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robert_ancellTheMuso, hey, there is a new version of the lcms library (lcms2) which is parallel installable with the old version (<2).  As far as I can tell there will be no more development on <2 (i.e. it is not a stable branch, but allows you to run your old software and gradually port it).  Question is: Do I make a new source package for lcms2 or just add a new changelog entry in the existing lcms one?02:27
RAOFI guess the answer would be the same as the answer to the question “are you ever going to need to patch lcms1”?  Is it just an soname bump, or a parallel development tree, etc?02:31
TheMusoRAOF: Agreed. Also I wonder what Debian is doing.02:32
TheMusoYes, squeeze has frozen etc.02:32
robert_ancellI sent the proposed package to Debian, but I guess they wont be using it if they are frozen02:34
robert_ancellRAOF, I think the answer is "no, and all packages should migrate to lcms2"02:34
RAOFIs there an API break?02:35
RAOFIs the lcms → lcms2 transition just a rebuild?02:35
robert_ancellRAOF, not sure, but it doesn't matter as you will have to explicitly relink against the new one anyway02:35
robert_ancellThe library has changed from lcms.so to lcms2.so02:36
RAOFAh.  So I'd guess there's an API change, and it's not a simple rebuild with a different -l flag.  That sounds more like you want a different source package; liblcms sounds like it'll be hanging around long enough that you could reasonably expect to want an upload.02:39
TheMusoAre they plugins, or a shared lib? If a lib, then the soname is wrong.02:39
robert_ancellTheMuso, a lib, what is wrong with the soname?02:41
RAOFIt should probably be liblcms.so.202:41
TheMusoafaik sonames should be something like libname.so.nub02:42
TheMusoRAOF: yeah02:42
robert_ancellNo, the renamed the source package to lcms202:42
RAOFIt sounds more like it wants to be a new source package, starting with “initial upload to $DISTRO”.02:49
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pittiGood morning06:51
TheMusoHey pitti.06:54
pittihey TheMuso, had a nice weekend?06:56
TheMusopitti: Certainly did thanks. Yourself?06:56
pittiquiet, but nice; thanks06:56
TheMusoQuiet is good.06:56
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didrocksgood morning07:34
pittibonjour didrocks07:35
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti, how was your week-end?07:36
pittididrocks: quiet on Saturday (was raining cats and dogs), so I did some household cleanup; we went hiking yesterday, so very nice; how was your's?07:37
didrockspitti: very sunny and nice in the Alps. Went to a traditional restaurant and some walking in the mountains. Just feel a little bit cold sometimes compared to Paris (< 20°C)07:39
didrocksrobert_ancell: hey, I see you are doing a lot of remerge on debian, can you have a look this week-end at gnome-shell? It's currently broken because of new mutter08:15
robert_ancelldidrocks, can do08:16
didrocksrobert_ancell: bug #614359 should give you all the info :)08:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 614359 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "undefined symbol: mutter_plugin_effect_completed (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61435908:16
didrocksrobert_ancell: thanks!08:16
didrocksrobert_ancell: basically, mutter broke the API without bumping the soname, it affected us at unity, and gnome-shell had the same issue08:16
robert_ancelldidrocks, ok, will look at it tomorrow08:17
didrocksrobert_ancell: great! thanks a bunch!08:17
kiwinotemvo: hi08:44
mvohey kiwinote08:44
kiwinotemvo: are you still working on the deb-files branch, or are you done making changes?08:44
mvokiwinote: I'm not fully done, I can resume now. did you had a chnce to look over the other bits I put in? I think the deb file stuff is done, but the apturl links need a little bit of attention still08:45
kiwinotemvo: yep, I took a look at what you had changed. There are a few little sidecases which need fixing, but it looks good elsewise.08:47
kiwinotemvo: if you aren't working on it atm, then i'll fix a few little things first, otherwise I'll wait until you're done and fix them later08:48
mvokiwinote: thanks for the review, I can merge them back if you put them into your branch08:48
mvokiwinote: then please fix them now, we are not in a rush :)08:48
mvoeh, I'm not :)08:48
kiwinotemvo: sure, I'll let you know when they're done ;)08:48
