mins ago - Gwibber12:08
Pendulumnigelb: there is no such thing as "ready for Monday"12:12
Pendulumit sneaks up on you :(12:13
nigelbPendulum: heh, I tend to agree.12:13
nigelbPendulum: that was from somone on identi.ca12:14
czajkowskievery day is a monday these days12:15
popey\o/ monday12:16
popeybest day of the week12:16
* jussi sighs tiredly12:16
* nigelb wonders if popey is sane12:16
czajkowskipopey: you're very odd12:16
jussipopey: is that an "yay, back to work, away from that pesky family"? :P :P :P *G*12:17
popeyhttp://popey.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/IMG_0079.jpg my pesky son :)12:17
czajkowskiawww cute kid12:17
jussipopey: I noticed that one. cute kid :)12:17
popeyhe _loves_ riding on my shoulders12:18
czajkowskipopey: how old is Sam?12:19
popeyhe'll be 4 next month12:21
czajkowskiaww he looks older12:21
nigelbpopey: cute kid :)12:21
popeythanks, i am somewhat biassed but, I agree ;)12:22
czajkowskihehe just showed my dad, he said you used to be that size then you grew up.... sigh then started to shake his head.12:22
czajkowskipoor dad he has 2 daughters :) we're the reason he has grey hair12:22
nigelbI'm pretty sure he's smart enough to figure out how to ride on dada's shoulders *all* the time12:22
nigelbczajkowski: with daughters like you.....12:22
* nigelb runs. Fast.12:22
popeyoh yeah, he just stands in front of me with his back to me and his arms in the air12:22
popey"Daddy! Up! Up!"12:22
Pendulumczajkowski: bah, my father has more greyhairs from my brother than me :P12:23
* nigelb is the only son.12:23
nigelbI caused more than enough grey hairs already12:23
nigelband I'm not yet 25!12:23
nigelbpopey: smart kid ;)12:23
czajkowskiI remember it was lashing rain one night I was 17 should have been home by 1am and it was almost 3am had been out drinking with mates, forgot the time, no taxis around, rang home dad came to collect me, there was much frowning , but that's what dads are for :)12:24
czajkowskihaving a mobile at 17 was unheard of, so folks were wondering where the hell I was12:24
nigelbhaha, that happened to me recently.12:25
nigelbMy phone was not working for 2 days.  Mom tried calling me for days.  She got scared and called work.  They said I was late (traffic that day)12:25
Pendulummy parents' rule was that we always have $20 for a taxi and we'd get one no questions asked ring for a ride in the middle of the night12:25
jussiI blame all of my 11 brothers and sisters for my parents grey ones. Im perfect ::P12:25
nigelbShe got even more scared12:25
nigelbfinally when I did call her back I endured like 20 minutes of bashing.12:26
jussiIts all their fault, I tells you!12:26
nigelbjussi: 11? wow12:27
nigelbso you're 12 kids?12:27
czajkowskimeh the only thing they care about now, is when do I find a job and move out again as my sister could be home in october :(12:27
czajkowskijussi: sweet god are your folks Irish or something, 12!!12:27
jussinigelb: there are 12 children in my family, yes12:27
nigelbczajkowski: wait, they want you to move out for your sister? o.O12:27
jussiczajkowski: haha12:27
nigelbjussi: wowwowow12:27
czajkowskinigelb: nope just having us both back is going to be very odd12:27
nigelbmust be fun to grow up in such a big home12:27
nigelbczajkowski: Ah.12:28
jussiczajkowski: first 2 questions I used to get asked:  1. are you catholic, and 2. do you have a TV? the answer to both was no...12:28
nigelblol @ 2nd question12:28
czajkowskimum came from a family of 5, she wanted as many but had to stop after 2 due to blood pressure. I have a ton of cousins :)12:29
jussiczajkowski: My Mum was from 10 and Dad from 7 - guess how manu cousins I have ;)12:30
czajkowskijussi: you mum wanted to beat her mums record was it12:30
czajkowskijussi: lotta wedding invites12:30
jussiczajkowski: nah, I barely know many of them...12:31
czajkowskijussi: your siblings12:31
nigelbczajkowski: my dad comes from a family of 1112:31
nigelbI don't know how many cousins I have.12:31
jussiczajkowski: yeah, none of them are coming though12:31
jussiits just too damn far. They all chipped in so my parents could come though.12:32
nigelbjussi: Wel, um, noone asked you to fall in love with a pretty finnish girl ;)12:33
dholbachnigelb: it's where my sister lives in Berlin12:39
nigelbdholbach: there is actually an address called bugday?12:39
nigelbor you gimp'd it in?12:39
dholbachnigelb: a person12:40
nigelbdholbach: WOW12:40
duanedesignwe have a town in Oklahoma called loco. The Oklahoma LoCo has been trying to hold a state wide loco meetup in loco :)12:48
nigelbthat should be fun12:49
nigelbjussi: what do you work as?13:26
nigelb(thought came up when I saw your recent share on fb of that article)13:26
