
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
=== McPeter__ is now known as McPeter
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
lfaraoneI currently have an Ubuntu IRC cloak. I recently became a Debian developer, and am also a MOTU. If I were to also talk to the Debian Freenode Group Contact, could I have a cloak "debian+ubuntu/developer/lfaraone"?21:17
rwwlfaraone: 1) ubuntu only does ubuntu/member cloaks, there aren't separate ubuntu/developer ones. 2) cloaks are combined like this: cloak1a/cloak1b/cloak2a.cloak2b.accountname21:27
macoso ubuntu/debian/member.developer.lfaraone ?21:28
rwwno, the other way :(21:28
rwwubuntu/member/freenode.staff.nhandlr, for example :)21:28
lfaraonemaco: looks good to me :)21:30
rwwthere's also the slight issue that I've never seen anyone with a debian cloak, so iono if they even have them21:31
lfaraonerww: they do, see http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/resources.html#irc-channels21:32
lfaraonerww: should I email jorge ccing ??? asking for such a combination cloak?21:33
rwwlfaraone: for the Ubuntu side of things, it'd be irc-council@lists.ubuntu.com, and that looks like a good plan. I don't know whether the Ubuntu GCs need to ACK it, but it can't hurt21:35
lfaraonerww: do i need to be subscribed to post to that list?21:37
rwwlfaraone: nope21:38
=== shpongle is now known as serfus
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter

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