* mvo nods08:49
didrockssalut seb128, ça va ? :)08:50
seb128lut didrocks08:50
pittihey seb128, hello mvo08:50
seb128ouais et toi?08:50
seb128hey pitti, mvo08:50
seb128wie gets?08:51
didrocksseb128: ça va bien, merci :)08:51
mvohey pitti, seb12808:51
alf__slomo: Hi! Did you get a chance to take a look at the proposed cairo packaging changes (debian #587771)?08:54
ubot2Debian bug 587771 in cairo "Package cairo-perf utilities" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/58777108:54
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kiwinotemvo: for error checking/setting of deb files your branch gets the failure_string from python-apt. Do we want that, or do we want to be able to set custom error messages which are more consistent with the rest of s-c like my branch did? (I don't mind which one you want, I just wanted to verify your decision)09:14
seb128bah, hundredpapercut start being annoying, broken changes get uploaded and people have no consideration for translations09:16
seb128lut huats09:19
huatsHow are you seb128 ?09:19
seb128I'm fine I think, what about you? ;-)09:20
huatsgood too !09:20
huatslast week before 1 week of holidays :D09:21
mvokiwinote: I think it would be great to re-use the ones from python-apt to have one a single string that needs to get translated etc. if they are too technical then that is a valid point and we should reconsider. in this case it would be nice to make python-apt return error enums so that we don't have a dupe the check() function from p-apt inside s-c09:21
mvokiwinote: I hope we can make the ones in python-apt good enough for showing in s-c without loosing too much technical information09:21
kiwinotemvo: yes, it is indeed a good point not to duplicate stuff from python-apt. I'll check with mpt how technical or non-technical he wants the error messages to be in s-c.09:23
mvothanks kiwinote09:24
mvokiwinote: I guess its ok if deb installing is a tad more technical, but I will leave it to mpt to comment09:24
kiwinotemvo: ok, thanks09:24
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mpthi kiwinote09:28
kiwinotempt: there is a bit above here about the failure strings for installing deb-files in s-c09:28
kiwinotempt: the question is whether the failure strings from python-apt can be used or if they are too technical09:29
kiwinotempt: the python-apt messages can be found at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mvo/python-apt/debian-sid-mirrored/annotate/head:/apt/debfile.py by searching for '_failure_string'09:30
mptkiwinote, well, "Conflicts with a exisiting pkg!" isn't quite up to scratch :-)09:31
mptkiwinote, when and where would these be shown?09:32
kiwinotempt: they are shown in the summary line of the appdetailsview when someone opens a deb file with s-c when the deb-file can not be installed09:33
kiwinotempt: individual strings can be rephrased in python-apt. The main thing is how much detail we want to show in s-c. Eg if the deb-file conflicts with pkgs already installed then python-apt will (and should) display the list of pkgs which it conflicts with. Do we want that much detail in s-c, or does less detail suffice?09:37
mptkiwinote, in the summary line? Why wouldn't you be showing the summary of the package there?09:37
kiwinotempt: if there is a better place for errors, then please let me know. I had put it there originally because the software can't be installed if there are errors which makes the summary/description/screenshot irrelevant, so atm we only display icon title and summary if there is an error and the rest is hidden09:39
mptkiwinote, I suggest putting the error message where the description would be instead.09:44
mptAnd each of those will need tidying up.09:44
kiwinotempt: and hiding the pkgstatusbar?09:44
mpt"This package cannot be installed because _______."09:44
mptkiwinote, I don't know what "pkgstatusbar" maps to in the spec. The installed state bar?09:45
kiwinotempt: yep, the coloured bar with the install/remove button in it09:46
kiwinotempt: we can easily have a red coloured bar there, it just looks a bit odd if there is no text or button to go in it09:47
mptProbably leave it there but make "Install" insensitive09:50
seb128vish, starting changing descriptions over debian seems over the hundredpapercut line, can we stop that?09:50
seb128we can't start creating delta for such changes09:51
kiwinotempt: ok, I'll do that then and see what it looks like09:51