jussinigelb: which share?13:27
* jussi is a marketing exec for a small finnish phone producer.13:28
nigelbjussi: the one about flash....13:28
jussinigelb: ahh13:28
nigelbfinnish phone producer - Nokia! :p13:28
dholbachalright, I'll work the rest of the day from home - be back in a few minutes13:35
macoczajkowski: speaking of beating mum's record, i have one cousin who is one of 8 boys. he wants to have 9 boys, then his wife is "allowed" to have a girl15:11
czajkowskimy dad wasn;t fussed, mum wanted girls.  I still got electronic kits and remote controlled cars for christmas as well as dolls and sewing stuff15:13
czajkowskibest of both worlds15:13
AlanBellduanedesign: they could then have one down in Acapulco15:16
highvoltagemaco: "allowed"!?15:16
macohighvoltage: yeah15:17
highvoltageczajkowski: cool, so you got double the gifts15:17
macohighvoltage: only, they're catholic, so no abortion (*vehemently* no abortion), so.... she has to magically make them happen in the right order15:17
highvoltageI'm not specifically or particularly strongly anti-abortion, but having an abortion just because the kid isn't the gender you wanted is right up there with the awfulllest things I've ever heard15:18
macocommon in some parts of the world though :(15:19
* highvoltage didn't know that :(15:19
macoim still not sure how she's supposed to make them in the right order though :P  .... particularly since it's his half that chooses the sex!15:19
macovery henry8...15:20
czajkowskimaco: I think it depends on the level of commitment to the religon tbh, I know many who are fine it and are catholic15:20
vishhighvoltage: "female infanticide"15:20
czajkowskibut I dont think religion is a topic for an Ubuntu channel15:20
macoczajkowski: um i know my cousins15:20
macoczajkowski: they are VERY anti-abortion15:20
czajkowskiso todays mini project - We have currently http://webapps.ubuntu.com/marketplace/europe/  GREAT.  but it's lacking at least for Ireland so I went and created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/SysAdminSupport  and the people there aren't listed on the Market, which means now we have more contacts to help :D15:29
dholbachhey jono16:02
jonodholbach, hey16:02
jonokim0, just give me a few mins16:02
kim0jono: okie16:03
jonokim0, logging in now16:05
doctormomaco: This is perhaps why Ubuntu can't be considered a religion, it's not mad enough.16:22
paultagdoctormo: bah. kumbaya or else16:26
* AlanBell is adding insanity as fast as possible16:27
paultagAnytime we can make the world an odder place is a good time for me.16:28
nigelbhighvoltage: sadly that happens too often in india16:33
nigelball indians want only boys :/16:33
nigelbmy mom wanted a girl I think though.16:34
nigelbnot *instead* of me, but another kid.16:35
* dpm takes a short break16:36
highvoltagenigelb: wow, I didn't know.16:36
highvoltagemy mother wanted girls and only had two boys. so now her poor dogs have to suffer having to wear dresses, etc16:36
highvoltage*suffer wearing dresses, etc16:36
nigelbbe glad its not you :p16:36
paultagheyya nigelb16:37
nigelbmorning paultag16:40
paultagnigelb: morning :)16:41
paultagwait a second... it's not morning in india!16:41
* nigelb is getting ready to hit the bed after an exilarating monday :)16:41
paultagnigelb: nice :D16:41
paultagnigelb: I almost have a patch ready for Ubuntu's Fluxbox :)16:42
paultagnigelb: it should be OK, but I'm not sure if I did anything wrong :/16:43
paultagnigelb: I'm still a far cry from MOTU16:43
nigelbpaultag: become DD, MOTU is easy afterwards16:44
nigelbpaultag: Also you can apply for PPU16:44
paultagnigelb: I could have already done DM, but that's not anything for credit to MOTU, and I don't think I will become DD, it's very hard16:45
nigelbthen PPU is the way to go.  Take care of your debian packages in ubuntu16:45
paultagI'd really like to16:45
paultagWhat's the process for getting PPU rights?16:46
JFosubmit an app to the DMB iirc16:46
JFoor rather16:47
JFothe Technical Board maybe16:47
paultagdo I need a sponsor or anything?16:47
* JFo forgets16:47
paultagdave matthews band!16:47
* nigelb pokes JFo in the eye.16:47
* JFo adds it to the rest of today16:47
JFopaultag, I think so16:48
JFobut I am not completely sure16:48
nigelbpaultag: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers#PerPackage16:48
paultagthanks JFo, I'll follow up with that16:48
* paultag hugs nigelb 16:48
nigelbok, folks! We (Maia and me) need your help.  We're re-branding "Behind MOTU" since everyone in ~ubuntu-dev would be included.  We'd like you suggestions for name!17:03
vishnigelb: "Behind Ubuntu" ;)17:07
nigelbThere's already one17:07
nigelbWe decided on "In the Circle"17:07
