
patdk-lapI used to use pam_mount, that was fun :)00:06
clustyi am building my very first raid and was curious how bad is it with the TLER issues with consumer hdd's ?00:15
clustyis it that common for hdd's to take 7+ seconds to try to fix an error themselves ?00:15
qman__an encrypted drive set to automount rather defeats the point of an encrypted drive00:42
terinjokesHey guys, running 10.04 here, and I have APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists set to "1", but I'm noticing that the package index is never updated until I explicedly refresh with `apt-get update` (as such, I'm not getting my update notifications sent to me)00:56
giovaniterinjokes: just confirm where you've set it -- i.e. pastebin the file, and you know that's only supposed to update the lists once a day, right?01:44
terinjokesgiovani: correct, but it's not being updated... one second01:49
terinjokesgiovani: http://pastebin.com/jHraTu3101:50
giovaniterinjokes: are you trying to do automatic upgrades, or just notifications of packages that can be upgraded?01:53
giovanithe latter is done automagically via some cron jobs in the desktop install, unsure about the server install -- the former is handled by a specific package (which installs cronjobs) for the server and desktop afaik01:54
jmarsdenterinjokes: sudo apt-get install unattended-upgrades    # for unattended upgrades... and read its docs too.01:55
giovaniyeah, that would be the package for the former01:55
terinjokesgiovani: i *just* want notification of the new packages01:56
giovaniterinjokes: and how do you plan to get notification? do you have a custom setup for this? or are you using a pre-built mechanism?01:57
terinjokesjmarsden: i read those docs, but my understanding of unattended-upgrades is to install the upgrades, which I don't want01:57
terinjokesgiovani: i already have notifications setup... works great (ie, as soon as i run `apt-get update` i get it...)01:57
jmarsdenterinjokes: I think you can configure it not to actually do the upgrades, but just let landscape-client tell you what is available to be updated at login...01:57
terinjokesi've disabled most of the MOTD scripts01:58
terinjokes(so if it was there, then this might explain why they don't happen)01:59
giovaniterinjokes: ok, well without the cronjobs provided by some package (or written by hand) I don't think that variable you set does anything01:59
terinjokesgiovani: is there some package that setups these crons? would it be best to have unattended-updates installed, and just tell it not to update anything?02:00
giovaniterinjokes: I honestly don't know, but I'd bet that they're in that package, and, jmarsden seems to know more about it -- it likely can be told not to upgrade02:00
jmarsdenterinjokes: I think yes, just install unattended-upgrades and then *don't* set APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "1";02:01
jmarsdenI've not used that that way, but I'm pretty sure it will do what you want.02:02
wieshkahi there - i have serios problem - my last try to install ubuntu-server with raid 1 + lvm made unsupported partitioning on my HDD's, so now reinstall normally cant detect my HDDs, so i cant redone partitioning for my HDD ?02:02
wieshkawhat are my options to clear partition tables/format HDD using busybox ?02:03
wieshkaor maybe ubuntu live ?02:03
wieshkaall i want to do, is fully clear partitioning data from my HDD's02:03
wieshkaso i can do reinstall with /boot partition out of raid02:04
wieshkaand looks like i will prefer installing Lilo02:04
terinjokesjmarsden: thanks, i'll give that a shot02:04
jmarsdenterinjokes: You're welcome02:05
jmarsdenwieshka: If you just want to destroy the partition tables you can do something like dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 count=102402:06
jmarsdenthat will wipe the first 1MB of your /dev/sdb drive...  is that what you are looking for?02:06
wieshkajmarsden: it shouldnt take a long long process ?02:06
jmarsdenwieshka: No, just 1MB of writes...02:06
wieshkajmarsden: ok i will try - basicly i want my hards clear02:06
wieshkato set up new installation02:07
wieshkai dont what i messed up02:07
jmarsdenzeroing the whole drive would take more time, but you don't need to do that just to be sure the installer sees the drive as being "new".02:07
wieshkabut my install neither boots up, neither shows correctly in partition detection02:07
wieshkadone for both disks, now rebooting to see result02:09
wieshkajmarsden: how long it should take with 500 GB disk to fully write it with zeros ? :)02:09
wieshkait like a formatiing - i am correct ?02:10
mase_wkwieshka: depends how your doing it ?02:10
jmarsdenI don't remember, I do that kind of thing overnight.  Well, writing zeroes to every sector does not technically format the drive.02:10
jmarsdenBut it makes pretty sure noone will read whatever info was on it before :)02:10
mase_wkif you do something like dd bs=2048 if=/dev/zero of=/dev/foo  it will be reasonably quick02:11
mase_wkyou could set a larger bs too02:11
mase_wkbut you will still need to format it after02:12
wieshkathx jmarsden - now i have clean two disks :)02:12
wieshkaso what is the best suggestions for building RAID 102:12
jmarsdenwieshka: You're welcome :)02:12
wieshkamake /boot out of the raid ?02:13
fidelixGuys, can you please take a look here? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154841502:13
wieshkabecouse my disks restursn HDIO_IDENTITY fail (hdparm cant detect by name or something like that)02:13
wieshkaso if my boot is inside of raid02:13
wieshkaboot after install fails02:13
wieshkaso how good is my idea about partitions: make 100m /boot, give it a boot flag, then make 30 Gb swap, and create one big partition on whole disk as raid, and after that as LVM02:14
wieshkaso then i can make volume group and do with my partitions on running system what i want02:15
wieshkaor the best way is do like this ? https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/advanced-installation.html02:16
jmarsdenThere is no "should"; the Server Guide doesn't do LVM with RAID1, just RAID1, for simplicity, I think.  If you want LVM, try it your way and it sounds like it should work.02:18
wieshkabasicly i want to setup ubuntu server and then KVM with 5 vhs on it02:18
wieshkai wanted to make aprtition for each vh for better performance02:19
wieshkabut also i can make a one big partition and use vh as images02:19
jmarsdenSounds like a reasonable use case for LVM to me.02:19
wieshkaok - i will give a try with /boot partition out of raid array, and whole disk as raid 1 + LVM02:20
wieshkais it better to make swap out of raid or i can make it under LVM ?02:20
wieshkasorry - first time serious install of ubuntu-server02:20
wieshkaon multiple disks02:20
wieshkai have old install/use of ubuntu-server on single disk, but now i am building new one, so trying to make reasonable good install02:21
wieshkaso - i am begginer - open for suggestions :)02:21
jmarsdenwieshka: You won't be swapping anyway really, on a modern machine with gigabytes of RAM, so it probably doesn't matter :)  I'm not doing "real" virtualization server builds so I'm not really the best person to get advice from on that.  My guess: try the swap outside the LVM.02:22
wieshkaoutside of LVM and also outside of raid array ?02:23
wieshkahmmm, basicly i have 16 gb ram - so is there need for a swap at real ?02:23
wieshka16 x 1 Gb02:24
jmarsdenPerhaps not :)  Yocu ould leave a small swap partition outside both RAID and LVM "just in case" it is ever needed.02:24
wieshkahmm, not a bad idea :)02:24
wieshkaso  summary: i will split each drive (2) in 3 partitions, 100 mb for /boot, 10 Gb for swap (maybe someday i will need it), and whole disk, as raid partition, after that i configure raid 1 as sda3 + sdb3, and set them as LVM volume group, and also i will make ~20 Gb logical volume on LVM as mount point /02:27
wieshkai have to gibe boot flag option to /boot partition ?02:27
wieshkaand do i have to set this /boot partition on one disk or on each one ?02:28
wieshkai supouse one only02:28
wieshkaso all this stuff/summary should work - so i am going to give a try :)02:28
jmarsdenwieshka: You can try setting /boot on both drives, then if one drive fails you *might* be able to boot from the other one... although in the past getting that to work has needed some minor messing around, at least for me.02:29
wieshkawhat messing around02:30
wieshkayou think, this configuration will not work on fly - install & go ?02:30
wieshkahmm, /boot must be as primary & at the begining ?02:31
jmarsdenIt should, and maybe these days it will, when I tried it was at least a couple of years ago, Ubuntu RAID support has changed since then.02:31
wieshka& with boot flag02:31
jmarsdenI would suggest that, if you need the "failover boot" to work, then test it before you have a real disk failure, so you *know* it will work.02:32
wieshkaso i made on each drive 100 mb primary partition as ext4, with mount point /boot and bootable flag02:32
wieshkajmarsden: i will test that :)02:32
wieshkaat first i need working install :)02:32
jmarsdenwieshka: True :)02:33
wieshkadoes swap need botable flag ?02:33
wieshkai supouse no02:33
wieshkaand does raid 1 partition needs boot flag ?02:34
jmarsdenI really doubt it.02:37
wieshkaheh, install do not allow me to make to /boot02:41
wieshkaso maybe set them in array as md1 and then set on them /boot ?02:41
wieshkajmarsden: still here ?03:20
jmarsdenYes... did it work?03:20
wieshkaand again my boot stops ....03:20
wieshkawith fsck error03:21
wieshkaata_id[650]: HDIO_IDENTITY failed for /dev/sda03:21
wieshkaalso for sdb03:21
wieshkaand next line is, that with my LVM everuthing is ok (check statuss)03:21
wieshkaand no more action03:22
wieshkaat the same point again ....03:22
jmarsdenI have not seen that error msg before... does googling for it show anything interesting?03:23
wieshkalets try - i removed one of my disks03:24
wieshkawhat it will say now03:24
wieshkai even tried to setup with lilo bootloader now03:24
wieshkainsted of grub03:24
wieshkaas i heard - it haves better compability with raid03:24
wieshkamaybe - i should install system on single disk, and after that make RAID 1 over my existing installation03:25
wieshkaat start as degraded RAID03:25
wieshkai dont even now anymore- tomorow i have ti put server in data center ....03:25
jmarsdenHmmm.  a test install to a single disk would be good, so you at least know the hardware is OK and will let you install to it and boot from it.03:26
jmarsdenDoing a "first time serious install of Ubuntu server" with a constraint of "tomorrow I have to put the server in the data center" sounds like you are trying to learn too much too fast...03:28
wieshkajmarsden: i am this problem already 3 days03:29
wieshkaon this03:29
wieshkaheh :D :D :D03:29
texastwisterCame in late to the conversation guys, what's the issue?03:30
wieshkai swicthed disk slots and now it works - whata hell03:30
wieshkaasks login - give me moment i want to really test that RAID 1 worked or it is a degraded mode03:30
jmarsdenwieshka: Ah, so maybe one of the "disk slots" is bad in your hardware, or the drive was not fully plugged in, or something?03:30