seb128vish, changing desktop descriptions in universe is also not going to work, can you revert that change?09:51
kiwinotempt: thanks09:51
seb128vish, that breaks every non english locale without a way to translate it09:52
dpmseb128, I wasn't aware of that. Is that happening in app-install-data, or on the ddtp descriptions?09:54
vishseb128: which one?09:54
seb128dpm, what is happening?09:55
seb128vish, the something-sdl09:56
seb128vish, you changed a desktop Comment09:56
seb128the package being in universe there is no langpack09:56
seb128you just break all translations by doing that09:56
vishseb128: the change in the control file is ok? only need to revert the .desktop change?09:56
seb128we can argue over that09:56
seb128I think starting to change descriptions in the source this way is wrong09:57
seb128you are creating delta over debian and a need to merge every change where we were in sync09:57
seb128we don't have the manpower to start merging packages just for descriptions changes09:57
seb128if we think descriptions are not worded as they should we need an overlay layer09:58
seb128ie something we can change in launchpad of software-center09:58
kiwinotempt: just a quick question: For non existent pkgs you had designed a 'Not Found' screen. Do you want that to stay the same, or do you want to display a coloured bar and then have the error message in the description field there as well?09:58
seb128we can't start creating diff to improve translations09:58
seb128translations -> descriptions09:58
seb128it's going to cost hundred of work hours every cycle which we don't have09:59
seb128it's going to lead to outdated packages, conflict with debian, bugs, conflicts with upstream, etc09:59
vishseb128: the changes have been sent to debian ,and changed in debian too09:59
vishseb128: some are still waiting in debian for a response09:59
seb128no they have no been changed in debian09:59
seb128we have an 0ubuntu1 version now09:59
seb128which means we will never get debian updates in automatic way again09:59
seb128it will require somebody to spend time tracking it and merging it every single time debian do a change now10:00
mptkiwinote, I think the "Not Found" screen shouldn't have an installed state bar, because it's not a package.10:00
kiwinotempt: ok, then i'll change some of the internal code to deal with two different sorts of errors ;)10:01
vishseb128: ex: debian bug 590238 , this was fixed , some havent even responded like the pidgin one.. what should we do?10:02
ubot2Debian bug 590238 in xchat-gnome "xchat-gnome: Package description could have information about program use" [Minor,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/59023810:02
visherr , fix committed in debian too10:02
seb128vish, wait for them to upload and sync?10:03
seb128vish, well for things where we ubuntu changes already it's not so an issue10:03
vishseb128: pidgin has been waiting for 2yrs! :s10:03
seb128vish, well as said if we think the descriptions quality is not matching our standard we need to figure a way to sort it which doesn't imply patching every debian source10:04
vishright ..10:05
vishmvo: any ideas^ ?10:06
seb128mvo, mpt: weren't some discussion during the years about fetching descriptions from launchpad or something?10:07
seb128ie having a way to rewrite the packages descriptions without having to do source changes10:07
mvoseb128, vish: so ideally we would get "overwrite" support for this from LP10:07
mvobut its not there yet10:07
mvo(and maybe some time to come :/)10:07
seb128I though that was the plan10:08
seb128but yeah, launchpad changes can take time10:08
mvoI think for high profile apps like xchat it does make sense to go and patch them even if it means that we have the burden of merging10:08
mvoI guess a alternative idea would be to (ab)use the Translations-en file10:08
seb128but seems we start having uploads for random universe games and small packages10:08
mvoit can be done today but the LP support for finding packages in the huge template is not great10:09
mvothere is a open spec for imporving that so that the description.pot lives alongside the normal template in LP so that its triviial and find and tranlsate10:09
mvothat spec is open since ~1y or so (maybe more)10:10
seb128brb gdm testing10:13
Laneyvish: for now, for non high-profile packages I suggest you send the fixes to Debian and not seek to diverge in Ubuntu for that10:27