paultagDevelopers, Developers, Developers, Developers17:07
* maco tickles paultag17:07
vish+1 to paultag :)17:07
nigelbpaultag: thats copyrighted and patented probably17:07
paultagOh noes!17:07
* paultag giggles17:07
paultagstop it maco17:07
nigelbok, AlanBell wins it!17:08
vishha! paultag is ticklish even over irc!17:08
paultagvish: i'ts really bad, actually17:09
paultagI'm the worst17:09
* nigelb hugs paultag.17:09
nigelbMe too.17:09
nigelbwhich is why I hate someone touch me for anything17:09
nigelbdad loves to irritate me that way.17:10
paultagif I know it's coming, im OK17:10
paultagbut god forbid someone sneak-tickles me17:10
paultagthat's the worst17:10
paultaghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Paultag/DeveloperApplication <-- anyone wants to comment, shamless plug here ( you don't have to endorse me if you don't want to )17:13
nigelbpaultag: get your team member in debian to leave one.17:14
nigelbHelps if the person knows your packaging skills17:14
paultagnigelb: he is out for a long time, his dad just died, and he speaks very poor english, only russian :(17:14
paultagnigelb: but I will ask him, yeah :)17:15
nigelbpaultag: Somone like pleia2 would do.17:15
nigelbShe worked with you before :)17:15
paultagnigelb: Ah, aye. We ended up getting the package out of Debian :'(17:15
nigelbpaultag: if you can bribe maco to leave you one that would be good too ;)17:15
nigelbpaultag: oh oh, nhandler !!17:15
paultagYeah, but I don't want to ask anyone who has not worked with me on a package to endorse me or anything17:16
paultagthat's kinda cheep and might give them a bad 'rap if I end up screwing up17:16
nigelbpaultag: small letter "F"17:16
paultagnigelb: dur, yeah, it's not done yet :)17:16
nigelbpaultag: its like a resume.  Never. Make. A. Spelling. Mistake. ;)17:17
paultagnigelb: hahaha aye, but after all I just did this in about 30 minutes and i'm at work :)17:17
paultagnigelb: I'll polish it later, it's not out of the oven or anything :)17:18
nigelbheh :)17:18
nigelbpaultag: know anyone on dmb? somone who's worked with you on something?17:19
nigelbif so, they can testify for you there.17:19
paultagnigelb: nixternal, but not well. That's it17:20
macopaultag: russian testimonials are fine. we'll just make LucidFox translate17:20
paultagmaco: well alrighty then :)17:20
macoat least, thats what RMB people agreed... that non-english testimonials are ok and we can all use google translate if we need. if the DMB doesn't hold to that, i'd be surprised17:21
nigelbmaco: dmb is fine with it AFAIK.17:22
macothats what i thought17:22
paultagI'll email him, hopefully I can get a response soon-ish17:22
paultagmaco: I'm really worried I don't have the "stuff" for it.17:23
maconigelb: what was it you said "i cant apply to motu, ive never done FOO" and i answered "ive been a motu for 3 months and did that for the first time last week"?17:23
paultagit's what stopped me up when I was trying for MOTU stuff before17:23
nigelbmaco: yes where $foo ~ merge17:24
macomm no it wasnt merg17:24
nigelbyes it was.17:24
macobecause my first merge was a half hour before the dmb meeting17:24
nigelbthen it must be rules17:25
paultagOooh, I love writing the rules file17:25
nigelbmaco: you said something about "proper merge"17:25
nigelbIt was merge AFAIK.17:26
nigelbI was merging something and got stuck with rules file.17:26
macoi think it was ftbfs17:26
nigelbNo, I did fix an FTBS.17:26
macobut ive still never done a merge by hand17:26
macoi wouldnt want to17:26
macothis is why we have bzr!17:26
dholbachjono: 2m?17:29
paultagmaco: could I perhaps have you review a package of mine?17:29
macopaultag: when i get home from work?17:29
paultagmaco: yeah, sure. I'm at work right now too17:29
jonodholbach, yep, one sec17:29
jonodholbach, sorry going to be a few17:35
jonodholbach, logging in now17:39
dpmok everyone, time to call it a day. See you all tomorrow!17:42
czajkowskidpm: G'night17:43
* dholbach calls it a day - see you guys tomorrow!18:00
czajkowskiI really wished meetings in -meeting annouced at the begining of their meeting what the meeting/team is for18:11
nigelbJFo: what happened to kernel triage summit?18:23
czajkowskinigelb: 11/918:23
czajkowskiit's in his blog post18:24
nigelbwait, he has a blog? o.O18:24
czajkowskidoesnt blog that often but it's there18:24
nigelbczajkowski: linky?18:25
nigelbJFo: get it on planet soon.18:25
nigelbczajkowski: 9/11 not 11/9 ;)18:26
nigelbI was wondering why it was only in november :/18:26
nigelb(and I'm supposed to be Indian where we follow dd-mm-yy, gah america)18:27
czajkowskino it's 11/9 11th november18:28
paultag_nigelb: that makes the least sense18:28
vishnigelb: why "supposed to be" ? ;p18:28
