
rhpot1991my normal flow (before I went to bluray) was to try in myth, if that fails then I'd try in k9-copy, if that fails then I'd use gddrescue00:00
rhpot1991now I just use makemkv for all my needs, google it, it may or may not interest you for this00:01
kcormierI've heard about it00:01
kcormiera little00:01
rhpot1991free while its in beta, so it wont hurt to try out00:01
kcormierintegrate with myth?00:02
rhpot1991I run it on another box and just output to an nfs share on my backend00:02
rhpot1991you could ssh -X forward it, or vnc or whatever though00:02
kcormierlooks like the problem might have been the disk.  It failed in the exact same spot both times.  Tried a different disk, and it worked.00:12
kcormiernow it is being even more cranky.  The video ripped, and I can see the vob, both online and in the videos section, but I cannot play the file00:16
kcormierit worked after a restart.  Weird00:19
kcormiermyth is finicky....very finicky00:21
hadsrhpot1991: Elisa turned into Moovida, which has now been turned into Moovida 2.0 which uses a completely new codebase and is only partially open.00:54
diddledanI seem to be unable to get a mythtv-setup channel scan to complete without a crash (segfault?) at 86% through the sequence on my HDHomeRun DVB-T tuner. It seems to finish scanning the RF and moves onto scanning a "Transport" but doesn't get any further than that, instead dumping me back at the desktop..01:43
diddledan(I'm scanning the United Kingdom frequencies)01:43
diddledanI'm just running through the sequence again to see if I can get any more information out of the console (I'd previously run the -setup from mythbuntu control centre)01:44
diddledanthe gui dies at "Scanning TransportID 4099 Locked"01:47
diddledanabsolutely no useful messages dumped out on the console when the system dies, instead it reports that mythtv-backend has restarted and I'm prompted to run mythfilldatabase via a popup01:49
diddledanand there are no crash dumps in /var/crash :-/01:49
atrusanybody using mythtv with a pulseaudio distribution lately? it keeps resetting my volume to max, and the video is lagging behind the audio. I'm using the mythbuntu ppa02:51
qwebirc56638yo all!03:20
qwebirc56638anyone know when the next release is due?03:22
patdk-lapoctober? :)03:22
qwebirc56638would it be safe to assume that the 2.6.33 or later kernel is in it?\03:22
patdk-lap2.6.34 or 2.6.3503:23
patdk-lapnothing but issues with it so far though03:23
qwebirc56638Yeah, I have a DVB card that requires v33 or later03:24
qwebirc56638tried top upgrade the kernal but had carnage03:25
qwebirc56638couldnt get my video driver to compile\03:27
patdk-lapwell, 2.6.33 adds all kinds of new security features03:29
patdk-lapand they have been having fun fixing things, to make it work with the new kernels03:29
qwebirc56638my prob is I am a newbie and not comfortable in building a system myself....I'll probably have to wait till Oct:->03:31
diddledanoh, how annoying is that?! my issue won't repeat itself when running under valgrind, but is completely repeatable when running mythtv-setup on it's own03:55
mnjayI have a 19:6 TV, but myth is getting the 4:3 content wrong and stretching it width-wise. Is there a fix?04:43
diddledandang, I'm getting another problem now.. "error opening jump program file buffer"04:50
diddledanit seems to be a recurring issue for some folk, with no known fix?04:50
diddledanaha, time synchronisation issues?04:52
* diddledan checks04:52
diddledannupe, seems the backend and frontend are both synchronised04:53
hot_wheelzhi guys11:12
hot_wheelzhow is everyone doing?11:12
hot_wheelztgm4883 Are you there?11:25
diddledanok, to resume my debugging of hdhomerun causing the setup to crash reliably.. I've run mythtv-setup.real through valgrind, and it reports: http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/X3fnqELw16:09
diddledannow, how do I get a gdb backtrace?16:09
diddledanok, a gdb backtrace shows: http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/LVhWGmGN16:21
gregldiddledan, silicondust provides the drivers and firmware for the HDHR..Check out their support area..They maybe interested in your backtrace..16:59
diddledangregl, thanks.. willdo17:01
=== mcl0vin_ is now known as mcl0vin
olx69hi, I perform in mythtv an channel scan on cable tv (west europe), but it doesn't find any channels,any hints?19:07
olx69I do have Hauppauge PVR 25019:07
dewmanolx69, you might want to try #mythtv-users19:20

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