
bdrungLaney: not sortable sponsor queue -> adblock plus?00:31
Laneyyeah i do have that on00:31
Laneyseems weird though00:31
bdrungLaney: whitelist everything on this page00:33
bdrungmicahg: mozilla package set -> ubufox sponsoring (3 bugs)00:33
Laneythat works00:33
micahgbdrung: only 1 I can do00:36
micahgand it's not really complete00:36
bdrungmicahg: start small00:36
micahgI'll look at it again00:37
bdrungtumbleweed: i raised the bar by ~ 5 :)00:37
micahgbdrung: the script doesn't take into account which series one can upload to00:38
micahgbdrung: I haven't done it because chrisccoulson is planning an upload of ubufox, so I left it for him00:47
micahgbdrung: PM?01:17
micahghighvoltage: builders empty for grazing packages :)02:15
highvoltageI have some packages to fix but I don't have the energy for them now :)02:23
ajmitchit's not like it's late there, right?02:23
highvoltageajmitch: 21:35, but I have to be up at 4:00 to take someone to the airport02:35
highvoltage(in eastern canada atm, not south africa :) )02:36
ajmitchhighvoltage: aha :)02:40
=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch
zookoGreetings, people of #ubuntu-motu!02:48
zookoWe Tahoe-LAFS hackers moved up the release date of Tahoe-LAFS v1.8.0 to Wed, Aug 11 in the hopes of getting it included in Maverick.02:50
ajmitchzooko: still no progress on getting them into debian as well?02:59
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
zookoajmitch: no, no recent progress on getting Tahoe-LAFS into Debian.03:10
zookoajmitch: but Tahoe-LAFS v1.8.0 offers some pretty dramatic performance, feature, and bugfix improvements over the v1.6.1 that is currently in Ubuntu.03:20
zookoajmitch: http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/browser/trunk/NEWS03:23
=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch
* Rhonda cries out loud, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/60010007:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 600100 in lucid-backports "Please backport wesnoth-1.8 (1:1.8.2-1/universe)" [Undecided,Invalid]07:20
RhondaI *explicitly* asked about wether it might go in through a stable release update!07:20
ajmitchconfusion reigns07:21
RhondaAnd was told that there isn't a way. No I receive an invalid for the backports request?!07:21
RhondaSorry, but this is winding me up. :/07:21
ajmitchbugs aren't serious enough for a SRU, and because they're bugs, no backports07:21
ajmitchyay for worshipping the process07:21
RhondaI would be *more* than happy to have it go in through a SRU, but then, being told that it won't happen I do the other way that makes it possible to offer it, and now this.  :'(07:22
ajmitchI can understand why you'd be annoyed07:22
RhondaAnd wouldn't a SRU has to go through a bugreport in launchpad, too?07:23
RhondaWhy not reassign it appropriately instead of marking it invalid, then?07:24
ajmitchand requires eyballing of the diff07:24
RhondaThis is so shooting the effort down the drain. :(07:24
ajmitchbecause it would still be an invalid task in lucid-backports07:24
RhondaAh, alright.07:24
ajmitchsame bug can be used, just needs a task against wesnoth in ubuntu, targetted to lucid07:24
ajmitch& why not 1.8.3? :)07:25
RhondaRight, should get updated to that. Thanks for the reminder.07:30
RhondaActually I potential would need to bump it to 1.8.4 in a week or two week's time anyway.07:31
RhondaAnd it's definitely not invalid for karmic, there never was a wesnoth-1.8 package in karmic.07:31
RhondaThe SRU team would only laugh madly at me filing a SRU request for wesnoth-1.8 to karmic.07:32
Rhondastalcup: ^^ - can you please take a look, with sugar on top?07:33
dholbachgood morning07:57
ajmitchmorning dholbach08:04
dholbachhey ajmitch08:05
jdongstalcup / Rhonda: as a bag of bug fixes new release that was rejected az.08:14
jdongas a SRU, I think it's a good backports candidate08:14
jdongAnd all those typos means a sleepy jdong08:15
macojdong: and no wonder, given the timezone we're in!08:15
jdongHey, why are you still up? :)08:15
macoim up because im a stupid college student who still hasnt gotten it through her head that getting up for work requires going to bed at a decent time08:16
Rhondajdong: I still am not clear what you mean. :P  So would you think it does indeed make a good SRU candidate, or not?08:16
jdongRhonda: No i mean it's a good backports candidate and was rejected in error08:17
Rhondajdong: Can you set it back to new then, I don't want to be involved in status ping-pongs.  %-/09:32
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Laneyjdong or ScottK: Could I be added to backporters?11:47