czajkowski11th september 11/918:28
paultag_nigelb: it should be yyyy-mm-dd18:28
paultag_it would make versioning so easy18:28
macopaultag:  +118:29
macopopey: i turn in timesheets at work with that numbering ;-)18:29
popeyyou win18:29
paultag_+1 maco :)18:29
macoit sorts really well for ls too!18:29
vishpopey: isnt it DDMMYY in england too?18:29
nigelbvish: because I neer get dd-mm-yy right.18:29
popeyin the UK it's DDMMYY yes18:29
macovish: yes, but then you break sorting18:29
nigelbcheques are major pain.18:29
popeyor DDMMYYYY18:29
popey\o/ correct spelling of Cheques :)18:29
paultag_checks, damnit!18:29
vishheh , americans just flip everything and think they are right! ;p18:29
macoi have a professor who's welsh and so when he signs forms at my school writes like "9 viii 2010"18:30
* popey flips something at vish 18:30
* nigelb huggles popey 18:30
macoi had to translate on zareason's forum for a british person once18:30
* popey goes home with a wet phone18:30
paultag_vish: seuqehc it is18:30
macothey were told to "mail a check" and didnt know what the heck it meant... "post a cheque"18:30
paultag_+1 maco, I was so confused when I saw that the first time18:30
paultag_but then I remembered my German 101, and that post == mail :)18:31
paultag_and I guessed the rest18:31
* nigelb kicks paultag_ 18:31
nigelbok, bedtime for real.18:31
nigelbWaking up at 4 ain't fun.18:32
macopaultag: er... you mean like "post office" "postal carrier" and "postage stamp"?18:32
nigelbmaco: paultag_ is prone to "slight" exaggeration.18:32
nigelbHe's paultag_ afterall.18:32
paultag_maco: ...yup. Way to rationalize my epiphany :(18:32
paultag_I think we should adopt roman numerals for versioning18:32
nigelbIt would be like using wires instead of circuit boards18:33
nigelbpopey: http://identi.ca/notice/4558888218:41
czajkowskiI do like making people frown showed a mate http://pix.ie/czajkowski/574408/in/album/32301218:41
paultag_nigelb: haha, :)18:42
nigelbczajkowski: hahahahaha18:43
nigelbtitle rocks18:43
AlanBellczajkowski: I think I deleted my gimped version of that18:44
paultag_czajkowski: awww!! that's awesome18:44
paultag_you got pwned!18:45
paultagback :)19:03
nigelbpaultag: see pm19:04
nigelbpopey: *very* sensible dents lately :)19:14
* nigelb likey all of them19:14
czajkowskinigelb: and you didnt before19:14
nigelbczajkowski: I did.  I did.  But I like the ones about the whole "ben thing" :)19:15
paultagneckbearding for life19:16
paultagWho else thinks it's time to submit an RFC on POSIX compliant beards ?19:17
czajkowskiI say we give these out to young folks http://www.jamboree.freedom-in-education.co.uk/images/crafts/robin%20hood/beard.jpg save them time growing beards19:27
nigelbOMG! YES!19:28
nigelbAnd all of us should wear it at uds for the group pic19:28
vishwhy are we /still/ discussing this :s19:32
nigelbvish: we're thinking of ways to get back at him19:33
paultagit's funny vish :)19:33
nigelband its hilarious, yes :)19:33
vishpaultag: for fun it sounds good19:34
vishbut i think its high time we moved on and stopped giving that anymore attention ;)19:34
nigelbits become one of those hit jokes19:35
nigelbpopey's and paultag's dent on this topic totally rocks :)19:36
paultagI never saw popey's19:36
nigelbJust because you don't see a public 'flogging' when someone is alleged to have breached the #ubuntu CoC doesn't mean nothing happened.19:37
nigelbDear Internet. The words of one blogger do not represent the perspective of the whole #Ubuntu Community.Love popey.(neither does this tweet)19:37
nigelbpaultag: ^^19:37
highvoltagehmm, I wonder where I can get a template beard to gimp-copy-and-paste on my hackergotchi19:37
AlanBellhighvoltage: I was thinking of doing that too!19:37
czajkowskilet me google again19:38
czajkowskiI find searching for leprechauns works19:38
highvoltagebecause I need to make a post about the CC and how I think it's better not to have a CoC with teeth and that would be a kind of useful picture :)19:38
highvoltageI guess I could just draw a beard in gimp19:39
czajkowskihighvoltage: http://www.partycheap.com/v/vspfiles/photos/30706-2T.jpg gimp away the hat19:40
highvoltageczajkowski: wow! I think I'd rather keep the had!19:40
paultagOH NOES!19:41
paultagthis is going places19:41
czajkowskihighvoltage: careful now, folks could say you're insulting us poor wee Irish :p19:42
nigelbwe should do that in protest of the article :/19:42
highvoltageczajkowski: well, they can try that but since that's where my ancestors are from I guess that gives me a little leeway :)19:42
highvoltagea wee leeway! :D19:43
paultagWe should just change our planet photos to be us with neckbeards19:45
paultagand blog away for the week19:45