wieshkabut if it shows up in BIOS and also durring install - connection & hardware must be good03:31
wieshkai dint changed hot swap ports03:31
wieshkai them only switched03:31
jmarsdentexastwister: Software RAID1 install to wieshka's new server, it has not been booting... until just now, at least!03:31
wieshkayeah, but i have to check is everything ok :)03:32
jmarsdenwieshka: Indeed.  I suggest you test it a lot in your remaining time... at least it now boots :)03:32
wieshkai full y agree03:32
wieshkahdparm still outputs that he cant recognize this HDD model03:33
wieshkait is simple enterprise edition server HDD from seagete03:34
wieshkahmmmm, mdadm returns that disk are in active sync statuss03:36
wieshkawhat else test i should perform ?03:36
wieshkadmesh also says that raid1 is active with 2 of 2 mirrors03:39
wieshkaalso /proc/mdstat says that RAID is active03:40
wieshkawtf - now bootup hangs03:45
wieshkaits not normal ....03:45
jmarsdenNo, that's not normal... sounds like you have some sort of weird intermittent boot issue.03:46
wieshkathe disks should sync durring bootup or after that ?03:46
jmarsdenYou did a clean shutdown/reboot, right, you didn't just hit the reset button?03:47
wieshkai run command reboot from shell03:47
wieshkanow i did reset ....03:47
wieshkalets se, what i have there03:47
wieshkaBIOS detects both drives ....03:47
wieshkaLILO runned03:47
wieshkahmmm only one disk activity is flashing03:48
wieshkai am confused - now it again booted well03:49
jmarsdenDoes cat /proc.mdstat still look fine?03:49
wieshkaeem .... no03:49
wieshkathere is that HDIO identity again03:49
wieshkabut later showed up then last time03:49
wieshkahmmm, wait ..... my disks activity LED is flashing for both disks03:50
wieshkamaybe i should give them a try03:50
wieshkasome sync or something ?03:50
jmarsdenI think you could have some sort of weird hardware issue, I would research that HDIO_identity message some more.03:50
jmarsdenIf you want to give the disks a bit ot a test workout, you could use bonnie++ or some other disk performance test tool.03:51
wieshkahmmmm, my sata disks are connected via SAS on motherboard03:52
wieshkamaybe i should switch to sata ?03:52
wieshkaor i am miising some disconfiguration in BIOS ?03:53
jmarsdenI have no idea... sorry :)03:53
wieshkaok, looks like i have to cancel tomorrows data center :D03:53
wieshkahmmm, HDDs activity still flashed03:53
wieshkalets try what happens, when i remove one HDD03:54
wieshkaas degraded mode activated, it should work03:54
wieshkajmarsden: heh, single install works like a charm ....04:59
wieshkaso now trying to set raid over existing installation :)04:59
robertpayneI have one server with all my domains pointed to it and my webserver setup on it.. Currently it's also my mail server but I'm looking to forward all the mail to a second server. Is the best way to do that to just update the dns record and point the mail commands to the second server's ip?05:30
jmarsdenYou would point all MX records the second server, yes.  Possible also update all A records for mail.DOMAIN.com to point there too, and pop.DOMAIN.com if you have folks using those naming conventions for their incoming and outgoing mail.05:32
* twb pedantically points out that "example.net" exists for examples like that.05:33
robertpaynejmarsden: thanks. I'm the only one using it.. I have like 9 emails I'm using over imap right now and it's  bogging down the main server too much05:34
jmarsdenNot much of a server if one user can bog it down :)  But OK.05:34
robertpaynejmarsden: Well I mean my email client is maintaining about 9 imap connections simultaneously it's not a beefy server05:35
robertpayne512mb VPS05:35
jmarsdenOK.  I run a mailserver with 150 domains and maybe 1200 or more email users, it also runs 100 or so small web sites :)05:35
robertpaynedaaayum :P05:35
robertpayneHow much ram though :P05:35
jmarsden4GB.  Basic cheap rackmount server.05:36
robertpayneyeah webserver is running nginx reverse proxy to apache ( dynamic content only ) it does well the process count is what keeps going a bit red when I keep my email client open05:37
twbpostfix and dovecot should place negligible load on the server05:37
robertpaynetwb: that's what I'm running05:37
robertpayneIt also could be that Apple Mail ( desktop client ) opens about 5 connections for each account to the server to speed up stuff05:38
jmarsdenrobertpayne: Then most likely, removing your email from that server will not significantly affect how bogged down it is... are you 100% sure it is the email slowing things down?05:38
robertpaynejmarsden: I Shouldn't say it's "slowing it down" or necessarily any sort of speed decrease.. I just simply am getting process count warnings from my host.. if I close my email client the process count drops by about 40-5005:39
robertpayneI'm also setting up a dev box as a backup to my production box ( because not doing so is retarded.. ) and thus was going to offload the mail to the dev box but back it up to the production box nightly05:40
jmarsdenOK... odd that your host cares about process count... CPU load, or RAM usage, sure... but process count?05:40
ruben23guys any known apps that can do directory service for windwos client PC and windos client PC..?05:41
robertpaynejmarsden: heh not really sure if they care so much but their status panel does show alerts when it gets too high.. I know kinda dumb.. maybe something to do with VPS stuff who knows05:41
twbrobertpayne: Samba 4 can act as an AD server05:42
twbSorry, bad completion05:42
robertpaynemaybe I'll just leave it on the main box.. like I said not really an issue just figured I'd forward it to the dev box05:42
robertpayneand wanted to make sure modifying the DNS was the best way05:42
ruben23twb: i can do it with samba405:44
robertpayneanyways i got to go for now thx for answers05:44
jmarsdenrobertpayne: You're welcome05:46
mase_wkruben23: samba4 is not really production ready yet though05:47
mase_wkat least on my last try a few months back05:47
robertpayneI think ill just leave it on main box.. and use dev box as backup MX :)05:47
pheelineerieHey guys, I could use some help making US get along with the internet06:32
pheelineerieit won't play nice with my wifi and i have been at it all weekend06:32
Roxyhart0sorry about this question...somebody know what mean the blue color in the zone file with bind and why some of them are in blue color and others not?06:34
SpamapSpheelineerie: can you be more specific?06:39
SpamapSRoxyhart0: maybe you can paste your zone file at http://paste.ubuntu.com and we can look at it ourselves?06:40
pheelineerieSpamapS: well for example iwconfig says this: IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:off/any. Mode:Managed   Access Point: Not-Associated06:40
SpamapSpheelineerie: that seems to mean that you're not associated to any SSID's06:41
pheelineerietrying things with apt-get results in a bunch of Failed to fetch errors06:41
pheelineerieyes, and I've been trying to set it but i can't get it to take my network name06:42
SpamapSpheelineerie: are you sure your wifi chipset is fully supported?06:42
pheelineeriei would think so, because it was working with ubuntu 10.04 before i installed server06:42
mase_wkperhaps the desktop kernel has patches applied to it which the server kernel does not06:43
SpamapSpheelineerie: so 'iwconfig eth0 essid "yournet"' doesn't work?06:43
SpamapSmase_wk: unless you explicitly select a different kernel, they both should get the generic.06:44
mase_wki didn't know if you had installed the -server kernel06:44
SpamapSTho I think desktop makes it really easy to install non-opensource drivers, IIRC06:44
pheelineerieSpamapS: i've tried that command but with wlan0 instead of eth0... should i try with eth0?06:44
SpamapSpheelineerie: no06:44
SpamapSpheelineerie: And the result was.. ?06:44
pheelineerieit sees the networks when i do the scan thing06:44
pheelineerieSpamapS: the result was nothing, i restarted interfaces and still the same problem06:45
pheelineerieSpamapS: i'm putting the name of my wireless network in quotes, but there is a space in it, does that matter?06:45
pheelineerieSpamapS: and when i say the result was nothing, i mean it just accepted it and went to the next command line with no feedback06:46
SpamapSpheelineerie: when you restarted interfaces, you probably wiped out the essid.06:46
pheelineerieSpamapS: o.06:46
pheelineeriei thought i was supposed to. lol06:46
* pheelineerie feels dumb06:46
SpamapSpheelineerie: run it, then run 'iwconfig wlan0' again, and see if it shows something different06:47
SpamapSpheelineerie: the idea is to set your essid, then the card should associate to the correct AP06:47
SpamapSpheelineerie: once you're associated, then the dhcp client that is already running on wlan0 should get an IP.06:47
pheelineeriewell now it says ESSID:"Kansas 2" but it still gives me "Failed to fetch" etc06:47
SpamapSI'm honestly quite ignorant at the proper convention for using iwconfig on server..06:48
SpamapSbut for a manual test, this should work06:48
SpamapSpheelineerie: what still says "failed to fetch" ?06:48
pheelineeriewell i've been testing to see if it was online by trying "sudo apt-get update"06:49
pheelineerieSpamapS: and it gives me a bunch of "Temporary failure resolving 'us.archive.ubuntu.com' type errors06:49
SpamapSpheelineerie: right because it hasn't received a network configuration from your DHCP server yet...06:50
SpamapSpheelineerie: is wlan0 listed in /etc/network/interfaces?06:50
ohzieI hosed my samba conf file. I'm not sure how, but I'm content with going back to the default conf file. How do I do this?06:50
SpamapSohzie: you can move the damaged conf file out of the way, and reinstall samba06:52
SpamapSohzie: as in, 'apt-get remove samba && apt-get install samba'06:52
SpamapSohzie: if you don't want to do that, you can also extract the file from the .deb, but thats sort of complex06:52
ohzieSpamapS: No that solution is perfect and makes sense.06:53
Roxyhart0somebody know how i can create a domain aleas with bind?06:53
pheelineerieSpamapS: right now interfaces has the following lines: auto lo / iface lo inet loopback / # auto wlan0 / iface wlan0 inet dhcp / wireless-mode managed / wireless-essid 'Kansas 2' / wireless-key 20830835u0fjf etc06:53
ohzieWhen I tried reinstalling, the conf file was still there06:53
ohzieI don't know why it never occurred to me to just delete the damned thing.06:53
ohzieGod, I feel stupid right now.06:53
SpamapSohzie: Confusion is the only way we grow. :)06:54
SpamapSpheelineerie: hrm.. well that seems very logical.. not sure what to tell you06:55
ohzieSpamapS: Yeah I've been using linux since Red Hat 6. I should have known better. =P06:55
ohzieIt's just late and I am exhausted. Thank you so much for putting up with me.06:55
SpamapSohzie: its our pleasure, thanks for using Ubuntu. :)06:56
ohzieI haven't actually used anything Redhat based since FC4, and I recently threw Centos 5 on a server at work. For anyone wondering? Centos is so different from Debian/Ubuntu that I am helpless most of the time. It's really horrible, and I can't stand it, and the default user you create during the install is not added to the sudoers file.06:58
