
* holstein finally read the back log of the meeting05:16
kim0Hey folks .. as part of growing ubuntu-server's community, I've launched an app that encourages ubuntu-server users to mark their city11:03
kim0If you can help spread the news (asap, since the release is this Thursday) that would be great11:04
kim0The app is at http://maps.ubuntu.com/ .. The detailed blog post at http://foss-boss.blogspot.com/2010/08/ubuntu-server-10041-virtual-release.html .. Retweet http://twitter.com/CloudUbuntu11:04
scott_evkim0: tell me a little more11:19
kim0scott_ev: check out the blogpost11:19
kim0should basically have everything you need11:19
scott_evI can read but I might as well hear it from the sdev11:19
kim0Well as you can see it's an iniatiative to have the world'd major cities marked on a world map as having ubuntu server running in them11:20
kim0this serves to ensure confidence and to grow the server community11:21
scott_evnice idea11:21
kim0the blog has cli ways with which to hit the app11:21
scott_evand you're hosting the map?11:21
kim0to be cool from a serverish prespective :)11:21
kim0it's a google map11:21
kim0and we're generating a custom overlay11:21
kim0with cute little ubuntu logos11:22
scott_evI'm getting ready to install server again here in a few min so I'll take advantage of your app11:22
kim0Since it would be embarrising if most cities would remain unmarked till Thursday11:22
kim0please spread the news as much as possible and ping me if you need any data11:22
scott_evI'm in the Phoenix area11:22
scott_evI'll send the info to our LoCo team this morning11:23
kim0I'll try to get it slashdotted/dugg so forth ..11:23
scott_evwe have a couple hundred on our mailing list11:23
scott_evtoo bad I didn't know about this yesterday morning, I could have put it in the uwn11:24
kim0anyway to get it on planet ubuntu and fridge11:24
kim0ew sorry11:24
scott_evyeah, I'll get it to teh news team11:24
kim0cool thanks man11:24
scott_evsince I'm on it11:24
scott_evactually, I'll double check to see if the uwn actually did get posted already11:26
kim0hehe :)11:26
scott_evfor future reference, we publish on sundays11:27
scott_evakgraner is the news team lead11:27
kim0good to know .. I guess she's asleep for now11:27
scott_evmore than likely11:27
scott_evstay here a min11:28
* kim0 not planning on leaving :)11:28
scott_evkk, looks as if we aren't publishing till monday as the wiki is still marked as a eork in progress11:29
kim0what's "kk" ?11:29
scott_evdouble ok11:29
kim0ah ok :)11:29
scott_evor a lazy OK11:29
scott_evthis install of server I'm doing will be interesting11:30
scott_evI'm doing a minimal install for virtuyalization to run ClearOS in a vm to make ldap easy11:31
kim0looks interesting11:32
scott_evsure spelled that wrong11:32
scott_evit will be especially since it's embedded on a 4GB CF Card11:32
kim0yummy :) is it ubuntu based ?11:33
scott_evClearOS was ClarkConnect which I believe was CentOS derived so it's originally Red Hat11:33
kim0Yeah .. I kinda thought so too11:34
kim0not sure why they had to change their name11:34
scott_evI'm taking the path of less resistance here to test how well they have pulled off ldap11:35
scott_evldap is a true pita to set up11:35
kim0did you try kerberos :D11:35
scott_evit's using OpenRadius or Radius11:36
kim0so for this piece of news to enter uwn, akgraner has to do it right ?11:36
scott_evI can put it in there and make sure she knows about as she'll have final say-so11:37
kim0Looks good .. please do11:37
scott_evI'll add it in 'In the Blogosphere'11:37
scott_evOK, now, while it's installing the OS, I'll take a look at it.  would you want to write a short summary or do you want me to do it?11:43
scott_evOH, nevermind, we aren't writing summaries anymore11:46
scott_evscroll down to the bottom of 'in the blogosphere'11:55
kim0cool thing :)11:59
scott_evis that an accceptable summary?12:02
scott_evhow's this for a brain burner?  installing server completed fine - the system took my inputs from the keyboard obviously.  Now, after a reboot, the keyboard isn't recognized.  It's a USB keyboard.  I tried an adapter to use it as a ps/2 and still no luck....dang it12:21
nhandlerscott_ev: We are moving to Mondays (based on the last meeting), just not sure when12:51
akgranerhey all what's up?12:56