JFopoorly drawn neckbeards obviously photoshopped over hackergotchi?19:50
JFoI like it19:50
AlanBellgimped JFo gimped!19:51
paultagJFo: Let's do it!19:52
JFotomato tomahhhto19:52
JFopaultag, :)19:52
* AlanBell goes to find hackergochi image19:52
paultagI'm not joking at all. I'm totally cutting out a fake beard19:52
AlanBelldon't mention it in the blog post though, just do it and blog about something normal19:53
paultagAlanBell: +119:53
paultagwe need to be subtle19:53
paultagI'm using RMS as a template19:54
paultagGah, that'll take forver19:55
czajkowskipaultag: you and patience don't really go do they19:57
paultagThey do :)19:57
paultagI just need goals that I can hit. I've found a much better one19:57
paultagand I'm almost good19:58
paultagAlthough, looking at it, I do have a bit of a neckbeard here -- http://planet.ubuntu.com/heads/paultag.png20:00
AlanBellI can't think of anything else to call that!20:01
highvoltageI get lazy to shave sometimes and then I get one too20:01
czajkowskiI want to go back to Canada for http://govdocs.evergreen.edu/canadagov/timbitssm.jpg20:02
highvoltageit just feels silly so I shave it again :)20:02
popeyevening all20:11
paultagMy endevors today failed JFo :(20:13
paultagit came out pretty bad20:13
paultagI'd be willing to supply stock imagry if anyone wants to neck-beard me20:13
czajkowskipopey: howdy doody20:14
czajkowskitempted to upgrade to maverick today20:14
czajkowskihows it looking20:14
AlanBellbug #614240 is in the /topic of #ubuntu+120:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 614240 in glib2.0 (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "libglib2.0-0 2.25.12-1ubuntu1 failed to install: *** buffer overflow detected ***: /usr/lib/glib-2.0/gio-querymodules terminated (affects: 22) (dups: 2) (heat: 1748)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61424020:15
vishAlanBell: thought they reverted that..20:15
AlanBellI haven't been following it, I just did /topic #ubuntu+120:15
paultaghey popey, I just came accross your website. I love it.20:16
popeyoh thanks!20:17
vishAlanBell: topic in +1 fixed now.. :)20:19
jonokim0, about to post the map to the FB group20:28
jonowatch it explode with new ubuntu users now :-)20:28
kim0jono: rock it20:28
* czajkowski hugs jono 20:29
czajkowskitagged it :D20:30
jonodone :)20:30
jonolet's watch the fun happen20:30
czajkowskiaye hence you got the hug!20:30
* jono hugs kim0 and czajkowski20:30
czajkowskithat needs some loving we onbly ahve 8 signed up so far20:31
czajkowskihmm shall do a blog post on it20:32
jonoczajkowski, do please20:32
jonowe should schedule a bunch of blog entries methinks20:32
czajkowskijono: aye20:33
czajkowskiI'll do today will you do one tomorrow20:33
czajkowskiwho else20:33
czajkowskihighvoltage: ping20:33
jonokim0, weird, some markers appear and disapear20:33
jonokim0, ignore me20:33
kim0jono: at low zoom .. one country is just one marker20:33
jonoit is only on the zoomed out level20:33
jonokim0, this is so awesome20:34
kim0when jono touches FB .. it's the viral effect at it's best :)20:34
jonoI think everyone in here needs to give props to kim020:35
jonokim0: props to you20:35
kim0Thanks man :)20:35
kim0is Asia asleep or something20:36
kim0I know they are now .. but I mean .. where were they all day long20:36
jonokim0, it will get there :-)20:38
kim0jono: hehe yeah .. potentially after the facebook one tomorrow morning20:39
jonoindeed :)20:39
jonoI am gonna blog it too20:39
kim0coolness :)20:39
czajkowskijono: http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/08/09/ubuntu-global-jam-coming-very-soon/  can you tweet, folks seem to listen you, odd being the community manager and all :p20:54
AlanBellczajkowski: is there somewhere else those banners are being served from?20:56
czajkowskiwhere i got most of the content20:57
AlanBellooh, that will hurt the wiki if they get used all over the place20:58
czajkowskiwell most people download them like I did and upload it again20:59
czajkowskihow will it hurt the wiki20:59
AlanBellhope so20:59
czajkowskior am I missing something20:59
AlanBelldepends where they end up being put really I suppose21:00
czajkowskieverying I link to goes on my server21:00
dakerhello world21:06
kim0daker: welcome man21:06
dakeras i said is that the community is not able to provide a multilingual web content21:07
kim0daker: can u explain that21:07
dakerubuntu.com is in english21:07
dakerhelp.u.c is in english too21:08
dakerwiki.u.c is in En too21:08
dakerso why are we providing a multilingual OS21:08
dakerif we can't provide multilingual HELP21:08
dakerbtw map.u.c is also in EN21:09
dakercan someone answer my question21:10