ohzieso i intend to replace that with pure Debian or Karmic as soon as I can06:58
chrislabeardHey guys I'm trying to use webdav and for some reason its not working06:59
chrislabeardI have set everything up but when I try to use my mac to connect to it it says it doesn't exist. If I got to the domain in a browser it asks for password and user07:00
ohzieSpamapS: So I removed samba, deleted my smb.conf, and then reinstalled samba, and it didn't install a conf file.07:05
ohzieI'm not sure how to react to that.07:05
lifelessohzie: did you purge it ?07:07
ohzielifeless: Don't know that one.07:07
ohzieHe doesn't know anything about purge.07:08
lifelessohzie: dpkg has two separate states for software which you have removed.07:08
lifelessohzie: the first state, 'removed' has the binaries/docs/libraries etc gone, but keeps the config files.07:08
lifelessohzie: the second state, 'purged' removes the config files too.07:08
lifelessohzie: installing software which was only removed, does not touch the config files, because they are already present :)07:08
lifelessohzie: so, if you purge samba, then install it again, it should do what you want.07:09
ajmitch'apt-get purge samba'07:09
ajmitchjust make sure you've got backups of any important samba files07:10
chrislabeardCan the webdav you set up on ubuntu work with macs, pcs?07:14
ohzieajmitch lifeless: Thank you very much. :D07:17
pheelineerieQuestion: do i HAVE to configure Server on the command line? Does it come with any kind of gui at all? i know they can be downloaded but i can't get it online to do so, and i'm going insane :'(07:19
ohziepheelineerie: you do have to get it online to install the commandline tools.07:22
ohziepheelineerie: "aptitude install ubuntu-desktop" has hilarious results on ubuntu server. The GDM theme has purple on it?! I don't know where it came from, but I like it a lot more than the default gdm theme in normal ubuntu.07:23
pheelineerieohzie: but the problem is the fact that i can't get it to connect to my wifi, so i can't install any packages07:23
ohziepheelineerie: I've never done wifi from the command line. I wonder if ebox has a network-manager applet?07:25
pheelineerieohzie: it is weird and annoying and it's making me feel very dumb. i installed ubuntu-server and it just came up to the command line. i don't know of any other way to do anything?07:25
ohziepheelineerie: Don't feel dumb. Feel inexperienced, and realize that learning how to do this will grant you that experience. It will make you feel less dumb. =P07:26
pheelineerieohzie: i don't know what ebox is, but i just typed network-manager and it said command not found. i don't know if that answers the question07:26
ohzienetwork-manager is a service that controls networking in my desktop systems.07:27
ohzieI don't know if server uses it, to be honest.07:27
ohzieLet me see.07:27
ohzieFound what i was looking for.07:27
ohzieEverything i use wifi on, I use "knetworkmanager" which is a graphical thing.07:28
ohziebut there is a terminal one07:28
ohziecan you try the command "nmcli" ?07:28
ohzieI've not used it so I don't know if it's installed or what the results are07:28
ohziebut I know that it is a terminal-based client for network manager.07:28
ajmitchyou may as well just use wpa_supplicant directly & setup the interface in /etc/network/interfaces07:28
pheelineerieajmitch: that's what i've been trying to do all day, and i do believe i have completely and utterly failed07:29
pheelineerieohzie: nmcli: command not found07:30
* ajmitch wouldn't expect any of the network-manager stuff to be present07:30
pheelineerieohzie: is your nick in reference to otzi, the frozen guy? cause that would be awesome07:31
ohziepheelineerie: No.07:31
pheelineerieohzie: oh.07:32
ohziepheelineerie: Although, upon googling 'Otzi' I do approve of names referencing him, and I will probably use his name from now on in Supreme Commander.07:32
pheelineerieohzie: :D07:32
pheelineerieoh my god. i think i am an idiot07:39
pheelineerieif i do "sudo nano filename" on a file that doesn't exist.... it creates a new file, doesn't it?07:40
pheelineeriei think instead of appending something to interfaces.conf or whatever file it was supposed to be, i just created a new, useless file and put the stuff there07:40
* pheelineerie smacks forehead07:41
ohzieajmitch: I did sudo aptitude purge samba4, and it ran, and I reinstalled, and I still don't have a conf file.07:47
uvirtbotNew bug: #614195 in apache2 (main) "Apache2 UserDir defaults to User www-data" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61419507:47
ajmitchohzie: it may be in samba-common07:48
ajmitch(or samba4-common)07:48
ohzieIs there a way to ask samba what conf file it grabbed when it started up?07:49
WalterNwhen I get done with the first 9 steps, it complaints that there is no file system defined for root07:53
WalterNand wont let me continue07:53
ohzieajmitch: Yes, the conf file is included in samba-common and wasn't  removed because it is a dependancy for freenx and smbfs. Thank you so much for helping me look in the right place! =D07:54
WalterNoh wait08:00
ohzieWalterN: Do you have a partition that has a mounting point of "/"08:02
nllptrIs there a standard directory structure for a multi-site dedicated server08:03
WalterNsilly me08:03
WalterNdont go to continue at the bottom, select RAID at one of the top options after arranging the partitions for RAID08:04
ohzienllptr: Most companies will put the WWW folder in the user's home directory, or if each site is running in a VM it will just be under /var/www like normal, but inside the VM.08:04
ohzieWalterN: lol08:05
nllptrohzie: if the sites are larger and have multiple developers should the sites be put into a group's home directory instead?08:05
ohzieOkay, so I made the changes to the default conf file, and now everything is hosed again. Ugh.08:06
ohzienllptr: I would have them in VMs because I am lazy annd not that good with apache.08:06
ohzieI am better with VMs than I am with apache, so I would do that option08:07
ohziebut I know some apache ninjas who could probably work it out either way and it would be amazing.08:07
ohzieso I can't really answer what is the best option...but I can tell you what I'd do and why! :D08:07
WalterNhere is the server box I made last week... http://i36.tinypic.com/ivx355.jpg?08:09
WalterNinstalling Ubuntu for that as a server :)08:09
nllptrohzie: are VMs any less efficient?08:10
nllptrohzie: I can't seem to find any good documentation on setting up hosting in a VM on google :S08:10
ohzienllptr: Currently I only use virtualbox, that won't work for your purposes. You're going to want to look at Xen.08:12
ohzieXen is, I've heard, awesome and amazing.08:12
ohzieI haven't touched it because I haven't needed to yet08:12
ohziebut I hope to in the near future.08:12
WalterNI love my server box08:14
mase_wknllptr: if you have the hardware support VT-x i'd recommend looking at KVM to.08:18
mase_wkNot that Xen is bad in anyway, but we've just migrated from Xen to KVM as the management is fairly trivial08:19
_chris_moin all :)08:19
WalterNwell, there goes the install08:20
twbmase_wk: are you using libvirt?08:20
nllptrmase_wk: not sure the hardware will support it. The site we're running is a non-profit teenage-run teenage portal site for teenagers running on donated computers08:20
WalterNtwo RAID1 arrays for SWAP and /, one RAID5 for extra storage pool, 3x 2tb drives :)08:20
mase_wknllptr: yeh if the hardware doesn't support it Xen is useful08:21
WalterNdoes it build the arrays before it installs?08:22
WalterNas in, do I need to wait 8 hours while it builds the RAID5 of 4tb?08:23
Roxyhart0hi somebody know how to create a domain aleas with dname? where i need to put the record as is not working08:25
joschiRoxyhart0: well, obviously you need to put the DNAME resource record in the zone for the domain you want to set it for.08:26
Roxyhart0i did but i think im doind something wrong as is not working..what should be the sintax?08:27
Roxyhart0i got WHCL. IN DAME WHCL.COM08:28
joschiRoxyhart0: foo DNAME target.example.com.08:28
Roxyhart0i got WHCL. IN DAME WHCL.COM.08:28
lifelessRoxyhart0: DAME != DNAME08:28
Roxyhart0yes sorry dname08:28
joschiRoxyhart08: the period after WHCL is probably wrong, unless it's the zone file for the zone 'WHCL.'08:35
joschiRoxyhart08: you should also describe 'not working' in a little more detail...08:36
Roxyhart08yes the ast one is the file zone08:36
Roxyhart08when i do nslookup fot WHCl tell me palm.whcl.com (ns) doesn find whcl08:36
WalterNok, guess I dont need to wait for it to build08:40
nllptrWe're going to start completely fresh and set up our four servers from scratch. Any tips on what we can do so it'll be easy to track down problems later on? Any conventions we should follow?08:42
nllptrWe're using one server for a shared hosting service for ourselves. Right now everyone just uses sudo to modify virtualhost settings08:42
nllptrAny better way?08:42
twbnllptr: etckeeper is an easy one08:44
ohzieHow do I dump the output of a command to a text file?08:53
ohzieNevermind, I found it.08:54
ohzieI'm going to put my errors and my conf file in a pastebin08:54
ohziebecause I am so blown away, I don't know what to do. :[08:54
robertpayneDoes ubuntu automatically logrotate the syslog file or do you have to setup that manually?08:56
Jeeves_robertpayne: That depends if there is a config for the specific file08:56
robertpayneJeeves_: I don't see anything in logrotate.d so I'm going to assume no08:57
Jeeves_robertpayne: Which file?08:57
=== lenios_ is now known as lenios
robertpayneJeeves_: er do you mean a config file for log rotate? There's no mention in /etc/logrotate.conf or /etc/logrotate.d/*08:58
Jeeves_robertpayne: No, which file should be rotated?08:58
robertpayneJeeves_: /var/log/syslog /var/log/mail.log08:59
ohziehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/475330 - I've been trying to figure this out for a while and I'm at a loss.09:00
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=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
Jeeves_robertpayne: There should be a config for those files09:03
Jeeves_robertpayne: /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog09:03
robertpayneJeeves_: ohh it might be hidden crap haha09:03
robertpayneJeeves_: nope doesn;t exist hmm09:04
Jeeves_robertpayne: Do you have rsyslog installed?09:05
Jeeves_Or are you on a older Ubuntuversion?09:05
robertpayneJeeves_: sec09:05
robertpayneJeeves_: running 10.4 server09:05
robertpayneJeeves_: and no I don't have rsyslog installed09:06
robertpayneJeeves_: looks like I have a /etc/cron.daily/sysklogd that runs savelog on all log files in /var/log .. cycling them every 7 days09:07
robertpayneactually take that back it only rotates syslog09:08
robertpayneahhh alright! Yea it's syslogd that is rotating all the ones that logrotate isn't09:13
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=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
parapanI have ubuntu-server 10.04 installed .....what mail service do you recommend installing ? which is the most easy one to configure / install hassle free :D ?10:00
WalterNparapan: good question, I'd like to know at some point too10:00