micahgdholbach: would a bzr merge work better for a new upstream version?12:01
micahgactually, I'm not sure how to do that12:01
tumbleweedmicahg: bzr merge-upstream? (if you are talking about new upstream versions, not via debian). And yes, that does make for easier reviewing than people attaching tarballs to bugs12:17
micahgtumbleweed: yeah, idk how to do that yet12:17
tumbleweedmicahg: bzr merge-upstream --version=$VERSON --distribution=maverick $TARBALL12:18
hyperairdebfx: ping12:29
hyperairdebfx: i'm looking at this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wormux/+bug/54107812:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 541078 in wormux (Ubuntu) "Upgrade to version" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:30
hyperairand i was wondering, why don't you replace the config.guess and config.sub files?12:30
debfxhyperair: dh_autoreconf replaces them12:33
hyperairdebfx: ah, it does, eh.12:33
hyperairi'm not familiar with dh-autoreconf, actually.12:33
hyperairpart of the new debhelper, i suppose.12:34
micahgtumbleweed: k, now do I ask for reviewer from -sponsors?12:35
debfxit's a fairly new package (dh-autoreconf) but should work with all debhelper/cdbs versions12:35
tumbleweedmicahg: propose it for merging, it'll appear in the sponosr queue12:35
* micahg didn't close the bug right in bzr..trying again12:36
tumbleweeddebcommit should do the right thing12:36
* micahg didn't use debcommit since I already used it for the commit before12:37
micahgtumbleweed: fixed it, just used debcommit -e :)12:38
hyperairdebfx: yes, i see. okay, let me continue looking.12:39
dholbachmicahg: that'd work too12:40
micahgdholbach: bzr merge ready :)12:40
micahgtumbleweed: thanks for your help12:41
dholbachmicahg: I'm going to be a bit busy today, if nobody beats me to it, I'll have a look tomorrow morning12:41
micahgdholbach: k, thanks12:41
micahgdholbach: if a bug has a patch and bzr branch, both show up on the sponsoring page12:42
dholbachmicahg: if you do a merge, no need to file a bug12:44
hyperairdebfx: i noticed you dropped README from debian/docs, which looks like it might be useful.12:44
* micahg thought tracking bugs were always a good thing12:45
debfxhyperair: the README is in wormux.docs13:12
hyperairdebfx: ah, i must have missed it, sorry.13:13
=== CieD is now known as Ciemon
hyperairdebfx: you're missing entries in debian/copyright for vlgothic.14:18
hyperairdebfx: add those and i'll upload14:18
debfxhyperair: done, thanks for reviewing the package :)15:07
hyperairdebfx: sure =)15:07
LucidFoxhttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gmail-notifier <-- do we really need *another* gmail notifier for GNOME?16:02
LucidFoxwe have like 5 already16:02
directhexLucidFox, but the other ones are *wrong*!16:45
nigelbok, folks! We (Maia and me) need your help.  We're re-branding "Behind MOTU" since everyone in ~ubuntu-dev would be included.  We'd like your suggestions for name!17:05
hyperairdput finally reached 97343k/97344k of this 90M tarball crawling at 30k/s17:15
hyperairand then17:15
hyperairit hung.17:15
* hyperair facepalms17:15
hyperairwhy does this happen to me?17:15
\shhyperair: the karma ;)17:17
* hyperair weeps17:17
Laneyhyperair: you should use sftp17:18
Laneyit won't have that problem17:18
hyperairLaney: eh?17:18
* hyperair tries17:18
Rhondastalcup: I should have mentioned that I was guided there after a SRU discussion, right.17:20
stalcupRhonda: that would have been helpful :)  although I jumped to conclusions as well17:26
RhondaI *think* I did a test in karmic back then as well, but will try so tomorrow again when I am at the place with my chroots.17:27
RhondaGiven that 1.8 is already in karmic-backports and the development since then is on a stable branch upstream wise so only translation/bugfixes go in, I though don't expect 1.8.3 to be any different here.17:29
RhondaBut for completeness (and to please my own perfectionist approach) I will give it a shot just to be sure17:29
hyperairdebfx: uploaded.18:58
stalcupRhonda: ScottK approved your lucid request, care to comment on your package in karmic?18:59
RhondaLike said, can do that tomorrow. :)19:11
RhondaTwo hours doesn't make the day change over here, mind you. :P19:11
stalcupRhonda: it's still morning where I am :)19:14
RhondaSee, day hasn't even changed for you. ;)19:16
ari-tczewLaney: thanks for sponsoring   ; O19:17
ari-tczewLaney: just you don't need to set status manually if debian/changelog includes LP: # tag19:19
LaneyI know.19:19
RhondaWhere are the metting logs again in the wiki?19:36
RhondaAh, I think I just found me a search pattern.19:36