kim0daker: are you aware of some policy that content should be English21:10
kim0or is it just lack of contributors21:10
doctormopopey: Your on the LoCo council right?21:11
dakerkim0, i don't think that's a lake of contributors21:11
doctormopopey: What is the current position of the LoCo council on marketing coherence?21:12
popeynot sure we have a 'position' as such21:12
czajkowskiwhat do you mean? marketing coherence?21:13
czajkowskidaker: many of the wiki pages are being translated21:14
czajkowskidaker: but some things will be in English21:14
popeyactually we rely on loco teams to do that translation daker / czajkowski21:14
popeydaker: map.u.c is open source, hosted on launchpad, I'm sure they would welcome translations21:15
dakerczajkowski, popey i agree with u21:15
daker& what about u.c & h.u.c ?21:16
doctormoczajkowski, popey: Mainly trying to get a set of recommended verbage, fonts, styles, colours and such to use in materials. Trying to make sure that the way Ubuntu is described in person is fairly approximately consistent.21:17
popeyi would think the marketing team (such that it is) should come up with that21:17
czajkowskidoctormo: I'd assume marketing (canonical) would be the ones to ask21:17
doctormoczajkowski: Canonical's Marketing? The design team and people who work on branding I think are a good offical place to start from the Canonical side. But the community has a lot to say that isn't covered.21:19
czajkowskisuch as?21:19
popeyI'm specifically talking about the non-canonical marketing team21:19
doctormopopey: So if the ubuntu marketing team popped up and laid down some guides and base works, these would be debated in the LoCo ecosystem?21:20
* doctormo knew what popey meant.21:20
popeywe could certainly help in getting them promoted21:20
popeygetting the word out and trying to get contributions21:20
pleia2doctormo: I've been following the -marketing thread, I think this is a tall order, there are some pretty opinionated folks on the list and I could see long, unresolvable discussions on the usage of "linux" and "free"21:20
pleia2among other things21:21
popeyyup, ditto21:21
doctormopleia2: I agree that those specific items are going to need some sort of sabdfl getting involved. But then again we have fairly good compromises and evidence for a whole bunch of contentious issues.21:23
pleia2doctormo: I don't know that he'd be willing to come down firmly on either side (I know I wouldn't, and he's quite a bit higher profile than I ;))21:24
AlanBelldoctormo: have you seen all the design toolkit stuff and the sliders and whatnot?21:25
doctormoHeh, well that's why I said _some sort of_, I figure Mark will use the language most appropriate for the audience.21:25
doctormoAlanBell: linky?21:26
dakerwhen someone got answers for my question pls poke me21:26
popeydaker: what question?21:27
doctormopleia2, popey: Considering the mailing list discussion and the bad apathy of the marketing team's past. Perhaps something small and simple to start with.21:27
popeystarting small is good21:27
dakerpopey, <daker> & what about u.c & h.u.c ?21:27
popeydaker: as I said, locos are expected to translate those21:27
AlanBelldaker: are you offering to do translations?21:27
pleia2doctormo: I don't need to tell you the history of the marketing team :) I'm sure you already know that the only thing that has *ever* worked is starting small21:27
AlanBelldaker: which languages?21:27
pleia2too many "I want to be the leader, here is what we do" failed attempts every 6 months21:28
pleia2spreadubuntu was just a guy who Went And Did It21:28
czajkowskipleia2: aye I know from the last 3 UDS it's been a revolving topic21:28
popeyyeah, do more of that21:28
doctormo"Went and Did It"(tm) bit like Ubuntu Manual team then. ;-)21:28
czajkowskispreadubuntu is rather nifty site21:28
popeynot quite21:29
popeybut i get your point21:29
popeyfact is nobody is currently doing global marketing stuff21:29
popeywhereas with ubuntu manual there was already a well established and working team21:30
doctormoNibbling the edges.21:30
dakerAlanBell, are you sure that those sites could be Internationalized ?21:30
popeydaker: dpm is probably the best person to talk to21:30
popeydaker: he's the head of translations21:30
doctormopopey: It's up for some debate about the workingness of the docs team for producing printable materials. But that's for another time. I get your point.21:30
dakerpopey, thans21:31
czajkowskidaker: dpm details https://launchpad.net/~dpm21:31
AlanBelldaker: I am sure if a proposal was put forward it would be taken seriously, I doubt there is any unsurmountable technical problem with it21:31
dakerAlanBell, czajkowski popey oki thanks21:32