WalterNthough its not quite installed yet10:00
twbapt-get install default-mta10:00
twbIt's covered in apt-get install ubuntu-serverguide10:01
parapantwb: is this postfix by any chance ?? the default mail transfer agent ??/10:02
twbIt is.10:03
parapanthen, next question .....in order to adminster the server ...will webmin be the right choice ?10:03
parapanubottu was recommanding ebox - looks like a similar package for doing the same thing ...10:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:04
twb!webmin >parapan10:06
ubottuparapan, please see my private message10:06
twbHe may only be a bot, but he's smarter than some people here...10:07
parapantwb > I know that ...but some other guys were saying that webmin works OK for 64 bit version of ubuntu server ....10:07
parapanthat's the reason for asking on the ubuntu-server channe;10:08
twbThen those "other guys" are idiots10:08
parapanI'll let them know when talking again =))10:08
twbI grant you that if you deploy webmin you probably won't notice it eating a hole in the floorboards for a few years10:08
twbBut then the house will collapse and you will die of pneumonia10:09
* WalterN glances at 1.5gallon jug of acid10:09
parapanlooks extreme ....10:09
alvinOver the weekend, some servers have had a high load. This message can be found on the monitor: INFO: task blocked for more than 120 seconds (see bug 276476 and bug 494476). Aside from the bugs, the immediate problem is now: it's impossible to log into the servers. They are running virtual machines, and those are working, but I can't use the console or ssh. Any other methods/key combo's that would allow me to log in?10:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 276476 in linux "Idle-priority scheduling bug blocks tasks" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27647610:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 494476 in linux ""Smbd","kjournald2" and  "rsync"  blocked for more than 120 seconds while using ext4." [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49447610:20
kim0Hola ubuntu server folks .. In preparation for 10.04.1 .. check this out http://foss-boss.blogspot.com/2010/08/ubuntu-server-10041-virtual-release.html10:38
twbalvin: walk over to it and type at the local keyboard10:38
alvintwb: I can go to a tty and type my name, but that's it. Hit enter and nothing happens10:38
twbBounce it, then10:46
ttxkim0: cool, nice10:48
kim0everyone here feel free to retweet and blog the hell out of it :)10:48
twbBoo, hiss10:49
twbDown with this new-fangled technology10:49
wieshkaany suggestions, why my SAS RAID complains about my SATA disks with this error while boot ?10:49
wieshkaata_id[680]: HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for '/dev/sda'10:49
wieshkaata_id[664]: HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for '/dev/sdb'10:49
kim0your disk is having an identity crisis :)10:49
wieshkathe same reports hdparm -i /dev/sdx10:49
wieshkakim0: it is a Enterprise seagete HDD - not no brand from garage ... :)10:51
twbkim0: the "just show me" link shows an empty page in w3m10:52
kim0twb: well it's a google map (all javascript) .. so10:52
twbOh, it's using google10:52
alvinI'm going to halt production, kick every user, reboot the servers and wait for better I/O scheduling.10:53
twbIt doesn't know nat064.c.c.a is in .vic.au10:53
twbalvin: ionice(8) ?10:54
alviniotop is broken in Lucid, so I don't know what the real problem is, but ionice will not prevent this.10:54
alvinIt's because I use LVM snapshots from time to time10:54
twbFair enough; I don't know what your actual problem was10:54
twbI was thinking along the lines of "these stupid VMs are flooding I/O and breaking my getty", so you ionice the VMs10:55
alvinWell, me neither because I can't log in, but I suppose it's because I use LVM snapshots. The VM's are not the cause this time.10:55
alvinIf you take a snapshot, and the snapshots gets full, the kernel will start having problems. That is what I think happened.10:56
twbalvin: that's not my experience (on 8.04)10:56
twbIME all that happens is I/O to the snapshot breaks10:57
twbalvin: suggest booting in single, examining if any snapshot are full10:57
alvintwb: It's possible that this is new10:57
alvinWell... if there are snapshots, I'll have to use the recovery CD and remove them first, or the system won't boot. It's a mirror, and booting mirros while snapshots are present breaks Lucid booting.10:58
alvinalmost 12:00. Let's start the process.10:59
twbalvin: that's royally fucked10:59
alvinI'll boot with recovery cd in single and see whether they are full first10:59
alvinThe good news is: the servers booted without 'not finding root'. The weird news is: there is a snapshot on both servers, but without origin. Never seen such a thing.11:07
twbAre you using RAID1+0?11:12
twbRather: what kind of RAID are you using?11:12
alvintwb: No, just RAID1 (mdadm)11:12
twbI've never seen it before either11:13
alvinUsually, this bug 563895 occurs, but maybe it didn't happen this time because the snapshot didn't know it's origin. I couldn't mount it either.11:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 563895 in grub2 "grub2 fails to boot or install when an LVM snapshot exists" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56389511:13
twbEw, that's still present in lucid?11:14
alvinsometimes, mdadm forgets about the array (bug 599135), but not on this server.11:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 599135 in mdadm "mdadm cannot assemble array" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59913511:14
alvinIt's new in Lucid. It wasn't there in karmic11:15
twbHum, there was a different on in 8.04, then.11:15
twbudev preferred snapshots over origins when mounting by label or uuid11:15
alvinYes, I'll disable the whole snapshot thing immediately. I'll take backups from live systems from now on.11:17
twbMan, that's gonna screw me11:17
twbMy entire backup infrastructure relies on LVM snapshotting11:17
alvinIt did here, but performance was too heavily affected. I tried with less snapshots, but this crash was caused by 1 snapshot, so it 'll have to go.11:18
twbWhat I do is make the snapshots and then reap them as part of the backup process11:20
alvinThat would be good if there's not too much I/O when you're taking a backup.11:20
twbIt's an rsync job over (say) a 200GiB /home11:21
alvinI noticed that when I took a snapshot, and then used rsync, the kernel would start showing 'blocked tasks' (rsync, pdflush,...)11:21
twbMine probably says that and I never noticed11:22
alvinMaybe it has something to do with large files/ext4. That's the situation here. Maybe /home is more doable.11:22
twbYou're backing up >4GiB files?11:22
DigitalDeviantQuestion: How do i set permissions on the public_html folder so everytime it belongs to the user/group, everytime i upload its always user/user11:23
twbMaybe play with rsync --in-place or something, I dunno11:23
twbI vaguely recall there's a "work better" option for large files in rsync11:23
alvinI can't find the blocked tasks messages. rsync crashed too11:23
twbDigitalDeviant: upload *as* that user11:23
alvintwb: Hmm, I should read that man page then.11:23
twbDigitalDeviant: oh, sorry, I misread.11:24
twbDigitalDeviant: either change the user's default group (probably a bad idea), or make the parent directory setgid.11:24
alvin'update destination files in-place'. Thanks. Might work11:24
twbsoren: whatever11:24
DigitalDevianttwb what is setgid ?11:24
twb!RUTE > DigitalDeviant11:24
ubottuDigitalDeviant, please see my private message11:24
DigitalDeviantthanks for the info!11:25
alvinDigitalDeviant: Also look for documentation about 'user private groups'. Can come in handy.11:25
twbThey're the default11:26
DigitalDeviantThanks guys11:26
twb(And IMO they're basically an admission that POSIX DAC groups aren't much use.)11:27
* twb bumps "grok grsecurity" up on his TODO list from "never" to "probably never"11:28
xamparthaving a problem. i have /boot on sdb1 and the hdd is failing I/O errors. uname -r "2.6.32-24-server". i have an old backup (initrd.img-2.6.32-21-server) on sda1. what is the proper way to change /boot from sdb1 to sda1?11:33
twbxampart: grub legacy?11:33
xamparttwb: so eg. just changing /etc/fstab -entry from /dev/sdb1 on /boot type ext4 (rw) to sda1 and reboot wouldn't work?11:35
twbxampart: are you using grub legacy>>11:35
robertpayneIf you use useradd and specifiy -p XXX to set the password is it supposed to be a crypted format or plain text? It's never working for me I have to go ahead and manually add user11:36
twbDon't use useradd; use adduser.11:37
twbAs the manpage says, useradd -p takes a pre-crypt(3)ed password.11:38
robertpaynetwb: ah.. would explain thx11:38
twbNote that crypt(3) is cryptographically weak.11:39
robertpaynewhat does useradd use if you don't use the -p? Is it crypt(3) as well?11:39
xamparttwb: using the ubuntu-server 10.04 default (grub2?)11:41
twbrobertpayne: by default it'll either prompt you to supply a password, or configure the account to be locked and without a password.11:42
robertpaynetwb: interesting.. is the password protection any better than useradd ( not crypt(3) )?11:42
twbrobertpayne: my point was that if you do it interactively it should at least use md511:43
twbWhereas if you hack your own crypt(3) interface via perl (as I've done in the past), it'll use sucky old crypt11:43
twbIf you look in /etc/shadow and the password begins with $1$ (or some other digit), it's OK.11:44
robertpaynebwuaaha wow11:45
robertpaynemine are plain text11:45
robertpayneyea that is BAD11:45
twbYou think that's bad, you should see NIS11:45
twbStupid bot.11:46
robertpaynelol.. I'm fairly new to all this server stuff so learning as fast as I can11:47
twbIn NIS if you have network access you're trusted to access the shadow file.11:47
twbBecause it was designed back when individuals couldn't afford computers, let alone laptops11:47
robertpaynethere is no way to feed a crypted ( md5 or better ) password to useradd or adduser?11:50
twb!xy problem11:51
twbrobertpayne: why do you want to?11:51
joschirobertpayne: see parameter -p of useradd11:51
robertpayneautomated script installing a vhost11:51
robertpaynejoschi: I did but as twb has pointed out to me it's crypt(3) format.. not very strong11:51
twbAre you preseeding it?11:51
robertpaynepreseeding? as in prompting for input and then generating?11:52
twbcrypt(3) isn't strong, but $1$-format encrypted strings should be compatible with the inverse function (decrypt(3)?)11:52
twbrobertpayne: no, as in a preseeded installation11:52
twbOh, wait, do you mean vhost as in an apache vhost?11:53
robertpayneyes sorry11:53
twbMea culpa11:53
robertpaynetwb: It's no biggie if I just run the commands after.. just nice to be able to do it all automated.. I'm setting up a htpasswd with the same info for access to awstats11:53
robertpaynethe user I'm adding is chrooted pretty heavily to their home dir11:54
twbIf this is for remote users to upload files, I'd be using assymetric crypto (SSH keys) rather than symmetric crypto (passwords)11:54
robertpaynetwb: yea know what you mean... wish my ftp client ( Transmit ) supported SSH keys instead of passwords11:57