geserfor which meeting?19:36
RhondaFound it ^^19:37
fabrice_spjtb is waiting in binary new, and this is blocking 4 syncs to get josm at the latest version. Taking into account that FF is around the corner, should I poke an archive admin to get it approved ASAP?20:17
fabrice_spor should I request a FFe right now ? :-)20:17
geserfabrice_sp: if you know that josm will build after the 4 syncs, why not requests sync for all needed packages now? and deal with the build ordering (if necessary) later20:20
fabrice_spgeser, right. I forgot about that! tbh, I'm releuctant to upload something that will FTBFS. I'll upload it to my ppa before. Thanks!20:21
ari-tczewtumbleweed: ping20:29
tumbleweedari-tczew: pong20:30
ari-tczewtumbleweed: hello, what's the command for verbose files in .deb (binary)?20:31
tumbleweeddpkg-deb -c ?20:32
tumbleweed(or debc for a binary changes file)20:32
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I'll prepare a patch for ddd package, which misses .xpm install20:32
tumbleweedcool. please forward to debian (obviously)20:33
=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch
ari-tczewcould someone check whether it can be sync'd? the delta for ssl-cert package reffering to jaunty. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ssl-cert/+changelog21:34
geserari-tczew: what's your opinion?21:39
ari-tczewgeser: the delta is reffering to upgrade packages in jaunty, but jaunty is very old release21:41
ari-tczewI'd drop the changes, but I'm not 100% sure21:41
geserbecause a delta is old, it doesn't automatically mean it can be dropped21:42
ari-tczewgeser: I don't said delta is old, just affected release is old21:42
ari-tczewgeser: what's your opinion?21:43
geserthen I misunderstood you21:43
geserand I agree that it can be dropped, openssl-blacklist got moved to suggest in the Debian package and the upgrade notice should be a non-issue now21:44
ari-tczewgeser: that's right21:45
LaibschIs REVU still the place for sponsorship requests?21:57
Laibschit doesn't seem to process my uploads21:57
micahgLaibsch: REVU doesn't process, people process things in REVU21:58
Laibschmicahg: not quite correct ;-)21:58
Laibschthe server needs to process the upload to show it21:58
Laibschmine doesn't show up in the list21:59
Laibschuploaded it yesterday and today21:59
micahgLaibsch: are you referring to an existing package or a new package?21:59
Laibschnew package21:59
micahgoh, yeah, well then...21:59
Laibschwhere is the place now?21:59
micahgLaibsch: same place, just lack of REVUers :)21:59
Laibschthat's kind of unchanged ;-)22:00
Laibschbut again, the server doesn't even process my package22:00
Laibschit doesn't show up in the list22:00
micahgLaibsch: is it debian 54515122:00
ubottuDebian bug 545151 in wnpp "ITP: libnatspec -- a library for national and language-specific issues" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/54515122:00
Laibschyes, that's the one22:00
Laibschand there is a bug in LP as well22:00
Laibschabout unzip and encoding issues22:01
micahgLaibsch: so, getting into debian would be ideal, have you tried that route?22:01
Laibschdo you remember my nick22:01
Laibschno need to always start with the basics ;-)22:01
LaibschYes, I'm maintaining a number of packages in Debian already22:02
Laibschand the upload to Debian is in progress22:02
micahgLaibsch: are you just trying to get in Maverick before FF?22:02
Laibschbut that won't be in time for maverick (at least most likely it won't)22:02
Laibschkind of22:02
Laibschand I think we're already past DIF22:03
micahgk, I should probably stop now since I'm not helping here...22:03
* micahg will bbiab22:03
* micahg can't REVU anyways22:03
Laibschbut maybe you can help me find out why the darn server won't process my uploads22:03
ari-tczewtumbleweed: ddd patch updated22:07
micahgLaibsch1: idk, I see the upload, but it says there was an issue and idk who admins REVU22:19
Laibsch1some special restricted-access area?22:20
Laibsch1because I don't see anything22:20
Laibsch1and I did not get a mail about it, eithr22:20
micahgLaibsch1: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=850022:20
Laibsch1it's now showing in the list, too22:21
=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch
ari-tczewbdrung: could you sync this one? bug 614210 it's necessary for some packages to merge23:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614210 in javatools (Ubuntu) "Sync javatools 0.32 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61421023:02
=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch
siretart 23:56

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