nhandlerakgraner: When is the switch to Monday publishing taking place? Now?12:59
akgranerYep - I'll send out a =blurb in just a few13:00
scott_evnhandler: thanks13:07
scott_evI added something to 'in the blogosphere'..I hope that's ok13:08
scott_evhas anyone here installed ubuntu starting with the mini.iso?13:25
scott_evit's ~16MB .iso13:26
scott_evlove it13:26
Pendulumakgraner: what's the link to the etherpad? I can't find it13:31
Pendulumthat's the google doc, I thought we were mostly working off etherpad now13:48
scott_evoh, sorry13:49
Pendulumoh, nevermind13:49
PendulumI obviously miss the fact that the link to the etherpad is in the google doc13:49
Pendulumand the ehterpad seems to be empty so I'll work off the google doc13:50
akgranerPendulum, I just added the links to the wiki this week  - but you can copy and paste :-)14:08
Pendulumyeah, I have it all done :)14:09
PendulumI just wasn't sure where to put the summaries, but they're now in the google dov14:09
PendulumI'm not touching the wiki because my brain is a bit messed up and I don't want to cause any damage14:09
akgranerPendulum, no worries :-)14:14
akgraneryou rock!14:15
scott_evYou can do it14:15
Pendulumakgraner: I'm not going to be able to proofread today, sorry. I'm in haevy spoon defecit and reading/writing is hard enough without trying to think about grammar and punctuation14:16
akgranerno worries  - I am rested and wide awake - :-)  I appreciated all you have done already14:17
scott_evakgraner: I'm free for proofreading if needed14:28
akgranerscott_ev, awesome it will probably be in about 3 hours14:29
scott_evman, I've installed server and went through the long install starting with mini.iso and both times the installer recognized my keyboard and both times it's not recognized after reboot14:31
akgranerhey folks just because we are publishing today the same cut off's apply15:27
akgranerstories posted on blogs today - will still need to go into next weeks UWN15:27
akgraner1st through the 8th15:27
akgranersorry 1st through the 7th15:28
akgraner8th through 14th are next weeks15:28
scott_evdoes that mean that the one I added is out?15:46
scott_evit's very time sensitive15:46
akgranerhighvoltage, will you be able to help summarize any of the planet posts?18:02
akgranerinternalkernel, holstein do you all have some time to help summarize looks like onluy a few of the links I posted on Friday were actually summarized18:02
highvoltageakgraner: eek, I didn't realise there was so much left, yes I will18:04
akgranerI'll help as well18:04
akgranerhighvoltage, we decided that all links would get posted by Friday so people had 2 days to work on their sections as well as during the week18:04
akgranerI'll be adding stuff daily from now on to make it easier for people18:05
highvoltageakgraner: ok that sounds like a much better workflow!18:07
highvoltageakgraner: btw, don't you think that teasers would work better than summaries?18:07
akgranerI'll finish up the GCN sections then help with the other sections18:08
akgranerhighvoltage,  people like to see the meat of the articles to decide if they should read the whole thing18:08
akgranerwe need to give more than just one sentence - people could get one sentence anywhere :-/18:08
highvoltageit feels like we give away too much and by the time they read the post there's not much point in doing so18:08
akgranerhighvoltage, let's talk about this later18:09
highvoltageok, np18:09
akgranerright now I need to get this finished up and out the door18:09
holsteinakgraner: im here18:20
holsteinand free :)18:21
holsteinwhat do you need?18:21
akgranerholstein, can you give highvoltage a hand with the planet section18:21
holsteinwhere are we working?18:21
holsteini got the links18:21
akgranerI'm on the eitherpad18:21
akgranerbut the planet stuff is on the wiki18:21
akgranerjust ask highvoltage which ones you can grab to summarize and let me know where you posted them and I can add them to the wiki if you want18:22
holsteinhttp://ietherpad.com/UWN ??18:23
holsteinmaybe your in the 'ideas' one18:23
holsteinhighvoltage: what can i do?18:23
* holstein just copied all of 'the planet' section over to http://ietherpad.com/UWN18:26
holsteinhighvoltage: if you can meet me in there for a minute, you can assign some to me :)18:26