robertpaynetwb: I'm not using ftp.. sftp only11:57
twbThen get a better client11:58
robertpaynehehe :P11:58
twbHell, OS X should have OpenSSH's CLI utilities installed by default11:58
robertpayneyeah it does11:59
robertpayneactually Transmit might support it.. I've just never gotten it to work11:59
DavieyHey All... if you use ubuntu server, please add your location to http://maps.ubuntu.com12:10
Daviey(note, it doesn't store personal data)12:10
WalterNnot technically the server edition, but it is ubuntu and using it as a server... close enough?12:18
robertpayneDaviey: done one added to new zealand :)12:31
WalterNMT, USA12:33
kim0WalterN: close enough yeah ;)12:33
kim0Daviey: thanks for spreading the news :)12:33
WalterNshould turn the map orange in no time12:33
kim0fingers crossed12:34
WalterNI love Ubuntu12:35
WalterNhttp://i36.tinypic.com/ivx355.jpg? is the box Ubuntu is stuffed in12:35
kim0UK is hyper active :)12:35
Davieyrobertpayne: awesome!12:36
DavieyWalterN: Well "yes", whilst technically not the server edition... it's fundamentally similar, and you are using it as a server12:36
Davieykim0: no problem :)12:36
robertpayneGranted my server is in the US :( and I'm a US citizen but I'm lviing here now12:36
WalterNDaviey: I just like shiny things to click on when possible :)12:37
twbPoor bastard12:37
Davieykim0: Good to see :)12:37
twb(re "US citizen")12:37
patdk-lapthat map defently needs a better geoip database12:38
WalterNits not too far off of me12:38
twbIt *should* be backed onto the same database as lucid's d-i uses12:39
WalterNwell, considering it montana USA12:39
Davieypatdk-lap: It's probably the location your IP is set to be :/12:39
Davieyblame your ISP patdk-lap :)12:39
robertpayneWalterN you're in montana usa?12:40
robertpaynewhat town?12:40
WalterNclose to bozeman12:40
robertpaynehaha awesome.. I grew up in Lewistown :)12:40
patdk-lapdaviey, I just tried from several different isp's :)12:40
WalterNI just moved here from Oregon12:40
robertpayneWalterN: my brother lives in bozeman12:40
WalterNand I dont know *anybody* still12:40
WalterNwhich is fine by me, for the most part12:41
WalterNwell, not *just*, moved 8 months ago now?12:41
patdk-lapheh, seems one of mine actually hit the correct location12:42
patdk-lapthe comcast one12:42
patdk-lapnone of the others did, amc, cogent, antietum, hopone12:43
PiciOne of mine did.  The other one thought it was in atlanta.  Oh wll.12:44
WalterNactually mine is darn close12:44
WalterNmaybe 5-10 miles off12:44
WalterNfor montana thats nothing12:44
ttxsmoser: ping12:46
robertpayneWaltnerN: heh 10 miles in montana is like 2 footsteps in oregon12:46
WalterNdepends on the place in Oregon12:47
patdk-laporegon is the one state I never hear about, and don't know anyone in12:48
WalterNI'm going back there to the coast for my sisters wedding the 21st12:49
kinygoshow do i get a command output to pause while i read it?  apologies for the n00b question12:59
kinygos(hi btw)12:59
kinygosto clarify, the output just flies off the top of the screen, and all i can see is the last page13:00
sorenIt depends a bit on the command.13:00
soren...but probably just add "| less" to the end of the command line.13:00
kinygosbugger :( it's output from a python script execution13:01
sorenSounds like you just want "| less" at the end of the command line, really.13:01
kinygosjust tried it, it didn't seem to work...just ran the script twice bizarrely enough...13:02
kinygosis there a way to redirect the output to a text file?13:02
soren"> filename" at  the and of the command line.13:03
kinygosawesome...thanks soren :)13:03
lauhello, I created a second instance of mysql using /var/lib/mysql2 and conf files in /etc/mysql213:10
lauit is working ok with sudo mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/etc/mysql2/my.cnf13:10
laubut I tried to cp /etc/init.d/mysql /etc/init.d/mysql2 and update the latest13:11
lauwhen I service mysql 2 start I got some avahi or apparmor error and it looks like it is reading files in /etc/mysql not /etc/mysql213:11
lauany idea ?13:11
Jeeves_lau: /etc/apparmor.d13:12
Jeeves_There's a file there for mysql13:12
Jeeves_that states which files can ben read, written and executed13:12
Roxyhart0hi there i got a couple of zone (domain) defined in my bind, one is call whcl and the onther one is call whcl.cl. however when i do nslookup from a client (windows) it give me thwe server whcl.cl coulnd find whcl. Somebody know why could be this problem?13:14
lauJeeves yes I updated it already and sudo mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/etc/mysql2/my.cnf is working ok13:15
laumy problem occurs when I tried to copy the init script and update teh reference to /etc/mysql => /etc/mysql213:15
lauif I /etc/init.d/mysql2 start it looks like mysqld_safe is reading its conf in /etc/mysql nor /etc/mysql213:16
laumy /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld http://dpaste.com/226611/13:17
lauand mysql2 init script http://dpaste.com/226612/13:18
uvirtbotNew bug: #389433 in samba (main) "connection to samba working locally, but remotely getting error Receiving SMB: Server stopped responding protocol negotiation failed" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38943313:37
Onga_The_GhastlyOLA BRUDERZ13:39
Onga_The_GhastlySziasztok testverek13:39
Onga_The_Ghastlyikonia bruder ola13:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #610561 in openldap (main) "OpenLDAP Security Fixes?" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61056113:49
=== g0rd0n_ is now known as g0rd0n
a_okwhich fs is better GFS or OCFS2?13:54
a_okOnga_The_Ghastly: Was that a joke or a serious answer?13:58
Onga_The_Ghastlya_ok brotha joke14:03
smoserttx, here.14:09
ttxsmoser: yo14:10
ttxsmoser: last time I look you still had one "INPROGRESS" item in alpha3, was wondering if it was DONE or should be POSTPOSNED14:11
ttxsmoser: the other question I had is about the environment in euca2ools: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/euca2ools/+bug/556528/comments/214:11
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 556528 in euca2ools "euca2ools config file overrides environment" [Wishlist,Confirmed]14:11
ttxIIUC --config should do the trick, and diverging from upstream to have env take precedence sounds overkill ?14:12
ttxsmoser: upstream implementation is fully exclusive (doesn't stack config files) so if we were to support env variables first we would also probably need to implement config stacking14:13
smoseritem now done. i  had commited code, just hadn't made to archive.14:13
ttxsmoser: right: that's what I was thinking... that's why I didn't POSTPONE it myself on Friday14:14
smoserif --config works, then i guess i'm ok with that.14:15
ttxsmoser: well, if it doesn't, then that's a bug :)14:15
smoseri guess i have no objections to "use --config" as an answer.14:16
ttxsmoser: please quickcomment on the bug that you're ok with it14:18
ttxi'll close as wontfix14:18
FDXGuys, care to take a look at this specific reply? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9695293#post969529314:18
FDXPostfix seems to be delivering the message, but it does not exist.14:18
smoserttx, so the one isue i have with "use --config" is that we suggest "use eucarc"14:19
smoserand that just doesn't work.14:19
ttxsmoser: explain ?14:20
smosernever mind;14:20
joschiFDX: usually, when postfix says it has delivered a mail, it's been delivered. period.14:20
* ttx gets confused14:20
joschiFDX: maybe it's just not at the directory you're expecting14:20
FDXhmmm... what about the last line? Aug  8 22:09:58 anbient postfix/qmgr[16053]: 1DDEE1DD01CC: removed14:21
smosernot important. it does seem to me that eniornment variables should  trump user configuration files, but its a nit.14:21
FDXMaybe its delivering and removing afterwards14:21
lamontFDX: that's postfix removing its copy of it14:21
FDXlamont, where would postfix store it then?14:22
joschiFDX: no. that just means that the mail has been removed from the queue14:22
joschiFDX: (see `man qmgr` ;)14:22
lamontit stores the interim copy in /var/spool/postfix14:22
ttxsmoser: I kinda agree -- but then ideally you should be able to use one env variable to change just one bit of conf14:22
ttxsmoser: the way it's written it's exclusive, it just uses the first thing it finds14:23
smoseryes, they should merge.14:23
FDXThanx joschi, i'll take a look14:23
ttxsmoser: so to put env in first in a suable way, we'd have to change that logic as well14:23
ttxsmoser: I don't want to diverge that much, we could ask them to change that in a later version though14:24
smoserwell, yes. in general i wouldn't suggest diverting, but getting it upstream.14:24
ttxright, changing precedence would be good in a new version14:25
Onga_The_Ghastlyikonia bruder? he is sleeping now?14:26
Onga_The_GhastlyWake Up Puppetboy!14:26
hggdhand using environmentvariables to override configuration is common14:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #613269 in apache2 (main) "package apache2.2-common 2.2.14-5ubuntu8 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saída de erro 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61326914:32
joschiFDX: you could also raise the verbosity of postfix's processes by adding -v in master.cf to the process binaries (e. g. smtpd -v)14:32
FDXjoschi, that will certainlly be useful14:36
CarleasDo I need to set up SMTP with Postfix?  Can I run it without that?14:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #615368 in bind9 (main) "Bind9 init script reports unknown status when named is stopped" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61536814:52
CarleasAnd can I set up Dovecot without having SMTP in Postfix?14:53
MagicFabI suppose this has already been circulated here (adding your city to "Ubuntu Server users" map):15:03
MagicFabCould someone pls. add it to the topic of the channel ?15:03
hggdhPici: ^ please15:05
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-server to: Ubuntu Server discussion and support | For general (not server specific) support visit #ubuntu | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Get involved: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved | Docs and resources: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ | Add your install to the Ubuntu Server Map: http://maps.ubuntu.com
FDXOK Guys, i guess i managed to do it. But now i'm getting RELAY ACCESS DENIED15:12
nijabasmoser: ping15:19
smosernijaba, here, although i think i've alrady responded to you15:21
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nijabasmoser: oh, really?  where?15:23
nijabasmoser: got it, thanks15:23
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uvirtbotNew bug: #615177 in mysql-5.1 (main) "mythtv schedules broken due apparmor mysql profile" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61517716:02
CarleasDuring configuration, Postfix asks for a FQDN.  All Ubuntu documentation says to give the MX record name, but that seems to contradict what Postfix is asking for.16:05
CarleasSo which is it, FQDN or mx record?16:08
joschiCarleas: usually the (public resolvable) hostname (FQDN) of your system16:08
