
ProsperianI would like to know how to get the required skills and experience for one of the Canonical jobs?05:48
Prosperiani can probably do it pretty fast05:48
Prosperianis there a aptitude test for which ubuntu job would be best?05:48
Tm_TProsperian: I'm afraid this is not the right place to ask05:48
macoProsperian: this is the get-unbanned-from-irc channel ;-)05:48
Prosperiani want to be a software dev or support guy mostly05:49
IdleOneProsperian: see www.canonical.com/careers and www.canonical.com for more info, look for a training link05:49
IdleOneProsperian aka Hoober05:50
IdleOnePlease leave this channel. We have a no idling rule.05:50
IdleOneWow that was easy05:51
IdleOnethe nickname Dick drives my highlights crazy05:54
Madpilotyou ping on swearwords?05:56
IdleOnecertain ones yes05:56
IdleOnebtw Hi Madpilot ltns05:57
Madpilotbeen a while, hasn't it? finally got the damned wireless at my new place to talk to me05:58
Madpilothates wireless, I do. Real internet comes on long blue cables.05:58
IdleOnehehe I feel the same06:00
IdleOneSometimes grey cables06:00
MadpilotI'm not used to 15+ second lag on IRC, for example. Not Impressed.06:00
Prosperiani visited the store. and the training is too costly for now06:36
Prosperiani like the merchandise though06:36
macothe training is normal desktop stuff anyway06:36
macoi think...06:36
Prosperianit pays to be a professional certified06:36
Prosperiani thought06:36
macoyeah but for that you want an LPIC book06:37
macobut this still isnt the channel for this06:37
Prosperianok well i need to be unbanned06:37
Prosperianso i can go to a channel for this06:37
Prosperiani am Hoober06:39
Prosperianthe ip is a fios one06:39
Prosperianit has been 72 hours i believe06:39
IdleOneit has only been 48 hours, you were told to wait 72 hours06:39
Prosperiansee you this tiem tomorrow06:39
IdleOneGood night.06:39
elkyYou know, we used to extend bans to wean them off being annoying snots. I'm not sure why we've changed to rewarding their persistance in annoying snottery.06:41
IdleOneNot sure exactly he was rewarded06:44
IdleOnehow he *06:44
elkyWell, by not being penalised for disrespecting.06:44
IdleOneI'm not to sure he was disrespectful, this time.06:46
IdleOnesure he came in 24 hours early06:46
IdleOnebut both times he has entered he hasn't really been an issue and left when asked to06:47
elkyWhich is pretty consistently a baiting act of itself with these kinds of trolls.06:47
IdleOneIf he comes  back I'll ping you :)06:48
jussiIdleOne: the page is now: http://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/careers07:03
jussiIdleOne: /careers 404's07:03
IdleOnethank you.07:03
elkyBecause redirects are too nice.07:13
Flannelelky: The canonical design team has to break all of the links every 12 months or it doesn't get its bonus.07:14
elkyAh, is /that/ what it is.07:14
macoi filed a bug the other day on the fact that the job app page is like "for a list, go to ubuntu.com/careers" which was a dead link07:15
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1410 users, 7 overflows, 1417 limit))09:17
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1412 users, 9 overflows, 1421 limit))09:17
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1404 users, 9 overflows, 1413 limit))09:17
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1412 users, 9 overflows, 1421 limit))09:17
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 463 bans)10:11
jussielky: funny thing is, they are hiring someone where part of the job description is to fix redirects: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/canonical_WM/10:30
Tm_Tshame I cannot apply to that job10:31
elkyjussi, it's only taken them 5 years10:32
Tm_Tyou would love my occasional triple redirects with easter eggs10:32
jussiTm_T: you can, it says milbank, but they may consider remote work.10:32
elkyThis is an ongoing thing, as per what flannel says.10:32
elkyjussi, reporting to Online Marketing Manager probably makes that less likely10:32
jussiperhaps, but if the right person comes along, I know canonical can be flexible ;))10:33