Laneyit's the right place to make these changes anyway10:27
vishLaney: as i mentioned earlier, fixes are being send to debian10:28
vishLaney: is debian in freeze now?10:29
LaneyI know they are being sent there, but it's not worth an upload in ubuntu for it10:32
Laneywe should get it back through syncs10:32
vishLaney: yup, sounds sensible.. when maintainers dont respond how should we proceed?10:33
Laneyif they make uploads without responding to your patches then you should raise it again10:35
Laneyif there aren't any uploads then … there's not much you can do10:35
vishyeah , thats where it gets confusing , whether the maintainer is MIA or just doesnt want to change it..10:37
vishseb128: what about mvo's idea? [ using translations-en ] how do we do that ? is that acceptable?10:40
seb128vish, I'm not sure how we do that but as said before as long as you don't create delta over debian which creates extra work for everybody I'm fine with it10:42
seb128pitti, do you have any opinion on bug #605685?10:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 605685 in ubuntu "Sync isc-dhcp 4.1.1-P1-9 (universe) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60568510:43
pittiseb128: I didn't test it, so I don't10:44
pittiseb128: but Mathieu mentioned that he wants the transitional packages removed10:44
seb128pitti, no, he said that's an option10:44
pittialso, we have some Ubuntu modifictions to dhcp3 which would need to be ported10:44
pittiso it would be a merge either way10:44
seb128pitti, I'm rather unsure if we should go for the new dhcp this cycle10:45
pittiseb128: didn't we talk about this the other day? I thought it was required for something in NM10:46
seb128pitti, right, just reading through the dhcp3 changelog the number of changes we have there is non trivial to port to the new version10:47
seb128ok, let's try to get the new one without the transitional binaries in and port changes and see where we can get10:48
pittiseb128: but what's the purpose of that then?10:54
pittiwe certainly don't want a second version in main which we didn't test and apply our changes to?10:54
seb128pitti, I'm trying to see how we move that forward but seems nobody is actively working on that part of the stack10:56
seb128hey rickspencer310:56
rickspencer3hi seb12810:56
pittihey rickspencer3, had nice holidays?10:57
rickspencer3pitti, indeed10:57
rickspencer3felt like much longer than 1 week10:57
rickspencer3(which I think is a good sign)10:57
seb128rickspencer3, on east cost time or up really early?10:57
seb128rickspencer3, ;-)10:57
rickspencer3seb128, east coast!10:57
rickspencer3for today and tomorrow10:58
seb128rickspencer3, so you managed to not work during the week? ;-)10:58
didrockshey rickspencer3 :-)10:58
rickspencer3hi didrocks10:58
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seb128didrocks, you can drop your connman workitem for beta it will not be default11:27
didrocksseb128: sure, doing it now11:27
hyperairhmm? connman won't be default?11:29
hyperairin that case, will network-manager get indicator support?11:29
seb128no and no11:34
pittichrisccoulson: do you happen to know if chromium supports system-wide preferences? like /etc/chromium/config/ or similar?11:37
devildantehi all :)11:38
chrisccoulsonpitti - i don't think so, but i'm not entirely sure11:39
pittiI am grepping the source, but I can't find it11:39
didrockspitti: chrisccoulson: they were some initial support added last month. I didn't check again though11:39
pittiit seems rather weird to patch and rebuild chromium just to change the behavior for a particular mime type11:42
pittiapparently in ./chrome/common/chrome_paths_*11:42
rickspencer3seb128, it turns out I'm on holiday until Thursday!12:04
rickspencer3what a dope I am12:04
* TheMuso waves to rickspencer3.12:04
TheMusoAnd everyone else.12:04
rickspencer3hi TheMuso12:04
didrockshey TheMuso12:07
didrocksrickspencer3: go back to enjoy your holidays so! ;)12:07
rickspencer3didrocks, well, I have a few things to do .. but yeah12:08
rickspencer3I'll limit my time at work, for sure12:08
nigelbrickspencer3: holidays = you're not at work.  Not that you're at work only for 8 hours unlike the usual 24 x 7 :p12:09
rickspencer3I don't work that much12:10
nigelbI may be exaggerating but you get the point :D12:11
didrocks(I think we should face the reality: rickspencer3 misses us ;))12:14
rickspencer3didrocks, yeah12:14
rickspencer3plus there are new people!12:15