pleia2doctormo: I'd propose getting a team of folks together to get some guidelines, draft materials and move forward21:32
pleia2I wouldn't say "this is the official message of the marketing team" because such a thing will never exist, I'm afraid21:32
czajkowskidaker: np21:32
doctormopopey, pleia2: What I think I was trying to say is. Each loco team or self opinionated doctormo like member can nibble at the edges of marketing, but none really has the authority to say anything globally.21:32
pleia2but getting materials out there, promoting them, all is a step in the right direction21:33
pleia2right now when I want to print up a filer for an event I just wander through spreadubuntu and pick something that looks nice and doesn't have too many typos ;)21:33
doctormopleia2: I think I see a plan forming out of the chaos.21:33
AlanBellevery loco team to be issued with a self opinionated doctormo \o/21:34
pleia2AlanBell: lol21:34
popey* Bowler hats optional21:34
* doctormo gets into the cloning machine21:34
* doctormo swears at Empathy for crashing.21:40
duanedesignlooking at the materials on design.ubuntu.com, they are a good start. However they are definetly targeted for canonicals internal use.21:43
doctormoduanedesign: Is that the url? I get a 404.21:45
AlanBellduanedesign: not really, they cover a lot of community stuff too21:45
duanedesigndoctormo: http://design.canonical.com/the-toolkit/ubuntu-brand-guidelines/21:46
doctormopopey: Have you used the loco directories new ical feeds yet?21:46
popeyooooo no21:46
popeydidnt know that existed21:46
czajkowskiairurando: welcome21:46
doctormoduanedesign: Ah, design.canonical.com not ubuntu.com21:46
popeyblog it!21:46
duanedesignAlanBell: it does.21:46
doctormopopey: Aye aye21:46
popeywith screenshots and gmail and stuff!21:46
czajkowskidoctormo: the ical feed is very handy21:46
duanedesignAlanBell: i guess i was thinking the dots usage. The two categories are enterprise and developer21:47
AlanBellduanedesign: http://design.canonical.com/the-toolkit/canonical-brand-guides/21:47
doctormoczajkowski: There was a global ical feed, now there is a per team ical feed too.21:47
AlanBellthat is the canonical section21:47
czajkowskidoctormo: yup21:47
AlanBellduanedesign: yeah, there are enterprise dots and developer dots21:47
doctormoAlthough we made a debian guy sad for not using caldav/webdav at a protocol.21:48
popey"We made $person sad for not doing $something" seems to be a meme21:48
AlanBellbut something can be community (orange) but aimed at Enterprise users (wide dots)21:48
duanedesignAlanBell: hmm, thats right. forgot about the orange and purple distinctions21:49
AlanBellcommunity stuff is community orange and can use aubergine as an accent colour, Canonical stuff is Canonical aubergine and can use orange as an accent colour21:50
AlanBelland there are 4 or so different shades of aubergine21:50
AlanBelland I am working on a blog post about the squillions of different colours of Orange that you could end up with21:51
duanedesignAlanBell: right. that answers the question i was trying to solve with the dots. ie. how to distinguish community pieces21:51
AlanBellyup "voice slider" is the orange/aubergine balance21:52
AlanBellaudience slider varies the shade of the aubergine used21:53
AlanBelldarker aubergines are more enterprisey (hence Ubuntu Server CD is dark aubergine)21:53
AlanBelldeveloper slider moves from filled diagrams to outlined diagrams (really odd one that)21:54
duanedesignAlanBell: mmm, yes you are right, they do cover a lot of commnuity stuff. I guess i will retract my initial statement :)21:58
doctormopopey: http://doctormo.org/2010/08/09/loco-team-calendars/21:59
popeydoctormo: love you! thanks!21:59
popeyhmm, did I say that out loud?22:00
doctormoNah, trick of the light.22:01
akgranerjcastro, will you be at OLF?22:02
AlanBellthe loco directory just evolved it's killer feature22:02
doctormo// Your _Directory_ just evolved into a _Calendar_ //22:04
highvoltageczajkowski: pong22:08
highvoltage(I'm going to drive home now but will just reconnect from there)22:09
czajkowskihighvoltage: we need bloggers on Ubuntu global jam will you blog some day this week on it please?22:10
akgranerdoctormo, any luck seeing who could make a new Fridge Logo?  We will be testing the new site in the next 10 days or so :-)22:12
akgranerwe are adding content now and tweaking what's there now thanks to nhandler and pleia2 and stas...22:12
doctormoakgraner: It slipped my list, thanks for the prod. Remind me what's the requirement?22:14
doctormoThere must have been a reason I didn't jump on it.22:14
doctormoWow I just scared myself with cheese and my own expression... note to self, easy on the cold meds.22:16