highvoltageakgraner: eek, I have to run (the hazard of doing uwn summaries at work), I'm pasting the few I did so far...18:27
holsteinhighvoltage: which ones?18:27
akgranerok thanks...18:27
holsteinMark Shuttleworth: Healing Old Wounds18:27
highvoltageholstein: I just posted the ones I did to the wiki, check what's still blank there18:27
akgranerholstein, once you see the ones that have been completed let me know18:28
holsteinhighvoltage: AH18:28
akgranerthanks guys!18:28
* holstein looking18:28
* holstein is on it akgraner 18:30
holsteini'll finish that section18:31
akgranerthanks - :-)18:31
akgranerholstein, I'll summarize the LoCo stuff now let me know if you need help with the planet stuff - I just added and cleaned up the wiki markup for GCN18:58
akgranerloco stuff is in19:20
akgranerI just need to clean up the camelcases now19:21
holsteinhey akgraner19:32
holsteinim pretty much done19:32
holsteintheres one that i have issue with19:32
holsteini would like to summarize that as 'From Mark Shuttleworth's blog...19:33
holsteinits like summarizing a part of a personal conversation19:33
holsteini was thinking that would just imply that you should go and read it, and the other posts19:34
holsteinif interested19:34
holsteinyou want me to add what i got to the wiki?19:34
akgranerholstein, all the other parts got added last week19:39
holsteinwell, let me take another crack at it then19:40
akgranermy thought was something like - Mark Shuttleworth responds to gregs apology in this post19:40
akgranerMark states that....19:40
akgranerto read the full post and for more information go to:19:40
akgranersomething simple - make sense?19:40
holsteini like it19:42
akgranerholstein, where did you put the summaries?  and I'll add them to the wiki19:42
akgranerholstein, nm - I see them :-)19:43
akgranerholstein, have the other summaries added20:03
akgranerlet me know when you finish the "old wounds" one20:03
holsteini think thats it20:03
holsteinIn this blog post Mark Shuttleworth responds to Greg DeKoenigsberg's appology.20:03
akgranerok I'll add that information as well20:04
akgranerlet me see what else needs to be added right quick20:04
holsteinakgraner: i see the additions on the wiki20:04
holsteinakgraner: theres a duplicate20:05
holsteinThe State of Ubuntu Studio 201020:05
holsteinunder 'blog0sphere'20:06
akgranerok I'll pull in just a sec :-)  thanks20:06
holsteinwhile you got the editing lock :)20:06
* holstein added that one20:07
holsteinthat might not be the proper section20:07
highvoltageholstein: what if it's a blog post from the blogosphere? :)20:07
akgranerholstein, what else?20:18
* holstein looking akgraner 20:20
holsteinThe New Ubuntu (10.10) Font Available For (almost) Everyone To Download [PPA]20:21
holsteinis that a camelcase?20:21
holsteinunder blog0sphere20:21
holsteinthats all i see20:22
holsteinlooks good20:22
akgranerseriously there was nothing in the press last week?  hmm I need to double check that and add the links for Ubuntu UK Podcast20:23
holsteingood idea20:25
holsteini'll keep an eye out over here20:25
akgranerI am going to go back through the feeds for the 1st -7th right quick for the press areas20:26
akgranerhmm well maybe there wasn't anything the press sites wanted to talk about concerning ubuntu20:57
akgranerI have to go pick up Pete's vehicle  -brb :-/20:58
akgranerwow - there are some days living in the country is not so cool :-(22:03
akgranerscott_ev, can you go back through the upcoming meetings a verify the locations please?22:14
akgranerscott_ev, there is no  conflict with desktop and kernel team mtgings desktop team meeting is held in -desktop not -meeting22:23
akgranerThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here:23:53
nhandlerThanks akgraner23:53
akgranernhandler, you're welcome!23:54
akgranerI need a better way to do the pdf  - but I can worry about that later23:54
akgranerif someone knows of an prettier way - I just printed the file to pdf instead of copying into another format then exporting to a pdf23:55
akgranerI was running out of daylight for today23:55
nhandlerakgraner: The Doc team was playing with moin->pdf for a while, I don't think they ever found a solution they liked23:57
akgranerwe'll if someone thinks of something between now and next Monday please let me know :-)23:57

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