rickspencer3I wanted to meet them today12:15
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kiwinotemvo: I've pushed mpt's changes of the error position to my branch along with a few small fixes to deb-file handling in general.12:19
mvokiwinote: nice, thanks. I will remerge12:20
kiwinotemvo: I'll take a look at rephrasing some of the python-apt error messages now12:20
seb128rickspencer3, lol12:21
seb128rickspencer3, go back to enjoy your holidays then ;-)12:21
rickspencer3seb128, I am such a dolt12:21
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mptmvo, hi, software-center won't start for me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/475425/13:13
kiwinotempt: any comments on http://paste.ubuntu.com/475424/ ?13:14
mptkiwinote, not perfect, but a great improvement13:15
mptkiwinote, for Breaks/Conflicts, why aren't we offering to simultaneously remove the thing that it breaks or conflicts with?13:16
mvompt: thanks, I have a look13:16
kiwinotemvo: ^ is that something that python-apt can do, or would that involve using error codes and putting that functionality in s-c itself?13:18
mvokiwinote: it does involve code as it requires a user decision13:23
kiwinotemvo: yeah, I was wondering more if it was within the scope of python-apt, or not really13:24
mptkiwinote, don't worry about it then, it's something that (maybe) should be implemented later for Breaks/Conflicts in general, not for .debs in particular13:24
mvompt: s-c should be fixed, but the commit is still in place13:24
mvompt: now its there r99613:24
mvompt: that should have read "still in progress"13:24
mvokiwinote: hm, not really13:25
kiwinotempt: are the string changes worth pushing, or would you have some time this week to make them perfect?13:26
mvokiwinote: I mean, it does not fit that well into python-apt itself, we should make it trivial to support this strategy, but outside of p-apt itself13:26
mptmvo, yep, it works, thank you13:26
mvompt: I agree with that, especailly for debs its potentially dangerous to support removing already existing stuff from the archive to essily13:26
mvompt: cheers13:26
mptmvo, staging.launchpad.net is up, but I get nothing to purchase. Could this be the problem, or is it unrelated? 'File "./data/update-software-center-agent", line 36, in <module>      from softwarecenter.enums import *      ImportError: No module named softwarecenter.enums'13:28
mvompt: did you do "export PYTHONPATH=." before starting s-c ?13:29
mvompt: there is a issue with the sc.staging.ubuntu.com currently (in addition to this error)13:29
mptmvo, I did not13:29
mvompt: please try that13:30
mvompt: I should update the README or add a README.bzr or something like that13:30
mptmvo, doing that removes that error13:31
mvompt: great, thanks13:34
mvokiwinote: merged your changes, they look good. unfortunately merging into trunk gives me a bunch of conflicts. could you have a look please ?13:39
kiwinotemvo: merging mvo/deb-files into trunk?13:40
mvokiwinote: yep13:42
mvokiwinote: I mean, if you merge trunk into your deb-files branch, you should see the conflicts13:42
kiwinotemvo: sure, I'll fix them. (all the buy-something stuff landed in trunk after my last merge)13:43
mvokiwinote: yeah, a lot of churn (again :/)13:43
mvokiwinote: but that is the last big branch that is in the queue13:43
mvokiwinote: I mean, that was the last big one13:43
mvokiwinote: other than the deb-files one :)13:43
kiwinotemvo: there were no more apturl changes you wanted to make?13:43
mvokiwinote: let me check again, but it should not interfere with fixing the conflicts13:44
kiwinotemvo: indeed, I'll let you know when I'm done ;)13:45
mvokiwinote: many thanks!13:45
cyphermoxseb128, re: isc-dhcp; I agree, I think it would be best to get isc-dhcp without the transitional binaries in asap, then work on the actual switch in maverick+114:02
seb128hey cyphermox14:03
cyphermoxhi ;)14:03
seb128cyphermox, we can still try to switch this cycle I guess but seems porting the changes will be quite some work14:03
cyphermoxyes, and isc-dhcp will require a MIR, and there might be other packages that require fixes, etc... lots of work IMO14:04
cyphermoxseb128, looking at the changes in dhcp3, yes, it will require quite some work :)14:08
seb128cyphermox, ok, so let's get isc-dhcp in an work on getting it in shape this cycle14:09
cyphermoxseb128, ok, I'll re-work my bzr branch to remove the transitional binaries from the latest version in unstable. Is a sync still the right process for this?14:10