czajkowskiairurando: see doctormo has done up http://doctormo.org/2010/08/09/loco-team-calendars/  which should help folks in the team22:38
duanedesigndoctormo: have you solicited any volunteers yet for the fridge logo? If not I probably have time in the morning to make a run at it22:38
airurandoHi all.22:40
airurandoczajkowski: just reading that now22:40
czajkowskiairurando: folks in here from all over the place but mostly we chat on community stuff and jonos team are also in here22:42
highvoltageczajkowski: yep22:42
czajkowskihighvoltage: can you take wednesday adn shall remind jono to do Tomorrow please22:42
highvoltageczajkowski: righto, I'll probably need some pointers but I'll try to be creative22:42
jonoczajkowski, I will do tomorrow, I am off on wed - fri22:42
czajkowskijono: grand you're tomorrow22:43
czajkowskihighvoltage: is wednesday22:43
czajkowskiI need folks for Thursday and Friday :)22:43
czajkowskijono: highvoltage http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/08/09/ubuntu-global-jam-coming-very-soon/22:43
czajkowskipopey: can you blog this week on UGJ if you've time??22:44
czajkowskijono: can you tweet the link please when you get a chance22:47
jonoczajkowski, doing so now22:47
czajkowskijono: thank you my dear!22:48
akgranerpaultag, hey we may have some free space for an UbuCon at OLF if you all are interested?22:50
akgranerpaultag, if you have time wanna chat about it tomorrow - I still have a million things to do tonight22:51
paultagakgraner: hell yeah22:53
paultagakgraner: send what you're thinking over email, I'll let team LoCoHiO know, I'm up for a chat as well :)22:53
akgranerpaultag, awesome  - got an email from the OLF planners this morning about it... let me see if I can get all this done in the next 1.5 hours or so and if you are still around maybe a quick chat then I can talk to the OLF folks in the am22:55
paultagakgraner: sure thing!22:55
akgranerok I am almost finished with UWN and I have 2 interviews I need to post22:57
akgranerand one I need to send to someone22:57
akgranerbut after that ok...22:57
paultagakgraner: :)22:57
paultagakgraner: take your time, I'll be around :)22:57
czajkowskipopey: aye around and doing your re apparoval right :)22:59
paultagOh christ, I need to do that too22:59
* paultag skuttles off22:59
czajkowskipaultag: magic word, delegate ;)23:00
AlanBelljenkins: /window 2523:00
paultagczajkowski: Aye, I know, but I don't want someone half-arseing it, so I'd like to get the template down pat, and have people fill in23:00
czajkowskipaultag: aye23:00
* popey hugs jono23:05
jonopopey, :-)23:05
* highvoltage throughs *hugs* all over the channel23:44
pleia2*hugs* :)23:44
highvoltagejono: btw what's keybuk's tweet about, kind of nasty thing to say publicly :(23:44
Pendulumhighvoltage: it's all the fallout from ben's blogpost, I think23:45
doctormopopey: Could you post the ical thing to the loco contacts mailing list?23:46
Pendulumhighvoltage: I know. Sadly it was going to polarize people no matter what happened and how it was handled :(23:47
* nhandler is still waiting for 2 way syncing ical capabilities23:52
doctormonhandler: What is it you need?23:53
nhandlerdoctormo: So that if I create an event on the ical in say Google Calendar, the LD would create an event for my team23:53
nhandlerThat way, I don't need to ever go to loco.ubuntu.com directly23:53
doctormonhandler: Unfortunately loco.ubuntu.com contains the greatest amount of context where as google calendars has none. The mapping would be hard to achieve the other way round. Why do you want to do it that way round?23:54
* doctormo attempts to get at the source of the problem.23:55
paultagdoctormo: because it's a lot easier23:56
paultagdoctormo: :)23:56
paultagdoctormo: afternoon, chap :)23:56
nhandlerdoctormo: Well, it would be possible. The fields on the Create Event page would just get translated into fields in the description. I mainly want it to avoid having to change my workflow. I can also quickly add/edit ical events from Google Calendar, any calendar app, or even my iPod.23:56
doctormopaultag: The answer would be to get webdav working with the loco directory, not ical viz google. wrong tech.23:56
doctormoThe problem is that it's hideous complex because you have to junk the location info and blank links to global event link as well as it's blog link. Plus future fields.23:58
doctormoWebDav _may_ help us get an unbalanced two way into google calendar or evolution, but it's going to have to be a recommendation that people start updating their workflows to use loco.ubuntu.com, otherwise we'll never find the problems with our own tools and be able to fix them.23:59

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