joschiCarleas: it's probably the string debconf sets for $myhostname16:08
CarleasDo I need the trailing dot?16:08
CarleasOK.  Thanks, Joschi.16:09
FDXGuys, why would postfix bounce the email back to the sender if it delivered it locally with success?16:12
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
sveinseHi. I ran a aptitude dist-upgrade on a Lucid machine, and now it wont boot. When booting i see "error: no such disk", then a reboot and then I get a console output running fsck and then it asks for a password. But it does not accept any keypress unfortunately.16:17
sveinseWhat is the best approach for getting into recovery where I can repair grub and/or the partitions?16:19
rookshow to upgrade kernel on ubuntu server? how to select it for upgrade?16:19
sveinseThe machine i running Ubuntu server amd64 with lvm216:19
raubvogelrooks: apt-get kernel-upgrade?16:22
raubvogelEr, I meant dist-upgrade16:23
raubvogelsveinse: did you try booting from a livecd to see if the partitions are still ok?16:25
hggdhDaviey: re. bug 602540 -- when will 'cat' return? at end-of-file? ...16:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 602540 in openldap ""ldapadduser" adds the user and hangs" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60254016:25
sveinseraubvogel: I'm doing that right now16:25
sveinseraubvogel: But I think they are. I believe grub is the culprit16:26
padhu1sveinse: culprit?! :-?16:27
sveinseraubvogel: So jumping into that assumption: How do I use the Ubuntu install CD to rescue? It seems the rescue a broken system tries to start the installation all over16:27
raubvogelsveinse: AFAIK, it loads enough crap but in the RAM. Then it will ask you to mount disks16:28
raubvogelAnother option is just to boot off livecd as if you just want to run it and then mount/check partitions16:28
sveinseraubvogel: Ah. So I can chroot from there...16:29
sveinseOk. The data's there. update-grub and install-grub installed successfully. But I still can't boot properly. I.e. I dont get a grub window, only the message "error: no such disk" and then it reboot.16:36
hggdhDaviey: why not just do 'head -c64 /dev/urandom | ...'?16:37
sveinseEhm. Important note: This is a virtual machine on a VMW datacenter16:37
rooksraubvogel, thanks16:37
Davieyhggdh: What is the difference?16:38
hggdhDaviey: (1) /dev/urandom does not block; (2) we do not need a *lot* of binary data, just enough for 8 characters;16:38
hggdhDaviey: of course, /dev/urandom is not cryptographically secure (or strong, in the sense of /dev/random)16:39
Davieyhggdh: agreed16:39
hggdhbut frankly, I do not see the difference. And using /dev/random to generate password is overkill -- and may affect other programmes that depend on it, like SSL16:40
Davieyhggdh: it's only for the initial password.. so it's not really a big deal16:40
hggdhDaviey: then we can certainly stop using /dev/random...16:41
Davieyhggdh: switching to head -c64 /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c816:42
hggdhDaviey: additionally, I am not sure 'cat' will ever end16:43
mdeslaurDaviey: you're assuming 64 chars is enough to extract 8 alphanum chars16:44
mdeslaurDaviey: you run the risk of getting a one-char password :P16:44
* Daviey screams... shall i add a if $PASS == wc; repeat ? :D16:44
hggdhmdeslaur: yes indeed. To play safe we could use 128. A quick test here (about 500 runs) did not show much impact, if at all16:44
mdeslaurhggdh: why limit it at all?16:45
mdeslauroh wait, it's draining the pool16:45
hggdhmdeslaur: because when I run 'cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc ...| head -c8 it get stuck16:46
hggdhthere you go16:46
DavieySpeed difference, http://pb.daviey.com/I7uS/raw/ :)16:46
hggdhthere you go. Even if /dev/urandom does not block, we would still be draining the entropy, which is not good16:47
* hggdh uses the moment to grumble about how slow his laptop is (as compared to daviey's)16:48
hggdhI can only get 6ms if I just run the 'head /dev/urandom'16:50
smosercouldn't that block ?16:50
smoserhow do you know that reading 64 bytes of data will result in 8 that are a-zA-Z16:51
hggdh/dev/urandom does not, it just goes to a less-random PRNG16:51
smoseri guess not block, but get you less than 8 chars and a exit code from 'head -c8' of non-zero16:51
lauany idea why when this script is louanched http://dpaste.com/226612/ it starts /etc/mysql/my.cnf conf ?16:52
hggdhsmoser: you do not. It is a bet. We can increase the number of bytes read from /dev/urandom, but we cannot read a whole lot16:52
sveinseAnyone here with issues regarding grub and lucid server?16:52
hggdhsmoser: because we would still be draining the random pool16:52
smoserwell, urandom doesn't, as you said.16:53
sveinseMy disks are fine, when doing rescue and chroot, grub seems to behave nicely and installs without fuzz. Yet, it does not when booting!16:53
smoserbut if you check the return code of the 'head -c8' somewhere (which, you should), then you're going to occasionally get failure there as you're not going to get 8 chars.16:53
hggdhno, urandom does not block -- if it deplects the pool, it goes to a different (and weaker) PRNG16:53
smoserah. i didn't realize it read from the real pool if there was data there.16:54
hggdhsmoser: we could, then, check & re-run the conversion as many times as needed to get 8 displayable chars16:54
hggdhDaviey: ^16:54
mdeslaurok, I think we should use pwgen16:54
sveinseof course this happened on a production server just before leaving... :(16:54
mdeslaurso we don't drain the entropy and we make sure we have the required length16:54
Davieymdeslaur: hehe16:54
hggdhheh. pwgen it is ;-)16:54
smoserbike shed16:55
Davieypwgen does mean we reinforce a standard 'library', which i approve of...16:55
smoserin deed16:55
Davieymeans features and fixes are in one place :)16:55
sveinseI am able to change /etc/default/grub to whatever I want, but it does not seem to have any effect16:55
hggdhDaviey: +116:55
smosersveinse, after modifying that you have to run update-grub16:56
sveinsesmoser: Sure. Did that16:56
smoserand you have grub 2, right ?16:56
Davieyhggdh / mdeslaur / smoser: Thanks :)16:56
sveinsesmoser: 1.98 is grub2, right16:56
sveinseWell I have apt up and running in the chroot, so I can revert to whatever I want16:58
smosersveinse, i just tested here, that updating GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= and running update-grub modified /boot/grub/grub.cfg16:58
smoserand i can attest elsewhere that update-grub does run in chroot16:58
sveinsesmoser: great, thanks. Let see here..16:59
sveinseIt seems grub.cfg here is changed as well. Removed quiet and splash, and they are gone17:01
sveinseBut it could seem the problem is deeper: I never get any grub menu to begin with17:01
sveinseHowever it boots into *something* which does fsck and then prompts me for a password17:03
cabreyHey all. I've got a question regarding a vpn server. I have setup a pptpd server and everything connects fine with the exception that traffic doesn't seem to tunnel through the connection. For example, I just get an error message when trying to use a browser. is there a fix or setting to help me out?17:03
sveinseIt seems the error occurs after installing grub-pc 1.98-1ubuntu717:07
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smoseralthough, sveinse yeah, you dont have grub installed on a disk that is getting loaded. at least not one that is running correctly.17:08
sveinsesmoser: eh? sorry? please explain17:09
smoserwell, i'm confused as to why you're in a chroot, if you operating on a "real system".17:09
sveinsegrub-install /dev/sda is safe from a chroot env, isnt it?17:09
smoserit probably is supposed to be.17:10
smoserbut it would appear maybe its not working17:10
smoseri would make sure that /dev, /proc, and /sys are mounted in the chroot17:10
sveinseI'm in a chroot because I'm sitting in Ubuntu install CD Rescue. That the only way I can access the harddrive data and installation17:10
sveinseMy grub wont boot properly. And I cannot seem to be able to get up any grub menu either, so something is fishy17:11
smoserie, i might do: for x in /dev /proc /sys; do mount --rbind ${x} /chroot/${x}; done17:11
smosersveinse, what *does* happen  when you try to boot ?17:12
sveinseA brief message saying "error: no such disk". Then a reboot and later I see a blank screen. After I while it fscks all the disks on the system (including the lvm2 ones) and then prompts me for a password (not login). The keyboard does not work17:13
smoseri'm really sorry, but it would appear i'm not able to help at the moment then.17:14
sveinseAll drives are intact when inspecting them from a live CD17:14
smoseryou may get more help from #grub, but that might be more a deveopment channel17:14
sveinseWell, perhaps if you knew how to roll back to another older grub or perhaps grub(1)17:15
sveinseWell, I'm grateful for trying at least. Thanks17:15
* sveinse chained to my desk until this production server is up again...17:16
kim0Daviey: Thierry mentioned you're working on creating a 10 line openstack/nova installation script. How close are we to that :)17:24
Davieykim0: Not me, sorry sir.17:24
kim0ah ok17:25
sveinseOK. The cause of the server's failure is not grub17:36
sveinseAll my older kernel version also fails, so I would guess that it's failing during initrd booting17:37
Jasonis anyone running vsftpd that could help me "correctly" configure a user?17:43
sveinseWhat do I do when initrd fails during boot on a production server?17:46
cwillu_at_worksveinse, cry17:48
sherrsveinse: what happens exactly? Error message?17:48
sveinseI get fsck check, then "init: ureadahead-other main process (593) terminated with status 4"17:48
cwillu_at_workthat's shouldn't be a fatal error17:48
sherrI think I see those non-fatally ...?17:49
sveinseThen it asks for "Passwd: "  It does not respond to any kbd input17:49
sherrBoot up minus "quiet"?17:49
sveinsesherr: I am17:49
cwillu_at_worksveinse, the password won't be echo'd to the screen17:49
sherrPS/2 or USB kbd directly attached?17:50
sveinse*what* passwd? Root which is never set on Ubuntu?17:50
cwillu_at_workboot up without "quiet splash"17:50
cwillu_at_workthe splash screen might be interfering17:50
cwillu_at_workbut ya, that's a bit odd17:50
cwillu_at_workwhat happened right before you rebooted?17:50
sveinseThis is a VMW datacenter virtual server, so no physical kbd17:50
cwillu_at_work(i.e., a server doesn't break itself)17:50
sherrTry another boot kernel?17:51
sveinseKbd works elsewhere; in grub and in rescue cd17:51
cwillu_at_worksveinse, and the vm window is grabbing the keyboard?17:51
sveinseYes, all of the 4 installed on the server. All of them are comprimised17:51
cwillu_at_worksveinse, "compromised" means something else17:51
cwillu_at_workgenerally means you've been hacked17:51
sveinsecwillu_at_work: heheh. Sorry. I doubt that (being hacked that is)17:52
cwillu_at_worktry booting up in "single" or the recovery mode17:52
sveinseRecovery mode behaves exactly the same way. I can try single17:52
sveinseThe drive's data, including the lvm2 is intact, as I can access it from the live CD17:54
sherrAll 4 kernels/initrd broken? Something else must be wrong or different? Hardware change/error?17:55