seb128cyphermox, no, a sync is if there is no change, if you have changes it's a normal upload we need14:13
cyphermoxseb128, I guess what I mean is, should I open a new bug?14:13
seb128desrt, no14:13
seb128desrt, hey14:13
seb128cyphermox, no14:13
desrtseb128: hello14:14
seb128cyphermox, let's use the same one, I've unsubscribed ubuntu-archive now14:14
desrtwhat did i screw up now? :)14:14
seb128desrt, dconf 0.5 doesn't build with gir if libdconf0 is not installed14:14
desrtare you using --as-needed?14:15
desrtvuntz reported some issue related to that14:15
seb128I just think it's not trying to use the source version14:15
desrtare you using 0.9.3 gobject-introspection?14:15
desrtor did you reduce the dependency?14:15
seb128we reduced the dependency14:16
desrtdon't :)14:16
seb128and dropped the --no-libtool14:16
desrtthat's what broke it14:16
vuntzdesrt: you broke things again!14:16
* vuntz hugs desrt 14:16
desrt0.9.3 + --no-libtool is required to add the rpath properly14:16
seb128I will just drop the gir for now14:16
desrtotherwise it won't work14:16
desrtvuntz: :)14:16
seb128gir is a mess anyway14:16
seb128and there are ongoing discussion now to not support python2 and gtk214:17
seb128but only python3 and gtk314:17
desrtgood times14:17
desrtseb128: to be honest, you don't miss much by not having .gir for dconf14:21
desrtdid the new vala get released while i was sleeping? :p14:21
seb128desrt, btw, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/d-conf14:22
seb128desrt, yes14:22
desrtif so, you may want to save your time14:22
desrti'm going to do 0.5.1 then14:22
seb128I've uploaded the version without gir for now14:22
seb128we didn't update vala yet14:22
seb128and dconf was broken due to the glib update14:22
desrtthose old double frees are old, i think :)14:22
seb128the other one is with 0.514:23
desrtnice trace :p14:23
seb128it has not been retraced yet14:23
desrtif i wait for a while will it improve?14:24
desrttedg: good morning14:24
tedgGood morning desrt14:24
seb128pitti, have you seen "Corrupt duplicate db:[(u'*** in database main ***\nOn page 1129 at right child: invalid page number 1171',)]" errors before?14:25
seb128pitti, it's from the amd64 retracer14:25
seb128hey tedg14:25
tedgI've not been able to upgrade to Maverick all weekend... something about X dependencies.  Is that known?  (trying again now)14:25
tedgMorning seb12814:26
seb128tedg, not know there no14:26
pittiseb128: I did; I tried to fix it, but apparently it didn't work14:27
pitti(by dumping and recreating the DB)14:27
tedgHmm, yeah.  Still failing.  It's a fight between xserver-xorg-video-nouvea and xorg-video-abi-7.014:27
seb128pitti, :-(14:28
desrtseb128: how do i know when 'retrace' is done?14:33
seb128desrt, the tag apport-retracing-needed will be dropped14:35
desrti guess subscribers get an email?14:35
seb128you will get the stacktrace added by the retracer by email14:35
seb128"need-amd64-retrace" is the tag14:36
seb128to be exact ;-)14:36
seb128desrt, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53329301/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.d-conf_0.5-1ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:37
seb128desrt, is that a bug of yours? ;-)14:38
desrtlooks like you tried to autogen dconf without introspection installed14:38
seb128why do I need it?14:38
desrtyou need it for autogen14:38
desrt./configure is fine without it14:38
desrtaclocal needs to be able to find the m414:39
seb128stupid thing14:39
seb128you should ship the macros you need ;-)14:39
desrtwhy did you autogen it?14:39
seb128because we run autoreconf at build time now14:39
seb128why odd?14:40
seb128that makes easier applying changes to makefile.am or configure.ac when we need to14:40
desrti was asking because i thought maybe you did a little bit of that or something14:40
pittibut it underlines the argument against it: "you don't upload what you have tested"14:40
desrti'll look into disting the introspection m4 for 0.5.114:40
seb128desrt, thanks14:40
desrtor listen to pitti :)14:41
pittiwell, autoreconf should still work somehow :)14:41
desrtit would work if you build-depends on (any) version of introspection14:42
seb128pitti, do you plan to merge dbus on debian btw? if you don't I might have a try to it14:48
pittiseb128: Keybuk claimed it, so I didn't touch it14:52
seb128pitti, did he?14:52