gordpro-tip, never don't apply for a job you would like because you decided you can't get it. let them decide you can't get it10:46
elkyWho says I want that job?11:03
elkyOh,you mean Tm_T11:03
elkygord, also, that's classed as fraud in .au if you're on welfare that makes you apply for a certain number of jobs/$time_period.11:05
gordreally? crazy11:07
elkyYep. The likelihood of you getting busted aiming for a role a bit above your experience isn't high, but they got sick of highschool dropouts applying to law firms and hospitals.11:09
elkyWhich is genuinely quite deceitful.11:12
elkyAnd you know how thick government policy makers can be.11:14
jussiHrm, hopefully that worked and we will now have FB bans forwarded here for review, so we dont blindly remove them, but we also dont just leave them without review11:23
jussiexcellent, it works :)13:07
jussiTm_T: so you want to do the honours?13:09
Tm_Tno, sorry, I am currently concentrating to write some job applications (:)13:10
jpds 13:11
jpdsGod, that bot is annoying.13:11
jussijpds: ?13:11
ikoniaplease don't have the bot message the channel13:51
ikoniacan someone with ops remove Onga_The_Ghastly from #ubuntu-server, it's balzac trolling again14:34
jpds-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- You are not authorized to root this channel.14:55
ikoniathank you Pici14:58
Piciikonia: hes annoying me in pm too.14:58
ikoniame too15:00
ikoniaolha bruder15:00
funkyHattopyli: too violent?18:06
funkyHat17:37:53 #ubuntu-offtopic: [topyli] funkyHat: awkward18:07
ikonia@mark #ubuntu papna-work I believe this user is trying to troll18:07
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:07
topylioh no, that was my idea of a pun. sed was mentioned, i had to slip in awk somehow18:07
topylisorry about the pun quality :(18:08
funkyHattopyli: ohh ⢁D. That one slipped right past me18:08
ikoniabusted linux_op18:25
ikoniaI'll remove it, but can we stop that from the bot please?18:51
PiciCan we make that not be a notice?18:52
ikoniathat would be better18:52
IdleOneI was gonna say, CTCP msg from ubottu to comment on floodbot* ban....18:52
Picia regular msg to the channel is fine, but notices display iconsistantly across irc clients.18:52
macoit shows as gold text in the channel for me18:53
IdleOneI am fine even with a direct pm18:53
ikonianot sure it's a good idea hitting the channel at all18:53
IdleOne/msg me all you like bot. but notices will get lost18:53
PiciMaybe an announcement in ubuntu-ops-monitor would be more appropriate.18:54
IdleOnehmm not everybody pays attention there18:54
ikoniain my head it's pointless as you have to be following the channel quite detailed to know why the floodbot did that, and if you did know, you'll already remove it18:55
PiciIts pointless for floodbot quiets, as it already had removed the quiet.18:55
ikoniawhat sort of info do you think it's worth while posting on then ?18:57
PiciI'd also like to see some discussion before we add these 'features' to the bot.18:57
IdleOneI don't think the bot should need comments on quiets, they are auto removed anyway, at most an inconvenience if a user is accidentally set +q18:57
ikonianote I don't believe rsr at all in #ubuntu as in ##windows he made the same clame about running windows19:31
ikoniahe just added the word "ubuntu" for this channel19:32
IdleOneyou really believe your going to convince the troll you're right?19:41
ikoniaif he doesn't want to accept it, that's his problem19:41
ikoniaif he carries on I'll just remove him19:41
ikoniaI don't believe his intention, but I'm ahppy to give him the right information19:42
ikoniawhat happened with the bot ?19:42
IdleOnewell right now you are both offtopic19:42
ikonianot at all he's asking how to do it in ubuntu19:42
ikoniaits a reasonable question19:42
ikoniabut as I stated earlier I don't believe his intentions19:43
IdleOneso drop the discussion. He won't quit19:43
ikoniahe should do19:43
ikoniait's a reasonable discussion asking how to do it if it's genuine19:44
IdleOneBut since you know it is not genuine, then you shouldn't indulge him19:44
ikoniaI don't know19:44
ikoniaI believe it's not19:44