sveinseNope. Single behaves the same way.17:56
sherrAny errors reported at boot before "init: ureadahead-other .."?17:56
sherrCan you capture boot messages?17:56
sveinseWhen booting without splash and quiet, I see the kernel output. Then I see init running a few seconds. Then it changes fontset and blanks the screen. From there I see fsck running through the disks, then the ureadahead-other. Then the Passwd: input17:57
sherrGood question on passwd ... what password?17:58
sherrI am afrid I always set a root password personally. I know it is not the "ubuntu way"/17:58
sveinseWell IT tells me they have upped the datacenter version, but since init is able to run for 5 secs, do you really think its HW/emulation related?17:59
sveinseTheres not kernel oops I can see17:59
sherrWhat's "upped the datacenter version" mean?18:00
sveinseSorry. Language thing. They have upgraded it to a newer version18:00
sherrUpgraded what?18:01
sherrIt is very suspicious that, suddenly, no kernel boots?18:01
sveinseThe datacenter. The server I struggle with is running on a VMWare Datacenter server18:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #615442 in euca2ools (main) "euca-describe-users fails with ImportError: No module named euca_admin.users" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61544218:02
sherrIS this some sort of VMware VM server?18:02
sherrAhh .. yes :-)18:02
sherrSeems a bit suspicious ... I'd ask for details i.e. old version = ?, new version = ?18:03
sherrAnd quickly check the VMware forums perhaps, for screams .. :-(18:03
sveinseVMware vCenter Server 4.0.0 258672. I dont quite remember the exact old version, 3.5 something IIRC18:04
sherrWell .. 3.5 -> 4.0 seems like a "major" upgrade" to me. Maybe something broke.18:04
sveinseWell, the server ran perfectly up until I did a dist-upgrade where a linux-kernel were upgraded and it requested a reboot18:04
sveinseSo the trap needs to be in boot only, else the server wouldn't run prior to my reboot18:05
sherrYes, but if it was a "bad" kernel update, you could still use old kernels. This is why I am suspicous.18:06
sherrI'm guessing though, no idea really.18:06
sveinseYes. But the initrd is always updated for all kernels, isn't it? So a bug there could be fatal, couldn't it?18:06
sveinseWell anyways, I'm stuck with a dead production server and cannot go home until that's fixed :(18:07
sherrYes, you might be right. Would be good to be able to enter "single" user mode.18:07
sveinseI do have access via a live CD. That way I can set the root pwd to something foo18:08
sveinseBTW: While working on ubuntu-arm I remember adding a init=/bin/init --verbose to the kernel option. Could this be used on the server?18:09
sherrYes, maybe. Good luck.18:09
sherrI think you could try init=/bin/sh18:10
sveinseNo, so I join you in the suspection of something serious :(18:12
sveinseI.e. it didn't work. No prompt with init=/bin/sh18:13
sveinseIf I have to reinstall this server, this would be the third time. The second time was caused by an upgrade from karmic to luicid which crashed the server18:14
sveinseIs Lucid more unstable than the previous version, or is there something in regards of the VM which contributes this unstability I'm observing.18:14
sveinseBecause I'm really loosing trust in either this server or Lucid. Which of these two, I dont know yet.18:15
ivoksno prompt?18:15
ivoksdo caps and num lock blink?18:16
sveinseBut this time I see all of the kernel output18:16
sveinseivoks: I don't think I can know, because this is a virtual server18:16
ivoksah, missed that part :)18:17
sveinseBut pressing enter scrolls down the sceen, so the machine is responding18:17
ivokshypervisor is...?18:17
ivoksoh, ok18:17
ivokswhat kind of disks do you use?18:17
ivoksscsi or ide emulation?18:18
sveinseboot is standard ext2, while lvm2 on the rest.18:18
sveinseHold on18:18
ivokscould it be that lvm isn't ready18:18
ivokscould you boot older kernel?18:19
sveinsescsi it seems. I have them in the kernel output. And it does work from the Debian install cd in rescue mode. All the data is intact18:19
Jasonhow do I add a user but not give him a home directory?  Is this possible?18:19
ivoksJason: adduser --help18:19
ivoksadduser --system [--home DIR] [--shell SHELL] [--no-create-home] [--uid ID]18:19
ivokswithout --system18:20
sveinseI can't boot older kernels because the lockup occurs after the ramdisk has started.18:20
ivokssveinse: can you remove splash quiet from the kernel command line?18:20
ivokssveinse: each kernel has its own ramdisk18:20
sveinseEven the rescue targets is not workng.  I have removed both the quiet and splash18:20
ivokssveinse: ok, boot without splash and quiet18:21
ivoksand leave it like that18:21
ivokssveinse: after couple of minutes it will give up and drop you into busybox18:21
ivokssveinse: then we can investigate fruther18:21
ivoksiirc, 5-10 minutes18:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #608060 in openldap (main) "Two security flaws found in pre-2.4.23 (dup-of: 610561)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60806018:22
sveinseok, couple of minutes... Havent tried that. Well hold on18:22
ivokssveinse: / is on LVM, right?18:22
ivoksok, just sit and wait for # :)18:23
sveinsehmmm. I got something new here. Could a cifs mount which is requesting mount at boottime lock up everything. Because that might be it...18:23
ivokssveinse: is it in /etc/fstab?18:24
ivokssveinse: if you set it up to wait uncoditionaly... then yes18:24
sveinse"0 0" should wait should it?18:24
sveinsenot, I mean18:24
ivoks0 0 should pass18:24
ivoksit something else then18:25
ivoksprobably lvm18:25
ivoksi'll be back in couple of minutes18:25
ivokssmoke time18:25
sveinsebut: If "0 0" should pass, why do I get a "mount error: could not resolve address for xxx" which shows that it actually tries to mount the cifs share?18:27
sveinse...now while waiting for that prompt18:27
SpamapSsveinse: maybe mountall is picking it up anyway? It shouldn't.18:28
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
sveinseI have a hunch that this is it you see18:29
SpamapS       This is a temporary tool until init(8) itself gains the necessary flexibility to perform this processing; you should not rely on its behaviour.18:30
SpamapSNice man page.. :)18:31
ivokssveinse: so, you see mount issues?18:31
sveinseyes, now I did18:32
ivokssveinse: then it already mounted your / and can't pass that fstab line18:32
ivokssveinse: try ctrl+c :)18:32
sveinseAnd the Password prompt could originate from the cifs mount prompt, because I saw that before the reboot18:33
ivokssveinse: if that doesn't work, reboot with ctrl+alt+del and change kernel command line; remove splash and quiet and add init=/bin/bash18:33
sveinseHowever, it does not respond to kbd. That could be virtual datacenter issues and not ubuntu18:33
sveinseivoks: I did try that, and by some reason it did not work.18:34
sveinseWell I will try to fix fstab, and retry18:34
ivokssveinse: just comment out that line with cifs18:34
ivokssveinse: did you supply password for that mount?18:36
ivokssveinse: in fstab18:36
sveinseYes. But it fails sometimes. Dunno why, but its there in fstab so I hope that is the cause18:36
ivokssveinse: could be, if all kernels fail18:37
ivokssveinse: it's obvious that your / gets mounted18:37
ivokssveinse: cause it started upstart and tries to mount the share18:37
ivoksmaybe mountall starts before network :)18:37
sveinseYES YES YES ! It works18:38
SpamapSmountall does start before net18:38
* sveinse very happy!18:38
SpamapSbut on net-device-up it gets sent USR1 which tells it to mount the network filesystems18:38
sveinseSo I have a fstab line which makes the boot fail. Even with 0 018:39
ivoksSpamapS: i know for sure that nfs doesn't work on karmic18:39
ivoksSpamapS: haven't tried with lucid18:39
ivoksnet-device-up doesn't guarantee network is up, actually18:39
SpamapSivoks: net-device-up is really broken18:39
ivokssveinse: does your machine has dhcp/bridge network?18:40
SpamapSivoks: hah, yeah, so we agree. ;)18:40
sveinseivoks: No. A simple static IP4 address18:40
SpamapSivoks: I am fairly certain that that signal should be moved from ifupdown to dhclient for dynamic interfaces.18:40
ivoksSpamapS: but then you still have this problem with bridged interfaces18:40
ivoksSpamapS: and bonded too18:41
ivoksbridge is started, mountall starts, but the IP isn't there ye18:41
SpamapSivoks: agreed, we basically have to write an ifmond that sends the up/down signals when it detects IP changes on interfaces.18:41
ivoksremove networked filesystem from /etc/fstab18:41
* ivoks runs and hides18:41
SpamapSivoks: that still leaves the question of when to mount them.18:42
ivoksjust before rc.local, in while loop18:42
* ivoks runs and hides again18:42
SpamapScustomizing the upstart conf file for every special machine seems like a boring, thankless job for every sysadmin. ;)18:42
sveinseThis is the faulty entry: "#//nosrv051/SWRepository/Backup/nosrv111     /srv/backup/nosrv051  cifs,user=user,pass=pass,dom=dom       0 0"18:43
ivoksif we put 'mount-network-filesystem' in /etc/network/if-up.d/...18:44
SpamapSivoks: thats where net-device-up is generated18:44
sveinseWhen this is uncommented, the server fails to boot as it tries to boot the mount.18:44
SpamapSivoks: because those get called as soon as ifup ethX returns18:45
ivokssveinse: try adding manual mount in /etc/rc.local18:45
ivokssveinse: i'm interested would it work then18:45
SpamapSwell, before, but basically if you've started dhclient, you run the ifup script18:45
sherrThere's a "netdev" option for the fstab - I thought that affected mounting18:45
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sherrI use NFS on Ubuntu. I hope it isn't broken.18:45
ivokshm... netdev18:45
ivoks_netdev actually18:46
sveinseWhile the countless reboots, I did mostly see "Password:" which is the cifs password prompt (and thus the network is up). The last iteration is the only time I got a network failure for the mount (and where I understood what it was)18:46
sherrYes. I always thought it was dangerous to mount CIFS in fstab ...18:46
sherrPlus having a password in fstab18:47
ivoksSpamapS: if-up.d always worked for me with dhclient18:47
ivoksSpamapS: those scripts were started after i got Ip18:48
ivoksSpamapS: not when i requested interface18:48
SpamapSivoks: I think if we just add a 'default-route-up' event, it can be sent in /sbin/dhclient-script right after the 'route add default...' line.18:48
sveinseah, I realize I lack the noauto option in the first place.18:48
SpamapSivoks: hm, so maybe I'm wrong. ;)18:49
ivoksSpamapS: but as i said, dhclient isn't the only one problematic18:49
SpamapSivoks: Basically services that configure interfaces need to send the signal, or a daemon needs to monitor interfaces/routing tables and send signals when things change.18:49
sveinseI have no need for automount of this during boot. Do you still want me to try it in rc.local?18:49
ivokssveinse: no :)18:49
sherrI would skip CIFS in fstab and rc.local18:49
ivoksSpamapS: or we could rely on dbus to think for us18:50
ivoksSpamapS: :)18:50
SpamapSsherr: you can at least put the password in a root-readable-only file.. there are mount options to allow that..18:50