seb128pitti, when I asked him at the sprint he said he had no plan to work on updating dbus14:53
pittihttps://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html said "Scott claims"14:53
seb128hum, k14:53
pittiof course now I can't prove it because it seems to be down :/14:53
pittiso, go ahead :)14:53
seb128anyway he will not do it apparently14:53
seb128ok, I will give it a go14:54
seb128let's see if I manage to break dbus ;-)14:54
* pitti hugs seb12814:54
seb128you don't have any special way to maintain it or merge on Debian?14:54
* seb128 hugs pitti14:54
pittino, I don't; no revision control or anything14:54
ronocbl8: do you have package ready for maverick with your implementation of mpris215:08
ronocbl8: scratch that - doing the dist-upgrade now15:17
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kiwinotemvo: the branch should now merge cleanly15:44
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araHello desktop team!16:33
araAs you may know, I have started a testing project for the desktop16:34
arait would be great if you could join the team and the mailing list and interact with the testers16:34
araInformation is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/DesktopTestingProgram16:34
seb128hello ara16:36
seb128ara, how are you?16:36
arahey seb128!16:37
araseb128, I am doing good, thanks. Starting a cold but, I'll survive16:37
araseb128, how are you?16:37
seb128I'm fine, thanks16:37
seb128ara, nice to see that testing team being set ;-)16:38
araseb128, yes, let's see how it goes16:38
seb128ara, do you plan to use the list to discuss bugs?16:38
araseb128, yes, to discuss anything related to that program16:39
arabugs, but also testcases, or problems that people may face16:39
seb128I'm not sure I will have lot of time to do testing but I will watch what's going on16:39
araquestions right now are basic16:39
araseb128, of course! I want you to watch and reply to questions if you have time16:39
seb128I can probably do a bit of that16:40
seb128if we have several desktopers watching and doing some replies that should be ok16:40
seb128let's see how it goes ;-)16:40
araseb128, thanks!16:42
devildanteara: this looks neat, I'll be testing this :-)16:51
mvokiwinote: nice, thanks16:52
aradevildante, thanks :)16:55
devildanteara: np :)16:58
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
pittiGood night everyone18:04
devildantegoodbye, pitti :)18:04
didrockshave a good night pitti18:04
Chipacamvo: ping18:08
Chipacamvo: when you have a minute or thirty we can go over the usc and the ussoc18:15
vishkenvandine: hi , for Bug #531811  no need for the icon , and just make history more transparent..18:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 531811 in adium-theme-ubuntu (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "History shown in Empathy chat window should be different from new messages (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 26)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53181118:26
vishan extra icon just makes it more noisy..18:26
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devildantehi vish :)18:32
visherr , just read my earlier sentence it was half complete! :s18:33
vish*we can just make history more transparent18:33
vishdevildante: hey18:34
kpettitMy desktop gets some mini freezing/slowdowns that slows the mouse up and keeps keyboard from typing.18:42
kpettitIt's only for a second or so here and there, but it's happening all the time and very annoying to deal with throughout the day.18:43
kpettitI have plenty of resources, Xeon processor 4GB ram and 64bit kernel.18:43
kenvandinevish, ok18:43
kpettitI monitor system resources and nothing is even approaching max.  I have a Drobo SATA drive attached, it seems to stick/slow as things access it.18:44
kpettitAny ideas how I can prevent sticking on the desktop like that?18:44
vishkenvandine: thanks. :)18:44
didrocksenough for today, have a good night!18:53
mvoChipaca: hey, thanks but it will have to wait until tomorrow, I'm about to leave for the evening18:53
mvoChipaca: if you want, send me a quick summary mail :) I will read it first thing in the morning18:54
micahganyone else have an out of date cache issue on Lucid after the update-manager update today?  says package info last updated 104 days ago19:27
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TheMusoGood morning.23:36
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