IdleOneI believe your continued discussion with rsr about something he does not care to learn how to do is disruptive to the channel19:45
ikoniathats fine, I dissagree19:45
IdleOneI also believe you removing my +q was out of line19:45
ikoniait's a legtimate question, if he continued to disbelive me, I'd have delt with it, however I have to give him the chance19:46
ikoniafair enough19:46
IdleOnebut he is gone now so us arguing about it is pointless19:46
IdleOneIn the end he managed to achieve his goal to troll the channel and waste our time.19:47
ikoniaI don't know if he did or not19:49
ikoniaI believe he wasn't genuine, but he may be and just not fully understand how to ask what he wants19:49
IdleOneYour replies were coming off as argumentative to him and to me too honestly. On the second time he called you "not smart" I felt he need some quiet time to read the guidelines (my script auto msg links to the guidelines and coc) I was going to msg him and talk to him about it in pm but got distracted.19:51
ikoniaI totally understand what your saying19:52
ikoniathe freespeech rant suggests further than my suspision is correct19:54
ikonia(in my view)19:54
IdleOnefree speach rant?19:55
ikonia"it's freespeech so I'll say what I want"19:55
IdleOnespeach??? what the speech*19:55
ikoniayes, speech, thank you19:55
IdleOnehaha no I made the mistake and was correcting myself19:55
ikoniaooh yes19:56
ikoniaI thought I'd done that as I almost typed it earlier19:56
IdleOnenot sure where you saw that though19:56
ikoniaI didn't type it, I thought I'd typed it this time (as I almost did earlier) and you'd corrected me19:57
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: !forget mc44-#ubuntu-offtopic20:01
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: !forget hal9000-#ubuntu-offtopic20:01
Pici!forget mc44-#ubuntu-offtopic20:01
ubottuI'll forget that, Pici20:01
Pici!forget hal9000-#ubuntu-offtopic20:01
ikoniaPici: he's gone, but I think his question will be why can't he talk in #backtrack-linux as I say him trying20:27
ikoniait's +r20:27
PiciOh well.20:27
guntberthi, the link http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases in !releases is broken21:05
guntbertbazhang: do ops usually read backlogs on returning here?21:47
IdleOneguntbert: some do21:48
IdleOneI would suspect most do21:49
guntbertI was asking to know if I should repeat my hint from 22:0521:49
IdleOneguntbert: what would the new link be?21:49
IdleOnesubmit an edit to the !releases factoid21:50
guntbertIdleOne: I don't know, I just stumbled over "this page doesn't exist"21:50
IdleOneguntbert: would this be it http://releases.ubuntu.com/ ?21:53
guntbertIdleOne: I guess not, as that page only contains the releases themselves but not any info about them21:53
guntbertespecially there is no info about old eol releases21:54
guntbertIdleOne: found it : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases21:55
ubottuIn ubottu, guntbert said: !no releases is reply Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases21:56
IdleOneSomeone will approve the edit soon21:57
guntbertIdleOne: thx for the guidance :-)21:57
IdleOneheh thanks for helping guntbert :)21:58
guntbert:) bye21:58
KE1HACan you you all have a chat with LadyTala an in the Ubuntu Channel, way way off topic.22:29
IdleOneKE1HA: Thanks for the heads up. Please part the channel, there is a no idling rule.22:42
KE1HAOh, ok. sri.22:45
=== luis_ is now known as TELL0
jpds 23:32
jpdsIdleOne: Please do not point people at releases.u.c, we have mirrors for a reaons23:39
knomejpds, no one's going to do that ;)23:40
knomejpds, only linking to wiki in the factoid23:40
jpdsCakester: Hello.23:42
Cakestermy name changed.. but how23:43
Cakesteri am hoober23:43
Cakesterit has been long enough has it not?23:43
Cakesteri really am interested in getting with the ubuntu people. my job interview today at the movie theater was terrible. the manager treated me abusively23:43
Cakestereven though i told him it was my first interview23:44
Cakesteri hope if i get to work for Canonical it won't be so bad23:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:58
CakesterPlease unban23:58

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