sveinseBut guys: I am really happy for you assistance. Thanks a lot!18:50
ivoksanyone with htc desire?18:51
sherrYes. Just an allergy to this sort of thing for boot :-/18:51
sherrI have a desire.18:51
sveinseI have one18:51
ivokswhich rom do you guys use? :)18:51
sveinseThe vanilla from HTC for my part. Unfortunately I need exchange for my work mail18:52
sherrI am on Vodafone UK - it is "2.1 update1"18:52
sveinseFW: 2.1-update1. SW: 1.21.405.218:52
sveinseThis is in Norway18:53
ivoksi'm on a stock too18:53
ivoksbut i have 2.2 :)18:53
sherrI'm not in an upgrade hurry really. Phone upgrade treadmill ....18:53
sveinseI noticed from the Hero upgrade, that HTC rolled the images out in different parts of the world at different dates.18:53
sveinseivoks: What's your location?18:54
ivoksi took the rom for some other part of the world :)18:54
SpamapSI have an HTC Magic .. still running the original donut OS that T-mobile pushed to me like a year ago.. because it included their little tmobile wifi hotspot backdoor program, so I get free wifi at all tmobile hot spots.18:54
SpamapSeven tho I'm not on tmobile.. on att.. so I also get free wifi at att hot spots18:55
ivokssveinse: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=74177518:55
sveinseHavn't HTC protected the devices against rooting?18:56
ivoksboot loader is the one that can lock you18:57
sveinseI thought I read something about it somewhere...18:57
ivoksthat's why this custom roms don't upgrade hboot18:57
ivoksbattery life sucks :/18:58
zulsmoser: where can i get uec images again?18:58
sveinseBut this implies that eventually 2.2 will arrive through OTA, right?18:59
ivokssveinse: yes, during august18:59
sveinseI can wait... :D18:59
sveinseWell. I need to head home. Thanks again guys. You saved my evening19:00
ivokstake care19:01
sveinseI'm back. I did a reboot of the server, and it failed once more. It seems the option "noauto" is ignored. So during booting it tries to mount the cifs mount regardless of the option19:10
sveinseI really had to uncomment the thing to make the server boot19:10
sveinseI just wanted you to know. I can probably come back tomorrow and talk about it (e.g. if a bugreport should be filed), but I need to go now19:12
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uvirtbotNew bug: #574554 in tgt (main) "tgtd needs init script or upstart job" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57455420:16
ballDaviey: you know I'm going to have to install Ubuntu Server on something just to put a dot on that map! ;-)21:08
WalterNyou know you want to21:08
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* ball looks around the room for candidate hardware.21:09
ballAha!  That might work.21:13
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
tomsdaleI'm just thinking about a new webserver layout using lvm (inside a vm). If I'm already using lvm - does it make sense to you it for all of the partitions or are there mountpoints where it makes sense to have a primary partition?21:25
tomsdaleI already got that /boot makes sense as normal partition.21:30
ScottKAny suggestions on what could cause a PID file to be removed?21:31
ScottKOne possibility is I was confused about which server I was logged into when I stopped clamd.21:31
guntbertScottK: shutting down the process is one, someone manually removing the pid file is another21:32
ScottKclamav/clamav.log:Mon Aug  9 10:54:29 2010 -> Pid file removed is what the logfile says.21:33
ScottKJust checked on my test server.  That is what it logs if you stop it.21:36
guntbertScottK: so I guess is was above mentioned possibilty -- be glad that you didn't issue a halt :-)21:38
ScottKYeah.  Well I have physical access to the box in question, so that would have been bad, but not horrible.21:39
ScottKProbably fingers on autopilot when typing hostnames.21:39
guntbertScottK: :)21:40
kirklandsmoser: ping21:40
smoserkirkland, hi21:41
kirklandsmoser: hey21:41
kirklandsmoser: at the kvm forum today;  qemu-0.13 hasn't GA'd yet21:41
kirklandsmoser: talking with hallyn, we're thinking about uploading 0.12.5 for Maverick21:41
kirklandsmoser: we can push 0.13 to a PPA when it releases, but probably not Maverick21:41
kirklandsmoser: it's in RC right now, but avi hasn't merged it yet21:42
kirklandsmoser: i was just checking if there was anything you were expecting in qemu-kvm 0.13 that you needed21:42
smoseri don't know exactly why i would wwant 0.13. except for that it will act in ways i'm not aware of :)21:43
smoserso i would defer to your and serge judgement.21:43
smoseri opened a good one today.21:43
smoserbug 61552921:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 615529 in qemu-kvm "eucalyptus instance reboot fails: Guest moved used index from 0 to 2639" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61552921:43
KutakizukariOn have Ubuntu server running on Ubuntu 10.4 How can I have the server not start on I start the computer?21:44
smoser"the server" ?21:44
ballKutakizukari: Are you running Ubuntu Server running on some sort of virtual machine?21:44
ballhosted by a (desktop) Ubuntu system?21:45
Kutakizukarijust on my laptop Unbuntu 10.421:45
Kutakizukariball, yes21:46
ballKutakizukari: ...and the virtual machine is starting when you boot the host, or do you not want the VM to boot into Ubuntu Server when you launch the VM?21:47
Kutakizukariball, When I turn on my laptop, I don't want the server to auto start.21:48
Kutakizukariball, just when I want to use it for development.21:49
ballThat makes me think the VM is launching when you start (desktop) Ubuntu21:49
ballKutakizukari: so I'm not sure it's really an Ubuntu Server question as such.21:49
toddWhat virualization software are you using?21:49
Kutakizukaritodd, how do I find out?21:50
toddI'm sorry. I'm not sure I can help you with that.21:50
toddIf you don't know then chances are that you're not running virtualization software at all?21:50
toddThat just confuses me.21:50
toddBecause if you're not running virtualization software it makes your first comment make even less sense.21:51
Kutakizukaritodd, explain what is a virtualization software?21:52
toddVirtualization Software: http://tinyurl.com/2vz5sfn21:52
KutakizukariI'm running desktop edtion Ubuntu 10.4 and then unstalled the server via command line.21:53
toddOh now I get it.. you mean the Server kernel?21:53
ball"unstalled" is a nice word.  I may coopt that.21:53
KutakizukariInstalled sorry ball21:54
toddKutakizukari: to make your machine not boot the server kernel automatically all you have to do is edit your grub configuration. This is not a server specific question.21:54
toddThat being said.. Now that you know to edit the grub config you should be able to figure it out by googling.21:55
Kutakizukarik thanks21:55
ballI had no idea it was possible to install Ubuntu Server on top of (desktop) Ubuntu.21:55
toddMy assumption: he installed ubuntu server then apt-get install'd ubuntu-desktop.21:56
toddHis machine would still boot the server kernel by default causing issues with certain packages.21:56
toddHuge ASSumption, but the only thing I can come up with.21:56
toddIf that's not it I have no idea what he's on about.21:57
balltodd: I was struggling to make sense of the question, so at least I'm in good company.21:58
KutakizukariI have the desktop software installed and then sudo tasksel install lamp-server21:59
toddOH.. aha21:59
* todd facepalms21:59
ballDoes that install Apache, MySQL and PHP?22:00
ball(on top of (desktop) Ubuntu?)22:00
Kutakizukariball, yes22:00
toddKutakizukari: ignore the grub bit from earlier22:00
toddKutakizukari: if you don't want it to run all the time then purge lamp-server and install xampp.22:01
Kutakizukaribut there is other docs on how to do the same22:01
toddThe instructions for getting drupal up will be a bit different though.22:01
KutakizukariI have everything working fine and even xampp in the past but xampp is no longer supported by ubuntu so they said lamp-server is22:02
Kutakizukarithank you for your help22:04
* ball doesn't know what an xampp is.22:04
Kutakizukariball, http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html22:05
tomsdalexamp - preconfigured amp package.22:05
ximali can't get my cli terminal to be centered properly and text is hanging off the  right side of my monitor ... How can I fix this ?22:05
tomsdaleused to use it on windows back in the days before enlighenment22:05
ballximal: grab the title bar and drag it where you want it?22:06
ximalI tried to use my monitor's AUTO ADJUST feature ...22:06
ximalerrr nope ball22:06
ximali'm in cli22:06
ballximal: Ah, you probably mean from the console22:06
ximali install text only22:06
ballI have no idea then, if your monitor is set right.22:06
ximalerr i only installed the cli text edition22:06
ximalwell how can I install some form of gui or text22:06
ximalI tried install xorg or xserver etc but all i got was a frozen black screen when i do startx22:07
guntbert!xampp | todd don't recommend unsupported packages please22:07
ubottutodd don't recommend unsupported packages please: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.22:07
Kutakizukaribad todd22:08
toddYou couldn't tell me that without the bot switch?22:08
ximalwell can someone please tell me what I could do to install maybe gnome or kde ?22:09
ball!donkey | wombat turnip22:09
* ball shrugs22:09
guntberttodd: I could, but my mere opinion would not count much22:09
qman__ximal, what you need to do is fill the screen with text, then use the auto adjust22:12
qman__your monitor can't figure out where the edges are because nothing is on screen22:12
tomsdaleis ext2 a good choice for /tmp - I guess I don't need journaling there.22:12
guntberttomsdale: sure22:12
ximalhow's that possible to fill it with txt ? nano ?22:13
ximalerr use nano maybe ?22:13
qman__hold down a key for a while22:13
ballximal: "banner" ?22:13
ballDoes Ubuntu Server ship with a banner?22:14
ximalbanner ?22:14
ximalohh i could use the text browser22:14
ximaland bring up a photo22:14
ximalmaybe ?22:14
balla photo in a text browser?22:15
tomsdaleball you mean a splash screen or the command 'banner'22:15
balltomsdale: I meant the command 'banner'22:15
tomsdalenop, not in the default ball , sysvbanner is the package22:16
tomsdalethat's for 10.04]22:16
balltomsdale: Thanks22:16
ximali thought you could22:17
ximalerr I thought you could bring up photos in cli22:17
ballximal: Perhaps you can on Linux, which might use a graphical console of some sort.22:17
ballI'm from a different world.22:17
qman__only with libaa or libcaca, I don't think lynx has that feature built into it though22:17
qman__ah, one good way would be to start up irssi22:18
qman__since it creates title bars22:18
ballqman__: Also, I like irssi.22:18
ximalthanks for the irssi thought22:18
mathiazSpamapS: ceph is in da' houze!22:27
ximalAKKKK ...22:37
ximalstill no center even if i use open box22:38
ximali'm gonna blow a dang gasket ... new bug found22:38
ballximal: bug in software or in your monitor's firmware though?22:40
SpamapSmathiaz: ooohhh snap (re: ceph)23:32
* SpamapS does the cabbage patch23:32

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